Draconic Lust

Story by Jalle on SoFurry

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#1 of Corrupted Dungeon

Hey, all! This is a much longer story I've been working on. It clocks in at about 15 pages, most of it smut. The setting is essentially a sexually charged Faerun, and follows a devout, pent up dragon Paladin, and a freer, sassy blue cat. This is just the first installment, I'm already working on a second part. For those of you who dislike any build-up, the actual sex scene starts around page nine. Characters are (shamelessly) based off of my own. You can see art of both in my gallery on FA. Please comment with any thoughts or feedback!

-- Oh hey! Featured status, nice! If you like stuff like this and want some of your own, I am currently open for commissions. Prices would be at $10 per 1k words. Send me a PM if you're interested!

Jalle had just about had enough of this Paladin. It was bad enough that he was saddled with the blundering idiot, but the guy kept on whining and bringing his damn god into every little thing. No, Jalle, don't take the wand, it may be a priceless artifact of my order. No, Jalle, don't kill the kobold, they worship dragons and were faithful servants to Bahamut. No, Jalle, don't loot the bandits, it's wrong to steal. It was as if the dragonborn had to take the moral high ground on every little issue and it was grating against his nerves.

It'd been a month since he was hired by a priest of Bahamut to assist them in excavating and exploring a recently discovered lair, with ties to Tiamat, and it had been rough going. It was just the two of them, currently, and they had been attacked on the way by bandits, ambushed by kobolds when they had first gotten inside, and triggered more traps than Jalle was comfortable with- because Bahamut forbid he check for traps before Ky, the Clumsy Golden Idiot, bumbled into them.

He had to admit that they were finding some interesting stuff in here, though. Already they had found several magical grimoires with various spells, and while they didn't do a sorcerer like him a lot of good, they did provide new ideas for spells. There were several other books, most of which included recorded history of Tiamat, her rituals and followers. It was an interesting read for him, but the good Paladin Ky seemed afraid of them, to the point of wanting to destroy them. Jalle had had to stop him from burning a book on more than one occasion- couldn't the oaf see that knowledge was useful? They could use these books to learn more about the evil God, and better act against her followers in the future.

Jalle couldn't help but glare at him, as all this went through his mind. The dragonborn was massive- thickly muscled, while standing at a towering nine feet tall, nearly twice as tall as the short cat was, and that wasn't even counting the heavy horns that adorned his golden head. Ky had large, blue eyes tucked away under a pair of horns that seemed to grow in place of eyebrows, arching up and back from his skull. The dragon's muzzle sloped down, coming to a point that hung slightly over his chin, while two ridges poked up from the bottom jaw, creating an intimidating visage, as if the male's maw was much larger, with more jagged teeth, than it actually had.

The Paladin took great pride in his appearance, and as such, it seemed like every scale gleaned and shimmered, when put in light. And his armor was much the same, as it as steel polished to a mirror finish, inscribed with the face of a dragon, and inlaid with gold. A long, red cape draped down from his back, and a similar, richly red loincloth came from underneath his crotch plate, hanging a foot or so down. From the studly chest, it moved down into a pair of powerful legs, surely bulging with muscle under that armor. His tail was certainly thick enough, though a bit shorter than most dragon's, the tip not even touching the ground. Further on, the dragon wore no shoes, instead letting his digitigrade feet go free, massive and clawed, as one would expect from a dragon.

Jalle realized he'd been staring, and quickly looked away- why was it that all the attractive ones were stupid and frustrating? It was the middle of the day- or so his internal clock told him. They were far underground at this point, in an extensive cave system. Some of the caves had been clearly worked on, fashioned into rooms and tunnels, but others seemed like they had been here thousands of years. Multiple times, they had passed or uncovered paintings on the walls, depicting the terrible multi-headed goddess. Jalle had been doing his best to copy them down onto paper as truthfully as he could, to show them to the order when they finished.

But, along with all the conventional items they had found, they had found a few that were, ah, a bit more sexual in nature. It had been quite fun to see the deep blush that came across the prude of a Paladin's face when they encountered an obsidian dildo. Jalle had been fascinated with it- after giving it a thorough cleaning. He could only imagine what sort of rituals it was used for, and even more interesting was that it was magically enchanted. It was magic he'd never seen before, but he didn't have enough time to inspect it before the Paladin forced him to put it up. A few more items like it had come and gone, dildos of various size and shape, magical and not. Apparently, Tiamat and her brood were as in tune with their sexual side as Bahamut and his weren't. It only made sense.

Still, for all their progress, they hadn't yet found the treasure room. They were sure that there was one, as it was simply too large of a lair to go without one. They had to have somewhere where they stored the important magical items, where they would either hoard them, or give out to their warriors and followers before doing their evil, out in the world. He felt that they were close, though. The rooms and challenges they'd faced so far had been rising towards a climax, and the increased number of traps and creatures had made him think they were nearly there.

Ky grunted, having come across a door that seemed stuck. It was a sturdy door, crafted from wood, short and thick. It stood about six feet tall- plenty for Jalle, but the dragon would need to crouch, if it were open. Jalle watched as he thumped his foot against the door, the cat considered offering help- but he saw the sweat upon Ky's scales, the bulging of muscles along his neck and legs, and decided to watch.


