A Dragon Heart

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#1 of Dragon Heart 2

A Dragon Heart Chapter One: A Night to Remember He thought he was weird because of what he...

A Dragon Heart Chapter One:

A Night to Remember He thought he was weird because of what he believed in, he was teased for what he believed in, beat to a plumb by others for what he believed. What he believed in; was dragons. Brandon Casey was almost a seventeen year old teen; he wore a black tee-shirt with the matching pants and shoes. His hair was somewhat spiky brown with its tips yellow. His green eyes shot glares at anyone that pointed at him and laughed the laughter stopped right when he stared them down in the face. He sighed as he turned away to see a young couple holding hands and kissing, why couldn't he get that? Oh yeah, he was conceder a freak. He made his way into a old forest were no one went to anymore, draping his backpack he opened his favorite book about dragon and sat on a rock; opening the book. He was so busy reading that he didn't hear the soft snap of a twig. After the second twig snap, did he think of looking up.

"Hello?" he called out putting his book down, "Anyone out there?" no answer. He shrugged and returned to his book; only to find a wolf staring right in his face. He didn't move, didn't breath; but the wolf edge closer and closer to him. Brandon was able to tell his feet to move backwards, away from the wolf that growled at him at his sudden move. He stood still again as the wolf crutch getting ready to pounce; when he heard an ear splitting roar. Both the wolf and Brandon turned their head to the sky as a green blur landed between the two, Brandon was left both horrified and amazed, because standing before him, was a green dragon. The dragon was many time his own size, maybe close to ten or fifteen feet tall from the head to the ground, its eyes were also green. Two horns above its head were pushed back into a small curve; its back was bare with spicks as well as the tail. Its claws were a bright white that turn inward toward the ground; and its wing, pushed outward to ether side of it body in a protected stance.

"Leave wolf!" Brandon couldn't believe it, it spoke; the dragon just spoke! "Or you will be my next meal!" the dragon sounded female to the small human as the wolf began to back away, but growled one last time before fleeing into the forest. The dragon folded her green wings and turned her head to look at Brandon. He just stood there with his mouth hung open as the dragon neared him, "Are you alright?" she glanced over his body, he could have shorn he saw her smile at him. "You're not hurt...are you?" Brandon shook his head.

"No fair dragon," answered Brandon looking into her green eyes, "I am fine because of you!" the dragon smiled.

"I am glad, I didn't want you to get hurt." Brandon seemed confused again.

"Why?" he asked, 'I mean, we haven't even seen each other before." The dragon laughed softly at the human in front of her.

"Oh, you haven't seen me, but I have seen you; many time in fact." Brandon took a small step back.

"You have?"

"Oh yes, I have seen you read that book many times," she moved a little closer to him, "I have never meant a human that was so transfixed on dragons like you have." She brought her head down to his level, "May I ask, what is your name?" The human wanted to give her a fake name, but her eyes; they begged him to speak the truth.

"It's, Brandon." The dragon smiled.

"A fine name, you may call me, Saira." Brandon smiled.

"Nice to meet you then Saira." The green dragon smiled at Brandon as she looked up.

"It's getting dark soon," she answered looking back to him, "I should take you to your human home." Brandon looked away.

"I have no home. I've been on my own for some time now." Saira seemed sadden by this event that had been founded on Brandon, she though for a moment before she smiled.

"Would you like to live with me?" Brandon looked up at her.

"Really, I mean; why?" Saira smiled as she brought her jaw to his shirt, picking him up and placing him on her shoulders.

"Living alone can be such a pain." She answered, "And since you have nowhere to go, I want you to stay with me!" Brandon was speechless, he always dreamed of dragons since he was old enough to read books on his own, and now; one was offering him a place to stay.

"Thank you Saira," he answered patting her shoulder, "I would love to live with you, but um." He looked down at his clothes, "I'm going to maybe need more clothes sooner or later." Saira laughed.

"I have many things at my cave that will." She brought her body mass to the ground, and then almost jumping in the air, Brandon had to wrap his arms around her neck from fear of being thrown off. Saira laughed as she gain height and began to fly at a steady, "Don't worry Brandon, if you fall I stall catch you!" Brandon just held on for dear life as the dragon laughed all the way to her cave.

Brandon laid on the feather fill bed Saira had made for him, already it had been a full hours since he saw her, and he couldn't sleep. Saira had told him to find sleep, and that she had more pressing matter to see to. Brandon didn't understand what she meant, but decided that it was nothing of his censure. He started to fall asleep when he heard a soft cry. Standing up he listened; he heard it again, then again. Following the sounds he found that it was be hide a boulder that hid the way inside Saira room. Peeking over he almost gasped. Saira laid on her back, her legs spread far apart with her tail between her legs. Her eyes were closed as she cried out ever time the tail thrust back into her love hole. Brandon groaned as he felt his penis grow hard and stiff from watching. Pulling down his and pulling his shirt over his head he began to rub his member; watching the dragon enjoy herself.

