Lesbian Wolf (Book four)

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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This time its the female versions to enjoy some sex

Still surrounded in darkness with only the illumination from the nearby street lamps from the open front door spilling into the front room, only three figures stood moving about no sign of what was being done. In the middle of the room just barely lit again by any light lay a form whose full form seemed to shift but truly unnoticed except for one of the figures who stood there examining the figure laying a look of disproval on her face.

"Your personal slut is truly a disappointment," Martha said shaking her head, her body having been covered in sweat and dried cum from both her husband and her lovely purchase that she could not wait to get some serious alone time with him. However, she felt a deep hidden desire deep within her that wanted to explore yet she did not know how to get them to come out. "I mean it sucks that you have to send the bitch a command just to make him into a more submissive slut."

There came a dark chuckle as a different more massive form that stepped up behind her, its arms going around her body cupping and pinching her breasts causing the woman to squirm fighting back the need to let out a loud moan instead the thrill came out as a shudder. "Aww, is my new little 'toy' wanting to join in on her husband's fun or does she want to have some of her own type of fun?"

While she wouldn't admit it to the cyber wolf even as the wolf continued to stroke her sensitive breasts was starting to get her horny to the point that she wished would just take her once more she was sure that her husband wouldn't give a damn as he had what he desired so did she although as she looked down at the receding bitch's features feeling her mind seconds away from begging for the wolf to go about ordering the slut to change back to her slut form so Martha could go about using Tina's mouth to pleasure her.

Nevertheless, she did not want her pervert of a husband to know her lesbian tendencies figuring that he would want to set up a threesome with some bleach blonde that had more STD's than what the cyber wolf's personal bitch may have one day. Yet she knew since the slut was an android, the likelihood of the slut holding anything dangerous was unlikely.

Thankfully her husband had already gone out of the house leaving the two alone clearly his mind was on something else and with the beast now pressing his furry chest up against her back one of her hands cupping her crotch pressing the soaked cloth of her panties against her swollen pussy causing her to whimper her legs beginning to weaken. "What is it, my pet? Are you hungry for another man besides your husband or are you intrigued about the thought of seeing the kinds of pleasure that a female or in the case of my bitch, a shemale can bring to your aching crotch."

Again, Martha did not answer her eyes and mind playing with every possibility that the wolf offered and she had to admit that she was curious about what she could do with her. Truthfully, she had always dreamed about meeting with another woman or women that shared with the same indulgences as she wanted kept her reading encounters that other people have had and how they have had them which gave her some ideas on what to look for.

She moaned aloud as the beast began to press his fingers into the soiled cloth fighting her own hunger to be fucked again forcing her to grit her teeth as she forced the words out of her mouth. "Her slutty form...I want to use her mouth..."

This seemed to please the wolf his hands and fingers working over her breasts causing her to whimper even more leaning forward pressing his growing cock up rubbing up against her pussy. "Oooh so I got a bi-curious or bisexual beauty that wants to experiment with my new toy. Although by the looks of it, you look a bit disappointed..."

"I want to experiment with her however I hate to wait until the slut comes up for more sex." She grumbled her hands shaking her body trembling on the very edge of exploding in orgasm. The Cyber wolf chuckled once pressing his massive cock up against her clothed pussy causing her to scream as her juices sloshed out of her pussy completely drenching her panties leaving a puddle of juices on the ground beneath her not to mention the beasts lovely cock.

Thankfully the wolf had wrapped his arms around her keeping her upright as her legs had given out from the pleasure that she was experiencing a mind-blowing orgasm. He continued to press his massive organ against her seeping cunt nudging the veins and soaked cloth further into her lips and against her clit forcing her to shiver close to climaxing again if the damn beast did not stop with what he was doing. "Aww but there's a little secret that I might be willing to reveal to you for a certain price..."

