Finding yourself pt2. A Flame kindled

Story by Angel712 on SoFurry

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#2 of Finding yourself.

*Disclamer; only read this if your old enough in your state, if your not turn back now. If your under-age and read this it isnt my fault if you get caught. you have been warned!*

Jason woke up that morning feeling rather good about himself. he had thought all night about his new friend and had come to the realization that he may even like this guy, but for some reason this didn't bother him; it in fact felt right.

"What's that smell?" Jason said rolling out of bed. "Dad cooking this early?"

Jason got over to his bathroom looked in the mirror, and started his daily grooming he brushed his mane and tail neat grabbed a shirt and started down stairs. As soon as his hoof hit the first step he heard his cell phone.

"Hello?" He said grabbing the phone from his night stand.

"Hey." Said Ashlen. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, What's that?" Jason said just wanting to get off the phone and eat.

"Can you take the group to the mall?" Ashlen said pitifully "I don't want to pay a bus fair and you're the only one with a car."

Jason sighed "Sure I guess so"

"Yay!" ashlen said "what time?"

"As soon as I get done eating ill head over." Jason said lazily

"Ok everyone will be at my house!" ashlen said with a click

Jason hung up the phone and walked down stairs. He was greeted with his father holding a pan of pancakes and fried oats, a family favorite. Jason sat down and began to eat; breakfast was passed with short conversations between Jason and his father about things like school and the band till they came across the girl subject.

"So Jason,got any mares following you around any where yet?" Jason father asked him.

Jason coughed and almost chocked on his orange-juice. Clearing his throat he replied "nah. not yet dad." Jason couldn't help but to be on guard to keep from slipping up he didn't want to reveal how he was feeling to his father.

"Well that's okay just as long as you don't go for the stallions." Jason dad said jokingly.

Jason didn't laugh. He was lost in thought. What will he do if he finds out Jason wondered. Jason couldn't go live with his mom she lived only a county away but was never home and he couldn't go to the same school then. Jason just calmed down and laughed smiling at his father.

Kai was on his way over to Ashlen house, thankfully it was only a few blocks away but it still seemed like a long walk. Kai couldn't shake the thought from his head, he had been pondering to him self all week. The thought that haunted him the most is that he was actually now becoming attracted to guys and it all felt so weird, but for some reason he couldn't help it.

"Hey" a voice called from the side.

Kai looked up to see a lion outside bringing in packages from a van. The white house had been vacant for some time and it seemed that this family was moving In. The lion was slightly shorter than Kai but was more athletic looking, his muscle tone seemed like he was a serious athlete or body builder. His fur was a sandy brown and his mane was black with blonde bangs. His eyes were a jade green.

"Hey" Kai said back trying not to stare. "You new here?"

"Well yea" said the lion you live "around here?"

"Yea" said Kai "I live bout three houses down in that brick house."

Jason heard one of the lions family members call to the lion. The two parted ways with a wave, and Kai started walking back toward Ashlen's house. Upon arriving he was suprised to see ashlen on the porch. Kai walked up and sat on the steps in his normal fashion.

"Well hey there." Ashlen said to Kai.

"Sup" Kai said back in his usual laid-back manner.

"Well I have no idea where Kyle is and Jason should be here to pick us up In a few". She said.

"What we gonna do any way?" Kai said

"who knows whatever yall want" Jason said.

"Dang you!" Kai said, don't sneak up on me like that

"Sorry man its not my fault you cant hear." Jason said laughingly.

"Haha Kai said grabbing Jason up in the air and setting him back down" ruffling his mane.

"Oh yea see if I ever take you any where again" Jason said trying to straighten his mane.

"Gee guys grow up why don't ya?" Ashlen said with a smile.

The three then loaded up in the car and headed toward the mall. The ride over was filled with jamming to their favorite songs. As they got to the mall Jason let the other two out and went to find a parking spot. After finding one and taking a long walk to the door the three met up.

"Well what you guys wanna do?" Kai said.

"Well im looking to get a new fleece" said Kai, "mines getting a Lil worn."

Ashlen said back, "well I need some new clothes too so why don't we head over to the metal head?"

"Sure" said Jason. The metal head was the place to go for rock memorabilia and clothing. The place was large and ran locally, the owners of this place also owed the coffee shop so the gang knew the owners pretty well.

"Heh this shirt is perfect" ashlen said throwing a shirt over to Kai. The shirt read "I earned my stipes" Kai just threw it back with a smirk.

Jason grabbed a fleece pull-over and slipped it on. Its pattern was black with fire around the sleeves and had a silver horse silhouette and tp of that it had a song title by a certain prog-rock artist.

