Witness Protection

Story by ben243 on SoFurry

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A man witnesses a crime, and must go into hiding. His boyfriend wants to help in anyway he can

You know what they say about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Well it finally happened to me, or really my boyfriend Kevin.

It was a lazy fall afternoon, and Kevin had come over so we could watch a few movies and waste some time playing video games. Everything was going as planned until we got hungry.

I would have been just as happy to grab something from the fridge, but he wanted to go out and get us some pizza. I was never able to argue with him, so I relented and of he went to our local pizza place.

He had just ordered our pizza, and thrown in an order of wings, when he heard some commotion at the bank across the street. He, always being the hyper curious type, stepped out just in time to get a good look at the criminals as they were getting into their cars and speeding away.

When the police arrived, they canvased the area looking for anyone that could help them. Kevin of course spoke up, and gave them the description of the robbers. After about 45 minuets of questions they let him come home. The least they could have done was paid for the pizza, which was quite cold by then.

When he got home, Kevin told me all about what he had seen, and how the cops had asked him tons of questions. I could hardly believe what I was hearing. I was so glad he wasn't hurt or killed. Kevin would walk into a minefield if he saw something that looked interesting nearby.

I placed the pizza in the oven to warm it back up. I told him I was glad that he wasn't hurt. We spent most of the time the pizza was reheating in each other's arms kissing and hugging, mostly trying to reassure each other. I couldn't believe he wasn't more shaken by the experience.

After we each had eaten a few slices of pizza, there was a knock at the door. Upon opening it, we found two gentlemen clad in suits. The flashed some badges and identified themselves as FBI agents. They asked to come in, saying they had to speak with Kevin. Kevin and I stared at each other for a moment, and then let them in.

We sat on the living room couch while they explained the situation. Apparently what Kevin had seen wasn't a simple bank robbery. A new exhibition was supposed to open at a local museum, and some of the items for it were being stored at the bank. The local branch of one of the organized crime families had planned the robbery to get there hands on some of the more priceless pieces. They had been very careful, and no one had been able to identify them except Kevin, who had seen them when they were leaving, and had let their guard down.

Thanks to Kevin's descriptions, they had managed to track the perpetrators down only a few miles from the bank, and recovered the stolen goods. There was just one problem. They didn't have much evidence linking them to the crime, and their lawyers were devious.

The only way to get the charges to stick, would be for Kevin to testify about what he had seen. Once word got out, then they would surely try to kill Kevin to keep him from testifying. It sounded like the plot to a bad action movie.

The agents told us the only way for Kevin to be safe would be for him to enter witness protection. He was hesitant, but they finally convinced him that it was necessary. He would have to be under their protection at least until the trial was over, and that could be several months or even years.

Kevin asked about me, but since I was just his boyfriend, and hadn't witnessed the crime, I wasn't eligible to come with him. I could tell that he didn't want to leave me, and I didn't want him to go, but I knew that his making it to testify was the most important thing.

The Agents talked for a while longer, getting Kevin ready for the transition. He would be leaving tomorrow. An agent would be positioned outside the house to guard us until his home could be swept, and he could pack up a few essentials.

Once the Agents left, we had what was left of our now cold again pizza and wings, and went off to the bedroom where we could enjoy our last few moments together alone.

We had just finished satisfying our urges, so to speak, when there was a knock on the door. I threw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt, and Kevin put on his jeans and t-shirt, and we made our way back to the living room. The agents had returned, and were ready to take Kevin to their office, where he would be taken to a safe house. Kevin and I hugged and kissed, and he headed out the door with them. I could barely keep myself from crying, knowing that it would be a long time before I would be able to see him again.

Once everyone had left, the house seemed even more empty than usual. I moped around for a while, not believing that this was really happening. Eventually I decided to head for bed. It took me forever to fall asleep, but I finally managed around 4 in the morning.

I was awakened in the morning by a ringing sound. Instinctively I started mashing at the buttons on my alarm clock to shut it off. It took me a few minuets before I was awake enough to realize I hadn't set the alarm clock, and it was the phone ringing.

