Sams story: acceptance

Story by jimkoyot on SoFurry

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Sam had no idea what time it was when he finally woke up. All he knew was it was dark out and he felt like death. His whole body hurt, he felt sick, and he was exhausted. The alley still looked the same as when he passed out at least. Sam staggered to his feet to take a better stock of things but wound up struggling to stay upright. He had to lean against the wall to keep from keeling back over.

First thing he noticed was that his hands were now completely white and covered in fur. On top of that the tail went down to his ankles and was also furred with the start of feathers growing out of the sides towards the tip. His pants were ruined from his tail ripping them in half at some point and his shoes had burst at the tip from his feet growing longer. Those shoes used to be a size six. Now his feet stuck out of the shoes a good three inches and looked very much different. The end of his foot sticking out of the shoe looked like it belonged to a cat instead of on any person. The bumps on his sides finally took shape into something and appeared to be wings as they now stuck a foot and a half out from either side. At least he could move the tail and wings if he thought about it. Shame the wings looked like chicken wings with white fur on them.

Sam felt a little better on his feet now so he took off the shoes since they were useless anyways. He considered taking off the pants but at least they still covered his crotch. He didn't want to be completely indecent. With a couple steps he realized that walking hurt his heels. He looked at them again and noticed they were thin like an animal's. He tried standing on the balls of his feet and it felt much more comfortable so he continued like that.

Someone turned on a radio nearby and he heard it announced that the time was 12:30. Great, just past midnight. He slept all day. The weird thing was he felt like he had run marathons all day with how weak he was. Either way, he knew that without sustenance he wouldn't last long. That was when the smell of heaven hit his nose.

Taco Bell. That place hadn't smelled so good before. Either he was that hungry, or something about it appealed to his new self. However it was working, the smell had him salivating and sniffing the air. Sam noticed his nose was a little bigger than it had been before. He couldn't tell for sure since he didn't have a mirror but it looked bigger in his view. That wasn't important, though; food was. Sam came out to the street and looked around. All of the windows were dark and no one was on the street walking or driving. The breeze coming up from the south had the smell of Taco Bell heavily on it. Sam hobbled down the street as quickly as he could in his state. He really didn't want to be caught out here like this. He came to a corner and the smell was coming from the west now. He crossed the street and followed it a ways before the smell started getting lighter. He started to get worried that he'd passed the restaurant until he saw the bright sign around the corner. Ecstatic he jogged, well hobbled, towards the lights of his salvation.

Someone left the drive thru and Sam pressed himself against a building until they passed and continued on his way. Surprisingly there was no one in the drive thru so he moved over to the window and knocked. The poor kid that was standing there jumped in the air, "oh hell no! Kyle! Get over here. This is your fantasy not mine!"

Sam, confused, watched as the kid walked away and another walked up with a sudden grin on his face. This kid was short, skinny, nerdy, and gave Sam the idea that he'd be completely okay with being abducted by aliens.

Kyle opened the window to talk to Sam, "wow! This is so cool! What brings you up to our window so late?"

"I'm... I'm really hungry. I need food. Can I get some things? I have money, I can pay."

"Oh damn. Umm, yeah about that. There are cameras on the windows. I could get fired if they see me giving food to anyone who isn't in or on a vehicle. Sorry."

Sam groaned, "please. I'm exhausted. I've been running all day. I just... I just... I--"

Sam collapsed to the ground. He didn't pass out at least but he just didn't have the energy to stand any further. His head was swimming as he lay on the ground under the window so he closed his eyes and lay his head down.

"Oh, shit! Come on Frank, I think she passed out! We should bring her inside and call the paramedics!"

"Fuck that, man! I'm not getting probed by anything! You go pick it up!"

Sam laughed to himself at the conversation as they went back and forth a few times. They finally settled on Frank holding the door while Kyle picked up Sam and brought him inside. Sam didn't want to ruin Kyle's "save the damsel in distress even if she's an alien" attitude so he kept his eyes closed. He still felt like he had vertigo anyways.

"Thanks Frank. Hey, can you grab me a water cup with some Pepsi? She probably has low blood sugar or something. Falling over like that."

Frank just grunted his affirmation and walked over to the soda fountain while Kyle set Sam down in a booth. Frank came back and Kyle held it up to Sam's lips. Sam felt his nose twitch at the smell and slowly slurped down what was offered.

Sam couldn't help it, he had to break their mood, "mmmm, personally more of a Dr. Pepper guy, but Pepsi is nice too."

"You sly witch! You faked all of that so we'd bring you inside!" Kyle looked salty but he still had a grin on his face.

Sam only had his eyes open partially and the soda helped him a little but he was still in no shape to be walking around, "I am offended! I would never. No seriously, I couldn't stand right now if I wanted to. I'm exhausted from everything that has happened over the past week. What with the changes I've been going through and all."

"Changes? This isn't what you always look like?"

Frank walked back over behind the counter to take care of a customer that pulled up. Sam looked at Kyle seriously, "I can show you my drivers license. It's what I looked like over a week ago. Hell, I don't even know what I look like now. Everything has been changing so fast."

"Nah, that's fine. You don't have to show me. You did want some food though, right? What can I get for you?"

Sam reached behind himself and pulled out his wallet He thumbed through his cash and pulled out three twenties, "I'll take whatever I can get for sixty bucks. Burritos preferably. Bean, supreme, XXL. Whatever it takes."

"That's... that's a lot of food. I'll see what I can do."

As Kyle walked back to the kitchen, Sam called after him, "don't bother putting wrappers on them! Just plop them on a tray and bring em over!"

Sam relaxed and watched out the window as people drove out of the drive thru. Sometimes there would be a rush and he would see five or six drive by in quick succession but generally it was only one or two at a time. It was probably close to a half an hour before Kyle came back with a beautiful pyramid of burritos, topped with a single hard taco.

"Sorry about the taco, it was just what was needed to hit exactly sixty dollars."

"Oh that's fine. I love taco bell, I was just thinking things that would be easier to eat, hence burritos. I'm so hungry and this all smells so delicious."

Sam picked up the taco and decided to dig in. Turning his head sideways, he opened his mouth just enough to fit the taco, and hit resistance with a thunk. Blinking he tried again with the same results. Kyle was looking at him strange and looked a little pale. He freed up a hand and tried to see what was blocking him from eating the taco. There was nothing outside of his mouth so he opened and felt around a bit. What he did feel wasn't what he was expecting as he palpated the inch long incisors where his old ones used to be. They were thick and heavy like a large cat's teeth but not really sharp which was a good thing to him. Sam tried opening his mouth larger to get past the teeth and was rewarded with a wide open mouth even with the teeth. He chomped down on the taco, shattering the shell and sending lettuce and cheese all over himself. Sam looked at the mess covering his torso and started to giggle. Quickly the giggles turned to light laughter until Sam was just laughing at the absurdity of the situation while Kyle stared on, confused. Sam's laughter died down a bit and he just looked at himself with disdain.

