Sweet Treats

Story by Galaxin on SoFurry

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Halloween story that I wrote last year about a micro ending up in a polar bear's snack... poor him.

"What are they doing out there?"

"I don't know... it looks like he's pouring that stuff into a bowl again."

Lucas and Owen, a dog and tiger respectively, alternated between peeking from their hiding place by the stairs. The micros had been spending the night watching the giants who owned the house they resided in. They were certainly strange, but this day was even stranger. The younger ones (and the disgruntled teenager of the family) had all dressed up in strange costumes and left with empty pillowcases about an hour before. And since then, even more people in costumes came by just about every 5 minutes, shouted some strange... curse of some sort, and were rewarded by the owner of the house with a handful from their bowl.

"Does that mean he ran out?" Lucas asked, ears perked. "What even is that stuff anyway?"

"How should I know?" Owen retorted, shooting a glare at his slightly shorter canine friend. He quickly cowered and whimpered under his gaze. "It just looks like a bunch of noisy paper." Every time one of the things was touched, it made an astoundingly loud crinkling noise. Maybe it was a toy of some sort? Strange but plausible.

Turning back around, Owen brought his gaze back to the giant filling up the bowl. It seemed he had finished, the polar bear finally turning to leave and go back to the living room where his TV resided. However, the potbellied polar bear seemed to hesitate for a moment, before turning back to the bowl with a mischievous grin. And much to the micros' surprise, he pulled out one of the "papers," ripped open one of the sides, and dumped a huge pile of colorful rocks into his palm.

"So they're bags!" Lucas announced with surprise.

"I can see that!" Owen hissed. "And quiet down! He might hear you."

The bear began to walk away, shoving the now empty bag into his pocket as he tossed the "rocks" into his maw with a satisfied look on his face. As his huge paws stomped off, leaving a trail of earthquakes right past their position, the two micros stared up with wide eyes. It was a whole bowl full of food! Ripe for the taking!

"Owen... if we could get in there, we'd have enough food for a whole week!" Lucas exclaimed. He was already drooling at the thought, his tongue flopped halfway out of his mouth.

"Forget that!" Owen replied. "If we just kept taking stuff, they'd refill it, right? So if we do this right, we can get enough food for months!"

At that, Lucas' expression drooped a bit. His brow furrowed. "I dunno about that, Owen... I mean, what if we get caught in there? More giants could come ring the bell whenever."

Owen smirked, clapping a large hand on the dog's shoulder. "Hey, have I ever led you wrong before? We'll be just fine! Now, follow my lead!"

"Well, if you think it's safe," Lucas muttered. Owen was the smart one after all. He let that fact fly constantly.

Both micros peeked around the corner again, making sure that no one was coming. They'd likely feel the tremors the giants made long before seeing them, but it never hurt to be sure. Once the coast was clear, Owen started off by making a mad dash across the wall, keeping to the shadows as much as possible. His yellow stripes were incredibly easy to spot, so he had to be fast and sneaky. Lucas, while slower, was just about in the same danger with his bright red fur.

By the time Lucas caught up, Owen had already reached the towering table ahead of them. It stretched high into the sky, but thankfully, the giants had a lamp placed nearby. It was far easier to climb up the cords of their appliances than up the wooden legs of their tables and chairs. Once again, Owen started the quest, pulling himself up with a grunt and drawing himself upward with practiced movements.

Lucas was decidedly slower yet again. As he hoisted himself upward, he kept sneaking glances toward the door, as if more giant kids or teenagers would show up at any second. He wondered what they would do if that happened. They may have been small, approximately an inch compared to the giants, but they were wide out in the open here. Anything could happen.

However, they finally reached the surface of the table, both micros pulling themselves up with quite a bit of effort. Despite the practice, climbing a vertical surface was still difficult. They both had to take a moment to catch their breath, even as they stood right beneath the looming bowl of treats. It was adorned with various decorations common for this night, such as witches and bats. And pumpkins with strange faces stabbed into them as well. At least the discarded seeds were a welcome treat.

Owen stared up at the rim of the bowl with a confident grin, hands on his hips. "Alright, we made it!"

"But the food's still inside of it..." Lucas replied slowly. He was immediately shot a harsh glare.

"I know that! Which is why you're going to give me a lift so I don't have to climb up as much. Then I'll pass the food down to you, and you can bring it back to the hole."

Lucas brought a finger up to his chin, thinking hard. "Umm... wouldn't that mean I have to climb up and down, like, a bunch of times?"

Owen waved him off almost at once. "Yeah, yeah. But you're strong, you can handle it." Without even waiting for the dog to protest, he continued on. "Now hurry up and lift me up. We don't have all night!" Sighing, Lucas bent down to offer the tiger his paws, to stand on, which he quickly went along with. With a grunt, he pushed Owen upward, giving him a couple feet of air time before he latched onto the woven side of the bowl, his claws digging into the holes in the material. He was just glad they hadn't used a ceramic or glass bowl... though he had to wonder where the choice for a woven one came from.