"Oh Brandon!" Brandon stopped as he turned his head back to her, she was thrusting deeper now; her mouth hung open, "Brandon! Ohhh, your so good to me!" she brought her claws around her tail and pulled it in even more, "Oh fuck, oh fuck me now!" she was dreaming about Brandon fucking her out, and the human knew this, "I want you Brandon!" she gave one last shove as she pushed the tail in as much as she could, cumming with her great dragon juices. Brandon also began to rub himself even harder as he too came over the boulder in front of him. Closing his eyes he imagined what it would be like to be with her, laying on the ground be began to breathe hard, trying to see straight. "I see you liked my show?" he shot his eyes open as he saw Saira stood over him, eyeing his dick with thirst. "Did you come for me?" she asked him laying beside him looking into his eye, "Because I came for you!" she lifted her leg to show Brandon her still dripping sex, Brandon began to drool, he never did she a woman pussy before, and now seeing one, a dragon one; gave him a hard one fast. Saira lean him closer to her; moving his head just over her crotch. "Lick me!" Brandon looked over at her to see her looking back at him, "Lick me now, pleases!" Brandon didn't know what to do, being his first time, but he listened to the dragon and gave a long wet lick from the bottom to the top. She shivered in delight as he did the same thing, only backward. "Ohh, Brandon!" Brandon smiled as he kept up his attack on her pussy, "Yes, like that, ohhh, lick me out Brandon!" she flipped over onto her back as she held him with her tail, keeping him inside of her. "Oh fuck, I'm close, I'm so fucking close!" she held his head down into her pussy as her juices, he lapped her lips as he felt her squirm underneath him. She let out an earsplitting roar as her lib clamped down on his tongue; her juices covering his face. He began to drink as much of her cum as he could, only moving away to breath; then diving right back in. after about one minuet, she began to die down; breathing like she just flew around the world. Brandon sat on her tail as she lifted him up to her head, licking his cheek. "Brandon," she gasped smiling, "I have never been with a male before, and I want you to be my first." She smiled at Brandon as he nodded his head, "Now since you helped me," she pushed him to the floor causing him o cry out in pain, "I stall help you."

Bringer her teeth down to his pants she ripped them off, with his boxers; showing his raging dick pointing straight up, she. She did the same with his shirt until he was now naked, bringer her head back down; she gave him a long lick from the base. Groaning with bliss, Brandon bucked his hips a bit. "Saira!" she smiled over his cock as she brought it in his mouth as well as his ball,

"Oh god! Don't stop that! Don't you dare!" she didn't need to be told this at all, purring softly she increased her speed, licking his dick over and over again. Brandon began to sweet as he bucked his hips back into her, "Saira I'm going to... Ohhhh!!" he came hard into her waiting mouth, but since he was so small he only gave her six load of rope into her mouth. She gave him one last lick as she curled around him; purring.

"Did you like that?" Brandon nodded,

"Yes," he answered, "I won't forget this at all!" he was about to fall asleep when she shook him,

"Oh we're not done yet!" moving over him, she hovered her love hole over his love meat. "Mate me Brandon!" she almost wailed, "Now I need your human cock inside of me!" Brandon nodded at her,

"I will mate with you, I want you too, please don't hold back on me!" she smiled as she lowered herself onto him, already she was at his hips; groaning in her deep bliss.

"Hrmm, so good." She lifted her self up and slammed back down, but soft enough not to hurt her human lover. Brandon held his eyes closed as she ridded him like a man on a horse.

"Faster!" he cried, "I want to cum again!" she obeyed his wishes as she speed up, the sound of skin hitting skin echoed though the cave as the two made hard loving sex to each other. Brandon was now drench in his sweet as Saira tongue hung in front of her, leaning down she gave him a wet lick on the chest still riding him.

"Hrmm, oh god, I'm close again Brandon!" he was close to, he could feel the feeling inside of him raise, he started to thrust up into her, gripping his hands on her large legs; only getting so much around his grip. Opening his eyes, he saw Saira looking down at him with her tongue still out. She gave him a wicked smiled while she rode him, leaning down her head, opening her jaws and brought her lips to his. The both moaned into each other mouths as their tongues danced around each other. Saira broke the kiss as she stood back over him, moving even faster then before. "Brandon, I can't hold on!" she was breathing hard; already Brandon could see her cum dripping out. Holding her tighter he cried out as well.

"Let it out! I'm cumming too!" after a few more thrust they both brought their heads up, Brandon moaning; Saira roaring. She fell to the side, with Brandon in her arms as she did. He was fast asleep in her arms as she curled around him.

"Sleep well," she cooed licking his cheek, "My mate."