"Yeah so these new teeth don't work with hard tacos apparently. Ugh, this whole visage just doesn't work. Why did this have to happen to me, of all people?"

"Well it had to happen to someone? Why not you? What is so bad about this anyways? You look really cool!"

"Cool? I'm a god damned beast! I can't walk around like this! I already got chased around by that damn terrorist group yesterday. It will just be worse now that I don't even look remotely human. Everyone will be out to get me!"

"I guess you have a point. At least you could go to the furry convention without any problems?"

"I hope at least. This really doesn't look like a fursuit. Way too small and detailed."

"OH! So you are a furry. That's interesting at least. Do you have a suit?"

Sam just raised an eyebrow at this line of questioning, "I never got a suit made. Always cost more to go to these conventions than i could save up for a suit. Now I have a permanent suit I guess."

"That's one way to look at it. Come on, think positive here."

"Yeah well it's hard to think positive when you're doomed to be shipped off planet into some random solar system that I am supposedly intended to be from."

"You don't know where you're from?"

"Not a clue. My DNA was modified. I'm not a true alien."

"Oh. Dude no wonder you're pissed. And they're sending you out anyways then?"

"Yeah. Well nothing I can do about it now. I do have a mountain of burritos to eat though."

Sam brushed off the mess from the hard taco and picked up a burrito. This time he didn't have any problem fitting it between his teeth and reveled in his first real bite of food. It was glorious in its flavor but Sam didn't take the time to savor it. Now was the time to eat! He swallowed the bite half chewed and took another bite, and another, and another. Kyle was amazed at how fast the burrito was disappearing. He still had work to do though and walked back to the kitchen to help Frank.

Half an hour later it was time to close up shop. Kyle and Frank had cleaned up the store while they worked so it was just a matter of closing the registers and putting away the food that wasn't being thrown out. Kyle came over to get Sam so they could leave but Sam was out cold. He was also surprised to see the mountain of burritos gone. He would've wondered where they went were it not for the huge food baby distending Sam's stomach. Sam had eaten 25 burritos! Amazed such a tiny person could put away so much, Kyle just stared for a few minutes. Finally he broke from his spell and tried to wake Sam.

"Hey. Come on, wake up. We got to go. Hello? Hey! Wake up!" Sam wasn't getting up. Kyle looked to Frank for assistance.

"Hey, don't look at me, man. It's not my problem. Why don't you take it home? You don't live far and you had no trouble picking it up earlier."

"I don't have much of a choice, do I? At least she doesn't weight anything. I'd wager around 50 pounds. You got the doors?"

"Yeah I'll get it. I just hope it doesn't eat you in your sleep. Nights will be hella boring without you man."

"Oh ha ha. She's not going to eat me."

"Hey, don't say I didn't warn you. Anyways, I'll see you tuesday."

Kyle would have waved had his arms not been full of passed out alien. He really was glad his apartment was really close or this would have been a very taxing trip. Even if Sam only weighed half of what he looked like he weighed, 30 minutes carrying a 50 pound weight is very tiring. Getting up the stairs was fun, but the most fun part was trying to unlock and open his door with Sam in his arms. Kyle didn't want to set Sam down on the ground to open the door in case Sam woke up and found himself on the ground.

Once inside, Kyle set Sam down on his couch and set about making himself a snack before he went to bed. Food in hand, he walked back into the living room to stare at Sam now that he had the free time to get a good look. At first glance, he looked mostly human but there were things that made him stand out. His feet, the slight muzzle on his face, the ears, the tail, and the fur covering all of the skin Kyle was able to see.

Kyle walked over and took a closer look at Sam's feet. They were definitely not human and were much wider and longer than a human's foot would be. The length of the foot was actually quite slender but easily 16 inches long, tapering wider slowly to the ball of the foot where Sam had a heavy paw that looked like a cross between a wolf and jaguar. The toes were longer than a cat's but were thicker and spread wide like a cat. Kyle noticed the pad looked large enough to move around silently or on top of snow. On a whim, Kyle reached out and touched Sam's foot. The fur was as soft as a cat's and the pad was smooth as a baby's bottom. The pad also felt thick but was pliable and supple. He squeezed one of the toes and a long sickle claw poked out close to two inches. It was also knife sharp and actually pricked his finger. He decided it was best to leave those alone.

He moved up to the tail that was resting between Sam's legs and noticed the thick muscles running the length of it. There was also a fan of feathers on either side towards the tip. The feathers were short, maybe six inches, but they were stiff and seemed to have a purpose. Kyle moved up, eyeing Sam's shapely legs. Kyle could see the thick cords of muscle beneath the jeans as he eyed Sam's thigh. There also didn't look to be an ounce of fat on Sam's body. He glanced at Sam's crotch but thought better of moving or touching there since it was creepy enough that he was examining Sam while he was passed out. Sam's shirt was pulled up over the small wings growing from his sides, which gave Kyle a perfect view of Sam's abs and lower ribs. Everything was slim and petite. Kyle couldn't see it through the fur but he could definitely feel the 8-pack even while Sam slept. There was also some strips of feathers that made up some form of pattern that disappeared into Sam's shirt and pants. The wings looked to be sprouting near the bottom of his ribs but Kyle could feel a bony structure that wrapped around the front and disappeared under Sam. The wings themselves were about two feet on either side now and had small feathers sprouting from them. They definitely didn't look like much and obviously weren't useful for anything either.

Sam's breasts were barely noticeable under the shirt they were so small so Kyle followed an arm down to his hand instead. This feature of Sam was definitely the most human aside from the claws tipping each finger. These ones were not retractable like on his toes, but were still sharp. Sam's palms were furless but his skin was close to the white of his fur. It was weird for Kyle to see skin that was eggshell white and showed no veins or red splotches. A human with this pale of skin would be translucent. He shook his head and moved back up, admiring the slender arms. Kyle poked around Sam's head a bit but there wasn't really anything to feel aside from how the crest on Sam's head felt under his fingers. He also noticed the feathers went up the backs of Sam's ears as well. Barely noticeable, there was also two small bumps at Sam's "hairline" that perplexed Kyle.

Sam stirred briefly and Kyle reminded himself that he was examining a person and not some weird photo or dummy. He shifted his attention to getting sleep and left Sam be.