Soon enough, he reached the lip, and slipped down into the sea of candy below. His landing rustled up the mass of cellophane wrappers, making a surprisingly loud crinkling noise. Both micros froze in terror as the noise echoed throughout the house. Both expected to hear the polar bear coming closer to investigate.

But judging by his laughter from the other room, he seemed to be engrossed in his TV show. Almost simultaneously, Owen and Lucas let out a sigh of relief. "Hurry up in there!" Lucas called out. "I don't want to get caught out here!"

"Shut your yap, pup," Owen replied sharply. "We won't get caught, why do I have to keep telling you that?" He turned his attention to the sea of treats before him. Colorful packaging surrounded him, along with an odd, sweet smell. It was intoxicating. Almost like the deserts they had managed to "borrow" over the past few months. Finally though, he spied a red package in the distance. The same sort of one the bear had opened earlier. It had the image of a rainbow on it, along with pictures of the food inside and what Owen assumed was the name of said food.

However, not willing to waste time, Owen set to tearing it open. With one quick swipe of his claws, he tore through the casing, and made himself an opening to tear the food from. After a bit of digging, he was able to pull out one of the red boulders from within. It was about half his size, but thankfully fairly light. He noted with a bit of amusement that it matched Lucas' fur color fairly well. He was pretty sure he could toss it up for Lucas to catch.

But before that...

Unable to help his curiosity, Owen brought it up to his face and took a large chomp. As soon as his teeth broke through the outer casing, his eyes went wide. An amazingly sweet taste filled his mouth, along with the taste of fruit. It was... so beautiful! "Oh my god..." The giants had this sort of treat at their disposal, and they didn't eat it 24/7?! They were truly fools...

"Lucas!" he called out ecstatically. "You have to try this food! It's amazing!" He took another large bite for good measure before lobbing it over the bowl's edge with a grunt. It soon clattered down on the table, thankfully quietly.

After a couple moments, Owen heard a cry of surprise from the dog. "Holy crap! This stuff is delicious! You gotta get all you can!"

"I'm doing that!" Owen smirked as he went to mining out more of these treats, tossing more of them out of the bowl over the next few minutes. 'Now who's the dumb one?' He thought to himself. This was going to be the best night ever! And they'd have enough delicious food to last months! This plan was foolproof!

But not quite giant-proof.


Owen's and Lucas' blood ran cold. The dull echo of the doorbell pounded through their small bodies and echoed through the house like an omen of doom. Immediately, they heard a grunt from the living room as the polar bear stood. And soon, the earthquake-like collisions of his paws against tile growing ever closer.

"Owen! Get out of there!" Lucas called up, panic rising in the dog's voice. He had already stooped to cowering among the pile of candy he'd amassed behind the bowl, hoping he'd be missed. Owen on the other hand had nowhere to run. The bear was fast approaching, and there was no time to escape. So he did the only thing he could think to do: dig.

He dove down beneath the candy, just as the owner appeared from behind the corner. Almost immediately, his large hands hooked beneath the bowl of treats, roughly lifting it and Owen into the air. He yelped as the candy around him shifted and turned, burying him even more. He realized with a start that he would be unable to free himself from the weight of all of the treats piled up on top of him. Not without outside help.

He just hoped that he was deep enough to not be noticed.

Soon enough, he heard the door open. And that blasted incantation from the people standing outside. However, this group sounded much older than the children who usually frequented the door. Teenagers or young adults perhaps. They were snickering as well. After a bit of grumbling from the bear, however, his meaty paws came digging down into the pile of treats and carried them out of sight. Owen could feel the weight above him decreasing with every second. it was a welcome feeling, but foretold a much worse fate.

Finally, large fingers dug deep, white fur surrounding Owen in a tight grip of sweets. He curled up in a ball, hoping to still not be found. But the alternative was being carried high, high up. And soon, dropped down into the awaiting pillowcase. He squeaked in fear as he fell, the trip feeling endless to him. He was released from his candy prison then, only to land on a much larger pile with a painful bounce.

As Owen rubbed his side, he looked up toward the opening of the pillowcase high above. The material was stuffed with sweets, but it still was a sheer cliff face of nearly 100 ft. to the little tiger. He paled at the thought of climbing it. But he had to escape. Lucas couldn't survive on his own! He had to be there to protect the little dork!

But before he could even sink his claws into the sides of the steep wall, all light was suddenly cut out. The bag closed. And soon enough, Owen was thrown to the ground as his new captor walked off.

Meanwhile, Lucas cowered in fear as his only hiding place was ripped away, along with his only friend. He stayed in a fetal position as the giant polar bear stomped off toward the door to greet the door to greet his fellow giants with candy. He could only hope that Owen wasn't spotted in there. Or that he'd gotten away. The latter was greatly preferred really. He didn't want the tiger getting hurt... Though he realized he was in just as much danger.

However, the time came when the bear returned. His shadow loomed over the dog like a terrifying obelisk. Lucas dared not look up, or even move, until the bear moved away or put the bowl down. However, that time never came.

