The Farm - 3

Story by Ashley Natter on SoFurry

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#3 of The Farm

Alan receives a special job.

Alan was grudgingly making his way to the dining hall, hopping that food and a good night of sleep would take his mind out of the raging arousal that seemed to fill every cell of his body when Mistress Elizabeth put a hand on his shoulder.

"You come with me," she said. "You will have a special job for tonight."

He follows without making any questions, he has already understood that its best not to argue with the Mistresses. She guides them towards a big barn on the left side of the compound, a place he hasn't seen yet.

As they walk inside, the strong smell of the feral horses hit him, he sees several bays where the animals rest during the night.

"Tomorrow you will have to clean the horses," Elizabeth explains as she makes him walk into one of the bays and force him down on a pile of hay.

Alan blushes almost immediately with the way she commands him.

Elizabeth looks at the bulge in his pants and licks her lips. "Aren't you a little uncomfortable like that?"

"Well, uhh." is all that Alan can stammer.

Elizabeth giggles, "Open your pants up, and let it out. I want to smell it."

Alan undoes his belt, and pants, and then takes off his underwear. His fully engorged cock springs free, the tip already slick with his pre-cum.

Elizabeth's voice is husky, commanding. "Play with it for me."

Alan feels a cold shiver trough his spine when he touches his cock with his new hands, taking a moment to get used to the new sensations that comes with the cold scales and begins to move his hand up and down his hard shaft; he turns his attention back to the mare. She slowly takes off her clothes, taking off her shirt and bra, her firm breasts dangling free, she pinches one of her own nipples as she watches him jerking off his cock.

"Does it feel good?" Elizabeth whispers. "Doing that to yourself."

Alan nods. "Yes, it feels great."

"Stop touching it now," she commands.

Alan turns his head and looks at Elizabeth; his hand stops moving on his cock, and to his surprise she put her hand on it.

Elizabeth begins stroking Alan's cock up and down.

"You are a good and obedient fox, Alan," she says looking into his eyes. "We can make you even better here."

"Mmm," Alan moans, closing his eyes and biting his lips. "Your hand feels so good."

"Oh, that's so cute!" Elizabeth laughs. "Do you want me to stroke your cock faster?"

Alan moans loudly. "Yes, please! I want to cum."

Elizabeth's hand continues moving up and down his hard shaft.

She leans over, licks the pre-cum off the tip, and smiles.

"That taste sweet," Elizabeth smiles as she continues her slow stroking. "Do you want to get better, Alan? To be better then you could ever hope to be?"

"Yes," Alan replies his voice laced with lust.

Elizabeth takes her hand from his cock and takes a small can in her hand. The silvery cylinder is about the size of a soda can, with a twist of her hand she opens the top and offer it to the fox.

"Mistress Elizabeth..." He shakes his head, looking from her to the can in his hand.

Giggling like a filly, Elizabeth says, "Now drink it or you are going back to your family."

He pauses, hopping she had been joking.

"I know everything about you, dear," she puts a finger under his chin and forces him to look into her eyes. "I know why you signed and unless you obey my every order you will be going back to your family tomorrow morning."

Alan takes a small sip from the can, the strong and stingy flavor filling his mouth even as the strong smell of it fills his lungs. He looks at her hopping that would have been enough, but instead she holds him down with one hand as the other raises the can to force him to drink it all in great gulps.

Alan feels the convulsions rushing through his body like waves of fire.

"Sweet Goddess. Mistress..." He jerks with the hard spasm that tear through his changing body, his own voice sounding strange to his ears.

He cries out as his fingers touches the horns growing on his head, curving like those of a goat.

Shuddering waves of near orgasmic pleasure races through his nervous system, stealing his breath and leaving his body curled on the floor. His muzzle cracks and changes, becoming shorter, flatter like that of a lion.

Alan feels the sensitive tissue on his tail changing, losing its fur as scales cover his skin.

"Much better now," Elizabeth pronounces, "Do you like your new shape?"

Alan is almost lost for words. He can't know what she had done to him, how much he had changed. Can he even say he was a fox anymore?

No, there was no natural creature that would match his shape.

"It's... I don't know what I'm anymore..." he babbles.

She drags him towards the end of the barn, forcing him to walk fast on his hooves until they stop at the door of a stable with the top and bottom doors bolts, two neat, but rusted padlocks ensuring that the occupant is safely and securely contained. Elizabeth slides a key into both padlocks and tosses them aside on to the concrete floor, one of them tumbling into a puddle although she doesn't bother to retrieve it. Swinging the top door open with a pretentious creak, she peers in to the clean and well-kept stable, light coming from a couple of high-hanging fluorescent bulbs.

"Rise and shine, darling," Elizabeth smirks. "Time to make some foals."

A powerful palomino stallion prances inside the bay. He had caught the scent of the mare in heat from some distance away and his cock had already slipped free of its sheath to bounce against the black horse's belly.

"Take a good look at that!" Elizabeth exclaims as she admires the horse's cock. "That's a true cock! Look at the size and the girth! And just look how he uses it!"

