Overtime at the Office

Story by GrandAdmiral on SoFurry

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I feel terrible because I'm so late! I know many of you probably aren't aware of my schedule, but I try to finish a story every month. This one is one that I've been sitting on for a while, not because I wasn't happy with it (I am), but because I wrote it for a friend last year and totally forgot about uploading it.

I really hope you guys enjoy xx

Miles pulled his glasses off the bridge of his nose and set them down on his keyboard. With his finger and thumb, he attempted to rub the dryness out of his eyes. The slender buck slid his paw down his face and sighed. Three of his reports were completely finished. That left only two. Miles' green eyes drifted to the bottom right corner of his monitor. It had been two hours since he had supposed to go home. Instead, he sat in the same chair he'd sat in since nine that morning. Miles drew in a long breath, resigned his head to his hands and sighed. ``Fuck.''

``Coffee?'' A deep voice resounded from behind him. Miles swivelled in his chair and smiled at the bull that had approached his desk. The office security guard offered one of the two coffees he held to the buck.

Thanks, Karl.'' Miles accepted it with a weary smile.You're amazing.'' The bull shrugged off a mild blush as he came to lean against the wall.

``Have you got much left to do?'' The buck took a long sip of the hot drink and looked over at the only other soul left on this floor.

``Two full reports.'' Karl's eyes widened for a moment.

Shit,'' he took a sip from his own coffee.It's getting pretty late, man. Why don't you just head home? Finish them on Monday?''

Miles slowly drained his mug as he dwelled on the question. `I'm taking a few days off next week. Monday is going to be crazy if I leave thesetil then.'' Karl nodded.

The two sat in silence, apart from the tapping of keys and the sipping of coffee, for a few minutes. I know it's not really my place to say, but you deserve a promotion or something.'' Karl said, after a while. A smile pulled at Miles' lips.I hope Walter sees that.''

``Thanks, Karl. You're sweet.'' Miles continued tapping away at his keyboard, smile never fading.

Another shrug lifted Karl's shoulders. Another half-an-hour passed, Karl had returned to the security office to keep an eye on the surveillance footage, and Miles was typing the conclusion to his penultimate report. The coffee mug sat woefully empty by the pen cup on his desk. A familiar sensation struck him. Instinctively, he squeezed his legs together and pressed on, but his defiance of his body's natural processes could only hold out so long.

Clenching his knees together, he aggressively slapped his fingertips into the final sequence of keys he needed to finalise the report and sprang to his feet. Taking long strides, he made directly for the slightly ajar door of the security office. Hey, Karl,'' Miles stammered as he pushed the door open. The bull leaned forward in his chair and looked over at the buck.Could you unlock the bathroom? That coffee has shot through me.''

Karl rose from his seat and strode across his office, lifting a key off a hook. Sure thing, buddy.'' He winked.I need to go, too.'' The urgency within him stirred impatience as the bull strode down the hall, past several closed doors, to the locked bathroom. Miles noted, with a hint of frustration-induced contempt, that Karl's need to use the restroom was clearly lesser than his own.

As pressing as it was, Miles stood patiently and allowed Karl to saunter through the open threshold. Karl stopped at the first urinal and busied himself with unfastening his trousers. As he did each time he entered any kind of public bathroom, Miles started toward the stalls but stopped himself. Miles had, in the few short years that he'd been in his career, become adept at keeping his personal cravings under wraps.

Perhaps it was the late hour, his mind's desire to stray from the information overload of work or simply the opportunity. Something in Miles' mind drew him to the urinal on Karl's right. Pressure began to relieve the moment he undid his belt. By the time Miles had freed his cock, he barely had enough time to retract his foreskin before he released.

The reprieve was met with a sigh and served as distraction enough to pull Miles away from the darkest corner of his mind. A distraction that soon grew fleeting. Verdant eyes peeled open and flicked to the left and back to centre in an instant. He had caught it. It was only a glance, he told himself, it would satisfy any curiosities he held.

Or so he thought. Instead of the satiating taste he had expected, it had been the alluring tease of a tentative first taste. Questions swam in his head. Was it long and thin, short and girthy or some combination of the two? Did he his balls sit up close to his body or swing a little freer? Was it veiny? Did he keep his pubic fur trimmed? Did he have a foreskin? All of the questions that Miles had endeavoured to keep out of his head at work washed through him in an instant.