Ky's foot thudded against the door again, making the wood quiver against it's frame, and still it refused to budge. He snarled at it, wondering why it had to be so darn stubborn. Everything in this dungeon seemed to frustrate him, and it grew worse by the day. Somehow, that cat behind him never seemed affected by it. The creatures they faced, and the traps they triggered were unlike anything he had faced before. The creatures they fought didn't exactly... Fight. Sure, they put up a performance, even giving Ky a good few whaps, but the looks they gave him, and the way they positioned themselves in battle, like they wanted Ky to ravage them...

And the traps. Most of them were magical in nature. Jalle said he never felt anything different, but claimed it may be a higher magical resistance. Ky, though, went to bed as hard as a rock every night, and he had to take careful measures to clean up his pools of pre and arousal before Jalle woke. Gods, he wanted to sink his dick into something, and Jalle was looking more and more attractive by the day.

But it was against his religion's doctrines to give in to lust. Paladins like Ky were supposed to be celibate, lest they taint themselves with the evil of Tiamat. Sometimes Ky wondered how the metallic dragons stayed populated, but it wasn't his place to ask.

Even now, arousal lingered in him, roiling just below the surface of his skin, making his body hotter than normal, his cock sensitive in it's slit, tip cresting the folds of skin and scale, letting loose a slow, sloppy drip of pre that'd been making the insides of his armor sticky for hours. It kept him on edge, trying to resist that, and go on like normal. With a growl, he stepped back just a bit, and with as much force as he could muster, slammed his armored knee into the door, shattering it in two, making splinters of wood go flying about.

Behind him, Jalle ducked, and whistled. "Whoo, there. It wasn't the door that made you walk into that last trap." Ky was sure he was about to make another quip, and so, to avoid turning around and hatefucking the cat into the lair floor, he crouched over and walked under the door, pulling himself through. Being so tall had quite a few disadvantages, but his overpowering strength and ability to use a greatsword as if it were a longsword certainly helped make up for it.

Ky's mind felt muddled, and it was hard to concentrate on the task at hand. The room thankfully opened up from the short door, into a modestly sized armory. Wood, carved into the visage of dragons and painted chromatic colors hung from runs, beneath similar masks crafted carefully of clay. It seemed like each one had a little cubby of sorts, separated by thin bloks of wood. Beneath the masks, there were old, dusty robes, black in color, and at a small pedestal at the bottom laid a curved, black dagger, glinting in the light of Jalle's magic orb. Towards the back of the room, there were five much larger, more intricate sections, each with a mask made of gold, and inlaid with gemstones for a specific color of dragon. Black, red, green, white, and blue- so, onyx, ruby, emerald, quartz, and sapphire.

The masks were intricately carved, inlaid with depictions of dragons flying, soaring, fighting, and... Fucking? Ky had to lean in close, squinting- and sure enough, there were images of the dragons deep in rut, heavy dicks hanging underneath the body, plunged into holes- his cheeks burned, his cock throbbing in his pants- and he heard a snickering behind him. "I can always tell when you've found something with sex. It wouldn't be so funny if you didn't always blush like a squire." The feline's teasing, high voice made him grumble, stepping away while Jalle moved up. "These are amazing, though! What relics of their religion. Could you imagine what it must have been like? I'm fairly certain they used to hold orgies here, or something like them."

Jalle reached up, his pink eyes gaining a blue glow as he searched for magic. After a second, he touched one of the masks, the red one, feeling over the curve of the draconic jaw, down to it's chin, below startlingly realistic fangs. Ky shook his head- "Why do you care so much about all the sex they had? Are you some sort of depraved pervert?" His voice was deep, rumbling low akin to an earthquake as it rose from his chest. The feline scoffed, taking the red mask and slipping it into a bag of holding, purple in color. Ky had seen several of those, in different colors- they were surely coded, but he hadn't paid enough attention to determine which was which.

"I can be interested in these people and their religion without being a pervert. You may hate them, but learning about who they were and why they did things can give us insight into their next moves. But, as I was saying- it seems like every year, they chose an Ascendant, someone who would be given great power in their ranks. I'm not sure how it was selected, but they were always a dragon, like yourself. The brought them to some ritual chamber, and brought them to arousal. The process speaks of milking them for hours, as well as somehow feeding them something to keep them going... It doesn't say what, though. It seems almost like code- they use the word 'offering', but I imagine it must be some sort of herb, apparently applied directly to the cock."

Ky shuddered as the cat spoke about such sexual things, his own member rising from the thought, pressing against his codplate enough to make the leather creak, while plips of his hot pre dripped, splattering to the ground. Jalle, still rambling on, didn't notice. Ky shuddered, putting his sword point-first into the dirt floor, squeezing tight at the handle as he steadied his shaky legs. His balls, full enough to press stickily to his thighs, ached with need. "Shut up!" he snapped, a puff of smoke and a flash of flame bursting from his throat, lighting the room for a brief moment, showing the expression of shock on Jalle's face. "I don't care about these depraved cultists and their hedonistic rituals! If you can't focus on what's needed, I'll send you back to the order and demand a new mage."

