First Time Transference

Story by Bloudin-Ruo on SoFurry

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Looking to try something unique, our friend finds himself in a futuristic establishment that goes well beyond his expectations!

As a note, the first/third person reference disparities are intentional. The idea is to convey that in something else's mind, the lines between you/me/them become blurred, and is being reflected in the narrator's recount of the events.

First Time Transference

I timidly pushed my way through the vintage wooden doors, the sudden shift from noise to void almost jolting, but the warm light of the quiet pleasure house washed over me; a relaxing sight after the crowded and neon-steeped glow of the streets outside. None of the din outside came through, probably due to some very expensive active resonance dampening going on inside their walls. I had heard that this specific establishment catered to some rather different, and expensive, requests, and it was certainly living up to its reputation even after only a few seconds inside...

"Can I help you, sir?", a voice beckoned to me. It was soft, but direct. I looked over to find a small concierge desk tucked into a dark corner, a few red candles the only thing illuminating the makeshift office. The glow barely outlined the voice's owner, and my slight anxiety washed away when I saw, to a certain disappointment, the production line visage of a standard service droid. Figures, I thought, they're cheaper than a person, reliable and can enforce the rules when necessary. I shouldn't have expected otherwise, I though to myself; after all, everyone is always chasing a bigger bottom line. I resolved to not let it get to me, and approached with a newfound confidence.

"Yes, I would like the purchase a...", my confident aura left me, and I fumbled over my words. Even though it wasn't a person I was speaking to about my interests in the house's services, I still had trouble getting it out. The droid waited patiently with a cold idleness only a machine could achieve.

"A, um, a session, if that's what it is called." I finally stammered out, averting my gaze from the eerily-human robotic's face.

"What amount of time and type would you like for this session to be, sir?", the robot replied, without ever missing a beat in normal conversation tempo. It was only programming, after all. "What is there to choose from?", I inquired to it, unfamiliar with the establishment. I listened with curious interest in the hourly rates for the different qualities of 'sessions'. Some ranged from "on-the-surface" encounters that satisfied a simple urge to experiment before returning home to a lover, to give couples a few new things to try in their own time, to full-blown full-dive experiences that transferred and connected your consciousness and nervous system to another organism entirely. Some of the most expensive and interesting options allowed you to even ride along within the mind of a different species...

I knew what I had come here for, and I knew they offered it through a certain acquaintance. But hearing it listed as an option solidified my decision in my mind. I had heard about this business, and had sought it out for one reason only, but I was never going to say what it was in this quiet lobby, regardless of its clientele and soundproofing.

"I would like, um, to take a ride in something for an hour...", I said, hoping the programming of the robot would understand. It paused a moment as it computed my analogy, then seemed the come back to the conversation.

"A session like that will be 300cr in total. We require half the price of the session as a nonrefundable deposit, but in the case of dissatisfaction the establishment will happily provide you with an additional experience at an equivalent value to yo-", I raised a hand, the universal sign to the mechanized workforce that you accept whatever terms they're relaying and would rather they just skip it than to go through the equivalent of a fine-print contract...

I held out my forearm, displaying my ID-barcode, which the robot promptly scanned. I watched as the transaction pended on the display, before finally clearing with a slight almost happy 'ding'.

"Right this way, sir.", the robot said, and motioned for me to follow. The silent steps of the droid led me down the only hallway apparent to me, dimly lit and with heavy doors to individually resonance-proofed rooms lining the walls on either side. Each closed door had someone living out a fantasy on the other side, completely free of any ties and responsibility to anyone or anything here in this decrepit reality, I thought to myself.

The robot led me past a number of open rooms, with robotics standing by in each one, until finally coming to a stop quite a ways down the hallway, my guess being a section of rooms that had full-dive capabilities. "Here you are, sir. The assigned attendant will assist you with the diving process", it said, and silently walked away, coldly. Not exactly what I had expected for a business that deals in carnal pleasures, but I had other things on my mind.

I slowly walked through the door, and shut it behind me to a slight whir--the resonance dampener kicking in, I assumed. The robot to the side of the room stirred at my entrance.

"Sir," it said, with the silky tones of some beautiful woman. I suppose the more interesting voices superficially help to get many people more comfortable in these situations, though I'm sure if I told it to, it could switch to something else. It didn't really matter, I thought. I'm not here to have sex with a robot; thank God.

