Everyone Does It with Reflections

Story by Simplified on SoFurry

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#47 of Everyone Does It

Well, first one of the new year...

We are back with the never-ending furry soap opera that is Everyone Does It.

Amazing how this has all gone from a quirky satire on porn tropes, to whatever this is now. We got some heavy character development here, some of that emotional stuff, possibly some crying in here, all of what you've probably come to expect from EDI.

Do not fret, there is still some nice kinky sex in here, a little bit of watersports action, courtesy of my aardy girl, Krystal. Can always count on her to bring that stuff, huh?

And... given the current political atmosphere, I'm finding myself beginning to question how I write some of these characters, particularly my female characters. If someone could give me some honest feedback, I'd appreciate it.

But anyway, fans self with my own wings let's just get this show on the road, y'all didn't come here to here some neurotic little bat whine about his feelings...

Read on and please, please enjoy.takes a winged bow as the curtains draw open

Everyone Does It with Reflections

Alessa looked at herself after almost an hour of showering.

The 18-year-old marten jill was not in her dark makeup, her face was clean of it all. She'd relied on that stuff as a crutch, now she was going to college. This was a time to start reinventing herself

Alessandra looked at her breasts, they'd grown out nicely since her last birthday. She was up to a sweet 34-B, with hopes that she'd at least fill out more to match her sexy new sister, Candy.

The young jill could not help but clench her legs as she imagined that lovely ferret without her clothes, draped across a bed, her body on full display for the virgin girl. She knew, sadly, Candy was straight, not to mention, having a kit with her dumb big brother, but a girl could still dream.

Alessa had been brushing her hair as these thoughts ran through her mind. She normally never even thought of anyone else like this. She'd realized sometime through high school that she'd felt more attracted to her own gender. She was still into males, but other girls were just that much hotter to her.

"Eek!" came a girlish squeal from down the hall.

Alessa giggled and she shook her head, "Mike..."

Since she was starting college, Alessa had decided to move in with her brother and sister-in-law, so she could start being more independent.

Now that Mom had Santiago in her life, Alessa felt more comfortable with being away from home.

"Ay, careful..." came another squeal.


Down the hall in her brother's bedroom, Mike was on all fours, his wife mounting him from behind.

Candy had to admit this was a new position even for her, but the way her girlfriends, Krystal and Kelly, described pegging, it sounded like a fun thing to try in the bedroom.

Mike had been less than eager to try it when his wife suggested it, but, he did say he would try to be more open. Just last year he'd let his wife's friend, Taylor, take his anal virginity. He'd said afterward it would be a while before he tried something like that again and yet, here he was, with a rubber dildo buried halfway in his rectum.

He groaned, "Are you sure you lubed that thing up enough?"

Candy scratched his chest as she nuzzled his neck, "I did, I was very thorough, I think you must still be nervous."

Mike sighed, "Probably... no definitely, I guess I'm still not used to this stuff."

Candy kissed her brave husband on his cheek, "I understand... we don't have to keep doing this."

Mike did like his wife's breasts pressing into his back like this, "Well, we don't have to stop, either. I still want to make this work... and your tits in my backside are a nice enough motivator."

The jill giggled, "You just love boobies in general, my handsome chef." She pointedly dragged her breasts against his body.

Mike chuckled, "Yeah, I'm Catholic, I'm just drawn to sin, baby!"

She turned her husband's face so they could have eye contact. She smiled, "Ready to sin some more, Momma's Boy?"

Mike touched his forehead with hers, "Do your worst, Skank."

Candy giggled playfully, "How dare you..." then kissed her chef while she worked her hips, pushing the dildo deeper inside her love's asshole.

Mike moaned girlishly in their kiss while he started to relax his anal muscles, allowing the rubber toy to enter him.


Alessa crept back into the room she'd been staying in, still not wearing a thread. She was a young lady, proud of her youthful body, why hide it all away?

She climbed into bed, a paw firmly placed between her legs as she recalled the noises her brother and his wife were making as she spied on them. Candy was so, so sexy and she was so jealous of her dumb, sexy brother... why did they have to be related?