Jalle's eyes hardened as they looked at the paladin, and Ky angrily bared his teeth back, before stomping away. There was another door, large and wooden, on the left side of the room, near the golden masks. He grabbed the handle, and tugged- it was locked as well, but with another powerful tug, he ripped the knob and lock entirely free, despite the door's creaking, groaning complaints. He stepped into the next room, leaving Jalle to finish gather the cultist's masks.

It led into a corridor, another cave, this one smoothed by hand. Kay braced himself against the wall, letting out a low groan as his cock pulsed, letting loose a surge of his pre, streams of the hot, slick liquid pouring against the metal his tip was forced against, lines of it drooling out of his armor to fall to the floor, partially hidden by his loincloth, which hung nearly to the ground. His breath was heated and short, his head swimming with pictures of cultists in robes, touching him and stroking him- Jalle among them. He could picture the cat's face, proud and knowing- 'Look at how hard you are! I knew you were just as slutty as I am, underneath all that plate.' Ky's ears twitch, his claws digging into the stone wall as the fantasy continued on, despite his efforts. The cat's muzzle pressed to his cock, only barely able to fit the fat head inside, a wet splash of Ky's copious pre wetting his face before he did.

It sped up, to Ky forcing his dick down Jalle's throat, surprise, and then lust flashing on his face. Ky, pulling out, white jizz coating Jalle's muzzle and throat before his cock even left the hot hole. Ky's cock infront of the cat, laying a thick, white line on the feline, while Jalle moaned, rubbing it into his fur and skin- and finally, the feline at his feet, surrounded by other needy males, all aroused, each begging and fighting for Ky's potent spunk- he gasped, back in the cave, his heavy member throbbing hard, half stuck inside his slit white the other bent painfully down, against his sack. He shuddered as the cock started to pump, white cum soaking his balls and his pants, coming in thick waves out of his armor to pour onto the ground, leaving the air thick with his scent. He gouged lines in the wall as he bent over, snarling as hot pleasure raked through his body, his orgasm seeming to last forever as a puddle grew underneath him, thick plops of his seed making an echo through the corridor, steam rising from the overly hot liquid- he was a gold, after all.

It finally ended, his cock aching painfully from the awkward position, feeling as if residual spunk was stuck in his dick, from the awkward bend. It still flowed down his legs and his armor, Ky having to lift his legs and step back, leaving sticky white footprints. His head felt mercifully clear, for a moment- but his nuts seemed to defy him. They almost seemed to speak- 'That wasn't a real orgasm! More, more!" He could feel them gurgling between his legs, already raring to go.

This wasn't good, though. Jalle couldn't know about this. The stench of virile dragon was bad enough, and he wasn't sure if it'd leaked into the other room yet. Jalle still hadn't come out. He felt within himself, and thankfully, he could feel a well of power, granted to him by his god. He was almost surprised to find it still there, Ky suspected that his unfortunate orgasm may have put him in Bahamut's bad graces- but it seemed he still had access now. He wasn't a mage like his companion, but he still had some magic he could do. There was no way for him to deal with the puddle easily, but he had holy fire cling to his armor, the flames evaporating the extra jizz, cleaning his body but leaving behind a thin layer of slimy gunk between his legs, where the fluids simply grew thick, hidden form the heat. He wondered what he could do about the scent, and looking down the unexplored end of the cavern, realized he'd have to lie.


Jalle, though thoroughly miffed at the dragon's outburst, was very interested in these masks. Most didn't hold any magic, and he stored them in his purple bag (For the most valuable items) for safekeeping. One, though, stood out. The one in the center, colored black. It had a powerful enchantment on it, holding the magical schools of transmutation, enchantment, and evocation. Knowing these told him about possible effects- but he had no idea what it could actually do, or how to activate it. Preparing a store of magic energy in him, in order to possibly counteract bad effects, he reached out and touched the face of the black dragon...

And nothing happened. The magic stayed latent, and Jalle let loose a sigh of relief. It was definitely dangerous to touch such a powerful artifact, especially one he knew nothing about, but he was still angry with Ky, forcing him to brash decisions. It was, however, seemingly safe to touch. He took it in his hands, holding the gold mask carefully. This one was inscribed with depictions of dragons, as the others did, but Jalle noticed that it held different pictures of sex than the others. The rest depicted the dragon in dominant standings, filling another dragon with cock, showing off their lengths and virility, but this one showed subservient poses. An anthro dragon on it's knees, at the groin of another, a dragon bent over and exposing it's rear, balls dangling underneath. One with it's legs spread, laying back, covered in seed- Jalle could feel a flush of arousal, tingling inbetween his legs, a few beads of liquid starting to wet his undergarments. He took a breath, and pushed it away, with practiced ease. The dungeon had long been trying to get him to arousal, but the cat was no stranger to urges, and could easily brush it off.

