The Early Morning Rays

Story by Kaijou on SoFurry

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An introductory story for another hero that's been swimming about my head for a while.

Prism, wielder of light, capable of beams, barriers, illusions, and thus far, a manner of healing skills.

Usually more of a back-up heroine to assist in harsher fights, but certainly able to stand her ground in the face of opponents as well.

Also featured, are Reaper, the snow-leopard with a penchant for strength and mind-sapping, and Titanium, the nearly indestructible otter.

Titanium belongs to Forest-wolf

Prism and Reaper belong to me.

Yes, there's no sex, or vore in this one. What is wrong with me? ;A;

The Early Morning Rays. © Tsumi Moogle '14 Characters Themselves.

It could be a heartbreaking job, sometimes. Seeing the sick and injured in their most vulnerable and injured states, fresh off whatever harrowing incident had seen them into her care.

The latest stuck out in her mind: the poor young panther that had been among a car accident with his parents.. They had all survived, though it was still a messy afair, particularly the clean up, in her care. His parents were in recovery, and the young kitten needed mostly just a patch-up, though it left him panicked for not being able to see his parents.

Sitting on the bed, she had softly cupped the feline's cheek, a soft voice and steady, almost glowing gaze helped abate the fears and soothe the frantic creature. Iris smiling gently as the boy reclined back into his pillow.

'There you go, sweety. You'll be able to see them when they wake up. For now though, you should rest as well, you've had a big night..' the ferret whispered gently, leaning in to give a soft peck to the feline's forehead. The bleary jade eyes looked up to his doctor, the lights illuminating the brown locks framing the gentle face, almost seeming to glow gold at the edges. The snowy shade of her fur broken only by the moccha brown, found in the mask over her eyes and the gloves and socks over hands and feet, and the pink of her nose. Nodding gently, he eased himself down, lidding his eyes slowly with a faint sigh.

Standing gently, she smiled, subconsciously thumbing over a fine crystaline pendant as she regarded the dozing form.. At least until her beeper buzzed. Slipping it from her belt, she regarded the face of it a moment and stepped quickly from the room. Someone else needed her help..

What was it with Villains and warehouses? Was there some manner of Supervillain manifesto that necessitated the habbitual pilfering of them? Titanium couldn't be sure of the reason, but how many of these places had she busted up in the past year or so? She'd lost count, all things said. Not that she'd paid too much attention to it, rather more focused with keeping her wits about her as the minions swarmed. Maybe that was it, she considered as a double-palmed strike sent one of the minions skittling through a number more behind him. Vantage points. Harder to defend choke-points and all.

Something hit her over the back of the head. Frowning, the otter's goggled gaze turned back upon the rather empty gaze of the dark clad figure that had taken to her exposed back with a sturdy baton. Not that it had hurt, or had any sort of particular effect, of course. She grabbed the stick as it swung again, and wrenching it about, hurled the ocelot on the end of it into another group of his fellow enthralled comrades. Momentarily left with breathing room, the minions all able to take in the sturdy otter's form. Strong without breaking tradition of her slinky lineage, her rich pelt was held under the snug and intricate suit of red and silver. More the latter, broken with the silver in patches. She adjusted the almost loose belt draped about her waist, eyes flicking from vacant face to vacant face from beneath her thick and round-lensed goggles.

Her eyes caught sight of the hooded figure over the heads of those crowding her. The figure tall and modest in build. The snug ebon body-suit mostly hidden in a granite-shaded cloak, save a gauntlet-clad hand that rolled a pair of seemingly innocent glass orbs between his bare fingers casually. A gleaming gaze from beneath the cowl regarding her, and an almost idle pace as the figure made to leave with a flick of a thick and stormy, rosetted tail. The door closing behind him made the young otter growl at being so casually snubbed.

'Alright, fun-time's over. Outta my way!' Titanium called, launching into a solid knee-blow and promptly bee-lining for the door. She could feel that they were trying to stop her, strikes and grasps and clambering bodies. It only took a couple of wrenching thrusts of her elbow, and thunderous smacks of her considerable rudder to displace the better portion of the enthralled minions. They weren't hardy, perse, just persistant.. Like zombies, really.

And bursting through the door, out into the street, her gaze darted up and down the street. Otherwise empty, save for a retreating truck.

Hurrying into a side alley, she tore out of it, bare moments later, her street-bike, powerful and fittingly matching her outfit in shades of silver and red, roaring.

The truck knew it was being persued. It's sharp turns and direction heading steadily towards busier thoroughfares proof enough of that. on the upside, it was either laden down, or simply a very weak model, as her bike had little issue with catching up.

Pulling up parallel with the driver's door, the otter curled a fist, and punched through the window without hassle, grabbing at the driver's shirt.

'Hey! Pull over!' It was almost meant to be comedic, as much as an actual command. The driver, apparently not a very reciprocative soul on either count, met the words with the barrel of a gun.

The shot echoed a little, and Titanium's bike skidded a little as she caught control of it. Her goggles had been properly cracked, and she actually had a slight ache above her eyebrow.

Taking a breath, she glared after the truck. Revving her bike anew, she took after them again, ducking low to take a tight corner after the truck, and reaching her hand through the window again, grabbed the wheel this time.

'I said, 'Pull -Over!-'' And wrenching the wheel, it came loose, right after the vehicle swerved and screeched, and with a cacophanous crash, slammed side-long into a light-post. Blinking softly, the otter looked at the wheel in her hand, grimacing and dropping it as she came to a swift stop.

Stepping from her bike, she looked over the crashed truck, the driver slumped a little, saved by his seat-belt.. That was fortunate..

