Blind Spot

Story by ben243 on SoFurry

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Cell phones are ubiquitous in todays society, and people are tied to them. What extraordinary events are they missing while staring at the screen?

When I was a teenager, it took me a while to come to terms with my sexuality. I had always known I was different from my friends, but never quite knew what to make of it. I never seemed to be interested in the same types of rough play as them, and had no interest in sports.

As I got older the gap in interests widened, and I realized that I had no interest in the girls that my friends kept going on about. I was raised in a very religious household so I didn't want to acknowledge that I could be gay. Every time I had a thought about another boy, I pushed it away and tried to ignore it.

Senior year in high school, I had the misfortune, or so I thought then, of having almost all of my classes with a boy that I thought was super cute. His name was Kevin and he was fairly tall and well built. He had red hair that went down to his shoulders and freckles that framed the cutest smile I had ever seen.

I tried for most of the beginning of the year to ignore him and my crush, but certain body parts made that impossible (Both mine and his). I finally worked up the courage to talk to him before winter break and found that not only was he great looking, but he was very friendly as well. We soon found we actually lived fairly close to each other and had a lot in common. It didn't take long before we became great friends.

When school broke for the holidays, I spent most of my time his house. We spent most of our time indoors playing video games because it was so cold, and we spent hours talking about ourselves and what we liked to do.

One day, while Kevin was in the bathroom, I went to look something up on his computer. I was surprised b the website he had left open. It was an odd site with some bizarre extension that I would probably have never found without knowing it was there. I was fascinated by the photos of men in various costumes and poses playing as dog and master. I was amazed at the way some of the dogs were dressed in leather and others were wearing nothing at all.

I must have been thoroughly engrossed in the site as I didn't hear it when Kevin walked up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "What do you think?" he asked me. I must have jumped 3 feet from surprise.

I was embarrassed, half from what I had seen, and half from being caught. Kevin didn't seem to mind that I been snooping on his computer, and could tell from the way the front of my pants looked that I had been enjoying it.

I tried in vain to cover myself, and kind of mumbled a response. "umm. Err. It's okay I guess." I felt very flushed and must have turned beet red. Kevin gave me a look, and said "It's okay. I was hoping you would find out. I have always wanted a dog, but I am allergic and my parents wouldn't let me have one. Maybe you can pretend to be mine someday." I am not quite sure why, but the idea intrigued me. "We'll see." I told him.

Kevin didn't mention it again for the rest of break, and we got back into our normal routine of playing video games and even a little experimenting with each other. Nothing serious. Our relationship flourished over the 2 weeks we had off, and we even spent New Years Eve together. We kissed at the stroke of midnight, and it was the best moment I had ever experienced.

We spent as much time together as we could during the school year, while still trying to keep our relationship a secret. Kevin reassured me that his parents wouldn't have a problem with it, but I knew mine would. I didn't want to risk getting kicked out and disowned right before I went away to college.

As we got closer to the end the end of the year, the weather started getting warmer. Kevin and I started spending more time out doors, and enjoying his pool. It was small, but a great place to keep cool and wash the stress of the week from our bodies. I also loved the way he looked in his swimsuit. He wore a speedo that was almost the same color as his hair, and he had a great looking body. I had always been kind of self conscious and only had a pair of board shorts.

One afternoon after a morning of swimming, Kevin looked over to me and asked me "Do you remember the site you saw over Christmas?" I gave him a quizzical look and answered "Yeah, Sure."

He walked over to the table on his patio, and pulled a collar and leash out of a bag on it. He showed me the collar. It was a nice leather one, with a tag engraved with my name on it. I ran my fingers along it, and it something compelled me to take it and fasten it around my neck. Kevin smiled and attached the leash.

I dropped to all fours and he led me around the yard for a while. After a few minuets, he looked down at me, and said "Something doesn't seem right." I knew what he meant, and looking around to make sure we were alone, I pulled off my swimsuit. Somehow it felt natural to be naked at the end of the leash being led around by my friend.

We spent the afternoon playing and I got into acting like a dog. I was disappointed when Kevin looked at the time and said we had to stop because his parents would be home soon. I quickly pulled on my swimsuit, and we hesitantly removed my collar. We had both worked up a sweat playing, and took a final dip in the pool to freshen up.