The rest of the night seemed to be lost by Trevor as the darkness continued to swirl around him combined with the horrifying thought of what the Cyber Wolf was doing to him right now made him sick to his stomach or whatever he had. Ever since he had pleasured the beast trying to save his mistress, he had not been running right since that he wondered if he should talk with Karen as soon as she got home but it also made him afraid of what she might do if something was wrong with him.

"Maybe you should just keep quiet and just forget about what happened. I mean was it really that bad? I know that you enjoyed what our new master did." A secondary voice/presence jumped into his thoughts startling him at first, but it seemed to push away the doubts replacing it with something else that he could not put his finger on.

Again, the worry and fear dissolved into something that he could only describe as a hunger and lust for servicing the lovely beast and he was not talking about like he did with Karen which scared him even more. Yet again somewhere in the back of his head as he slowly became aware of the strange presence in his mind swept away the frighten leaving an even more extreme feeling of desire and sadness which Trevor could not understand why.

At some point he found himself slowly waking up to a pounding headache and a foul taste in his mouth that made him feel like he wanted to throw up as it took everything from losing it. It was even stranger that Trevor started to think of himself as a human. Opening his eyes, he found himself laying on the floor in the front room, the clothing that belonged to Karen, lay scattered throughout the room combined with beer bottles and plates which had bits of food on them.

All over his body he found splotches of stains covering various parts of his body, but it looked like every part of his body was smeared when he tried to brush it off, electric thrill through his body. What was even more strange was the fact that it seemed to cause him pleasure as he wanted to go about licking it all off his body.

The fresh memory of what the stains were seemed to excite him further quickly he found himself licking the stains off the ones that he could reach anyways and as soon as the taste entered his mouth Trevor felt like he was on a cloud a smile crossing his face growing wider by the minute. Instantly his hands moved back to his body allowing them to brush against his skin which seemed to be electrified and what seemed super smooth, each minute he found that he was loving it that nothing seemed strange to him. He would have continued with the task if it was not for the phone in the house beginning to ring drawing him out of his daze.

Pausing for a second before moving over to the phone trying desperately to forget what happened even when he could not even remember it himself, Trevor picked it up pressing it against his ear. "Karen's residence." He said speaking the usually term that his owner had instructed him to although his voice sounded shaky, trembling a bit at the beginning as he tried to have it.

"Trevor...its Karen. I am just calling to make sure that everything is okay there. Did the UPS come and pick up that dreadful thing?" She asked him again Trevor felt himself draw in a deep breath a part of him wanting to scream at the top of his lungs about what had been happening for the past 48 hours, to tell her what the massive beast had made him do and what he had become over the time.

Yet while he felt his mouth working to make the words no sound came out, there was a revulsion in his system kept him from speaking even worse was the fact that he continued to feel the soothing sultry voice and personality pressed in on his mind removing the thought from his mind. Combined with the fact that the hated thoughts toward the Cyber wolf was quick to change to that of lust, a silent whimper trying desperately to force its way up through his lips.

Trevor was able to drive the weird presence in his mind away shaking the slight horninesss that he was starting to feel joint with the sadness that he was not sure about closing his eyes for a brief second before responding. "Yes, they picked him up the other day. Its nice to not see the creepy thing in the living room at night."

"I bet, I am just happy to get rid of that thing...it was a stupid idea." She told him letting out a sigh that sounded more like relief something that Trevor could agree with although the overwhelming sadness was still there. "Anyways, I am nearly finished here so I should be home in a day or so. Were you able to get a grocery order put in for needs and all?"

_Crap._He thought having completely forgotten about that and after going back through his memory back he realized that he had placed the order but the store had said that it would take a while to get such a large order together and he should see it sometime that day, Trevor let out a sigh of relief realizing that he still had time to clean up at least this part of the house before the delivery came.

That was another good thing that he enjoyed about the deliveries especially from that one particular girl that looked about 21 years of age, fresh out of high school, long blonde hair that stretched down to her shoulders, bright blue eyes, plump lips, breasts were plump and the nipples that seemed to stick out that seemed to stand erect so eager to get pleasured at times Trevor found himself nearly wanting to attack them and pleasure them.

