Furries University Chapter 39: For whom the bell tolls

Story by Kitsune Warui on SoFurry

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#45 of Furries University

Chapter 39: For Whom the Bell Tolls

(February 6th 2019 A.D. - Tuesday 6:00 Am)

Kitsune Awoke to a darkened room, he went out to reach across from him to find no creature lay beside him. His ears perked into the air hoping to hear the sounds of life from the next room but nothing came. He shook himself to lean up in the covers, then look around the room. He gave out a heavy sigh followed by his paw going up to his forehead and running down over his right eye, were a hint of wetness could be felt. He carried himself from the grasp of his bedding and made his way towards the bathroom, and opened the door slowly. A slight beam of light pierced at his back from the shades.

He winced as it pierced his eye coming back from the mirror, he placed his paw up in the way and blinked to try and gain his awakened eyes.

Kitsune flipped on the switch and with it the bathroom was illuminated in a bright blinding light, which the fox retreated from. He shook his head and then went into the bathroom, the brilliance more bearable now. In the mirror Kitsune looked upon a weakened vulpine who seemed to react to ever step as if the world had been placed onto his shoulders.

Kitsune scoffed and smacked his own paw at his face.

"Stop that!" He said yelling at his reflection "You're not the only damn fur in this world! Yeah you're sad, get over it!"

He was panting as he drew near to his own reflection.

"People are actually following me" Kitsune said retracting himself from his own reflection grasping at his right paw with his left "I've got to do something more with all this".

He shook his head again and began to walk towards his reflection once more resting his paw on the glass, only an inch away from his duplicate.

"I don't understand you..." The fox said staring into his own eyes "But...You have to go out today, Make yourself have some fun and you have to be brave. There are people who want you to stay the way you are. Frightened and feeling sorry for yourself. So get over it". The fox nodded his head to his reflection. He took in a deep breath and ran his paws through his long brown hair.

Kitsune turned on the hot water and the shower nozzle. Quickly the repeating shots of water began to rain upon the shower's flower and soon steam began to follow. He went to remove the clothes from his body and then gave out a giggle when he realized he had not in many years worn more than a shirt to bed. He made his way into the shower to feel it's warm and sincere embrace filling his form in its heat.


Kitsune stepped from the shower his fur matted around his body and his eyes wide now fully awake he felt all of his sense spring into full life and followed by a very faint reminder of something that surprisingly enough he held no care for.

He stepped forth to the glass of the bathroom mirror, fog covering the entirety of its surface, and he placed a digit directly onto it and began to spell something out.

"y-a-d-h-t-r-i-B y-p-p-a-H" he spoke each letter out as he spelled it "Hope you can read that".

He grabbed a towel and began to run it quickly across his body fluffing at his fur, hoping to dry it quickly without having to use his blow drier, trying his best to look as natural as possible today.

"I have until..." The fox thought to himself sitting on the toilet and quickly running the towel through his long brown hair, which smelt of vanilla "hmmm, Two, is when it actually starts but I should be their by one, to prepare, and thusly should be all ready by twelve". The fox gave a smile to himself and giggled, his body full of excitement at the possibilities of this day.

*** (Inside of Jerry's Apartment)

Jerry paced around quickly and hopped on his feet a few times. A group of furs all sitting down around the room, with cans of beer, and masks sitting in their laps.

"We're ready for these fuckers!" Jerry said "Ya' see, They didn't listen so now we have to talk with actions! It's like Mark used ta' say, Actions are louder than words".

"Isn't burning the floats a little extreme?" Questioned one of the men, a mouse "I mean, we can get arrested".

"That's what the masks are for dip shit!" shouted Jerry "What are you a fucking coward?!"

"Jerry you're being stupid" stated a bear "This isn't an unofficial thing. This ain't just the lil' faggot fox's thing, this is Virginia Gay Allegiance, we shouldn't get in on something that big, there are bound to be police ya' know?"

"I thoughta' that fuck wad" Jerry stated giving a vicious smirk "By the end of the Festival when they come back to the university, The police won't still be around, but the crowds will. Soooo, we just have to wait till then, it should be dark by then".

"We can't do this" said the mouse again shaking his head and standing up, he began to walk for the door before Jerry's paw went against his chest stopping him "Get your paws off!"

"Fuck You!" Jerry said pulling a fist back and bringing it down upon the Mouse's cheek hard, bringing the rodent to the ground clutching at his face.

"Anyone else object!?" Said Jerry looking around.

"Is it just us?" asked the bear.

"Nope...Elwood is ralleyin' up some other boys" laughed Jerry "He even went to some of those queer meetings to find out where, and when everything is happening. He's even got a plan to stop the floats ready."

"Don't you think this is a bit extreme?" asked a lion sitting closest to Jerry "I mean what if someone dies?"

