Broken reality

Story by NescaF on SoFurry

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#2 of Nescas Tale

Nesca awakens after the night before to find Alec gone and a collar around her neck...

She awoke curled Around herslef with a blanket lightly thrown across her. Alec had gone from the room and upon investigation she discovered fresh water in the tub, fresh fruit in a bowl and the top stairs door was locked. Her cell was open so she went in only to relive herself and with a shudder then shut the hated door behind her. She looked inside the cage from the outside and slowly brought her hand up to her shoulder. Her fingers felt the softness of bandages and she gasped when she pressed against the wounds beneath them. She her eyes narrowed and she undid them slowly to let them fall to the ground, her fingers tracing through her fur, the bites already shrinking and scabbed over. With a soft growl she turned quickly from the site of her rape and looked to the bathtub. again her fingers came up to brush against her neck, feeling the markings he had put there and inwardly fighting her memories. The memory of enjoying it...

Frustrated she stalked to the bath and got in. The water seeped through her fur to lap against her skin causeing her body to relax and a sigh escaped from her muzzle.Slowly she let herself sink untill her paws were hooked over the end of the tub and her head rested against the metal rim. She let her frustration seep into the water and slipped further in. She started when her neck caught on the edge of the tub. Sitting up she fingered what caused the catch and gasped in discovery of something she missed in her dazed fog.

Upon her throat was a red leather collar locked in to place with a combination lock upon the clip. There was no way to take it off without the combination, though she spent a few desperate moments trying too. When it was clear it wasn't coming off without her head growled in anger and slapped her palms agaisnt the water.

Last night's mating had made her forget she was a slave. Her hands curled in anger and she leapt from the tub, sloshing water everywhere. she shook herself out and again spent a moment strugling with her collar. She seethed with indignation and her eyes settled on her cage. She breathed in and out deeply through her nose and with revulstion she made herself enter that horrible place. unable to fully close herself in, nonetheless she swung the door almost closed and sat in the corner where she had cowered yesterday.

Alec returned a few hours later humming to himself. Today he wore light brown cargo shorts and had material scrunched up in his hand. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, the tune dying in his throat as he eyed the female sitting in the corner of her cell. He cast his eyes around the room noting the used bath, water spillage and untouched food. Warily he came forward placing the clothing on the abandoned bedding and approached the door of the cell.

"Why are you in there?" he asked in English. She narrowed her eyes at him and dipped her head, her tail large and fluffy, curled around her waist. He growled softly changing into her native tribe tongue.

"I asked female, why you had not eaten and why you are not where the alpha left you." He snarled at her. She flinched at his tone but stilled herself. Gathering her courage she looked up at him and snarled back showing her teeth in a sign of dominance.

"You would make me a slave." She accused in English her fingers clawing at her collar for reference. Alec growled and swung the door open hard enough the metal screeched in protest. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her upright a constant growl in his throat. Once upright he grabbed the front of her collar and pulled her to her toes by it. With a yelp she grabbed at his hand her emerald eyes panicked at the enraged male in front of her. With a snort he threw her away from him in disgust.

"You will be a slave Nesca. You best get used to it." He turned, intending to leave her to think about the short but intense conflict. She felt her throat knowing it bruised but with a gulp of air she stood again.

"I shall starve than be a slave." She said her head high, her tail erect and her fists clenched. Alec turned to look at the defiant slave. Her snout was pointed high, her ears upright, and her eyes shining in righteous anger. He ran an appreciative eye down her body; her round soft breast jutted forward, her nipples standing in the chill of the room, her inner thighs marked in the same grey white patches as her stomach. The collar complemented her body nicely like he envisioned. He felt a stir under his pants as his cock started to emerge from his sheath. With a grin he decided another show of dominance would be in order.

The scent of musk reached her nose and she bit back an instinctive whine. She back up to the wall as she saw his expression change. he quickly dropped his pants and made towards her. She knew now she could not fight him. If he wanted her he would have her regardless of her feelings. Alec let a murr of desire loose as he came towards her, his cock completely loose from his sheath. With a whimper Nesca turned her face away as the large male gently touched her cheek.

At her passive resistance he snarled, the gentle caress turned into claws and she yelp as his other arm grabbed her elbow. She looked at him gasping when he lined up the tip of his cock with her slit. Slowly he pressed into her, their eyes locked as his length sunk inside of her. He barred his teeth daring her to resist as his hands slid down her soft fur covered body to cup her ass and lift her. His length twitched inside her, his body begging him to thrust and mate as his instincts demanded. But he was determined to show Nesca her place.

With much whimpering Nesca felt as his hardness slid down almost completely out of her. With a grunt He thrust back up drawing a cry from his female. Teasingly slow he let himself slip free to the tip then shoved himself back into her warm slick hole. Again he repeated the process, each time drawing a yelp or a moan from Nesca. He strove to keep himself calm his pleasure mounting as slow as his thrusts.

Nesca wanted more. She knew that she could not resist and she longed for the hard passionate mating of last night. She hated the passion he arosed in her and yet her body moved of its own will. She started to hump back against him, trying to have him slip faster and harder into her. The moment she started to squirm he growled in warning. He wanted her to know he was in complete control. She stopped at his tone but soon the constant tease and low pants from the male made her try again.