However he found that while Trevor had the body that a lot of the women wanted for their own husbands or any men that they were either dating or married too, the girl didn't look or cast even a glance at him before focusing all of her attention on Karen a glimmer of love and lust filling her eyes that showed that she never really care for the male sex hungering for the female sex.

Trevor had to admit that he hated the idea of not being able to offer his services to the beauty as she truly looked like she had not had the pleasure of feeling a true man take her the very idea of a possible threesome excited him at times as he prayed that his owner had talked the young beauty into it. However, that day never came yet the hunger for the beauty continues even the strange presence in his head seemed to like the thought of engaging in such activities having not had a chance to try what it is like to have a cock fuck her.

"Indeed, although they said it should take a couple of days to get all of the things that we needed together. They should be delivering it sometime today..." He responded shivering a bit when he found that his mind had started drifting toward the vixen of a delivery girl almost picturing what she would be like when she comes to deliver. The images of her standing before him dressed in tight jeans that showed off her lovely ass wide hips and sexy thighs which angled downward toward the most prized thing that his mouth watered at...her sweet young pussy.

The top or whatever she may be wearing when she did show her breasts and knowing how she had arrived in the past wanting to catch Karen's eye some how. God those breasts were a marvel something that he wanted to massage and shove his cock up between them...even have the sweet mouth of her lick at her outer lips of her pussy something that the girl wanted the most.

"Wait what? I don't have a pussy!" he thought in an outrage even though he felt the strange presence pressing strange yet exciting ideas of how to entice the sweet vixen into the house. He shook his head barely making out the last bit of orders that came from his own before she hung up allowing his mind to wonder back to the beauty finding himself starting to become aroused signaling something that had been hidden inside his system for the right activation or signal from the maker to activate it when the time was right.

While the little bug would take some time to fully activate it began to rewrite Trevor's system something that he would not notice it until it was too late although there was truly nothing that he could do. It would sit and wait for the right moment as to make his humiliation would be completely satisfactory when fully displayed before his or her master. Trevor went about cleaning up the mess that was left overnight stopping at occasion when a slight pain struck his body feeling like a cramp or something on the inside seemed to rearrange itself somehow.

When the tasks were completed, and the time was short that he knew that the lovely girl would likely to come, Trevor ran into the laundry room where the clothing that he had gone about leaving several things to fold and to return to the master bedroom. Just as he was about to reach out for some male clothing, a sharp crack rocked his body sending him crashing into the dryer.

Trying desperately to regain himself pulling himself up enough his body still wracked with pain, his flesh felt like it was on fire all over his body muscles began to diminish and something to be crawling under his skin. He looked on in shock as the hair on his arm disappeared leaving it like the rest of his body silky smooth his fingernails growing while his fingers becoming thin womanly.

Suddenly he felt the area of his chest seemed to contract as if his body if it had lungs, trying to draw in air on their own, except the two nipples on his chest seemed to become erect and perky standing at attention as if pleading for some loving while several more nipples appeared below them equally wanting attention. Again, the two main nipples on his chest seemed to pulse with a strange energy around the skin before the nipples began to puff out and the skin under them began to balloon outward pressing the nipple upward even when he tried to deny it. Soon enough the C cup that he had thought were only a dream appeared no matter what he tried, the energy continued down his chest his nerves attaching to the lust that he began to feel right now as he felt an over abundus of.

There came another crack as an explosion of pain shot up throughout his lower body as he felt his legs give out under him forcing him to fall to all fours where his body began to reform itself and with his inability to look down as the pain coursed throughout him. Limbs and body sections of his form began to break and reform somehow his senses overwhelming kept his eyes closed trying to block out the sickening sounds of his changing form.

Throughout this mess, he began letting out noises and sounds which first sounded like screams of pain which were quick to start sounding like groans and moans after a while. His voice, which started out like normal, yet it began to crack and start to smooth out to a more feminine moan whimpering in pleasure not really caring about the pain that continued to shake through his or her still changing form.