"Heh now that fits you pretty well" said a familiar voice from behind

Jason turned around to see leo. A smile crossed Jason face as he said simply, "hey"

"well you hang out around here to eigh" Leo said back with a smirk.

"Yea a lot actually". Jason said back

Jason payed for the fleece and went outside to wait for the others to get done shopping. Jason and leo set down on the bench outside and watched the bustling mass of furs and humans scurrying around.

"Well I really liked the show last night man." Leo said, "sorry I had to leave early I had to rush back home I didn't have my cell and I didn't have change, my folks are cool with me been out late as long as I call."

"Heh I know how that is" Jason said back, "I gotta check in every now and then. But why didn't you just ask me I had my cell."

"Well my parents have caller id and if they see someone they don't know they don't pick up." Leo said laughing, "there paranoid I guess."

Jason leaned back and sighed laughing, "man will those two ever got out of there. Im getting bored."

"Well I don't mind sitting" here leo said with a muffled laugh

this caused Jason to shake his head quickly and let out a light neigh." Is he hitting on me Jason thought to himself. Nah. he thought im just imagining it he didn't mean it like that". That was it he had to ask him. Jason leaned up

"hey leo?" He said gently. But was interrupted by Kai

"well you two seem like old friends." Kai said

"nah new acquaintances" leo said "names leo." Leo offered out a hand to Kai and Ashlen who both responded by shaking it. "Pleased to meet ya leo said."

"Well lets go to the food court" Kai said "im starving". Kai and Ashlen walked off ahead and left Jason and leo their on the bench. As Jason was getting up leo stopped him.

"Did you want to ask me something?" He said with a odd look.

"Nah." Jason smiled back nothing.

The two went to the food court and grabbed chairs at the table with their friends around a large pizza. A whole hour was taken up with conversations and thrown pepperoni. The fun was suddenly stopped when leo yelled out.

He looked back to the group "look guys im gonna have to go that's my cousin over there im staying the next two weeks with her, my folks are leaving tomorrow for a cruise. And with that leo bolted off toward a group of furs."

Jason thought he was forgetting something. He pitched in his money and Leos share for the pizza. Everyone loaded back out to the car. The cold moist night air was something Jason really liked. Everyone loaded up in the car and Jason rolled down the windows and commenced to ride their towns version of "the strip" after about half an hour of riding Jason went back to drop off ashlen and Kai at their houses. After dropping ashlen off at her house Jason dropped Kai of at his.

"Hey Jason I need ya to come inside and help me with some comp trouble Kai" said

"nah I cant I need to get home" ill call you when I get to the house.

And with that Jason went on to his house. On the way he was pondering his day and if he really wanted to ask leo so soon if he was gay, but how to do it he wondered to himself. Scenarios raced through his mind. Oddly he still felt he forgot something. After getting into his house, taking off his new shirt, and putting it on to wash he called Kai. After many crashed games and driver menus Jason stopped.

"Well there's your problem man you need to update drivers you for got to reinstall them when you changed video cards". Jason said

"oh; yea" Kai said embarrassed.

"Ah that's what I forgot to get." Jason sighed smacking his head

"what" Kai asked back.

"Leos number I forgot to ask leo his number". Jason shot back with ought realizing what he said.

"Wow said Kai if I didn't know any better I would think you were trying to get with him; is there something your not telling me?" Kai said jokingly.

Jason didn't answer instead he stayed silent.

Kai caught on. "Oh I, im sorry I; I didn't know I. His voice trailed off. Kai waited for ans answer all he got was a sudden click and a busy signal. In a hurry Kai hit speed dial

"Jason im sorry man I didn't know." He said as soon as the other line picked up.

"Huh?" Ashlen said I think you hit the wrong number.

"Oh" said Kai quickly and hung up.

Kai dialed Jason and waited for an answer instead he got the answering machine.

"Hey you got Jason I don't have my phone right now so leave a message". The answering machine blared out over the phone in Jasons' voice ending in a neigh.

"Hey man im sorry I didn't know, I wanna talk I need to tell you something."

Jason looked down to his ringing cell ad heard the ping for a missed voicemail. Man he thought to himself now he knows and he's gonna tell everyone that im gay, dangit he said, I cant believe it I haven't even found out if leo is or not. After about half an hour his cell rang again. The screen read ashlen.

Hmm well I guess I can talk to her its not like she knows. Jason picked up the phone and put it to his ear hello.

"Hey its Kai". kai said sternly

Jason neighed in protest

"don't hang up Jason" Kai said "I borrowed Ahlen's phone but she isn't around look man its okay and I want to talk to you."