There was no other option. He had to look. Just one little peek couldn't hurt, right? His pupils drifted back over and trained themselves on the member in Karl's grip. Miles drank in every detail of the penis. From the dark foreskin, half-retracted over the pink glans to the heavyset orbs that sat beneath. Before he knew it, his `little peek' had become an awkwardly long ogle.

As Karl began to shake, Miles saw movement in peripheral and snapped his eyes forward. ``Uh, sorry.'' Miles stammered.

``For what?'' Karl's voice was nonchalant, if a little confused. The bull had turned his head to look directly into Miles' eyes. Pushing all of his shame aside, Miles returned the look.

``For, uh, for sticking around so late.'' Karl smiled and his brown eyes flicked downward.

Nonsense, bud.'' Having zipped himself up, the bull put his hand on Miles' shoulder.It's nice having someone else around, even if they are busy.''

A film of impregnable dryness veiled his throat as Miles was left alone. `Lock the door on your way out,kay?''

``S-sure.'' As the hand pulled away from his shoulder, something struck his nostrils. It was faint. The slightest hints of a hot, musky scent. Heartbeat and breathing quickened as Miles contemplated what had just happened. The intoxicating, yet subtle musk of cock had just set his olfaction ablaze with lust.

``Shit,'' Miles spat, looking down. His foreskin had been drawn behind his glans and his member had swollen. How long had it been like that? Had Karl seen it? Mortification seized his muscles. It would've been one thing if he'd simply been a little riled up, or even half-mast. Instead, his member had risen to full height and stood at attention like a good soldier. Even without his paw to hold it steady, it maintained its orientation. The organ tensed and released a large drop of viscous fluid.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!'' Miles hissed, shook away the precum and wrestled his erection back into his briefs. In defiance of his feelings, Miles walked over to the sink and washed his paws. He watched his reflection closely. It was apparent that he was hiding a great deal of excitement. Air filled his lungs and then was expelled.Okay,'' he said aloud. All he had to do was get back to his desk and get to work on that last report. It would be fine. The sheer analytic nature of the reports would distract him enough from his feelings.

Cupping his paws together, he filled them with water and splashed his face. A breath hissed in through his teeth as he attempted to centre himself. ``Okay,'' he said again and strode out of the bathroom. The jingle of keys accompanied the swinging of the door. The door was slowed by the hydraulic door closer. When it finally fit back into its frame, Miles turned the key until he felt the heavy metal bar slide into the locked position and removed the keys.

The arousal that stretched the fabric of his trousers had waned somewhat as he made his approach to the slightly ajar door to the security room. ``Here are your keys, Karl.'' Miles pushed the door open with one hand and held out the keys with the other. The moment the door was fully opened, he saw within and stumbled backward.

The keys hit the floor and his hands came up to cover sit between his eyes and the sight ahead of him. The bull was reclined his seat, in front of the multi-screen security feed. His belt was unbuckled, his trousers undone and his thick cock rising from under his shirt. ``Karl, what the fuck?'' Miles stammered. He expected a rapid fire of apologies and awkwardness from Karl, but got silence.

``What? You try to steal a peek in the bathroom but now when I'm offering you a full view, you're covering your eyes?'' Miles kept his hands up but felt his willpower slipping.

``I'm sorry! I didn't mean to look at your... your... dick. This isn't what you think it is.''

Really?'' Miles heard the chair squeak under Karl's shifting weight.Looks like your pal down there disagrees.''

The deer's eyes opened and peered downward. His arousal was still noticeable and worse, it was growing. ``Fuck it, you're right.'' He lowered his hands and allowed himself a good look. His jaw almost hit the floor. Rising from between the two opened flaps of fabric that formed his zipper was a thick, veiny sceptre of masculine lust.

Pre-cum smeared his tip and his foreskin sat half-retracted. ``Oh, my god.'' Karl smiled.

You like it, huh?'' Karl pulled his foreskin up his cock and then back down beneath the ridge of his glans. Miles stared in silent admiration as the receding foreskin spread the viscous fluid along his tip.Well, come on. You can see mine, I think it's only fair.''

``Oh, sorry. I just,'' Miles looked at his feet and unfastened his belt. The buck could feel the eyes of the bull on him. A glare drenched in anticipation. Miles knew that his cock was nowhere near as long, thick, or - in his opinion - attractive as the one between the bull's thick thighs, but that wasn't what slowed him.