When the pain finally subsided leaving a wave of nothing but lust having driven away Trevor's male personality allowing for Tina, the new slut, to take control of the freshly transformed body loving the thrill that she currently felt as the pleasure that came from the pain began to subside. Her pussy seeping with her juices as if she just had the best orgasm in her life her silky lips pulsing a bit looking like they had just been fucked yet still wanted more.

"Oh lord yes, the pain is always worth it." Tina moaned out licking her lips allowing a hand to travel over her sweat covered form a smile crossing her face enjoying the exciting feeling that she got when her fingers caressed her sensitive and needy breasts.

She knew that with how energized her body was she would not have any problem with getting herself to orgasm more than enough to satisfy her need. Yet she knew that soon a youthful beauty would be here soon who was looking for some pussy that she knew that she would be able to allow the girl some access to. Another pet for her master's harem, of course she was jealous of the idea that another slut might take her place as head slut in her master's pack nevertheless her master did promise her that she was his.

"Time to get myself ready for my guest." She thought reaching back into the laundry basket starting to look for something special and enticing.

The delivery girl showed up about a couple of hours later, the sound of a delivery truck pulling up into the driveway to make it easier to make the delivery happen. Tina had just gone about pulling on a silky robe that belonged to Karen, barely tying the rope around her waist allowing her lovely breasts to be seen barely able to be contained in the black teddy that she currently wore, just like the one that she had worn before this one being loose around her middle to avoid from the material rubbing against her sensitive nipples that continued to poke out looking for attention.

Tina had tried hard to avoid from getting herself too worked up knowing well that it would be likely that she would be appearing too eager for the woman that was before her. It was difficult as the slutty personality that was in control the hunger for sex even though her weaker male said that the girl should be hungering for some free pussy.

"Can't make it too easy for the girl or she might be expecting a trap." She countered plucking at her nipples to make them erect and excited which did not take much as she was already starting to leak juices that she had to squeeze her legs together to keep them in.

She thought about wearing Karen's yoga outfit as it would show off her curves and the lushness of her breasts and the possible 'camel toe' her pussy was soaking wet even when she had not seen the woman yet. Unfortunately, like the rest of the clothing that she had to avoid from wearing anything to tight because of her lovely bitch nipples that her master gave her, she loved the feeling that they gave her when someone played with them...soft and hard play either was fine with her.

The door bell rang followed by a series of hard knocks that were meant to get the owners attention if he or she were in the shower or else well disposed. "I'm coming!" she yelled out adjusting her breasts a bit more letting out a giggle giving her clit a rubbing pushing the cloth up against the hard nub causing her to moan. "In many ways."

At the side door leading into the kitchen standing there with a hand on her hip trying to make sure that she had everything that the buyer wanted, Jenny found her thoughts traveling elsewhere toward a few things that she wanted to make sure were perfect. One being how she was dressed, while she was dressed in the uniform that her boss wanted her to wear, underneath the loose clothing she wore a bright red teddy that she made sure that she wore especially for this day hoping that she would be the one to make the delivery to Karen, the sexy vixen that she hungered for.

While Karen had shown no interest every time that Jenny had come over to deliver the grocery order that her 'toy' had put in for his owner, Jenny wasn't about to give up about the possibility of the older vixen finally giving into the possibility of allowing her the honor of showing her the excitement of having a female lover who knows the female body better than a man does.

Second being that this was the last scheduled before she could have lunch, which while it was only an hour long, it should hopefully give her enough time to seduce her target. While she had been waiting for her target to come to the door she had gone about opening up her work shirt revealing a lot more of her top of the teddy that pushed up her breasts showing them off that she would think that would get anyone's attention.

If she had it her way, she would've unbuttoned the entire work shirt just to show off what she was wearing just to give off the hint to her target what she wanted. Yet without having someone that may see her doing that and calling her place of work to complain about her, Jenny was forced to be careful with her approach being careful and planned.

