Tassa, the Shaman Squirrel

Story by ShamanSquirrel on SoFurry

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#27 of Shaman Squirrel Chronicles

This is a commission by Draconicon. It is canonical with the rest of my Shaman Squirrel stories. It takes place in SY 1554, when Tassa is about 27 years old.

Inter-Species Relationships For ShamanSquirrel By Draconicon

The forests of Silvania were as untouched as they had been a thousand years ago, when the first colonists had arrived, and the various denizens of the planet preferred it that way. While some technology had been imported, and Tassa was the first to admit that she wouldn't want to live in a complete hovel, it had been kept to very strict areas and habitats so that it wouldn't interfere with the planet's natural biomes. The red squirrel was glad of that; it meant that the place maintained a sort of rustic feel that never quite went away.

She particularly enjoyed walking through the dirt tracks that had been naturally made, forced down by the hundreds and thousands and millions of footsteps that had trodden it over the course of millennia. Everything felt like it had been that way for thousands of years, rather than just pushed up over the course of a couple of decades the way that the cities off-planet did. The squirrel smiled to herself as she walked down, stepping over the roots to make sure that she didn't accidentally damage any of the great trees.

Dressed in a many-pocketed vest, a small shirt, and a pair of pants with tons of pockets, she was the epitome of someone that didn't quite live in the forest, but she enjoyed it, regardless. The pockets gave her plenty of room for souvenirs, too, little things that she could take back home. She was just opening one to look at some of the pressed flowers that she'd picked up when she heard something on the path ahead.

Wha -

It was too little, too late. Tassa bumped into something and almost tripped over it. It wasn't a root, far too tall for that, but it wasn't the same as bumping into or tripping over another person, unless said person was quite a bit shorter than her. She turned around as she caught her balance -

And there it was. Another squirrel, though not an anthro one such as herself. Not a normal feral one, either, such as she had seen countless times on her walks through the woods. Instead, he stood at about three feet in height, more proportional to a true squirrel than to the humanoid shape that her species had gained over the years. His red fur stood out on end from being startled, too, and his tail twitched like mad.

Right, one of those Cygnus Prime squirrels, she thought, recognizing the species after a moment. They evolved in a different way. More in the head than in the body.

"Watch where you're going!"

The sudden chirping shout from the smaller squirrel made her jump, though not that far. She stared down at him, her eyes wide at the exclamation. She'd almost forgotten that the species could talk.

He was all sorts of bristly, too, his fur standing out in all directions, just enough to keep him modest in his current state. Tassa held out her hands.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you, but...you're just so tiny. I missed you walking along."

"Well, it's still not folite to bunf into feofle like that!"

The way that he spoke - and it was entirely understandable that he spoke that way, due to his teeth and jaw structure, she knew - made her giggle. She bit it off, holding her hand over her mouth, but it was too late. He was already blushing.

"Don't laugh at ne. That's nean."

"I know, I know. That's...that's rude of me. I'm sorry."

"...Well, afology accefted..."

He rubbed the back of his head, looking like he might want to continue, but Tassa couldn't quite take her eyes off him. He was just getting more and more adorable the longer that she watched him. Every time he spoke with that little tweak to his speech, she just wanted to giggle, and...

Well, why not? She walked back over to him, picking him up in her arms.

"Hey! Fut ne down! This is enbarrassing!"

"Come on, it's not that bad, is it?"

"How'd you feel if soneone ficked you uf and carried you around?"

"Well, I think I'd like to have the feeling of being cared for."


He blushed slightly, but leaned against her a bit.

"Not saying nothing."

"Heh, do you mind if I take you along for a while? I have a cabin, not that far away."

"I guess. It night ve nice to rest for a vit."

"Heh, and talk?"

"Only if you stof laughing at ne."

"I'll do my best."

The walk back to her cabin was not a long one, though it was a little more tiring while carrying a squirrel of that size against her chest. It was more like carrying a child, in a way, due to the size difference between them, but in this case, the 'child' was a good bit lighter than something of that size would normally be. She expected to be exhausted by the time that she reached her home, but instead, she was only moderately winded. Twenty-five pounds of weight wasn't that bad, really.

She set him down on the ground again as they stepped through the front door, kicking off her boots as he darted forward. He moved like a normal squirrel, darting from one place to another with all the eagerness of the playful species, and she chuckled to herself as she watched him obviously having so much fun. It was a new place for him, and she wasn't entirely sure that it wasn't simple instincts convincing him to look around as much as it was his own curiosity.