With a bit of magical help. A simple cantrip wicked the sexual thoughts away, leaving him clear and relaxed. It was a spell he'd made long ago, back in university, and it had been likely the only thing that got him through it. It didn't do away with it entirely- magic was strong, and could do amazing things, but it was hard to completely change or remove emotions. Instead, it stored the hot, sexual feelings away, into an enchanted ring of copper. The fun bit about it, was that apparently, sexual feelings were transferable between people. The lust was released by simply putting the ring on, and if he slipped it onto someone else, all the pent up lust would slide into the wearer. He would admit that he'd used it on several occasions to spice up a night of fun, or to put someone he wanted in no position to argue.

But that was something the dragon in the other room didn't need to know. He started to wonder if the dragon was so far ahead that Jalle couldn't hear his heavy steps, but frankly, Jalle could use a break. He'd catch up. He turned the mask over, now, inspecting the back side. There were no clear ways to fasten it on to someone's face, though it was clearly made for muzzled use. The mask was made in 3-D, following the shape of an actual dragon's snout, leaving a nice depression where Jalle's own short muzzle could fit. This side was mostly gold, same as the front, but Jalle couldn't help but chuckle. Etched, and then filled with very precisely cut and ground onyx, was the face and expression of utter lust. Eyes soft and wet, cheeks accented with a fine layer of black paint to show a blush, streaks of white paint laid over the face, as if recreating the messy image Jalle saw on the front. He peeked down the muzzle hole, and as expected, it depicted and open muzzle, tongue lolling out over sharp teeth, with a few lines suggesting a length of cock on the outside, presumably doing the splattering.

With his face this close, Jalle caught an old, musty scent. He sniffed again, harder, nearly touching one of the white streaks. His cheeks blushed, determining it to be ages old seed, rather than simple paint. Of course, who could expect any less than these fiends? It was... Tantalizing. He could practically feel the virility from it, despite the age, the scent tingling in his nose. He always had had a... Inclination for male's seed, and it had been ages since he tasted any. His soft, pink tongue peeked from between his blue lips. A little taste wouldn't hurt... Heat blossomed between his legs, Jalle rubbing his thighs together as his tongue drooped lower, magical waves pouring off of the mask. And then he stole that lust away, grunting as he pulled his face back, the touch of magic making his fur stand on end. What a devious mask. Jalle wondered what it would have been like, had Ky came back in to find the cat wearing this mask, completely given over to lust. Robes discarded, legs spread, begging to be used. Ky probably would have assumed that Jalle was corrupted entirely, and slain him right on the spot, and that left him with foul taste in his mouth.

He took one last look over the mask, and slid it into a black bag- dangerously magic items. However much he would enjoy seeing an acolyte of Bahamut slip the mask on accidentally, he knew the Order wouldn't see it the same way. He took a few of the ritual daggers- athames-, and stowed them in a blue bag, for mundane objects that still warranted taking. He though about sticking a few in his personal, white bag, but decided against it. No matter how much he disliked the Order, he was a professional, and thieving would reflect badly on him.

Jalle stepped over to the door opposite of the one Ky had taken, feeling air cool the cloth near his groin. Apparently he had been more affected by the artifact than he'd thought, but it shouldn't be noticeable to the dragon. If they met again. This was the last unopened door in the room, and it was identical to the one on the other side, taller than Jalle and made of wood. He tested the handle, and sighed- seriously, what kind of evil lair of sex cultists bothered to lock every single door before they left? He placed a hand over where the lock was, discerning it's type. He whipped out a pair of thieves' tools from a hidden pocket, and quickly picked the lock, before slipping them away again. Jalle only had some much magic in a day, but he could pick a whole lot of locks.

As he prepared to turn the knob, a smell wafted over his nose, hot and spicy. Immediately, he was reminded of the scent inside the mask, but that couldn't be it. He had yet to find any magical item on any level of strength that could teleport back from a bag of holding. Plus, it was much too fresh. He was reminded of nights with dragonkin, though he had never smelled this type before. It was as if fire were a part of it, making it more passionate, and warming his body. Once more, his body became flush with arousal, a the spark of that musky scent igniting a fire in his stomach, that wanted to be quenched by seed.

He expected it to fade away, another trick of the dungeon, but on his next breath he pulled more in, the odd scent warming his throat and belly, as if he'd taken a drink of hot tea. His tail jerked and swayed, the feline shivering under it's effects. He pulled the lust out of him once more, adding it to his reservoir in the ring. He started to wonder if his magic ring had a limit to how much it could hold, as heavy stomps came up behind him. He'd been pouring enough in to the ring that he worried it might fill up- and what would be the repercussions of that?

But, Ky was here, now, grabbing his forgotten sword from the dirt floor he'd left it standing in. Jalle looked him over, noting that he appeared flustered once more. The dragon's chest heaved from deeper breath, and sparkles of sweat made his scales and armor glitter. A cloud of musky scent clung to him- like the he'd smelled a moment ago, but condensed, as if sprayed on. Jalle couldn't hold back a smirk; "Another trap, hm? Was there anything else down there?" His eyes traveled down the dragon once more, hovering briefly over the male's groin. Just what was hiding under there, after all this...