Alec narrowed his eyes and withdrew completely setting her down. She tryed to bite back the whine of protest but it slipped out between her teeth igniting alecs temper.He struck her, the back of his hand hitting her snout with an audible thump. She grasped her snout in surprise, pain throbbing through her head.

"You are a slave. You do what I say when I say. We go at my pace. We do what I want." He ordered his fist thumping his chest to illustrate his words. She looked up at him defiance on her face now that the pleasure of mating had been wiped from her mind. With a roar he struck her again, the force causing her to fall. A surprised whimper came from her at the impact and she got onto all four holding her snout and moved away from him. Alec grabbed her tail pulling her back, despite her fearful shriek. Using her tail he pulled her upon himself, moaning in satisfaction.

This time Nesca fought back, struggling and growling and yelping at every thrust. She tried to pull away but he used her tail to keep her there. Her struggles however made it hard to thrust completely in. He pulled out and grabbed her fur in her lower back and dragged her back growling his displeasure. He grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her up so she was kneeling her back to him. Her hands scratched at his hand yelping at his grip.

"Don't fight me!" he roared and bit her sore shoulder, re opening the scabs with fresh marks. This time he stayed locked on thrust up into her while she howled in pain. With one hand he held the base of her tail, his other hand groping her breast almost painfully. He grunted as he pushed into one of the tightest pussy he's ever known. He hilted each time his knot swelling and being pushed inside and pulled out causing Nesca to pant and howl in pain and pleasure. He let go of his hold on her shoulder resting his head on the other side. His tongue sticking out and dripping, his huffing filling her nose with his scent. With the pressure of her shoulder she could feel her orgasm building faster as his knot swelled to almost its full size, becoming harder and harder to pull out.

The hand groping her breast dropped to her slit sliding into the sleek neat folds touching the centre of nerves in her body. She gasped and moaned when he touched her clit, pleasure exploding from her groin as she convulse with orgasm.

His knot was captured, the tight hole in which he hilted had started to tighten and shudder. He moaned as he clamped around him and he let her clit go, leaning back so he was as far as he could possibly be inside the moaning female. He felt his balls churn and he howled as he came inside her, each thick spurt of cum drenching her insides, filling her with his seed. Her walls clamped from his knot upwards milking him for every drop until she was full.

He let her go and she slumped forward, cum squeezing between her hole and his knot making their fur stick. Nesca panted her body aching and her shoulder throbbing. She was sure her neck, snout and tail base was completely bruised, her collar sitting uncomfortably around her throat. She shrieked when Alec pulled his still full knot from her snatch. She moaned in the various pains and aches.

With a sigh Alec got up and picked up her tail, using the tip to wipe himself off. He let it drop with an evil chuckle and walked over to his pants. He slid them back on and looked down at the female who had curled up upon herself. He nudged her with a paw and at her growled protest he kicked her lightly.

"Don't you growl at me!" he said harshly standing tall over her.She scrambled back from him and clenched her teeth together with a snap but no growl came out from her control. He snarled and took a threatening step towards her. She whimpered and fell back at his glare.

"You're a slave now and its time others enjoyed you as I have."

Her ears went erect at the comment and the fire lit her eyes for a moment. Her aching shoulder and ribs protested and she let her defiance die. She put her arm across her stomach to hold her sore side and she gasped in to fill her lungs with the breath he forced out from his kick. Disgusted with herself she extended her other hand towards him and let her ears droop in submistion.

"Alec," she murmured, using his name for the first time, "please don't kick me again. I was wrong to complain. I'll wear my collar. Just please don't let others touch me. Your alpha." She whimpered at him, her pride broken.

He kicked her hard in the side, driving the fresh air from her lungs. She cried out and sucked in gasping and gagging throwing both arms around her stomach and falling down. Her eyes widened in panic as he came at her again, her body frozen.He grabbed her by the collar and yanked her upright,still rasping for air. With a growl he smacked a fist into her face twice causeing her head to vibrate with pain before letting go of her collar. she collasped into a gasping sobbing heap at his paws.

"Last night I was nice because you needed a soft introduction to your new life. But now I see it has encouraged resistance. You are not with the tribes. You're a slave!" He roared at her. she graped weakly at the floor and her eyes rolled with fear. He snorted with contempt at her and turned on his heel. He stomped angrily up the stairs and paused at the top to look back down at her. She had pulled herself up into a seated postion, her back against the cell wall and looked up at him eyes glinting with fear or hate he couldn't tell.

" stubborn bitch" He muttered and shook his head. For a moment compassion flared across his brown eyes only to fade into the coldness that dominated them the moment he saw her in her cell.

His hand tightened on the door handle and he turned more fully away from her looking out of the basment into the hall. His voice was hard as it floated with quiet menace down the stairs to her.

"Slaves have no feelings, no defiance. Time for friends to enjoy you the way i have." He stepped into the bright hall and slammed the door behind him. He flicked the switch beside the door leaving the slave in blackness and slammed the bolt home locking her in. He rested his hand against the door almost senseing the sadness and anger radiating from the facinating wolf within. Forign feelings had been stirred in this hard wolf and he embraced the darkness within to fight them off.

"Maybe we'll break your ass in next!" he shouted through the door.

Down in the basment Nesca shuddered and turned her face into her good shoulder, tears tracking through her fur.