The Chronicles of Tidaka Chapter Two: The Mysterious Blue Dracogin.
charr thought. the fight went on for several rounds each time charr ended up with a face full of dirt. "enough of this, it's time to throw some punches." charr thought.
Test Gone Wrong
Though he thought it was impossible, the smell of the charr was getting stronger as he was slowly moved closer to the charr.
A Charrs New Pet
Wanted to keep up the work with the charr, there needs to be more writing involving charr a charrs new pet by wallin slowly you awake from a peaceful rest, ready to continue your journey across tyria.
The Chronicles of Tidaka Chapter Three: Dave, The Empire’s 2ed in command.
charr opened the book to the paged that had a scale as a bookmark. "dave don't leave." charr said loudly. "why?!"
Reaching For Your Hand: An 'Brothers in Arms' Fan Story. Part III
Even if he knew charr still loved his wife, and would mostly likely reject him, like so many others, he wanted to do more, but the fear of charr possibly taunting him wouldn't let go.
Topping the Muscle Stud
charr, however, was not about to let fahen go that quickly.
GW2 Fan Fic: Catastrophic Success
Averting her gaze from the charr's fangs, she found her eyes trailing down to the massive thing growing between the charr's legs.
The Chronicles of Tidaka Chapter Four: Contact, The Battle Begins!
"well i better go get those stones. " charr said heading out the door. charr got up and left the room. once outside charr blinked letting his eyes readjusting to the brightness.
Mesmers Have More Fun: Drinking Game
The charr leaned over snidil and pressed their hips together firmly.
No Spoken Word
Of the bigger charr's muscular leg.
No Spoken Word
The bigger charr's muscular leg.
Charr im Wald
Die charr, die auf deinem nun schlappen glied sitzt steht auf und grinst zu dir runter, während auch die andere charr aufsteht.