I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, realizing that I hadn't even bothered to change for bed, and was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Oh well, whoever was on the phone wouldn't notice anyway.

I answered the phone, my voice still sounding like I was half asleep. The voice at the other end addressed me by name. "Sam?" I recognized the voice, but it took me a moment for it to click. "Ben? It's been ages." Ben and I had been friends since we were in elementary school, but we lost touch, and I hadn't talked to him for several years. It was good to hear from him again, but I was curious as to why he would call now of all times.

Ben went on to tell me that he was working with the FBI and had seen that Kevin would be under their protection. He was sorry that I couldn't be with him. I told him that I would do anything to help protect him. Ben told me that he was hoping I would say that.

I asked him what he meant, and he hesitated for a moment before he spoke. There was a way that I could be there with Kevin, but it was rather unorthodox. He knew a mystic that had a potion that would allow me to take the form of a dog. While I was transformed, Ben would make me a member of the FBI's canine unit, and I would be assigned as Kevin's "pet". I would be there to help watch him and keep him safe.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He couldn't be serious. Could he? I listened carefully to everything he said. He assured me that he could pull it off without a problem, and that I would remain in full control the whole time. He guaranteed me that everything would be totally reversible, and that I would be able to quit if I needed to. They would simply pull me out and replace me with a real dog.

It all sounded so fantastic. There was no way this could be real, but I had to help Kevin anyway I could. I would never be able to forgive myself if I something happened to him when I could have been there. I knew I had no choice and eagerly agreed.

Everything was set. Ben would come by in an hour and pick me up. We would then see the mystic and I would be transformed. He would then take me to the safe house, and I would be assigned to Kevin's protection detail.

I thought about putting on some fresh clothes, but decided there would be little point, and simply waited for him to come. I wondered if I had made the right decision, and convinced myself I had. I visited the bathroom, and had just finished breakfast when Ben arrived.

The ride to the mystic was interesting. Ben and I used the time to catch up on what we had been up to since we had last seen each other. He told me that he had gotten a chance to talk to Kevin last night, and that's how he had learned that he was my boyfriend. Kevin had told him how much we loved each other, and how much being separated hurt, and knew that he had to find a way to help us.

After about half an hour of driving, and what seemed like a lifetime of catching up, we pulled up to what I can only describe as a ramshackle hut. There was something very odd about it. It seemed like my eyes kept sliding off it, and I found it hard to look directly at it. If I hadn't known it was there, I probably never would have seen it.

Ben looked over at me, and chuckled. He said it was the magic protecting it. He likened it to something from a book he had read. He called it a "somebody else's problem" field. If you weren't looking for it, your mind would consider it someone else's problem, and just ignore it. In today's age of cell phones and other electronics, it was amazingly effective at keeping the riff raff out.

We entered the building, and much to my surprise, the inside was a far cry from the exterior. It was large and well kept. It had been filled with display cases of all kinds of weird and exotic items that I couldn't hope to identify. As I neared one of the cases I could feel a strange power emanating from the items. The almost seemed alive.

Ben quickly ushered me to the back of the store, where we found a small room with a variety of potions bubbling away on racks along the walls. As we entered, an older man greeted us. Obviously we had been expected. Ben shook his hand, and after exchanging a few pleasantries, introduced me.

I was instructed to remove my clothing and sit on one of the couches in the room. I was reluctant to get naked in a strange place, but remembered I was doing this for Kevin. Swallowing my modesty, I quickly pulled off my sweats and t-shirt before I could think better of it.

As I walked over to the couch to sit down, Ben gathered up my clothes and placed them in a bag he had been provided. He said he would keep them safe while I was transformed.

The old man came over to me, and after waving his arms around me and chanting for a few minutes handed me a vial. Inside was a vile smelling liquid. The man motioned for me to drink. I wasn't excited, but I swallowed the whole thing in one gulp. I was surprised to find it tasted quite nice. Like strawberries.

After a few moments, I felt a wave of warmth go through my body. I dropped the vial to the ground before following myself. As I lay there on the ground, I could see a fine coat of fur start spreading over my body. I could only watch as my fingers began to shorten and develop pads. It wasn't long before they were indistinguishable from paws.

