Silver Nights - Chapter 3

Story by Fatchaos on SoFurry

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I am aware this chapter contains only humans, but it would have been quiet silly if I had just skipped it. So I will post it here anyway.

Silver Nights - Chapter 3

-=Blue Eyes=-

Cael looked outside from the window. It was raining again. His room was warm, the fireplace downstairs had a chimney going just trough his room, and it provided heat to his room. He looked silently at the Earthym Orders soldiers on the street. Even when it was raining, they fulfilled their duties and kept the streets of Lavathia safe. Lavathia was, after all, one of the few cities of Southern Earthym that was nearly free of corruption and crime. It was an important city for the Earthym Order, as it connected most of the other cities in Southern Earthym, so it was a very important trade route. That made the city extremely busy, and merchants from all over came to sell and buy various goods. Anything, really. It was a rather small city considering it was so important, but the nearby Lavun lake, which was considerably large, prevented most of the citys expansion, and Earthym didn't plan on expanding the walls anytime soon. Cael's parents were also merchants, highly respected ones, and they owned a huge store in the main street, selling mostly anything one could ever ask for daily living needs. His father wanted Cael to become a merchant as well, so he had taught him advanced mathematics and paid for him to study in expensive private school. While Cael was an extremely well behaved, smart student, and he learned quickly, Cael didn't want to become a merchant. He wanted to become a soldier. He found such life appealing to him, so, after his studies, he secretly sneaked away from his room at nights to train at the backyard. He had also persuaded (Cael really knew how to talk his way through) his father in buying him a crossbow, which he liked to test out in the fields outside Lavathia. He was extraordinary skilled with it, especially in terms of long range accuracy. During the days, he read books. But not storybooks. Cael was also hungry for knowledge, and he stuffed his head full information from just about anything. Flora, fauna, bestiaries, medical books, history (one of his favorite subjects), you name it. Cael was already 18, and he worked at his father's story, assisting him when needed. He had rather short, brown, well-kept hair, bright, pure blue eyes, and thanks to his excessive training and various other workouts in the backyard, he was very fit as well. Cael decided it was time to tell his father that he was going to join the local barracks to assign up to the army of the Earthym Order. After gathering the courage to do so, the day finally arrived when he approached his father when he was counting the days profit. "Father. There is something I wish to discuss with you. It is important." His voice showed no signs of hesitation. His tone was soothing, smooth & comfortable. His father was studying the stock and he lifted his head from the counter and put aside the papers. "What is it, son? " Cael approached his father, then looked him in the eyes. It was clear where Cael had inherited his eyes. "I am going to join the army of Earthym Order. " The two just stared at each other for a while. The silence was truly oppressive. "I hope you understa-"

  • "Understand!? Why? You have all you need here, and you want to join the army!? "

  • "I'm not ungrateful, dad! But I have dreamed about becoming a soldier ever since I was a little child! "

  • "If you think like that, then your TRULY are still a child!"

  • "Father... I want to make a difference, I don't want to be a hero! I just want to help people. In my way."

His father took a deep breath and sighed loudly. He knew Cael was impossible to persuade. If he wanted something badly, he would get it, no matter what. He had not been a demanding child, but he always knew how to put his words. "Son. I just think it's dangerous. "

  • "I know, father. But this... is my destiny! I can sense it."

Silently, his father gave him his approval.

The next day Cael went to the local recruiting office at the local barracks, and singed in. "Name...?" The officer asked.

  • "Cael Marthyn, sir."

  • "Marthyn?" The officer looked at Cael. "Are you perhaps the son of Frell Marthyn?"

  • "That is correct, sir. He is my father."

  • "Well I'll be! What makes his son join the army? The poor bastard didn't force you, did he?"

  • "This is what I have always wanted, sir. To be able to make a difference."

The officer chuckled. "Then you have come to the right place, son!"

Cael fit the military perfectly. He was obedient, respected the authorities, he was an excellent learner, he was fit, he was kind to others, and most of all, he was smart. After basic training, he was stationed as a guard in Lavathia, with the rank of Corporal. His father admitted that his son truly looked handsome in the uniform: A light chainmail shirt, topped with a warm, lightly red cloth with a Earthym Order emblem on it, sturdy leather boots, and shoulder & knee guards, complete with a light helmet. He had a crossbow tightened on his back with a leash, and a short sword on his belt. He served as a crossbowman thanks to his superior aim with it, a fact that left even the veteran officers speechless when they saw him at the training grounds. He could visit his parents from time to time, and they were proud that he was already a Corporal. He was soon to get his next promotion, when the guards faced a rather bad, and a bit unusual situation. Usually the streets of Lavathia peaceful, but on this very day, there was an incident. A man who had stabbed his wife who had cheated on him, was standing on a roof of a local apartment, 3 stories high (one of the highest buildings in town). He had a bloody dagger, and he was waving it quite frantically, claiming he would end his life by jumping down. Cael was issued to take a shot at him if the tried to jump or throw the dagger, to prevent any possible civilian casualties, since there was a rather large crowd that the guards were trying to keep out, but with little success. Curiosity for this unusual event was drawing people like sugar draws ants. The Sergeant who was in charge of the situation clearly was clueless about what could be done, other than shooting the man and calling it a day. Cael walked to the Sergeant while he still had his eyes fixed to the man on the roof. "Sergeant, sir. Corporal Cael. May I make a suggestion, sir? " The Sergeant looked briefly at Cael, and gave him the permission. He could need all the help he could get. "I wish to speak with the man, sir. "

  • "Are you sure, Corporal? He looks... unstable! He might jump. Or stab you. Or grab you AND jump. All of those are bad. "

  • "I will be careful, sir. "

  • "Alright! Do it, but be careful. Shoot him if he attacks you!"