"Well I don't want to talk." Jason said trying not to let Kai know he had been crying.

"Well it's a little too late im standing at your door". Kai said smugly "I took the bus."

Jason sighed. As he heard from the phone his dads voice saying "Sure he's upstairs".

"Hey" Kai said as he opened the door to Jason room. "Im sorry I didn't know but I thought you should know something."

Jason turned to Kai and pecked an ear to show he was listening.

"See" Kai said uncomfortably I. "Well I haven't been honest you see". At this Jason looked intently. Kai looked down, "im bi"

Jason stared at suddenly started laughing as he often did when he was frustrated. Ant to think I thought you were gonna tell everyone about me being gay.

"Well" Kai paused "you see I uh." The expression wiped from Jason face. "Heh im kidding" Kai said with a laugh.

Jason neighed and tackled Kai play-wrestling him to the ground. The two did this for a few minutes and stopped. Jason looked out his window which now had a perfect view of the full moon.

'This is what I love bout this room," he said deeply and reverently "bout this time every night the mon shows right through my window its comforting."

"You like him don't you" Kai interrupted.

"Huh" Jason looked down puzzled.

"Leo you like him don't you" Jason Kai said with a smile.

"Yea, yea I do" Jason said with a smile.

"Well it looks like im staying here then eigh Jason." Kai said "unless you wanna give me a ride back".

Jason neighed and threw Kai a five dollar bill, "here get a ride back home last time you stayed it took me forever to get the pizza stain off the wall."

Kai nipped and growled back "well fine ill go home".

After Kai left Jason stared at his ceiling fan, he rolled over and looked through the pictures in his cell, he had a few candid pics of leo but most where pose sets. I can feel it, he said, I know its right I know he likes me. And with that Jason turned off his light and went to bed for the first time in a long time with ought taking a shower.

The next morning Jason rolled over to look at his clock, dang its eleven-thirty he said groggily I need a shower. Jason got up took of his clothes and went toward the shower in his normal routine he turned on the water with ought looking to his normally perfect settings. Ah He jumped out just as quickly as he got in, well the showers still dead dang water heater. Jason got on his clothes and went downstairs. He greeted his father who was just getting up also.

"Well the water heater is still out". Said Jason.

"It works down stairs". Jason father said.

Jason rushed up stairs and got his clothes and grabbed a towel from his drawer. He ran back down stairs and got in the extra shower which was never used because it was only Jason ans his father In the four bed three bath house. Jason went thought his normal routine of washing his tail then his mane and then his tufts and coat. The thought of leo passed in his mind again, his blue eyes, his perfect mane and body. Jason had a hard-on taking this moment he reached down his right hand to his stallioness and took it firmly, his eight-inch member was rather small for his species and height, but then again he had never seen another one so he didn't realize. He thought of leo as best he could studying every inch of his body undressing him in his mind. Jason began to stroke slowly on his member, now imagining what leo would do to him. He sped up now dripping pre as the water cascaded down his chest, his dark and highlighted name was now covering his face, he tipped his head straight up and his tail twitched as he approached climax. His thoughts now shifted to what he wanted to do with leo. Jason started to breathe heavier as he came to full flare. He went harder feeling each last inch of his equine member. With one last stroke he came, his seed shot up and some landed on this muzzle, this he licked off and swallowed; the rest went down the drainpipe. Jason just stood there thinking for a second then rinsed off and got out of the shower.

Looking himself over he brushed his mane back ro its normal position and got dressed. Jason opened the bathroom door to the smell of fresh breakfast, he sat down in his chair and began to eat french toast.

"Hmm this is odd," Jason thought "dad cooking two days in a row?

"son" Jasons' dad said "we need to talk."

Jason froze, had his dad found out? What was going to happen?

"Yea bout what?" Jason said trying not to seem nervous.

"Something's come up, im going to have to leave tonight for Texas, I have to attend a meeting and tend to some company business" jasons father said.

"Oh? That's all?" Jason said sigh.

"Yea why?" his dad said back.

"Oh for a second there I thought I was in trouble." Jason said nervously.

"Heh you haven't done anything I should be worried about did you?" Jason father said inquisitively.

"Nah." Jason said. "Not yet" he thought to himself.

The rest of the day went by quickly. Jason wondered why Kai hadn't called back yet. Monday morning started just like any other Monday, that is till Jason went to school.

"Hey there, you okay?" Ashlen said as Jason came walking up.

"Yea" Jason said why wouldn't I be?