Alessa gasped, "What?" Where did that thought come from?


Alessa woke up the next morning.

The young jill came downstairs in a rosy pink nightgown, what she normally wore back home if she couldn't get away with streaking.

Candy greeted her, "Buenos dias, Alessa!" She herself was wearing a robe which was tied on with a simple sash. Her cleavage and her baby belly were both quite visible. It was obvious she had on no lingerie.

That's what Alessa liked about her too. Candy knew she was sexy and she loved to flaunt it.

The ferret seemed to realize the younger jill was checking her out. She put her elbow on the dinner table and let her robe fall enough to flash the girl some tit, "See anything you like, dear?"

Alessa blinked then blushed, "Oh!" She turned her eyes as her cheeks turned pink, "I'm sorry."

Candy giggled, "It's alright, Alessa, I get enough of those looks from males, it's still nice to know I turn on even other females."

Mike came in at that moment. The marten was already showered, dressed, ready for work at the restaurant. He cracked a joint in his neck before noticing the two ladies in his life. He saw his sister blushing like crazy, then his wife's right boob hanging out of her robe and he sighed, "Jesus... are you flashing my sister again, Candizia?"

Candy giggled as she shot a saucy look to her hubby. She loved how he would use her real name to "scold" her when she was being her normal flirty self. She left her robe to hang open as she answered him, "And what if I am, Mikey? Are you going to punish me? Tie me up then spank me?"

Mike chuckled, "Well, it would be nice to see how red I can get that cute butt of yours with more than just my hips, babe."

Alessa was blushing so hard her chocolate fur could no longer hide it, "Jesus... and I still remember when just saying vagina would make you stammer, Bro..."

Mike snickered, "Yes, and now I'm taking toys in my ass and I'm having a kid... I can only imagine what life will do to you, Sis." He ruffled her hair then hugged her.

Alessa suddenly had her muzzle shoved in her brother's chest. The instant she realized, that bright pink turned to hot red just like that. He had on his work clothes, but she could smell his musteline musk underneath. Why was she feeling this way about her own brother now?

Mike failed to notice. He let his sister go, "Well then, I'm off to work. And you're going to Del Mar later, Sis?"

Alessa nodded, "Um, no actually, today's Friday so I don't have any classes."

The marten hob smiled, "Well still, my little sister's all grown up and going to college now. And to think I used to help Mom when you were in diapers, and now... I'm proud of you, Alessa."

The young jill looked up to her brother, "Huh? Really? I'm not that great... I barely passed math. Honestly, my writing and my English scores are really what got me through."

Mike hooked an arm around his sister, "That's still better than most people these days, Alessa. You're making it and that's all you need."

She smiled, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Great brotherly advice there, Bro."

"Anytime, Sis." He kissed his sister on her cheek, "I'll see you tonight."

Alessa's blush had gone down, only to pop back up after that kiss. That confirmed it... she was into her brother, her own flesh and blood. What the hell was she going to do?

Mike kissed Candy on the lips, "And you take care, mi amore."

Then Mike left.

Alessa still stood in her spot, "Well..."

Candy giggled, "So... you're crushing on your brother."

The young jill squeaked, "What!?" then cleared her throat, "I mean..." her cheeks flushed pink again, "Is it really that obvious?" She tapped her paws together.

Candy smiled, "Alessa, I'm going to tell you a little secret about myself. Mike already knows, and your mother and my father will never know... but my first lover was Javier, my brother."

Alessa gulped while she wiggled anxiously in front of Candy, "So, you've got experience in this then... I don't know why I'm suddenly feeling this way." She sat down at the table with Candy, then started to purr when the older female petted her shoulder, "I mean, of course I love my brother. I've always loved him, he's my family, he's... the only friend I've ever really had. I could barely socialize with the girls at my school. Mike was the only boy I ever really knew growing up, our dad had died when I was still in middle school."

The pregnant jill hugged her sister-in-law, "Now, you are growing up and those hormones are telling you to give yourself to your own brother. It is indeed a very confusing time of life, but we all go through this in our own way." She sighed, "I will always remember my first, with my brother..."


