Star of Freedom

Story by Dismolia on SoFurry

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*A rather more dark story than my last. This story does contain death.

(Disclaimer: All the characters are my creations and there for belong to me.)

Please read and I hope you enjoy.*

Star of Freedom


Every breath was more jagged than the last. Breathing was painful. Moving was even more painful. His ear was ringing and his eye was out of focus. He was going to die and there was nothing he could do about it. He was pinned. Pined to the wall by a piece of lead piping which was now sticking out of his side. He had used his free paw to pull out the rough shards of glass which had cut him to pieces and was now clutching it over the wound in his temple which had blinded his left eye and burned his ear off. He couldn't feel or see his legs and he was faintly aware of the orange shimmer of fire steadily coming closer.

He was going to die and that was that. He only willed death closer.

His name was George Davies.


A couple of hours earlier


"Yes sir"

"Hurry it up"

"Sorry sir. Here you are sir."

"No, too small, next size up!-

I said next size up! Stay with is George! We don't have time to mess around! This airship won't run its self!"

"Sorry sir"

George pulls himself out from under several pipes and leans towards a box of tools. His face is splattered with grime and his paws are covered with dirt filled cuts.

"Have you got it yet!?" Georges boss, Mr Tieman, High Mechanic of the great airship 'STAR OF FREEDOM' yelled at him.

George grabs the spanner from the box, "got it! Oops!" the spanner had slipped from his oil stained paws and had fallen down through the metal grating into the maze of pipes below.

"What was that crash!?" shouted his boss, unable to see due to the fact he had his head stuck under several large pipes.

"Nothing sir! I just dropped the spanner sir! Ouch!" George cried as he waked his head upon a large, low hanging pipe.

"Then you'd better go and get it then! And be careful the pipes are warm! I can't have you ditching work just because you're burned; you do enough lazing around here anyway! Hurry up then!"

George fell cross; he'd worked a twelve hour shift everyday except Sunday since they took off four months ago. He couldn't say anything though; HM Tieman was George's superior after all. Grumbling he got down and crawled among the pipes looking for the spanner. He accidentally knocked his elbow against a pipe and swore. Those pipes weren't warm they were red hot!

A couple of minutes later he crawled back out with the hot spanner and several burns.

"Come on George! Don't lark around! The king doesn't pay you to play hide and seek you know!"

Another two hours passed and George was relived. He headed back to his cramped quarters to change out of his work dungarees.

He closed and locked his door and looked in the mirror. A dirty, oily, red fox looked back at him. His eyes were red due to lack of sleep. Or was it just long exposure to the steam in the boiler room? He stripped naked and looked over himself. Grime had got everywhere! He needed a shower and a good long night's sleep!


No matter where he lay he just couldn't get to sleep in his small bed. The bed size didn't bother him as he usually just curled up. No it was his burns. Wherever he lay he was aggravating a burn. Eventually he just gave up all hope of ever getting some sleep and got up and dressed. He would visit the hospital ward and get some cream for those burns.

It was dark in the corridors. Everyone by now was used to that. At was a rule at night that they ran in pitch black so the enemy hopefully wouldn't see them. He carefully made his way to the hospital and went in.

Since they hadn't been attacked the wards was empty. Lucy the nurse was wrapping up bandages in the corner and George walked over to her. He had found that he was rather drawn to that vixen since he had seen her allot recently due to burn complaints. "Hallo George. More burns" she smiled at him, he felt a shiver run down his spine at her smile.

"Yes I'm afraid. Could you do something for them?" he grinned at her.

"Sure, just sit over there and take you shirt off." She said waving her hand at the table turning away so he couldn't see the slight embarrassment on her face. In truth she also quite fancied George, he was sweet and a bit shy and this was the first time she'd asked him to take off his shirt.

She went off to fetch some cream and George sat on the bed and waited with his shirt off.

She came back and began to massage the cream into his fur. George growled a playful growl as she touched his chest and she laughed along with him.

Afterwards they sat together and talked. George began to tell her about his pre-air fleet life but stopped when she asked about his parents. She could tell that he wasn't too comfortable with the subject and he fell into silence.

She leaned over and told him soothingly that he could tell her whatever happened in the past. He smiled at her soft look and told her all about his life back home. He told her about how his dad died in an automobile car accident and how his home was destroyed in an enemy air raid on his town. His mother had died last year of an illness and that was why he joined the king's air fleet, "I had nothing left to live for so I thought I would do a better job defending our king and country." He told her. She sat and listened to him and then told him of herself, for she too had just as rough time and it also hurt talking about it. "I never thought I'd become an airship nurse. I got into medical school because mum and dad got a rare illness and I thought I could help by searching for a cure. By the time I got one it was too late." Tears started to form and roll down her cheeks, "I haven't been able to save anyone I cherish! Last year, when I was still training as a nurse I was away from town and there was an a-a-air raid, they fire bombed the entire town just to prove they could, when I arrived home there was nothing left, my brother and sister were at home when it happened, they never made it to the shelter.... He was only six..."