I was able to turn my head slightly and see that the fur had spread all over my body, and down my legs. My feet were shifting in the same way my hands had and were soon paws. My hips and legs shifted with a loud crunch that would allow me to stand on all fours. I figured this would be painful, but strangely felt nothing at all.

I noticed a strange sensation as my new tail pushed its way out from the base of my spine. As I watched it grew several feet, and started wagging. For some reason that sent waves of pleasure through my body.

Next I could feel my nose getting broader and flatter as my face started pushing out into a muzzle. My ears became pointier and started moving to the top of my head. I realized that my hearing had vastly improved, as well as my sense of smell. My tongue flopped out of my mouth, and I began to pant.

To complete the transformation, my ribs shifted, reshaping my body. My fur grew in thicker completely covering my skin. If I could have seen myself, I would have seen a perfect specimen of a German Shepard.

Ben leaned down to me asking if I could hear him. I could only nod. He told me that was good and the worst of it was over. He told me to rest for and regain my strength. I was offered a bowl of water, which I happily lapped up. I made a huge mess, but I figured with a little practice and time, I would get the hang of it.

After about an hour, I had regained enough strength to stand up and move around. It took me a while to get used to walking on all fours. Once I mastered it, I was amazed at how much more agile and speedy I was this way. My tail started to wag on its own again, sending another wave of pleasure through my body.

After the mystic was satisfied that everything had gone well and I had stabilized in my new form, he handed Ben a collar and leash. Ben placed the collar around my neck, and attached the leash and started to lead me out of the store. I resisted at first, not wanting to go out naked, but then I remembered I was a dog, and followed along behind him.

When we got to the car, I started towards the front seat. Ben reminded me I was now a dog, and led me towards the back. He had a nice carrier set up in the back, and I hopped in. It was very comfortable, but I missed being able to see where we were going.

Ben told me we had one stop to make, and then it would be off to the office to be placed with Kevin. What he didn't tell me, was that stop was to the Vet. As we walked in, it was obvious the bureau had made arrangements, as we were quickly taken to one of the exam rooms.

Ben looked down at me, and told me he was sorry. It was regulations he said. I knew he was right, but it didn't make me feel any better. The doctor came in a few minuets later and examined me. He poked and prodded at me, and took a few samples before declaring I was in perfect health.

Next came the part I was dreading. Vaccinations. I needed everything and felt like a pincushion when it was all done. To make matters worse, Ben also insisted on giving me a microchip. I just kept telling myself it was all worth it, and I would be with Kevin again soon. I was almost starting to believe it.

While I seemed to be suffering no ill effects from the transformation, being a dog really played havoc with my sense of time. My new senses processed things differently, and it didn't help that I couldn't see the clocks on the wall from my vantage point.

We had arrived at the bureau some time ago. Ben was giving me last minuet instructions on how to behave, and how to let him know that I needed help, or wanted to return to my human form. I listened intently, all the while being able to smell that Kevin was nearby.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, I was taken to a hallway and told to stay. Ben went in and introduced himself to Kevin. He told Kevin that part of his protection would be a dog that had been specially trained. Not only had it been trained to perform a wide variety of tasks, but it was also well trained for protection. The dog would be able to subdue most any foes that managed to slip past the agents stationed around the property.

Ben called me in. I came around the corner, and sat just in front of Kevin. I lifted my paw to shake just as I had been told to do. Kevin looked me over and took my paw in his hand and started shaking. Ben smiled and said, "Kevin, meet your new pet Lucky!" Great I thought. Not only did I have to go by a stupid dogs name, but Ben had decided to make it a joke. Still I did feel lucky, and glad to be with Kevin again. I was determined to never let him out of my sight again.

I could tell just my presence was enough to make Kevin feel more comfortable, and as the briefing continued, he would often reach down and scratch me behind the ears, or pet me. I must confess that I really loved it, and it felt better to me than anything we had done as humans. Maybe being his pet wouldn't be so bad.

