Guard Dogs

Story by ben243 on SoFurry

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A young man finds his life and his boyfriend changing after taking a new job. will it all be worth it?

I had just barely made it through high school. I was never going to get into a four-year college, and my parents would never pay for community college until I proved to them I was going to be serious.

My boyfriend Sam and I had moved in together shortly after our high school graduation, and were doing our best to make ends meet. The job market had been tight in town, and I was able to get a job doing security work at night, but Sam hadn't had much luck finding anything.

Sam wasn't attending classes, so he spent most of his time searching the web for a job, and taking care of the apartment while I was at school. After school we had quick dinners, then I would head off to my job.

The job was mostly boring, just walking around and making sure all the door were locked. Everyone had gone home by the time I got there, so I usually had the place all to myself.

One night over dinner, Sam let me know that he was unhappy. He complained that I was never home, and we never had time to spend together. We almost never went to bed together, as he was always asleep by the time I got home.

I understood how he felt, but someone had to bring home the money to pay the bills. I knew Sam was working as hard as he could to find a job, but I couldn't help but feel a little like I was being taken advantage of. I looked over at him, ready to say something, when he smiled at me. I just couldn't be mad when he did that.

It was totally against protocol, but I suggested that he come with me to work the next day. He eagerly agreed.

I have to admit, that having Sam at work with me made the night much more bearable. We talked and joked as we made my rounds. He made 8 long hours fly by. I was glad I had invited him to come. He must have enjoyed it too, because he suggested that he come every night. I really wanted him too, but was hesitant to agree because my boss could drop in any time.

I spent the next few days working by myself, and could barely stand it. I decided that it would be worth the risk to have Sam come in with me. He came almost every time I went in the next few weeks, and I was grateful for the company. Somehow he had a second sense and was able to slip into the shadows whenever my boss showed up.

One night, after I had had some rough exams, Sam saw I was feeling very stressed out and made a suggestion. He wanted to pretend to be my faithful guard dog. I thought he was joking at first, but quickly agreed. He got down on all fours, and walked along beside me, barking at everything. It really worked and made me feel better.

The next time we went in, Sam brought a bag with him. He wouldn't tell me what was in it, only that I would enjoy it. Once we were well into our patrol route, he pulled me into one of the break rooms. He placed the bag on the table, and pulled out a collar and leash.

Handing me the leash, he quickly placed the collar around his neck, and proceeded to remove his clothing. I watched with great interest, as he got completely naked. Once done, he dropped down onto all fours, and I clipped the collar to his neck. I shoved his clothing into the bag, and led him out into the hallway.

I couldn't believe he was willing to go this far. I never knew he was into this kind of thing. I had to admit that I was finding it quite a turn on myself. We completed our rounds, with him as my guard dog.

I soon found that our relationship was vastly improved, and even felt more relaxed when in classes. I was surprised to see my grades improving with only a little extra effort in studying. I decided to invite Sam to go with me every night.

It soon became a routine to have Sam as my dog while I made my rounds and I could notice subtle changes in his behavior as he was in the role. He enjoyed playing the dog, and sometimes I had trouble getting him to put his clothes back on when it was time to come home.

One night, everything seemed to be going smoothly, and I was preoccupied with going over something from one of my classes. As we rounded a corner, we came face to face with my boss.

He looked like he was about to say something, when his eyes caught sight of the leash in my hands. His eyes followed it down to Sam, sitting naked on the floor. His mouth dropped open. He demanded to know what was going on. I wasn't quite sure what to say. I thought for sure that my job was finished, and I would be lucky if I didn't end up in jail.

Through some miracle, just as I was about to faint, my boss started laughing. He figured that this must be my boyfriend. I told him it was, and that he was just trying to see me more and keep me focused so I could do a better job.

My boss seemed to consider this for a few moments. I had a horrible feeling in my stomach. After what seemed like an eternity, but was only a few seconds, He laughed. I relaxed a little, but only a little.

He stayed and walked with us for the rest of the night, making sure to note everything we did. I think he was impressed by how diligent we were, and how alert Sam seemed to be. Once we were finished, he told me how impressed he was, and what a good team we made.

