Sophomore Year: I’m Coming Out

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#9 of Sophomore Year

What can I say? A cute guy has inspired me. He has shown me life again. Oh, and did I mention he is the real life version of Tyran. It's not everyday your fantasies come to life!

Anyway! Drake, Max, and Tyran all in one chapter. Things may get a little awkward, but bare with them, it may take a while for everyone to adjust. Their lives aren't really traditional. Hell, can a teenager's life hold any tradition? They're just hormones on legs.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Comment, fave, and watch for future installments. Thank you for reading!!!


September 22, 2017. How did I get here? Freshmen Year was full of new beginnings. I formed an image that set me up for success, putting work first and personal matters second. I dove head first into being the perfect student: good grades, played sports, kept out of trouble --a real model student. Even though I made a few mistakes last year, my goals never changed.

Sophomore Year came along and decided to throw a wrench in my plans. Grades come first, so I thought most of my time would be spent facepalmed in a book, yet I was at my best buddies, Drake's, house. I say best buddy, but he and I recently began dating. Like a relationship, boyfriend type deal dating! Let me tell you, I never wanted a boyfriend, not with the life I planned to live. I am a busy guy, my life never has a slow moment. So now I am even more busy than i was last year.

Life with Drake as my boyfriend is hard, but I knew how to be there for him during the right times. Tonight is a perfect example. Drake and I were locked in his room for a few hours. Drake apparently decided he would come out to his mom, so we brainstormed the best way to break it to Ms. Foster. She left work at 5:00 p.m., giving us ten minutes to make the final decision.

Drake paced back and forth; a troubled expression plastered over his face. He flipped a phone in his paws over and over in a circular motion. I sat at the foot of his bed and watched my hybrid friend riddled with anxiety. Him being nervous started to make me nervous. I extended my paws and gripped his wrist. I forced his arms to his sides and looked him in the eye. A pair of golden yellow orbs stared back at me, drowned in a pool of distress.

"Chill out, dude! If you keep it up you'll walk a hole in the floor."

"Don't tell me to to chill out!" Drake shook our paws apart. "Mom will be here any minute and I don't know what to say to her. I can't do this. Not today."

"Your mom is a therapist with a PHD in psychology. Her views on this shit will probably shock you."

"But if she isn't? Will I be like those kids online? You know, the ones who stories end with them on the streets, selling their bodies for two dollars and a cheese burger." Drake tossed the cell phone aside and ran both paws through his head fur. "This is a mistake. I can't do this. She may disown me and I'll lose everyone. What if she disowned me like... like..."

"She won't disown you, babe." I placed a paw on Drake's cheek and softly caressed a toughly formed jaw. "You read all of the worst case scenarios online and automatically assume your life will be the same. You have to stop worrying and expect the best. Remember when we were in the fifth grade and Mike started having those side pains? That day on the playground he cried and cried about a pain until he was wheeled off in an ambulance, and we found out it was actually appendicitis, remember?"

Drake nodded.

"Remember how you freaked out every time your stomach hurt or felt sore, because you would assume you had appendicitis. All because of what happen in an experience that was not yours. That is no way to think, especially now of all times. Coming out to your mom is your choice, not anyone else's, so if you don't think you are ready don't do it."

Suddenly, Drake's arms wrap around me. He buried his muzzle in my chest and roughly exhaled. His breath sent a wave of warmth throughout my body. I felt loved and needed, but most importantly, I felt wanted. Times like this made dating worth the time struggle.

"I need to do this, Max. When Tyran and I d-dated? One of the reasons we failed was because we wanted to hide our relationship from everyone. I can't make the same mistake twice. I want to tell the important people in life who I decide is my boyfriend, or whatever you want me to call you."

What a thoughtful gesture. I expected nothing less from Drake. When he cares for someone he does it with everything he has. That is what made him such a good friend. Nobility was a dying trait, even moreso in my generation.

"Don't do this for me."

