A Shocking Spectacle, part two

Story by tobias2287 on SoFurry

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#4 of Thunderlord

And here's part two! No more lonely self-indulgence, now I finally get to enjoy some exceptional company in the form of Plaisir's General Supervisor, Firenze. I'll be walking funny for a month after this, at least. Worth it though.

As always, Plaisir isn't mine - it's run by the infamous Dark Violet, who also happens to be Plaisir's patron deity. Yeah, weird shit happens here sometimes. Enjoy people!

As I came down from my self-induced afterglow I heard an angry voice from across the room "I hope ye plan on cleanin' that mess up, you two!"

I looked up and saw the typhlosion glaring at October and Chai, while the latter two just chuckled, as if such public displays of carnality were an everyday occurrence. Around here, I reasoned, they probably were.

Chai was the first to speak, despite having just had his ass pummeled by an antagonized ninetales. "We'll get it, Jack... Just... give us a few..."

The typhlosion, Jack, grunted and went back to wiping glasses as October gave a few experimental tugs. I just chuckled and shook my head at their antics. "Is this what you'd call a typical day around here?"

October's voice was tense and interspersed with grunts as he tried, vainly, to remove his knot from Chai's well-used hole. "Sort of. Rrraf... Some mornings we go without fucking Chai - rrr - then there are days like today... almost there... where he needs to be - Chai, stop clenching! - taught his place."

Chai yelped in discomfort as October managed to yank his still-mostly-swollen knot out of his ass, then limped as he went back to cleaning. October cleaned up the mess they'd made with a rag he pulled out of a pouch at his side, both the removal and cleaning performed with a tail. I was impressed with his caudal dexterity, and I picked up our conversation where it had left off prior to Chai's 'punishment'. "Definitely a good start to my stay, then. Besides avoiding Rain Flower, is there anything else I should know?"

October gave a toothy grin, acting as though he'd put on the performance just for that purpose, then simply said; "Yes." He was still panting slightly as he went around making sure everything was neat and tidy on the tables, whilst Chai swept the floor clear of overnight debris and organized the chairs around the tables with a slight limp. "Avoid a zoroark named Ravage unless you're into hardcore bondage, and if you see an overweight glaceon with glasses, she's absolutely not interested in anything you might want to do to or with her."

I nodded, having been sufficiently impressed by the seriousness of his warnings. I couldn't help but notice how quickly Chai's limp had recovered; it was impressive how well he took such a rough pounding. "Uh huh. About the only thing I'd want to do with her is run away very quickly, but I appreciate the warning about Ravage. What about you though? Anything I should know?"

He paused and gave me a toothy, vulpine grin as he shook his scruffy head. "Me, no, nothing at all. I just clean the place."

I gave him a cocked eyebrow but shrugged and didn't press it, instead opting to go find my room for my stay here. "If you say so."

I left, following the directions Mariane had given me, and made a mental note to find October later on in my stay and have some quality time with him, and possibly Chai as well. I had the distinct impression they were the fun ones here, moreso than sex was concerned. Once in my room, the one deepest into the southeast corner of the middle floor, I set my bag down beside the bed and wondered where to find some excitement during the early morning hours, but instead just ended up wandering the café, seeing what facilities were available.

There was a nightclub in the basement, the main club on the ground floor not far from the bar, several balconies on the middle and upper floors overlooking an enclosed garden (that was immaculately tended), and an expansive massage area in the northwest corner of the right side of the middle floor. There was a hot tub too, but I figured I'd stay away from that. Again, electric types have to be careful. There were also a couple of game rooms, and as I went to enter them I ran into a jolteon slightly smaller than me, fortunately not literally though; it could have badly shocked us.

"Oh hey sugar, you're a new face. Customer I'm guessin'?"

Her cheery attitude and deep-south accent instantly made me feel at ease around her, and my appalachian twang slipped out. "Yep. Full ten days in the fourth circle o' hell. Name's Bolt. Yours?"

I offered a paw and she accepted, our electricity mingling as we shook. "Neon. Had a day off so I figured I'd check out the game room. I like what they have in here, too."

"Somethin' told me you were a gamer. Anything worth playin' in there?"

