Hypnotic Dog

Story by ben243 on SoFurry

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A man doesn't believe in hypnosis, and gets more than he bargained for.

I can't believe what is happening to me. Here I am on all fours, naked in the back yard of my boyfriend Kevin's house, looking for a place to do my business. I have been behaving just like a dog for the last few days and nothing we have tried has been able to break the hold of whatever has me and allow me to return to my human life.

It all started a few days ago. It was late on a Saturday afternoon, and we were bored. Somehow, my boyfriend thought it would be fun to find a hypnotist. I laughed it off, thinking I couldn't be hypnotized, but he was serious, so I thought what harm could it do? What harm indeed.

I didn't believe that I could be hypnotized, so when the hypnotist asked for a volunteer, I raised my hand to show him as the fraud he was. He took out a golden charm and started swinging it in front of me. Before I knew what was happening, I started to feel very drowsy and went into a very deep trance.

The hypnotist asked my friends what he should make me do, and they all replied to turn me into a dog. He had me remove all my clothes, and get down on all fours and bark. I did it without a second's hesitation, and was soon running around the room doing all kinds of dog tricks and generally making a fool of myself. If I had been able to read the hypnotist, I would have seen that he was just as surprised at how well this worked as I was.

After my friends were done laughing at my embarrassment, the hypnotist tried to wake me up and bring me back to normal. I regained some awareness, but I was still forced to stay on all fours, and would bark every few sentences I tried to say. He tried for almost an hour to fully break the trance on me, but when he couldn't he claimed he had to get something from his van and drove away.

Kevin tried calling for hours but never was able to get more than a notice that the number was disconnected. My friends tried to look up solutions on the internet, but nothing worked. It seemed I would be stuck like this for now. It was getting late so they went home, leaving me alone with my Kevin.

Before he went to bed, he let me outside and I felt humiliated as I had to crawl out on all fours and even lift my leg to pee. We thought it might wear off over night, and since we were both tired, went to bed. I fell asleep quickly, but had strange dreams of running free as a dog, chasing my tail, and pleasing my master, er, boyfriend.

I was awakened when Kevin got up and stretched. I tried to stand up, but ended up stuck on all fours still. I tried to get dressed, but my hands wouldn't work that way. Kevin helped me put on some clothes, but I found them so uncomfortable that I soon wiggled my way out of them. I followed Kevin out of the bedroom, and into the kitchen. He made us breakfast, but I ended up eating mine from a bowl on the floor as I couldn't really sit at the table.

We discussed what we were going to do, but as I tried to figure something out, I found it harder and harder to concentrate on the problem. All I could think of was running around and playing like the good dog I was. I shook my head and was able to clear my thoughts for a while. It was hard to concentrate, and we couldn't come up with any good ideas. Kevin let me outside to take care of my business, which I found much easier than last night.

How could this happen? Hypnotism isn't real. It can't change people against there will. At least that was what I thought, but I was hardly in a position to make that case. Kevin decided we should go look for the hypnotist, and I tried to explain that I couldn't exactly go out like this. It took a while because I found more and more barks were mixing in with my speech. If this kept up, I wouldn't be able to communicate very long.

Kevin left me in the back yard, and went out to the only address he could find for the man he hired, but there was nothing there. No shop, nothing. He asked around, but no one seemed to have any idea what he was talking about. He even cruised around the neighborhood looking for the van, but came up empty. He stopped by the police station on the way home, and filed a complaint, but even they weren't able to find any information on the guy. It was like he never existed.

Leaving me to my own devices in the backyard may not have been the best idea. With nothing to keep me focused, my mind started to drift. I started thinking more and more like a dog, even sniffing the ground, and panting. When Kevin got home, I jumped up on him and licked him in the face. I tried to say hello, but all that came out were barks. It seemed I had lost all ability to speak.

Kevin looked worried and said we needed to figure this out quickly, and I agreed, nodding my head. I may not be able to talk to him, but I could still understand him. I tried to ask him what we should do next, but I never was very good at charades. After looking at each other perplexed for a few minuets, we decided to have dinner. I ate from the bowl again, and it seemed so natural. We watched tv for a while and tried to think of a solution, and Kevin let me out one last time before bed. I found a good spot and relieved myself, praying that we would find a solution soon, as I didn't fancy spending the rest of my life as a dog. I couldn't get comfortable on the bed, so I just curled up on the floor next to it, and fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning, I found Kevin was already up, and gone out somewhere. He left me breakfast in a bowl, and the back door slightly ajar so I could get out and take care of business. I found the breakfast good, even though it was cold, and made my way outside. Something caught my eye, a squirrel perhaps, and I bolted through the yard trying to chase it. I ran around and barked like crazy, with barely a human thought passing through my head. I didn't even notice it when Kevin finally returned home several hours later.

Kevin called me back into the house, and started to go through the bags he had brought in. They contained an assortment of dog supplies and toys. I think Kevin had given up on trying to find a way to fix me, and was feeling sorry for the predicament he put me into. I tried to comfort him by rubbing against his leg, and he petted my head.

Kevin reached into the bag again, and pulled out a collar, and fastened it around my neck. It felt strange at first, but soon began to feel comfortable. As I moved I heard a jingle, and noticed a tag on the collar. If I could have read it, I would have seen it had my name engraved on the front, with Kevin as my owner on the back.