This was an opportunity. One not unlike those he had dreamed of for years. He had to take it. In one fluid motion, Miles pulled his trousers down. The buck's cock was comparatively shorter, but nothing to be scoffed at. Unlike the bull, Miles' foreskin covered the entirety of his tip, even when completely aroused. ``I'd always wondered what you were hiding in there.'' Karl gestured him forward and Miles obeyed.

``Don't be nervous, kid.'' The bull winked at him as he seized his cock. A shudder ran through Miles. It had been too long since he had felt the warmth of another man's hand on his cock. Karl's touch was firm, yet surprisingly tender. With his thumb and forefinger, he pressed down on his tip and drew his hand toward the base. A moan escaped from between Miles' lips. Both of the men reacted at the sound. Miles with a blush and Karl with a smirk.

``A sensitive boy, are we?'' Miles' blush burned harder. Without another word, Karl's lips separated and closed around Miles' exposed tip. The velvety warmth of the inside of his mouth enveloped his most sensitive spot. Miles sucked a sharp breath in as his muscles tensed. It had been far too long since he'd felt the comfort of another man's mouth on his cock.

The lips glided over the surface of his rigid cock, eliciting a moan - louder, clearer and surer than before - from Miles' lips. Half of Miles' cock disappeared between the soft lips before Karl pulled back. The strong muscle of the bull's tongue caressed the underside of the buck's shaft and the gentle suction of his lascivious maw drew another moan from Miles.

The cool air of the room lashed at his wet cock as Karl withdrew. The bull took a deep breath and swallowed. A thick drop of pre-cum oozed from the glistening member. ``You're a drippy boy, too.'' The bull's deft tongue began on the underside of the tense shaft and traced a line, up along the taut fraenum and over the gooey slit. Miles' breath caught in his throat as the drop of viscous fluid was tasted and savoured by the bull.

``Warn me when you're close, yeah?'' Karl said with a kiss on the tip of the buck's cock. The thick, firm tongue extended down the shaft again and drew the manhood back into the warm comfort of his mouth. An exasperated moan escaped Miles as the lips kept coming. Before he knew it, the bull's upper lip was pressed against his neatly trimmed pubes.

Miles had received many blow jobs from plenty of different men, but it was a rare thing for his entire cock to vanish between a pair of lips. The repeated motion of a bobbing head that Miles expected never came. Instead, the sensual massage of the bull's muscular tongue and the gentle suckling sought to draw the seed from the buck's balls.

And fuck, it was working. Vocalisations grew higher in pitch and more resonant as his cock tensed within the bull's hungry maw. The suction grew stronger as Karl's lips pulled back up the shaft. Miles' foreskin rolled back over his saturated glans. The buck's cock throbbed for attention. A concoction of bull saliva and thick buck precum seeped from the hood of his foreskin.

Miles' body screamed at him. He had been so close to emptying a load in the bull's maw. Every fibre of his being told him to thrust forward and force his cock back into the man's throat. ``How close are ya?'' Karl panted, massaging his own cock.

``I'm almost there.'' A lascivious grin spread across Karl's face.

``I'll show you something.''

Karl's right hand rose to his mouth and his middle finger slid between his lips. The look he shot up at the buck was one drenched in lust and knowing. It was like Karl was teasing him. The bull knew just how much Miles loved the feeling of his mouth on his cock. In the brief reprieve from the oral ministrations, every neuron in Miles' brain screamed for more.

The finger at last escaped its master's mouth, shimmering with his saliva. It only then occurred to Miles what Karl had to show him. The thought stirred a mighty jolt from his cock. Karl licked his lips as his hand moved out of sight. The remaining dry fingers on his hand pulled at the soft muscles of his butt.

Miles readied himself as the wet finger poked at his hole. The muscular ring resisted the intrusion for a moment. After a second, due in part to the slick film of saliva coating the finger, and in part to the years of self-taught stretching, the muscles submitted and the finger sank to its second knuckle. Miles moaned. It had been too long since anything that wasn't composed of silicon had been between his cheeks.