She could just picture it...

They were living in Florida at the time.

Their mother had passed away, leaving both Candizia and her brother, Javier alone with only each other to fend for.

Their father was still in Cuba, still unable to leave.

Candizia had been 22 at the time, her brother had just turned 18.

Candy was laying in her bed, sobbing when her brother crawled in with her.

Both were only half-dressed; he in shorts, she a skirt and bra.

Both held each other as they took comfort in each other's company.

Javi made the first move.

Candy remembered her brother kissing her on the lips, his eyes staring back at her as she returned the kiss with a little bit of tongue.

For them, it hadn't been the first time they'd kissed like that.

Candizia and Javier had both realized their feelings one another two years before, when she helped her mom to take care of him when he had the flu.

It started with kissing, gradually French kissing as their mother left them alone often, which led to progressively more than just kissing.

They'd begun to pleasure each other, using their paws at first.

She would stroke him while they kissed, then she would lick his cum after he filled her paw.

He would return the favor by fingering her pussy until she came, then he would lick up her cum, not even bothering with his digits, he would drink it straight from the source.

Then, on that night, their first night alone without their mother to hide it from anymore, it happened.

When he had kissed her, and she held him close, she could already feel how hard he was.

Their mother was gone from their lives, yet their hormones would not let them mourn... instead they found a different way to cope.

Candy remembered the pain of her first time, her brother on top of her, breaking her hymen and making her bleed. She told him not to stop; she urged him to keep going and he did, then they'd mated for their first time together.


Candy was still petting Alessa as she finished telling the blushing marten, "And he came in me, I did not let him stop even then."

Alessa had her head on Candy's shoulder while she listened. She was blithely aware she was staring directly at the ferret's exposed tit in this position. Candy had already said she didn't mind her looking, she wanted to feel it, though.

Candy giggled, "You are just like a male sometimes, Alessa. Just drawn to pretty titties, hm?"

Alessa nodded, "I guess I am... I think I might be gay, actually."

Candy let her robe fall more, showing off more of her form for her young admirer. Being adored by one as young as her made Candy feel... beautiful. She was already beautiful, but the way a sweet virginal girl like her seemed just drawn. What if she'd been a lesbian? What if instead of males, she'd lain with females?

Candy always believed herself straight; she'd always been with men. Then, she met that wily tomboy, Krystal, and each experience she'd had with that one aardwolf has caused Candy to question her own sexuality.

Candy nuzzled Alessa, "Maybe you are gay, but then, you find boys attractive too, don't you?"

Alessa nodded, "Yes... but not boys... boys my age, I don't like."

Candy hummed in understanding, "Men? Like father figures?"

Alessa laughed nervously, "I suppose you've done that too."

Candy nodded, "Mm-hm."

Alessa scoffed, "Man... I could never have talks like this with my mom. I love her and all, but she never seemed comfortable talking about sex with us. I guess now she's boning your dad, she's opened up a little."

The ferret laughed, "I guess so."

Candy had a thought, "Why don't you and I just spend the day together?"

Alessa liked that idea, "Just us?"

Candy giggled, "No fuss...

Alessa smiled, "I'd like that; I've got nothing else to do. I've got the whole weekend."

Candy smiled back, "Then, I don't need this anymore." The pregnant jill slipped off the rest of her robe, leaving herself fully exposed for Alessa.

The younger jill blushed, "Wha-really?"

Candy stretched, showing off her body to the younger female, "We're a couple of young ladies, why not live a little?"

Alessa gulped, "You mean, me too?"

Candy sat back with her kind smirk, "If you want."

The marten jill felt nervous, "Well..." She held her nightgown, "okay..." She pulled it up over her head, her breasts stretched up with her. She threw off her top, then pulled down her panties, and that was it.

Alessa had exposed herself fully to her sister-in-law. The 18-year-old stood anxiously, holding her right arm while she waited to hear what Candy thought.

Candy smiled, "You're beautiful."

Alessa blushed, "Really?"

Candy stood up, her baby belly making it somewhat hard for her. She took Alessa's paw, "Come on, let's go into the living room. We can just lay back and enjoy our company, hmm?"