And the sound of another door opening made her tense some. There was a groan, both pained, and irritated as the hooded snow-leopard stepped around the side of the crashed truck. Pinching the corners of his eyes, he lifted the eerie blue glow of them to take in the otter.

'You just couldn't help yourself.' The feline spat with distaste as Titanium's rudder thumped the ground.

'Not when you were trying to make a get-away, no! What do you take me for, a second rate hero?'

'Did you want my honest answer?' Reaper growled, his hand still rolling a trio of glass orbs about his fingers, though spreading his fingers, they lifted from his palm with a glow to match his eyes.

Titaniums fists creaked as she raised them, darting in. Her more wild style switched for a focused one. Reaper was not a fighter, she knew at least that much about him. He was, she found as he moved with somewhat unerring grace, irksomely difficult to hit.

Not to mention his fingers twitched and flexed and pointed. Those glass orbs darted about, knocking at her hands, averting strikes he might not have avoided.

And one particularly wild swing seeing her nearly stagger, the otter gasped as he grasped her wrist, delivering a firm knee to her diaphram. She nearly smirked, until she actualy felt the force of it rattle her. The breath fluttering from her lungs, before the feline took an open palmed thrust at her face. Titanium saw stars as she was flung backwards.

Blinking, she rubbed her nose, scrambling back with her gaze staring up at the feline approaching her with a cold and patient pace.

'What's the matter? I thought you were trying not to be a second rate hero?' He sneered, those orbs hovering about his hand again, glowing a brighter blue. There were strange marks under his cloak, too.. Small glowing impressions on the dark fabric beneath.. Like rosettes, no.. handprints.. a haunting face pressing out.

Getting to her feet, Titanium swallowed some. and raising her fists again, launched into another attack. This time, the feline didn't move near as fast, and she landed a resounding punch in his face. Rather than hurtling back into the wall like she anticipated, he staggered, spitting aside a moment. His own fist curled, with those orbs rotating about his fist with a rapid growing pace. His arm and fist glowed, and throwing his own punch, Titanium herself was sent crashing into the opposite wall, clammering for breath, and clarity at what had hit her.

Unrelenting though, Reaper directed a finger towards her, and those orbs dashed forwards. rapidly circling her form, they emitted a most bizarre field, lifting her slowly to her feet, and just off them as they wove like protons about her body. She felt an aching weakness beginning to suffuse her form, teeth gritting. What was he doing to her..?

'Well, tonight has been.. rewarding. I'll still make off with what I came for, and be down an irksome hindrance as well.' The feline growled, his fingers curling slightly. The orbs wove in tighter, drawing the breath from the otter's lungs..

Something was drawing out of her form.. Everything was growing darker and hazey.. There was a bright light getting closer and closer.. She felt warmer..

With a brilliant flash, A small barrier reflected those infernal orbs, negating their effect as they clattered over the ground and making Reaper cast his gaze about. A second flash brought with it the almost immediate transition of a second figure standing before Titanium.

A ferret, that much was evident. She glowed with an ethereal light, a slim suit of white bared along her back with a fine cape that trailed from the back of her neck, tied to her wrists. Her glittering mask set with a fine gem at her forehead, matched a larger, similar one atop her chest. Her golden hair fluttered gently, and turning her eyes to the unconscious otter, sighed gently.

'Sorry I'm late.' She murmured appologetically, lifting a hand. The barrier that bloomed from the gem inset into her palm stopped the snow leopard's fist dead. Reaper apparently not inclined to give his foes time to prattle.

'Prism. Unwelcome as always.' The snow leopard growled.

'That's enough, Reaper, go back to whatever cave you fester in.' She spoke with a calm tone, eyes regarding the feline. Her form flickered, and several prisms phased into existance. Each copy of the heroine glowing with a faint rainbow corona. They raised a hand each, palms glowing with a low hum that spoke of a reverberating, growing power.

The snow-leopard's gleaming orbs returned in an instant, and shooting out at his whims, launched through one of the illusionary ferrets like bullets. The illusion dissipated with a small flash. Another, then another the illusions were broken. Reaper's eyes narrowed with a growl as he attempted to deduce the real Prism.

Not quick enough however, as the ferret to one side of him, the true prism, unleashed a sheering beaming of light. With a screech from the burning heat, the snowleopard was blasted off his feet, crashing in a heap, the shoulder of his suit burned off, fur singed and skin an angry red.

'Now go, before I decide to leave you with something more permanent.' The ferret stared down the villain as he rose to his feet. Her gentle face was impassive, not yet drawn to anger. The snow leopard seemed to regard his position, eying over the ferret and the otter.. grasping one of the glass orbs, he glared from beneath his hood.

'Rats in your eyes!' He hissed menacingly, and smashing the orb on the ground, vanished with a ground rattling boom, mixed with an unearthly scream..

Prism sighed gently, relaxing her shoulders and turning her gaze to her fallen comrade. Kneeling gently, her hands raised, one resting over Titanium's forehead, the other inches over her chest, glowing a soft, warming light.

The otter stirred gently, moaning thickly as she opened her eyes. Her body felt like it was made of lead.. ..Or Titanium.

'What happened..? ..Am I dead..? Are you an angel..?' Titanium murmured thickly, earning a gentle smile from the ferret.

'He's gone now, no you're not, and no, I'm not. You'll be fine, once you rest up, Titanium.. That man certainly knows how to take it out of you..'

Regarding the otter's tremulous gaze, Prism pet along the cookieish ears of the young heroine. She was glad tonight had not ended in heartbreak.

Piece de resistance.

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