Ky blinked, pausing at Jalle's words. He had this excuse about how a cave-in blocked the way out, and there was some weird smelling monster... But Jalle offered him up an easy way out. Why try to say it was something else when Jalle was already convinced, and it fit his needs? "Er... Yeah," he said slowly, seeing the cat's grin widen. "It was a dead end and another weird trap." He snapped his muzzle shut with a click, waving at the door infront of them. "Is it open, or what?"

Jalle rolled his eyes as the dragon's curt attitude and forced words, turning back towards the door. "Luckily, I was able to save this door from the scourge of the dungeon- the Golden Dragon Who Hates Doors. It's unlocked." Ky shifted his weight as the cat turned the handle, pulling it open. He'd have preferred to go first- he was the one with heavy armor and muscle, after all. He couldn't help but feel protective over someone like Jalle, one who was short and thin, wearing just some light robes. Someone with curvy hips, and a lustful look in their eye... He blinked the thoughts away. Past Jalle, the cave system went down, further under the ground. Worn steps dipped down, Jalle stepping on them easily, though Ky had to take several at a time, trying to get his too-large feet to fit on one or two before taking the next step.

About halfway down the stairs, the cave roof pulled away sharply, revealing a large amphitheater type room. An old, musty scent clung to the stone here, making Ky squint his eyes, looking for the source. The stone steps they were on changed, at the same spot the cavern opened up, turning into long steps that rimmed the room. There were three other clear exits, much like the one they entered in. The steps lead down to a floor, where a stage had been set. It was circular, carved from the same dark stone as everything else here, with similar steps leading up. A large, metal ring was there, fastened to the ground, along with five throne-like seats, all facing inward. Each had a carving of a draconic face at the top, exactly the same as the golden masks from the previous room. As they stepped further in, the pair noticed a pair of chests, but into the circular platform, the tops sitting at the same level as the rest of the circle, so they could be stood upon when closed. They were made of stone, with a simple lip on the front for opening.

Ky heard his partner gasp, his eyes swiveling in time to see the male's rounded ears perk, fluffy tail giving an excited swish. "This must be their ritual chamber" he said, making Ky shake his head. Again with this- it was hard enough to keep himself under control; he didn't need Jalle constantly talking about sex to make it worse. He opened his mouth to respond, but Jalle was still gushing on. "That must be where they put the Ascendant! Weird about the ring- do you suppose they tie him down? I would think he wouldn't run away." The cat flew down the remaining steps with a grace Ky couldn't hope to possess, soon padding up, and onto the platform.

He paused once up there, looking at the ground and frowning, lifting up a foot, before tentatively putting it back down. As Ky approached, footsteps echoing in the large chamber, he could see why. Pools of dried, white substance covered the ground. It looked like it was layered, thicker in some spots and thinner in others. "Are you enjoying stepping in thousand year old ritual semen?" Ky asked, his voice kept surprisingly dry- except for that hint of teasing in it. It felt good to give one back. Jalle hmphed, his ears flicking. "No, it's... Warm." Ky walked in a circle around the stage, but as he did, they both heard a worrying sound- metal grating against stone, fighting against years and years of accumulated dust and rock. They both looked around, searching- only to see the distant exit doors getting blocked by heavy grate.

Ky cursed, and Jalle groaned, shooting a fiery look at the dragon. "Did you trigger another trap?! Did your giant, clumsy feet slam down on yet another pressure plate!" Ky glared in return, gripping his sword tighter. "Why is it always my fault? You're the one over there, standing on the pile of warm cum! Maybe you triggered it, by standing where you weren't supposed to!" Ky's voice rose, from an angry low, until he was nearly roaring, his words overly loud in the now closed off room, reverberating off of the old walls.

Something in Ky seemed to give, and he tossed away his sword and shield as Jalle began to argue. Ky started advancing on him, and whatever the cat had been about to say died in his throat, upon seeing the dragon's raging expression, something terrible lurking in those blue eyes. He stomped onto the first step of the raised middle section, and his greaves and fore-arm plates snapped off, leather binds fluttering as they fell, somehow ruined. Ky started to yell, words pouring from him, unhindered by faith, or code. "I've borne the brunt of everything this dungeon threw at us! Every trap, every lewd creature attacking us, while you pranced around and played with dildos and smut fiction books! Every day, I've been holding in this damned, evil lust, hiding it away, stopping myself from sinning while you teased and showed off." His foot slammed onto the next step, claws scraping in the white. The codplate fell free, his pants ripping off, while his shoulder guards snapped off from above, clattering to the ground.

Ky's balls finally dropped free, liberated from their tight prison. The globes were each the size of a soccer ball, pressed inbetween Ky's massive, golden thighs. His rank musk filled the air, increased in potency from his attempts to stifle it earlier. Ky's cock drooped from his slit, thick around as the dragon's own wrist, over a foot and a half long. It was covered in firm ridges, starting from his slit, and appearing roughly every two inches from then on, tapering slightly as it neared the cock tip. The head of that member was just as intimidating, with a flared rim covered in short spikes, and a rounded dome reaching a thick, extended cumslit, which shot out a heavy line of pre, wetting the floor infront of him.

