Interview with Rykela, the Breeding Dragoness

Story by Jackie Frillove on SoFurry

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Twenty year-old (in draconic years) Rykela Amberdash-Zair, a.k.a. Rykela the Breeder Dragoness, or the charming luscious hermaphrodite beauty more commonly known to breast lovers worldwide as Rykela, belongs to a species called "R'Thakian Queen," or in layman's terms, "Breeder Dragoness." Shi goes into heat at the beginning of every other month (February, April, June, August, October, December) and generally lays a clutch of eggs at the beginning of the month in following. Rykela also co-operates a popular bakery known as "The Baker's Dozen". Today though, shi has decided to take a day off from her busy life to venture to a far off land for an exclusive interview with breast enthusiast extraordinaire, Jackie Frillove...

Jackie's home is decorated in an array of soft frilly items in warm opaque colors. The room has a high ceiling that is comfortable enough even for the presence of fifteen foot tall Rykela, who sits patiently awaiting the arrival of her host. There are no lamps in this room, which is instead lit by natural light cascading through a glass plated dome at the top and center of the large hall. The ever flamboyant cross-dressing red fox, Jackie Frillove, enters the room through the corridor facing Rykela, his hips gently swaying from side to side. He has opted for the color sapphire this afternoon, with his matching silk babydoll, panties & stockings, laced in a cream colored trim, and complete with a feather-light, untied robe that barely skims the base of his bushy soft tail. His footsteps are barely audible due to a pair of soft slippers that hug his tiny feet. As he approaches the dragoness, he looks up and smiles, and gestures for hir to make hirself comfortable on a large pile of soft cushions to hir side...

_**JF - Well hello again Rykela. Might I say that you look extraordinarily lovely today, as always. Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to join me this afternoon, and welcome to my humble abode. I hope you like it! *smiles softly* Please, do make yourself comfortable. Well then, let's get started shall we?

So you are a "Breeder Dragoness", is that correct? How did that title get bestowed upon you?**_

RAZ - Yes, Jackie dear, I am a Breeder Dragoness. *giggles softly* However, it's not an honorary title at all. No, quite the contrary. It's simply what my species is called! Um, think of it this way... you are a red fox, and I am a Breeder Dragoness. It's very simple!

_ JF - We're you born for the purpose of the breeding? What was life like for you growing up? _

RAZ - Yes, I was born solely for the purpose of breeding. My species is very specialized. Some of us train in magic and the ways of the warrior, some of us hunt for food, and I just happen to be one of the ones who bears the kits! Teehee... no, it's not a bad deal at all, in my opinion...

My childhood was probably very different from yours, dear Jackie. Most of my species matures very rapidly and then lives for a long amount of time in a peak physical state. It's mostly due to the magic that permeates our land. So it only took me a few months from hatch-day to get to the way you see me now! Hehe... *poses proudly* But as a Breeder, I needed to be taught very early on the pleasures and techniques of mating... What to do, what not to do, how to treat my lovers, how to raise kits... You know, necessary sort of things.

_ JF - *blushes and nods* Yes, yes of course. Please do excuse my ignorance on the subject of Breeding Dragons... *smiles* Although, I had read somewhere that the ritual for dragon breeding in some tribes is an extraordinarily complex and challenging process. I had also read that in many cases, the male and female couples are already pre-chosen before they mate. Was this the case with you, dear Rykela? _

RAZ - Well, consider this, Jackie... Breeders mate so much, one mate or lover alone wouldn't satisfy us... Um, ehe, what I mean to say is, we mate so often that pre-selecting our mates would be too much work. Ahah, I guess the short answer is no, we really are open to any mate. Any mate...