He told me that I could keep my dog, but he would have to go through the regular training. Nervously, I agreed. It was settled then. Sam and I would go through private training sessions over the next few weekends. He even said that I would get a raise.

Once Sam was back in his human persona and dressed, we made our way back home. I asked him how he felt about becoming my dog full time. He thought it was a great idea, as it would allow him to spend more time with me. I was a little apprehensive about it, but I did like spending time with him, and the increase in pay would make a big difference in our lifestyle.

The next few days passed like clockwork. We made out rounds, and I found out that my boss had given me the highest rating possible. It did a lot to put my mind at ease. I had been sure that he hadn't been serious and was going to fire me anyway.

When Saturday came around, we made our way to the main headquarters for our first training session. We were sent to a building that I had never been to before, that turned out to be a large open area with many foldable walls that could be set up to approximate most workplaces.

Once we were inside, we were taken to one of the classroom areas, and Sam was told to remove his clothes and put on his collar. He quickly did so, and fastened the collar around his neck. He got on all fours, and one of the teachers attached a leash to the collar. I was told that I would be shown a video about my responsibilities as a dog handler, and Sam would be taken and evaluated for his knowledge of tricks and obedience level.

I watched as Sam was told to heel and led out of the room. I quickly scooped up his clothes and placed them in the provided bag. The instructor led me to a seat in the room and started the movie. I spent most of the morning watching the movies and taking a few aptitude tests. I was sure I did well on them.

Later that afternoon, I was allowed to eat lunch. I asked about Sam, and was told that I would be able to see him shortly. As this was a compressed class, I was only allowed a short time for lunch. I ate quickly, and returned to the classroom eager to continue the training.

Sam was sitting patiently, waiting for me to come back. I was told he had done quite well, and we would be moving on to the partner portion of the class.

We went through scenario after scenario, each more difficult than the last. By the time we were done for the day, we were both exhausted. I was glad when we were finally allowed to leave. We had been put through an extensive battery of tests and had more to look forward to tomorrow, and we both needed to get some sleep.

After Sam and I were left alone, I tried to get him to talk to me, or put his clothes on, but all he would do is give me a confused look and bark. I was getting scared. I had never seen him like this. It was like something had changed in him, and the dog had started to take over his mind and actions.

As it was dark out, and I couldn't get through to him, I scooped up out stuff, and led Sam out to the car as he was. Luckily no one was around to see me leading my naked boyfriend out to our car. He hopped in and curled up on the seat, asleep almost instantly.

I drove us home in silence, worried that I had somehow broken my boyfriend, and wondering if I was making a mistake. I needed this job, and wasn't sure how I would be able to pull out of this now even if I wanted to.

Sam woke up as we pulled up to the house, and I grabbed our stuff and led him into the kitchen. He was acting just like I would expect a real dog to act, sniffing everything, panting, even trying to wag his nonexistent tail. I wondered what they had done to him.

I cooked us a quick dinner, and ended up feeding Sam from a bowl on the floor while I watched from the kitchen table. I grew more uncomfortable with the situation, but I knew there was nothing I could do that night. I was having enough trouble keeping my eyes open to even formulate a plan.

I awoke the next morning in my bed. Somehow I had managed to get ready and get in without remembering it. I looked over at the opposite side, and didn't see Sam. I sat up quickly, and saw him curled up at the end of the bed, still sound asleep. For some reason I felt a giant sense of relief.

I tried to get up without disturbing him, but he must have been only lightly dozing, and looked up at me. I wished him a good morning, and he stretched and replied in kind. I was happy he seemed to be more himself this morning, but he looked a little confused.

We talked about yesterday, and all he could remember was being taken into the back, and then waking up this morning. He could only describe the experience as pleasant, but didn't have any idea what had happened or what he had done during the day. I made up my mind to find out when we got to class in a few hours. Something just wasn't sitting right with me.

