Silverine and Cetacean
cetacean turned like a homing missile, but silverine went up and over as cetacean rushed him. cetacean flicked upwards, changing direction like a fly, and successfully whacked his tail on the bottom of silverine's leg.
Cetacean Screen
It branched out into a recognizable cetacean fluke, black on top and white on the underside.
[Commission] Cetacean Vacation
Which was why this vacation had seemed so appealing to the cetacean siblings.
The Secret of Cetacean Ops
Access to cetacean ops restricted until further notice." t'ana wasted no time in turning away from the door and stepping through the entry corridor into the wider, more open expanse of the cetacean ops navigational centre.
The Giant Whale
It looked like a blue whale, but it was huge: bigger than average.
The helpful whale
A full-grown whale is a challenging target for the huge black and white dolphins. typically orcas were more interested in whale calves but a solitary adult whale might be tired out and finally killed by repeated attacks.
Ch6. Orientation
The cetaceans keep hogging the field. any good at swimming?" the equine cocked his head to the side. he wore some type of polo shirt with the school insignia over his left chest, and baggy shorts. dex shrugged.
Aquata Cove - Chapter 18
The angered whale apparition howled and roared at the feline-whale image, "the whale, consumed in its hatred, mocked and raged at its parent.
When predators collide (whale shark/great white shark vore)
Only the whale shark and the white knew what had happened and neither knew all the details.
Hypnovember - Day 30: Inmobility
The cetacean did one last desperate struggle to get the rock off his shoulders, but before he could have the chance, the sculptor's hand closed around his neck. the cetacean didn't have time to scream or beg.
Beach Daze
The tides pushed against them some as they swam into the ocean, ivan staying closer to the surface than the cetacean as he followed the cetacean.
A day at the beach...
He renewed the oral treatment of cetacean's cock,