  • "I hope it won't come to that, sir!"

Cael climbed to the roof, and approached the man from behind, but he didn't sneak up on him, since he started talking to him as soon as he became visible. "You there! "

  • "What! Don't come closer! "

  • "I wont. I wont. Listen. Are you sure you want to do this?"

  • "You listen! She had an affair! AN AFFAIR! After 15 years, you would think. *sob* You would think this wasn't possible!"

  • "I can understand it hurts. It must hurt so badly, I can't even imagine. But what you did to her... to your own wife."

  • "I... I didn't want to! I was... enraged! I didn't want to hurt her! I just wanted her to realize how bad I felt! I just... couldn't stop..."

  • "I'm not blaming you, you just over-reacted a little, and lost control. Your wife isn't dead, we can work this out."

  • "How? How exactly could we work this out?! I'm thrown to jail the second I surrender, I am nothing but a troublemaker anymore!"

  • "Listen. This isn't the right way. What about your family?"

  • "My wife?! She... she doesn't love me, she made that clear!"

  • "What about your children, do you have children? "

The man stopped crying.

  • "I... I have a daughter."

  • "Think about it. Do you want your daughter to have his father die here, in a way like this? "

  • "Cornelia... I... "

  • "Cornelia would be left with no father... It would make her very sad... you don't want to hurt your daughter, right? "

  • "Of course not! She's my daughter! *sob* I love her! "

  • "Tell you what. Come over here, drop the dagger, and we can work this out so Cornelia still has a chance to see you, and live with you once we get this mess figured out later, ok? "

The man looked uncertain, and wept his face with his arm. Cael kept looking at him in the eyes. " We can work this out. "

  • "You're right, this... I don't want to hurt Cornelia. "

The man dropped the dagger on the roof, and walked to Cael.

  • "You did the right thing. "

  • "I guess you want to... drag me or something? "

  • "I was hoping we could just walk down. Is that alright? "

  • "Yes... It's alright..."

Cael slowly walked with the man, and brought him down. His fellow guardsmen rushed to the man, but were gentle once they saw his face, and the expression on Cael's face. It was rather demanding. "Be gentle with him. He had a rough day. "

The Sergeant approached, and issued two guards to take the man into the local barracks. Cael shouted to the man before he disappeared to the crowd : "Make sure you let Cornelia know you love her!". The Sergeant looked at Cael a bit, and patted him on his shoulderguard. "That, lad, was nicely done. I was expecting we'd have one corpse, but apparently, you were able to talk him out of it! You must be a real silver-tongue. "

  • "Thank you, sir. I have always been good with words. "

  • "I can see that. Well... You get the rest of the day off! You've earned it!"

  • "Thank you, sir!"

Cael used this chance to go to the local pub. He didn't drink often, and when he did, he still kept his senses. Ladies liked that. He was rather fond of the ladies, and vice versa. His blue eyes and smooth words usually did the trick rather nicely, and he was rarely... alone.

Thanks to the praising report the Sergeant had given about Cael, he was soon promoted to a Sergeant as well, and he had a chance to show his skills in leadership. And that, he mastered. He was very precise, he didn't let anyone, including himself, slack off. He was known as the Sergeant who did work as much as the soldiers under his command. He was demanding, but he was also a man who knew the limits of others, and knew theirs strengths, and used them. He had been able to, thanks to his persistent investigation and the fact he took no bribes, root out a few remaining criminal gangs from Lavathia. Most of the raids to the gangs hideouts went peacefully, as Cael could negotiate the criminals to surrender. However, if they didn't, Cael proved he was just as deadly with a sword as he was with a crossbow. He was 20 when he was promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. However, times were getting a little more difficult for Lavathia. A band of former soldiers from the countries of Souther Earthym, before the area was added to Earthym Order during the War of Earthym, had formed a formidable group, and it's aim was to gain control of Lavathia. It was a key city to Earthym Order, and with it under their control, they would be able to block trading routes to the rest of the Earthym, and that would bring them both power... and money. Of course, they would have to leave soon before the main army of Earthym would move in, but even weeks of control of the city would provide a considerable amount of goods and gold. The group had been spotted near Lavathia, and any chances of sending messages for reinforcements had been cut off. No more messengers were sent, as it proved to be useless, and fatal for the poor messengers. It was an army of about a half a thousand men, with military training and good equipment, including a few catapults. It was a very formidable foe to the Earthym Orders soldiers stationed in the walls of Lavathia, consisting of only about two hundred men plus a hundred of man-at-arms at the current time. The enemy had surrounded the whole city, and the soldiers were on full combat alert at all times. The bloodless (for now) siege had lasted for two days. The enemy had not tried to attack, yet, but it was moving for the kill. Cael was planning the defenses with his fellow officers in the officer's quarters at the barracks. He was a junior officer, but he was still respected, and he was the man who kept the records on everything. On the table with him, there were Captain Logh, Lieutenant Tridloy & Bryl and Second Lieutenant Hamfer. Logh already had grown quite a few grey hair, but he had never let that slow him down. His face was a bit rugged by the years, but he compensated with a very well-kept hair and beard. He was respect both by the military and by the peasants. Tridloy was a bit impolite, he was easily provoked, and easily irritated. Beneath that surface, however, was a heart of valor, justice and honor, and he would be the last man to retreat from the battle. He also loved his wife, Lydia and their daughter above all, and showed none of the mentioned bad mindsets to them. Bryl, who suffered from a minor crisis with his wife and of course, the fact that he was becoming old, made him a bit more distant at times. But he was a great motivator, nevertheless, and he was especially respected amongst the new recruits with his encouraging presence. Hamfer, who was about five years older than Cael, was also a junior officer, and he had yet to find his true place amongst the officers. He was a humorist, slightly carefree, but he did his job, and made sure others did theirs, with no exceptions. The discussion of the defense begun.