Sam and I ate breakfast, both at the table, and got ready for the day. I asked him if he was still sure he wanted to go through with this, and he assured me he did. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something seemed off about the way he answered. He was acting human again, but almost like a close approximation of his personality and not the real thing. I figured I was just being paranoid, and it was just my imagination. Still, something in the back of my mind kept nagging at me.

We chatted as we drove to the headquarters. Sam seemed more normal now, responding as I would have expected. Maybe I was just worrying over nothing. I was feeling almost completely relaxed when we pulled up to the classroom building. We were met outside by the instructors, and quickly whisked away to separate rooms to begin the days training.

I didn't get to see Sam at all again until we were ready to go home. He was completely naked, and on all fours. I walked over to him, and tried to talk to him, but he would only bark. Before I could ask any questions we were ushered out, and the doors were locked behind us. I didn't even have time to pick up Sam's things, so I was forced to take him home naked again.

Sam remained in his dog persona all night, and even though I tried I couldn't get anyone on the phone to answer my questions. I eventually gave up as I fell asleep on the kitchen table. I awoke the next morning with the sun streaming through the window. I was sore all over and could feel all my muscles cramping up.

Looking at the clock in the kitchen, I realized we were going to be late, so I called for Sam to come in so we could go to work. Much to my dismay, Sam came running in on all fours, and sat at my feet barking. I took a few minuets to use the bathroom and clean up a little, and we headed out the door. I hoped no one would see us as I walked my naked boyfriend to the car.

My patrols that day were fairly routine, and I kept a close eye on Sam, hoping that he would snap out of being a dog, and come back to being his old human self. It was late in the afternoon before I saw any indication that Sam would ever return. His behavior was still almost completely dog, but he did regain some ability to speak. Only in simple sentences at first, but as the day went on, he started sounding more and more coherent.

He would only tell me that he was happy, and that this was what he wanted and I shouldn't worry. I didn't know what to think of that, but there was little I could do. We completed our rounds for the day and headed home. As Sam was still on all fours, I took him out back to relieve himself, and watched as he lifted his leg, and sniffed around like a dog.

Dinner was strange as I ate from the table, and he ate out of the bowl, but we still managed to have some conversations. Sam was very adamant that he was happy and wanted to be this way. I didn't know how to respond, and while I enjoyed having him as a pet, I was missing the human interaction we had. We hadn't snuggled or kissed in days.

It was late Wednesday before Sam regained the ability to walk upright, but he still refused to get dressed. I was enjoying the view, but I was worried that Sam was losing himself. Even when he was walking normally he still had many of the same behaviors and mannerisms of a dog.

The week continued along the same way, with Sam being my dog at work, and boyfriend at home. He seemed almost back to normal, but would only wear his collar around the house. We snuggled in bed, and watched tv together. I wasn't sure I liked how things were happening, but Sam seemed to be perfectly happy.

As the week drew to a close, we were expected for more training the next day. I wasn't sure I want to take Sam, because I worried that his human mind would be completely suppressed, and he would become nothing more than I dog. I wasn't sure I was ready to lose him, but he was so insistent that this was how he wanted to be and that he was doing this for us. I never was very good at saying no to him.

Against my better judgment, I took him back to class with me on Saturday. He happily went with some of the instructors, but I refused to move until I talked to my boss. I must have put up quite a fuss because it wasn't long before my boss came over with some other man I hadn't seen before.

My boss introduced the other man as one of the directors of the company, and he was also a researcher. He specialized in human behavior, and had been overseeing Sam's training. Finally I was going to get some answers. He told me that Sam had taken some personality and other tests, and it had revealed a deep seated desire to become an animal. I knew Sam had always been a little different than other guys, but I had always found that charming.

Sam had voluntarily agreed to undergo an experimental procedure that would let his animal side come out. Each treatment would allow the transformation to last longer and longer, until it was permanent.

I couldn't believe that Sam was willing to give up his humanity to live the rest of his life as dog. The researcher could see the concern on my face, and told me that this was really what Sam wanted, and that he was doing this for us. He wanted to let me know that he loved me.

