Starfox - Sargasso Sluts

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#9 of Star Fox

Krystal wasn't the only female Star Wolf tried to break. She was only the first to escape! Wolf and team enjoy a pair of ready-to-drop females whose minds have been reprogrammed with one thing in mind: pleasuring Wolf and his team.

This is a 3k word commission for Cyberwuffy Ala Wolfe


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The last assault had left the Sargasso Space Station damn near uninhabitable. Most of the inhabitants had been either vaporized or sucked out through the gaping holes left by a hyper-blast from a fucking light carrier. White not altogether devastating, the light carrier in question was carrying some not-so-standard weaponry for her size... not to mention he arwings. At least they'd blasted one of those little bastards out of the sky.

Their struggle with Starfox was rarely personal, but this was one of those times. For no Solar damned reason whatsoever, Starfox had sent one of their own to pretend to defect. Of course, they were aware of the entire plot. Information frequently found its way into Wolf's good ear. They took steps to punish Starfox for their transgression. The whole thing kicked off a series of events that, after several years, culminated in the near-total destruction of their hideout.

Thankfully, Wolf knew people. People who were good at their jobs. Decent mechanics in their own rights, Wolf and Panther could have patched things together... enough... Leon could have taken that a step farther and got most of the station working again, but what was left of the chameleon was floating in hard vacuum.

So three became two became three. Blue Balaen was supposed to be the best in the business and in the recent span since their station was attacked, he proved it. The station was almost completed and ready for it's debut as not-so-secret hideout of the Star Wolf team. Things were progressing smoothly!

In addition to the three members of the team, Wolf O'donnell was able to bring on other... calling them crew members was pushing it, really. Trophies was more like it. As the door to his quarters hissed open, Wolf smirked inwardly at the two plump bodies laying naked on his bed. Prizes of past conflicts with Starfox. There was supposed to be a third, bluer body on the bed with them but alas, she'd escaped during The Incident.

As the door closed itself behind him, Wolf peeled away his dark flight suit, revealing more and more of his black-and-grey fur to the cool recycled air. The females stirred as he approached the bed. The first to lift her head had sandy brown fur from head to toe and long pointed ears atop her head. She gave a yawning moan and stared at him with her astonishing purple eyes.

"Master," she cooed as she rolled onto all fours to crawl toward him at the edge of the bed. "You're back!" As she sat back on her heels, she cradled her round belly with one hand while the other hefted the weight of her milk laden breast against one palm. "I missed you."

He stifled a victorious "Heh" and reached out to brush her chin with a finger. As he finished kicking away his boots and armored flight suit, he reveled in the sweet scent of broken woman. Like they had attempted with Krystal, Wolf and his team had utterly broken these women's minds. Fara Phoenix and Katt Monroe were totally and completely devoted to him. Their bodies were committed to one thing and one thing only: Wolf's pleasure. Their minds were his to control, doing anything he asked of them without question.

"And I missed you," he said, watching her hands reach out for his sheathe and furry sack. Her nimble digits gently danced along his sensitive fur, coaxing his hot red length into the open air with practiced expertise. "Why don't you show me exactly how much you've missed me, Fara?" he suggested.

Orders hadn't been necessary for years and Fara Phoenix proved it, leaning forward without hesitation to take his growing arousal into her muzzle. She moaned deeply as her tongue glided over his sensitive flesh. The vibrations reverberating up along his hot pole were something she knew he enjoyed and made a point to keep them humming as she felt his length prod at the back of her throat.

That had been the longest and hardest part of her conditioning. Her gag reflex had been so very sensitive once upon a time, Wolf mused. That coupled with her disgust with putting anyone's genitals anywhere close to her lips had made turning her into an expert cock sucker into quite the chore. Taking her ears in his hands to guide her bobbing head as he thrust into her muzzle, he knew the trials and tribulations of such a task were so utterly worth it.

"That's a good girl," he growled encouragingly to her as he pulled her snout tight against his groin. His length, swollen completely with his burning arousal, pushed into her throat and he felt her swallowing quickly, massaging his tip with a practiced skill. He stared down into her eyes and though her lips were otherwise occupied, he could see her smile shining in her purple hues. "You like that cock, don't you?" he asked. "Tell me you like that cock in your throat. Tell me how much you like feeling my pre-cum flowing into your belly."

