Meet Me at the Warehouse

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#16 of Meet Me Extreme (Public)

A coyote in the mob calls for the mob boss's right-hand-man to dispose of a trouble maker, but not before he indulges in some of his more dark fantasies.

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The night had become quiet and still as time wore on. Now significantly past midnight, it seemed there was hardly anything moving. The wind barely picked up and the cloud cover was just dense enough that not even the light from the moon shone through. Out on the distant edge of Rovak City was a lone warehouse owned by the mob. It was a cover for the various drugs and imported items that would have normally been illegal to bring into the city. It was dilapidated and long forgotten, which afforded it the secrecy it needed to be useful.

Within its broken, cracked walls were two individuals, one that stood by the front entrance and the other being tied up and gagged on the floor nearby. The door creaked closed as the first stepped back inside, a cellphone in his paw that displayed an end call.

"Well, I gotta say, Trevor, I don't envy you." the voice was gruff and deep, though obviously young and intelligent. It came from a tall coyote, his body adorned with a black muscle shirt and orange slacks that were loose against his legs. A few gold chains hung from his neck, each looped around some similarly shiny, religious symbol. His jewelry clanked like symbols as he trotted closer to the other person that was curled up in the fetal position.

The panther was bound by thick ropes that held his legs together at the feet and knees, and his arms behind his back at the wrists and elbows. His mouth was jammed with a cloth that was also tied around his head. He didn't move, since the past hour had been filled with enough struggling for a lifetime. No amount of muffled screaming could save him now, and so the final acceptance of defeat was beginning to take hold.

The coyote stopped near the black cat's head and knelt down. With one paw he undid the gag and let it fall from his mouth. The cloth was spat away and the feline's yellow eyes snapped open to look back at the dog. "Please, Ronald, let's talk!"

The coyote laughed, "The time to talk is long gone now. Sergei is on his way, and he told me how hungry he is."

"Ronald! Listen to me!" the panther shifted himself to stare up into the other's eyes. "Sebastian still doesn't know where I've hidden his money! It's in offshore accounts that only I can access! If you let me go I'll give you most of it! That's like, four million!" he pleaded and grunted to turn himself as Ronald stood back up and took a step away.

"Oh sure, and get caught like you? Sorry, bud, but being where you are right now isn't worth four million, trust me," the coyote continued. "But we do have some time, and with you all tied up, I'd like to indulge in something that I've always wanted." Ronald leaned down and pushed the panther over onto his stomach, leaving him completely prone as the canine settled down on his knees.

There was very little Trevor could say or do, being tied up so well didn't allow him any wiggle room. The coyote's words didn't fully sink in right away as far as their meaning, but when the panther's sides were grasped and his body began to be maneuvered, he soon came to a startling realization. Before he could begin protesting, he felt his pants become undone and shoved down to his knees, his underwear soon following to leave his sheath and backside completely exposed.

"Ronald! What the fuck?" he growled and began to thrash around as best he could but found his constraints to be very effective. At most he wiggled from side to side like a worm.

"You know, I've always been curious how an accountant like you got such a round butt," the canine said with a grin, admiring the black furred backside.

"You're fucking sick!" Trevor snarled and hissed.

"You talk way too much," the coyote said with an irritated tone. He took up the cloth gag and slipped it back over the other's head and secured it firmly between his teeth. Despite the panther still rattling off insults and curses, every one of them was muffled and unintelligible. "I'm not going to let your foul attitude ruin my moment," he continued with a chuckle, "so shut up and enjoy yourself. I've been told I'm a very selfless lover."

The canine drew his paw back and struck the panther's ass, making it bounce and wiggle slightly. The accountant let out a pained yowl into the cloth and glanced back with pleading eyes. He was ignored of course, as the leering coyote was occupied with his prize.

With fast paws, Ronald pulled away his own bottoms to leave him in only his shirt. Purely from admiration, a portion of his cock had slipped free of its furry home, the tapered end slick and shimmering with liquid musk. It was easy to see that he enjoyed the luscious sight of a nice butt. The curve and shapely appeal was what garnered his attention the most, and while he most often went for girls, in this case, he was allowing himself to indulge in a more rare pleasure.

The coyote was quite a bit stronger than he looked, which was wiry and tall, but few knew that he could go toe to toe with most that were noticeably larger. It might have been his quickness that allowed him to overtake others, but he liked to think he had skill.

The canine's paws felt over the big cat's buttcheeks, his fingers massaging into the short, silky smooth fur before he pressed his thumbs into the cleft and splayed them apart. Trevor grumbled loudly but he had stopped struggling, seeming to have given up as his tailhole was exposed. The large, lithe tail seemed to lift out of the way to give the dominant male an unobstructed view.