I spent the rest of the weekend thinking about our little game, and realized I had enjoyed it more that I wanted to admit. I hoped we would be able to do it again soon.

At school the next Monday, Kevin showed me his college acceptance letter. He had gotten into his first choice of schools, and would be moving away. I wasn't a bad student, but I hadn't really worked that hard either. I didn't have the grades to get into any of the four year colleges and it looked like I would be going to the local community college.

I was bummed that we would be separated and wouldn't be able to see each other as much if at all after this summer. I was starting to feel kind of depressed. When Kevin invited me to a sleep over at his house, I was excited and quickly accepted. Being with him always made me feel better, no matter the reason I was feeling down.

The sleep over was the last time we were able to really spend time together for the rest of the year, as we were busy with projects and preparing for finals, so we made the most of it. We spent a great deal of time swimming and played some other games. We even had some time to play dog. The one thing we didn't do was sleep.

We were exhausted the next day, but we couldn't have been happier. That buzz lasted through the week and I studied harder than normal and surprised myself with how well I did on my finals, and how much I was able to bring up my grades.

Senior graduation was a few weeks before the end of school for the lower grades, so Kevin and I had plenty of time to spend with each other in relative privacy. I went over to his house pretty much every day.

As his parents left early, we had the house to ourselves all day. I would be naked with my collar on within minuets of arriving at his house. Kevin had gotten a pair of bowls and a small bag of dog food. He filled one bowl with food and the other with water. I made a huge mess trying to drink from the bowl, and I tasted the dog food and it was terrible. I must have made a crazy face, because Kevin gave a hearty laugh. That made me blush. He apologized for embarrassing me and petted me. It felt great.

Kevin led me out through the side door and into the back yard where we spent the day playing. This became the routine for the summer. As the days progressed, I started letting myself slip into a more doglike persona. I loved our play and it became harder and harder to go back to my boring human life each day.

One morning as we were coming out of Kevin's house, a woman walked up the driveway, and started coming towards the house. We didn't know who it was, or why she was there, but I didn't really want her to see me naked and leashed for fear that she would call the police on us.

She walked half way up to the house, and I was sure she had seen us. I tried my best to hide behind Kevin, but he was only wearing his speedo, and would attract attention too.

I was amazed when I saw the dazed look on the woman's face when she realized she wasn't where she thought she was. It was almost like she was a zombie. It was then that I noticed she had her cell phone out and was deeply engaged in conversation. She almost walked into a tree on her way back to the sidewalk.

I don't know how, but she was so engrossed in her call that she had missed us, or we hadn't even registered with her when we were mere feet away. I couldn't believe it, and was sure that we had been caught, but she walked away like nothing happened. The rest of the day was uneventful, and we cut our play short sure that we would be besieged by the police at any moment. But nothing ever happened.

Kevin got Kind of adventurous the next couple of days, and we decided to see how far we could go without being seen. I was skeptical, but Kevin had a way of convincing me to try anything.

At first we waited until dark, and just walked out along the street. It was a quiet street and we seldom say anyone or any cars. On the rare occasion that one passed, the driver was always on his cell phone, and just ignored us. We were soon walking around the block, me totally naked on a leash, and Kevin in just his Speedo. We never once had even a glance from any of the people we ran into. I was amazed.

After that Kevin wanted to try during the day. I wasn't sure it was a great idea, but after a little petting and play he convinced me to try it. Surprisingly we had much the same results. We were able to walk up and down the street and even around the block without anyone giving us the slightest notice.

I would never have believed that people were so addicted to their phones, but you couldn't dispute the results. People were completely oblivious to what was going on around them. I had laughed at the videos on YouTube of people walking into fountains and such while on the phone, but now I saw that they were just the tip of the iceberg. The phones turned people into virtual zombies.

I was feeling pretty good, and ready to take on the world when Kevin came in and told me he wanted to take me to the local dog park. We had walked passed the entrance multiple times, so we knew we would have no trouble getting there. What we would find inside was another story.

Kevin led me through the entrance to the park, and I was a little hesitant once I saw how many people were there. It was still a weekday, but there were at least eight people there. I was relieved when I saw they were all on their phones as their dogs played in the fenced in yard.

Kevin led me to the yard, and let me in with the other dogs. They all came over to smell me, and I tried not to show any fear. It was a little embarrassing having cold wet noses stuck into every part of my body. It wasn't long before they accepted me as one of their own and went back to playing.