  • "What do you think, Bryl? "

  • "What do I think, Captain? We are outnumbered, and we aren't getting any help. The enemy is moving to attack us at any second, most probably before twilight. "

  • "Cael, what is the EXACT number of men we have?"

Cael was very good at maths, and he kept a close attention to anything, and he was always aware what he was working with. Naturally, he kept records on everything.

  • "Captain. We have one hundred and thirty three footmen, and sixty two archers, both crossbowmen and bowmen. Officers included. We currently have one hundred and twenty six man-at-arms, mostly in good combat shape, with around thirty of them having bows as well. We are short on arrow supply, though. "

  • "What about the enemy? "

  • "Men on the walls have reported that the enemy has around five hundred men stationed around us, and 3 catapults at least. I have checked from the towers personally, and that is very close to truth. Their man force is stationed north, which is our weakest gate, since it only has one guard tower, and the doors are not as sturdy as the southern gates, since the renovations were never done to it. "

  • "They know our weakness, then. Damnit. What about the walls? Would they consider trying to get over them?"

Lieutenant Tridloy interrupted Cael before he could answer. "Unlikely! We are dealing with raiders, here. They will most probably push with everything they have through the north gate, so we'd best station at least half of our me- "

  • "Lieutenant, sir. Apologize for me interrupting, but I do not see the enemy is that... stupid. They are not mere raiders. " Cael looked very formal and calm as he looked at Tridloy, who didn't look too pleased from being interrupted. "SECOND Lieutenant, what makes you think that is true? "

  • "Sir, the enemy is highly trained former soldiers. They, without a doubt, have officers as well, and it would be foolish of them to attack just one spot. Especially when they can siege the city with their catapults. If we are not careful, the enemy can flank us, OR crush our walls before we realize it. They also have the hills for cover, not to mention the tress around the walls. "

  • "Cael is right, Lieutenant. We have to divide our forces more equally. They cannot attack from the east, since they would have to take a swim through Lavun lake, and even if they tried that, we can station a few archers to take them off. Luckily, last I checked, catapults do not float, either. We need to station the men to the south gates, the western walls, and the northern gates. "

  • "Bryl, Cael, Hamfer and Tridloy, deploy our men to the walls, and prepare for the worst. I will be stationed to the north gate, myself. "

  • "Captain, are you sure you wish to be stationed there alone?"

  • "I will be fine, Hamfer. Now, let us move! Lavathia will not fall under my watch! "

Cael and Second Lieutenant Hamfer were stationed to the west walls, when Lieutenant Tridloy and Bryl were stationed to the southern gates. Captain Logh had stationed himself to the northern gates. Just as planned. Every soldier and man at arms available were stationed to the walls, waiting to defend Lavathia. The walls of Lavathia were not very thick, and there were only a few guard towers, but the stones had always protected her. "Well... what do you think about this, Cael? "

  • "Honestly, Hamfer? It doesn't look too good. But we will make it. After all, I met this young gal at the pub last week, and it would be very impolite of me not to show up next time I have the chance. "

  • "You randy womanizer! Always with the ladies... "

Hamfer laughed briefly with Cael, and leaned on the stone railing.

  • "Seriously, how do you even manage to get all the finest ladies? "

  • "Well... I know how to talk to a lady. And to LISTEN. "

  • "That can't be all... after all, I'm an expert at listening to their boring talk! "

  • "Well, I guess my pretty, pretty, pretty blue eyes also have an effect... "

  • "Hah! Not all of us were blessed with such divine looks, you bastard! "

Hamfer laughed loudly, but then sighed.

  • "This wait... it's unbearable. Feels like there's rocks on my stomach. Bouncing! "

  • "I agree... Calm before the storm. "

Cael took a look at the hills that unfolded before him. No sings of movement, yet, except for the faint movement the trees and grass gave from the gentle breeze. It was nearly twilight already. Cael checked his crossbow, his chestplate and shoulderguards over and over again. They were always right, in perfect condition, but he checked again. And again.