"Well Kai just borrowed my phone to get a'hold of you." Ashlen said

"yea he uh . Left something in the car that's all". Jason said nervously.

"Oh okies" Ahlen answered.

Kai and Jason seemed closer than ever, they spent even more time together with each other. After announcing that they would all have to take the truck Friday, at Wednesday band practice, Kai asked Jason to stay be hind for a few.

"Yea" Jason asked Kai,

i"m just wondering" Kai said with a sly "smile your looking foard to the show this friday right."

"Oh yea" Jason said with a smile "oh yea"

Kai laughed as he gathered his stuff up.

The next day and a half seemed like an eternity to Jason. There were so many things shooting through his head. He just wanted to go to the show. Finally the last bell of the week sounded and everyone flooded out of their large school towards the buses and cars. The band met up at the truck and each loaded in. Jason headed back to his house to get the trailer and afterwards went on the rounds to get everyones'' instruments. This was a big day the shop would have the best bands around. This show even started early. Arriving at the shop the band loaded their stuff into the back behind the stage in the employees only room. It seemed odd to be getting ready so early. But the crew went their separate ways early and went on to change, everyone was surprised when they saw a crowd already formed waiting for the show to start. The guys went into the bathroom to change, something about this felt odd to Jason for a change, now that it was known between two of the friends about their preferences it made tings a little different. As he was taking of his shirt Jason paused. Kai looked up to say "what it aint like were gay or anything you seem nervous". Jason said nothing but instead went ahead and took his shirt off, it was suprising to Jason that Kai could still joke about it and seem the same as normal. Just then the door opened, it was leo, he paused at the sight of Jason shirtless, the two made eye contact for what felt like a minute but in reality only a few seconds. Woah sorry leo said closing the door. Kyle then walked out having already changed. Kai and Jason looked to each other and let out a short laugh.

It was their show first so the band went up, plugged in their instruments after getting them from backstage and then commenced the sound check. Jason smiled down at leo every few minutes and Oddly leo smiled back. Finally they started their song set. Just before the last song started when Kai interrupted.

"I want to dedicate this next song to two friends of mine who hopefully will soon be together" Kai said with a smile "here's our song forever written by Jason thunders over here."

Jason just smirked and started into his power-ballad esc intro, he started the vocals and sung hard when it came time for his solo he attacked the notes hard and articulate getting every bend right and every sweep dead on. He ended the song and as soon as the final note rang out the audience applauded and flashed the rock sign all over. Leo reached up for a high five and Jason gave it to him

after moving their gear off the stage and loading it up they ran back into the crowd to catch the end of the next band playing. Jason met up with leo and the two started head banging to the band up. They then tried the moshpit, Jason went around till he struck some in the rear, after realizing it was leo he dashed of to the side before leo could notice. The bands went until nine o clock Jason, along with everyone else was then throughly tired. Then came the highlight of the night, the announce meant of the band winner this night, the best band that played all month. The announcement came with much applause but sadly it was not Jason and his group. The winning band played one more song and the crowd left out. Kai stayed to talk to a friend of his and Kyle left with a few friends. Ashlen just stood off to the side looking over at Jason periodically. When the three went outside they say leo close his phone, stomp his hoof and neighed angrily.

"What's wrong leo" Jason asked.

'Oh nothing its just that was my uncle saying that he couldn't come pick me up, and the buss stop is a while off from here. If I don't get there in time I wont be able to get in the house cause he is leaving for the pub in like ten minutes" leo said sighing.

"Do you have anyone else to stay with" Kai said looking over at Jason.

"No." Leo said sternly

"uh you can stay the night with me." Jason said after a hinting nudge from Kai.

"Uh Sure let me call my dad first" leo said trying to hold back his excitement. "Ill tell him what happened im Sure he wont mind."

Leo went off to the side and called his father, Kai just smiled and walked of to the truck followed by Ahlen. Well it looks like im riding with you then Jason Kai said. Jason simply answered with a smirk after dropping every one else off at their houses and a brief good luck from Kai Jason carried himself and his new friend to his house. Upon arriving Jason unlocked the door.

"Hmm your dad isn't home?" leo asked


"nah he's off on a business trip for a few days he should be back next Friday". jason said with a smile

After entering the two went upstairs to Jason room. Jason explained that he was going to take a shower, after handing leo the remote. While in the shower Jason contemplated exactly what to say and exactly what to do. He was so nervous he was shaking severely after washing and drying off Jason put on a white shirt and camouflage shorts something he had worn infront of the guys before but thought nothing about. Before going out the door into his room Jason took a deep breath. Jason opened the door and walked in to a seemingly startled leo.

