In the nick of time... A Wolf and Panther are rivals who use Time travel to seek and end to their Rivalry... A interesting idea rp'ed with me by... Fvitane... Thank buddy

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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In the nick of time!

The big white Wolf snickered, as he prepared himself for the time jump. It was late at night and he was sitting up alone in his room. Murmuring the mystical words that would cause him to be propelled back in time. He'd made sure everything was in place, had a period photo of his target! And thanks to all his planning, he should know almost exactly where he needed to go. He smirked ruefully as he went over his plan one last time... he was going to go back in the past. Find his rival's father... and castrate him before he had a chance to get laid! Thus insuring that the jerk that had given him so much trouble would Never be born!

Unbeknownst to the white Wolf however, his rival was watching and mimicking his every gesture! Intending to go back to the past as well... to try and stop the Wolf's parents somehow first...

Toby the sleek Black Panther smirked as he watched his rival flicker and begin to vanish. Even as his own sleek body faded into nothing, as the magic spirited him back over the years. To the town when it was much smaller... sitting atop a hill. The sleek feline looked down at the lights... he had arrive at dusk it would seem...

The white wolf flickered in and stood outside the old convenience store. It was still operated in his time, but now it looked much newer. The Fox who owned it in his time, was only a teenager now... it the Fox's father at the counter. Fenris grinned at the young fox trying to look like he was working, but stood with his pants tented staring at the adult magazine covers. The wolf snickered and figured maybe he should do something about such a naughty young fox stud later. The big Wolf sauntered in and asked calmly.

"Excuse me... perhaps you could help me... I'm looking for a friend of mine..." The older Fox looked up sharply at the newcomer... startled to see a new muzzle in so small a town.

"Errr... Oh good evening..." He greeted his shopkeeper's pleasant nature quickly hiding his surprise. "Ahem... and who is it you might be looking for?"

"He's a Black Panther, big stud of a guy goes by the name of Derrick." The white Wolf smiled softly and tried to look polite. Hoping he wasn't showing off to many of his predatory characteristics. "We hung out while he was at an away game, and I was in town and hoping to get in touch with him."

"Derrick..." The older Fox repeated. "Oh yes I know him well... He assured as he glanced around at the clock on the wall behind him. "It's getting on towards evening, I figure he'll be heading up to Maggie's place soon." The Shopkeeper assured. "He's been courtin' her for some time now..." "He'll be walking up Main st from his place to hers just go over to main you won't miss him!" The Fox promised, the grinning Wolf.

"Thanks Chief, maybe I'll stop by later before you close and chat you up a bit more, but I'm eager to see my old buddy." The big Wolf waved as he hurried out of the shop and down towards main street. Thinking as he did that unfortunately Maggie was going to be rather disappointed with her boyfriend tonight. As he spotted walking down the small towns street, the well built father of his rival. The tall sleek Black Panther was strutting his stuff like he was king of the town. And he probably felt like it, seeing as he was captain of the football team. Flaunting his letterman jacket and than the bulge in his tight jeans. Fenris smirked and tried to figure out the best approach he should take.

The sleek Black Panther knew a little secret... one that his Wolf rivals father had let slips to the wrong ear's! He'd gotten his wife pregnant be accident on their very first encounter... And now Toby planned to see to it that it was his seed that did that trick. The gray Wolf had gotten his white bitch drunken, and taken advantage of her! But Toby knew right where to be... and sure enough there she was! Quickly he pulled her away and into a secluded spot. As not far away Derrick strolled up the street towards his future mates house.

Fenris continued to stalk the big Black Panther from the shadows, trying to figure out the best way to proceed. When he saw his own home, and knowing they hadn't changed the locks, so he still had a key. He just had to lure the dumb Panther into the house and do the rest in secret! After all, no one was home his dad was out at this very moment courting his mom. He'd always been told romantic stories how they'd met in some bookstore, and one thing had led to another. And due to some of his father's shortcomings... he didn't pull out in time.

However that wasn't quite the case, and as the big grey Wolf stalked through the bar. Looking for the girl he'd been buying drinks for so he could finally get lucky for once. All on a stupid bet from one of his rivals, that he couldn't lose his virginity that very night!