  • "You still have that crossbow? I thought you got rid of it when you got promoted... or at least get a more decorated one. "

  • "I'm more comfortable with it than with a sword. And I don't care about decorations... they don't make me shoot better. And sometimes, fancy decorations actually degrade the effectiveness. "

  • "Can't blame you... and I've seen you shoot. You're pretty badass shot. Not that your swordsmanship is bad... "

Cael laughed, but was interrupted to a sound of a horn, that nearly made him drop his crossbow to the ground. The attack had just begun. "On your guard, soldiers!! " , "Get those arrows ready, archers! " , "Look alive!! ", The shouts from the officers and sergeants filled the air, then the sounds of boots stepping on stone as the men set themselves ready for the hell about to unfold. "This is it, Cael. "

Cael had placed a bolt on his crossbow. " Yes, it is, Hamfer. I wonder if I packed enough bolts... or lunch? "

  • "One can hope! Holy fuck. That's... "

Cael looked in the hills, and the enemy walked towards the walls. Something was off. There were at least three and a half hundred men approaching, and two catapults. He really had thought they would attack the main gates with a stronger force. "Yes, Hamfer! That's a lot of soldiers! A lot more than we expected on this side! In fact, the majority of them seems to have decided to walk over US. " Cael turned around. "Archers! Get ready to fire! On my mark! "

The enemy, that was mainly consisted from footmen and archers behind them, started running towards the walls with the sound of their footsteps and battlecries filling the air. The two catapults fired their load, and the rocks flew over the walls, one missing a guard tower slightly, landing inside the city, provoking screams of the citizens taking shelter there. The intimidating sight of such force made some of the archers lose their cool, and they fired their arrows, only to have them land before they even reached the enemy. "HOLD YOU FIRE! On my mark! " The only time Cael showed sings of frustration was when his orders were not obeyed. He wanted things to go as he planned. The enemy force, carrying occupation ladders and grabbing hooks were approaching the walls, when Cael finally shouted the much waited command: "FIRE!" The barrage of arrows rained upon the attackers like a brutal hailstorm, and most of the attackers were trying to cover themselves with shields, if they had one. Dozens of men fell on the ground from the initial rain of arrows, and a couple of the attackers tripped over their dead or wounded comrades. Pain-filled shouting and moaning soon filled the hills. "Keep on firing! Everything you have! " The rain of arrows continued to wreck havoc against the attackers, but so did their catapults, as one hit a guardtower, making it crumble to the outside walls in a huge pile of dust. The enemy was now returning fire with their own archers, and even though it was harder to hit the men on the walls, their mark wasn't off. Cael, who had saved his crossbow for now, started picking off enemy archers. He never missed a single shot. "Damnit, Cael! How the hell do you do that?!" Cael was reloading his crossbow from the safety (or semi-safety, since yet again the wall shook as a catapult had hit it, making a part of it crumble down.) "I do not know! I just aim and fire! Simple! " The attackers had reached the walls, and were trying to deploy their ladders and hooks on the walls. "Sir! They are below us! And we are running out of arrows! "

  • "Shoot whatever you got, throw rocks at them if you run out of arrows, and don't let them man the damn walls!"

Cael heard a clang above his head. Seemed like a ladder was lifted just above his head, and the hooks prevented it from being pushed back so easily. Cael took his time, reloading his crossbow, then stood up, aiming at the ladders. He was looking directly at the face of a soldier. The soldiers eyes grew wider when he realized he was looking directly at a loaded crossbow. Cael fired, and the soldier flew down from the stairs in a spray of blood coming from the base of the bolt between his eyes, and his corpse landed on the ground like a ragdoll, hitting two of his comrades to the ground as well. Cael started lifting the ladder, but it was too heavy, and there were more soldiers coming up from it. Luckily one of Lavathia's archers shot the soldier that was made his way the farthest, as he got stuck from his feet on the ladder as his lifeless (or at least, numb, since there was an arrow jotting neatly from his ear) body was left on the ladder, making it very difficult for others to try to get past him. Cael had time to reload his crossbow, and he looked at the distance. The catapults. It was a very unlikely but he felt he could do it. He took aim, aimed up, watched how windy it was, held his breath, and shot. He looked, and to his amazement, one of the catapult operators fell to the ground. "Holy sweet fuck!" Hamfer was looking at what just happened as he threw a piece of wall the was severed from a catapult hit on the head of a unfortunate enemy trying to climb up yet another ladder. "Seriously! How the hell!?"

  • "Like I said! I don't know (Cael was reloading his crossbow)! I just... visualize the arc my bolt flies! It's kinda like I see a line showing me where the bolt will go. Oh, and I need to think how the wind will make my bolt react, as well! " Cael took another shot at the 2nd operator of the catapult, and hit him as well. "Looks like they will be running with one less catapults from now on, eh Hamfer? "

  • "GodfuckingHELL! Ryyargh!" Hamfer screamed in agony. He had just had his left shoulder pierced by an arrow. "Shit!" Cael rushed to his aid.

  • "Hold still! Don't try to pull it out! It wont come! "

  • "Sons of bitches! I'll rape their mothers for that! "

There was a formidable amount of blood pouring from his shoulder. Cael wanted to help him, but he couldn't leave his post, so he decided to do something else instead. "I'll be right back, Hamfer! Lay still!!" Cael rushed at two man-at-arms, who were covering behind the walls. "We have no arrows left!"