The mare got into the bay, releasing a stream of urine to signal her readiness and eagerness to breed. Snorting hot air, the feral horse nuzzles under the mare's tail, peeling back his upper lip to better take in the scents. He brings his muzzle back to his mate's sex and swipes his tongue over her warm folds, already dripping with more than his saliva. Elizabeth moans and, below the stallion's belly, his cock stiffens, seeking a warm cunt to plough.

"Ohhh..." Alan shudders, jerking his cock as he watches it all intently.

No one is going to stop nature from taking his course and with a proud neigh, the stallion rears, dropping his weight on to her back. He grips at her waist with his bent forelegs and snorts again, jabbing his member forward wildly, with a frenzied thrust, he sinks the flat tip into the mare's eager cunny.

There is heat and fire, and then there is mindless ecstasy. It overtakes her, wrapping her in the cataclysmic folds of an impending orgasm that will consume her mind and body.

Grunting like the animal that she is, she feels the full girth of the stallion's cock buried in her warm pussy, drops of pre cum squirting against her cervix. Moaning, Elizabeth pants and tries to spread her legs for her stallion, falling prey to instinct and wanting to feel that log of flesh stroking her insides again and again until she comes and he fills her belly with his seed.

Her swollen clitoris sends jolts of exploding ecstasy as her vagina tightens around the invading cock, pulses then flare up in ecstasy. The whipping sensations tear through her, tightening her muscles as lustful heat flames runs throughout her body. She screams, only barely aware of him moving as the lightning strikes of pleasure tear her apart.

She holds her eyes over Alan, looking at him as the beast mounts her, as his cock stretches her cunt and plunges deep into her.

She wants him to see it, to see how a true male behaves.

In the midst of the rolling waves of pleasure, the stallion moves forwards, holding her with his forelegs quickly. He never hesitates, acting with bestial intent, Elizabeth moans loudly with the sudden, heats warmth that explodes from the head of his cock. She stares up at the stallion, watching his dark eyes widen with pleasure, pulling his big muzzle for a debauched kiss. He nudges inside her further, his cock and tongue invading her body at once. He thrusts deep into her body, and incredibly she feels her vagina warming, relaxing, yet firing a deeper need inside her.

"Keep looking!" She shook as the desire became a compulsion, a hard, carnal demand that left her gasping. "Keep stroking your cock!"

"Elizabeth!" Alan bit his lips, moaning pathetically, the smell of arousal fills the barn, arouses the two other horses in their bays, their constant noise as if they demand their chance.

She climaxes right on the first stroke. Breath escapes her, left her gasping, her head whipping against the powerful stallion that mounts her.

His cock fills her as it surges through swollen tissue, but the bite of pain does little to cool the violent arousal that pushes her to new heights of blissful desire.

She can't stop her tortured moans as she feels his strong body covering her, his cock pounding inside of her. Alan can't stop jerking off, can't stop looking at Mistress Elizabeth's body being taken by a horse.

The hot shaft of engorged flesh drags past the gripping muscles of her cunt, only to return in a hard stroke of such brutal pleasure that seems to drive her beyond any sane pleasure.

Her thighs tenses, the muscles of her cunt involuntarily tightening on the surging shaft, feeling the thick veins, the throb of blood, the hard pulse that beat beneath the engorged flesh.

She can feel his cock battering at the entrance to her womb, stroking her higher, filling her, driving her farther into the vicious flurry of debauched sensations. Her breath gurgles in her throat, her eyes blinds as her womb tightens further, then further. She tries to scream when she feels the ejaculation, but there is no breath for sound. Her orgasm comes with such pleasure she knows that no anthro cock can ever match. She feels her own release splatter past his surging cock, then amazingly, her muscles clamp tighter on him.

Her body pulses in frenzied orgasm as she tightens further. She can't move. His animalistic growls sounding in her ear as his cock's head flares, she can't force him away. Another orgasm rips through her body then as she feels the first splash of his hot seed inside her quaking pussy. His cock is pulsing hard, the beat of blood vibrating through her over-stretches muscles as his cock jerks inside her, spilling the thick, rich semen that Elizabeth knew had impregnated her, she can feel the beast's semen inside of her, reaching into her ovulum.

The flared head pulses, engorges, pushing her into another series of rapid orgasmic bursts as yet more of his release surges inside her womb. There is hot seed dripping from her stretched pussy already.

The head of his cock is buried against her cervix, each time her own hips jerks, she can feel the bulging head moving against it.

The stallion stays locked tight inside her. His damp fur caresses her body and her back as his heaving chest rasps against her.

"So good," she whispers, sighing deeply. "I need you to help me here now."

Alan's head feel like it is spinning, "Whew! That is incredible."

Elizabeth smiles tiredly, "I'm glad you liked it. Tomorrow I just might want to try to suck you off."

Alan's jaw just about drops, normally he had to coax, and cajole a girl into taking his cock into her mouth, but Elizabeth had just told him that she wants to suck him.

She pulls out from under the stallion, leaving behind her a trail of dripping semen. "I should go, and I don't want the others to get too jealous. Tomorrow they will probably want to have some fun too."

After Elizabeth had left, Alan laid in his bay, he can't believe what he had just watched. And to think that his assignment was just starting.