Ronald licked his lips as he tentatively tugged at the sides of the feline's asshole, watching the puckered ring flex a time or two. He dipped his head down, pushing his nose and lips up between those buttcheeks to inhale the naughty scent. His tongue lashed out to brace across that soft ring, finding that he greatly enjoyed its taste. He gave another lick, and then a third. What was once controlled soon became pure hunger as he sealed his lips around that tight entrance. His broad tongue slurps and drew circles around on that hole, enticing it to relax and open.

Trevor grumbled but had a blush forming beneath the ebony fur of his cheeks. In contrast to Ronald, he wasn't very tall or muscular, and though he had an average build, he wasn't overly pudgy or feminine. Through diet or some sort of recreation, his rear end came out having an appeal to onlookers. Though he didn't really consider himself to be bisexual, the feeling of his ass getting rimmed was a treat.

The coyote was murring loudly as he pushed his face firmly against the cat's big butt, breathing through his nose to make sure each lungful came with the feline's scent. He slurped noisily like he was a starved dog at his food bowl. The tip of his tongue pressed against the center of his hole, turning from side to side and twisting like a drill. The ring of muscle faltered in its clench and eventually allowed the coyote's appendage to enter.

The panther gave a low grunt and grumbled as he felt the slippery organ dip inside, his rear end penetrated for the first time in his life. Ronald took his time with pushing his tongue in to see how far it could go a few times before he leaned his head back. He admired to loosened, saliva covered entrance that stayed slightly open as he continued to tug at its sides. It was primed and ready for a good fucking.

Ronald straddled the feline at the back of his thighs and straightened his back. From the intense rimming session, his cock had swelled free of its home without any help. It now stood at a proud eight inches and dripped precum. It was as rigid as it could ever be, the knot at its base swollen and throbbing to the beat of his heart. He took a hold of it at the base with his left paw and gave it a few test strokes. On contact, a shiver ran up his spine, telling how sensitive he was.

The coyote didn't care much about the other's comfort, so given the chance he leaned back enough to angle his cock for that well lubed hole. Pain exploded through Trevor's tailhole as he was forced accommodate the canine's size. A muffled scream roared from around the gag, his eyes strained wide with tears welling in the corners.

Virgin no more, Ronald thought sadistically to himself as he sank all the way down to his knot. It had been so long since he had fucked an ass so tight he was almost moved to tears as well. No time to waist, Sergei was going to be there in minutes and he had to cum quick.

Movements began hard and fast right away, the poor panther's asshole having no time to adjust. The sobbing wails racked the big cat's body as the dominant male took control. Both paws settled on the other's hips, Ronald arched his back and began to slam his hips with vigor to spare. The sloppy sound of their bodies colliding filled the otherwise silent warehouse, the echoes reverberating off the huge walls.

Trevor tried to thrash and wiggle away but it was no use. His cheeks quickly became damp as he cried, the amount of pain and shame that he was experiencing was like nothing he had ever faced before. His chest and chin thumped against the cold, concrete floor. The coyote moaned hotly from above, his thin form leaning over the other's back as he began to roll his hips at an angle. The sharp slapping only grew louder and so did the muffled cries for help. The cloth was soaked with saliva, the feline's chin fur matted as he wailed his throat ragged.

In all, it was like music to Ronald's ears. It was some strange fetish he had, reveling in the pain of others always got him hard. That was why Sebastian could always count on him to get things done. Not only did he not have morals and ethics to get in the way, but he always had a thrill of getting painful things done. Where other subordinates would flinch or falter, Ronald was always there with a grin on his face and a paw in the air.

"Ahh! Fuck you're tight!" The coyote moaned as he tilted his head back and let his eyes fall shut. He was panting hard and moaning loudly. He let his voice carry to the ceiling of the huge building, not a single care in the world for who could have been listening. He was confident there was no one at all.

The canine's claws dug into Trevor's skin, breaking through to cause a bit of blood to run down his thighs. The added pain made the cat scream and strain even harder in a way that Ronald didn't think was possible. The panther's face was turning red, his eyes bloodshot from his shamed sobbing. He could barely catch his breath between the yowls that wracked his small frame.

Minutes ticked on and the agony never ceased. Trevor was reduced to silent sobs as his hole continued to be raped. The feline was beyond tired from fighting, just wanting it all to end. It seemed as though at least one of his prayers would be answered however. Ronald's driving began to hit his top speed, his hips working in a blur of motion, a familiar feeling began to spread up from his cock. The only thing that the panther could recognize was the other's euphoric howl as he climaxed. His hole being too abused to feel much of anything other than red-hot pain, he resided himself with being happy that the whole ordeal was coming to an end.

The coyote let his call linger in the air, his body shivering as he stayed hilted against the other's backside, his huge knot pressed hard to the other's ring but not slipping inside. Gush after thick gush expelled within, an average amount for someone of Ronald's stature. He gave a few more excited thrusts to empty the last remaining drops of cum before he finally eased back.