  • "Forget the damn arrows! See that man there? He's 2nd Lieutenant Hamfer! Drag him down from the walls, and take him to the barracks! Or anywhere safe! NOW! Move it! "

The two man-at-arms looked at each other, secretly relieved that they didn't have to stay up on the walls in the constant danger of being hit by an arrow or being attacked by the enemy that made their way up the walls. Cael worked his way up on the last (partly) remaining watchtower on the west wall, and climbed up. Half of the top was missing, and it probably had taken the men stationed there with it. He looked at the hill. He could see an officer, he was on a horse, looking down at the battle at the walls. An enemy officer, way out of reach from arrows, Cael thought. But not from the reach of his crossbow, should he hit. Cael started aiming, and prayed that his bolt would find it's mark. He fired, and looked with great anxiety. The officer fell from his horse, and the two remaining catapult operators rushed to check him in disbelief. Cael couldn't help but feel glee. He swiftly reloaded his crossbow again. He had 2 bolts left, counting in the one loaded. He looked at the north wall. It was holding, and by the looks of it, it was winning! Logh surely knew how to do things properly. However, the southern gate, was not holding. From the looks of it, a ram was being pushed to the gates, with the hopes of trying to bust the gate open. He looked at the situation of the western wall, and saw that a few remaining enemy soldiers had made their way up the wall. Cael rushed down the tower, to be greeted by two enemy soldiers. Cael barely had the time to aim when he shot the 1st one in the guts with his crossbow, making him fall down holding his stomach with blood pouring from his mouth. Cael drew his sword and leaped the last steps towards the second enemy soldier, who now was very aware of his precence. They circled around each other, with their swords drawn. Cael didn't have a shield, so he was at a slight disadvantage. The soldier rushed towards Cael, trying to hit him with an vertical slash. Cael was able to block it, but was smashed in the torso by the enemy's shield. He staggered back, and was soon hit again by the shield. He fell on the ground, and dropped his sword, but was able to prevent his head from smacking to the stone floor. Cael rolled to the left when the enemy tried to impale him, and camped him on the ground. Cael quickly got on his knees, grabbed a rock, and jumped on the enemy, and started smashing the heavy rock against his head before he could get up. After the first hit, the poor man couldn't do anything but spit blood, and then the stone hit his face again, and again. His face had been turned into an absurd mass of teeth, blood, flesh, pieces of skull and one bloody eyeball, as the other was too pummeled to be recognized as one. Cael dropped the rock, looked at the mutilated face for a while. His stomach turned a little from the brutal sight of bloody, popped eyeballs in the sockets, the fragments of skull, and the teeth that were scattered all over. Then he realized there was still a war going on around him. He took his sword and crossbow, and started running towards the southern gate. It seemed to him that they could use some help. He was running past the wall, and not surprisingly, there were Lavathia's guards still fighting the enemy coming from below, so Cael took the liberty and finished up a few enemy soldiers from behind when they had made their way to the walls, and were too focused on the other soldiers. The enemy was already retreating. Cael stabbed one of the enemy soldiers on the back on his way through yet another battered guardtower, but didn't stay to listen to the thanks from the Lavathia's soldier for aiding him. He ran, and ran. The trip seemed to take forever. Finally, he could see the gates. They were busted open by the ram, but there were only Lavathia's soldiers left standing. They had repelled the attack! Cael ran all the way to the gate, and looked at the outskirts of the city. A few enemy soldiers were making a tactical retreat to the hills, and one of their officers on the horse was screaming in the far distance, trying to make the attack continue. Last bolt, eh?, Cael thought. He reloaded his crossbow, took aim, and even though he was winded from all that running, his hands didn't shake that much. He held his breath, and took the shot. About two to three seconds later the officer fell from the horse, but his feet still remained strapped on it. The horse raved, and started running to the hills. Cael found it rather amusing. "That was a hell of an shot, Cael! " Cael turned, and saw Lieutenant Bryl. "How did you manage to do that?"

  • "Well... Bryl. I just... kinda visualize the arc my bolt goes, that's all. And take my time aiming! And the wind is a factor, as well... "

  • "Hah! I haven't seen such display in... well... ever!"

  • "Thanks. Your defenses were solid, it seems. "

Bryl's face turned serious.

  • "We lost many men... including Lieutenant Tridloy. That... damn idiot! He took the enemy forces head on with his men when they busted the gate. They fought valiantly but... Goddamnit! " Cael looked down, and after a bit of searching with his eyes, he saw Tridloy's body lying on the ground among with other bodies, face down. "Peace on his soul. "

  • "Aye... Ah hell... I need to tell Lydia. *sigh* She won't take this well. "

Cael realized there was still a battle going on. "Bryl, what of the north gates? I think Captain took a good care of the situation there, but we can't be su- "

  • "Sir! Sir! " A guardsman was running from the streets, he was panting heavily. No wonder, running around with a chainmail can be quite exhausting.

  • "Aye! Report, soldier. "

  • "The enemy! *pant* The enemy is retreating from all sides! *pant* We won! We won! "

Bryl smirked, and screamed: "Hahaaa! Victory! You hear that men? Victory is ours! Lavathia stands tall! "

The remaining soldiers joined him with the cries of victory, rising their bloody swords in the air, if they had the stamina left. Cael also joined, and rose his fist up in the air. Victory... it tasted sweet. Cael licked his dry lips. And bloody.

After the battle, Cael was promoted to the rank of a Lieutenant (to replace Tridloy), and his parents, naturally, were very proud of him. He was the 2nd highest of ranks in the city, only outranked by senior Lieutenant Bryl and Captain Logh. Second Lieutenant Hamfer was relieved from duty for now, since his arm would take a great deal of time to recover. Hamfer personally thought it was more embarrassing to be relieved from active duty rather than being shot by a bow. And he was disappointed he never got to have a swordfight with anyone! Logh had reported to some of his superiors back to the Earthym Capitol, Earthiantum, located in the Eastern Earthym, at the shores. He had told them that he had a very... gifted marksman under his command. Being able to shoot accurately to the reach of a longbow, easily. With a crossbow! Not to mention his other rather impressive traits. A certain group was rather interested, they required a man of extreme precision and reliability, after all. Cael had just turned 21 when he was approached by a messenger from no other than Mederik Earthym! The king of Earthym himself. "Lieutenant Cael Marthyn? " The messenger asked once he entered the officer's room. Cael rose his head from the book he was reading. It was a bestiary about more exotic creatures.