"Not like ther' normal furs" Shrugged Jerry. The lion just nodded. A ringing came from Jerry's pocket to which he reacted by pulling a cellular phone from his pocket, flipping it open and placing it to his ear.

"Okay, I'll be out there" Jerry said "Yeah yeah...I'll talk to you in a sec".

He shut the phone and slid it back into his pocket.

"Kay' guys help yourself to booze, I'll be back in a bit, I gotta go take care of something" Jerry said waving his paw "nobody go anywhere, we gotta talk about the plan".

Jerry opened his front door, closed it softly and then looked around quickly before making his way under the stairwell which led up the dorm building. He went under it, and standing directly under it was a wolf wearing a long brown coat and a hat low to cover his eyes.

"Eh' Jerry, ain't seen ya' in awhile"

"Yeah, been busy"

"Well, I got what you asked for, but if you get caught with it, I don't know a damn thing about it" said the wolf "Mark wouldn't kill nobody for any thin' so I hope you won't either".

"If it comes to that" Jerry said "I jus' wanna scare this fag who's a lil' too stupid fer' is' own good"

"Bravery is often confused with stupidity"

"What the fuck are you sayin'!?"

"Oh? Nothing, just hope you know what you're talkin' about is' all. Jus' sayin' if he's brave, this thing is gonna get you in a lot of tough shit" said the wolf shaking his head and holding out a paw.

Jerry pulled a wad of bundled bills from his pocket and put it in the wolf's paw.

The wolf then picked up a case from the ground and shoved it quickly into Jerry's paws and began to walk away.

"Nice seeyin' ya, by the way"

"Same" Said Jerry pulling up the case slowly and peering in at the sleek and shiny steel object contained, and feeling it's destructive power just at the sight. He closed it quickly and went for his door to go back inside before anyone came out curious of his absence.

The outside world was of a temperate heat, no one was outside, and though dark clouds could be seen over the horizon they were not heading towards the quaint college.

*** (One Hour Later, Inside of Kitsune's bathroom)

The fox looked over himself in the mirror admiring the sweet dress he wore over his body. It was black with white frills at the skirt, and a white ribbon in the center of the chest. It had a built in corset, and he was wearing a pair of black stockings and shoulder length black gloves. He was leaning towards the mirror with a black pencil in hand running it over the lines of his eyes. As he finished he placed the pencil on the counter of the sink and grabbed a tube of gloss running it over his black lips. He gave a smile pursed his lips and giggled at his reflection.

"And what is a girl without her curves?" The Fox said grabbing a black case opening it up and taking two silicon breast forms and dropping them in at the chest of his dress. He checked to make sure the strings of the back were tight, and ran a paw over his skirt. He smiled and realized this was the first time he had worn the dress since he bought it in preparation for this day.

Black smoke began to fill the room very slowly, and the fox seemed to not notice it as he ran a comb through his hair. He smiled at his reflection once more and turned to walk out as the form of a dark fox crawled from the mirror and went to grab at him but the fox was already out of reach. He turned around one more time to look at the mirror and smile, then shut the bathroom door after turning out the lights. Briefly he turned to see a very bright pair of red eyes within the mirror, they were piercing and soft, not filled with sorrow nor delight. He closed the door and decided to ignore the apparition. Kitsune could hear a shout from the bathroom as he made his way into the living room, to look upon the clock.

"Nine O' Clock" Said the fox reading the hands and sighing. He then perked his ears remembering he had forgotten to bring a purse. He quickly strode back into the bad room, the dark fox standing directly in front of Kitsune's black purse which had a faux black rose on either side. Kitsune looked at it for a moment and reached into the chest of the Sable creature and drew out his purse from the other side. He looked over it then put it over his shoulder.

Returning to the living room the fox realized that Micah seemed to be absent from the home. The Fox looked towards the refrigerator, and then opened up the living room closet. Absent, no creature not even a feral mouse seemed to lay in his dormitory save for himself. He decided to go look for the feline and opened up his exit door and walked out to find Micah laying beside it, asleep clutching a box, wrapped in pink paper, with a white ribbon around it and a tag hanging of but the fox couldn't read who it was for because the wrong side fast toward him.

He wasn't sure whether he should wake Micah or not. He needed someone to give him a ride to the parade, but he wasn't sure who could. He stalled for a moment and looked over the stair case leading down the building; out towards the courtyard of the university. A group of furs were walking towards the parking lot, seemingly drunk. One he recognized as Jerry and he gave a sigh. Kitsune knew something may be going on but, he couldn't be sure of what.

"Maybe they're leaving because they wanna see the parade" He giggled to himself feeling an ominous little butterfly in his stomach "....Yeah...This may not be pretty."