"Hey Jason" leo said looking up

"hey leo" Jason said.

"You have a night shirt and some sweat pants or something that would fit me" leo asked shyly

"yea" Jason said trying not to blush were bout the same height "it might be a little big on you though."

"S'ok" leo said grabbing the clothes from Jason and walking toward the bathroom. Jason sat down on his leather bean bag couch and watched tv planning his move and trying to get the nerve up to make that move. Finally after what seemed like half an hour leo came out of the bathroom. Jason perked his ears up for some reason the sight of leo in his clothes was Oddly entice in fact he could feel his member slowly gaining. Leo sat down beside Jason in a odd pose and started to watch the movie that was on. Jason payed no attention to the movie and Finally got the nerve to say something.

"Uh leo?" Jason said shyly

"yea Jason" leo answered with a ever so slight smile

"have you ever had a feeling, one that was odd, ya know not what most would call normal?" Jason said increasingly shy and nervous.

"Yea I have many times" leo said trying not to blush.

"And have you ever wanted to act on these actions?" Jason said with a gulp.

"Yea many times especially recently, why do you ask Jason.?" Leo said tilting his head to the left.

"Because so have I". Jason said putting his hand on leo's right thigh looking him straight in the eye.

Leo paused, smiled, and looked down to Jason. He let out a cute short neigh, closed his eyes and reached down to kiss Jason. Their lips met in what seemed to each like a colliding of worlds, in a flood of emotion Jason's eyes widened then closed, he put his hand be hind leo's head and the couple shared their first, intimate kiss. Jason could feel leo's boner growing making a noticeable bulge in his pants. With a smile Jason broke off the kiss, looked leo in the eye and began to slip his pants off. Leo took his shirt off and Jason was surprised my the moonlight figure of his now-lover. Jason was now staring at leo's member with another kiss he reached down and took his lovers member in hand; just like he had so many times did his own, and began to stroke down on it feeling his lovers warmth. Leo responded by slightly nibbling Jason lip and letting out a deem neigh. Leo reached down to Jason pants and slid them down. Revealing Jason fully flared member. Jason looked down to his and then back at leo's and blushed slightly.

Don't worry leo said softly, I don't care.

Jason smiled and blushed as he returned to stroking his lovers cock which now was leaking pre, leo started to breathe heavily, he tipped his head all the way back and let out a neigh, glad with his lovers pleasure Jason increased intensity. Leo responded with a deep kiss punctuated with his heavily breathing and short neighs. Jason could feel his lovers cock pulse and new his lover was close to cumming. Jason slowed down and waited for his lovers cock to settle down a little, at this Jason sped up and increased in intensity causing his lover to let out a loud neigh spurting his seed, and thrusting his hips. Some of his seed landed on Jason lip, this he licked, savoring the taste of his lover, he swallowed this down. He then reached his muzzle down to his lovers chest and licked the seed clean from it, he rose up his lovers chest till they met muzzles in a deep, passionate kiss. Your turn leo said whispering in his lovers ear. Leo reached his muzzle down to his lovers member, leo licked the pre from it and savored its taste. The heat of Leos breath caught Jason by surprise and caused his member to twitch. Leo simply smirked and took the head of it into his mouth. Jason eyes widened as he took a deep breath, he had felt nothing like this before, leo then took the rest of his lovers length in savoring every inch. He started sucking and moving his head up and down slowly on his lovers shaft. This caused Jason to neigh loudly and buck his hips slightly, he had never felt this and it was so good, he closed his eyes and tensed his legs. Leo started to suck harder and move faster, with Jason now dripping pre, leo could feel his lovers cock pulse and new he was about to cum but he didn't slow down. With a buck of his hips and a rather loud and slightly high pitched neigh, Jason shot his seed into the waiting mouth of his lover. L.. Leo he said trying to catch his breath. Leo then looked up and kissed his lover deeply. Jason took a pillow, propped it against the head of his bed and leaned his back on it, his lover laying on top of him. The two simply stared there at each other, looking into one anothers' eyes, to each his newfound lover radiated and light by the moonlight shining in through the window. They shared passionate kiss after passionate kiss both finally feeling complete and true to them selves. Jason then noticed a scar on leo's right peck, the scar was about six inches long and very thin.

Hun, Jason said what happened there.

Leo got a serious look on his face as a tear came to his eye, ill tell you later, right now lets just kiss and sleep.

Jason smiled back and kissed his lover, after a few short minutes Jason looked down at his lover who was now asleep, he smiled, rested his head on leo's and fell off to sleep embraced with his new love.

*Tell me what you think, ill get part 3 soon*
