Newka Chapter 2 Heartbreak

Story by Jack Frostpaws on SoFurry

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#2 of Newka Series

You guys asked and here I delivered, there is more to come following this one, sorry its a bit short but enjoy it.

The rain poured down over Newka as he rubbed the back of his paw over his nose watching the crimson fluid dye his fur as the rest ran onto the grass below him. Newka sniffled and whimpered as his body shook against its will, he was scared, cold and sore. He tried to stand but he flopped straight back down again, his tail hole stung something awful .

Newka buried his head into his paws and wept he couldn't think of anything else to do, "Axel...where are you...please find me"

Newka couldn't stop thinking about the hours that had just passed him by, he couldn't remember very much he was blindfolded for the most of it. However he felt every cock rammed down his throat and shoved up his tail hole and every second of being used and abused.

It seemed that someone had decided to have their way with the poor Husky and made sure he remembered every second of it. Right now Newka just wanted to curl up and die, who would want him now, certainly not Axel.

"Newka...Newka..." Axel called out as he searched the park holding an umbrella in one hand and a torch in the other. 'Where is he?' Axel continued looking around, he hadn't seen Newka since their last class and he'd been gone for hours. He'd called the cops but they said he needed to be missing for over 24 hours before they could do anything. "Morons" Axel muttered to himself.


Newka's ears perked at the sound of someone calling his name and his nose twitched picking up the scent of fox.

"Axel?" Newka whimpered weakly.

He tried to get up again but everything hurt too much, but Axel was looking for him and even if Axel wouldn't have him anymore, he at least wanted to be rescued and have a shoulder to cry on.

"Axel." Newka squeaked.

Axels ear's twitched and dashed off in the direction he thought it was coming from. "Newka....I'm coming Newka."

"Ax...el." Newka whined as the torch light cast over him.

"Newka?" "Newka!"

Axel rushed to the Husky's side and quickly gathered him up into his arms at the sight of the pitiful creature.

"Oh, gods Newka, what happened to you?" Axel tried to nuzzle the Husky but Newka pushed the fox away.



"I...I..I don't know what happened, but...I'm so sore..I...I think..I think I was raped!"

Axel growled, the thought of anyone violating the young Husky made his blood boil. Ok so he hadn't made anything official between them but that wasn't the point.

"Come on, let's get you seen to."

Newka tried to protest but Axel was persistent and within a short time Axel was stood in a hospital waiting room whilst Newka got checked over by doctors. Soon a ginger cat in a nurses uniform came into the room.

"Are you the young man who brought him in?"

"Yeah, is he ok?"

"He's resting, there's no permanent damage but he will need some looking after."

Axel nodded, "I can do that."

The nurse smiled, "Are you sure, we do have services just for this kind of situation."

Axel smiled back "Thanks but I think I'll be ok."

"Alright..wait here and we'll bring him out."

Within moments the nurse was back with Newka close beside her.

Axel smiled and went to give Newka a hug but was stopped by the nurse as she shook her head.

"I don't think that's a good idea, its better if you let him come to you."

Axel nodded solemnly but understood completely. Once they got back on campus Axel handed a note into the Dean's office, given to him from the doctors telling them that Axel and Newka would be having some time off for medical reasons.

The Dean accepted and wrote them off their studies for two weeks. Once the Badger had finished filling out the right paperwork he looked up at the pair, "Now if you need more time just come and let me know. I'll have your studies delivered to your room."

"Thanks." Axel smiled before taking Newka back to their room.

Once back in their own room Newka flopped down onto his bed and curled up near the pillows. Axel looked down on him with pity and walked towards the bathroom but not before Newka caught his paw. "Don't leave...please" Axel smiled and kneeled down next to his beloved friend, "It's ok, I wont be leaving."

"Axel..." Tears began streaming down Newka's soft cheeks as he strained to look at his friend. "Please....please forgive me...I didn't mean too...."

Axel's smile turned down and he felt his heart melt inside his chest as he listened to Newka.

"Newka what are you talking about, everything is ok."

" it's wont want to be my friend anymore, wont want to touch me anymore...I..I'm dirty..."

"Oh Newka." Axel sighed softly quickly gathering his friend up in his arms and held him tightly.

Newka wept for nearly an hour straight as Axel held him tightly and softly rubbed his back.

"It's ok's all alright, I still like you, I don't care what happened, I still like you."

"Axel....why....why are you so good to me?"

"Because....because...I love you Newka."

Newka pushed Axel away slightly and looked deep into his eyes.

" mean it? You honestly me?"

"Yes Newka, I're the only Husky for me."

Newka's body began shaking again as more tears rolled down his face as he latched onto Axel. "Oh Axel, you make me so happy...I love you too. I've always loved you.."

"Sssh, it's ok's ok." Axel petted Newka softly laying them both down onto the bed and held Newka in his arms until he fell asleep, before falling asleep himself.

The next morning Axel was the first to wake up and looked down at the soft, white, fluffy Husky still asleep. He "awed" silently before getting out of bed, Newka stirred slightly but didn't wake instead he whimpered and moved around a little, nuzzling his pillow. Axel made his way into the kitchen area where Sabre an Alsatian and Benji a white fox were making themselves some coffee. "Hey guys."

"Hey Axel, how you doing, heard Newka got a little banged up."

Axel quickly turned on his friends, "Who told you that?" He asked sternly.

Sabre and Benji stepped back, "Hey whoa man, just heard through the pipeline you know."

"What, who, where, when?"

"We just got told that he got a little roughed up, Scarlet told us last night at the Union bar, I think she said one of Todd's crew were talking about it."

"TODD!!!" Axel growled "I thought as much that bastard."

"Hey chill dude." Benji tried to soothe.

"Fuck that...Todd will pay for what he did to Newka."

"Dude seriously it wasn't that bad." Sabre replied

"Oh, you think so huh, fine. You go in there into my room; you'll find Newka in my bed. Go on, you go tell him that being raped ain't that bad. Go on then, tell him!"

Sabre cringed and flattened his ears against his head.

"I'm sorry Axel...I..I didn't know."

Axel sighed, "No..I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you guys, but its just...Newka was such a mess."

"Its ok man...we understand."

"So eh, what you gonna do?"

"First, I'm going to see the Dean, then and only then, if Todd is lucky, I'll come back here instead of hunting him down."

Benji and Sabre took Axel very seriously; they knew full well Axel would probably kill Todd if he ever got the opportunity and the ability to get away with it. There again considering it was Newka, the consequences probably didn't matter to him.

Axel walked out of the Dean's office leaving him with Newka and two police officers. He leaned against the wall an let out a sigh. Moments later Newka walked out and slipped straight into Axel's arms, "I'm not sure they believed me Axel."

"'s ok hun, I'm sure they took you seriously."

"I hope so...I've to go with them and see a doctor again."

"You want me to come with you?"


After two hours in the hospital and a quick interview at the police station Newka and Axel were walking along the path to their room when they saw Tod and many of his gang being led away in handcuffs by police.

Seeing Newka Tod struggled to get at the Husky. "I'll get you for this you little slut, you fucking whore, you wanted it, I know you wanted it!"

Axel was so tempted to beat the shit out of Tod's lying mouth but the police were quick to bustle him away.

Newka looked at Axel with tears streaming down his muzzle before turning around and running away from him.

"Newka wait...!"