His body reacted more than he'd expected. His member gave a mighty throb and loosed another thick droplet of pre-cum. A blush coloured Miles' face as Karl shot him a seductive grin. ``That's not even what I was gonna show you.'' His deep voice rolled. The thick finger pushed in as far as the angle would permit and slowly pulled out.

The bull's free hand seized his cock by the base and aimed it at his mouth. Once more, the bull's lips closed around the tip of Miles' dick. This time, however, they didn't progress any further down. Soft suction gripped his glans and a strong muscle pressed against his tip. What began as a lick, didn't stop there. Instead of wiping away the residual pre-cum from his slit, the tongue had entered him.

It wasn't very far into him, but Miles could feel every micrometre. The hand moved further up to grip the shaft in the middle and the lips pulled away. The single thing connecting them was the tongue that disappeared into his opening, if only a little. ``Ah!'' Miles fidgeted as the tongue writhed and the finger struck the perfect spot. Karl took his cue and repeated the finger motion that had stirred such a response.

With a weighty throb, Karl's tongue slipped free from the slit and a thick sphere of pre-cum escaped with such force that it almost shot from him. The slick fluid landed on the bull's retracting tongue. Heavy throbs pulsed through his erection with waning strength as Miles inhaled sharply. Swallowing, Karl opened his mouth and moved to finish the buck off.

No!'' Miles cried out, his breathing heavy and deep.No, I'm too close.'' The bull's eyebrow cocked.

``Uh, yeah. That's the point.'' Miles shook his head.

``No, I want you to fuck me.'' The two final words came out as a strained whisper, but they reached the bull's ears perfectly. A smile crept across his lips.

As he stood, the bull looked at the finger that had penetrated the smaller male, still slick with saliva. Karl stepped forward, Miles felt the thick tip against his belly and the hot breaths against his face. Their lips met and Karl's tongue forced Its way inside. Miles' tongue went through motions submissively; acceding to each movement of the bigger man's tongue.

A hot, heavy breath from each mouth hung in the air between them as they separated. ``Do you have a condom?'' Karl's deep voice rolled through Miles.

What? No. Why would I bring a condom to work?'' Miles smirked at him.I promise I'm clean. Besides, it's not like you're never going to see me again after this.'' Karl sighed.

``Okay, fine. But if I catch something, I'm coming after you.''

``Deal, big guy.''

Their lips met for a short kiss and Miles' eyes scanned the room. ``Where are we going to do it?'' The security room, aside from the desk and chair, was empty and quite small. Karl frowned.

``The break room has a couch.'' Karl in a you-should-have-known-that kind of way.

``Isn't that recorded?'' Miles gestured over to the multi-screen display. Karl laughed.

``The break room? It's on a live feed only.'' Contemplation washed over Miles, followed by a grin of excitement.

The pair quickly refastened their trousers and stepped out of the security office. The break room was only across the office, but to Miles it felt further away than it ever had. Each step reminded him of the painfully erect cock straining to escape his underwear. In the last metre between them and the door, Karl stepped ahead and unlocked it, flicking the light on as he entered.

There, over in the far corner, past the kitchenette and table set was a black couch against a wall. The leather three-seater had seen quite a few butts in the months since its installation. It hadn't, as far as Miles knew, seen what it was about to. Karl was a step ahead; his trousers, underwear and tie in a puddle on the floor by his shoes. The buck quickly stepped out of his shoes and dropped his trousers before stepping over to his bovine lover.

Karl's thick fingers fumbled with his penultimate shirt button as Miles came to stand in front of him. Once more they were joined at the mouth. A warm sensation ran over him as the strong arms of the older male embraced him. Miles effortlessly unhooked the final two buttons of the bull's shirt and threw his arms around his shoulders.

As their kiss continued, Miles resisted the tongue that moved in his mouth. Not enough to assert dominance, but enough to give the intruding muscle something to work with. Pure erotic heat radiated from the older man's cock as he grinded his hips rhythmically. Their kiss broke and Miles forced their bodies together; Karl's cock sliding up under his shirt. ``Someone's eager.'' Miles whispered.

All he got in reply was a grunt and the hands on his hips tightening their grasp. Miles found himself guided towards the couch. The buck pushed himself away from the man and kneeled on the couch. ``Oh, fuck.'' He heard the bull exclaim as he bent forward; showing off his round ass. The position forced his cheeks apart a little, but Karl seized a cheek in one hand and gave himself a better view at the tailhole hidden between them.