Alessa smiled uncertainly, "Yeah, sure." So, she escorted her sister-in-law into the living room.

Candy giggled, she wondered what some of her friends would think if they knew what she was doing.


At the Rifkin house, Krystal moaned as she rode Taylor's lap.

The rat groaned with that wonderful tight aardwolf pussy wrapped around his thick member.

The feisty little hyena queen enjoyed dominating males, though Taylor was one of the few she would let dom her anytime. He was content to let her have control right now, though.

Krys leaned in then sank her teeth into his chest, making Taylor bleed as she hit her orgasm.

The rat groaned, his body was already littered with little bite marks left by the feisty female. Some were healing, some had healed, leaving behind scar tissue. She didn't do the biting so much with Vlad. Taylor was more into that rough stuff than the bat was.

Krystal slowed her rocking hips, licking up Taylor's blood before she whispered, "Okay, big daddy, turn me over an' turn me out!"

He grinned. With that go ahead, Taylor pushed Krystal off his lap, then mounted her from behind, burying his cock as deep as he could fit. He hit her cervix, then kept fucking her to his own preferred speed.

The aardwolf growled with lust as she let him fuck her into the mattress. She reached back just to spread herself wider to let him stretch her limits. Her untamed white bangs flew back and forth over her violet eyes while the aardwolf snarled and moaned.

The stink of her sex and his filled the room.

Taylor felt himself about to hit that satisfying finish.

Krys felt it too, "Yeah... do it! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

He held her up with his right hand, as he picked up speed, slamming home into her and making Krystal yip each time.

Taylor gave an animalistic grunt as he hit his peak, and he erupted his ribbons of viscous, virile, rodent cum inside the little predator's womb.

Krystal yowled plaintively as he flooded her like the real alpha male he was. A true pity their species were so incompatible, they'd be making some pretty babies right now, especially with her entering her seasonal heat.

Still, it felt nice to have Taylor here to ease her burning need.

"And I hope..." she said between pants, "that settles it."

Taylor rubbed her chest and played with her nipples, "Settles what?"

She turned so she could look at him, "Me stealin' Vlad..."

Taylor clicked his tongue as he felt himself slide out of her. He laid next to Krystal, holding her so they could cuddle, "I... I don't see it as stealing. I see it as we're sharing Vlad. I love that bat with all my heart, then he loves you and if having us all here makes him happy, then I'm happy."

Krystal kissed him where she had bitten him, "Fuck, you're deep."

He shrugged, "Not really, I just see things differently."

She rolled on top of him, "In any case, I think I love you too."

Taylor smiled, "Then that's gonna make it a full triangle, hmm?"

She dragged herself up his body until their muzzles were close, "Feelin's mutual?"

Taylor's caramel brown eyes glinted as he grinned, "Yeah, we can say that."

She pushed in then their muzzles met in the middle.

Taylor grabbed her ass, then squeezed it, making her growl while they kissed.

It was a good, deep, passionate kiss until the rat felt something warm trickled down his belly.

He groaned while Krystal pulled away with a naughty grin, "Oops..." She wiggled her bottom, as she made his dark brown fur turn darker.

Tay just kissed her some more, "Filthy little thing..." he kept kissing her while he rolled then made her lay beneath him, "if that's how we're gonna play..."

Taylor's cock was hardening again. He placed his tip at her entrance, still leaking his cum, then he pushed himself back inside her, straight to the hip.

Krystal moaned from being filled so fast. She waited for him to get right back into fucking her, but instead, she felt something warm flow into her. She snickered, "Peein' inside my pussy... oh you fuckin' rebel."

Taylor snickered before stealing more kisses from more until they both grew quiet, as he started to rock in and out of her cum-slicked insides.

The aardwolf arched her back into his thrusts, sucking on his tongue while he did the same with hers.


At the Casa, Vlad was pulling double duty; the restaurant was short-handed at the moment, and the bat had to wait tables while his new assistant manager watched and took notes on everything that happened.

He was an effeminate looking anole lizard. He was wearing a typical man's uniform, but he had a delicate look to him. His scales were honeydew-green with a soft tone stretching down from his neck to his belly, what was visible under the preppy uniform.