Reaching up to knock on the door once more, Jenny was startled when the door was opened and instead of Karen, the house owner standing there dressed in a boring suit or causal clothing nor that sextoy of hers. Instead a stunning dark hair beauty with a body and breasts that would put Jenny's original target to shame, not to mention the fact that she wore a robe that badly concealed a black teddy that just screamed that the woman was looking for activity the growing camel toe in the woman's thong showed her growing excitement.

Jenny's mouth dropped in shock, surprise and delight feeling her own pussy growing wet with her own excitement her mind going blank forgetting everything that she originally intended on as her hunger was now focused on the stunning beauty in front of her. Her mouth closed then opened once more as she could tell that the strange woman in front of her was taking a interest in her a glint in her eyes combined with a smile of joy crossing her face revealing stunning white teeth.

"Hello, how may I help you, young lady?" the mysterious woman asked, her voice sounding intoxicating drawing Jenny into a trance. The woman's eyes showed a growing lust seemed to join hers even before Jenny had shown up.

It took a few minutes to get her voice sounding stunned coming out in stutters unable to take her eyes off her. "Uh y-yeah...I have a grocery order for Karen. Is she here?" Jenny asked licking her lips a bit trying to contain her excitement.

"Oh dear, she had some out of town she won't be back for a while. That pathetic toy of hers must've ordered it and never mentioned it me...that piece of crap robot...although I must say that I am happy that I wasn't informed I was just watching a video." The woman said sticking her hand out to Jenny. "My name is Tina, Karen's younger and more sexier if not more sluttier sister." Tina answered letting out a chuckle allowing Jenny to start bringing in the boxes made easy with a dolly cart as she wheeled the purchases inside placing them next to the countertop as Tina followed after the girl closing the door after she had brought in the last of the boxes going over picking up a glass of wine taking a sip of it while allowing her robe to fall open by 'accident' revealing more of her skinny form to Jenny who had forgotten about her work settling the cart by the back door mesmerized by the sight before her trying desperately to avoid from acting too excited and wanting.

"Can I offer you a glass of wine? It has nice taste to it." Tina asked her drawing Jenny out of her dazed look shaking her head lightly.

"Uh no...I am still on shift, thank you though." She answered while Tina went and picked up a couple of plates off the stove. "Although I am a bit hungry, this is the last shipment before I get my lunch..."

"Please come sit down, I had started preparing something for myself however I didn't realize how much there was in these packages." Tina explained motioning for Jenny to take a seat at the table already sitting down placing the extra plate down near her well within easy reach for her. Jenny only hesitated for a brief second before slipping into the seat next to her.

Her mind running rampid with excitement and uneasiness not sure if this stranger was misleading her yet right now she didn't care as her excitement was pushing away the fear. She licked her lips rubbing her thighs together pushing the cloth of her hidden teddy against her overheated pussy trying to ease the ache enough to see what the woman's intentions were. Jenny tried her best to concentrate on the food before her as she went about picking up the fork starting to pry at the food in front of her starting to notice that Tina seemed to be staring at her a smirk playing across her face sipping at her glass of wine.

Jenny tried her best to hide her horniness but it didn't help when a hand brushed up against her thigh causing her to jump slight letting out a gasp. She casted her eyes downward thinking that Karen had gotten a new pet and she had failed to notice it when she had brought in the order. Looking down she saw to her amazement that it wasn't a animal but a hand that she was quick to realize that it was Tina's hand tracing a finger along her thigh moving gently pressing down a bit pushing her cloth into her skin. When she moved her hand down in between her legs pressing the material of both her work pants and the crotch of her teddy into her overheated pussy Jenny felt her thrust her hips up against the intruding finger a moan ripping out of her lips.

Again her first instinct would've been to protest as this seemed too soon however with her body overheating and her desperate desire for pleasure coursing through her body, Jenny let out a loud moan pushing her body to the teasing fingers her breasts straining to get out pressing against the material of her teddy and pushing the buttons on her work shirt to their limit.