_ JF - *peers over his notes and gasps, suddenly wide-eyed* A hundred children you say?! That's incredible! How do you ever manage to find the time to look after all the little ones? *gasps* Oh my... are they all "Breeding Dragons" as well? _

RAZ - Well, Jackie, since my species of dragon matures very quickly, it isn't as difficult as you might imagine. Of course I had to deal with the little scamps running all around my cave, but with a little help from my sisters and my mate, we've managed to raise them just fine. But no, not very many of them are Breeders like myself. For example, my twins Brightstone and Fondmist are mages, since they have the ability to see aura and read memories, and my daughter Tirede is an "archivist", sort of like what you'd call a historian, anthropologist, and museum curator all rolled into one. I only have a handful of Breeders among my kits, but I'll be the first to tell you that those few are more than enough to, hehe, get the job done... *winks coyly, hir tail swishing from side to side*

_ JF - *nods* I see, well that makes sense now. For a moment, I was entertaining some scary images of gross overpopulation amongst your kind, like those crazy humans! *chuckles and sighs* So, life does sound rather stable for your kind... or is it? How does this aforementioned "magical aura" affect everyday life for your race? _

RAZ - Every few years there is a bit of an issue of over-population, even though an incredibly small fraction of my species is ever born as Breeders. Ehe, we're just so fertile! So what we do is use teleportation magic to send a Breeder or two to an unpopulated or polluted dimension or world, and they populate or clean it up, making it a better place for life! Um... why do you think I'm here and not on my home world? *winks slyly and stretches out, hir tail flicking idly*

I suppose the magic is a big help. Since we have it on our world, we don't really have that big a need for advanced technology or science like on Earth. For example, due to their aural capabilities, my species rarely falls ill, and no one has ever died from an illness... Unfortunately that brings its share of problems, but... *hir expression turns somber for a moment* well, I'm not here to talk about anything like that.

_ *JF - Of course. Moving on then... Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little intimidated by your size Rykela. Even so, you have an amazing body... * _

RAZ - T-thank you Jackie... *blushes shyly* Hehe... I get that a lot, but I don't think I'll ever get used to the praise... Flattery just makes me fall to pieces, you know!

_ JF - You must deal with loads of attention with such a godly figure, and those beautiful luscious lactating breasts! *grins toothily* What size did you say they were again? _

RAZ - I actually have never thought to measure them for a bra size... *hefts them thoughtfully* Mostly because I could never imagine being able to fit them in anything smaller than a tarp. Hahah! But they're each four feet across, more or less...

JF - *stares at hir breasts in awe* Incredible... You could feed the world with those things! Oh my my. icon_redface.gif So... um, are you used to getting your way often then? I mean, because of your figure, and the way others lust over you?

RAZ - I suppose I could get my way, and if you mean I can get a good hard mating whenever I feel like it, then yes, that's very true. But as a part of my... well, work as a Breeder Dragoness, I have a very casual vow to always put my lover's pleasure before mine. That way they'll come back for seconds, you see. *licks hir lips slyly* So unless they ask me to dominate them, I really let my mates hold the reins... And that's a figure of speech... most of the time... ehe.

_ JF - Obviously though, there is much more to you than your amazing bust... I must say that you are packing quite well down south too... *gestures towards your thighs, smiles and winks* I hear that hermaphrodites vary quite a bit as to how their genitalia functions... Are you also capable of breeding as a male? _

RAZ - Oh, of course, I'm very capable! *giggles, hir face slightly pink* As many have found out before... I mean, if I wasn't, I couldn't rightfully claim my bloodline as a Breeder, could I? icon_biggrin.gif

_ JF - *smiles and adjusts his reading glasses as he averts his attention for a moment to thumb over his notes* It says here that you have the ability to shapeshift to suit the needs of your lovers... *softly giggles* If you don't mind, tell our readers a bit about some of your past... er, experiences?... _

RAZ - Heh, sure, I'll tell you. I do remember a time in particular when I had a lover who could size-shift even better than me! Well, suffice it to say it got very, very kinky... I managed to give him a batch of tentacles and snake-cocks, and he really stuffed me good! By the way, shi was the same tigress who eventually taught me the joys of nipple-fucking... *grins a naughty, lewd grin*

_ JF - *grins toothily* Nipple fucking?! Oooh, you naughty girl! That's sounds soooo very kinky! But you know... you're absolutely right... there is nothing quite like the pleasure of being properly stuffed by a well endowed male! *giggles and winks as he unfolds and then refolds his legs in the opposite position, briefly clearing his throat* Short-term gratification aside though, what do you personally look for in a lover, or even in a mate? _