The lizard looked up from his clipboard when he heard his name spoken, "Oh, yes, Mr. Rifkin, sir?"

Vlad fanned a wing at him, "Oh, I keep telling you, hon. Just call me, Vlad. I'm your boss, but I'm not the boss. And anyway, I'm gonna need you to fetch me a special cake from the back for a miss..." he turned to a family of rabbits sitting in one booth, to speak to one excitable rabbit kit in the brightest pink tutu he had ever seen. Recipe for a spoiled brat right there, he thought to himself.

"It's Queen Diana of Pudding Town, and I want an ice cream cake with whipped cream, sprinkles and chocolate syrup!" She shouted while her parents both looked positively tired with her.

Vlad turned to his assistant, "An ice cream cake for Queen Pudding Butt..."

The brat heard him, "I told ya, stupid mouse, it's Queen Diana!"

Brandon looked between the bat and the bunny and couldn't tell which one was being more immature. He suppressed the giggle to answer, "Oh, yes sir, Vlad! Right away!" He turned to leave the bat at the mercy of the screaming bunny brat.

In the kitchen, he walked by Mike.

The pine marten whistled, "Jesus Christ, I could hear that brat from in here."

Brandon shrugged, "Yeah, surprised the chick isn't a Youtuber or some shit."

Mike chuckled, "Give it time..." The marten's mind wandered back to home.


At home, Candy and Alessa both laid together on the living room couch, both nude and cuddling.

Alessa knew she should be creeped out, instead, she felt warm. This was what she'd wanted wasn't it? To be alone with Candy and see the ferret naked.

Candy sighed, "Enjoying yourself?"

Alessa shrugged, "It's nice, but this couch isn't quite made for relaxing..."

Candy petted Alessa, "I suppose you're right..." She caressed the marten's slim body, "What would you like to do then?"

The young jill snickered, "I think you know what I would like to do with you, Candy."

The older jill was not surprised, "I'd suspected... I mean, we're lying together naked, it's painfully obvious you're crushing on your brother's wife." She thought for a moment then slid a silver paw around Alessa's belly, "I would like to try with you. I'm almost a mother and I am 30 years old, I suppose it's time I started to expand my horizons. But, I will only do this if it's what you want."

Alessa turned so she could look at Candy, "If only so I can see what all the fuss is about..." She retorted, "I mean, I hear you and my brother when you two go at it. It sure sounds fun."

Candy smiled, "It can be fun, but it can also hurt. You can get sick... My mother had AIDS; she died from pneumonia because her body could no longer protect itself." She nuzzled Alessa, "And my mother was a prostitute in Havana, so she heard too many times of a friend she knew being hurt or even killed by some bastard that got them alone."

Alessa liked the rubbing, "And your dad, Santi, he was her pimp?"

Candy nodded, "Yes... my mother met my father in a club, sometime in the winter of '86, since my birthday is in July. They had me and my brother, but they never actually got married. He was a pimp, she became one of his girls, but... he still came when he could to see her, to see us..."

Alessa chuckled, "And now, Santi is dating my mom."

Candy laughed, "Yes, funny how things turn that way."

The marten jill smiled, "It's funny, and yet... really sweet. After Dad died, Mom only ever devoted her life to Mike and me. She never dated anyone else, always slept alone in that bed... and I always felt so sad for her. Now, she has someone to love her again. Mike meeting you, Candy, is making my mom happy too. It's very funny."

Candy nuzzled her then nodded, "Quite silly..."

Alessa looked back at her, "We don't have to do anything, right?"

The silver-furred jill shook her head, "Like I said, only if you want to. I would not do anything to make you uncomfortable."

"Aside from streaking in front of a post-pubescent teenager..." Alessa teased.

Candy frowned, "Yes, I suppose this was ill-conceived."

The marten shrugged, "I'm not uncomfortable... it's weird being naked with you. I fantasized about this, now it's happened, and I don't know what to think..."