Kitsune shrugged and wished he had someone to talk to at this moment. He was nervous and biting his lower lip. He heard foot steps at the steps and they were drawing close, he went to look down them to see Aide, drawing up towards him, waving her paw around frantically. At least, Kitsune was pretty sure it was her. What he saw, was a calico, with messy blonde hair, wearing a small white polo with the "MEOW" Clothing brand logo, and underneath of it a long sleeved red shirt, a pair of ripped faded jeans, and skate boarding shoes.

Had he not known Aide he would probably have hit on this stunning person. The illusion of Male persuasion was much better than he felt he could muster of the opposite polarity. She continued to wave quickly and hugged Kitsune close.

"Now look at this Vixen I found!" She said.

"Me? No Ma'm, I think I'm looking upon the hottest collection of Man meat I've ever seen" Kitsune complimented in return.

"You look great doll" She said.

"Well thanks" He said, blushing and rubbing a paw through his hair.

"I can't wait, it's exciting isn't it?!"

"Yeah" He replied and looked up towards Micah "Wish he was just as excited, I dunno how I'm going to get-"

"Ah ah ah, first. The otter, What happened?" Aide looked around the floor "Where is e'?"

"Oh yeah well-" The fox had almost forgotten about last night, a blush working over his entire face.

"Ohhhh, dirty details! Gimme gimme!" She said with a luster of excitement and a spark of interest.

"Well You know-"

"No I don't you haven't described it to me! How big?"

"I don't really-"

"How is he? Come on!!!! you're killing me" Aide said flailing her paws about in expression.

"Heh, well he was pretty-" The fox stopped and his maw stretched wide as did his arms and he yawned then followed "big, He had a lot of energy, and we did a lot".

"Oh, you fox" She teased.

"heh, I didn't get too much sleep" Kitsune laughed.

"Where is he?" she asked "Did he go home this morning?"

The fox retreated a step at the question holding his arm with his left paw and looking down.

"Huh? W-well, I mean it was just your first date really" Shrugged the cat "Maybe he wasn't comfortable at your dorm".

"Well whatever" Kitsune shook his head "If nothing else. I needed it!"

"So it WAS you I heard" Aide nodded giving a blush "I mean....guuurl, Ya' need to quiet down".


"I'm two freakin' floors down dear, and I heard you when I woke up to potty, ohhh it was probably three-ish" Aide said giving a smirk "Miken had the window open with her head tilted side ways trying to hear anything she could".

"I haven't seen her all year" The fox said just now remembering Miken was in the same school. It made him realize how dislocated he actually has been for most of the year, it proded at him and made him feel like a bad friend.

"Well, you know, you've kind of been dealing with your own stuff. You should visit sometime though. Year's almost over we'll study an' such" Aide stated with a wave of her paw.

"I think I'll come over tommorow. Will Miken be coming to the parade" Asked Kitsune.

"The bisexual panda, who enjoys homosexual romantic fiction betwixt two men?" Aide asked giving Kitsune a sarcastic look.

"Yeah" He nodded with a blush "That was a stupid one".

"It's okay, Yeah, she's going to be following the whole thing, with a camera. She's gonna try and practice her photography, so maybe we'll get some good pictures out of it" Aide said.

"That would be nice" Kitsune said softly looking back over the courtyard.

"You nervous?"

"A little, I know I can get up on the float and everything but what should I do once I'm on there?"

"I dunno...Wave, Dance, Flirt?" Aide said "I'm sure you won't just stand there, for the world's sake, shake a little".

"It'd probably be pretty therapeutic if I let the spark back into my life" Kitsune said.

"That's the spirit" Aide looked over towards the clouds "Hope it doesn't rain".

"The clouds aren't moving towards us...Even if it did I say we keep going" Kitsune giggled "If nothing else it'd be fun".

"Too true" Aide said "Wanna wake up your friend?"

"He's fine" Kitsune wiggled his paw towards Micah "But wanna help me take him inside".

Aide nodded, and the two went to, the black cat and hoisted him up. Kitsune by his arms and Aide grabbing his legs. They moved him into Kitsune's dormitory and lay him upon the couch. His paw let go of the box, and Kitsune grabbed it before Aide could notice hiding it under the pillow which Micah's head now rested on.Kitsune felt like time was drawing on infinitely, looking out at the window, realizing the sun finally shown brightly through the window.

*** (One and a half hours later)

Micah awoke with a stir as Aide looked through the refrigerator, Kitsune wiggling slightly to watch the cloth of his skirt move about, clutching his tail in his paws, and stroking his fingers through it. Aide looked out of the fridge at the fox grooming his tail.

"You do know it's attached to you right? It's not gonna run away"

"Yeah, well, I just woke up one day and found I had an ass, which gave me some curve to speak of, so whose to say if body parts can come suddenly, that they can't go" Retaliated Kitsune stuck out his tongue. The cat smirked and bit onto the very tip of it, making the fox retract and yelp.