I looked over to Kevin, and saw that he was seated next to a woman who was furiously texting away on her phone. She never even noticed that he was there. I made my way over to the other dogs and tried to play with them. Some were more receptive than others, and as the afternoon wore on, I became more and more comfortable with the dogs, and forgot I was a naked human and not a dog.

Kevin even spent some time throwing balls for us to chase and catch. Over the hours that we were there, people would come and go with their dogs, and not one ever looked away from their phones. While I spent most of the day with a sense of fear over being caught, it was also the most fun I ever had. It was scary and exhilarating at the same time. I was completely tired out when we finally went home, and found myself panting all the way.

We went to the dog park many times over the next few weeks, and spent most of the day there. It wasn't long before I felt completely comfortable. I was totally lost in the dog mindset the whole time we were there, and had made friends with most of the dogs that came regularly. Never once did anyone say anything to us. I am sure we were noticed at least once or twice, but it never seemed to register on the brain that anything was amiss or out of place. People would glance up, and then just as quickly go back to their phone.

Kevin was enjoying having me as his pet, and I must admit that I was enjoying it too. I started being able to eat more and more of the dog food, and got pretty good at drinking out of the bowl. I looked forward to our trips to the dog park and stopped worrying about being caught.

Kevin was going to be home alone for two weeks, and invited me to spend them with him. My parents had to work, so they were glad that I would be somewhere safe, I didn't let them know it would just be the two of us.

I spent the entire time that two weeks completely naked as his dog. I allowed the dog side of myself to be in complete control. It was the most freeing experience I had ever felt. I hoped I would never have to be human again.

One afternoon, walking home from the dog park, Kevin made a turn and walked up a side street. Unknown to me, he had decided to be extra adventurous, and made me an appointment with the local vet. He had read the reviews that said that he was a good vet, but was always running late and always had his head stuck in his files. The clients hated his bedside manor, but liked the results.

We walked up to the building, and entered the waiting room. Kevin signed me in, and I sat quietly and waited. It didn't take long for me to realize where we were. I started to get nervous, and looked at Kevin. He scratched me behind the ears, and petted me, and I instantly felt calm. I was nearly ready to doze off when we were called back to the office.

The vet had me stand on the scale to get a weight, and I was a little heavier than I remember. Must be all those dog treats. Kevin read off the weight, and the vet took it down. He asked Kevin "What Kind of dog is he?" Kevin replied "Yellow Lab". I looked up at him questioningly. He gave me a reassuring smile, and mouthed, "my favorite."

The vet came over and gave me a through examination, feeling everything, and even gave me all the required vaccs. I was amazed that he didn't once notice that I was a human and not a dog. He was so focused that it didn't seem to mater to him. Kevin even had me microchipped. The vet took one last look at my file and asked if Kevin wanted to have me neutered. Kevin said "I'm still thinking about it." Which gave me a feeling of relief. The vet said, "That will make the license more expensive, but the receptionist will take care of that." With that he scribbled a few notes on the chart and sent us back to the waiting room.

Kevin talked to the receptionist and paid the bill. He came back to me with a few new tags, including a rabies tag, license, and microchip tag. After he attached them to my collar, I felt like nothing more than a dog. And I realized, in the eyes of the state that I was now registered as a yellow lab. No longer Human.

Once the summer was over, I had decided that I didn't want to leave Kevin. I told my parents that I was Gay, and they took it about as well as I was expecting. My mom basically disowned me, and I moved in with Kevin. I haven't really spoken to either of my parents since. Not that I really miss them much.

Kevin found a nice apartment near his college for us. It was a little small, but had everything we needed. Kevin attended classes, and I spent all my time as his loyal pet.

Kevin and I bonded in a way that few people could, and I could tell that he was happy, and he always made me feel good and euphoric. He was top of his class in college, and we now own a nice house with a large backyard where we can play to our hearts content. He also has a nice pool that we use frequently. I am still to this day amazed at how much we can get away with. We are out walking the streets with me naked on a leash almost every day. Never once have we been stopped.

Every once in a while I wonder if I made the right choice, or if I should have kept living the lie and gone on to college. But after a few pets and good words from Kevin, those thoughts left my mind, and I knew that I had made the right choice.

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