Lunar Festivities

Story by Crogacht on SoFurry

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#5 of Warcraft Stories

A short story featuring Alkaline-Lady 's and my characters from World of Warcraft, Suna and Brandr Briarclaw, tauren siblings who are still unsure about the bounds of their relationship, and tested as they go further into adulthood on an evening celebrating the Lunar New Year.

A chill wind had begun to stir over the road to Bloodhoof Village as twilight neared, carried down from the higher peaks surrounding the valleys of Mulgore. Brandr Briarclaw could feel some of his dark chocolate-colored fur stand on end from the breeze, and pulled his cloak tighter around his chest, while his legs tightened slightly over the sides of his riding wolf. His mount huff out in slight discomfort, and his riding partner came up beside him on her own wolf, elbowing his side to get his attention. "Loosen up a bit, it's not too much farther, and you're making it harder on the poor baby," Suna scolded him. He rolled his eyes at his older sister, easing off on his mount while he crossed his arms to keep them warm. The bridge spanning Bloodhoof Lake was just up ahead, the final crossing to make before they entered the village proper. Smoke rose up in the distance from the collection of tents and lodges that made up the home of the most prominent tribe of all the tauren, moreso than usual for the gathering that had formed to celebrate the ending of winter.

"Can't be spring soon enough. Let's just make this delivery and get warm already." The siblings had been tasked by their father to deliver an order of skins to the village, and the timing just happened to match up with the festival, so Brandr had jumped at the chance to spend some time away from the family homestead. Suna was the one with experience to officiate the business, however, and Ursuan entrusted the transaction to her. Brandr felt mixed about the accomodations; he had wanted to be entrusted with the work himself, but travelling alone with his sister gave them a special opportunity. They had tried to be discreet about their intimacy, however, even at home, getting caught was still a great risk. The roads had been treacherous, though, so they'd not had a night where they had to keep a careful watch, for both fellow travellers and wildlife. Once they reached the village, though, privacy was almost an impossibility, with their lodgings being shared with many other visitors who were in attendance for the rituals and celebrations.

The Briarclaw siblings made right for the leatherworker's shop, Suna heading inside to discuss the sale with the owner while Brandr unloaded the skins from their mounts that Ursuan had prepared for the occasion. Outside, the air was filled with the scents of food preparation for the evening, as well as ritual smokes from bonfires and pipes. Brandr rubbed his nose, sensitive from the overwhelming collection of smells, and watched the bustle of tauren and a few other members of the Horde around him after he had finished stacking the leathers. It wasn't often that he got to be a part of such a large collection of peoples, with their home being in the Stonetalon Mountains, and even seeing other tauren his age was a rarity. A pair of young women were across the path at a stand selling baked goods, and Brandr's curiosity got him to watching them intently. As they turned to move on, he got caught in a brief moment of eye contact, and awkwardly lowered his gaze to his hooves, feeling the temperature rise in his cheeks, while the women smiled at him as they walked by.

A jab at his side spooked him to attention as Suna had returned outside. "Hey, we're all done here. Is something wrong?" If the red on his face could be seen through his fur, his embarassment would have been much more obvious. Instead, Brandr shook his head and started back towards his wolf.

"Uh, nothing. Just thought I was going to sneeze from all this smoke." He wasn't sure if he wanted to tell her about the other girls. Their relationship was complicated enough, as Suna was his best friend and older sister, not just a lover, and the risk grew the longer they continued as they were. The concern about whether they should find other partners was one that grew as they grew older and more independent, but, if Suna noticed the worry growing in his behavior, she gave no sign that she did. She helped him clean up after the delivery, with their payment secure in a heavy pouch, and together they made their way to their lodgings to put their wolves to stable and belongings safe in their room.

With the sun setting, the festivities truly began to start. Crowds formed around the large bonfires as shaman began the final rites for the lunar year and honoring the ancestor spirits whose bonds to the world of the living grew closer during the season's end. Brandr almost felt that he wanted to stay inside, uncomfortable around the swarm of people, but Suna insisted on attending some of the rituals for her spiritual training. They weaved their way through the circles of people surrounding the fires to find space with a good view of one of the elders, at the edge of one fire pit across from the platform the old spiritualist performed the rite. Brandr fidgeted on his hooves, not having the same spiritual power that his sister and their parents had, and so didn't have the same interest, but Suna looked up intently to the procession. He glanced around the circle, surrounded by unfamiliar faces until he looked back towards his sister. He could see how engrossed she was, with the reflection of the fire dancing in her eyes, and, at that moment, he realized he'd not want to be anywhere else but by her side.

It was all too soon that the ritual was over and the more casual celebrations took it's place, with solemn worship for the Earthmother and the ancestors replaced with the swell of music and the start of feasts around the village. The siblings sat and ate together, and it was only then that Brandr started to feel out of place. It hadn't been noticeable before, but some of the older tauren around them shot glares in their direction, for the color of their fur, their facial features, and markings that subtly showed their mixed ancestry from one tribe that had still left scars of treachery on the rest of the tauren nation. Brandr could feel their stares like needles, marking them as outsiders, but Suna broke the tension as she cleared her throat and stood up.

