Master Kaiser - The training

Story by Krieg Bloodfang on SoFurry

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#3 of Master Kaiser

A new was starting as Krieg now he was training to become the best slave that his Master could ever had, he was doing the chores that his master assigned to him and It was taking him a bit of time because he didn't knew the place where he was, still he was managing his way to complete the chores around the place, from making food for his master to cleaning up the place as he learnt that his master loved seeing the reflection of the marble floor making possible to the slave that he needed to look the floor he will see his master.

After all his chores were done around the place, he came back to see his master, the door was closed so he knocked the door as he heard his master speaking aloud "Come inside" Krieg stepped inside the room as he closed the door behind him getting close to his master and stopped in the middle of the room kneeling to him, his master seemed to be a bit busy writing something on the table "What do you need slave?" Krieg's ears twiched as he heard that feeling inferior compared with the big charr, the one he defined as his good and master "I completed all the tasks you assigned me master" he lowered his as he could heard his master stop writing and getting close to him "All of them slave?" Krieg's gaze was fixed to the marble ground looking to the reflection of his master, admiring him, he also noticed his reflection and noticed how worthless he was "Y-Yes master all of them, I returned to see if you needed something master" the big male eying him smiled "I think you are ready for your training slave but first I need you to go fetch me somethings" Krieg raised his face to look his master "What things do you need master?" the big master handed him some coins of gold as the little slave looked at them knowing he will go to do some shopping "I want you to bring for me some meat and when I say meat, I mean the best one around, that's why I give gold to my slave not for something else understood slave?" he nodded repeatly "Yes master, I'll bring the best meat you will ever taste master" his master smiled him and then reached for his collar raising him from his kneeled position "If someone messes with you while you are making this, just call me and then we will have a nice talk with him, clear slave?" he instantly answered "Yes master" then his beloved master made some magic and disappeared from the realm where he master was living.

He reappeared in Divinities Reach in human lands, he looked around noticing where he was as he smiled a bit but that smile disappeared as he noticed he was only wearing the loincloth that master gave him and the collar around his neck, in his right closed paw he was holding the gold coins his master gave to him, he noticed that a lot of humans were looking at him, some of them were ignoring him, others were talking about it lowly and others were smiling at him a bit and touching him but he started walking to the market and looking for the best meat he could get for his master. When reached the market he started talking with all the ones who can provide him meat as he was judging the pieces of meat one of those merchants was teasing him and annoying him a lot "What is doing a slave like you without a master to serve?" the human started trying to get information from him, the charr looked at him "I'm just making the chores that master gave me" the human didn't looked convinced at it "You sure? And why a master lets go far away a dirty and puny slave eh? I think you are lying" the human came close as he grabbed one of his horns pulling the charr down as the kicked his face, the charr looked at him angry almost wanting to grab his head and rip his head off but he remembered that his master told him to don't defend himself ever unless was strictly necessary, so he just whispered his name and suddenly his master appeared in between those two, he turned around facing his slave as some blood drop to the ground "Who dared to harm you slave?" he looked at his master and pointed to the human that was behind his master "Go get that meat" the slave left to get the meat as his master commanded, when he returned to his master he saw that he was taking the human with him completely tied up unable to move an inch "All done slave?" the little slave looked at his master and nodded "Good I'm going tp teach a lesson go both of you" then the three of them disappeared from the market in a cloud of back smoke.

They returned to the realm of his master, when he returned the slave carried the meat over the table, when he returned he kneeled in front of his master who was attending their guest "Well slave I expect an explanation of this and I don't want lies clear?" his slave nodded as he told his master what happened in the market, his master was starting to get angry and he didn't had a reason to be lied by his slave, "I'm going to show you what will happen if you fail me and lie to me a lot slave" he grabbed the human and ripped his clothes off, for a second the slave thought that he was going to enslave him too but that idea wasn't correct as he saw his master opening wide his maw as he started to eat the human, the human struggled all he could but that didn't do nothing good as he swallowed the human as he noticed his master's belly growing a bit seeing the human trying to fight back and get free until the human died inside his belly and provably he will end digested, his slave watched everything and for one part he got a bit excited and turn on a bit but he was scare of failing his master, the big master let out a loud blench as he patted his belly "Now you know what will happen to those who touches my slave and if you lie me, you can run this fate, now cone closer I need a footrest" his slave was still scared as he got close on fours offering his back so he can rest his paws on him, when his master landed his paws on him, the little and puny slave looked at them, his master notice it and moved one of his paws in front of his maw demanding to his slave some worship to them, the slave grabbed his paw with respect and admiration as he started to lick the massive paw for the rest of the day until his master needed something different.