The finger worked its way back up pushing its way down into the waistband of her pants allowing the heat and steamy smell of her pussy to drift up into the enclosed area something that wasn't missed by Tina as she smiled her meal forgotten pushing the plate away turning her full attention to her guest moving forward pressing her other hand into Jenny's crotch the seat of her pants visibly wet her juices leaking out showing how aroused the girl truly was.

"Mmmmmm, a little horny are we, dear?" Tina asked a slight purr to her voice moving closer pressing her own excited body against Jenny's, her breasts popping into Jenny's view the cloth barely covering the enlarged nipples erect from the cool air begging to get sucked on. Jenny's eyes were wide with shock and hunger she licked her lips pressing her own body against her host by its own accord surprising Tina welcomed her into her arms.

Jenny looked up at Tina, her eyes showing that they were in a dazed state her eyes glazed over the confusion and uncertainty leaving her mind only being filled with lust at that very moment. Tina leaned forward drawing the young vixen's lips to hers in a sensual kiss that was meant to be a beginning advance quickly turned into one of hunger as Jenny wrapped her arms around Tina's neck drawing her into the kiss more deeply.

Tina let out a loud whimper into the kiss feeling the rough material of the teddy that she wearing pressed up against her bitch nipples causing her need to deepen. But to Jenny it just drove up the excitement even more, she drove her tongue into her new lovers mouth sliding seemingly driving away the pain that Tina was feeling her hands moving up to cup Jenny's breasts thumbing over her nipple which continued to stand at attention.

"My dear, I think you are overdress for this." Tina whispered breaking off from the kiss leaning down to whisper the words into the vixens nibbling at her neck. She didn't wait for Jenny to respond, her fingers working at the buttons opening her work shirt allowing her teddy clad breasts to spring forward the shirt was quick to drop to the ground followed by her work pants but this time on Jenny's own doing revealing a sight that caused Tina to lick her lips in excitement. "Oooh so you came here with a similar idea like me..."

Jenny only giggled watching as Tina removed the robe allowing her own teddy clad body to her gaze letting out a gasp seeing eight nipples that looked like they belong on a female dog yet here they were sitting on the body of her new attraction. If she had any right thought in her head, she may have wondered or thought something was off, however her mind was filled with lust and a desire as there was a more than willing attractive woman before her that had the same ideas as she did which drove away any type of concern Jenny should have.

"Come my dear...I only have you for a hour and I do intend of exploring that body of yours." Tina said pulling Jenny to her feet dragging her to her feet leading her to the master bedroom their meals quickly forgotten.

Once in the bedroom they once again attacked each other's lips their fingers working fixed to remove each other's clothing their hunger for each other having come to a boiling point. To Jenny every time she kissed or even felt the beauty before her, she found herself caring nothing about what may be happening to her unknowingly becoming an extra pawn to the Cyber Wolf's plan. Tina pressed the beauty into the bedding making sure that their breasts continue to rub against each other driving up their lust.

Pulling away from her lover's lips, Tina allowed her tongue to trail downward over the young vixens form whose body began to shiver her body began to convulse in excitement her hands at first clawing at the bedding beneath her body letting out mewing of excitement. By the time that Tina reached her breasts Jenny's hands had shot up grabbing Tina's hair pulling her to her breasts where she was quick to begin sucking and tugging on them with her teeth.

"Oh gods, suck on that teat bitch!" she called out, her eyes rolling up into her head mewing in excitement as her lover's other hand found her other breasts starting to massage and pull the erect nipple. To Jenny she was floating on clouds her juices streaming out of her pussy in gallons soaking the bedding under her although this was all lost upon her only for a second as she felt her new lover leave her breasts again traveling down her body placing gentle kisses along her body sending sparks of thrills throughout her body.