It was late in the evening when we made it to the safe house. It wasn't a very large place, but it was nicely decorated and the property was well kept up. As we entered the house, my nose was flooded with the scents of dozens of people who had stayed here over the years. If I concentrated I could separate them out and follow them throughout the house. I could also tell that they were stale. No one had been here for some time.

I barked an all clear, and Kevin and the agents relaxed. The agents showed Kevin to his room, and I found the bed setup for me in a small room off the kitchen. The door opened, and another agent came in carrying a bag full of food, and some dog food for me. I was glad to see that Ben had ordered up some of the more expensive gourmet stuff, and not just the plain Alpo in a can.

The Agents assumed their assigned patrols, leaving Kevin and I alone in the house. Dinner was uneventful, and we quickly finished with Kevin tossing the dirty dishes in the sink. Kevin decided to explore the house, which was a quick tour, as there was only the living room, kitchen/dining room, two bedrooms, my little room and a bathroom.

Kevin checked his watch, and decided to settle in on the couch to watch tv. I sat at the edge of the couch as close to him as I could. It felt so good just to be near him. The shows weren't ones I would have chosen, but they weren't bad. They also helped me keep track of time.

It wasn't long before Kevin had fallen asleep. I wasn't surprised as I am sure his day was as stressful as mine. I put my head down for just a second, and the next thing I knew it was morning. Kevin had already risen, and was in the kitchen making coffee.

I was a little stiff from sleeping on the floor, so I took a moment to stretch before walking into the kitchen. Kevin filled my bowl, and I immediately ate everything in it. I didn't realize I was so hungry. Kevin cooked himself some eggs and bacon and sat down to eat. I did my best to put on sad puppy eyes, and guilt him into giving me a piece of bacon.

It had almost worked when the lead agent came in and did his morning walk through and safety check. Everything must have been good, because he wished us a good morning, and headed out to check on the rest of the agents. After he left, Kevin got up and scraped the rest of the food into the trash. While he was busy doing the dishes, I looked longingly at the precious bacon in the trash, knowing I couldn't do anything about it.

The rest of the day was uneventful. We saw an agent here and there when their shifts changed, or they were scheduled to check in on us.

Kevin and I spent most of the day exercising in the back yard. I am sure he was impressed with how well I performed tricks and played fetch. Of course most of the games he wanted to play were no problem with human level intelligence. I had to keep reminding myself I was just supposed to be a dog.

Every time Kevin would pet me and praise me, it would send waves of pleasure through me. My tail would wag uncontrollably, making me even happier. I enjoyed every second of my time with him, and wished it would continue forever. I had to keep reminding myself I had a job to do. I had to keep him safe. A few more minuets of petting wont hurt right?

The first few weeks had gone very smoothly and quietly. Even the agents had gotten bored. Then every so often we would get a call saying there was a trial date, but it would get postponed. Something would always happen to the judge, or a lawyer, or some other official. The attacks were getting more and more frequent. It was only a matter of time before an attempt was made on Kevin.

I stayed as vigilant as I could. One night it paid off. Kevin had just fallen asleep, when I heard a strange noise outside the house. I went to investigate, and could smell a strange human trying to enter the house. I jumped up, and hit the panic button, and went in to wake Kevin. It would only take seconds for the agents to get their, but the assailant was faster. Hearing the alarm, he ditched the stealth and just broke the window.

He climbed through just as I got there, and I clamped my jaws around his neck. He squirmed a little, but gave up as my teeth started cutting into his jugular vein. I was glad when backup arrived and took the assassin into custody. It would take me a week to get that awful taste out of my mouth.

Several agents stayed in the house that night, and I kept a careful watch until morning when we could move somewhere safer. Luckily nothing else happened, though I jumped at every little noise I heard. I was glad when morning finally came. We were escorted to a waiting van, and taken to a new place. I don't know how they found the first one, but I hoped they didn't know about this one. I couldn't take another scare like last night.

The new place wasn't as nice as the old one, but it had everything we needed. They also doubled the number of agents that were patrolling, so I was able to relax a little, but I still felt a strong urge to keep Kevin safe. I had to look out for him.