She was crying properly by now and George didn't know what to do. He put his arms around her and said "there, there, that wasn't your fault, no body saw that air raid till it was too late. If you must blame someone then blame the enemy but you mustn't blame yourself, promise me you won't blame yourself again for that event."

She leaned over his shoulder. "I-I-I promise" she said gulping down air, "you are very kind."

She leaned back and looked him in the eyes. He smiled at her and wiped away her tears. She leaned closer and looked into his eyes; slowly they drew together and shared a first kiss. It was just a short quick kiss. They pulled away, slightly surprised but very pleased about what they had just done. Then she smiled at him and he smiled back. They leaned forward into a deep, long kiss. Tongues played in the others mouth and hot air from their noses blew on their muzzles fur. They broke away and smiled at each other. "Umm that was.... Err...." George tired to tell her but she just put on a cute expression and looked up at him with big brown eyes. "Oh hell!" he said and pulled her into another deep kiss. They leaned back on the bed, eyes shut.

Suddenly, with a crash, they both slipped off the bed and onto the floor. Somewhere in midair they had managed to flip positions and when they hit the floor George successfully managed to crack his head on it.

"Ouch..." George moaned as Lucy climbed off of him "that wasn't supposed to happen"

"Are you alright?" she asked with a worried look on her face "would you like me to check it for you?"

"No, no I'm fine! Trust me I've done worse in the boiler-room before! My head is as hard as one of those lead pipes!" he grinned at her and she laughed and then he was laughing too. They were both laughing together.

"Come on!" he said after awhile, "I want to show you something!"

"I shouldn't really leave the medical bay, what if someone gets hurt?!" she called out stopping in the doorway.

"Don't worry about it!" he said turning back and grabbing her paw "we'll only be gone a short while!" he pulled her out the medical bay and along down the hallway, "you left your shirt in there!" she called to him with a grin, "I never liked that one anyway!" he called back. They arrived at George's door. He pulled out a long key, unlocked the door and held it open for Lucy. "Rules say I'm not allowed in another male's room with him alone" she said, her smile had gone. "Ignore rules!" he said holding the door open wider, "they'll never know and we'll only be quick!" he put an arm around her and gently pushed her in.

Once in he closed and locked the door. He walked past her and pulled open the draw. Grabbed something out and sat down on the bed. "Come sit down" he said to Lucy. She plopped herself down on the bed rather closer than he thought she would, their tails were touching.

"Have a look at this" he said parsing her a small black and white photograph. In it was three foxes standing together frozen in time.

"Mum, Dad and me, before the war." He said smiling at her. She looked back at him with a questioning look on her face.

"I thought you would like to see this. Even though we were happy back then times have changed, we can keep grieving for those we've lost or blame ourselves for the rest of our lives. Instead we should be happy with life now and remember those who we lost for who they were not for how they died."

She looked at him, moved by his speech and wanting to say something in return but not finding any words worthy of being said.

"What I'm trying to say, I suppose is that before I didn't have anything to live for, and every thing important to me is dead but now I have something worth living for, something I want to live for...... what I'm trying to say is that err... that I erm... that I l-love you Lucy."

She looked into his eyes and saw he meant what he said. She saw a mixture of love, pain, worry and hope in his face and said back to him with a smile "I love you too George, there is no one I'd rather be with at this moment but you!" They leaned forward into a deep kiss, falling back onto the bed to lie together, muzzles locked, eyes closed, tongues exploring deep into the others mouth.

George's paw caressed Lucy's sides and legs, messing up her shirt and rolling up her dress. His paw slipped up the inside of her shirt and felt the smooth soft silk of her bra and around her firm breasts. She moaned slightly enjoying the sensation of him caressing her breasts and felt her nipples harden as he stroked them. She ran her paws up and down his back, massaging his bottom and inner thighs. George used his free paw to unbutton her shirt and pull it off.

George had left his shirt in the medical bay so Lucy went straight to his trousers fiddled with the fastening till they came down. He lifted one leg and then the other allowing Lucy to slide his trousers off. Lucy began to stroke George's semi erect member through the cloth of his pants and felt it grow to its full glory.

George sat onto his knees, braking the kiss and looked at Lucy who also sat up. "Are you sure" he said looking down into her eyes. She let go of his penis, leant back and looked back at him deeply. Then she reached back, and mouthing one word she unclasped her bra and threw it onto the floor letting her perfectly rounded breasts spring forth.

George reached down and pulled off her dress and knickers in one go whilst she did the same with his pants. They now lay side by side naked together. George started kissing her neck then her shoulders, moving south, slowly with each mouth movement. Lucy moaned out loud as George sucked on one of her nipples and then moving down her belly to her lower body. George finally reached his prise and started to lick the outer lips of her vagina making it nice and moist. Lucy groaned a long growl as George slid his tongue into her for the first time, rolling it around inside her. She squirmed and moaned as George touched all the right spots in the correct order and cried out a he gave her clitoris a quick lick. He gave it a few quick licks before sucking on it fully, making her writhe and hump his face as a powerful orgasm rocked her body.