"It's not for you..." Drake pushed back slightly to meet my gaze. "I want to do this for me. If we do this, we do this right."

I threw my paws up. "You're the top. If that's what you want then so be it."

Drake grinned and pushed me on his bed. He jumped on top of me, forced into the bed. I tried to grab Drake's waist, but he quickly pushed paws up and over my head. We stared into one another's eyes. All of the worries residing in those yellow orbs disappeared. Lust replaced the previous downer emotion.

"I see someone is less stressed."

"I have a good distraction." Drake kiss up my neck slowly, pausing after his lips made contact. "Why didn't we just start with this?"

I leaned my head back and moaned.

"You wouldn't sit still long enough for me to take off your pants."

Drake chuckled.

"Next time take yours off, maybe that will get my attention."

Drake and I are teenagers. Of course our hormones would ultimately decide the final outcome of our end game. Of course Drake's growing hardon against my abs was really stirring up my own cock.

I slid my paw down a pair of hard abs. They felt like steal. I once asked why his abs were so defined and he told me of the harsh training his midsection endures. All of the fighters stood with their backs against a wall and their paws behind their head while one person gave each person a barrage of gut punches. Sounds like hell.

Drake pressed his lips to mine. I instantly relaxed and his tongue explored my muzzle. The taste of his tongue and his scent drove me insane. He smelled like a boy: musty and natural. No chemicals or anything like that, especially seeing how Drake and I both participate in school activities that force us to sweat.

Drake and I grind our bodies together. I took a hold on my buddies growing bulge and he moaned, breaking the kiss. I lightly nipped at Drake's neck.

"Help me get off..." My hybrid friend whimpered. "Then I'll be completely relaxed..."

I started to lick his neck. "What about your mom?"

"What about my mom?"

"Yeah," An unexpected voice came from behind us, causing Drake and I to jump up and instantly separate. To our surprise, Drake's mom stood in the doorway with a paw on her hip as she stared at the two of us.

"What about me?"

**Tyran* *

Life at SUA improved since I switched to Shawn's personality. Who knew being bad would feel so good? Shawn was onto something. All of those years I wondered what would drive someone to be such a piece of shit. Can't you tell? I was still pissed at my foster brother for outing me to my parents. I don't know if it was the weeks of settling into my asshole personality or some rooting problem that's been ignored. All I know is my hatred for Shawn fueled my existence here.

It was Friday night. SUA had a strict, anti-fun policy, but if we went an entire week without getting into any fights and stayed below a certain deciplinary level then we were given a few hours to hangout before bed. The best part was we were not supervised, and I say that with much sarcasm and distaste. Leaving delinquents unsupervised is an ill-advised plan if you ask me.

Luckily I'll be with a group of guys who was considered the 'cool' kids. That crowd consist of none other than everyone's favorite cougar, Dewayne, the human hating, gay bashing jock. He is extremely prejudiced, and not towards one group of people. His hatred extended over a large range of people and beliefs.

Drill is my last mandatory activity for the day. After I showered and dressed, I made my way to the sleeping quarters to meet up with Dewayne. There were four buildings, all used to House teenage boys. SUA separated everyone based on their level of education. This meant freshmen and sophomore lived in different buildings.

Dewayne and his entourage are seniors, so I had the pleasure of hanging out in the big kids room. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little excited. I am usually an outcast, but tonight I had friends to keep company. This feeling remind me of the time I spent with Brandon, Caleb, Drake, and Max. A group of adolescent boys enjoying their youth, without a care in the world. I missed my old life. You know, before it spiraled out of control.

When I arrived at the senior building, I stood at the door, motionless and anxious. I finally worked up the courage. I placed a paw on the door's handle, gripped it, and as soon as I began to pull the door open, a voice spoke coming from behind me, causing me to almost jump out of my fur!


I spun around to find Jakob standing with paws in his pocket. He was wearing a tight beige shirt and a pair of camouflage pants. The shirt was so tight, he would have saved time by not putting one on at all, seeing how it hugged his body like his own skin.