"Depends what you like." There was a definite flirtatious tone to her voice, and the way she exposed herself none too subtly as she turned to head back inside confirmed my suspicions.

"You comin', hun?" She stopped and looked back at me and I grinned.

"Yeah, definitely." Mentally I added 'And with a little luck, you will be too, babe.'

I followed Neon into the game room and practically drooled at the sight of the classic arcade machines inside. There were two or three of the more popular arcade classics, a pair of pinball machines, and a pool table in the back of the room. They had cards and a couple portable gambling games in back of the pool table, but my eyes were only for the real games.

I booked it straight to a pinball machine and sunk a quarter in to get that little ball; then I pulled the plunger and let her fly. Ping, ping, ping ping-ping-ping went the ball, bouncing off every obstacle, shooting up the ramp and through the spinners, my paddles flipping it away from the pit for what felt like hours, the world around me fading away as I fell under the spell of the bright steel ball and the flashing lights. I only stopped when the ball went on a direct shot straight into the hole, and when I looked up at my score I saw nine numbers: 432,667,955 points.

"Damn Bolt. I've never seen anyone that good at pinball." I turned and saw Neon behind me, her eyes wide and mouth angled in an impressed grin.

I grinned at her, a self-assured grin born of years playing pinball with, and against, an old friend. "What can I say? I get into a game like this."

"I'll say. And while he's on my mind, ya might wanna avoid a red ninetales that roams the place. Goes by October, and 'e likes ta play rough."

I laughed, knowing full well who she was talking about. "I've met him, and his pet umbreon, Chai if I recall."

Neon snorted, suppressing a laugh badly. "Heh, callin' Chai October's pet is a good way to get your ass fucked senseless. But if that's your thing, they'll happily indulge ya."

I nodded, already planning to hire them for some fun later in my stay. "I'll keep that in mind. What about you? You said it's yer day off, but I can't help findin' ya pretty sexy."

"Same, but with it bein' my day off I've got plans with a friend. Another time?"

I was disappointed, but the possibility of it kept my spirits up. "Sure. Have fun, Neon."

She thanked me and walked away, and I whiled away a couple of hours playing various games and setting an even better score on the first pinball machine I'd played. By the time I finally got too bored to play any more games, it was close to midday.

I wandered out of the arcade, absentmindedly thinking about lunch when I ran face first into a big, fluffy chest. I backed up a couple of steps and apologized immediately. "My bad, I should've been paying attention. You okay?"

I looked up at who I'd bumped into and saw a massive ninetales in front of me, appearing as the very definition of male beauty and taking my breath for a couple seconds. "I'm quite alright, and it was my fault dear customer. I should really have been paying attention to my path."

I smiled and shook my head, not willing to let him take all the blame. "Split the difference, then. We both shoulda paid attention."

He dipped his head in acceptance and replied gracefully, introducing himself as Firenze. "Are you enjoying your stay so far?"

I nodded, thinking back to October and Chai in the bar earlier. Of course, this only had me thinking very dirty thoughts about the magnificent ninetales in front of me, and how to make them a reality. "So far, but this is only day one of ten here. I'm Bolt, before my manners escape me again. Bolt Tanner."

"Well Bolt, you certainly have quite a stay ahead of you." Then, as if he could sense my dirty thoughts, he looked down at me with just the slightest hint of a vulpine smirk playing across his muzzle. "I'm curious, how do you feel about ninetales?"

Don't ask me why, but I had the sudden feeling I could tell him the deep, honest truth about my thoughts on Ninetales. "I've always had a certain... admiration for you, truthfully. A bit o' jealousy too; elegance and composure come so easily to ya and here I am still soundin' like a backwoods hick." I shook my head, whipping the bad thoughts out of my head like water from my fur. "Don't matter though. Thoughts won't change anything."

He looked me over, and this time there was far more than just a hint of that vulpine, almost predatory smirk on his muzzle as he made an offer I simply couldn't refuse. "Perhaps they will. What would you say to spending some time with me?"

My heart jumped, not in the least for him being a ninetales or so much bigger than me, but simply for a chance to lay with someone so... regal? Imposing? Elegant? I couldn't think of the right word, but it didn't matter. I had the right answer.