"Is this your first time at this establishment?" it continued. Of course it knew already; my transaction history proved that. But it waited for my response regardless, and I supposed this was part of their 'social' programming, so I needed to answer.

"Yes," I said as I sat down on the large padded chair in the center of the room. It reminded me of a cross between a old-fashioned barber's chair and a medical examination table. It wasn't made for hospitals, but it wasn't so uncomfortable, either.

"Please, lay back and relax. I will take care of everything", the robot said as it started to gather pieces of technology and cables from drawers and racks around the room. I took its advice and laid back, not fully flat but resting comfortably, my hands on nice arm-rests and my feet propped out. This was comfortable.

"Please lift your head, sir", the robot asked, and I looked over to find it ready with a complex-looking full-dive headset. I wasn't too into the community of latest-generation technology, but it was something I had seen many gamers using in recent years. They claimed it could take you to another world, but this looked a lot more intense than those consumer models. This doesn't just take you to another world, it puts you into another body, I thought to myself.

I quietly raised my head and allowed the droid to pull the helmet over me, my neck braced softly in an extension down my upper spine. You could easily lay in this thing for hours, and that's probably what many people do, I think. There was an almost concerning number of wires and cables running from the device back into the wall, but I rationalized that such a device needed it all.

"You will be able to choose your encounter in the first-level interface. After that, your allotted clock begins, which you can monitor at any time by thinking the unique code words "Hazel, Ameritus, Trinity". That phrase will pull your consciousness back to the medium-level interface, where you can add time, change the quality or content of your session, or leave the session entirely. Do you understand?", this was my 'legal consent', which I readily gave with a nod. The technology has been proven; I had nothing to be afraid of if kids used them for hours every day with no real, or apparent, issues.

"Then please close your eyes and try to relax your mind. The first-level interface is quite plain, so you should recognize it immediately. Please enjoy!", the robot finished and went back into standby mode to the side of the room. I closed my eyes and tried to blank out my thoughts, as it had instructed. At first I couldn't feel anything, just feeling alone in a completely silent room looking like a fool, but I suddenly found myself not able to recall how much time had passed. It was like I was zoning out or dozing off, the feeling of not being able to remember the immediately prior minutes of how you got from A to B. How long had I been here? Should I tell--

Then suddenly, like waking up from a daydream, I found myself completely aware inside a seemingly infinite gray room. I took a moment to look around, not quite fearful but definitely cautious. Then the words came pouring back to me, "the first-level interface is quite plain"; so this must be it. So what now?

I then was able to recall what I was here for, what I had planned to do, and suddenly results started showing up in the front of my mind. Like I had searched the universe just by thinking it; here were other beings, other consciousnesses, that I could piggyback onto. The scenarios were organized in my mind's eye like you would when browsing a traditional interface.

I looked around, and saw nothing. Not even "no-one", simply nothing; a void of space within my own head. It was safe. I could let loose.

I focused myself. What do I want. Who do I want to be... What do I want to be.

People, places, things, animals. Situations started popping into my head, categorized and listed like I was looking at a webpage within my own consciousness. This is incredible, I think to myself. This is beyond anything I could have imagined! I thought all this place offered was pre-recorded events that you could essentially insert yourself into, but this is all real-time, things happening around the world right now, minds of every kind running and living and...

My heart skipped a beat, and the psyche-search responded to my subconscious thoughts. And breeding.

Everything from elephants to ants, every species in between, in every environment you could imagine. I tried to narrow it further; equine, I think to myself, and the results reflected it. Ponies, horses, donkeys, zebras; all represented here. I wanted horses, but not just any kind, I wanted draft horses. Big and muscled, their monstrous force plowing through a mare.

I focus back on the results in my head, thousands of matching activities at that exact moment. But I wanted one more level down, something unique and specific that would probably not even turn up a result: a draft stallion with a normal mare.

The engine took my desired and stalled for a bit, not returning anything. A few seconds passed, and I was starting to lose hope, ready to go back and choose from one of the thousands of other options listed before. Suddenly, a result flicked into my head: a Shire stallion with a beautiful chestnut brown mare. If I was breathing, it would have froze in my throat. I delved excitedly into the result, and it gave me three options.

Who did I want to piggyback on? There were three minds there to view through; a human mind, probably the sick pervert that was breeding a Shire stallion with a normal mare, and the two animals themselves. I suppose I couldn't judge the owner, though, given that I was wanting it probably even more than he was. But I wasn't there to watch, I was there to experience it firsthand.