By the time that Tina got to her pussy, Jenny felt like she was on the verge of exploding so when she planted the next kiss on her pussy Jenny exploded her pussy a warm gush of juices shooting into Tina's face. The sudden rush of juices slapping her in the face did not seem to care about it as she only opened her mouth accepting her reward for pleasuring the vixen under her licking her lips in greed savoring the taste.

Jenny allowed her hands to fall to her side, her breathing raggid yet slowly calming down allowing her to enjoy the soothing feeling of the sheets not aware of the fact that Tina had moved herself in a more comfortable position pushing Jenny's legs apart before coming face to face with the pulsing pussy.

Jenny began to look up when Tina began sucking on her pussy again her tongue darting in and out of the velvet lips causing her body to jerk up thrusting her pussy into Tina's face a loud moan forcing its way up past her lips. After a few minutes Jenny was able to think she was amazed of what the stranger was doing to her she felt like she was becoming intoxicated to the point that the thought of going back to work continued to leave from her mind replaced with the only desire to allow Tina to continue with her loving.

If Karen would not accept her advances no matter what she tried, Jenny was more than willing to accept Tina as she looked like a more willing woman even if she was here for a time being. Returning her attention back to her lover, Jenny stopped her from continuing causing Tina to mew in confusion her eyes looking up at her, her tongue still stuck half way inside of her the look in her eyes that once held that of lust was replaced with something else that she could not really place her finger on.

"What's wrong, mistress? Am I not pleasing you enough?" Tina asked her with a whine in her voice which Jenny recognized of one being that of a submissive attitude something that Jenny had only seen with those other lesbians that she had met when she was first exploring her possible lesbian desires.

While she loved the idea of having a personal slave especially one like the one between her legs, Jenny loved the taste of a pussy herself. She began to stroke Tina's hair once more a way to encourage her although it showed that Tina was about to continue until Jenny stopped her. "Now now, why do not you flip yourself around, so I can taste that sweet pussy of yours, so we can both enjoy each other's bodies."

Tina did not need a second bit of instruction quick to throw her body over the top of her new lover taking great care to lower her own body carefully over the top of her lover positioning her own pussy above Jenny allowing her own juices to drip down on to her head showing off her own horniness to her lover. One thing that Tina was able to change while keeping the beauty busy in pure bliss was that she was able to withdraw her useless cock back into her abdomen leaving over her bitch nipples and a space pubic hair sitting above her velvet lips.

Now there was nothing to make her new lover have hesitation though she truly doubted that that she really cares since she took the time to allow the juices to drip down on to the girl's forehead that Jenny went about grabbing her waist drawing her down to her face her own lips aching to kiss Tina's leaking fountain.

She enjoyed the sweet nectar that was slipping into her mouth as she prepared to start sucking away that any thought or hesitation on her part slipped away without a second as Jenny jammed her tongue into Tina's pussy forcing its way into the opening causing Tina to shriek in delight her body quivering in delight.

However, on the outside of the house pulling her own car up into the driveway shutting off the engine without a second thought, Martha sat there in the car trying to contain her own excitement planning out everything that she would do to get the slut that she hungered for to come out, so she could enjoy dominating the slut for the evening. Unaware of the fact that someone else was enjoying the slut at that very moment, the young delivery girl unaware of her lover's true origins...

Cyber Wolf's bitches (1-3)

I have always been the kind of girl who seeks adventure. I knew from an early age that I was not like other girls. I was different somehow. I was more adventurous and less afraid. Some would call me fearless, but we all have our weaknesses. Mine was...

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Cyber Wolf's Bitches

I have always been the kind of girl who seeks adventure. I knew from an early age that I was not like other girls. I was different somehow. I was more adventurous and less afraid. Some would call me fearless, but we all have our weaknesses. Mine was...

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Never try food meant for a pregnant dog

NEVER TRY FOOD NOT MEANT FOR YOU Running around the house yelling at unseen things and cursing himself for things that didn't make sense really all of what could be described as a mad man cursed his own stupidity as he desperately tried to...

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