Spyro and Cynder: To Start a New Beginning [Edited]

Story by Digibear on SoFurry

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Hello! Well here it is! My first story (and entry) for you guys/gals/etc. It's a story about (obviously)

Spyro and Cynder from the "The Legend of Spyro" saga. Since this is my first time posting AND making a yiff story and I don't know a whole lot about the Spyro saga or any real places in the game (I made up the places in story obviously.)

All I did was do some research on Cynder so please go easy on me, espicially all you Spyro fans out there.

So sit back, relax, keep your pants on (at least before the yiffing part begins. teehee.) and enjoi!!

PS: Any friendly comments on improvements is kindly allowed to help me make better stories.



"WAKE UP!", yelled a very annoyed Cynder to a very sleepy Spyro. The sudden, and rather rude, command from the ebony dragoness made him jump up out of his sleeping spot. "What is it now Cynder?", Spyro lazily grumbled as he collapsed and went back to trying to sleep. "Well Fine! I guess you don't want to see the cool new place I found up on Dragon Mountain.", the sassy dragon continued complaining. "Oh fine." Spyro complained back as he got up and stretched out his limbs and wings before he and Cynder walked out of Spyro's home.

"Sooooo......where is this place exactly?", Spyro curiously asked Cynder as they flew toward the mountains. "I already told you. It's in The Great Dragon Mountains." Cynder replied. The duo continued flying toward the mountains for what seemed like hours. They only stopped to rest and help other people that needed a hand for a simple chore or task of some sort.

As the two finally made it to the mountains, the sun was slowly nearing towards dawn. "well that sure took longer then I'd hoped." Spyro complained as they neared the entrance to the tall, sharp mountains that bordered the land. "Well it would've taken a much shorter time if you hadn't stopped to help every single one those people on our way here!" Cynder loudly complained. "well it's our job whether you like it or not.", Spyro proudly exclaimed. Cynder just annoyingly rolled her eyes at the purple dragons proud remark as they entered the steep mountains. The pair flew through the tall peaks, weaving and dodging every towering cliff that came there way. "where is this place exactly?" Spyro yelled across to his partner. "Over here! Follow me!" Cynder replied back as she took the lead. Spyro kept up with the nimble dragoness as she lead him toward a towering cliff and started climbing up towards the top. Spyro flew after her as she flew higher and higher near the top.

As the two neared the very top of the large cliff, Cynder changed directions in her flight and flew toward a cave embedded in the side of the cliff. Cynder softly landed on the cave entrance's ledge that stuck out a good several meters from the entrance. "Well here we are!" Cynder happily proclaimed. "And where would 'here' be exactly?" Spyro wondered out loud as he landed along-side his partner. The two were surrounded by nothing but a heavy curtain of a hazy fog that surrounded the two. "Hmph, you'll see ."Cynder replied as she inhaled a deep breath and let out a strong gust of wind that peirced the cloudy veil and parted it to reveal a magnificent view of the mountains and valleys all spread out underneath them.

"Whoa! This place is amazing!", Spyro proclaimed, "You can see the whole valley from here!." "Yeah," Cynder sheepishly replied, "This place used to be a look out point when I still was under Malefor's control"." Cynder sadly stared at the ground as images and sounds of terror flooded back to her mind at the word. Villages burned in a hellish inferno, people screaming in horror as they ran away from her and her wrath. A heavy tear ran down Cynder's cheek at the rememberance of her past life. She then looked at her companion, still taking in the majestic view, and slowly turned and headed into the cave without a word.

"This place is so amazing I can look at this for days!", Spyro loudly admired as he turned around to find himself alone on the cliff ledge. "Cynder? Cynder! Where'd you run off to again?!", Spyro called out as he looked around the ledge. "Must've went into the cave without me.", Spyro wondered to himself as he headed in to the dark abyss of the cave.

At first Spyro couldn't see anything, but as he wandered further into the cave the cave slowly lit by strange light crystals led showed the way to a large grotto within the mountain. Spyro cautiously entered the vast room surrounded by aqua-green glowing crystals that illuminated the mountain chamber and took a look around until his eye caught something. Standing in the far opposite-end of the room, their sat Cynder sadly staring at her reflection in a very large crystal, small tears running down her black cheeks and softly hitting the ground. She sniffled and wiped the tears away as she then faced the ground softly sobbing to herself as a deep sense of sadness and guilt over took her.

Spyro cautiously crept up beside her and sat down with her as she slowly tried to stop sobbing in the presence of the purple dragon. "Your thinking about it again aren't you.", Spyro said as he stared at her reflection. She then looked away in shame and turned her back toward Spyro. "You wouldn't understand the things I've done. I could never forgive myself for the things that I did with no regret." "I do understand what you did and your past, but the past is the past", Spyro argued," Things happen that you could never change. It's what you do with your life now is what 'really' matters". "Have you any idea how many men, women and even children have fallen and perished in

my doings!?", Cynder roared at Spyro, "Countless people have died all because of me! I shouldn't deserve to live. You should've let me die on that floating island after you defeated me." Cynder then started crying, heavy tears of grief overflowed from her eyes as she collapsed to the ground in self-pity. Spyro just sat watching the ebony dragoness sobbed a puddle of tears as he remembered his final battle with her.