The next morning Sam woke up in a strange place on a plush leather sofa. He has definitely woken up in worse places but this was certainly the strangest. How did he even get here? He glanced around and noticed the apartment was lavishly furnished with big screen TV, plush couch, glass coffee table, and art decorating the walls. Some of it was photos, others were paintings. On the coffee table there was a handwritten note. Sam picked it up and admired the clean writing before reading it.

So I just realized I never got your name. Anyways, good morning. I'll be out of the apartment for a while so make yourself at home. There is food in the fridge, remote for the TV is in the side table, or you can explore. There is a lot of stuff in my place that may interest you.

Sam felt weird being in the home of a guy he never even told his name to. That combined with the fact Kyle must have been carried to get here was a strange thought considering his previous size. He looked around again a little closer and saw that most of the art on the walls was furry based and very well done. They looked to be traditionally done as well which was very expensive. Either way, Sam wasn't hungry and didn't feel like watching tv right now so he went exploring.

The apartment wasn't all that big. One bedroom with bathroom, kitchen and dining area, and the living room. What was more interesting was everything that Kyle had. There were more drawings and photos in the bedroom and the kitchen was stuffed with expensive gadgets. The table was big enough for 6 but only one of the chairs looked like it got any use. The others were still in pristine condition. Sam went back into the bedroom and looked around. With all the expensive stuff around the apartment there had to be something good in here. He was not disappointed. The closet opened up to show a few women's outfits and shelves covered in photo equipment. And these weren't polaroids. Probably close to 100 grand of equipment sat proudly on the shelves. Basic, wide angle, deep zoom, and micro lenses. A few camera bodies as well that weren't cheap either. So he had a photo hobby. The women's clothing was interesting as well since Sam couldn't tell if anyone besides Kyle had ever even been in the apartment. There was a few outfits that were quite well put together. Mostly with a punk theme to them. Sam looked at his own ripped clothing and wondered if Kyle would mind him wearing one of the outfits. Better to ask forgiveness than permission.

Sam slipped into the set that had a black and green plaid skirt and matching Green Day shirt. They fit remarkably well and Sam was happy to have something less restricting on his tail that still covered. Well, more than ripped jeans did. He had to go commando since no underwear would fit with his thick tail but at least the skirt went close to his knees. He tossed the old jeans in the garbage, even though they were less than a week old, and explored Kyle's room a little more. The art was a little more risqué on the walls in here and all featured no similar characters. Everything else was simple and plain. On a whim Sam looked under the bed and found a black box that was alone under there. He pulled it out with curiosity. Another quick look proved there was nothing else under the bed so Sam pulled the top off the plastic box.

Inside was a trove of the last thing he expected to see under a bachelor's bed: Sex toys. Dildos, clamps, cuffs, and vibrators galore. One for some reason caught Sam's attention and he pulled it out to take a closer look. It was a vibrating dildo but the shape for some reason dredged up a familiarity that he didn't understand. He knows he'd never seen this dildo before and he certainly had never bought it. It almost looked like a dog dick without the knot. The pointed tip was there but so were bumps along the length that were small and textured, almost rough. He was holding it up and examining it more closely when Kyle stepped in through the doorway.

Kyle, for his part, just took it in stride, even smiling. Sam on the other hand felt like being caught with his hands in the cookie jar, "s-sorry! It's just, you said I could explore and I found this and..."

"I did say you could explore. I'm not ashamed of anything in my apartment. If anything, the more someone finds the more conversations I could have."

"I... you make an interesting point. What is this? And why does it look familiar even though I've never seen it before?"

"That happens to be the Korran. Some dildo that was on Bad Dragon for a while. I picked it up because it looked cool. By the way, that outfit looks good on you."

"Oh god I completely forgot I was wearing this. I just needed new clothes and all of mine are with my friend lacy and the pants don't fit any more either and I can't go to the store any more and--"

Kyle cut off Sam's rambling, "no big deal! Seriously. You can keep it. Those outfits I bought for previous girlfriends but they all fell through. Normies can't handle the furry. They just don't understand it."

"Sorry about the girlfriends. Mine is okay with me being furry but she never went with me to any of the conventions or meets."

"Awww. You're lesbian?"

"What? No! Well maybe I guess, now. I used to be a guy, Kyle. Girlfriends are kind of normal." Kyle just looked at him funny like he couldn't wrap his head around what Sam just said. "Seriously. Six foot tall, 450 pound man. I lost like 400 pounds and a foot in height in 9 days."

"Holy shit! No wonder you were so salty about how you look."

"Yeah well now you know. Anyways, this dildo? Was there any information that came with it?"

"Oh! Yeah, there was a pamphlet that came with it. Apparently there was a photo that they sculpted it from. It should be at the bottom of that box."

Sam dug through the box, cringing at the size of some of the dildos, before finding a small pamphlet at the bottom like Kyle said there was. It folded out into a big piece of paper with care instructions and such on one side. He flipped it over to see a rather large photo of the lower half of what he guessed was an alien. They had their sizeable shlong hanging out with legs and feet showing as well. The pamphlet said "The Korran! Large and powerful alien!" but Sam noticed that the feet did not match. He had animalistic feet while the image showed humanistic feet with sharp claws. It was a shame but it still didn't explain why the dildo had looked so familiar. Oh well, another mystery to solve for later.

"Well damn. Here I thought that I may have been turning into one of those. Guess not. I wonder if anyone knows what I'm turning into."

"Maybe the government would know? They have that alien return program. I like to think they have the resources to find out what you are before they send you "home"."

"Ugh. I really don't want to get probed by the government while they try to figure out what I am. I just want to stay on earth!"

"Speaking of getting probed," Sam cocked an eyebrow at him, "did you want this, too? No one has showed any interest in it and it didn't even last long on the web site."

"Umm, can I think about it? This is still weird for me."

"Oh, that's right. You were a guy and all. Yeah I can see that being weird. Unless you were into it? I've known plenty of bears who were as big as you and liked that kind of thing."

"Eew. Just no."

"Just saying. Anyways, I'm Kyle. Welcome to my humble abode!"

"Nothing humble about this place. It looks like you're loaded! But I'm Sam. Short for Samuel, not Samantha."

"Wait, Sam Pedersen by chance?" Sam nodded, "oh shit you're the one who saved that kid on the train! You were all over the news yesterday. Something about a chemical attack on a passenger train."

"You don't want to know what really happened. It was nightmare inducing."

"That doesn't sound good. I kindof want to know but your expression says don't ask."

"Yeah, please don't. I'm getting goosebumps just remembering everything. It was truly horrific."

"I'll take your word for it. So what would you like for dinner? I've got steak, pasta, or I can order a pizza?"