I was skeptical, but I couldn't deny the results that I had seen, and what Sam had told me. He had gone with them willingly, so it really must have been his choice. I was taken to a room, and shown a recording of the first session from last week. It was clear that Sam didn't know he was being recorded, and I felt strange watching it, but it was clear that he was doing this of his own free will, and the techs had given him a full description of what would happen.

I still didn't know what to think, but I was willing to accept what I saw. Before long Sam and I were reunited, and were told that todays lessons would be a little different.

We were taken to a new outdoor location, and given instructions. We were to search the area, looking for weapons and "victims". Sam walked along with me and was sniffing the ground as we walked, and soon caught the scent on something. He pulled me in a new direction, and we found a knife. It wasn't long before we had found all the weapons and rescued the hostages.

I could tell the instructors were pleased, even learning that we had completed the course in record time. Even finding some items that had been missed and left from the last time the course was run. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at how well we had performed as a team.

As we were leaving for the night, I overheard my boss talking with the researcher, and it was clear that they were both extremely happy with the way things were progressing. I couldn't hear everything, but I could tell that it would only be a few more sessions before the changes were permanent. They were even looking for more subjects. I can't be sure, but I could have sworn I heard them talking about making millions off the process.

I looked down at Sam, and he stared back up at me and started panting. I looked into his eyes, and saw that something had changed. I took him home, let him out for the night, then fed him. When we went to bed, he curled up at the foot and fell asleep quickly. I wasn't sure how to process what I had seen and heard that day. I drifted off to sleep still trying to figure out what to do next.

I was mad at myself that I couldn't find a way to get us out of this situation. I knew there was no way I could quit my job, as I was living paycheck to paycheck, and there was no way I could find another in time.

Sam had taken to living as a dog full time now. He never wore clothing, and walked on all fours. He took all of his meals from a bowl, and took care of his other needs in the back yard. He looked happy, but I still wasn't convinced. He couldn't or wouldn't talk anymore, but I could tell he still had at least a basic understanding of what I was telling him.

The remaining classes went smoothly, and we quickly became the top performers that had ever graduated from the school. I had wondered why we had been put through some of the classes when we were just guarding a run down building, but was only told it was a standard part of the training.

When graduation day finally came, Sam and I were given one last test that we passed with flying colors. Everyone applauded us and we were showered with praise. Both Sam and I received nicely framed certificates showing we had passed the class. I was happy, but uneasy.

I figured that life would now go back to normal now that we had passed the class, and I was looking forward to the boredom of my routine patrols.

Sam and my relationship was now radically different, more master and pet, than boyfriends, but I could tell that he was happy this way, and I did my best to adjust. We still slept together in bed, and I could almost convince myself that he was human while I snuggled with him at night.

After a few weeks of our routine patrols, I was starting to feel more normal and like the path we were on was for the best. The increased pay was definitely making it easier to pay the bills, and with Sam eating dog food and not using other human things like clothes and video games, our expenses were lower.

Everything changed when my boss met me at work just as we were ready to return home. I walked back into our security room, I found the boss sitting in one of the chairs smiling at me. I felt a knot in my stomach. It is never good when your boss has that look on his face just when it is time to go home for the night.

He looked over at me, and told me that it was time to finally explain what had been going on for the last few weeks. I found a chair and sat down and listened as he laid out the plan.

Sam had contacted him one afternoon while I was at work. He had wanted to help me, and felt like he was nothing more than a drain on our relationship. At first my boss was reluctant to approve anything. He was worried how our working together would affect our performance

A few days after that, the researcher had contacted my boss, looking for a way to test his latest theory. He was working with the government to find a way to make humans better able to detect explosives and find casualties. Apparently there had been a big flap and congress had threatened to cut funding for animal use. The animal rights lobby had scored some huge victories, and it looked likely that new laws would be passed forbidding there use in dangerous situations.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. There was no way this was happening. How could animals be granted more rights than people? Had I entered the twilight zone without realizing it?

My boss was tasked with finding just the right people to experiment on. He called Sam back, expecting him to decline, and was amazed when he said yes. He knew what the extra pay would mean to me, and had always felt like he should have been a dog.