Candy scolded herself, then said what she hoped could salvage the moment, "I... I suppose, what you really want, is a big sister you can talk with, now that you have one, hmm?" She smiled nervously.

Alessa smiled more sincerely, "Yeah, I think that's it."

Candy was feeling better now, "How about, you and I get dressed, then we just go out, spend the day together, two sisters, hm?"

Alessa blushed, "I'd like that, Sis."

Candy giggled, "Muy bien."


Taylor and Krystal cuddled in a bathtub following their earlier marathon.

She shivered when Taylor tweaked her shiny black nipples. "You are obsessed with my little titties, Tay." She joked in a softer tone.

He nibbled on the small hyena's tender neck, "I'm obsessed with every part of you, Krys..." then licked a sensuous line from her nape, to the corner of her mouth, "You're beautiful, Krystal... more beautiful than you think."

That one got her, "Fuck... if it's not Vlad, it's you that's makin' my allergies act up..." she said pitifully before wiping her face then sniffing, "You know tellin' me that shit ain't exactly good for my self-esteem..."

Taylor hugged her close, "I still think it's something you need to hear. I know it hurts... but that's what being in love is sometimes. Vlad loves you, and I want to love you too..."

That was another chink in her armor, then she felt her tears go, "Damn it..." Krys buried her face in his chest as she shook.

Taylor just held her and kept petting her, comforting her as he could, "Hearing that hurts, I know. But I hate how you always put yourself down... talking about, you're a bitch, you're flat-chested, you're this, you're that..."

She calmed eventually. She curled up against his frame, "That was a low blow... but thank you."

He nodded while he traced a finger along each of her pretty black stripes.

Krystal smiled, "It'd be nice if Vlad could be here right now..."

Taylor chuckled, "You have to wait, you incorrigible thing."

They both laughed before the moment melted away into a series of more kisses, followed by the pair starting up another round.

Tay whispered, "So what's your record with Vlad?"

She giggled into his ear, "30 me, 10 Vlad..."

Taylor snickered as he smoothly slid himself back in her, generating a pitched moan from her, "Yeah... I can beat that."

She looked in his eyes as he filled her with just his girth, "You can try..."


Vlad stood outside the Casa at the tail end of another long shift. The bat ran a weary hand through his dark brown hair. He could swear he was already seeing some gray hairs. He was going to end up looking like his old man before he even hit 40.

The bat looked up when the back door swung open.

That handsome young lizard, Brandon came out. He saw Vlad, "Hey, boss." Then he stretched his limbs out, popping his joints, even in his honeydew tail.

Vlad couldn't stop himself from admiring that... smooth, young, reptilian body. He'd never been with a reptile before. His sexual experience, male or female, has always been with his fellow mammals.

Brandon smiled back, he caught the bat looking, "Ah-ah, boss. You're married, remember?"

The bat blushed, "Yeah..." He cleared his throat then looked away, "Sorry, I know I shouldn't stare... Goddamn... I've got a beautiful husband at home, in a three-way relationship with a lovely female, and I still can't stop myself from... I'm not my parents..." He scolded himself.

Brandon tilted his head, "Your parents don't approve?"

Vlad shook his head, "No, no, they approve... My mom and dad are super-super liberal. Fuck, they were hippies, that's how liberal they are... all about that free love shit. Tay and I, we tried, we tried that swinging lifestyle and... it just didn't work for us. And I love my parents, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love them. I am their only child. They did right by me, really... maybe Dad did certain things he shouldn't have done but..."

Brandon leaned against the back wall, "Do you always ramble this much about your personal life?"

The bat laughed nervously, "Yeah, sorry, I'm like a super-mega-neurotic faucet when I get like this. I just run my mouth and all that shit comes out..." He covered his face with one winged hand, feeling the ghosts of tears begging to be shed, "In a year, I'll be 30... I guess all this stuff is kinda just... rushing back right now."

He looked at Brandon, the anole looking at him with a kind sympathetic smile.

Vlad sniffed, "Sorry... I guess I'm setting a pretty poor example here as your supervisor."

Brandon shrugged, "At least you're not a raging alcoholic."

Vlad scoffed at that, "Yeah...

It could always be worse...