  • "Aye. That would be me. "

  • "I have a letter for you. From Mederik Earthym. "

  • "A letter? From...! "

Cael stood up, and took the letter with haste, and dismissed the messenger: "Thank you. You can sleep and eat at the barracks. If anyone asks, say Cael said YES. "

  • "Thank you, sir. "

The messenger took his leave. Cael started looking at his letter. It had the kings official red seal on it, so Cael rushed to break the seal, and revealed it's contents to his eyes. The paper inside was of very high quality, and the writing was done with ink, with a very beautiful handwriting, and there were no ink drops to be found.

" Cael Marthyn, Lieutenant of the Earthym Order, Lavathia

I, king of Earthym, Mederik Earthym, have summoned you, Cael Marthyn, to Earthiantum, and you are to report directly to the Palace of Earthym. Make haste, and leave immediately. Do not take anybody with you, and do not show this letter to anyone else. Take only your essentials, and leave Lavathia today. Should your superior have their doubts about your motives, show this letter to them.

At the end of the letter, there was the insignia of the king. This letter was official. Lieutenant Bryl, who was obviously being curious about the letter's contents, brushed against Cael. "Watcha got over there... a letter from a lover? I heard you have a couple of ladies in the to- " Cael pushed away. "I'm afraid you can't see this, Bryl. It's official. VERY official. " Bryl looked at the broken seal and realized it was from Mederik Earthym. "Wow. So it seems! Must be... a secret? Heheh, well... what now? "

  • "I need to make my way to Earthiantum, immediately. "

  • "So soon? Well... that surely didn't leave you much time to say goodbyes then! "

  • "No... it did not. I'd better get on going. "

Cael started packing in a rush. "Cael. I'll let the men set you a horse with your belongings ready on them. You'll have time to visit your parents. "

  • "Thanks... I appreciate that. "

  • "Don't mention it. Hey, I think I might just miss ya. "

Cael walked to Bryl, and grabbed his hand and squeezed. "It's been an honor working with you. "

  • "The same. Stay safe on the road! "

  • "I will..."

Cael walked upstairs to Captain Logh's quarters. The door was open, but he knocked anyway. "Come in, Cael. " Cael stepped right in, and Logh was sitting behind his desk, he had a bunch of papers on it. "You're leaving, right? "

Cael looked surprised.

  • "Yes, sir. I am. How did yo- "

  • "Because I recommended you for them. As soon as I heard the kings messenger was here, I knew. "

  • "Hm. So... I came to report that I have been relieved from your co- "

  • "No need to be formal. Go see your parents. They will miss you, I'm sure. "

  • "Thank you, sir. "

  • "It saddens me to loose such a great officer. Believe me, it does. You... *sigh* were one of the best soldiers under my command. "

  • "You flatter me, Logh. I will miss this city and it's people, no doubt. "

  • "But one has to endure, right? "

  • "Right. I wish thee farewell, Logh. "

  • "Farewell, Cael. I hope the assignments you are about to get prove to be... fruitful. " Cael was not sure what he had meant by that, but he made his way out from the barracks.

Cael knocked on his parents door. It was late evening, and they had closed the shop. His father opened the door. "Son! What brings you up here this late? Aren't you on duty? "

  • "Not anymore, father. I was... assigned to Earthiantum. "

His father nearly tripped as he let Cael in, and his mother was standing next to a counter.

  • "Earthiantum? You? That's... wonderful news! " Yet in his eyes, they were filled with sadness, and his mother looked even more sad..

  • "I will leave tonight. It us urgent. I came to say goodbye. "

Cael's mother walked to his son and hugged him. "I never thought you would be leaving your home... at least when you still are so young! " She was crying.

  • "Weep not, mother... I will visit you the fist time I am able to. "

  • "You'd better! Leaving old ladies by themselves! Remember to write! "

  • "You still have father... "

His mother laughed, and his father had brought a bottle of wine. "Well... a farewell drink, son? "

Cael looked at the bottle. "I'm riding so... no... but... one glass is always fine! "

The bottle was swiftly unplugged, and emptied.

Later that night, a lone soldier rode towards Earthiantum.

After a week and three days of of riding, Cael finally saw the outskirts of Earthianum. It was huge. The poor people & lesser nobles, traders, tailors, or any other craftsmen lived in the outskirts, that was protected with a fairly small but sturdy wall made of both stone & wooden poles. A couple of lonely wooden guardtowers sat beside the walls, one on each of the 4 gates to the outskirts. The outskirts ended to a huge stone wall, with tall, square towers placed ever here and there. Siege trebuchets were firmly placed on top of them. built neatly on a cliff, and the wall separated the outskirts from the inner city, where the nobles & the rich lived. Behind that, on the tallest part of the cliff, was the castle. Earthym Castle. Cael always wondered who gave the names to any important structure or place in the Earthym Kingdom... after all, they sounded a bit familiar, always having "earth" in them or whatnot. The castle was not that wide, but it was tall, and it was built to endure. Numerous guard towers, ballistae emplacements and catapults rested on the towers & walls, not having seen combat in a while. The windows were decorated with Earthym Orders fine red mantles, with the emblem of Earthym on them. Cael always thought it was a little cheesy looking. Cael entered the outskirts with his horse, as the tables resided inside the outskirts, most likely because they got "devoured" into the outskirts when the city started expanding around them. He left his horse to the Barrack's own stables, much more likely it would not get stolen that way... "The perfect Earthiantum" or not, the outskirts still reeked of pickpockets & thieves. Cael proceeded to the Inner walls, and the guards saluted him. Cael walked in front of one of them.