He was rewarded with a faint nod and a deep, full body moan that sent bolts of pleasurable lightning lancing through his throbbing dick and his ample balls resting against her chin. Wolf let his head roll on his shoulders and nodded. "That's what I want to hear," he said and relinquished his grip on her ears.

She pulled away from him, leaving his length glistening in the light with her saliva. She gasped deeply for the air he'd deprived her of, but still she smiled up at him. As her lungs filled with air, she reached out to stroke his length and stare longingly into his eyes. "Thank you so much, master!" she elated. "Your pre-cum is a fine appetizer! Our baby will be so grateful for the taste of your essence before you give us the full course!"

He chuckled at that and leaned down to give her a deep, lustful kiss. "Dinner will be served shortly, don't you worry. I believe it will be an all-you-can-eat buffet tonight."

Fara gave a giddy giggle and nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, thank you, Master!"

As Wolf chuckled again, he nodded and pulled away from her stroking hands. "Turn around, Fara. Before dinner, we're going to stretch you out a little more so childbirth won't be so trying for you. Not like the first time."

"Thank you, Master!" the fennec said as she turned around and lifted her body onto all fours. She pulled her long tail to the side, presenting her dripping slit to Wolf. "Your first baby hurt oh so much! Thank you for stretching my pussy out for me! You are so kind!"

Wolf slowly climbed onto the bed behind his plaything, gripping her rump tightly against his palms. He squeezed the malleable flesh for a moment then guided his tip against her hot cunt. "Anything for you, my pet. You have been such a good girl since we got back on the station. Good girls deserve to be rewarded, don't you think?"

She nodded her agreement and whined at him needily.

"Here's your reward, pet." He pressed himself into her tight body. She gasped and arched her back beneath his palms as her tunnel squeezed him like a vice grip. Her tiny little pussy was something he always loved about her. No matter how many times he fucked her, no matter how many children she gave him, she was always as tight as a virgin pup.

Fara squealed in delight and arched her back as Wolf rutted her. As she spread her legs wide and pushed back against his every hard thrust into her body, Wolf felt his ample testicles swing against the underside of her enormous gravid belly he had no doubt was pressed against the soft bedding beneath her.

The squeal roused the pink-furred feline sleeping beside them. Her tail began to sway and her eyes slowly parted, simply staring at the pair of fucking people beside her. Wolf smirked inwardly, watching Katt's hand slither around her own sizable belly in search of her neglected cunt.

"Looks like our friend is joining the world of the living," he said, feeling his knot begin to swell. No surprise with Fara's tight tunnel squeezing him even tighter on every thrust. "Why don't we invite her to join us?"

He thrust hard against Fara's rocking body, trying to force his sizable knot into her abused body before it got too big for her. Every hard slam of the firm bulb against her lips made her gasp and whimper but as he tightened his grip on her hips and pulled her back hard against him, Wolf felt her pussy lips spread wider and wider.

Fara whined, digging her fingers into the bedding to try and pull away from the invading knot out of sheer instinct. But it was too late. All at once, her cunt swallowed his knot and inflated to its fullest potential. She whimpered and clamped her eyes shut as Wolf's base stretched her to her very limit, bulging her pussy outward obscenely.

"Come on," Wolf said, dragging Fara between Katt's legs by his tied cock. "Get your feline companion ready for my knot, will you?" He leaned forward and pressed Fara's face down against Katt's damp crotch.

Fara clung desperately to her friend, licking and nuzzling at the cat's cunt as she whimpered and sniffled in response to Wolf's painful intrusion. Her whimper turned into a full on muffled scream as her master started to fuck her again, hard and fast. He jerked his knot against her unrelenting opening and shoved his tip against her sealed cervix faster than she could almost comprehend! It was too much! The pain, the pleasure! All of it had her racked with wave after wave of powerful orgasm soothed only when she felt Wolf's hot cum splash against the entrance of her womb, painting her sealed tunnel with his seed.