So now between the stallion and the mare. Given that this was my first time transferring, I should probably play it safe and go with the stallion. Since changing species will probably be difficult enough to adjust to already, I shouldn't double up and change genders, as well.

I selected it subconsciously, and there was a sudden almost sucking sensation, like I was being flung through colors as if they were space itself, the gray infinity surrounding me turned suddenly into a wash of shapes that slowly gained clarity around me. Smells suddenly came through with an intensity that I had never experienced before and began to rush into my brain; the warm smell of hay, of farm animals, and the admittedly delicious scent a mare in heat overpowering it all. I felt heavy thuds of hooves on soft soil, and realized they were mine. I swished my tail...

Then again, I recalled that I wasn't doing these things. I felt like I was in control, but in reality I was just feeling the sensations and impulses of the stallion I was riding. What he liked meant that I in turn liked it, as well. That definitely didn't make it feel any less real, though, especially with the arousing sight displayed in front of me.

I focused my eyes in my mind, and stared down the huge bridge of my equine nose, which was sucking liters of air into a huge muscled chest, each breath rich with the scent of the mare I was burying my nose into. Her tail was hiked high, the strands of her wet tail draping over my enormous head as I huffed and nosed under it. Her hind legs were spread wide, the gorgeous tight folds resting between her slickened hindquarters, winking and spilling fluids all the while. My head pulled back, giving me the most arousing view of my life as I watched her rump twitch and tense as her muscles contracted, each wink exposing her soft and wet interior as her own arousal trickled off her inner thighs, staining her brown coat even darker down and between her hind legs.

The stallion sidestepped slightly to rub my massive cheek against the mare's right hind flank, eliciting a hard tense of her inner muscles and a light whine of sheer anticipation from her. The stallion's movement brought my attention to something that wasn't apparent to me at first; the heavy weight of a swinging member between my own hind legs. I felt it bob and swing beneath me, the weight of it promising and menacing all at once. Suddenly a rush of pleasure flowed through my mind, the stallion's muscles tightening, followed by a heavy wet slap from my belly, the pleasure of the hardened equine flesh searing white through my mind.

Finally the feeling subsided and my member went slack again to swing between my hind legs. I couldn't affect the stallion's behavior, so I couldn't make him look down to what he was packing, though I wished to hell I could. But then I remembered there was a third; the human. What was the security phrase again...?

"Hazel Ameritus Trinity", I thought in my head. Instead of a sucking sensation this time, it was almost like dispersing; all the color, smell and clarity that came from riding the stallion's mind was exploded in an infinite amount of tiny particles, leaving the familiar gray void. I was back at the options screen I left only moments ago.

I quickly chose the human's mind, knowing that things would happen without me if I wasn't quick about it. I sucked my way into his head, and quickly felt at home among two feet, two hands and a normal-sensitivity olfactory sense after being battered by the stallion's senses. The shapes around me began to gain clarity, the silhouettes of the two equines coming in through my mind's eye, and it was a sight to behold.

There was the mare, as slick and ready as I had left her, and the massive Shire stallion situated behind her. He was still having a go at teasing the poor girl, her body convulsing from his every nudge and nip as he drew in her scent. But I wasn't here for her--I was here for him.

Out of the human's peripheral vision I could see it, the massive swinging member protruding from between the black stallion's muscular hind legs. It easily draped three quarters if not more of the way from his belly to the ground, as wide around as two human forearms, pink to the medial ring then turning to a deep, velvety black all the way to his grapefruit-sized balls. As I watched the stallion tensed again, hardening the flesh and slapping it lewdly against his belly once more, the tip of it reaching nearly to his front legs and pulsing easily to the size of two fists before he released. At least two and a half feet long or more, and an easy six inches wide at the base. I could only imagine what his flare would amount to, and how this poor mare could possibly take such a monster without harm.

Looking back to the two, the stallion was also at least double her body mass, standing a good foot or two above her at the shoulders. His sleek black body was just so much bigger, with so much more muscle to fight against her with. If he decided to, he could make her body take him...

The stallion backed up once more, tugging at the lead ropes in the human's hands excitedly. I quickly pulled myself back to the staging area in my head, and selected the stallion again.

I zoomed back into his consciousness, the wash of new and improved sensations thudding into my brain once more as I looked through the stallion's eyes again. It'll happen regardless of whether I'm here, and I can't do anything to stop it; her pain might as well bring as much enjoyment to as many as possible, I reason to myself. If I was in control of my own physical body, I would be trembling with excitement and anticipation of the events to come.