The cabin itself wasn't that large, as the habitations of people like her were generally restricted to a small floor plan. It was all space saving, with the shower and the bathroom and the kitchen and, well, everything hidden inside different panels and only coming out when it was needed. From the way that her guest darted about, she imagined that he hadn't been indoors for some time.

Then, she realized something else.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't really get your name," she said as she sat down on the edge of her bed. The shift in position pushed her stomach forward, reminding herself of the chubbiness that her walking around had done nothing to remove. "Do you mind telling me?"

"Ka'Ikru," he said, climbing up the sides of the wall, little claws on his hands and feet finding purchase in places she thought impossible. "Ka'Ikru of the Iskret. This is a very enfty flace..."

"Well, everything is put away right now."


"It's just easier to save space that way."

"Hnnnf. Seens kinda silly, vut if it works..."

"Do you want to join me down here?"


The Iskret dropped down to the floor again, hopping along the ground until he could join her on the bed. He sat there, looking at her with his head cocked to the side, and she realized that he was still curious. No longer angry, though, which was a nice change. She smiled, looking down at him.

"So, do you mind telling me a bit about your people?"

"Why?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Well, I don't know much about Iskret. I've heard of you, but I've never seen you."

"That's vecause we keef noving. Kinda hard to stay in the sane flace all the tine."

"I guess so. Maybe it's part of our evolution that we started settling down with our new bodies."

"Vig vodies need nore rest, heh."

"Oh, really? And you think that your tiny body can just keep going, huh?"

"I know it can, hehehe. Iskrets never run out of energy."

She smiled at that, looking him over again. He really was an adorable little thing.

As they settled into conversation, starting to talk through more and more of his history and what they both enjoyed, she found herself slipping from fascination with the Iskret into something deeper. There was a way that he carried himself once he stopped being angry and embarrassed, a certain eagerness to him that was rather enchanting in its own way. He had a liveliness to him that she hadn't had the chance to enjoy with most people, and it enchanted her in its own little way.

More than that, it was the first time that she had been alone with a male since she'd come to Silvania, and while he wasn't quite of her species, they weren't so distantly related as one might think. Yes, one of them was closer to a feral of the species and the other was closer to humans, but they both had elements of a red squirrel to them.

It was about twenty minutes into the conversation when she noticed a small scent in the air. It was...enchanting, in a way, almost as much as he was. She was aware enough to know that it was the musk of a male rather than anything mystical, but it was still enough to get her nethers working on their own production. She blushed a little bit, turning her head to the side in the middle of his story.

"What? What's the natter?" he asked, instantly noticing.

"Oh, nothing, nothing, just noticing that scent of yours."


"Just a little musky. I kinda like it."

"Oh, that. You...actually like that snell?"

"Mmmm, yes."

Tassa smiled, leaning down towards the Iskret. At first, he tried to dart backwards, but Tassa took it gently, the larger, chubbier female making sure that she took it slowly to make sure that he didn't get startled or run.

"Doesn't stink?"

"Not at all."

She pressed the end of her muzzle to his body, slowly sniffing through his fur. He blushed a bit at her, but she could feel that he was getting more comfortable with it the further that she went. Little by little, Tassa dragged her nose through his fur and down his chest, gradually making her way further down. It wasn't until she reached where the waist would be on an anthro that she realized how far she'd gone and what she was about to do.

Did she want to?

Well, her body said yes...and Ka'Ikru didn't seem to be bothered as she looked up at him. A little surprised, but certainly not unhappy...and she could feel something else that was rather 'happy' bumping the bottom of her chin.

There was no apology from the other squirrel, nor did she want one from him. If he was already eager for her attention, all the better.

I don't know what it is about him, but I am loving this so much more than I usually would, she thought as she lowered her mouth, bringing her lips to the tip of his cock before slowly pulling it into her mouth.

It didn't take Ka'Ikru long to get used to what she was doing, and soon, his hand was on the top of her head, pushing her to bob up and down faster. He was so much smaller than she was, less than a child in height, less than that in weight. It was like putting herself out there for something entirely alien.

And something in the chubby squirrel loved it.

She reached out, taking his balls in hand, sniffing at his scent and moaning more at the taste that came from his cock. Every little bob of her head brought more of it into her mouth and into her mind, and she loved it. Tassa moaned and sucked and licked at him, drawing his pleasure to the tip of his cock and then into her mouth. She could taste him oozing down her throat, and he gasped for her.