"I'm going to see if I can sneak us some wine. It's a little too uptight around here right now." As she walked by him, she rustled her hand through Brandr's mane comfortingly, and he was able to brush off the pressure from the few grumps around them while she left to find them drinks. The music around the feast began to pick up, with the steady beating of the large drums and the pace of flutes that signalled a start to a dance around the fire. Tauren rose to form a circle, both individuals who were to perform more traditional war dances and couples revelling together. Brandr sat still, however, content to wait until Suna returned, until he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning to face the person, he recognized one of the women he had seen earlier at the stall. She waved and smiled down to him, her youth keeping away the same prejudices that the couple of elders had shown him earlier.

"Hello! I seem to have lost my friend, but I didn't want to join the circle alone. Would you like to join me?" Brandr struggled to find his voice for a moment, never having been approached by a girl as such before.

"A-ah, I'm not sure, I'm waiting on my... sister," he stammered out, almost catching himself on calling Suna something other than family. The tauren girl raised a brow, still smling at him, however.

"Come on, I'm sure you don't need her permission, right?" She held out a hand to him, and Brandr reluctantly took it to pull himself up. He had to admit to himself, she was pretty, with soft, light-brown fur and expressive, green eyes. She led him by the hand to the circle, along with the other couples that had made a space for themselves. The procession began as the tauren stomped along with the beat of the drum, stepping in line with each other. The few people of other races joined in as best as they could, but Brandr shuffled along, still not very enthusiastic about it. His partner kept up her grin for him, and pointed down to her hooves. "Is this your first time? It's alright, just follow me and I'll show you how easy it is."

The young bull nodded and slowly stepped in time after her, starting to follow the rhythm accurately. He was soon able to keep up with her, remembering the pattern, and she laughed as his reluctance melted away. "You got it! You can hold me closer if you'd like."

Brandr felt a flutter in his chest at her suggestion, but he gently pulled them closer, careful not to step on each other's hooves. He had never danced like this with Suna before, despite all the time they had spent together, but, in pulic, they might never be able to lest their scandal be revealed. He didn't even know the girl's name, but she had been kind enough to give him the chance, in front of the crowd, and he had only just started to feel like he might belong with the rest of his race. He glanced out at the people around them, and all of the harsh stares had vanished, until he saw Suna's face among them, a stony cold expression that reminded him of their mother. His hands released his partner's, and he stumbled back away from the circle.

"I... I'm sorry, I can't," he blurted out to her, breaking off into the crowd before she could respond. Bumping his way through, he pushed until he reached one of the lodges, secluded from the festivities, and ducked behind a wall facing away to be sure to go unseen. He caught his breath, leaning back against the wall and cursed at himself, not understanding why he felt so ashamed. His hand raised up to rub at his temple, blocking his view as he tried to reason why he had abandoned the girl, and dropped immediately as a voice called out for him.

"Little brother." His sister stood at the corner, panting after having chased him down. Her expression was stern, but not so hard as she had been when she first saw him at the dance, as the initial surprise had worn off. Brandr turned to face the wall, resting his forehead against it as he struggled for a response, before he swore under his breath and started again.

"Suna, I'm sorry, I didn't think much of it. She was really nice, and--"

"Bubby, it's not a problem. You don't need me to tell you what to do, and we both know it couldn't last forever." She crossed her arms, and stared at the ground, as if she didn't even trust the words coming out of her mouth. "It's good that you can find your own way, without me, so I don't have to worry that you'll be all alone."

Brandr spun to face her and stomped a hoof to interrupt. "No, don't lie to me. I could tell, the look on your face when you saw us. I wasn't thinking about how you'd feel. I wasn't..." He grabbed for her arm and pulled her close, until their noses touched. "Nothing could replace you in my future."

As they embraced, Suna's back hit the wall of the lodging, with Brandr holding her close as their lips pressed together. Quick breaths passed between them as they kissed, sighed out in between moments of their lips sealed against one another. One of Suna's hands reached up to scratch tenderly behind one of his ears, and she chuckled as she reluctantly broke it off. "I was wondering why you were taking so long for this."

Brandr snorted out his own amusement, before nipping at her jaw. "I thought it about this whole trip, taking you out in the wilderness, with only the hills to hear us..." His hands took hold of her hips as he pinned her against the wall, while Suna draped her arms over his shoulders.

"And here? Not afraid of anyone hearing us now?" The din from the feast wasn't fully distant, and the pounding of the drums carried far over the village, but no one else had wandered so far off as they had. His hands gripped into the waistband of her leather pants, deftly loosening them to let fall down over her hooves.

"Let them. With my name on your lips, my scent on your body, so they all know what we are to each other." His own pants fell to the ground alongside hers, and he reached down to lift her up off her hooves, holding her up by her knees. With her legs spread around him, she wrapped them around his back and brought their hips together, bared to each other. Her touch had brought a swift reaction in arousal in Brandr, his stiffening shaft rising up against her belly. She arched against him, grinding his erection through the soft fur of her stomach to bring him to his full hardness, drawing a groan from him and his head resting on her shoulder.