Kyle walked into the kitchen and Sam got up to follow him. He had the strangest craving and he wasn't sure how to voice it, "you'll probably think I'm weird but I have a craving for drumsticks. Like my body is telling me I need something."

"I've had cravings before. They can get strange to some people. Nothing wrong with some drumsticks. I'll need to run to the store though. Those take a while to defrost and I'd like to eat sometime soon."

"We could do KFC. It's still chicken and faster. I'll pay!"

"Well I'm not so sure if I could take you anywhere to get it but if you don't mind kicking back for a few minutes I can run and grab some. You sure the fried chicken won't affect your figure? You don't look like you have an ounce of fat on you."

"Oh believe me, I'd love to put on a few pounds. I hate being so skinny. It is not attractive at all."

"While I will admit you are very skinny, you actually wear it well. You have a lot of muscle."

"I guess that is a benefit. I am pretty strong and fast. I actually ripped the arm off a cyborg yesterday that tried to haul me off."

"How did you manage that!? I heard those cyborgs were almost indestructible!"

"Hell if i know! I just planted my feet in his armpit and pulled at the wrist. There must be a weak point in the shoulder that broke off. However it worked, I got away."

Sam's stomach growled, catching Kyle's attention, "ah that's right, we were talking about food. I'll be right back with that."

"Wait! Let me grab you some cash. I'm apparently still a bottomless pit and eat a lot."

"Don't worry about it! Believe me, I have plenty of cash. A bucket of chicken isn't going to bankrupt me."

Sam rubbed the back of his head, "well actually I was hoping for two buckets. Like I said, bottomless pit."

"Well hopefully they have enough chicken for that. The one nearby is notorious for running out of chicken."

"Well get what you can. I'm not going anywhere."

Kyle gave a thumbs up and headed out the door, grabbing his keys with a clatter that Sam was surprised he didn't hear when Kyle arrived. Not knowing what to do now that he was alone again, and he'd already explored the apartment for the most part, Sam settled for sitting at a chair at the dining table. It took a few attempts to get comfortable with the new tail but he finally found a position that didn't pinch. Unfortunately it was leaning forward at a hard angle and draping his tail over the side of the chair. Not comfortable but at least it wasn't painful.

The biggest problem for Sam was it didn't take long for him to get bored. Maybe five minutes later and he was already shifting uncomfortably and looking for something to play with. He didn't watch television so that ruled out the entertainment system. Food was on the way eventually so no eating to pass the time. Sam took a deep breath and suddenly scrunched his nose. That was not a pleasant odor and he had no idea where it was coming from. He got up and walked around a bit, sniffing, but the odor didn't come to him until he stood still. It was actually coming from himself! How embarrassing. Kyle hadn't said anything, maybe he couldn't smell it. However it worked, Sam decided that taking a shower was probably a good idea. It definitely had been a few days since he'd been able to. Come to think of it, it's been a few days since he'd used any restroom. One problem at a time though.

Once Sam figured out where the towels were and also figured out the controls to the shower, he stripped down and hopped in. He stood under the water expecting a warm blast but it felt neutral to him. There was steam billowing out of the shower and he didn't even feel the warmth. He tried setting it to full heat, something that would have scalded a human's skin, and barely felt warm in the stream. After confusion faded, he chalked it up as something he would have to get used to, as frustrating as it was. He loved hot showers.

After moping in the boiling stream for a minute, Sam realized that the water was just rolling off everywhere he had fur. None of his fur was any bit wet. If he parted the fur, the water ran between the fibers but still did not stick to them. It was fascinating to watch but also disconcerting. How was he supposed to clean himself when water didn't even stick to him? He tried some soap, but that didn't even help. It just slicked right off his body like the water did. So whatever was on his skin and fur, it most certainly repelled water and soap with no problems at all.

The best option he could come up with was using the removable head and setting it to massage blast to try to rinse off. Starting at his head, he worked his way down, spraying across his body in a slow sweeping motion to try to clean himself off. Sam noticed some debris and coloration to the water running off himself, so at least he was actually doing something. As he worked down from his waist, he got a little nervous about a certain feature that he would need to clean as well, and he was not looking forward to it. He already did not like jets of water on his junk, adding in the feature of new junk made him nervous. It needed to be cleaned though, and right now water jets were the only thing that worked.

Nervously bracing himself, he spread his legs a bit and slowly worked the stream of water down and onto the area. The sensation was certainly different but it wasn't the grating feeling of water hitting his old junk. The pulsation was almost soothing in effect now. Then again, he hadn't quite gotten down to direct contact. He was slowly inching the jets down until they were hitting his new equipment. The sensation changed dramatically once the jets actually hit the sensitive flesh, sending a jolt of sensation up Sam's body. He wasn't too sure if it was pleasurable or not at this point but it was definitely something. Prolonged contact didn't change anything either as he washed around the area. The last step Sam was dreading to do, but knew he needed. He spread his slit open so the water could wash up and in the sensitive area. This sent an even stronger jolt through his system that almost buckled his knees from the intensity. He held on for a few seconds through the waves of sensation to make sure it was all rinsed out before redirecting the stream down his legs to finish his cleaning. Sam's teeth chattered and legs shook the entire time he was rinsing his legs off, practically in shock from the rinsing down below. He felt like he practically sexually assaulted himself.

With the last of his body rinsed off, Sam shut off the water and leaned against the shower wall. He took a deep breath to steady himself and rested a hand over his sensitive mound. While he came to the conclusion the water had been exciting, it was far from pleasurable and was too forceful. Certainly an act he did not want to repeat any time soon. Looking down at himself he noticed there weren't many patches of skin left. The fur had taken over all of his limbs and only left a patch at his solar plexus that was bare. Sam saw it as the last bit of his humanity since he literally won't have any appearance of being a human left. Completely covered in fur and feathers, extra limbs, claws, a muzzle; even his ears had grown to be quite large and up on top of his head.

Before he got out of the shower, Sam just needed to know one more thing: was it just the water or was he that sensitive now. And there was really only one way to find out. He shifted his hand that was already covering the area a little lower and slowly slipped in a finger between his lips. He was trying to be purely clinical about this but remembering doing something similar to his girlfriend had made things different; exciting almost. It certainly felt like woman flesh, warm and slick, and thankfully he wasn't trembling from the stimulation this time. He felt around a bit and true to what Lacy said, no clit. No inner labia either. It was actually kinda boring. Literally just a couple flaps of skin over a hole, albeit rather sensitive. The hole itself felt the most sensitive and Sam didn't want to insert anything beyond the one knuckle he had gotten in so far before he started to shake again. Incredibly sensitive. He knew enough female anatomy to know that wasn't exactly normal so he figured it would be something he would need to get used to eventually should he ever meet someone he liked enough. For now, he just wanted to get used to no longer having a dick. Priorities!