Looking forward through the stallion's eyes there was that sight again; the erotic, spread-legged posture, hiked tail, wet hindquarters and between it all the glistening, winking folds of her entrance that almost begged for the equine meat swinging between my hind legs. The stallion walked forwards with a shake of his mane and a heavy snort, rubbing his cheek and neck on her rump again. The mare squared her stance and whinnied a light, soft noise of excitement, and the human pulled up and forwards on my bridle. I felt the temptation, the need arise in the front of my mind, laying my chin flat up on the top of the mare's back, and surged my weight up and over her hind end, crashing my mass back down on her rump. The weight made her buckle slightly, but she held on, the trembling muscles struggling slightly to support my massive weight as I tightened my pelvic muscles.

The huge equine cock surged to life again, rigidly protruding from between my hind legs and aimed towards my mark. I rubbed my nose and teeth between the mare's front shoulder blades, my hind legs still feet from hers but already the enormous tip of my length pressed lightly against her rump. I gave a guttural grunt and surged my hips forwards exploringly, the tip smearing along her backside, only to slip off to the side with a wet slap. I gripped her sides with my huge forelegs and rolled my hips back again, trying to line up the swinging, unwieldy flesh with her begging body. Again I speared my haunches, and again I missed, the heavy blunt tip pounding a little harder into the mare's rump muscles, obviously slightly painful to her as a light whine escapes her throat, but the lust-crazed Shire stallion didn't heed her cries.

The equine shifts his weight, coming off the mare's back slightly before bearing down on her smaller form once again, the flesh still rigid and waving menacingly from his loins. I then feel a small presence on my shaft, and from the feeling I realize it's the human's hand. I was a little disgusted at first, feeling like I'm having my cock handled by another male, but remember through my haze that this is still the stallion's body and mind, and that I'm just along for the ride.

The human holds his massive member steady as I roll my hips forward once again, this time snugly forcing the tip hard into the crevice of her hindquarters and under her tail with a lewdly satisfying schlick of fluids and flesh. The mare stands stock still, her body quivering lightly under the strain and excitement, and complete threat, that this breeding is going to bring her.

The stallion's instincts pour into my head through his own subconscious, the knowledge of mounting a mare, with her wet and dripping vulva pressed firmly against his massive tip, the rest of his member lined up and ready to take her. The rutting begins.

The stallion rolls his hips hard, bowing in her flesh, not yet quite pliant enough to allow entry as he pulls his forelegs against her, almost as if trying to drag her quaking body back onto his cock. A heavy snort and voluminous exhale from the barreled chest of the stallion, another hard thrust, another weak whine from the mare as the stallion pounds her soft body into eventual submission.

I felt the stallion's mind start to get frustrated with the mare's resistance to him, and put a little more force into his next seeking thrust. I bit down with a controlling grip on her lower mane, and hooked her body hard with my forelegs, huffing in exertion against her shoulder. The massive black haunches rolled forward, my lengthy mottled member bowing slightly with the force before the mare's soft hindquarters finally gave way to the girth. With a surprisingly loud and wet pop, followed by a pained whinny and a shudder from the mare, the tip of my member finally rested inside that glistening vulva.

Almost constrictingly tight and hot beyond description, I felt the mare's quick pace through the pulsing of her contracting walls around my massive cockhead. She shivered and strained, but she did not revolt against my entry; she wanted this just as much as the stallion and I. My huge forelegs thudded hard against her sides as I clamored for a hold on her, shifting my mouth's grip on her mane higher up her neck, readying myself for the deep piercing of her body. My hindlegs pounded hard at the soft earth below us as I walked forwards in time with the hard rolling of my hips, the huge tip plunging deep into her body, the loud squelch of eight inches of draft stallion cock being forced into her dripping folds echoing in my head. My nostrils flared, sending huge breaths down her neck as she winked hard around me, light spurts of her fluids dripping in rivulets down the underside of my pulsing flesh and over my balls. The mare's body shook violently under my belly, the sudden forceful push seating my thick cockhead well into her depths.