That dick bobbed and weaved, quickly reaching full firmness now that it was out, jutting out from the dragon's hips. Jalle certainly looked shocked, though it Ky hadn't even noticed, too caught up in his rage. He crested the lip of the platform, and the last of his armor gave way, his shirt tearing free without Ky ever touching it. Ky's muscles stood out firmly under his scales, pecs large and tough, arms swollen with muscle. He might not even need armor over his thick scales, horn-like spikes running down the sides of his exposed arms and legs, but he wore it as his Order dictated.

Jalle backed away from him, but Ky was far from done, turned into a veritable storm of anger and need. He could smell something on the cat, something sweet and light, that only stoked the inferno of his passion higher, making his prick jump and squirt. "It's high time you shared the load!" He must have known he was naked on some level, as he grabbed the slim cat's robes, pulling the smaller male close. Ky's oversized cock rubbed against the feline's side, staining the cloth dark with his pre.

Jalle sucked in a breath beneath him, Ky clearly seeing fear in those pink eyes. He didn't care, though, as he let out of hot breath, laced with smoke. It was strong enough to blow back the cat's shoulder-length, wavy hair, darker than his normal blue. Jalle squinted and turned his face away, as Ky lifted a clawed hand, easily slicing through the front of the mage's robe. He must've cut the cat's belt, for pouches of multiple colors hit the ground around them, Jalle's component and gold bags making a larger thump. Ky stepped forward, further pressing the mostly naked cat against him, letting the lesser creature feel the heat of his scales.

For Jalle was lesser- there were no better than dragons. Ky began to smile as the thoughts lined up in his head, all so simple now. He, not quite a full dragon, worshiped Bahamut, who was the most a dragon could be. Ky was close to that divinity- but Jalle was not. He was but a cat, something mundane. Something that should worship him instead. Lesser races could give their faith to dragons like him, for they didn't deserve to pray to Bahamut directly. Ky forcibly removed the rest of Jalle's clothing, earning a high, pained mewl as the robe briefly caught on the furred male's arm, Ky's overpowering strength pulling it away.

He saw the mage casting a spell, saw the blue magic leave his paw, hitting the dragon's chest. He shrugged it off- such cantrips wouldn't effect him now. He grasped the feline back the arm and the leg, easily lifting him, placing him on one of the large thrones, ass facing out. Even still, in this state, he felt mild surprise at what Jalle hid. A soft looking pair of lips laid in the cat's groin, inches below his hole. Lingering traces of that sweet scent from before trailed out from it, Ky taking a deep whiff. With one hand easily holding Jalle down, he stepped into place behind him.


Fuck, fuck! Jalle squirmed on the stone seat, every inch of him exposed, from his white chest, down to his snowy groin. He could only assume that they must've inadvertently triggered some sort of ritual. It had been absolutely terrifying, seeing Ky pound towards him, pissed off. He had thought it sincere... Until he found that he could see trails of black smoke, magical energy, flowing off of the dragon's muscles, those typically blue eyes shrouded in red. After his stunning spell simply flowed around Ky, Jalle hadn't had any time to muster up anything else. Stronger magic required concentration, as well as the ability to move his hands and speak, and quite frankly, Jalle wasn't sure he was going to be able to do anything more than make the basest of sounds, in a moment.

Ky was blisteringly hot, making him sweat under his fur in moments. He couldn't move an inch under that hand, and his body quivered as he felt another source nearing him from behind. A hot lashing slid over his full rear, and part of his back, slowly dripping down his body, leaving a tingling sensation behind. Another one came, this one centered on his sensitive hips and hole, blasting them with slick fluids, drawing a gasp from his lungs. He could feel the heat pouring in waves from that monster of a cock, so close to his lips. At any other time, Jalle would've found this incredibly sexy, but getting fucked by his supposedly straight Bahamut-following partner hadn't been something he'd been expecting.

He had to take some measures to ensure that Ky didn't break him- luckily, Jalle knew some smaller cantrips, that'd helped his sexual escapades in the past. With a few mumbled words, and a twitch of his fingers, he cast a spell to improve his stretchiness, and another to lessen the pain of such a large insertion. He'd never taken anything like Ky, and the cat scrambled to get his 'defenses' up in time, while the head of Ky's cock pressed to his cunt. He could feel it starting to spread him, and choked on his spell as a burning gush of pre flooded his tunnel, pumped directly in from that unrelenting dick. It poured back out of him, until that broad tip stoppered him up.

Somehow, he managed to finish casting the spells for improved stamina, and heat resistance. The burning from Ky's pre faded immediately, turning to a soothing heat. Of course, that didn't help when the dragon finally thrust, spearing a good forth of his length into Jalle's too-tight vagina, forcing the breath from his lungs in a wheeze. He felt every last bit of that dick, from the firm, yet soft spikes around the head, veins crossing over the bulging length, and the ridges popping in with lewd squelches, each one forcing it's way in and letting a small flood of fluids drain from his stuffed hole.