Miles' cock gave a hearty throb as he felt the thick, hard member of the other male between his cheeks. ``Are you sure it'll fit without lube?''

``Just spit on it. I can take it.'' The sound of saliva being ejected from his mouth was followed by a splat and the feeling of tiny drops all over his tail.

Karl held the firm butt open with one hand and lined up his cock with the other. The thick tip pressed against his tight ring. A slow, drawn-out moan resounded from Miles' mouth as his muscles were forced open to allow the intruding member. ``Ah!'' Miles grunted as a flash of pain went through him. It had been a while since something that big had spread him open.

``Go slow.'' Miles urged through heavy breaths. The bull silently regarded the demand and pressed on. Drawing measured breaths, Miles felt every centimetre of thick bull cock that entered him. The thick shaft forced the trained muscles of his rectum to concede to him. Moans streamed from Miles' mouth. They grew higher and more strained as he felt his ass reaching capacity.

Suddenly, the cock stopped advancing within him. ``Is it all the way in?'' Miles felt his cheeks pulled apart a little further and a jolt forward.

Uh, yes...'' Deep moans vibrated through him from the bull.Fuck, you're tight.'' Karl seized his partners hips and drew back. The inches of hard flesh were replaced by emptiness. An emptiness that, Miles thought, needed refilling.

Just as it had when it had first entered, the cock forced the muscles of the buck's ass to submit to it. The muscles relented with greater ease than before. Miles heard himself moan as the rigid tip of the bull's cock struck his most sensitive spots. The buck held himself firm against the couch as the thrusts grew more frequent. Their sex resounded through the break room in a passionate song of carnal fervour.

High pitched moans frequently issued from Miles' mouth, Karl's moans, while deeper and fewer, were no less impassioned. Their vocalisations played to the beat set by the slapping of flesh on flesh. His thrusts slowed to deep, forceful thrusts. With each one, a wave of pleasure washed over him. The sensations burned in his mind, ass and just behind the tip of his cock.

The strong, slow rolling of his partner's hips were each enough send a pulse of sexual fire through him. Whenever the feelings threatened to wane, his thick member forced its way back into him and the flames were lit anew. It was enough to keep him riding high, but not enough to push him past the edge.

Miles looked down, holding himself firm against the back of the couch. He could see his cock between his legs; standing proudly against his stomach. It bobbed with every thrust. Light glistened off the slick tip each time the sceptre of flesh bounced. Beneath his own cock, he could see the heavy-set pair that swung between Karl's legs. The thought of causing those orbs to empty their seed was intoxicating.

The measured pace that Karl maintained faltered, if only for a moment. It was enough to set Miles over the edge. Miles' eyes screwed shut. He felt the pressure building in his cock and a moan crooned from his lips. Where he expected his load to erupt forth and paint the couch, instead only one heavy drop of pre-cum escaped. It was far and away the heaviest release of pre-cum he'd released, but it wasn't fully cum yet.

Apparently, Karl had noticed Miles' reaction and gritted a moan through his teeth. He felt emptiness as the bull pulled his cock free. The slick bull cock slid past his hole and rested between his cheeks. Damn, Miles. Your ass just came down on me like a vice. Almost came.'' Miles heard nothing but their shared breathing.Where do you want it?''

The thought lingered a moment in Miles' brain. Being filled with seed had always been something he was too afraid to try. Shifting his weight entirely onto his left arm, Miles reached around and pulled his cheek apart; fingers touching the bull's shaft. ``In me.'' The bull cock continued to rock slowly back and forth between his cheeks.

``Are you ready for it?'' Miles crooned another moan and pushed his rump against the bull.

``Yes, baby, please. Cum in my ass.'' There was almost a melody to his speech. Perhaps the sultry plea just sounded like that to one who's balls threatened to burst with rich seed. He was happy to indulge his lascivious friend. Karl's cock ached to be held within the loving grasp of the other's hole. The glans of the thick manhood had subtly swelled in anticipation of orgasm.

A thick glob of saliva dropped from Karl's lips to the relaxed hole of the bottom beneath. Karl smeared his tip against the wet hole and pushed against the ring of muscles. Two harmonising grunts accompanied his re-entry. The buck's hole had relaxed just enough to offer some resistance, but not far enough that he had to ease him back into it.