RAZ - My lovers? Hehe. *smiles softly* I'm not particularly discriminatory when it comes to physical things... I mean, if it's a problem I can change it, ya know? Hehe... What I suppose I look for is someone with a kind, loving aura. A personality similar to mine! I can... well, I can't see aura, but I have a bit of a sense when it comes to personality... When I meet someone who I'd want to mate, something inside me just... "clicks". Beyond that the feeling's tough to explain, I'm sorry I can't help more. But... I've mated with Blaziken, tiger-herms, raptors, other Breeders, rabbits, Akita-wolves, stallions... umm... hehehe. I can't remember them all! Everything from hyper-cocked weightlifters to top-heavy taurs... and even a few cuties like yourself... *trills playfully and flutters hir eyelashes* That dress looks divine on you today, by the by.

_ JF - *blushes and smiles* Why, thank you Rykela, I'm glad you like it. *stands and poses, rubbing over his sides and chest* I do so enjoy getting all dolled up for my guests... I find it very sensual and exciting, and if it so happens to be a turn on for you as well, that's all the better! *winks* But enough about me, we're here to talk about you! Would you mind telling us a little bit about your mate? _

RAZ - Verda... well, she is... *struggles, unable to hold back the smile and dreamy sigh* She's absolutely my soul-mate. In every sense of the word. Not only did she help me figure out my heritage and help me find my path in life, but she also... um... ehehe... took my virginity. She's a breeder like I am, and is actually... well, due to the way our society breeds kits, she's my first cousin! *giggles and blushes* I love her so much!!!

_ JF - *giggles from behind his notes* Your bakery sounds absolutely delightful! Although, I have to admit that I'm just a little confused over this part about... "flavored waiters & waitresses"?! Hehe, so is your staff "edible" then? *chuckles* I can't say that's necessarily my thing, but in terms of oral pleasure, I can definitely see how that can be an absolute joy! *squees* Please do plug it in for our readers! _

RAZ - Well, I cook as a hobby, and I happen to be very skilled at it. I have no doubt that if I hadn't been a Breeder I'd have probably ended up as a hunter or a cook! Heh... But I have a little kink, nothing major really, but I absolutely go wild over lovers who have.... well, flavored semen. Or even flavored breast milk and pussy juice! Can't you imagine it, your mate offering you his big, thick rod, and when you go to suck and tease his cock-head, his cum is smooth and creamy, with the delightfully luscious taste of chocolate? I wouldn't be able to get enough of him... *sucks on hir finger slowly* Mmmm... I suppose I should stop fantasizing or I'll ruin your nice couch cushions.

JF - *chuckles and shakes his head* Aww, no worries my dear, we have the neat thing down pat' around here. I wouldn't want anything less than the natural Rykela! But, that's does sound quite appetizing... do go on... icon_biggrin.gif

RAZ - Anyway, what I decided to do is find myself as many of these gifted individuals as I could, and then start a bakery with them to share them with the world! So I make my desserts, with more than a few "special ingredients" *winks*, and if you order a meal you get all-you-can-drink straight from the waiters and waitresses who bring out your food! I could tell you about some of my staff, but I think it'd be more fun if the readers went and looked for themselves...

So it's called The Baker's Dozen, and if you can think of a flavor, we've got a girl with breasts full of it... or balls, if the case may be... *giggles again*

JF - Mmmm, now you're making me hungry! *giggles as he rubs his tummy gently* Totally lovin' the idea so far! Spooge is definitely close to the top of my kinks list... if I ever had one! icon_biggrin.gif So where do you find such amazing creatures, and how do ever get them to serve under you?

RAZ - Well, I've got to thank Cadi for finding the original five.

_ JF - Cadi... that's your business partner? How did you both meet? _

RAZ - It's a rather complicated story. As I understand it, there was a bit of a teleportation accident involving a human male and a tigress... a deity of chaos called "Nothing" intervened and basically the two were combined to become an embodiment of chaos on earth! Hehehe... *cackles, hir face scarlet* I've learned many, many... things from hir. Business models, recipes, sex techniques... Shi has a... I'd call it a knack... for finding the perfect staff! Shi showed me that you have to look all over, and I mean that, for such gifted furs. From the arctic to the rainforest, you don't know what you'll find until you search everywhere!