As the big sleek black feline was strolling by a quite dark house... he heard a soft whistle. Looking around he saw the door swing slowly open, and heard that soft whistle once again. Was that his girlfriend... she always used that when she was sneaking him into her room late at night. "Hey baby... is that you?" The Black Panther called softly as he stepped up to the door of the house. He had to admit it was a pretty kinky idea, breaking into someone else's house and having sex on their stuff. He checked once more to make sure no one else was watching, and then he stepped into the dark house. "Where are you honey, the master bedroom?" He shuffled around, letting his eyes adjust to the dark, his stiff, eager member clouding his judgment. He didn't see the shadow behind him pick up the snow shovel from the closet and swing it at his head.

'BONG!' Was only a distant sound, in the sea of blackness that swept over the big feline jock as he collapsed. The white Wolf smiled and dragged the helpless stud into the kitchen, laying him up on the table. As he searched for a sharp knife to end his rivals heritage before it began.

Even as the white Wolf bitch pulled the horny young Panther into the back door and led him to the den. Stretching out on the sofa, as the feline ran his paw up her inner thigh's finding her hot wet sex! The scent of her season was strong in his pink feline nose. The bitch was just drunk enough to be a real slut for whatever male was interested! The house was virtually sound proof, so neither time traveler knew, that the other one was just a couple rooms away. Unfortunately for the Wolf... it was the Panther who had the upper hand at that moment. Because while the white Wolf was digging around for equipment he could use to nut the Panther's young father. The future Panther was already setting his own plan into motion. His jeans and boxers down around his ankles, he hadn't even stripped himself fully! Knowing time could be of the essence, he needed to lay his seed in that hot Wolfress before anything could happen. Both of them were growling softly, because of the hot steamy sex that was happening! The young Panthers long thick spiky feline cock was working wonders on that lupine pussy!

All the while the Wolf searched and searched for any utensil to demale the helpless feline jock stud. Unfortunately for him his Panther rival quickly came... sealing the Wolf's fate. With that lewd action a strange set of-events began to take place. Immediately the white wolf felt a strange reaction within his pants, like he was getting horny. But something else was happening down there as well... He'd at last found a nice big carving knife and was standing between Derrick's wide spread leg's reaching up to that hot floppy crotch... When his world began to dance before his eye's... the white Wolf felt a strange sensation within his pants! Almost like he was getting horny, but that something else was happening down there as well! His jaw dropped as those strange sensation grew stronger, making him drop the Panthers junk and grab his own! Which were tingling and burning as they withered within his grasp! Meanwhile the young Panther was still humping away within the white Wolf bitch! Grinning savagely as he coated her insides with his thick feline cum. This would definitely change his white Wolf rivals future, he just wasn't sure how. However Fenris was finding out just how much his world was about to change first hand. He howled out as the odd sensations spread across his body, but centered in his shrinking groin. He frantically pulled down his pants and stared at his tented briefs! The sheer white fabric becoming baggier by the second, while his precious male hood inverted. The Wolf's entire body structure was being altered. Instead of growing up to be the white Wolf stud, he should be in the future. His rival had intervened, and he was now becoming a Panther/Wolf hybrid bitch. He howled at the irony, and wondered what he'd done to mess this up so badly. Not realizing he'd led his rival right to the place he needed to be, and sealed his own doom, rather than sealing the Panther's.

A sudden wave of dizziness and weakness swepted over the Wolf and she collapsed atop the unconscious Derrick! Realizing that if she just went ahead with her plan, none of this would ever happen. Because the panther would never have been born her numb fingers fumbled from the knive! But the unconscious Derrick was waking up... feeling a hot semi naked body atop him. The big feline grasp it and rolled over, suddenly her unconscious victim was awake and on top of her. Pinning her down with his weight, hot, hard male organ throbbing against her leaking sex! The big Wolf jock realized she was now a sleek girl with pert breasts, and her body was overcompensating for all the years of devleopment that had happened instantly. The bitch's body surged with arousal as she started entering her heat! All the heats she should have had at once, making her super fertile. If the Panther even let one tiny squirt into her, she'd most likely get pregnant. However she was too weak to do anything, to stop the Panther's father, as the big cat on top of her made his plans. First he'd take care of this wolfess, then he'd go visit his girlfriend and give her the night he'd promised her. And unbeknownst to the Wolf, his panther rival was standing there in a dark corner, a video camera in his paw ready to capture it all. The future Panther chuckled in his head. 'Wow, the irony is just too perfect, that we both ended up in the same place.' 'And now I'm about to catch his/her humiliation on film.'