He heard Kyle drop his keys in that metal bowl by the door this time and shuddered for a second. It was a good thing he hadn't gotten there sooner. Sam had no idea what kinds of noises he may have been making in there. He shook himself off vigorously and sent the remaining water scattering about the shower and leaving his fur almost completely dry. That was definitely going to be handy!

Sam threw back on his clothes, sans bra, to meet up with Kyle in the other room. Stepping out of the room he caught Kyle staring at him for a second until he realized how much steam was billowing out of the bathroom. He felt a little sheepish now since he'd run the hot water at full blast for about 15 minutes. There probably want anything left in the hot water heater.

"Sorry, I smelled funny so I took a shower but it only felt comfortable at high temperature."

"Well that explains the steam. So you literally cranked it to hot and it barely felt comfortable? That's pretty intense!"

"It's depressing actually. A human would've been covered in blisters or dead from that. But it barely felt lukewarm to me. What else is off about me that will make me feel inhuman?"

"Probably a lot of things if you dwell on it. But what is human? Really it just means you're sturdier than us! In the end you are where you come from."

"Yeah tell that to the feds. I see your point though. I really need to stop ruminating."

"That's the spirit! Now let's eat this chicken while it's still hot."

Sam agreed and took a seat next to Kyle at the table, sitting sideways on the chair so his tail hung off the edge instead of pinching. While Kyle pulled all of the sides out of the bag, Sam helped himself to some of the chicken in the bucket. He quickly realized his new canines were not good for eating drumsticks, no matter how much he was craving them. It was weird though. He wanted the chicken with all of his being but the meat wasn't hitting the spot. Something was missing and he couldn't figure out what. They smelled delicious and tasted good, but he couldn't get over the point that something wasn't right. Then he licked a bone.

The craving hit ten fold from licking that bone. Sam tried it again and realized that it wasn't the chicken he wanted so much as the bones. He glanced over at Kyle who was dishing himself some mashed potatoes and mac n cheese. With Kyle distracted, Sam did the one thing he really didn't want to do: bite the bone. Half expecting it to be hard to chew through, he braced to chomp down hard. What he wasn't expecting was to bite through the bone like it was butter and to splinter it from biting too hard. The bone had the desired effect though. Chewing it, Sam realized how delicious the bone was to him. It was so weird but he was able to chew and swallow the bone like it was a dorito and not a chicken bone. Popping the rest of the leg in his mouth he finally realized Kyle was staring at him again.

"Sorry. I guess i was craving more than meat today."

"That... that's alright. I guess I'm just going to have to get used to seeing things like that. I can only imagine what that's doing to your sensibilities having to eat bones."

"Yeah, I'm trying to not think about it. It tastes good though. To me at least. I don't recommend you try it."

Kyle tried to bite a bone to see if he could get through it like Sam but just wound up hurting his jaw, "ow. Yeah you're definitely a lot stronger than me."

Sam just shook his head and bit down on a whole chicken leg. The meat mixed with the bone was a good combination and made it seem a little less weird. It did defeat some of the fun from eating drumsticks though and they definitely aren't supposed to be crunchy. The price he has to pay.

This time there was more food than even Sam could eat and he had to lean to the side with a big food baby. He really did look pregnant!Maybe about 6-7 months at that. There was a lot of chicken in his stomach. He was happy though, even more so than he was from the Taco Bell. He was starting to get drowsy again now that he was full.

"Oogh. I definitely ate too much. So worth it though. But damned be me if I can stay awake after eating that much! I apparently can't keep awake for more than a few hours at a time any more. I hope you don't mind, Kyle?"

Kyle had his head leaned back over the back of the chair and didn't move from his position, "nope. Don't mind at all. Actually thinking of going to bed myself. I do have to get up early to get to the convention anyways. I have a lot of photography to do."

"Oh yeah! The convention!" Sam paused to burp, letting out one of the girliest burps he'd ever heard, "can I go with you?"

Kyle lifted his head to stare incredulously at Sam. For his part, Sam thought Kyle was going to say no, "you're kidding right? I would be insulted if you didn't join me! How often do I get to show off a furry alien to my furry friends? Particularly one who is so good looking!"

"Oogh. Oh yeah. That detail. Well I guess it makes sense. You did help me out after all. It wouldn't be fair to just hide away at the convention. Hope I see Lisa though. I want to get my stuff back. And I hope you don't tell them we're dating."

"Cross my heart! I swear I'll not say we're dating."

"Alright. I'll take your word for it." Sam yawned big and wide, giving Kyle a good view of his teeth, "I'll see you in the morning then."

Sam stumbled over to the couch, feeling much more drowsy than he had a minute ago, and flopped face down into the cushions. He was breathing deeply and asleep before he even realized he hadn't grabbed any blankets or pillows. Kyle just shook his head and grabbed the one he had folded while Sam was in the shower, tossing it out to drift down slowly onto Sam. With him being face down, there was no need for a pillow so Kyle left him be to get his own sleep.

The night didn't last long enough. Kyle's alarm was blaring in the other room at the early hours of the morning. Sam was so groggy he almost fell back to sleep when it was shut off were it not for Kyle excitedly waking up and yelling, "convention tiiiiiiiime!"

Sam had never felt more annoyed in his life than that moment. Kyle was rushing about his room while chanting and getting ready, making way too much racket for Sam to go back to sleep. The fogginess finally lifted from Sam about the time Kyle finished getting ready and Sam knew he wasn't getting back to sleep any more.

Kyle came bouncing into the room a moment later carrying a couple camera bags and jumped when he looked at Sam, who at this point still hadn't moved from his original position on the couch.

"Whoa! Big! Need photos!" He set down the bags on the table and assembled one of his cameras in a flash.

Sam marveled that Kyle had done it in 30 seconds flat before realizing that he himself was likely the target of the impromptu photo shoot. He shifted his tail to make sure it was covering any upskirt opportunities before looking over his shoulder at Kyle and finally noticing that his wings were no longer short. In fact his one wing that had been hanging off the side of the couch now stretched across the room! It had to stretch around 10 feet from his side. He tried moving it and found that it actually was too long to stretch out in the room, hitting the wall next to the entertainment center. Sam tested the wing a bit, stretching and rotating it around in the space he had. Finally he pulled it in to his side so he could see how small it would fold, slowly standing up with it folded in as far as it would go comfortably.