Kevin was on edge for several days, and I did my best to comfort him. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before, and the seriousness of the situation was starting to set in. He started talking to me as if I was a person, and I would sit and listen. Sometimes I would lick him or nuzzle him when I felt he needed it. I hoped I wasn't acting too human. Kevin seemed oblivious, and treated me as if I was just a normal animal.

One afternoon while we were watching tv, Kevin let out a sigh. I looked over at him, and he caught my gaze, and absently mentioned that he wished he had the remote so he could change the channel. Without thinking bout it, I walked across the room, and picked up the remote in my mouth and took it to him. He looked impressed. He asked for his slippers. I went and got those too, and brought a blanket. This went on for a few minuets with each request more unusual than the last.

I brought him every thing he wanted, cursing myself each time. I knew he would eventually catch on that something strange was going on. But I felt a need to make him happy. Then he asked me to make him some food. I gave him look and barked at him.

There must have been something about the way I sounded and the face I made, because something slowly dawned on him. "Sam? No, it couldn't be. Could it?" he asked. He looked at me. I looked down for a second before nodding my head. Darn I should have been more careful. Now I 've blown my cover.

Kevin was shocked, but happy. He said he knew there was something unusual about me. The way I caught on so quickly. The way I knew just how to make him feel better. The way I reacted when he would talk to me. Now the way I knew exactly what he wanted. Things a normal dog, no matter how well trained, would know. I was surprised he put it together so fast. I had tried to act as much like a normal dog as I could.

I was kind of glad he knew. Now we could spend more time together as a couple and not just master and pet. We just had to be careful, because if the agents found out I would be pulled out. There would be questions, and I am not sure I would know how to answer them.

We would snuggle together as much as we could, taking special care to watch out for shift changes and drop ins. I'm not sure how it happened, but we seemed to be forming a stronger bond as human and dog than we had as humans. It seemed like I was filling a need in Kevin that even he himself had not known was there.

Who ever had leaked the old safe house location must have been found and dealt with, as we didn't have any issues with this new location. We finally got word about a month later that everything was set for the trial.

I had gotten so used to being a dog by that point that I could easily pass for a normal dog, and had almost forgotten what it felt like to be human. I did my duty diligently and made sure that Kevin was protected and ready to go to trial. I was happy when I finally got the chance to escort him to the courthouse. I was allowed to stay with him while he waited, but when he went into the courtroom he was on his own.

Kevin emerged about an hour later. He looked happy. Making sure no one was around he knelt down and told me that everything was okay. His testimony was just what the prosecution needed. They would be going away for a long time.

The only issue was that he was still in danger. Now that the trial was over, The FBI had arranged for a new life for him in another state with a new name and job. This time, I could go with him. But I had to make a choice. Would I go with him as his human boyfriend Sam, or as his dog Lucky.

It was a lot to consider. There were some advantages to being human, but as his dog I could do a better job of keeping him safe. Something inside me told me that my job wasn't done. I knew that as long as Kevin was in danger I had to remain his dog to protect him. Besides, there was something about the way we bonded that was more powerful and fulfilling this way.

We sat down with Ben, and he assured me that he could arrange to have me permanently assigned to Kevin as his protector with no problem. He also reminded me that, as he had promised, this was completely reversible, and should I ever change my mind I could be made human again.

Kevin made sure to take careful notes incase I changed my mind. I didn't think I would, but you never know what the future may hold. Who knows, if Kevin is ever truly safe, then I may become human again. But until then I feel that it is my duty to stay this way and keep him safe.

The bureau out did itself this time. When we made it to the new house, it was much larger than the place either of us had been living before. Kevin had a good job that afforded us with a pretty good life style, without having to do too much work. We also received a stipend for my care and feeding. They also provided us with a nice car, and new wardrobe. Which for me turned out to be a new collar and leash, as well as a harness or two.

We also both got new names, but I 'm not allowed to tell you what they are. That would defeat the purpose. But if you ever see a man with a German Shepard and they seem to be a bit more friendly than you would expect from a man and his pet, you may have just found us.

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