As Wolf groaned in orgasmic bliss and filled his pet's belly, his ears perked with the sound of the door opening behind him. He kept one hand on the back of Fara's head, keeping her firmly planted in Katt's pussy, the latter of whom was writhing and mrowling noisily beneath the fennec's tongue lashing.

Ducking through the door into Wolf's bedroom was the intimidatingly large mechanic, Blue. The whale stood almost twice as tall as Wolf, short by only a couple inches! The beast of a man had needed to commission a specially designed Wolfen to accommodate his size, not to mention all of the specialty clothiers he ordered his greasy black coveralls from.

"Blue," Wolf smirked. "Just in time. I was just finishing with Fara." He turned his attention back to the fennec and smirked, tugging uncomfortably on his swollen knot. The bitch kept milking him long after he'd stopped cumming! All she'd succeeded in was keeping his knot at full size. She whimpered loudly against Katt's pussy as he pushed grimly against her rump as he tried to dislodge his cock.

"Push, Fara. Pretend it's a baby. Push hard against that knot." He felt the milking pause then reverse direction, giving powerful ripples outward. Little by little, he watched her cunt relax. Inch by inch of his knot appeared, emerging with agonizingly slow movements until with a loud -plop- and a rush of hot cum, Wolf was free! He growled pleasantly at the feeling of cool recycled air bathing his soaked cock and the sight of Fara's gaping pussy oozing so much of his spent seed.

"Good girl," he cooed one more time before he pushed Fara away, making her collapse onto her side beside Katt in exhaustion. "Now your turn," he told the feline who stared up at him wantonly.

Her eyes stared at his knot apprehensively, but she spread her legs wide for him anyway. "Yes, Master," she whispered. "I'm ready for your cock deep inside!" Her hands glided over her globe. "Make our children swim in your spunk!"

Wolf grinned as he pressed his tip against her sopping pussy. He loved it when she talked dirty. He leaned forward, closing his lips over her left nipple. With one sharp thrust, he was inside of her! Not completely, but right up to the knot! He gave several slow, full thrusts into her body as she gasped and writhed beneath him. But he wanted more than a few pleasured gasps from her.

He lifted his torso away from her and gripped her hips with both hands. He forced his knot against her cunt lips and pushed hard! Katt arched her back, meowing loudly as her body stretched to accommodate. She reached around her hips and pulled her pussy apart as far as she could, trying everything in her power to get him-... There! Wolf's ears rang with the sound of her pleasurable yowl as his knot popped into her!

"That's a good girl," he encouraged as he took her hard and fast, yanking his knot to and fro inside of her tight pussy. "Oh, fuck!" he snarled. "You're also a tight fucking bitch!"

The bed creaked, nearly pulling Wolf off balance as Blue climbed onto the bed, as naked as its previous occupants. The canine glanced toward him, casting his eyes to Blue's startlingly large whale dick. The thing was absolutely massive! It was easily the size of Wolf's arm! Not just one part of it either, but first-to-shoulder length! Yet already Fara was reaching toward the big whale. Wolf smirked and looked back to the feline arching against his bed. "Why don't the two of you help him get ready, hm?"

The whale knelt at the headboard and two pairs of hands reached up, caressing his giant balls and gianter cock. Neither of them could stroke all the way around his girth. If either of them tried, their fingers might touch but there would be several inches between their thumbs unattended! Wolf shuddered inwardly. It was downright scary, but the girls sure loved him.

The door opened again and Wolf turned to look. "Panther!" he said with a grin as his hips slowed to a stop, leaving his dick motionless inside of Katt's quivering body. "You have some catching up to do."

The black furred male smiled and peeled his dark flight suit away from his scarred body. "I'm sure the girls will be more than happy to help me out..."

As Panther clambered up onto the bed, Wolf pulled hard against his knot. It hurt, stung even for a few moments but with another loud -plop!- he sprang free! Katt yowled painfully, looking pleadingly up at him afterward. He ignored her and moved around to sit beside Blue. "Now girls," he urged the round bodies in front of them, "Why don't you help get Panther ready to fuck Katt? Letting his dick stay dry seems a little disrespectful to our newest guest, doesn't it?"

