Two Brothers - Part 1 - Home Alone

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This is the first part in a series im writing. Its about two brothers, Jason and Ben, who love each other. Its a work-in-progress so if you have any suggestions i would be glad to hear them!

Ben could feel his eye lids closing and he knew he was powerless to stop them. No matter how hard the young wolf tried he couldn't stay awake. The Cartoon his brother had on the T.V. just couldn't keep his interest. There, laying on the couch Ben, fell asleep while holding his little brother Jason.

Jason was snuggled tightly up against his brother, whose arms had wrapped around him in a tight hug. Jason, who was 11, had always been close to his big brother Ben, who was 15. They almost looked like twins, covered in the same grey coat with white belly and chest fur, except Jason was about a foot or so shorter than Ben. Their parents had left them home alone for the weekend while they went to visit some distant relative who was sick, but only as long as Jason listened to Ben, which wasn't really a problem since Jason looked up to Ben and wanted to be just like him.

Jason, who was only clothed in his little tighty-whities, was so caught up in the cartoon he was watching that he didn't even notice that Ben had fallen asleep. Slowly he slide from his brother's loving arms and walked down the hall to the bathroom. After relieving himself, he went back to the living room and glanced over at his sleeping brother, before grabbing the remote and sitting down no more than 5 inches away from the screen. He began to flip through all the channels only seeing a couple seconds of each show before moving on.

As he made his way to the top of the list of channels he made his way to the Pay-Per-View channels and started looking at the titles. He had already seen all the movies except for one that was on the end of the list of channels, which he had never heard of before. 'Bunny Bois III' was the title. He hadn't seen I or II but he figured it would be alright, and it was about to start. So, seeing nothing better on, he used the remote to order the movie and then walked to the kitchen to get a soda. When he came back the word 'Bunny Bois III' was in big letters across the screen. Settling back into his favorite spot he watched as the screen slowly faded to black, and then the movie started. Jason had a really hard time following the plot but figured he would catch on as it progressed.

It wasn't until the two bunnies on the screen took off their shirts and started to remove each others pants that he really started to get confused. As he looked at the two nude males holding each other that he felt a weird tightness in his groin. Unable to look away from the screen he was mystified as one of the bunnies slowly lowered himself onto his knees and started to engulf the other's groin in his muzzle.

He had never seen anything like this before, but by the looks on both of their faces he could tell that they were enjoying whatever it was they were doing. Without thinking about it his paw made its way down to his groin and he started to play with his little sheath. He had never seen anything like this before it gave him a strange feeling inside, but he could tell that the two on the screen were enjoying themselves by the excited moans and the looks on their faces.

The movie had only lasted 30 minutes and then the screen slowly faded to black with the two bunnies laying on a bed, one with his member buried deep in the other's tailhole. While he was still trying to figure out what he had just seen he heard his brother stir, so he got up and walked over to the couch.

Ben opened his eyes and saw his younger brother standing over top of him, and smiled. "Hey J-man, I think its time we went to bed." J-man was Jason's favorite nickname that Ben used.

"Okay, but can we play a game first?"

"What kind of game?" Ben yawned

"Like the one that was on TV."

Ben didn't know what Jason was talking about and he felt his eyelids start to grow heavy again. "We'll play tomorrow okay? Its late and im really tired."

Jason looked a little disheartened but agreed and followed his brother to the bathroom where they both brushed their teeth. Picking Jason up in his arms in a tight hug, Ben carried his little brother to his room and tucked him into bed, and gave him a kiss before turning out the light and closing the door, "Night little bro, I love ya."

"I love you too Benny." Jason called out as the door shut.

Ben made his way down the hall to his own room and, after stripping off his clothes, climbed into his own bed and drifted off too sleep.

Jason laid in his bed unable to sleep, partially from what his young eyes had just seen, and partially because his member was still pressing firmly against the inside of his underwear. He still wasn't sure exactly sure what the two males on the TV were doing and after awhile decided that he would just go ask his brother, he would know. So climbing out of bed he made his way to the door, then down the hall and into his brother's room. He stood beside his brother's bed, watching him sleep.

He pulled the covers back off the bed to climb in with his brother when his eyes were drawn to his brother's exposed sheath and balls. He had seen his brother naked many times, but after seeing that movie thoughts started to pop up in his head. He leaned down to inspect his brother and gently sniffed at his crotch. Jason had never noticed how good his brother's crotch smelled. It was really strong and pleasant.

Remembering how the one bunny had taken the other's balls into his mouth, Jason opened his mouth and gently licked the furry sack to see what it tasted like. Liking the taste he opened his muzzle and took one of the furry covered balls into his mouth and gently suckled on it. Hearing his bother let out soft moans he knew that his brother was enjoying it. Slowly his brothers member started to emerge from his sheath and Jason stared in wonder at how large it was growing, much bigger than his own. Suddenly, Ben rolled over onto his stomach, cutting off Jason's access to his groin.

Looking at his brother's butt Jason's mind went once again back to the scene where one of the bunnies had put his member into the other. Jason reached down and pulled his underwear down and off exposing his little 4 inches of boycock. He climbed into bed with his brother and, straddling his brother he traced a paw over his brother's butt. Doing as he had seen earlier, he gently pulled apart his brother's cheeks and was staring down at his brother's tight pucker. He leaned down and gave it a lick. His brother stirred underneath him and Jason knew that his brother was enjoying it. After a couple more licks Jason put his little member against his brother's entrance and started pushing in.

It wasn't too difficult for Jason to enter his brother since his member wasn't very big. He slid all 4 inches into his brother, and felt the tight passage squeeze down on him as his brother made loud moaning sounds. Jason had never felt anything like this before, it was heaven! He stayed hilted in his brother for a while, felling the heat against him. Slowly, he pulled his member out like he had seen and then pushed back in. His little body was overloaded with pleasure as he began a steady rhythm of pulling out of his brother, before pushing back in. With each thrust he felt his balls slap against his brothers.

Ben was half asleep and half awake, not quite sure what was going on but liking whatever it was. As his mind began to clear the he realized that it was something moving in and out of his tailhole that was sending this sensation through his body. His eyes shot open and he tried to push himself up off his bed to try and find out what was going on. Unfortunately for him, he ended up pushing himself backwards onto his little brother's cock as he was pushing forward. The combined force was enough to push Jason's knot into Ben. While the knot wasn't so big, Ben was still a virgin and his tight pucker clasped over it, tying him to his little brother.

Jason was lost in this new feeling and when his knot pushed its way into his brother he lost control and shot a small load of his seed into his brother, still making small thrusts, trying to bury himself deeper inside. Ben yelped when the knot entered him and the combined feeling of his brother rubbing against his prostate, and the warm seed that filled him, he felt himself go over the edge and sprayed his own spooge onto the bed underneath of him.

Jason stopped pumping after his tiny balls had emptied their load. Now, drained of energy he collapsed onto his brothers back. Ben, who was also exhausted fell forward into the puddle of his seed. There the two wolves, still tied together, fell asleep in the afterglow of their orgasms, with Jason's arms wrapped around Ben in a tight hug.

"I love you Benny."

"I love you too, Jason."