Kyle had been taking photos the whole time and was grinning like a maniac. He really was into this whole alien business. Sam looked over his shoulder at him and just had to shake his head at Kyle's antics.

"That look over your shoulder was a beautiful shot. The composition couldn't have been any more natural!"

"Kyle, you're a nut. So why are we up so early?"

"Oh! Well I need to get there so I can set up for fursuit photos and such. That and it's a one hour ride over."

"Aw maaaan!"

Sam didn't really stop his complaining until he saw the method of transport they were going to use. He had assumed they would be riding in an older Honda Civic or something of that nature, but Kyle walked them right over to a Hyabusa motorcycle. He was speechless, confused, and totally not ready to have Kyle plop his camera equipment into a couple saddle bags and hop on. Sure it wasn't the most expensive motorcycle around, but it certainly was one of the fastest! This was not going to end well.

Kyle held out a helmet for Sam to take but thought better of it when Sam wiggled his large ears. Definitely wasn't getting a helmet over those! Kyle straddled the motorcycle and beckoned for Sam to join him. Sam was weary of getting on the thing but he didn't have much choice if he was going to get to the con.

Kyle fired up the bike with a growl, "hold on!" Sam barely had time to register that Kyle spoke before the bike lurched forward and they were speeding off to the highway. Kyle said it was an hour ride but did he mean at breakneck speeds or the speed limit?

They hit the highway and Kyle opened up the throttle. Sam could feel the drag on his wings the faster they went and he tried tucking them in closer to his body. It was bad enough the end of his tail was straight out the end of the bike too! Ugh, his feathers were going to smell like exhaust after this.

Kyle hit a particularly straight stretch of road and went full throttle. There weren't any other vehicles on the road and they took off. At this speed Sam really had a difficult time and felt himself lifting off the seat from the pressure on his wings. He actually had to hold onto Kyle tighter as he came completely off the seat and flapped in the wind like a flag behind Kyle. Seeing as though Kyle wasn't going to slow down any time soon, he tried to stabilize himself in the wind, shifting his wings and tail around to stop moving around so much. He got the hang of it and was actually able to keep straight and level after a few minutes. He even started to enjoy the sensations before Kyle started to slow down. Sam tried to stay in the air as long as he could by extending his wings before settling back down into the seat when Kyle slowed down to take an exit.

The whole trip took maybe 25 minutes. Definitely not the hour Kyle claimed it would take so sam figured it would've been an hour on a normal day. How Kyle didn't get pulled over by any cops was beyond sams belief, though, he never did see any. Come to think of it, the few cars they did pass got an interesting show with Sam literally flying past them. Sam may have not had his wings spread all of the way, but it still took up a decent amount of space.

They pulled into a garage next to the convention center and parked in a motorcycle section right next to the elevators. Since Sam wasn't sitting for most of the trip, he hopped off and looked around the garage. It was surprisingly sparse this early in the morning. He wasn't surprised though, 8:30 was pretty early for a convention.

They walked in and headed to registration. The people at the desk were nursing coffee and looked like they had just gotten up as well; one even was pouring a red bull into theirs. They gave Sam a hard time when he tried to get his badge and merchandise. They didn't believe he was who he claimed since the name was Samuel Pedersen on file and he definitely did not look like a Samuel, but rather a Samantha. He finally told them that he was transgender, which he technically was now, and they let him in since ID is useless in suit. His "suit" certainly didn't come off easily either and it obviously looked like painted and glued on prosthetics. Not that Sam had any valid forms of ID anymore anyways.

"Aw man! I just realized something that kindof sucks."

Kyle slowed down a bit to walk next to Sam, "something random you remembered?"

"Yeah, pretty much. So my original character fursona was a coyote. I don't match any of my art or badges any more! No one will recognize me like this at all and my badges are useless!"

Kyle couldn't help but laugh, "well just think of it as a fresh start! You can always make friends with people all over again. I'm sure you've changed more than just physically in the past few days and your personality will reflect that!"

"Oh god! I need to talk to Lacy then. I need to know if I've changed! Ugh, why must this suck so much!"

"Oh relax, it's not a big deal."

"Yeah but what if I'm a completely different person now?! What if no one is going to like me?! Nooooo! I want to go back to my old life!"

"Really Sam? You're freaking out about this now? Just calm down. I'm sure your old friends will say you haven't changed that much."


"No buts! Relax. You're not some crazy alien now."

"Ugh, fine. But if anyone screams or yells at me I'm coming for you!"

"Dude, you're at a furry con. You don't even look scary! Just go with the flow."

Kyle walked into the room with the sign advertising when the fursuit photos would be. At least Sam knew where Kyle would be all day. In the meantime, he figured it would be a good idea to meander over to the dealers den and see if he could catch his few dealer friends setting up. He wouldn't have any money until Lacy showed up anyways, if she did.

Dealers were rushing in and out of the dealer room getting their displays and product lined up. Some were pushing carts, others were hauling boxes in their arms. However you looked it was chaos. Sam easily slipped in between some of the dealers and looked for her friends. Inside was much calmer since most were setting up tables and displays with the occasional helper running back and forth with product. He saw the familiar glass display racks of his friend and meandered over to her setup. The racks were in place and she was almost done putting product in place. She must not have slept much because she's usually late.

Sam fidgeted nervously while slowly walking over. He was close friends with Sparkle and didn't want to lose her. She paid no attention to him when he approached since the dealers den wasn't open for another hour still.

"Hey Sparkle."

She looked up a little confused but rolled with it, "Oh! Hi there! I must have not been paying attention. Is it 11 already? Either way, browse my wares and I'll answer any questions you have!"

"I know you don't recognize me, but it's Sam." She gave him a blank stare. "Samuel Pedersen? Sam the coyote?" She was still blank, "come on. You always called me fluff coyote because I was fat!"

"Wait. Sam? There's no way! He was easily six foot and four hundred. You're tiny!"

"I know, I know! Look, I don't know how to explain it. I'm not human anymore and I've been through a lot because of it."

"Well you're looking awful pale. What, couldn't find a coyote suit? And what the fuck is that anyways? I've never seen that before."

"Sorry, I didn't get the coyote variety alien. I don't even know what I am! This has all turned into one big mess."

"Yeah well you've always been a mess. At least now you're a hot mess!"

"Oh har dee har har! Yuck it up snek girl."

"No, really. I'd do you! Well, if you still had a sausage between your legs."

Sam stuck his tongue out, "nope, I am now of the fish variety. No more meat stick."

"Awwww, bummer! You had a nice one before too."

"Yeah, I do miss it. The new equipment is so insanely sensitive too. Almost passed out just trying to clean it in the shower! I can't even imagine trying to do anything sexual with it after that. Even with those fantasies I'd told you about."