Ronald fell to his backside, panting hard and looking at the jizz leaking hole of his hostage. He didn't know how long he had stayed like that to catch his breath, but a hard pounding from the warehouse's entrance caused him to jump from his spot. It was a thundering that reverberated through the hollow building and told of its owner's strength. It was a sound that was barely registered by the cat, but the coyote instantly jumped to his feet and snagged his pants and underwear from the floor. He rushed to pull the articles on as he made his way, fastening the drawstring on his slacks before he opened the huge, steel doors.

Eclipsing the doorway was a being that was easily the largest Ronald had ever seen before. With extremely broad shoulders and an incredible height, the newcomer had to crouch and angle himself in a way that allowed him to barely get inside the warehouse. The giant didn't bother with a greeting or even an acknowledgment, instead choosing to remain silent until he was able to stand to his full stature within the building.

"Sergei! It's good to see you again, buddy!" Ronald said with a happy beam. Within the meager light that the warehouse offered, the finer features of the newcomer could be realized. He glanced down at the coyote with dark red eyes but his face held an expression that was light and somewhat friendly. He towered over his colleague, standing at just over eight feet tall and having a heft that must have been seven hundred pounds. Sergei was a brown bear of great proportions and was the mob's key disposal of bodies. Though simple and foreign, he was friendly and easy to get along with.

"Apologies, friend, for late arrival. Was enjoying personal time with dearest wife," the massive ursine mumbled, his voice thick with a distinctly Russian accent.

"Ah! No worries, I was just keeping our constituent here company," Ronald replied with a smile. "How have you been? We need to hang out sometime. Catch up and whatnot."

"Yes, agreed," Sergei grumbled and lifted a fedora from over his head and then removed his colossal, leather jacket from his shoulders. Sergei was the kind of bear that could stop a tank in its tracks, his arms and torso rippled with mountains of muscle. Widely considered to be Sebastian's right-hand-man, he was only ever called in for particular jobs. Such was the case. "Thursday nights I bowl with family and friends. You come, yes?"

"You mean down at the Cabana Crakoha?" Ronald asked with a smile. The great bear nodded. "I'd love to!" A smile slowly swept over the giant's face before he handed his jacket and hat over to the other's care. Ronald held the heavy pieces and tries his best to fold them but they didn't become any easier to manage. When satisfied, the bear turned and began to walk over to the prone cat, each step causing the floor to give a small shake.

"Time for work," Sergei announced and stopped just feet away. The feline was set in a way that he couldn't look anywhere else but at the bear's feet, he was barely even moving besides his shallow breaths. The coyote stepped off to the side to watch the intriguing show, having never really gotten a chance to in the past but always having heard stories.

With one paw the bear reached down and sliced away the rope, his claws acting like there was hardly anything there. Given the opportunity, the ebony cat leaped painfully to his feet and attempted to run but a hard cuff from the bear sent him sprawling against the floor. Ronald flinched at the sight and from the sound of so many bones breaking all at once. He made a mental note to himself to never get on the great bear's bad side.

Now broken and barely moving at all, Trevor was lifted by his legs and suspended in the air. Limp and hanging several feet above the bear, Sergei tilted his head back and opened his mammoth mouth to reveal his impressive set of teeth. The only thing that told Ronald the cat was alive was that he could still hear the cries and pleas for mercy as he was forced to stare down into the gullet.

Slowly, Sergei began to lower the much smaller man into his mouth. In an impressive display, the bear didn't bite down once or tear any chunks free. Like a sword swallower at the circus, the panther disappeared whole into the bear's throat, his neck noticeably bulging as he swallowed the entire morsel whole.

The coyote looked on with wide eyes and slack jaw. Sergei released the panther's legs once they were the only ones still sticking from his mouth and seemed to let gravity do the rest of the work. As if amused by himself, the bear gave a chuckle as the cat gave a few final struggles, the shaking limbs slowly getting gulped down and vanishing into the ursine's mighty stomach. Despite his huge proportions, Sergei had a relatively muscle rippled belly that was flat, but as soon as Trevor's whole body became consumed there was a noticeable bulge.

"Oof," the bear grumbled and rested both paws against his stomach. There came an obvious shake and rumble from within as the feline continued to struggle for his life. "Good thing Sergei did not eat today. Eating whole people always puts strain on Sergei's belly."

"Wow!" Ronald shouted and clapped his paws excitedly. "What a show!" the bear gave a broad grin and attempted a bow but aborted as there came some discomfort.

"Oof, I should not have eaten yesterday either!" he said and then boomed a laugh that caused his rounded belly to jostle. The coyote joined in with his joke and offered the giant's coat and hat back. They were graciously accepted and pulled back on. "Yes, but Sergei could go for some icecream. You come along, yes?"

"Uhh, yeah sure, I could go for some icecream," the canine replied. The bear nodded his head and made a gesture for his new found friend to follow. With barely being able to squeeze back through the warehouse doors, the bear and coyote went on to their separate vehicles. In a massive truck that was as equally huge as himself, Sergei lead Ronald out onto the road, their destination set to a far away diner that was open 24/7.