"Uh huh" Aide nodded "Cat almost stole your tongue too".

"Funny" Kitsune smiled at you touching the tip of his tongue to check for blood.

"Unf..." Micah said stirring and rubbing a paw over his head "What time is it?"

His voice was groggy and his eyes were only half open.

"It's about Ten I'd say" Kitsune said his head right beside of the clock and his ears flicking "But that's just a guess".

"Look at the clock" Aide pointed "You goof ball, it's ten Fifteen, you don't wanna be late do you?"


"Then look at the clock every once in awhile"

"And don't get fucked all night" Complained micah rubbing the back of his head "Aw fuck I'm sore all over".

"Yeah...that's how I felt when I woke up too" Nodded Kitsune, and Aide blurted out laughing.

"Eh? Fuck you man"

"Why'd you sleep outside?"

"...." Micah stayed silent lifting himself from his lying position and blinking his eyes a few times "I came in sometime late, and I hear you moaning out and all these wet noises, so I say, "Fuck That", Lit one up and sat outside hopin' you'd've stopped by the time I was gonna go to sleep".

"Well I mean It was really-"

"Ya' ya'! I know I was outside tha' fuckin' door, I don't need to hear your opinion" Micah waved his paw "Your opinion was what kept me up for hours. Ya' coulda' told me you were gonna b00e bringing about some fuck buddy, so I could just go stay witha' friend or summin'".

"Well it was really a last minute kinda thing" Kitsune shrugged "Sorry Micah, you're neck okay".

"No!....." Micah shook his head and rubbed at his temples with his middle and index finger "Got any milk?"

"Whole milk!" Squeeled Aide "It's the best".

"Fuck yes!" micah said "Poor me a mutha' fuckin' glass!".

Aide quickly went through the cupboard and pulled out three glasses and poured milk into each. Micah took his own after crossing the room, and Aide picker up her own and tried to hand the last to Kitsune. He shook his head.

"I'm not thirsty"

Aide gave a smile to Kitsune and shook her head.

"You!? Not thirsty? There is a white liquid in your face, and you...I mean you! Adrian Mathis Dhalia, do not want it down your throat?!"


"Take it before I make you drink it" She smirked. Kitsune took it giving a blush and a giggle.

"As if I'd mind being forced" The fox replied. Micah rolled his eyes as he placed his glass down, already empty.

"Dad never-fucking-ever, has whole milk" Micah sighed "All two percent and crap. Can't stand it...he's been on a diet for three years. So I have to suffer for it".

"Move out" Kitsune said looking towards Micah.

"I might" Replied the cat "Can I move in here?"

"Well even if you did, Once school's out we can't stay in the dormitories" Kitsune said "They clean them and do work on them".


"I need to be looking for a place myself" Kitsune said "I may apply for the otter dam, or something".

"Well" Aide said wiggling a bit "I gotta job for after school. It's a little different, than most but it pays okay".

"What is it?"

"Hmmm? I'm going to be doing equipment transport and noting" Aide smiles the job sounding complicated and exciting.

"For?" Kitsune tilted his head.

"Oh, Paranormal investigation and study" Aide smiled putting her right paw in a thumbs up.

"Neat..." Kitsune said looking about.

"It's really serious study, not any of that, aliens ate my cattle stuff" Aide shook her head "They need someone, to do equipment upkeep, and recording. I bet my cousin would give you the job".

"I dunno if I know how to do it" Kitsune said unsure of the oppurtunity.

"Do you know how to turn, of and on a camera?"


"Do you know how to hook it to a computer?"


"Can you stand up a tri-pod"

"I can get anything to stand up" Kitsune said with a hint of innuendo.

"Of course, can you dust off things?"


"And can you put gas in a van?"


"and do you have a high school degree?"


"Great, you're not only qualified! You're over qualified!"

Kitsune giggled at the cat and all of her questions.

"I'll let you meet my cousin, some time" Aide waved about her paw "He'll like you".

"You should do it Adrian" Micah said nodding his head "And get an apartment, and let your bestest friend move in and not have sex in the living room"

"Of course" Kitsune said giggling "Well all of It but the last one".

"Why the fuck not?!"

"You won't be around any who" Kitsune said "You'll probably be in your room sleeping".

"Can I have a girlfriend in the apartment?"

"Certainly, as long as you don't mind my passionate sounds silencing yours" Kitsune giggled and waved around his paw "If you don't mind it's quite fine".

"...." Micah looked about for a bit and thought about it "Nyah, I wanted to say a clever come back...like "Nah' I'll have that bitch squallin'" and then I stopped and thought....No fucking way. These are brick walls, and I heard most things audible...so...buy a ball gag".

"I have one" Kitsune said thinking on it for just a moment "Didn't really get a chance to grab it".