"Those were some sexy fantasies too. Now that you can live them out you're apparently too scared to try! Some big strong guy you are."

"Shush! I'm still strong. Just not so big anymore."

"Oh please, you look like you weigh 70 pounds soaking wet. I bet you couldn't even lift this plush without breaking a sweat!"

"Well I did rip the arm off of a cyborg two days ago. Then knocked him out with his own arm... I'm pretty sure I could pick you up if you let me."

"Yeah no! Not letting you try! Even if you could, not something I'd enjoy!"

"Figured. Anyways, I need to see if I can find Lacy. My friend who lives up here. She has my stuff and I would like to have some clothes. At least I hope she has it here with her."

Sparkle waved him off and he headed out into the convention to see if he could find his friend. She may or may not recognize him in his current state seeing as how most of the current changes happened after he ran off. She would probably at least understand that it was him once he walked up to her. But where would she be? He could always try her hotel room since they were supposed to be staying there together. His best bet was to start there at least, then search the con.

Sam headed up a few floors and looked for their room, "412, 414, 416, ah, 418! I hope she's in."

He knocked a few times, loud enough that Lacy should have heard it, and listened through the door. His mood perked a bit when he heard shuffling and a groan that sounded like Lacy in the morning. She really wasn't a morning person.

The door creaked open with the chain still attached, "helloooooo?"

"Hey Lacy. It's me, Sam! Did I wake you up?"

"Sam?" Lacy seemed to wake up a bit more at that and opened the door all the way, "holy shit you changed! And they didn't catch you either! I've never heard of anyone getting away from them!"

"Me either, actually. Everyone either gets picked up by the FBI or Purity. Thankfully neither has caught up to me yet. Okay, I need to know, did you bring my stuff with you? I really want my wallet at least."

"Yep! Hauled all of your stuff up here to the room. I figured if you didn't come for it, then I could go through your stuff and see what fits me."

"Yeah probably nothing, actually. I'm way smaller than you. Most of my clothes are medium in juniors."

"Well damn. Alright, well come on in. I'm sure you want to go through your stuff. Maybe put on a clean bra."

"Ugh. devices of bondage. I'd rather go braless for now. They're really uncomfortable and chafe on my sides."

"Eh, you get used to it. You haven't had the past 20 years to get used to them like the rest of us have. Then again, they probably rub your fur all sorts of weird ways too, don't they?"

"Oh god do they. Not like I have anything I need to worry about jiggling or anything either. Damn mosquito bites. Oh, yay! My headphones! I wonder if they'll still fit."

"What, thought I'd go through your stuff without knowing if you were still around or not? I figured you'd show up here if they didn't catch you. One actually tried to run after you but stopped and waited for the car once they saw how fast you took off. That was impressive by the way! Holy shit you'd set new records for land speed."

Sam tried the headphones in his ears, twisting and prodding them to see if they'd fit in his new canals, "damnit. I can't get them in. Well so much for that idea. You want them, Lacy? No point keeping what I can't use any more."

"Why don't you keep them. You may be able to hook them up to your ears another way later. You're usually pretty resourceful."

"Alright. How am I going to commission a 3D printer to make something though is beyond me. Unless you know one at this con who brought their printer?"

"I don't know anyone, but I'm sure there is one around. Just need to ask."

"Alright. Well you seem awake enough to leave the room now. Want to browse for a while?"

"Sure! You can tell me what you've been up to since I last saw you."

Lacy got dressed and they headed out into the convention. Sam was trying to not move his tail or wings too much since that would be a dead giveaway but anyone paying attention would see the animation in her facial features and ears. Sam noticed a few stares and heard some comments about the realism in his looks but no one approached him. Whether they were out of fear or something else, Sam didn't know.

After a quick lunch, they went to go stand in the line for the fursuit photos. While they both knew it wasn't a suit, that didn't mean he wasn't going to get his photo taken. Plus he could introduce Lacy to Kyle so she could see who had been taking care of him since he ran off. Since it was first day, there wasn't too many people in the line. Most of them had their heads off to keep cool while waiting to get photos done. Sam didn't really pay much attention to those in line, all except for one who was a little ways in front of him. It was a small mouse. They were only 4 feet tall and Sam wanted to go over and talk to them. He didn't want to lose his place in line, particularly since some people became cranky when you stepped out of line and tried to get back in where you once were. It was better to not risk it.

Sam finally stepped into the room to get photos and Kyle was excited to see him but took a double take at Lacy being there.

Lacy saw him as well and smiled, "oooh! It was THIS Kyle that you found! Figures he'd take you to his place. He has a huge alien fetish. He's always wanted to be abducted and probed."

"Oh, ew Lacy! Did not need to know that about they guy i stayed with for two nights. And I was unconscious for a chunk of that as well!"

Kyle blushed beet red, "n-nothing happened! Sam isn't even a real alien. Plus he doesn't have a ship to abduct me with or anything. Besides, why did you have to go and bring that up? Rude!"

They all had a good laugh but Sam stepped over to get some photos done. Kyle happily obliged and had Sam getting into all sorts of poses for fun. Attack poses, innocent poses, sexual predator poses, you name it. They had taken easily 30 photos when Kyle realized he was taking too much time.

"Alright, while that was amazingly fun, I do have a line to attend to for the next few more hours. Shoo, shoo! I need to work now."

Sam and Lacy were smiling as they stepped out of the room and meandered off. Sam made sure to grill her over how they knew each other and apparently Kyle had been the photographer at Lacy's wedding a year ago. It seemed they had gotten to know each other quite well in that period of time. Sam had seen those photos and was impressed that such a nerdy kid had done such a fantastic job on her photo shoot. It also made sense how he had so much money while working at taco bell.

Sam stopped to laugh at a comment that Lacy made but shrieked, leaping into the air at a sharp pain in his wing, "ah hah! I knew you weren't human!"

Sam cradled her wing, glaring at the person who had been behind him. He pulled his hand away to see a pale orange color on his hand and noticed it was dripping where the feather that the guy was holding came from, "huh, my blood is orange now. What the fuck is your problem?!"

"Alien! This proves it!"

The guy looked super proud of himself but Sam was having none of it, "if you wanted to know if i was an alien then why didn't you ask? I would have said so! Now im pissed, bleeding, and in a lot of pain!"

The guy could see the rage in Sams eyes and no longer felt so sure of himself. He was also drawing a crowd and security was walking over, "what is the problem here?"

"Nothing, sir. Just a misunderstanding is all."

Sam was still pissed, "misunderstanding my ass! He ripped one of my feathers out!"