"Absolutely. Just take it easy at first, okay? I haven't had much practice."

He grinned and gestured down the hall, leading me to a tastefully ornate bedroom that seemed to double as an office. "So, how do you want this?"

I looked around the room and motioned towards his bed. "Mind if I have a taste first?"

"Not at all." Firenze stepped up onto the bed and rolled onto his side, splaying his legs and tails to put his plump sheath and deliciously large balls on display for me. I licked my lips and hopped up onto the bed with him, settling into his crotch face-first and getting a deep whiff of his masculine, dominant scent. As my own sheath swelled under me I gave his a gentle lick, the tip of my tongue digging into the opening of his sheath to tease at his still-hidden tip.

His quiet moan was as arousing to me as his shaft swelling straight into my maw, and the taste... Oh that heavy, musky, definitively male taste drove me utterly wild as I set to work pleasing the glorious creature lying next to me. I ignored my shaft growing quickly under me in favor of the one in my muzzle, suckling gently as I stroked at the part still hidden in his sheath to try and coax out the rest and truly please him.

Oh how I savored his taste, his heat, his thickness filling my maw, but moreso I savored his quiet panting as I tended my temporary god, the idol of my worship. I had little practice tending a male, but what little I had I put to its fullest use upon the spire within me, my lips sliding over its heavy length as my tongue danced across it, imparting twinges of my own electricity as a gift to this, the king of this sexual pantheon. Finally, as though in acknowledgement of my worship, the true breadth of my task revealed itself as Firenze's sheath slid back to reveal his fully-swollen knot.

It was immense, truly the weapon of a lustful god such as this and far more than I could reasonably handle. And yet, I couldn't help but try, I had to bring this divine creature all the pleasure my body could offer. But just as I was about to start pushing myself deeper, I felt a weight on my back. "Don't. I don't want you hurting yourself over something so trivial."

Trivial? My heart sank at his words, as if he considered this no better than the work of the cheapest whore, but then a different meaning occured to me - he wanted to go further. With that in mind I savored his flesh for a few more moments, long enough for him to begin throbbing in my maw and feeding me a delicious stream of pre, then pulled off and turned around, pressing tightly to him. I grinned as he looked down at me quizzically, grinding against his tip ever so gently as I spoke. "Ready to go further?"

He said nothing, merely slipping into a vulpine, self-assured grin as his strong, heated paws pressed me tightly to his belly and his hips pressed that massive spire of male flesh hard against my pucker. I grunted as the tip spread me just before the head proper spread me wide, the true meat of his shaft following slowly, gently spreading me wide as his immense heat soothed me and helped me feel nought but a pleasured stretch. Deeper he forced himself, slowly but relentlessly spreading my walls and shaping me to his throbbing shaft before drawing back quickly and sliding just as deep and deeper still, molding me more and more forcefully to his shape and size as I panted and moaned in heated, lust-fuelled ecstasy.

My moans were suddenly interrupted as a soft, furred grip embraced my own forgotten cock, one of his tails giving my generously sized maleness the attention I'd denied it in his favor. I looked up to see a gentle yet devious smirk as his hips pushed his breeding tool yet deeper into me. "It's only fair for you to enjoy this as well, Bolt."

His acknowledgement of me, even more than his shaft in my body or his tail on my own shaft, brought me to new heights of pleasure. This powerful creature, this god of lust and blazing passion had acknowledged me as worthy of his attentions, and my throbbing cock began spitting pre into his tail's grip just as his own was near-constantly doing within my clenching hole. My moans were growing longer and deeper as he dug deeper into me, and soon I felt his knot pressing tightly to my stretched hole as my own throbbed painfully in near-orgasm, and with a great effort he drove his thick, throbbing knot into my and held me tightly to his sheath as we came together.

His swelling knot crushed hard against my gland as he came with a vulpine howl, the searing liquid heat filling me so rapidly driving me past my own peak as well, my shaft gushing cum into his beautiful golden fur, matting it down with static-filled jolteon seed in an explosive climax. We lay there panting for a while, my shaft drooling the last dregs of my lust into his fur as his shaft languidly filled me with ever more of his passion, and I wriggled in close to him, savoring his heat both within and without.