Before either of them could truly register what was happening, Karl could feel Miles' butt against his legs. Karl's hips began a slow roll before settling into a much faster motion. The ever-present sounds of slapping flesh against flesh drove him forward. With each thrust, he felt the buck's body jolt forward slightly; affected by the gyrations of the bull's hips but never destabilised by them.

Before Karl could reel back far enough to slam into the waiting figure before hi, Miles' body pushed back against him. Ensuring that there was always a healthy length of bull cock ensnared in the warm depths. A moan sang from Miles' mouth as he felt himself enter the haze of pre-orgasmic anticipation. I'm, ah,'' Miles screwed his eyes shut as the bull's girthy member struck him in every sweet spot on its rushed thrust.Karl, I'm close.'' The buck's moans grew louder. ``Faster!'' He demanded, trying to push back against him.

The strong male's hands were firm on the bottom's waist. He paused repetitive, yet deliciously stimulating motions for just a moment. A moment just long enough for him force himself few inches deeper as he bent over the buck's back. Before the spark of his orgasm could be lost, Karl's cock started moving again. Faster. Deeper. Stronger than before.

If his thrusts before had each been striking sparks, they were now lighting matches. Miles' fuse had been lit and detonation rapidly approached. He could feel it; a desire - no, a need - scraping just beneath the surface, desperate to break free. As much as his body begged him to reach down and tend to the staff of lustful accrual, he couldn't will himself to do so. Perhaps it was the weight of the bull above, but he almost didn't want to.

The buck's cock slapped against his stomach with each thrust. Hot, sensual breaths warmed the back of his neck as his partner huffed above him. Karl was close. He had to be. Miles could feel it in his strokes. His legs pushed him forward; his body desperate to scratch that itch. It sped toward him. Each thrust drove him a little closer to the edge until all he knew was the heated breaths on his neck, the strong hands on his waist and the thick cock in his ass.

Though his body had anticipated it, the overwhelming force of his orgasm swept over him and seized every muscle in his body. Paws closed around chunks of the couch. His cock throbbed in perfect synchronicity with his contracting tailhole. Viscous ropes of rich buck seed struck the couch in a fusillade. Pat. Pat. Pat. As loud as the sound was, it was drowned out by the howl of pleasure that erupted from Miles' mouth.

Karl gritted his teeth as he pushed onward. The muscles that had already been tight against his thick cock now contracted against him with a force that threatened to push him out. Against it all, he slammed his cock deeper and deeper into the constricting depths. With each hearty pulse of the buck's cock came a wink from his tailhole. The tightening embrace of the man's slick hole sucked at the intruding member.

It was milking him. Miles' ass was just as eager to be filled with seed as Karl's balls were to be drained of it. Karl felt the pressure building as his cock grew more sensitive. His hips thrashed against the buck's rump as he pushed past the threshold. He grunted a polite, if curt, warning of what was about to come. Whether or not Miles heard it, Karl couldn't know. Since he had already been given the go-ahead, he didn't hesitate.

Just as Karl's thrusting reached its hardest and fastest, it halted. He held every inch of his manhood within Miles' relaxed hole. A moan came from Karl's mouth as the first shot of thick cum painted his insides. Slow, shallow thrusts kept him stimulated as he rode through his orgasm. A new thick warmth spread around the tip of his cock.

As the high of orgasmic bliss peaked and began to wane, he let the weight of his torso sit on the buck's back. For both of the men, the height of climaxing was behind. There was a momentary pang of shame - and of guilt. He stood in the middle of his workplace, bent over a co-worker. He did what he could to push the thoughts to the side and slid his hand up his partner's body.

The two strong hands settled on the buck's flat chest and Karl took a deep breath. His nostrils were filled with the subtle smell of Miles' cologne. ``I've never noticed how good you smell.'' The bull whispered as he gave a kiss to his partner.

The cold air kissed his deflating cock as he pulled out of the tightening hole. Miles turned around on wobbling legs to face the bull that had just bred him. They shared a kiss, less ardent, but no less caring than before. ``When do you get off?'' Karl stared into the buck's eyes as the question was asked. Snapping out of his daze, he looked at his watch.

``In about an hour.''

Miles grinned and gave Karl a peck on the lips. ``I'll text you my address. You look like you'd make a great big spoon.''