The guard looked at the guy holding the feather and scowled, "why did you do that? That is destruction of personal property and can get you kicked out."

"It wasn't destruction of property! She isn't wearing a suit! She's an alien!"

The guard looked to Sam with his eyes wide and brows raised in surprise. Sam just showed him the missing spot in his wing with orange dripping from it, "guess what, now it's assault and you can go to jail for it."

"That would never hold up in court! You aren't human!"

Sam just stared at him, "really? You're going to use that as your defense? You aren't even going to deny what you did? You realize the con can still kick you out without going to court right?"

The guard didn't want this escalating any further than it had already and stepped in, "alright, no one is going to court. No one is getting kicked out. This is a minor situation. Ma'am, if he interacts with you any more while here then we will deal with it more seriously. Aside from missing a feather you are fine."

"Fine?? I was bleeding! That orange fluid was my damn blood! No, if i see him again I'm ripping half of his hair out and asking how he feels about it! This is fucking bullshit. The next prick who fucks with me is finding out what a brown belt can do with my strength!"

"Ma'am, I do--"

"And don't you ma'am me! First off, I'm a guy. Second, I am leaving! So fuck off! And you should know better than to assume someone's gender at a fur con!"

Sam stormed off and through the crowd that had formed around them. The people who had been standing in the direction that Sam was walking moved away quickly to let him pass and Lacy hurried to catch up with him, "you alright, Sam? That looked like a lot of blood that came out when he yanked your feather. The orange was blood right?"

"Yeah that was blood." Sam pulled his wing over now that they had walked away and pulled the feathers away from where the yanked one was. The wound had already healed and a new feather was starting to grow out. This made Sam happy knowing that he healed fast. He didn't know if a half feather would heal like a missing feather since they weren't technically alive, but it was a thought.

"Is that a feather growing in the spot already?" Sam nodded to Lacy, "wow. That is some impressive healing! I wonder how fast you could regenerate a limb?"

Sam jerked up from looking at his wing and stared at Lacy, "I really hope I don't have to find out! Losing a feather hurt enough!"

"Well it was just hypothetical. Hell, your changes happened fast enough. You could probably heal just about anything in a matter of hours."

"I'll keep that in mind should I ever go before a firing squad. Maybe I'll heal like Logan."

"Come on! I hear they have a hot dog eating contest! Someone brought it over and they're staging it in the zoo!"

He paused for a second before realising how hungry he was and quickly followed after Lacy. This could be an opportunity for a cheap meal if he could sign up for it. He didn't think he could win, but cheap food was cheap food.

When they arrived, there seemed to be a crowd but they were both too short to see what was going on. They weaved their way through the crowd off to a side area and saw the table set up with five people and six plates stacked high with hotdogs. People were milling about but it seemed no one would take that sixth spot.

"Come on people! We just need one more contestant! Who thinks they have what it takes?"

The contestants were all large individuals who looked like they could put away quite a few hotdogs but Sam was not deterred, "I'll take that last spot!"

"Alright! Last spot is taken! Come on up here!" The announcer whispered to Sam when he got up to take his spot, "hey, you may want to take off the head. This can get messy."

Sam winced a little but got sheepish, "I can't."

"Oh. Well it's not my fault if it gets ruined." He stepped away from the table to better watch the contestants, "Alright, on the count of three you will have two minutes to eat as many as you can! Ready? One... Two... THREE!"

Sam didn't even look at the other contestants. He popped the first one in his mouth and realized he could fit half in without a problem, biting down and chewing quickly before popping in the other half. He tried swallowing after only a few chews and realized it went down easily enough even only partially broken up. This got him eating much faster and before he knew it there was only a couple left on the plate. That was when the announcer called time and everyone sat back. Sam looked over and saw everyone else still had half of their piles and were sweating. Sam just shrugged to himself.

"Can I eat these last few?"

"Ummmm. Yeah! Yeah, sure. Ummm, we already got final tally."

"Thanks!" Sam hopped up, grabbing the last few hotdogs and walked away from the stage. A lot of people were staring at him but he didn't care. Even if they disqualified him from the competition for not being human, it was still cheap food!

"Holy crap, Sam! You ate 40 hotdogs! You got 37 down in 2 minutes!"

"Is that how many I ate? Wow. I'm not surprised after how much I've been eating lately but that is a lot. I wonder how I'd do on the actual eating competition. That's 10 minutes."

"I'd be afraid to know. That was too many. I can only eat about five before I feel sick!"

"It happens. Hey, want to go up to the skywalk?"

"Uh, sure! Any particular reason?"

"Nah. Just want to walk around and I like the view. Let's go!"

When they got up to the skywalk, Sam danced around under the glass to some music he could hear. They were close to the dance hall from up here. There were only a few people up here so Sam let loose a bit and let his wings move around while he danced. It wasn't something he did much when heavy but this lithe and strong body could do a lot he couldn't before. He stopped dancing around when he heard Lacy giggle and he felt a bit sheepish. She had a big smile on her face though. He stepped over and leaned against the window and set his head on the glass.

Lacy walked up to him but Sam's expression changed suddenly. Something looked to be bothering him. He looked out the window and down into the crowds with a frown on his face. Lacy followed his gaze but could not see much at this distance.

"They're here. Those fuckers forced their way in here!"

Lacy looked at Sam confused, "who is here? What has you so agitated?"

"HW Purity is here. Probably looking for me. God damnit! I knew it wouldn't last long. Someone must have mentioned I was here. Fuck! I need to get my stuff from the room and jet! I'm sorry Lacy! I'll see you another time!"

Sam didn't even wait for a reply. He started running in the direction of the attached hotel. He needed to get his stuff and escape before he was caught. Honestly he didn't think they could catch him but why take the risk. Spring boarding off walls made the trip to his room very short. Thankfully he really only had the one bag so he quickly stuffed everything back in the bag, sealed it up, and took off running for the staircase. The fastest way out was going to be by air so he was thankful he got the hang of it a bit that morning on Kyle's motorcycle.

The stairs were easy to find and Sam took them all the way to the roof. He burst out the door and took stock of his surroundings. Nothing was in the sky and the rooftops were clear. It was as good a time as any to try to fly off. He ran to the edge of the roof and leapt into the air, spreading his wings once he was clear of the roof. It took a few flaps but he worked up a rhythm that propelled him up and forward. He also picked up speed, slowing down his flapping once he found himself soaring through the sky. He looked back at the convention center and wished he could stay. He really wanted to, but it was too dangerous. He also realized he didn't have that agents phone number so he couldn't give him a call. Oh well, maybe he'll make the best of this situation and travel a bit. The FBI would probably catch up with him eventually.