"Jesus fucking Christ! You scared me!"

"Really?" Jakob rolled his eyes. "That's a shock, seeing how accustomed you've become hanging with such a dangerous crowd."

"Fuck off, Jakob."

"You were so different at Madison."

"And you weren't?" I said with a growing hostile tone. "The Jakob from Madison High was a self absorbed prick who only cared about football and his popularity. Oh how the mighty has fallen!"

"I never followed anyone, especially those who can lead me down a destructive path." Jakob shot back. "Dewayne is a bad guy. He's blinded by hatred; unpredictable; unstable. He is a danger to guys like us."

"Guys like us?"

"Yeah. You know..."

I lost it."Fuck you, and FUCK OFF, JAKOB!" I flipped him off and disappeared into the senior building.

What is it with wolves trying to protect me? Do I have a sign on my forehead that says 'Damsel In Distress'? First Drake, and now Jakob. I am tempted to add Ace to the list, because that was also a wolf who offered his help. The attention made me uncomfortable. Every time someone saved me from this world my self esteem took a blow to the gut. I hate the feel of being weak, even more so when another male jumps to my rescue. For once in my life I wanted to take care of myself. I felt self sufficient with my new set of friends.

I walked into a large room. It was filled with bunk beds, most of them occupied. The room looked no different from Sophomore's. As I examined the room, a pair of paws waved in the air. It was Dewayne trying to gain my attention. I made my way toward him. He sat at the head of a group of guys. There were a few familiar faces. The bear from last time, Paul, was here. Next to him sat a pit bull, Steven, who was smaller than our bear friend. To Dewaynes right was a wolf. This was the first time meeting the wolf, but I noticed him throughout the school. How could I not? He had beautiful grey fur, so it's obvious why he caught my eye.

Erik, our wolf friend, wasn't your average student here. His grey fur wasn't the only thing distinguishing him from all of the other guys. He is, an overall, different breed of teenager. He was not wild or loud like the others, but instead he fell in the calm and reserved category. Some of the professor say he has an old soul, and I agree.

I attempt to change my mood before meeting the group of guys. A dose of anger lingered in my attitude. Jakob knows how to press my buttons. I hate how he assumed my sexual orientation. Did I give off a gay vibe? I'm short, Sure, but is that enough to consider me gay? I admit my love for Drake was real, once upon a time but he is the only guy I felt a connection to in a romantic way.

"Hey, hey it's Mini Beast. I didn't expect you to actually show." Dewayne grinned as I flipped him off.

"No way was I gonna sit inside on a Friday night."

Dewayne's paw swooshed through the air. "And miss all of this?"

Everyone chuckled.

"It's not my ideal of fun, but anything is better than being a slave to SUA's ridiculous schedule." I shrugged and took a seat next to Erik. As I did, him and I made eye contact. He softly smiled and extended a paw.

"Hey, my name is Erik."

I grabbed Erik's paw. "Tyran, here. Nice to meet you."

"Same goes for you." Erik and I slowly released each other's paw. "May I ask what your idea of fun is?"

Should I lie, or tell him the truth. Erik was not the type of guy who would be impressed with someone who is into the party scene. On the other paw, the other three guys were certified delinquents. I wonder what convinced Erik to join Dewayne and crew.

I decided to lie.

"Back home I'd probably be with my friends, smoking some really dank weed, and drinking whatever we could snatch from out parents liquor cabinet."

"Now that's what I call a good time!" Paul boomed.

Dewayne nodded his head. "I could use a drink right about now. Something that'll sting as it slide down my throat."

"Gay -cough-" Steven said as he laughed.

"Fuck you."

I decided to throw a few punches. "Is that before or after you're finish letting things drain in your mouth?"

Dewayne gave me the finger. Erik wore an uncomfortable expression but I dismissed it.