"The closet" Kitsune pointed towards the living room closet "I keep all that stuff in a box".

"Whose that guy anyways?" Micah said wiggling his finger "You fuck my friend?"

"huh? No this is Aide"

"Oh!" Micah said and tilted his head "You sure? That cat was a hot one.....I thought she was a girl".

"This is a girl" Giggled Kitsune "see, you're amazing at this".

"Well thank you, but my boobs are screaming hatred at me" Aide said "But it's gonna be fun no matter what". She rubbed at a lump at her crotch, and Kitsune couldn't help but draw his eyes down.

"You went far" Kitsune said.

"I was going to go out and buy, this "Penis package illussion" thingy. But I felt like a sock would be bigger" Aide shrugged "People like big packages, I was thinking about putting a plush snake down my leg, but I was worried it'd fall out".

"Well you look beautiful" Kitsune said looking her up and down again wishing she were a boy. He smiled and put his arm over her shoulder.

"You come here often big boy?" He asked using his right hand to stroke down her left arm "Becuase I bet I could make you cum here a few times".

"Oh, I bet you could" She said raising her eye brows "A lady like you can make me cum wherever you want".

Micah stiffled a chuckle and his chest heaved slightly.

"Wow" He said shaking his head "Bravo...So I don't have to be a woman do I?"

"Not really" Kitsune said, still stroking Aide's arm "It'd be more fun"

"I think I'm cool being a Man" Micah said looking at the clock now and tapping his finger on the counter.

*** (Two hours and fifteen minutes later)

Aide, and Kitsune go into a large community civic center, and find a myriad of people talking about. Some even dressed up as the opposite sex. Though the idea that a lot enjoyed of wearing too much make up made them less female and more monstrous Jessebelle's with an insatiable appetite for beauty products. He was quite fine with his make up, not being heavy, and simple and easy. He felt to be a girl, one must do it as a girl. Not as a Man trying to be a girl.

He could hear the pleasant sounds of life coming from all around and a warmth fed his starving body and eased his body. Though he knew it had not been laid there he felt the world lifted from his back, and now he himself was being carried by some one else. What he had no realized was that he infact had been lifted from the ground and a large Lion smirked down at him. He had broad shoulders and but no mane to speak of, wearing nothing but a pair of ripped jean shorts and a ripped white T-shirt.

"Well A' There Princess" Until it's mouth opened he didn't know it was a female who had brought him from the ground.

"Oh my" The fox retorted.

"Eh, don't worry lass', I tend to sweep the ladies off their feet and plop em' back down in my bed" She bore a grin and though her sexual escapades of a lesbian nature were complementative, they made the fox very uncomfortable as Aide giggled about his plight.

"I'm sorry you're frightening Adrian" Aide said approaching the lioness.

"Eh, This ur' girl en'?" Asked the lion placing the fox on his feet once more, and the Vulpine nearly tripped on it's high heels.

"Actually, if we're saying it that way, I'm his girl"

The lioness seemed to have had it's tongue clipped by the feline this day too, as she stood and stared at the fox for a moment who simply gave an awkward blushing smile.

"Well I'll be damned" She said walking off and scratching at her short hair.

"Oh Ma' Lloyd" The Fox said giving out a gasp "She was gonna make me lick her Jai' Nee".

"Eh, I'm sure you're good with your tongue" Aide waved it off and grabbed at the fox's Wrist "Now come on, let's go talk to your tribe of Limp wristed Cock and Ass Wranglers over on the center stage".

Though Kitsune knew somewhat, to expect such over the top appearances, he had however not expected to see every stereotype, of species, and Sexuality in one place. He looked out and saw a familiar set of people. A Cougar, was wearing a white T-shirt, with a tight denim Jean jacket atop it, and a short denim skirt, and beside him, was a doll-like dressed, Rabbit, with blonde doll like curled hair, in a blue Elizabethan dress with a matching parasol in paw, and a blue flower hat upon it's head. They had almost slipped his view, he nearly took them for a set of lipstick lesbians who were simply just enjoying the show. But the two waved at him from the distance. It was Tyler Stillwell, and The Rabbit from the party.

He waved back and to be able to be caught though in his female attire disheartened him a bit, but Aide started to tug upon his arm, as a slightly older fox approached him wearing a leather restraint and black latex looking undies. He had a beautiful body, well toned abdomen and sweet green eyes.

"Hmmm...." He said putting a finger to his lips "You must be the GLS, peeps, Well hun, I expected a fox but you are one stunning piece of ass". The fox went for Aide rubbing paws down her hips, and her face became as red as a strawberry.

"Oh yes, you're sexy!" The fox said giving a grin "Nice on the eyes too and boy oh boy, You got a nice bump ta' ya' rump".

"E-excuse me" Kitsune said holding up a finger "Th-That's Aide...She's my friend. I am Kitsune Y. Warui".