The plump women exchanged a glance then turned and crawled toward the kneeling pilot. Their hands reached out, grasping the hot, barbed appendage pointing toward them and began stroking him with the same vigor they'd had with Blue. What with much less surface area to cover, Panther was rocking his hips against their ministrations as hard as he could possibly get in no time.

Katt leaned forward and closed her lips around the tip of Panther's cock slowly. She stared up at him unblinking as she suckled at his dick like a babe at her mother's teat. Fara lapped at his base and his balls.

Panther rocked his hips against the two mouths working him over and let his head roll back along his shoulders. These two girls were very good at what they did! He reached down and set his hands at either of their heads, gently pushing at their noggins. "Wait... wait... Gonna make a mess all over you."

"Yes!" Katt exclaimed!

"Please, Panther!" Fara added.

The dark furred feline smirked and shook his head. "I don't want to make a mess on either of you. I want to make a mess inside of you."

With another excited squeal, Katt wheeled herself around and pulled her lithe tail aside to present her dripping femininity to Panther. Wolf leaned forward, pulling Fara out of the way as she stared dejectedly at the two felines guiding Panther's hard dick into Katt's sopping slit.

"Don't look so glum," he told the fennec as he moved her directly in front of Katt. Once the two women were facing one another, he pressed his semi-deflated dick back into her. "Why don't you give her a kiss so show her how happy you are for her, instead?"

Wolf grinned wickedly as he watched the two women grapple with each other, both of them trying to seemingly consume the other as quickly as possible. Their mrowls, whimpers, yips, and sighs were a jumbled, muffled mess against one another's lips as the two males fucked at their needy pussies.

Their kiss ended and their lips parted only when blue's gigantic cockhead muscled its way between them. Neither woman seemed to mind however and drew their full attention to trying to cover every available inch of whale meat with their tongues.

The dark furred canine smirked and glanced to his teammates who were quite pleased with their nightly tradition as the two pregnant females squeezed at the cocks buried inside of them and slobbered all over the one thrusting carefully between their lips.

"Oooh, Fuck..." Blue's deep voce reverberated around them. "Ooooh, I hope you're ready for your dinner, because here it comes!" The big beast of a man reached down, grabbing Fara's ears with both hands. He pulled her whole body toward him with no effort and pressed his tip past her lips.

Fara's eyes bugged as foot after foot of giant whale dick spread her muzzle and her throat wide! Wolf didn't know where she was putting it all, but more and more of that monsterous cock disappeared down her throat until her muzzle was pressed firmly against Blue's crotch.

His knot inflated instantly at the incredibly erotic sight before him. He moaned loudly as once again, his hot wolfen cum rushed into her belly.

After several long moments--and a very visible increase in size of Fara's belly--Blue pulled his throbbing cock out of Fara's muzzle. Just in time, too! The poor fox looked like she was about to pass out! Before he could turn to Katt, a great big gob of cum erupted from his tip and covered almost all of Fara's body! In one spurt!

As Far coughed and sputtered, Blue grabbed Katt's ears and aimed his dick toward her. The underside of his cock visibly swelled as another load of cum rushed toward the end! Wolf almost thought it was going to cover her too, but Katt reached up and took a firm hold of Blue's dick.

She barely closed her lips around the giant bulbous head when the bulging wad of cum erupted into her muzzle. It exploded outward, spraying out of her nose and the sides of her lips, coating her face and Blue's crotch with cum. The whale thrust forward hard and just as with Fara, pushed every last inch of his dick down her throat, stretching her out obscenely!

Katt whimpered and moaned as load after load of hit cum filled her stomach, ballooning her middle out even more with her supper! As quickly as it had begun, it was over. Blue withdrew his shrinking dick and fell back against the headboard, panting and groaning. Katt coughed and gasped for breath. All at once, both women collapsed unconscious on the bed, sated bellies full.

Wolf smirked, pulling his knot out of Fara with another loud -plop!- and sat back on his heels. He had half a mind to lay down with them, but his bedding was absolutely soaked with their collective puddle of cum.

"Well..." he said, climbing off the bed. "Same time tomorrow?"