Meeting Mander

Story by JazzFan on SoFurry

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Charlie cursed at the guard that kicked hir buckets full of ore dust off the ledge onto hir face. grumbling, shi decended the ladder and did hir best to pick up what shi could and put it back in the buckets before heading back to hir mining spot to try and fill hir quota for the day, still pissed at the jerk off dalmation guard. After a day's work, the coyote herm tried hir best to be cooled off by the dust shower before air hosing it off. On hir way back to hir dorm, Charlie heard cries of protest and a muffled voice that dripped with sleeze. Upon further inspection, it seems that a black lab guard lieutenant was trying to force himself onto a black and white cat. Of course, she was doing her best to push this skuzz-ball away but he was too persistant for his own good so Charlie cooked up a bit of a plan to get rid of him. Shi pulled them apart and looked into his eyes. "Stop tryin' to put moves on my girlfriend!" And, before he had a chance to say anything, Charlie planted a big wet kiss onto the kitty before grinning like the cat that swallowed the canary at the guard.

"Oh,yuck!" gagged the guard before walking off.

The beautiful feline blushed a bit and wiped her mouth. "Thank you for pretending that to get rid of him."

The sandy hound smirked to hirself before doing hir best to put on a straight face. "Pretend what?" Shi then walked off to go back to hir bunk. The next day, the cat worked on one of the W&P jets when the sleezy lab showed up again.

He grinned at her. "Ah, Jet, I found you and I see your girlfriend isn't around to save you now."

"What do you want? I'm busy here." She pulled apart some wiring from the console to install them properly.

"I don't like you hanging around people that irritate me, sweetcheeks. Stick with me and I'll protect you." He grinned and started to move in for a kiss. The feline's cheeks puffed out as she threw up in her mouth before striking him in the muzzle with her crecent wrench. Clutching a bleeding muzzle, he got really pissed."That's it, Flygirl! You're out of here! Your wings have been revoked and you'll be in worse trouble if you speak to that dusty bitch ever again." He high-tailed it out of there, leaving the cat to try and work now that she's quite frustrated. She tried to continue but she found the teeniest thing pissed her off, so she just left and stormed off toward the bunkhouse. She stopped by the bathroom to get some peace to herself and think.

After a few minutes, she saw the desert hound slide under the stall door. "Hey there, pussycat! what's your name?"

She blushed and meakly squeaked out "Mander..."

Charlie smiled. "Hey there, Mander! I'm Charlie. You have such a pretty fur pattern." The black and white kitty blushed deeply and put her paw in front of her mouth when she smiled. "Don't cover up such a pretty smile, goof." If it were possible to blush any harder, the white fur on her cheeks would be pink by now. Charlie pulled hirself all the way into the stall and sat with hir back against the door. "So, why do you hate men so much?"

This caused Mander's expression to go from a beautiful blushing smile to a more serious and slightly depressed expression. "it's a bit of a story to hear."

The sandy hound shrugged. "We've got a while. Everyone else is already going to bed."

The pandacat sighed. "if you really want to know, I'll tell you."


Mander sat in her chair, sobbing at the break up she just went through. Still in her mechanic apprentice uniform, she walked into the bedroom and dropped her toolbelt onto her nightstand and undressed for a shower. "I'm so looking forward to this nice shower to clean off all this grease." She locked the door out of habit and slid open the shower curtain, turning the water to a very warm temperature. With the shower running, she hadn't heard the front door open as her Tabby boyfriend entered, intending something insideous. Upon exiting the shower, she discovered he was lying centerfold style on the bed. "What are you doing here, Indigo? How'd you get in? That's breaking and entering, you know."

He just grinned up at herandlooked her over. "You know you want me, Mander. See? You're already naked for me."

The pandacat gasped in disgust. "I just got out of the shower, you moron. Get out!!" She grabbed him by the shirt to throw him out but that was a mistake as he grabbed her and pinned her to the bed, removing her towel in the process. She squirmed and thrashed. "NO! Get off of me, you slimy bastard!" He just cackled and pulled his shirt off with one hand. This made her struggle more as she realized what was going on. "Indigo! Stop, right now! Let me GO!" He'd already unzipped his pants and pulled his barbed cock out by the time she looked at him again. "NO! I...said...NO! You're not fucking me, you little shit! Get off me!" As he was about to thrust into her, she broke a wrist free of his grasp and grabbed the nearest tool; an orange crecent wrench. Just as he was pushing the first two inches in, she swung and connected the tool with his jaw, knocking him out and sending him to the floor where the toolbelt slid off and landed on his forehead. She looked over to see him and chuckled. "That's what you get for trying to rape me, you ugly shit." She looked back at the orange tool. "I like the sound you make. I'm naming you Crack."


"And, that's how I named my first tool and why I hate males. One of the sleezy bastards tried to rape me." Both of them laughed. "Granola, on the other hand," she patted the 4 foot monkey wrench on her back, "is another story altogether."

Charlie went to say something when shi was dragged out by some guards and taken away. They put hir in a straight jacket and strapped hir to a stretcher. "This is The Pipe." said Kesslee. "it's 5 meters down and it gets smaller and smaller as it goes." He slid hir in until shi got stuck and the started filling itwith water. After a few hushed tones later, shi was pulled out and grinned at by Kesslee. "I think I have a use for you."

Charlie laughed hoarsely. "Wanna know what I think?

Kesslee was a bit annoyed by this interruption. "What?"

Another wheezed laugh from the coyote produced "I think you got a big honkin' booger in your left nostril and you need to use this finger to pick it with." Shi grinned wider as shi flipped him off. Kesslee slapped hir for it and soon they were out in the desert at night; Her, Mander, and a few other prisoners.

Kesslee slapped a locator on hir wrist. "Now, I'll always know where you are." A nameless guard shoved hir with the barrel of his machine gun, making hir walk toward a supposed Ripper entry point. Suddenly the lights flickered and the guards and Kesslee were attacked by the mysterious Rippers.

After the assault, Charlie walked about and stumbled upon Kesslee's severed hand still clutching the locator. "Looks like you dropped something, Fathead." Shi crushed the locator and started to look around when shi saw a jet land. Thinking it was more W&P goons, shi grabbed a gun and raised it.

The hatch popped and mander stuck her head out. "Charlie! It's me!!" The pandacat landed. "I may need some ground support. Take the tank!!" The desert hound looked at the tank, then back at Mander with the most mischievous grin ever. They were free!