I shimmied my chest up her back, reworking my grip on her mane as I worked my muscled haunches and forced myself in even further, the reverberations of my heavy hooves pounding into the ground as I in turn pounded into her, the soft sounds of slickened flesh underlying it all. The huge member stretched her wide, the soft lips of the mare taught around the stallion's massive penetration, and the pulsing, hot depths of the mare squeezing tightly around the length already inside her only driving the stallion's desire to push more in. He readied and delivered another brutal thrust, the next five or so inches splitting her hindquarters open, heavy squelches and drools of thick fluids forced out from around my huge equine member, the size of it just barely on the verge of impossible for the smaller mare. The tip pulsed hard deep within her, and she loved every moment of it all. She was tight and exceedingly wet, but her body's resistance was so great that even with three full thrusts in, only about a third of my entire cock was lodged inside her pulsing depths. There was so much more to go.

The next thrust had me pushing my chest on top of her shoulders, my massive head and neck shadowing her own as my forelegs curled in front of her chest, preventing any escape and locking her under me. The stallion affectionately rubbed his jaw against hers as the fourth thrust came, the force smashing into her form as another pitiful whine escaped the mare. The stallion's hips edged ever closer to her own, the medial ring popping in just then with a wet slap and a drip of fluids, the mare's taught flesh snapping back as it popped inside. The quick stretch made her tense and cry out for a moment, but the thickened ring quickly passed through and into her. My hooves thudded into the ground, turning up the turf as I readied for the fifth thrust. The stallion's huge haunches promised now to sheathe the last ten to twelve inches of his flesh inside her with his next thrust, and to breed her properly.

I gathered my weight, letting up on her back slightly before surging forwards and pushing against her hard and fast, my head moving in front of her own. I worked my hindquarters with force, stepping up right behind her own hind hooves as my muscles quivered with the force, my hips rolling forwards to smash against her own, the rest of the stallion's member sheathing into her in an instant to the loud cries of the mare and a squelch of hot arousal against my balls. Her backside sat almost within my thighs, her body dwarfed by mine as I held my place inside her, relishing the hot, tight pulsing of her depths around me. I felt her cervix pressing hard against my already flaring cockhead, my flesh bowing the barrier inwards in order to sheathe my length completely within her well-stretched and glistening folds. Her body was stretched so far to the limit she could barely wink against the underside of my shaft.

I breathed deeply, my black coat starting to glisten with sweat from the exertion needed to split her open and bury myself in to this degree. She took it like a champion, but the stallion was definitely at the very edge of her abilities, and in some ways slightly beyond them. That didn't stop her from pulsing needingly around my huge cock lodged halfway through her belly as she continued to drip through the tight seal of her vulva around my base.

I could have relished such a position for decades, but the instincts of the stallion had other ideas as he stepped back a bit from her hindquarters, slopping a good foot of my enormous, glistening black girth from her pulsing depths before grunting harshly and spearing it all back in with a sharp jab of my hips to bludgeon the head against her cervix with a dull, wet and meaty thud. The force of it rocked the mare forwards, forcing her to take a step to rebalance and brace for the next powerful rut, which the stallion was already winding up for.

Another step back, the ground reverberating with the force as the beautiful, glistening black flesh spilled from under her raised tail, punctuated this time with a wet pop as my medial ring slipped from her, a little bit of the pink of my shaft showing before being railed deep back into her slickened body. Each thrust became harder than the last as the resistance built from the stallion's expanding flare, wet slops of fluids trailing from between us as I bred her deep and hard, the widening flare forcing her to writhe and quiver more and more with every roll of my powerful haunches. Each thrust squelched loud as my huge member pounded through her dripping folds, accented by the sharper slap of my medial ring popping in and out of her still-taught lips. Each sheathing of my member back into her body was punctuated by the fleshy thudding of my cockhead against her cervix as I bottomed out within her.

Suddenly her walls clamped harder than ever around the entirety of my penetration, a high pitched cry escaping her throat and into my ear as her internal muscles rippled with an intensity I had never experienced. Her entire body quaked, her planted legs trembling with unmatched pleasure. The stallion gave it his all to continue, a little confused and frustrated by the mounting resistance, managing to pull his flare through her some inches for a few short thrusts, but her resistance was too much for anything more. A heavy shudder ran through her entire frame, and a hot burst of fluids spilled out across my sheath and balls, covering her rump and thighs before pooling into the grass between us that had been muddied by my dancing hooves. The mare was breathing hard, and a few seconds passed before another huge wave of intense contractions wracked her body, locking her lungs, starting deep and massaging my shaft all the way from flare to base before another wave of fluids spilled from her around my base.