George waited till she had finished before licking his muzzle clean and climbing up to meet her. She smiled at him, panting slightly as he leaned forward to kiss her. They kissed a short while before she broke it and gasped at him "I want to feel you.... Now.... Please...."

"If you're ready" he said to her and she nodded


He smiled at her and put one paw on her shoulder and the other down to his now slick with pre-cum member. He carefully arranged it and began to slide it into her, his pre-cum acting as a perfect lubricant. She winced slightly as he entered and then moaned as he slowly slid deeper and deeper into her. Her moan became a howl as her pressed his body up against her and slowly slid back out again till only the head was left in. He waited for a second then slid back in faster than last time making Lucy howl with pleasure. George kept this up getting faster and faster till he was a top speed. Lucy howls were getting louder and louder as another orgasm reached her fast.

George held on. He wanted to cum very badly but didn't know if Lucy would like it since they had no protection. Lucy couldn't hold down anymore and her second orgasm roared through her like an express train. She screamed out loud as the orgasm peaked and slowly died.

George pulled out of her, still deigned of an orgasm and lay down next to her.

"I didn't... I didn't... I didn't know... if you... would mind..." he gasped at her mentioning to his quivering member. She looked down and thought for a second and then said "I know what!" and rolled onto her and knees and lifted her tail into the air.

"Please, do me in the arse!"

George grinned, it was a secret of his that he liked to do girls anile best. He climbed up behind her, licked on of his fingers and placed into her tight tail hole making it nice and wet.

He withdrew it and steadied himself behind her and started to slid in. There was no residence dew to the amount of pre-cum that was on his member acting as a lubricant. Lucy cried out as he slid deeper into her, experiencing feelings like she had never felt before. George kept up a steady, slow pace making Lucy beg for more. It didn't take long. Lucy was small and tight and her third orgasm was closing in fast. Without warning it hit her full on. She screamed as she clamped down hard onto Georges rock hard member making it swell lightly and rocket it load deep into her anus. Crying out together they came to a friary finish and lay together.

They lay together in the dark and Lucy whispered "do you love me?"

And George whispered back "yes, I do, and I'm going to spend my entire life with you."

"You know George, I've been waiting my entire life for someone like you to come along." They smiled together and were about to kiss when they were suddenly disturbed.

A siren wailed throughout the ship braking the beautiful silence. George looked a Lucy and made to get when an explosion sounded deep within the ship throwing both of them onto the floor. George leapt up, the sounds of war ringing in his ears and grabbed the telephone, spun the dial several times and waited for it to were back into place before it connected.

"Mr Tieman, sir! Where do you need me!?" He cried into the receiver.

"George! The ship's been hit! Get down the medical bay; we can get to the damaged section from there!" Mr Tieman replied and hung up.

Lucy was already dressed when George tuned around. He quickly dressed and ran off, paw in paw to the medical bay. When they arrived Mr Tieman was desperately trying to mend some bust pipes whist some clothiers were attempting, and failing to cover a torn section of the canvas where an explosion had ripped into the medical bay.

"I've just about got these pipes done! It's the enemy; they caught us in a damned searchlight and sent a airship to destroy us. You get that metal covering over there and bring it to me, I'm going to go up and place it over the hole!"

George ran off to get the metal covings to repair the hole. Suddenly and almighty explosion knocked him off his feet and into the wall. He heard Lucy scream "Oh God! George! Mr Tieman and those riggers just fell of the side of the ship!"

"What! No!" Cried George getting up and running over to the window. This was his first view of the scene outside. Searchlights were piercing the sky whilst explosions from anti aircraft guns when off next to them. Far away was the wail of air raid sirens and right next to them was the enemy airship. There was flash of light near the ship and by the time George worked out what it was the explosion had already gone off, right next to him. The explosion hit so close he was thrown across the room. The fireball had burned his left side blinding him and burning his ear off. The explosion had killed Lucy Instantly and thrown her lifeless body across the room. All the windows were blown in and glass was showered in all directions cutting into George before he could raise his arms up to defend himself. He tried to get up when another explosion blew apart the wall showering debris in all directions. A lead piping stabbed into George's side mortally wounding him whilst a chunk of wall landed and broke both his legs. He tried to call out to Lucy but he got no reply for even if she could reply the explosion had permanently defend him.

He was going to die and that was that. He only willed death closer. Every breath was more jagged than the last. Breathing was painful. He was subconsciously aware of the fire closing in and as the 'STAR OF FREEMDOM' plummeted towards earth he blacked out.

George Davies Died along with the rest of the crew. Nobody survived.

*I hope you enjoyed, Please read,vote and leave a review. Tell me what you liked, disliked etc. If you found any spelling mistakes please tell me*