That was the true horror of the chimera curse, the mind and awareness remained human no matter the final form.
Vore Club - Part 1 (Vore Story)
chimera to finish her meal.
Stuff of Legends
chimera's ears twitched and the hybrid looked away. puffing, "chimera," after a moment. "well chimera," pegasus sank to one knee, "i think i recall hearing you pant something earlier." grip tightened, spreading that cheek further.
Puzzle Game
The otter stopped blowing the chimera to step over his thighs, pushing his feet back under ogun's legs with bridges' knees around the chimera's hips.
From Prisoners to Partners
Throughout it all, chimera and mirror were together. admittedly, chimera's opinion on mirror changed over time.
For We Are Many
The chimera's eyes went wide. "ohhhh...!"
Dragon Storm: Chapter 24: Yun vs. Cross Wing!
Yun dodged the chimera's attacks one by one but one of the chimera's attacks grazed him.
To Catch and Keep a Chimera
"i want to bring back a chimera." the duke nearly had a stroke. "a chimera? a chimera?! are you mad? not even the king's hand dares try to tame them!"
A Breath of Fresh Air
chimera placed a finger on dashel's lips. "hush. you will be." dashel let out a yelp as he felt himself lifted, chimera's hands cupping his rear.
Benders and Berries
The chimera dismissed them with a shrug and went on with his day. as the days passed, the chimera's wardrobe slowly tightened and his hue gradually darkened, though he continued to ignore his changes.
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 5.4 Shrad
Shadow roared, holding out a claw at the nearest chimera.
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Shrad Milestone 1a
Emerging from the carriage, i avoided the snapping dragon head from the chimera.