"You guys are gay," The cougar rolled his eyes. "Speaking of dicks in mouth, will your brother visit tomorrow for parents weekend, Tyran?"

Parents weekend happens once at the end of every month. We see our parents during this time if disciplinary is down. The first month did not have a parents weekend since we only attended school for two in a half weeks out of four. Lucky for us, tomorrow will be spent with our families, unlike most Saturdays which are reserved for chores. I was quite happy for a day without responsibilities, but on the other paw I have not figured out how I am going to face my parents, not to mention Shawn will most likely join.

"I dunno. Haven't really said much to the rents since I left to come here."

"Really? Not even an email?" Erik queried.

I nodded. "Nope. No email; no phone calls."

Dewayne was next to do the questioning.

"Dude, everyone talks to their parents every now and then. What happened between you all?"

If I told them my parents considered me scum, would that be enough? If I told them the life I've told them about is not my own, would that be enough? If I said I didn't belong here, would that be enough? If I told them I fell in love with my best friend who so happen to be a guy, surely, that would be far more than enough.

"I've disappointed them way to many times," I sighed. "It's hard to talk to them, you know? When conversations are just one long pause, and no one can even attempt to make eye contact... I feel horrible. Like a shadow. Like I'm living in my brother's shadow... Time stands still around my parents nowadays, but worst of all I feel like a waste of time."


Dewayne and the others all looked at me with a saddened expression. It was funny seeing them this way. Tough guys showing their softer sides. That only made me think about Drake. Tough and fierce on the outside, yet fragile underneath all the walls he built. Both sides of Drake is what I fell in love with, but I shouldn't think that way.

I couldn't help thinking of him.

Erik watched me with sorrow in his eyes, but not with the same sympathy I received from the others. As I looked at him the image of Drake appeared. For a moment, I almost felt like Drake was right here with me. The wolf resembled my old friend, unfortunately awaking emotions I thought would disappear with time.

I sighed, internally.

'Drake... I miss you so much....'


"Max is your boyfriend?"

"Yes, mom."

"And you two go on dates?"

"Yesssss, mom."



"Are you two being safe?"

Max spit up water he was drinking. Max, mom, and I were at a restaurant called The Garden. Instead of staying at home and talk about what she saw in my bedroom, we went out to eat. Mom always had a strange way of doing things. That's the psychology part of her.

I pat Max on the back.

"Mom, come on! That's to embarrassing to talk about, especially here..."

"There's no shame when it comes to staying STD free."

The waiter visited our table and made sure everyone was ok on drinks. She then gave my moms the check. Max finally regained composure as he wiped his maw with a towel.


Mom paws went up as she grinned. "Ok, ok. I'll try not to embarrass you in front of your boyfriend. Just make sure you two do things the smart way." She sighed. "There goes my grandchildren."

"What makes you think you won't have grandchildren."

"Because you're gay."

"I'm not gay. More bisexual than anything."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"


There was a brief pause as I tried to gather my thoughts. Mom cleared her throat, obviously growing impatient with the constant nagging of curiosity.


"Because I was scared of disappointing you."

Mom extended her paw and grasped mine. "How could I be upset with you for finding someone you love who makes you happy? I thought our house was full of love and understanding. We are a family of analyst. You know I would understand all of your decisions in life. That is why I never say anything about your marijuana and alcohol use. I know you are trying to work through things, and all I wish is for your to tell me when things are falling apart in your life.

"Speaking of falling apart." Mom tightened her grip on my paw, causing me to look up to meet her empathic gaze. "What happened with you and Caleb?"

I snarled, lucky enough that Max only noticed. He placed a paw on my thigh, gently caressing it. That was not enough to calm me down when it came to my lovely cousin. There was no reason to lie. Mom deserved to know the truth. Caleb and I spent every second of our life together until last summer. The summer that brought waves of heated departures.