"hhu, ohw ddi tseeh tge ehre?" his voice boomed. Lucas shivered.

Finally, he dared look up. But the moment he did so, he wished he hadn't. He was immediately faced with a wall of black and white, the padded hands of the polar bear rushing toward him level with the table. Lucas yelped, but was frozen in fear and shock. He was merely crowded in with the rest of the candy as the bear swept them all aside. He expected a fall to the floor, but instead landed on a surprisingly... soft surface. And not even that far down. He looked down and realized that he was on a rough, but soft surface. But after his relief faded, he realized...

He was on the bear's paw.

He looked up with wide eyes, seeing the underside of the polar bear's large chest and muzzle. He wasn't even granted a simple look down. With a jolt of terror, Lucas realized that it was because he must have looked like just another candy with his red fur and fetal position. This was a terrible place to be in.

He looked to the sides of the hand, but realized there was no escape. he either risked falling and being seen, or being seen in the giant's hand. He couldn't tell which was worse. But one thing was sure. He wasn't getting away from this.

Lucas looked nervously back upward. He could only stare up at the giant's chin and throat high above. He knew what happened to micros that got caught. They ended up either in a pair of boxers, or a stomach. There was no hope for him. He'd be seeing the other side of that throat soon enough.

The "ground" shook as the bear took a seat back on his sofa, his treats in hand. The mega-sized screen ahead depicted a "sitcom" Lucas had seen the man watching a lot. But he was more focused on the immense fingers coming down to him. Lucas yelped and fell back onto his butt as they pinched one of the candies surrounding him. He clapped his hands over his mouth in shock right after.

With wide eyes, he watched as the bear finally looked down. Icy blue eyes locked with his. They were wide with surprise at first, then narrowed along with a slight smile further down. "Yhw elhol, tletil ugy. Usegs taht lxspiaen wereh my kscsan epkt iasdirpapgen to."

Those unintelligible booming words rumbled through Lucas' surroundings like a thundercloud, shaking him to his core. He was shivering like a Chihuahua now, terrified of what was to come. He couldn't even force himself to move as those fingers came down once again, though this time to pinch him between them. Those rough pads gripped his midsection, squeezing the air from his lungs at once. He could feel every bump and ridge in the black pads as he was lifted skyward.

Finally, he was met with a gust of warm, sweet air. A sickly wet sound filled the air as a pink tongue escaped from the bear's mouth and licked across his lips. "Lwle it wsa radaely my ecath ady. Noe nca't utrh." With every word, Lucas got a glimpse into the drool-filled cavern ahead. The stink of digested candy and other food blasted him in the face each and every time. A grim reminder of where he'd be soon enough.

Lucas was not given much time to process this. Before he could even squeak in protest, that immense tongue returned and slurped over his front. His fur was coated in spittle in an instant, his face full of the stuff. At the same moment, the fingers released him, letting the sticky tongue drag him into that maw.

Lucas was soon awash in a sticky, wet cavern, tossed about every which way. The tongue kept him pinned against it, the huge muscle tasting him with quite a bit of enjoyment. The dog merely clenched his eyes shut and wished for the sickening ride to end.

Finally, the dreaded sound appeared.


Lucas was suddenly pressed into an even tighter space, constricted on all sides by powerful muscles. He was unable to do much more than wiggle, suddenly gripped by terror. However, there was nothing he could do. He was dragged deeper and deeper, unable to to resist the Polar Bear's most basic anatomy. And soon, he was pressed up against a tight sphincter, and dropped into a caustic pool of half-digested food and chewed candy.

He landed with a splash, kicking up waves of sludge and slime. By the time he was able to surface, he felt sickeningly goopy and gross. Everywhere he looked, he could only see the vague outlines of his new fleshy residence, pulsating and churning his new home up. With every second, more of the slime was tossed onto his person.

For nearly an hour, Lucas traveled the walls of the stomach, desperately trying to find a way out despite knowing it was a meaningless effort. He banged on the fleshy walls, clawed at them, tried to climb them even! But the polar bear outside barely even felt a tickle from the worst of it. And before Lucas even knew it, the digestive juices had taken their effect.

Lucas soon found it hard to move quite right, his movements sluggish and exhausted. He could no longer go any further. With a defeated sigh, he collapsed against the churning wall of his prison, chest deep in the warm fluid. With half-lidded eyes, he noted that his body was beginning to melt away, soon creating a pool of his self-made chyme within. He could only note that things weren't as painful as he thought it would be, and hope that Owen wasn't sharing the same fate as he faded away into unconsciousness.

On the outside, Richard the polar bear lazily took another sip of his beer, dousing the micro within with another wave of the bitter liquid. To think that he'd managed to happen upon one of the little squirts! It was his lucky day! The perfect treat to sweeten up this Halloween.

Feeling a bit of pressure, Richard pounded his chest, and let out a loud, rumbling belch. With a slight chuckle as he kneaded his gut, he noted that it tasted somewhat of the micro he'd swallowed. He hoped he could get another taste when the little thing reformed.