The big feline drew back his hip's, and speared his long thick organ into the strangely familiar looking black and white Wolf feline below him! She let out a loud howl, as that spiked organ thrust into her. Breaking her maidenhood and taking her virginity as it slid deep within her sex. Watery pre-cum already oozing from its tip... thousands of sperm swimming for her heat filled womb! Even before he had gotten near climaxing... out of the corner of her eye. She caught a glimpse of light glittering on glass and looking over just made out the dark figure with his video camera!

"Bastard..." she moaned as the big feline atop her thrust harder and faster. And she at last began to understand what had happened. She howled and moaned like a bitch in heat, unable to help herself as Derrick broke her in mercilessly. The big Panther holding the video camera, started to make silent bets as to how big a litter his rival was going to have to pop out when they got home. He knew it was going to be a large number either way, which made the situation all the sweeter. Because once that happened, even if the wolf got used to her new body and tried to have sex again. She wouldn't feel a thing... she would be numb after squeezing out that many pups! And would never be able to enjoy sex again. 'So you best enjoy my dad's dick now while you still can Wolfy.' The panther thought as he smirked, knowing he'd still have many years of sex ahead to enjoy.

The pleasure was beginning to get to her... she couldn't deny it! That huge hard cock sliding in and out of her... those big floppy nuts beating against her inner thighs! Involuntarily her back arched thrusting her sex up into those hard pounding thrusts, the big feline atop her sneered he could feel her getting into it! Could feel her heat burning against his organ... 'Gods it felt sooooooo good!' But then the big Panthers eyes shot open wide, as he felt that cold line of steel against his hot flesh!

"Wha?!?" He started to stammer, but then the shearing pain as that razor sharp edge sliced through his sack neck! "IEIEIEIEEEE!" Derrick leaping up off the bitch on the table, looking down in horror at his denuded crotch he screamed. "You ruined me you crazy bitch!" As across the room the younger Panther could only watch in terror through his camcorders eye piece as his father was neutered!

"Bye bye..." Fenris smirked up at his rival, one last act of vengeance! If he had to exist as a girl, then the Panther wouldn't exist at all. Not the ending he'd been hoping for by any means, but getting ahead was better than nothing. He watched his rival with eager eyes, wondering just how the cat would meet his end. The Panther grabbed his crotch moaning, he erected fully, even though he'd just cum. Then he stopped and smiled down at his rival gloatingly.

"Turns out someone has already got mother knocked up!" He snickered displaying his thick erection... before pouncing on his rival and wrestling the craving knife from her paw! "Now I think it's time we went home!" Releasing the spell the two of them leaped back across time...

The Funris's mother still lay in the den, wondering what all the shuffling in the kitchen was about, but too inebriated to move. She just lay there, and was idly wondering what became of her boyfriend. The white Wolf who'd taken her out for drinks in the first place. He was still at the bar, frantically asking every girl in the joint to sleep with him. He had a desperate look in his eye that chased away any he asked. He was just about to start asking the guy's out of desperation, when he heard the door jingle. And in stepped the Fox from the shop his former son had visited earlier. The Fox looked sly, holding a pocket watch in his paw.

"I don't even need to ask, from the look in your eye I can tell you still haven't gotten laid yet." "And that was the bet, so you know what happens now, step out to the car and we'll get this over with peacefully." The Fox flipped a little pocketknife expertly in his paw, grinning from ear to ear as he did so. He'd heard the wolf boasting at school that day about how hot his girlfriend was, but the Fox knew he hadn't gone all the way. So he played on the Wolf's ego and got him to make a ridiculous bet. If he couldn't lose his virginity, and prove it to the Fox before he got off his shift at work. Then the Wolf would lose his entire package. The big white Wolf hung his head ashamed of himself, ashamed that he'd not gotten laid. And even more ashamed he'd tried to get his girl so drunk she couldn't say no to him! Maybe he really deserved this... slowly he followed the grinning fox out to his car.