So a plan was hatched. Sam would accompany me on the job and act as my dog. My boss would show up "unexpectedly" and catch us, forcing me to take part in the plan. It had worked perfectly.

I looked over at Sam, scarcely believing that he would do something like that. He just sat there panting. I would have to take my bosses word for it. I didn't like it, but what choice did I have.

He continued to weave his tale. It became more absurd by the minuet. One of the documents I had signed during the course was a consent form. It allowed Sam and I to be called into service whenever any branch of the military needed us.

I was also informed that some of the procedures that Sam had undergone had been to enhance his natural senses. He could now hear, see, and smell far better than any biological dog.

I was told it was time to put his expensive training and upgrades to the ultimate test. Apparently there had been an incident at a military base, and a large portion of the structure had collapsed. There were hundreds wounded and many still missing. We had been summoned to help with the rescue efforts.

Sam and I were whisked away to a waiting helicopter where we were briefed on the situation. After what seemed like hours we finally landed and were let out on a hill just outside the compound. I couldn't believe the scope of the destruction. After a quick survey of the damage, and to locate the medical facilities, we were let loose in the rubble.

Amazingly our training kicked in, forcing any doubt or fear out of my mind, as Sam and I picked our way along, looking for any signs of life. We quickly found our first survivor, and signaled for a rescue party. We worked for hours, and managed to find everyone that was still unaccounted for.

Afterward we were taken to a barracks and allowed to shower, rest, and get a meal. I couldn't help but be proud of how we worked and the lives we had saved. I looked over at Sam and told him that I was proud of him, and glad that he had gotten us into this program.

Early the next morning, my boss and the researcher came into our room, and led us to a briefing room. He told us what a great job we had done, and how Sam and I had done better than any of the other human/canine teams that he had ever seen. The top brass had even been amazed by us, and that wasn't an easy thing to achieve.

We were sent home, and given a months paid leave. During that time Sam and I bonded in ways I never would have thought possible. I could tell he still loved me just as much as he had as a human, if not more, and now had some new ways to show it.

We were deployed several more times in the next few months, each time breaking records and earning medals. I understand we did well enough to get the project fully recognized and funded. Many of the military personnel were volunteering to undergo the procedure.

It wasn't long before there were a dozen teams like Sam and I patrolling the country. We were making a huge difference in saving lives and protecting people. I was glad we were able to pave the way.

As the number of teams increased, we were able to return to a more normal life, without having to worry about being called up all the time. I kind of missed it, but I was happy to be able to spend more time with Sam.

After about a year, we got a knock on the door. It was the researcher. I cautiously let him in, not knowing what to think.

He assured me that this was a social call, and that we had officially been retired from active service. He thanked us for everything we had done. He had one last proposal for us.

The program had made some major breakthroughs he thought we would be interested in. Not only had they honed their ability to enhance a human, but they had developed a procedure that would allow them to take on the form of a dog, and allow them gain the agility, and stamina of the animal they were becoming. They would for all intents and purposes be a full dog in mind and body.

He looked over at Sam, and asked if he would like to undergo the procedure. Free of charge of course. Sam Barked happily and ran to his side, licking him in the face. It was obviously a yes.

After the arrangements were made, Sam was taken to the Hospital where the transformation would occur. I could hardly stand the 2 week wait until he returned.

When he was finally returned I though there was some kind of mistake. Standing before me was a beautiful German Shepard. He was perfect in every detail. I couldn't believe it wasn't a real dog. A careful look in his eyes was all I needed to tell that it really was Sam.

Sam adapted to his new for quickly, and I loved taking him to the local dog park, and out for runs. We did everything a master and his pet did, and few extra things.

It wasn't long before I had saved up enough money to move into a larger place with a yard and a pool, and Sam and I spent many days playing outside and in the pool.

I still kept my guard job, but was now given choice of shifts, and of course Sam was with me wherever I went.

I would never have believed it, but I was actually enjoying life for the first time. I would sometimes look back on how our life had been, and couldn't understand what I had been so worried about. Everything seemed so perfect now, that this was the way things were supposed to be.

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