Soon enough a third wave came, but less powerful than the first, her loosening walls allowing the stallion to continue his conquest of her depths unhindered. He used his massive muscles to their fullest, pushing aside whatever resistance she had left to plunge his massive flare from cervix to vulva while the poor mare continued to spill orgasmic fluids uncontrollably, wracked with unimaginable pleasure from the massive shaft and flare railing through her. I could feel him reaching a climax, the stallions thrusts growing erratic; short and determined as his flare made its final expansions deep within her belly. His muscles quivered, coat shining bright as his breaths came short and hard, his orgasm nearing.

The pleasure building in my loins was so intense as to almost be stinging; white hot and promising to be earth-shattering. One final roll of my hips, one final thrust, one last plunge from lips to cervix and into her depths and it all spilled over. My flare gave one last hard pulse, coming to the final size of a dinner plate within the brown beauty and pressed firmly against her battered cervix before my backside tightened, sending a heavy pulse through my entire length and deep into the mare's stretched body.

I felt the first hot jet of Shire semen erupt into her waiting womb; a long and hard contraction that jetted thick cum by the cup as far into her body as a stallion could go. My tail flagged behind me as another contraction came, and an even larger serving of stallion semen flooded into her depths. A third came, and I felt my flare beginning to float slightly in her body, the sheer volume of my orgasm beginning to force my fluids out around the seal of my flare and back along my shaft. A fourth pulse erupted within her, and a long, thick strand of semen dripped from her winking clitoris to the muddied ground between us, her body now at maximum capacity.

But the stallion's body wasn't finished with her yet. A fifth jet came, and the pearly white cum spilled in a thick wave from her folds, coating her rump and thighs in the stallion's pungent scent. Another hard flag of my tail, another hard contraction of my backside, and another few cups of sperm rich Shire stallion seed flooded her already overflowing body, the plentiful overflow squelching out around our tight union to dribble and mix with the cacophony of fluids permeating the ground under our hind hooves.

Finally I felt that stallion's body start to come down from the massive orgasm, the pleasure of it unspeakable, but before he was satisfied he gave one more half-pulse of semen for good measure, and the last overflowing wave of cum spilled from the thoroughly-used mare's hindquarters. Both our coats were soaked with sweat, the air smelled heavily of mating and semen, and our bodies sucked down air in deep, primal breaths as the stallion still lay with his weight on top of her.

I felt a light tug on my halter back and away from the mare, and the stallion's trained instincts told him it was time. He started to slide off the mare's back, the slop and squelch of semen-rich mud under my hooves and the mare's overfilled womb the only thing that broke the silence as I started to pull my member from her depths. I felt and heard the heavy gurgling from within her belly, my engorged flare retreating through her and pulling some of my deposit with it, each new glistening inch slopping from her used backside spilling with it cups of semen from her depths.

First only the wet black of my base, dripping with an off-white coating of my own semen, then out pops my medial ring with a heavier glob of fluids with it, before coming to the fleshy pink, dripping wet and sheening with our combined equine fluids. Her vulva leaked a constant stream of pearly white stallion semen as my shaft was wetly pulled from her depths, until finally all that was left was the massive flare.

The stallion, uncaring for her comfort, simply hopped from her hind end to land on his own front hooves, brutally popping my still engorged flare from her loose lips, to the pained cry of the mare for only a moment. The sound of our decoupling was loud and wet, but sharp, my now-free member flaccidly swinging between my hind legs and dripping profusely. The mare spread her legs wide and hiked her tail over her rump as a torrent of semen spilled from her, her body finally unplugged and allowed overflowing liters of the stallion's thick seed to escape and pool onto the ground behind her, viscous and stringy.

Before I turned away, there was a sight I don't think I will ever forget. There stood the mare, tail completely sodden with her own fluids as well as mine, body trembling with strain and exhaustion from the thorough breeding. Her legs are spread wide, the ground muddied and pungent between those hind legs as a thick wave of semen gushed from her now loose and open lips. She held her tail high and away, still winking and convulsing with arousal as her entire rump was soaked with sweat, semen and her own fluids, the majority of her lighter chestnut hair now a rich, dark brown, her sweet lips glistening and loose, with just a sliver of deep pink showing between them.

Then the stallion turned away, his swinging member retreating back into his sheath, to be washed up and put back to the paddock. I had to think to remember the security words as my mouth lay mentally agape, and was transported back to the medium-level interface, wondering how much time I had left.

I had only used fifteen minutes.

What else could I find in here...?