  • "At ease, I need the shortest route to the castle. "

  • "Sir, follow this cobblestone road up the hill, it should take you straight to the castle outer gates. "

  • "Thank you, soldier. "

Cael walked to the direction he was guided at, walking past finely built houses, rich residents and nobles. There were only a few guards, mostly because there were only a few conflicts ever involved with the "rich quarter". In no time, he was at the gates. Guards with a little more decorative armor than usual were standing at the outer gates, leading to the road that led to the castle itself. Cael saluted the guards, and took the letter from his back pouch.

  • "Hail. I am here to see King Earthym on official business. A letter of introduction, here, if you would be so kind to check it. "

The guard slumbered, and grabbed the letter, and read it through three times, and then shouted the other guards to open the gate.

  • "Have a pleasant stay at the castle, sir!"

The guard gave Cael his letter back, and the iron grid gates slowly rose open. Cael proceeded up the hill. It was rather steep, so for all the nobles & royals, this was definitely a good (and most probably only) workout! He finally reached the gates that led to the courtyard. Guards were firmly standing at the gate, except they had royal armor on;

A gold-trimmed light chestplate, beautifully crafted, light plate shoulderguards, shinguards, bracers, with some 3 layer platearmor hanging on both sides of the hip. They also had a very high-quality red loincloth, and their helmets were somewhat the same as with the other guards, except with smoother edges, trimming, a nice red ponytail,and a liftable occular protector. Cael's armor was much more modest, but it was sturdy, and Cael loved the two golden trims on his shoulderguards, indicating that he is a Lieutenant. Cael approached the guard who also had a nice little red cape hanging from his left shoulder. Judging from the exposed shoulderguard, he was also a Lieutenant.

  • "Greetings, I am Liu- "

  • "Lieutenant Cael, from Lavathia. Yes, I suspected as much... "

Cael was slightly surprised when he realized the guard was a woman. Not that female soldiers or guards were that rare, but high-ranking women were. Excluding King Mederik's own daughter, of course...

  • "Really? What gave me away? "

  • "Well, aside from the fact that we were expecting you, I heard a few rumors of a certain... blue-eyed handsome, skilled sharpshooter... and you just happen to have blue eyes, crossbow, and... the looks. "

  • "Really now...? Well, I don't know about that sharpshooter & handsome part, but... blue-eyed, yes... and... skilled. "

The female guard chuckled, while the three other male guards were looking at each other.

  • "Well, I certainly didn't know I had such a reputation in such a short time! "

  • "Ah, truth be told, I did a little research myself, and even then only the more high-ranked individuals know you. And lately, King has had quite a few... remarkable guests. But dear me, I am keeping you from your important visit, yes? Open the gate! "

  • "Thank you, mam. "

Cael walked towards the gate, and gave the female guard a long eye contact. She had green eyes. Like emeralds, Cael thought. Between them, Cael could see some hair hanging... blonde... how nice, Cael thought. As Cael was about to walk past her, she brushed gently against him, and whispered: " This evening, The Full Moon. It's a pub in the inner city. "

  • " The Full Moon. See you there. "

Cael gave her an gentle smile and continued walking, making his way to the courtyard. It was filled with Royal Guards, standing in formation & training. Apparently the Barracks in the city itself wasn't good enough for these fellas. Hmph. Most of them have possibly made their way this high because of their father's position. Then again, Cael couldn't complain either, as his parents weren't exactly peasants, either. "Lieutenant Cael? " A Royal Guard with the markings of a captain approached Cael.

  • "Yes, sir, that would be me. "

  • "Ah, figures... "

The captain was obviously looking down on Cael's apparel. Then he coughed, and continued.

  • "The king is expecting you. Follow me. "