"Huh? I thought you were a gurl" The fox said giving a raise of his eye brow and looking back at Aide "Sorry bout' that doll. But boy you lil' fox make me ashamed ta' be gay in the same room as you. You are soooo gay, I thought you were straight. Nice Ta' meet you, I'm Thomas, I heard aallll about you in the paper, girl, I used to have a gay union, at FU too".


"Yeah, I lead it. How Funny that you're a fox" He laughed and waved his paw around "Ooooh gosh, and a girly one too, who'd've guessed!"

"Yeah" Kitsune smiled, his self esteemed raised, though he slowly grew paranoid that it may just be a ploy to make him feel better. His ears drooped a little and he looked around.

"Awww, come on hun, can't be matchin' the goth look with a goth face on this day!" Thomas said grabbing at the fox's waist "Now those, black lips better be smilin', or wrapped around a penis, cuz' we ain't frownin' today! Today, We gay, and we Say hurray! Got that?"

Kitsune felt excited just by hearing Thomas, who seemed to have the self esteem of a feral peacock. Just past Tom, a well built Tiger was walking over with messy brown hair. He smacked at Thomas' rump and the fox leaned back into the feline's large chest. He was wearing only a pair of jeans and he was a handsome behemoth.

"Eh, Babe, Gimme a kiss, you've been fawnin' all over tha' other boys" Said the lion, pressing his lips down, into the fox's who was leaning back enough to kiss. The kiss broke and the fox let out a sweet ecstatic breath.

"Oh sorry this would be My man" The fox said "His Name is Mark Ather, We Met at FU during our Senior Year".

"Oh you two are adorable" Mark Said looking over Thomas' head "Both of you boys? If so maybe we could talk about somethin' somethin' after the parade".

"Fraid' not handsome" Said Aide "Got no cock to speak of".

"Sept' for you're pretty girlfriend's over there" Thomas said pointing to Kitsune who was close to Aide, feeling less uncomfortable near a friend "He's huggin' to you like a foot long cock".

"Heh, we don't go out"

"Oh I couldn't have figured that one out" Mark rolled his eyes.

"Don't be a bitch" Thomas said.

"Nah' that's you're job, isn't it"

"Damn right, baby"

"You going to join me on the float baby?" Thomas asked pawing up at Mark's cheek.

"Sorry hun, Still ain't comfortable with the attention. I'm shy ya' know"

"Sept' for that time under the restaurant table"

There relationship prodded at Kitsune. They talked, they touched, and they seemed so comfortable with one another. A chemistry he wanted. Thomas walked forward and waved his paws around for a little bit, and each of the furs began to look to one another, and left the large center.

"Time to go fellas!" Thomas said looking at the furs on the stage with him "Follow me to the floats, Let's make this exciting".

"Okay" Kitsune said to himself falling in behind the rest of the group of furs. There were far more than he imagined, Had he not stumbled across the fact that this much larger, far more well planned parade was going on, he'd have never succeeded in pulling it through. He felt like he was a failure on his own riding on the backs of other's triumphs. He shook his head and tried to enjoy the day and not let his mistakes pull him down.

Outside it was still quite temperate, and Kitsune looked to the right to see the parade floats lined up and saw the one that he was to ride on. He didn't recognize the other furs already atop it save for Nikolas and Joshua. Both were wearing matching white short skirted dresses, with red bands around the abdomen. Joshua and Niko both waved towards Kitsune who hesitated for a moment and then drew himself up onto the float.

"Hey, oh, you're gonna love what we did" Said Joshua with an ecstatic tone "Tyler Stillwell, and his boo, are gonna be on the float with us".

"What!?" The names very iteration had left the fox nervous. He could feel the tug of his tail by aide and he quickly spun protecting it, and looked directly at her with a confused look.

"Tyler Stillwell? The writer dude?" Aide said flicking at her own ear "As in, the one who you totally wet dream about".

"I've never-"

"You talk about the book a lot " Shrugged the cat.

"It's a good book" Said the fox.

"I always thought so" Came a light voice from behind Kitsune. The fox turned around quickly to see Jessica standing in front of him looking him directly in the eyes. The rabbit had an innocence about it, and it's fur was so pearly brilliant it nearly blinded the fox.

"It's my favorite work" Said Jessica "It got me interested in Ixomian and Larcian History".

"Wh-where's tyler?"

"Where's Ty, Where's Ty" The bunny gave out a huff and wiggled it's body "Ooo, sorry nervous chill, never done this in front of so many people before. Anywho, he's talking to Thomas real quick".

"S-so...how is Stillwell, as a boyfriend?"

"Excellent" Replied the rabbit "I don't think I could ever be happier....You know I met him while I was going to FU myself".