"Gonna fuck me, Bubby?" she taunted him with her pet name for him, even though she was the one trapped between him and the wall. "Fill my tight, wet pussy and claim it for your own?" Her tail whipped around against his backside, stinging from the lash and driving a yelp from him. "Don't leave me waiting."

Brandr groaned and grit his teeth, his snout buried in against the neck of his sister. His fingers dug in softly against her thighs as he gently lifted her up a few inches higher, aligning himself with her sex, the head of his cock brushing down along her folds. Slowly, he let her drop down against his lap, while he more forcefully thrust up into her, sinking his length into her down to the base. Their hips met with a heavy thud, forcing a loud gasp from her as his cock stuffed her completely, and immediately coated with her own fluid. He didn't give her a moment's respite, repeating his thrust up into her, keeping her breaths short from the force he pounded into her and scratching her back against the wall.

Suna panted luridly as her brother kept her pinned, rutting her up the side of the lodge without concern of the events nearby. The rhythm of the music accompanied the pace that he rocked up into her, the beating of the drums matched to the pounding of flesh on flesh. He was purposely matching the tempo, starting deep and hard to the slower portions, and picking up over the next few minutes into a fast staccato that punctuated her moans that had his balls also swinging pendulously up against her ass. Her shirt caught on the wood on the wall, bunching it up and making her breasts spill free, bouncing in front of Brandr's gaze. His hands slid up to cup them playfully, her nipples pinched between his fingers as he squeezed. Her insides clenched on him as he teased her, drawing out a spurt of pre-cum that slicked and splattered out from around them, dripping down her thighs and over his balls.

Even as the music came to a break, Brandr continued to pound up into her as he neared his limits. He groaned and panted, his heated breath stirring against her neck, until he could no longer hold back, and bit down lightly over her throat. His hooves nearly rocked onto their tips as he buried himself one final time into her, his heavy sack drawn up by internal muscles to empty into her tight sex. Warm seed fountained up into her, thick ropes pulsing to fill her depths, and spilling out around his girth to the ground below them. Suna writhed as he bit her and felt her insides flooded with his cum, but it wasn't enough for her. She pushed back against the wall, making Brandr buckle while he was still recovering from his orgasm until he landed on his back. With his cum still dripping from between her thighs, she stood above him with her back to him and sunk down to straddle his hips.

"You better not be done yet, little brother." Her fingers feathered over his cum-slicked cock, stroking it to ensure he stayed hard for her. Confident he stayed firm and erect for him, she reached forwards to grip his knees to keep her balance, wiggling her backside to him and her tail swinging side to side before she slammed herself down onto him, taking his overstimulated dick back into her pussy on her own terms, wringing a cry from him.

"Ffffaaahhhnnn... Suuunaaaa..." The poor boy beneath her could do little but moan for her, his mind still reeling from his first climax and giving little respite before she had started riding him ruthlessly. He could only watch as her backside slammed down against his hips, the plush cheeks jiggling from each impact. Suna bit her lip and hummed out in pleasure, driving herself closer and closer to the edge. It wasn't long before she noticed a few soft moans that weren't from her or her brother.

Suna's head whipped back toward the corner the building to find the siblings had an audience. Peeking around the corner was the girl Brandr had shared a dance with, who had followed them after the scene they made, but she hadn't interrupted them. Indeed, she seemed to be enjoying the show, with her skirt lifted up to her waist, and a few fingers buried in her own petite pussy, her juices spilling down her thighs. Suna grinned at the girl, but Brandr didn't seem to notice, his eyes clenched shut as his sister continued to bounce on his lap. She leaned up to expose herself more to their voyeur's view, and reached down to clutch her brother's fat, cum-laden balls, squeezing and grinding against the outside of her sex.

"Mine," Suna declared loudly both for Brandr and the girl, groping his sack to manipulate against her clit, making her sex undulate around Brandr's dick and milking him for his next load. Her insides clenched wildly around his girth, building up through her entire body, with her back arching and legs tensing, until release came with a loud yelp, shouted up to the sky, and a gush of fluids from her sex, enough to pool beneath them between Brandr's thighs. Her climax was too much for her brother, after a few seconds of her clenching inner walls pushing him to the brink, and his second orgasm wrung out like a torrent right up against her cervix, enough that she could feel the weight of his cum in her belly. The girl watching them sped up her own masturbation, biting down on her free hand to muffle her own cries, and soon after matched the siblings in climax with her fluids smattering her thighs and puddling to the ground. Suna fell back against Brandr's chest to recover, and, by the time she opened her eyes again, the other woman had already disappeared.

The eldest Briarclaw kept the two of them in that embrace, reaching back behind her to stroke Brandr's cheek soothingly. He managed to bring his arms up to wrap around her middle, hugging her tightly and nuzzling in against her neck. "Mmm, we're going to miss the rest of the party at this rate, bubby."

He sighed, a deep rumble she could feel through his chest against her back. "It could never compare to your company, Suna."