The captain led Cael past the courtyard, into the castle interior itself. The inner sanctum was past the two halls, which had valuable decorations in the form of quality furniture, statues, paintings, golden chandeliers and fine silk curtains. The Captain ordered two Royal Guards to open the final gates to the sanctum. The doors slowly opened, and behind a rather long hall, but not as long as the preceding halls, perhaps 40 meter, in the far end, stood the Thrones. The queen's one was empty, of course. King Mederik's wife, Queen Salvana, died during childbirth to their only child, "Princess" Sylvia. Sylvia never was the real "princess" type, as she was actually interested in becoming a warpriestress. Of course, magic runs strong in her veins, as her father is the (or at least is claimed to be) strongest Sorcerer in all of Earthym. True or not, he was still acknowledged to be a very powerful one. The fact that the only child of the King was a girl, of course, aroused some discussion on who would claim the throne. Yet, no decision has been done. Still, Mederik has shown that he loves his only child just as much as he would love her if she was a boy. The Captain approached the throne, where King Mederik was sitting. He had a very, VERY sophisticated outfit; Fine red silk robes, with red shoulder paddings that had beautiful golden decorations on them, and various golden ropes hanging from all over the outfit, that itself was covered in runes, and a golden-trimmed loincloth. Mederik had a golden crown on his head, with various valuable gems in it, and most remarkably, the crown had a huge ruby in the front. The crown itself, was naturally made of gold. Mederik had rich, blond hair, that was fairly long, and a very carefully shaved, short beard, that was also blonde. Rumors were that he was already turning gray, but used magic and dyes to keep his hair the way they always used to be. He had yellowish eyes... a trait very common to mages and sorcerers. Beside him, was his staff. Compared to the outfit, it was no more modest. Made from something that looked like silver, it had spirals on it on the top and on the bottom, and the tip had five "spikes" on it. Each with a different gem attached to them. The Throne room itself looked a lot like the previous halls, except for the huge red curtain behind the Thrones, that had a huge Earthym emblem on it. The Captain walked towards the throne, and kneeled at the base of the few stairs that led to the throne. Cael kneeled as well, and the Captain spoke while still having his head staring at the floor.

  • "My liege! This is one of those who you invited. "

  • "You may rise, both of you. Ah... Yes, indeed. And your name was...? "

Cael replied swiftly.

  • "Cael Marthyn, my liege, from the city of Lavathia. "

Mederik smiled a little, and shifted his stance on the throne a bit.

  • "Ah yes! The man with extraordinary skills with a crossbow, yes? Correct me if I am wrong, I have had quite a few remarkably skilled individuals visiting me lately. "

  • "That is correct, my liege. "

  • "Ah, wonderful! Wonderful! So... before I tell you the reason for this little visit, I would wish to see your skills for myself. Captain... set the target dummy to the end of the 2nd hall. And get him a crossbow. A good one. "

The Captain bowed, and replied swiftly: "At once, my liege. " He walked towards the gates, that were still open, and told the Royal Guards to bring a dummy to the far end of the 2nd hall. Cael was beginning to understand what Mederik wanted to see. So, he started examine the distance between him and the dummy. About... 100 meters. A Royal Guard walked to Cael, carrying a crossbow and a few bolts for it with him. The guard handed them to him. From the looks of it, this was a very high-quality crossbow indeed, with a few steel enforcements with carvings in it. The bolts were well crafted, as well. Mederik shifted his stance again, now leaning a bit forward.

  • "Cael. I wonder if you can hit that dummy from where you stand? "

  • "My liege. If you can let me have one practice shot, to make myself one with the crossbow. "

  • "If you feel that is necessary, then by all means, go ahead. We have time, after all! "

Cael took aim, standing. He didn't have to focus that much for such a "short" distance. He took aim at the dummy's head at the end of the 2nd hall, and fired. And missed. The bolt hit the gates behind, after passing the crotch area. Cael could see that the Captain giggled a little.

  • "It seems, my liege, that the crossbows aim is a bit off... but I got it now. "

  • "Ah, wonderful. By all means, shoot again. "

  • "If I could ask, my liege, could the dummy be moved farther away? It's a bit close. "

Mederik smiled, and waved to the Captain to do as asked, who was a little dumbstruck by the sudden request. But, he ordered a few Royal Guards to move the dummy to the end of the 3rd hall. The distance was now roughly 180 meters. Cael took aim, and Mederik looked at him, focused. Cael was still standing, and he aimed carefully. Then, for a second or two, he held his breath, and took the shot. The distance was so long, anyone in the Throne room were unaware if it hit or not. But Cael knew he hit. One of the Royal Guards from the end of the 3rd hall shouted: "My liege! It's a direct hit to the head! In the middle! " Mederik applauded.

  • "Fantastic! "

Cael turned at him, and reloaded the crossbow again, with the last bolt.

  • "My liege, with your go, could I have the dummy go all the way outside? "

  • "But of course! This is very exciting! "

Mederik waved the Captain, who was not believing his eyes. The Captain snapped, and took the dummy outside himself. Distance between the dummy & Cael now was more than 250 meters, the dummy placed at the farthest ledge that could be seen inside the Throne room. Cael slowly took aim, this time, he crouched. Mederik stood up. Cael held his breath a little longer this time, and took the shot at last. Again, a Royal Guard had to confirm the hit. "My liege! He is a master! He hit the head on the near-same spot again! " Mederik was overjoyed, and applauded even louder. "Wonderful display of marksmanship, Cael, magnificent! Come to me, I wish to discuss something with you! "

Cael stood back up, handed his crossbow back to the Royal Guard, and turned back to Mederik. "Thank you, my liege, your words are most kind, and appreciated. " He then walked to Mederik, and kneeled before him.

  • "Ah, Cael... Marthyn. I have been looking for men and women with... extraordinary skills, and you are certainly one of those I have been looking for. For I have a special task for you... "

  • "I am at your service, my liege. "

  • "Excellent! But by all means, I can understand if you wish to refuse. I know you have a family back at Lavathia, and I must warn you... should you accept, you might not be able to see them for a long time. And there are certain... dangers involved as well. "

  • "My liege, your word is my command. "

  • "Wonderful. I am forming a strong group of skilled individuals... And hereby, I invite you, Cael Marthyn, to join them. "

  • "My liege... what is this group, if I may ask? "

Mederik smiled.

  • "The Earthym Dragonslayers. "