"How old are you"

"Tah tah, no no, you don't ask a lady her age, Mon Petite Amis'" Replied the bunny. Kitsune's french wasn't as good as he'd like it to be but he was certain, the Rabbit had called him a little friend. Kitsune gave out a slight chuckle at the thought of the Bunny who stood an inch shorter than him calling him such a name.

A ringing came from the rabbit's purse, which hung on a sort of clip attached to the dress, and Jessica opened it and pulled out a phone.


Kitsune couldn't make out the words on the other end but the voice was Definitely Tyler's.

"Oh...You sure? I can come with you-"

"No I'd be fine-"

"Okay...Thank you. I'll meet you at the coffee shop" Jessica's ears drooped slightly "Y-you want me to tell him after the parade, or get him to come to the shop?"

"Okie dokie, it'll be a nice surprise" Said Jessica "It'll be good endorsement anywho....Yeah I know you don't care but it's still good for you. Okay, love you. Bye bye bye".

Before Kitsune Realized it music began to pulse all around him from speakers attached to light poles, and the float was beginning to move.

"Sorry dear, Ty had to go to a book signing he had forgotten about" Jessica said shaking his head "But don't let that bother you! Look at all the people".

Kitsune didn't need the rabbit to tell him. His eyes were already looking upon the faces of crowded individuals, most smiling and enjoying themselves. However some people out near the alley ways had protest signs.The floats were slow, but it gave the fox time to warm himself. He felt his hips grabbed by familiar hands, and he felt Aide's cheek rest against his.

"Dance sweetie" Said Aide Moving the fox's hips for him "The people love you".

"I just don't wanna look-"

"Kit there are forty year old men wearing lingerie in the crowd, and they aren't as nervous as you" She snapped and then gave a smile, letting go and Kitsune could feel his body moving to the beat of the pulsing rythms that flowed forth from the stereo systems hooked up. His heart pounded quickly but as he got in sync with the music, he felt most thought leave his head and he felt far more comfortable, his heart calmed and he felt relaxed and at home.

The myriad of Furs who were dancing, drinking and shouting happily, Pleased Kitsune. He felt so good, to have their eyes, even just to glance upon him. The smiles heated his soul, and he closed his eyes and felt himself taken away in ecstasy.The crowd around the parade area was large, and very energetic. Furs would leave the sidewalks and get beside the floats, dancing, jumping, doing tricks. Kitsune noticed people winking up at him and blowing kisses, even some licking their lips. At him or not, he still felt good to see them. He was carried away into pleasure, by the sound of music, and the movement of all the men and women around him. A tremor of excitement made him feel indestructible, and untirible.

Nikolas was drawing close to him and the fox, grabbed him from the front by the hips and began to dip forward. Kitsune moving downward trying to play into the dance.

"Wanna have a repeat session of last night My fiery vixen"

"I don't think-"

"And That's good, you won't need to" Said Nikolas licking his tongue over the fox's neck, who shivered at the feeling of the wet muscle drawing over his vulnerable neck.

"N-n-Please stop"

"Oh, never baby" Said Nikolas.

Kitsune slowly moved himself forward so his snout rest against the otter's nose, a fiery and determined look in his eyes as he grinned. The otter looked surprised. Kitsune moved both his arms upward to break the otter's grip on his hips, and he slowly danced in retreat shaking his finger, with his lips pursed. The fox then turned so his back was to the otter bent slightly and smacked his own bottom, and quickly turned about to lick his lips.

"No one, treats me with such disrespect twice" The fox said quiet enough for only he and the otter to hear "find someone else".

Kitsune felt a rush through his body as his heart fluttered sweetly, at his own words. He felt invincible, and for once he had some respect for himself. He could hear applauds and felt the quick paw of Aide smack into his bottom giving him a jump.

"Good boy" Aide said, dancing around him. The fox was shocked to know she had heard the conversation. Shouts of excitement and applause came from the crowd beside them. Kitsune smiled and blushed lightly and ran a paw through his hair, then quickly got himself to start moving to the music once more.

*** (three hours later)

The parade was drawing near the university, and the sun was beginning to set. It was a beautiful sight. A large sea of brilliant ruby opened up against the background of the atmosphere, it began to slowly be feasted upon by the darkness of the impending night.

Only a dedicated bunch of furs still followed the floats. But there were still a lot enough to make it difficult to think. Kitsune was beginning to realize he was still in fact mortal and he knew he would be sore after this night was done. He then heard a shout from behind him. He turned around to see a large, brown fur, wearing a balaclave club Joshua over the head with a bat. Kitsune let out a gasp of shock before he felt something bludgeon the back of his head, he went down to his knees, and looked up to see Aide rush towards him and push just as a pipe drew near to his head.