Kevin had also bought a pair of large bowls, and a variety of dog toys, which he handed to me, and I spent a fair amount of time chewing. The more I chewed, the less and less concerned I was with fixing my problem. Kevin seemed resigned to failure, and we ate dinner in relative quiet.

After dinner, Kevin tried to talk to me, but I was only understanding every other word or so. As the evening wore on, I understood less and less of what he was saying, until finally everything seemed to be nothing more than gibberish. All I could understand were the simple dog commands, come, sit, stay, out, etc. Now what was I going to do? Even if we could find the Hypnotist, I would never be able to understand what he was saying enough for it to have any effect on me.

Kevin looked at me, and realized that I wasn't following what he was saying, and it slowly dawned on him that I had lost the comprehension of English. I could tell that he was very disturbed by this, and started to break down. I did what I could to comfort him, but it wasn't much, as I was in about the same state myself. After a long while, he finally let me out, and I did my business, and followed him to bed. I was afraid to go to bed because I was afraid I wouldn't be myself when I woke up.

I went to curl up on the floor again, and found that Kevin had also bought a large dog bed, and crawled into it, and after a few hours of worry, finally fell asleep. As I slept I dreamed of being a dog, and let the dogs instincts wash over me, and they nearly drowned what was left of my personality.

When I woke up, I was behaving just like any normal dog, and almost completely unable to act in any human way at all. I found my human self sitting in the back seat while my dog self took charge. It took everything I had in me to finally overcome the dog and take charge over my own body. The day went pretty much as the last few, and we made no progress. I think if anything Kevin had given up, and was just going through the motions. I wish I could do more to help, but I was useless to him. I couldn't even go out side, as I would be arrested for indecent exposure. I was limited to the house or back yard.

As the days wore on, it became harder and harder for me to have any human thoughts or control, and I became totally canine in my behavior almost all of the time. I could force myself to have some human behavior, but each time I remained in control for less and less time. I have to give it Kevin, he was taking this better than I think I would have, even taking me out in the back yard and playing with me, petting me, and praising me, telling me what a good dog I was.

As I entered the second week of my transformation, I started to feel strange. I noticed a thick layer of yellow fur starting to cover my body. For some reason, I though this was great. I couldn't understand why I didn't already have a beautiful coat. Kevin looked pleased when he saw it and seemed to really enjoy rubbing his had through it. Whenever he did, it sent waves of pleasure through my body.

After a couple of days, I had a full fur coat. It was obvious that I was starting to become some kind of yellow lab. My ears had gotten floppy, and started moving up my head. I also had the nub of a tail forming. At this rate, it wouldn't be long before I was completely changed.

It took another couple days before my tail finished growing in, and I enjoyed wagging it whenever I saw my master, er, Kevin. My hands had started to turn to paws, and I could see my nose turn black, and a muzzle starting to push out from my face.

By the third week, I had changed enough that I now looked like a normal dog. No one would be able to tell the difference without some invasive medical tests. Kevin started taking me for walks around the neighborhood, and I loved smelling every place the other dogs had marked, and barking at squirrels and other dogs.

Kevin and I had totally given up finding a fix by this point, and we were happy living as master and pet.

Late one night while we were watching tv, with me sitting by my masters feet, we heard the doorbell ring. Kevin and I looked at each other, as we weren't expecting anyone.

Kevin walked over to the door, and I followed close behind. As he opened it, he saw an old man. He must have been over 100 years old, and smelled very strange to me. Unlike anyone I had ever met.

He introduced himself as Balthazar. He told us of the night he discovered that his stupid nephew had taken his prized amulet. His nephew knew nothing of magic, and thought it was just an old coin. Balthazar explained that his nephew had used it in his hypnotism act. As we could see, the effects from the amulet were a little more complete than expected.

Kevin invited Balthazar in, and asked him if he could help us. Balthazar said he had been searching for everyone that his idiot nephew had cursed and was doing what he could for them. Most were an easy fix, but since I was so far transformed, he wasn't sure he could do anything.

Balthazar tried for hours, but it was no use. I would be stuck as a dog for the rest of my life. At least he was able to restore my human mind, and allow me to speak and understand English again. Thank goodness for small miracles. He also did what he could to ease my transition into being a dog, and made sure that I would keep my human life span and be mostly free from illness.

Before he left we asked what would happen to his Nephew. Balthazar told us that he would be severely punished for what he had done, and would be providing us with enough money each month that neither of us would need to work. Balthazar apologized again, and disappeared off into the night.

True to his word, a day or two later, we received a large check in the mail, more than enough for the two of us. Kevin deposited the money and paid off our debts. Each month we received a similar check. The most work we had to do was deposit the checks.

Kevin and I went for walks and played in the park together frequently, we even just spend hours talking, and we became closer as master and dog than we ever had been as a pair of humans. Even though I am in full control of myself now, I still let my dog instincts take over, and run around like any other dog. Kevin loves it when I jump up and lick his face. Sometime I even knock him over, um accidently of course.

This isn't how I thought my life would be, and it was kind of a scary journey, but I love the way things ended up, and am happier now than I have ever been, as is Kevin, and would do it all over again.

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