"Last school year, on the last day of school, I told Caleb I was dating........ Tyran." I looked down at a bowl of croutons sitting on top of a ugly looking red and white checkered table cloth --I was not a fan of hard bread type foods.

"You and Tyran?"

I nodded. "Yes. For five months. When Caleb found out he disowned me. If only you witnessed his personality flip. He called me a faggot and basically told me my happiness meant nothing to him, so I said fuck him."

I could feel mom flinch from my use of profanity, but it was expected, especially since I become furious whenever Caleb is discussed.

"He was never a true friend... If he was, then I would still have my cousin. I waited for him to come around, but I never heard from him over summer. I really expected our feud to be resolved by now, but every time I see him he has this look of disgust on his face. And every time I see that it only pisses me off, because for 14 years, Caleb and I were closer than sesame twins. Now we can barely be in the same room together."

Mom placed a credit card next to our bill. She looked upset, with a hint of concern. For a while she didn't make eye contact, causing me to feel a bit uneasy. She looked me straight in the eyes.

"You're right." Mom sighed. "Fuck him."

Hearing that comforted me. Mom always respect my decisions. She believes kids should make mistakes in life and not sheltered from living.

Mom's phone rang and she excused herself from the table, leaving Max and I to be alone once more. I felt like crap after talking about Tyran and Caleb. I missed those two so much, it isn't funny, but at the same time I hated them with a passion. I hated Caleb for abandoning me, and Tyran for giving up on our relationship.

The waitress, a cute little cheetah with blond hair and bright orange eyes stopped at our table to pick up Mom's card. As she walked away, I caught a glimpse of her round ass. She was definitely hot, and the look she gave me made me wonder if she was interested.

Max chuckled, breaking my attention. "I see you're still have a thing for pussies."

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. I don't need this shit from you too."

"Awwwww," Max pouted. "Your mom is awesome. Not everyone is as lucky as you."

The husky began to laugh. I know he was being sarcastic. He was referring to my overreaction earlier.

"Yeah... Having your life under a microscope is great parenting."

"You are very hard to please." Max sighed.

Under the table, I grabbed Max's paw and directed it toward my crotch. Max's eyes widened as he felt my growing member. He gave it a squeeze, causing me to shiver.

"You seem to know how to please me."

Max started unzipping my pants. He slipped a paw in and actually held my cock in his paw. Slowly, he stroked it --gently holding it at the base and squeezing as he reach the tip. Being the horny teenager I am, it wasn't long before I was fully erect in the middle of a restaurant: a family restaurant at that.

I caught a moan before it could escape and glanced around the room to see if anyone was paying attention to Max and I. No one was watching. Good.

Max leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Did you want to cum earlier, pup?"

I nodded as I rocked my hips back and forth, fucking the husky's paw. I gripped the checkered table cloth and bit my lower lip. Damn his paw feel good! All I wanted to do is bend my friend over this table. Hormones are bitch. The way my body and brain had separate minds. One side telling me sit back, relax, and enjoy being you for once in your life. The other side remember my mom will be back soon.

I chose the obvious.

But life laughed in my face.

As soon as I was about to shoot a load into my pants, mom walked up as she placed the cell phone in her purse. Max's paw retracted like a turtles head in his shell. He looked at me with a half grin, one ear laid flat on his head and the other pointed straight up in the most innocent manner. He was so cute. I wanted to laugh, but didn't to not warrant the unwanted attention. I pay him on the head, scratching behind the ear that laid flat.

Mom gasped! "Awwwwwwwww! You two are so cute together."

Max and I blushed, both turning our heads to the opposite side. Did him and I really look like a good couple? I mean, he is my best friend. We met in elementary school and stayed friends ever since our cub days. Our interest are the same, we both are focused on school and extracurricular activities. He even trains in martial arts, and I find that awesome. No one makes better sense than Max. It's 2017 --why wouldn't I date friend?

If I truly felt that way, why did I feel like something is missing?

I looked at Max; he looked back at me. He smiled at him. I smiled back...