Ky fucked him hard, sparing no moment for Jalle to adjust. As soon as that first bit was in, the dragon pulled back until his his thick tip was held within the cat's folds, and slammed forward once more, managing to get half in. Jalle had an amazing amount of clarity, amid the painful stretching, his face getting pushed against the cold stone throne. Just after pushing in, that cock let loose a long jet of pre, and Jalle moaned out, feeling it pool inside him. Ky's member was pushing against his stomach, and he was sure that if he could look down, he would see his flesh spread around the underside of Ky's member, as if he were practically a furred condom. He could feel it throb and pulse, rubbing the skin of his front between rock, and rock-hard cockmeat.

The dragon's breath blew on his neck, scented with smoke. Ky's thrusts were inexperienced and awkward from his position. Jalle's top had to lean over to keep a hold on his body, the short throne forcing Ky to crouch, the dragon likely powering through on sheer strength alone. Jalle could feel the pre affecting him, his ears twitching as he heard it pouring out, dribbling beneath them, that same spicy scent from before making him sneeze and blush. Of course it'd been from Ky.


Lost in a world of pleasure, Ky thrust his aching member deeper into the tunnel beneath him. It was such a powerful feeling, having the hole get forcibly spread by him, each time he pushed in. It clung to his cock with a wet heat, drawing forth a surge of potent pre from his heavy, hanging nuts. He bucked further in, hearing another pop as a ridge, wider than before, made it's way in. His plentiful juices spurted back from the spread hole, washing over his balls, and splattering around his ankles, pooling out to reach the dragon's feet.

He couldn't form a single coherent thought, instead following the impulses of his body, as well as the odd presence inside him- he could feel it, hovering over his mind, encouraging him. It wanted him to fuck his friend, to leave Jalle swollen with his eggs, as that was all he was good for. Ky let loose an animalistic grunt as he slammed the rest of his length into the cat, his swinging balls pushing against Jalle's thighs, clapping against the stone below. He finally paused, the warm feeling of being fully sheathed in another running up his hard length, suffusing his body with a sense of pride and virility.

The dark presence urged him forward, pushing him out of the brief reverie. Ky's claws dug into the stone floor, through his slick pre as he pulled his length back out. He had to keep adjusting Jalle, since his thrusts forced the cat further up onto the throne. With his hands grasping the smaller male around the waist, he used the cat as his pleasure tool. All he cared about was getting himself off, of finally emptying his load and breeding another.

He pounded in, time and again, shaking the ground beneath them with the force of his thrusts. Heat swelled in his chest, his fucking gaining speed as Jalle's hole finally relented it's death-grip on his shaft. Ky's body started tensing up, from the claws on his feet, up to his powerful arms, squeezing around Jalle. Muscles in his neck and chest stood out prominently, Ky's head leaning back as he pounded in, lewd squelches and slaps resounding in the chamber for the first time in centuries. His pre had been pouring out for some time, leaving the platform slick and heated, Ky able to feel the odd warmth from below that Jalle had spoke about. As he slammed in the last few times, his huge, fertile balls pulled tight. "Guh-" Ky started, biting it back. His member pulsed powerfully, Ky able to feel the contraction of muscles running up his length to that fat tip. His internal fire reached a crescendo as Ky let loose a earth-shattering roar, letting every inch of the dungeon, and likely more outside of it, know of his claim on this brood slut beneath him. A fountain of fire flew into the air, from his throat, while a hose of his hot seed filled Jalle. The cat's belly quickly plumped full, the cat moaning beneath him. It wasn't enough for Ky, though. Not nearly enough. Spunk continued to pump out, and when Jalle's body grew tight, unable to stretch any further, it sprayed out from the cat's cunt, Fiery, thick, and goopy, Ky's jizz pulsed out in time with his cock, gushing out and coating the balls they came from, before flowing to the ground below.

Ky wasn't sure how long he came for, but it lasted longer than his flaming roar. He snapped his mouth shut, his body racked with release and pleasure like he'd never known before. It filled him, and as he felt the waves of his jizz wash over his feet, he felt another urge rise in him. He pulled back, standing up, his fertile, sexual fluids jumping out of Jalle's snatch with each ridge that came free. Finally, his tip was all that remained inside, and he pulled it out, watching as a long stream of his cum spurted into the spread hole, only to meet a wall of the very same goop, flooding out of Jalle's lips. The abused pussy couldn't close, lips folding in slightly while Ky's jizz left it, the dragon's cock instead rising up, directed by his hand to coat the cat's back. The air was rich with his scent, and whatever forces controlled the dragon continued to reinforce that this was right- Jalle should wear this seed as a badge of pride, to show off to the other inferior races, giving them a bare hint of a dragon's strength. It wasn't a perfect example- such a small cat was far too tiny of a canvas for all he had, but it would do. Ky watched as ropes of white coated Jalle, very slowly sloughing off to the sides, leaving behind an off-white sheen, before another fell, starting the process again. It soaked him entirely, coating him from his rear, up the spotted blue back, and onto those soft locks of hair, forcing his ears down so it didn't flood the insides.