Cynder's sobs slowly faded into sniffles as Spyro got up and slowly walked up to the poor dragoness. "The reason i saved you is becuase I believe that no matter what a person has done, he or she still could change. That they could turn around and look toward the light of hope and escape their past. That's why I'm still with you and your still with me, becuase i believe that you can still find a way to leave past deeds and change into the noble dragoness comapnion that I know you are.", Spyro comforted to Cynder as she got up and wiped away her tears and faced the heroic dragon; her sadness, guilt, and emotions of deep grief disappeared and a feeling of warmth and relief consumed her as she looked into the eyes of her partner and friend.

Spyro walked toward Cynder and warmly embraced her in his arms as she rested her head on his shoulder and sighed. "Forget the past and leave it behind and let today bring a brighter tomorrow." Spyro said in attempt to calm the poor dragoness from her nightmares as he stroked the back of her neck. After a few moments later Spyro released his embrace around her and looked at her in the eyes. Cynder sheepishly shyed away and looked at the floor trying to stave of the remainder of the images burning in her mind. As she looked off at one end of the chamber, she felt a soft kiss on her cheek. She quickle turned around to see Spyro emberrassingly looking away, blushing at what he did. Cynder crept up to him, turned him around and kissed him on his lips. This shocked Spyro at first, but then he embraced his arms around her headand pulled her closer as he closed his eyes, letting his passionate emotions take over as the they're lips locked on eachothers. Cynder then collapsed on her backas they're sealed lips came apart. The two dragons stared at each other, flames of loving passion in their eyes. Cynder then grinned at the sight of seeing her beloved friend on top of her as Spyro gave a slight grin also at the some-what odd sight.

A strong sense between his legs struck him and he leaped off of his partner.

The tip of his pink shaft was protruding from it's slit at the moment of being on top of the black dragoness.

Spyro then starting blushing furiously at the sight of being seen with his slight erection in front of a female dragon.

"Ummmm....I didn't mean....too....uhhh.......", Spyro fumbled trying to explain himself.

Cynder then crept up to him and threw him on his back and catch him by surprise. "What are you do.....", Spyro tried to ask but was stopped by a sudden lick at his slightly jutted-out cock. He glanced down to see Cynder nudging and playfully licking his junk making it swell and grow longer farther out of it's slit. "Oohhhhhh.....Cynder. That feels so good." Spyro panted out between breaths as she continued her playful licks until it was fully erect.

Spyro stared at the ebony dragoness as she tounged the pre that slowly oozed out, a sexual passion burning

in her eyes; then he collapsed on his back as she continued. Spyro himself have never seen her act like so strangely before and wondered to himself why she was acting like this.

She continued her exploration of her companion until he was close to letting his own juices erupt out of him, but then stopped right before it occured.

Spyro got back up to see why she stopped and saw Cynder crawl and position herself on top of him.

"What're you trying to do n..."- "Sssshhhh...." Cynder interuppted his question as she parted her legs on top of his fully elongated pink shaft. "You'll see....", Cynder softly giggled as she lowered herself onto it. Spyro tensed as he watched her lower herself, letting her dripping pussy slowly take in his throbbing penis.

Cynder braced herself as she felt his enormous cock explore deeper into her.

Cynder yelped all of it was soon inside her. "Take it in Cynder.", Spyro panted out as she gently bobbed up and down, taking it all in as of it as she could and continued riding him harder and faster with each passing moment. Spyro thrusted his hips as her insides swelled tighter around his cock.

The chamber soon filled with an auric array of many hues of greens and blues

as the two dragons mated each other, Cynder getting faster and faster until

Spyro let out a huge roar as he climaxed all his cum into her. Cynder let out a

surprised gasp and winced as the dragon's juices filled her swollen pussy to the brim.

The two mated dragons slowly faced each other, panting heavily and both well

spent of each other. Spyro beamed a bright grin as Cynder smile back. She then

lifted herself off of him, his softning penis squelched out of her releasing a gush of cum

that splurted out of her. Cynder let out a long sigh and collapse, once again, on her back.

Spyro slowly eased himslef up and walked over to the spent dragoness.

He then lowered his head between her hind-legs and tounged her swollen, dripping wet pussy lips. Cynder yelped and moaned in response as he lapped up the remainig mixture of her nectar and his cum around it's swollen lips until his toungue found it's way in it. Cynder let out a soft growl of satisfaction as his tongue and muzzle explored her insides greedily licking up his liquids as some of her own ran out of her until she let out a loud moan and all her juices gushed out of her and sprayed all over Spyro's face.

Cynder gave off a long breath of steam as she got herself up and walked

up to the wet dragon and helped him wipe off her exhaust off of his face.

After most of it was cleaned up she shot him a slight grin and gave him a

quick kiss on the cheek as she curled up on the chamber floor and fell asleep.

Spyro just rolled his eyes and cuddle up next to his mate and stared at the

cave ceiling, the light crystals slowly dimmed as he too fell into a deep sleep

next to his loving companion, friend, and mate.


"WAKE UP!!!", Cynder loudly yelled at the sleeping dragon. "Not again.", Spyro complained to himslef as he lazily got up. "What now?", Spyro complainingly moaned. Cynder walked over to the large crystal that she was staring at the

other day, but something was now different about it. At the center of it was carved a heart with two crudely carved dragons orbiting it. At the center of it said "Spyro & Cynder". Spyro looked at Cynder and she looked at him, and they

both grinned at each other. "I love you." Cynder said. Spyro walked up to her and gave her a quick kiss on her lips. "I love you too." Spyro repliedas the two dragons warmly embraced each other.

The End