She was just about to suck him to completion when he pushed at her head, trying to get her to back up. She almost went against it, but, kindly as she was, she slowly pulled back. The size difference between them made it impossible for her to look up, but she was able to look at him, instead of down.

"What's wrong?"

"I want nore."

"Mmm, do you now? How much more?"


Tassa smiled, leaning back and slowly pulling off her shorts. It wasn't that hard to get rid of them. They were already rather loose, and she had been looking for an excuse to get them off, anyway. She dragged them down her legs, letting them fall to the side of the bed. Ka'Ikru looked down at her with the same focused gaze that she imagined that she'd had when she was gradually moving down to his cock and sheath, and she blushed slightly.

Unable to help herself, she reached down and slowly spread her pussy lips, letting him see her. The scent of her sex was rising, and he was more than ready. She didn't have to say anything; a moment later, he was upon her, thrusting into her, panting and moaning as he took her.

"Ooooh, Ka'Ikru..."

She moaned for him, keeping her legs to the side with a great deal of effort. He was so small that it was easy for her to support him on her body, so easy to hold him there as he humped away. He was so focused on getting inside of her that he didn't even seem to notice their size difference, or at least, he didn't comment on it.

For a small as his body was, though, his cock was more than sufficient for her. Tassa moaned, leaning her head back and biting her lips as she felt him plunge into her again and again, his thick shaft more than sufficient for her needs. Her toes curled into the sheets of her bed, and her eyes rolled back in their sockets as he hammered at her.

"Mmm, you like that?"

"Oh gods, yes."

"Do you want me to cum inside you?"


She gasped as his claws gripped her tighter, letting him line up his thrusts easier and more quickly. It was everything that she had hoped for, and more, feeling him hammering into her like this. She could hardly think of how it would feel when he finally came, but from the feeling of those heavy balls against her rump, from the way that they churned and swelled and throbbed against her, she knew that she would be filled to the brim, and then some.

In and out, in and out he hammered at her, and she moaned, pushing her hips up to meet him. Tassa would have sworn that he was at his limits five minutes ago, but he kept going, his thick shaft spreading her so wide, his heavy cock making her feel so good.

She came, then, moaning and biting her finger, and he pulled out as she kept spasming, clenching down on nothing.

"Roll over, roll over, gotta try it this way."

She did as he asked, keeping her tail to the side as she got on all fours. He hopped on the back of her legs, his weight so light that it didn't bother her, and slammed right back in. He held onto her tail for leverage, using it to keep himself upright, and she moaned as he hammered in again, filling her, pushing her orgasm to continue.

Tassa lowered her head to the bed, feeling him getting more and more erratic, and knew that he was getting close. She begged him.

"Please, cum in me, don't hold back!"

Whether it was her begging that did it, or his sudden rush to the edge, he came. The thick squirrel cock buried inside of her swelled, and she gasped as she felt each hot, thick burst of his seed splattering against her inner walls. She moaned, clenching down on nothing once more, feeling him swelling to the point where it almost felt like he would burst.

Her sex was sloppy and wet as he pulled back, and she could feel the sheer amount of his seed still inside of her. Even as she slipped her legs together, she could feel it squelching about, the sloppy, messy goo inside of her pushed out again as she pulled her legs together. Tassa gasped as she felt the hot, thick mess rolling down her thighs, and blushed at the sheer intensity of that cream pie.

She wanted another one.

Smiling, she looked over her shoulder at the smaller male, shaking her hips from side to side, her breasts and her stomach following suit. He got the message quick enough, and hopped right back on her.

Many hours later, the pair of them were seated outside her cabin, looking up at the rising moons of Mornius and Saxtus. She had her arms around Ka'Ikru, who sat on her lap, all nestled into her coat with only his head poking out. It was rather adorable, and warming, at the same time.

She looked at the moons as they rose, and then looked down at him. He didn't seem to have any thoughts past the snuggles, but she did.

"Do you think you would like to stay?"

"Not a lot of roon. Fine with you?"

"You don't take up a lot of space."

"Exceft inside you, hehehehe."

"Heh, you take up the perfect amount of space in me."

She hugged him gently, rubbing his belly. He nestled in deeper against her, but hadn't given her a full answer yet.

"So, is that a yes?"

"Vig yes."

"Good. I don't want to lose someone so cute and special."

The End