Ky's cum hit the back of the seat, before raining over Jalle's jace, sputters and coughs coming as the feline tried to breath through it, bubbles briefly rising in the thick slime. But, finally, after so long and so much, Ky's cock started to wind down. It's spurts grew weaker, shorter, until the last few dribbles just left thick, off-white sludge clinging to Ky's ridges and folds. The cat before him was a cum-covered wreck, no inch spared. The gaping slit still drooled his seed, the hole above still closed, but pooled with jizz. It was almost as if the cat had been covered in snow, so thoroughly he was covered. The male's tail drooped over his thigh, hanging limpy to the ground, while Jalle's eyes were glazed over, dull in color. Cum leaked from his lips, dripping from his fur onto the throne. Ky's cock drooped. One could have said wilting, but that didn't quite fit, not for such an icon of masculinity. It's bulbous head sagged in the air, but his overwhelming thickness stayed, the majority of his member staying out from his slit. The entire platform was covered in waves of his jizz, and it poured off the edges in clumps.

The dark spirit, content with the 'destruction' Ky had wrought, vanished for now, leaving Ky slowly coming to realize what had happened.


After the first few thrusts, the pain and pleasure of getting spread wide, with the overbearing heat flooding his body... Jalle lost focus. It was too much for him to handle, even with his added magical aid. He was aware of that postoning member, filling him time and again, of his body's inadequate handling of penile fluids, but it was like he was watching it happen, rather than experiencing it first hand.

He knew he came several times, but his hole was simply too stretched for it to contract ant further around the cock within, instead spasming in their stretched state. It continued until his body grew slack, giving Ky more access, and still further on, until Jalle felt a wave of heat from above his body, and within. Never had he felt so full. He could feel the muscles of his stomach screaming as they strained to hold back what Ky was giving him, his womb and more packing with more than he could handle. He thought it was a blessing when the dragon pulled out, the feline feeling like a popped bottle of champagne as it left him.

But that wasn't all, Jalle soon having to deal with his body being covered in molten, sticky layers. It was unnaturally thick, clinking to each strand of his fur, seeping in to press against his skin, rolling off of his back and over his sides as his vagina twitched in orgasm once more. God, this level of... Potency, of virility, was so damn hot. His feelings were muted, pounded into submission with the rest of him, but he had a warm contentment at surviving such a raw display of breeding. Beneath that, though, simmered a cool anger. It felt more like displeasure now, but it would grow in him. As cum filled his mouth and nose, forcing him to breath it out, he knew he'd have his revenge.

Cum continued to flow over his face, and he gave a few swallows to alleviate it- but his stomach protested even that, against the aching walls of his feminine innards. He angled his face upward, giving his nose the height it needed to suck in air, and caught the sight of Ky, lips tweaked, cock bending, awash with feelings. He wondered if all Bahamut paladins lost their virginity with such a show. And then, he passed out, everything going black.

Jalle awoke some time later, his body aching deeply. His eyes didn't want to open, and moving a limb felt as if he were trying to climb a mountain, so he quickly gave up. He felt warm, though. Air blew past his ears every few moments, and he noticed himself rising before it let out. His sluggish mind figured out that he was lying on Ky, who was surely asleep. Some part of him found that... Sweet. He could easily see the stingy, sexually confused paladin leaving him on the cum-throne, but Ky had taken the time and care to move him.

He finally cracked open an eye, and had his suspicions confirmed, seeing the swell of Ky's jaw, pointed with spikes, inches away from his face. Jalle's head lay on the bigger male's neck, the entirety of his small body curled up on the male's chest and stomach. He was still covered in sticky, mostly-wet seed, making him feel a hundred pounds heavier. It was worse than just water, since it held so firmly. His insides pulsed with an angry pain, and Jalle couldn't blame them. He reached down to his lower stomach with what strength he had, and willed forward an amount of healing magic. The pulsing faded into a dull buzz, and he let out a sigh, before felling asleep once more.

When he next woke, it was to Ky's poking. "J-jalle," the dragon said quietly. "This place isn't as deserted as we thought." Fear spiked through him, cold and shocking. There was no way he could fight like this. He opened his eyes, finding them surrounded by humanoid figures, wearing robes just like the ones they found upstairs. These, however, weren't torn by the ravages of time, instead looking quite new. Most wore masks, and it was clear now that they were indicators of rank. Wood for the lowest, clay for the middle, and finally, gold for the highest. He could only see two of the thrones, but he could tell that figures sat in them. One was a powerful, muscled body- another dragon, like Ky, who defied normal sizes. His scales were a crimson red, and a constant flame broiled in his mouth, peeking out between a jagged jaw, spikes forming a deadly line around the teeth within. Wings branched out from the male's back, hanging over the sides, where they drooped, half folded. In the black seat, sat a much more demure figure. It was taller than Jalle, but similar in body, with a trim belly and curvy hips. A thin, dark length rose from it's slit, a few small dribbles of pre making shiny streaks down the length. He looked up, and caught the male's eyes staring back at him, a devious grin on his face. Jalle closed his eyes, and tried to go back to sleep, rather than deal with this.