A large man fell backwards off of the float with a loud thud and a grunt of pain. Kitsune stood but was not able to manage words of thanks to the cat, who simply nodded and pointed, towards Joshua who was about to be hit Again. Kitsune looked around quickly and picked up the pipe throwing it towards the brown fur. It met his head and he fell down. Kitsune quickly jumped off of his float and heard screaming all around. He landed on top of the one who had fallen off just a moment ago, and began to pull the mask off of the assailant.

He gave a furious look as he met the eyes of a panther he knew all too well.

Jerry gritted his teeth and pressed his boot into Kitsune's chest, ripping part of his dress and flinging the small mammal backwards. Jerry stood up and gave out a shout, and rammed his shoulder into Kitsune knocking him to the side. Jerry had begun to run off towards the FU dormitories. Kitsune got up and went to run but his wrist was grabbed by Aide, he Jerked free and began to run off.

"Call the police!" Kitsune said not understanding what forced him into pursuit. Aide nodded and quickly pulled out her cell phone, but as she did she could hear sirens already starting to draw near. Once she knew that she looked around and saw some familiar faces. Hunter, Inali, Jessica, Micah, Ryan and Micheals, all had gathered near her.

"We've gotta go!" Inali said with determination.

"Come the fuck on pussies!" Said Micah grabbing a baseball bat and starting to run off "Nobody hurt's ma' friend!"

The group had begun to chase after, Kitsune, who was already half way across the courtyard, just feet behind Jerry. Kitsune's feet burned and his dress was ripping as he ran with feral speed toward his attacker. Jerry reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a shining metal object, pointed it towards Kitsune as he ran and pulled the trigger. With a loud crack, and a flash like lighting it went off, and grazed by Kitsune who didn't stop, now taken into an insatiable fury.

His feet pattered against the grass, his teeth gritted and his heart racing in a frantic fervor. The sun up high beginning to burn in the darkness which consumed it.The group behind them however realized the severity of the situation all too well.

"Sh-shit, I can't keep up" Micah said gasping as he ran.

"Micah go call the police, tell them, that a shot was fired at your friend who was chasing after-" Aide spoke quickly.

"I know I know" Micah said stopping and gasping and pulling a phone from his pocket fumbling with the numbers.

Meanwhile, Kitsune and Jerry drew close to the anthropology building, and Jerry broke in through the glass doors, shards flying onto the sterile white floors of the inside. Skeletal remains of humans stood in cases. Plastic figurines of Menacing hunters with rifles and knights, as well as other humans stood in display at the entrance. Jerry went through a door which said, rooftop on it and began to run up a set of steps. Kitsune jumped through the already broken window and followed up the steps after the sound of the retreating panther.

Jerry burst onto the roof finally. Building materials, and bricks laying all around he made his way for the edge of the roof and looked around. All he saw was hanging platforms and paint materials. He had hoped for a fire escape. He gritted his teeth and held the gun firm in his hand. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Shit shit shit" He said to himself "Fucking fag!"

Kitsune stepped out onto the roof an anger filling his eyes as he looked upon Jerry.

"You!" Shouted Kitsune gritting his teeth and snarling "You will pay!"

"Don't you come any closer, I'll fuckin' shoot your mother Fuckin' head off, got me!?"

Kitsune could see the worry on Jerry's face. The feline's glance every moment looking at the edge of the roof, and his stance uneasy. Kitsune began to walk towards the panther calling a bluff at the AGF leader's threat. His heart beat into his chest violently, and he knew not what he was going to do when he was close to the Man but knew his body and mind willed it.

He was within seven feet of the panther when he saw Jerry close his eyes and his paw start to shake. Then came a loud BANG, and all time seemed to stall. Kitsune felt a brief moment where even his heart beat stopped. Though he knew it could not be all time slowed, as he saw the metal object fly forth from the gun and meet at his chest, where lay his violently fluttering heart. He looked down giving a gasp, and pulled his paws up to his chest, to see blood against his palms. His vision began to blur, and a blackness began to swarm around him. His legs grew unsteady, and his breathe slowing. He felt nothing but hate, hate and sorrow. He still looked violently upon Jerry who now was shaking his head muttering something.

No sound was making its way into Kitsune's ears, as he looked over towards Jerry, His eyes closed and his arms shook. He closed his eyes for a moment, curious of why he was still able to breath. Off in the distance, Aide, looked up towards the roof, with the other group with a paw to her mouth, and tears struck her cheeks as they did of each fur in the group. She began to shake her head hoping time would draw back, hoping to awaken from a fitful slumber. Praying for anything to happen but what she thought she was looking upon. Inali burst from the group into the building.

The sun was setting quickly, and the sky appeared as if it had been set aflame. Choas was encircling all around the campus of the college, and yet Kitsune felt calm as he slowly drifted into another place. Legs still standing strong, and his eyes still closed, his mouth giving out breathes, hot, slow, quivering breathes. There was for just a moment a pause and then; nothing.