To give you an example... Chole is a white bunny - she's very cute, very fluffy, and very perky. She's part of a small tribe of "snow bunnies" who live in the mountains. When you look at her, she's all white, save for her dark brown nipples. Hehe, she leaks chocolate constantly! Chocolate milk from her breasts, and chocolate syrup from her... hrm... nether regions. Tehe. She has a bit of a tendency to smack her lips a lot, because even her saliva has a hint of a chocolate taste to it, but I get the feeling that my customers see it as adorable and love her all the more for it.

_ JF - Ok, so if say, I desired breast milk from a beautiful cow gal with a touch of vanilla, to go along with my stuffed eggplant, I could actually get that?! *grins widely* _

RAZ - A-actually... teehee... she's one of the original thirteen The Baker's Dozen was named after. A vanilla cow, I mean. Are you sure you can't read minds? *teases*

_ JF - Nope! No mind reading abilities here, just a foxy boy with good taste! *winks* _

RAZ - Um, but yes, you can get almost anything you ask for... And the cow's name is Nellie. *winks*

JF - It sounds like you're living out quite the tell-tale life Rykela. I certainly can only imagine how fulfilling your life must be with raising scores of children, on top of running a bakery and engaging in all that wild sex! icon_biggrin.gif Do you suppose there will ever come a time when you might see yourself moving on to something else? Where might you picture yourself in another 5, 10 or even 20 years?

RAZ - You might be a little surprised to hear this, Jackie, or you may not be, but I'm actually the type of dragoness who really lives in the moment... I really enjoy running the bakery, and I truly do want to stay with it for as long as possible, but I have no doubt that something new and exciting will appear before me in a few years. If... No, when that happens, I have no doubt I will certainly chase after that new dream as wholeheartedly as I do now with my bakery. I'm not worried for the bakery if that happens. I've got dozens of staff who're very capable of taking the reins after I leave, and if that wouldn't work I have at least a hundred kits who'd love nothing more than running such a delicious operation...

_ JF - Is there any words of wisdom you might like to share with all of our friends at SoFurry? _

RAZ - Ehe, I apologize for my words of wisdom having nothing to do with mating... um, but one rule I always live by is to be nice and kind to everyone you meet, every time. You never know what good may come from it, and it's just a basic thing that everyone deserves, you know? Oh, and also, don't be afraid to run around your fellow furs stark-naked, especially when you're in heat! It makes life interesting, and definitely spices up yours and everyone else's day! Hehehe...*winks* Maybe you'd like to give it a try with me sometime.

_ JF - *blushes, smiles, then stands and gracefully approaches the dragoness* Thank you again, so much for joining me today, Rykela. You are such a sweet girl and it's been a real pleasure, as well as an honor. I realize that you're a herm and all, but if I may suggest... you are a living, breathing testament to feminine beauty and fertility, and we only wish you nothing but the best in the future. *smiles and hugs one of hir breasts, giggling gleefully* _

RAZ - *squeals* Oop, watch it, I don't want to ruin your dress... *cups hir nipple* See, even the slightest pressure will make me lactate very... Ahem!!!

_ JF - *emerges from under hir breast, his face soaked in milk* Mmmm... Um, sorry about that love, I can't help myself sometimes... Boys will be boys I guess! *shrugs and grins, licking his chops _ *

RAZ - *coughs* Um, yes, well, thank you for your compliment, Jackie! You're evil, flattering me like that... icon_redface.gif Herms like me are the embodiment of the full potential of both the male and female body in one, and it's simply divine to meet a kind soul like you who can appreciate that... I do hope I can continue to bring smiles to yours and your readers' faces in the future!

Info on the ever sweet and charming Rykela can be found at hir SoFurry userpage -

Do you have a character that would like to be interviewed for a feature on SoFurry? Send Jackie a PM, or drop him an email! - [email protected]

Interview with Mary Hyena

_Mary Hyena is such an amazing character. Naturally, I just had to interview her for my new "Breast Lovers" group, here on SoFurry. One might imagine how this two meter tall, European albino hyena_ _goddess can come off as quite the initimidator,_...

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