Am I dreamkng, or am I in heaven?

Story by Sergei fives on SoFurry

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#2 of The wonderful misadventures of Sergei Freeman

2- Am I dreaming, or am I in heaven?

"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine. Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No one is more deserving of a rest. And all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until... Well let's just say your hour has come again. The right-", I interuppted, " Hey, I like your cosplay outfit, and you got the speech perfectly, but... well who the fuck are you and why are you dressed up as the G-Man from Half-Life two?" , I was serious, he looked exactly like him, glowing eyes and all. He/It/Whatever the fuck responded with, " I was wondering why your mind made me look like this, and I interfered with your travel from your universe, to mine, so you wouldn't die a painful death, with your insides turning into the consistency of chunky salsa, and as for your first question, They call me Arceus. And before I release you into your new home, I want to give you a welcoming gift... A Pokemon of your own... A very young Eevee. As well as a bit of local currency, food, water, balls, a trainers license and I shouldn't forget to mention a positive relationship with your Eevee. Goodbye, and I must let you know that you have passed the point of no return. You can't get back home anymore.". I then faded back into unconsciousness for what I hoped would be for the last time in a while.

I felt a human hand on my neck, when I woke up, and I feared the worst, so I sprang up, pinned the guy in a police uniform to the ground with my elbow on top of his neck. " Who are you, and where's my squad!!!" I shouted at him, finally realizing that he was an actual police officer, and I had my combat knife pressed against his neck lightly. " Sorry about that, but I thought you were the person who was trying to kill us." I released him, and he then shouted to a few police officers nearby, " Hey! One's alive! He seems to be military, like Lieutenant Surge in the Kanto!" Heh, good thing I play Pokemon a shitload, so I knew what he was talking about. What his partner said next scared even me, " So who would turn almost an entire military units insides into mush, hide their bodies in the forest, and not get killed by them... Oh and ask him why they were wearing arctic camo, with their uniforms underneath! Because I think Snowpoint is a tad bit far from here, for people to not hide the bodies closer, and risk getting caught!" So that's why I'm so warm, we teleported into a forest. I said to her, a bit annoyed, " Actually, we weren't anywhere near this region when we passed out, We were in an Arctic research facility overrun by terrorists, and well, I believe a side effect of the device was teleportation and turning the victim's insides into the consistency of chunky salsa." I then blacked out again.

I woke up to an Eevee licking my face at first,and when that didn't work, her tongue started on my semi-erect cock, once licking my face didn't work after two minutes. When I woke up, I jumped about a meter into the air, and then put a pillow over my now fully aroused cock. " What's the matter Sergei, you asked me to wake you up in the morning, by any means necessary. Well, you were VERY drunk, and you even caught a Riolu too, so umm yeah, I'll leave you and Amy alone." I definitely did feel hungover... And bruised. I wonder what happened last night.

Last night - Old warehouse west of Eterna forest

" What happened to the police officers? I think they're all dead!" I said to myself just before I heard a yelp coming from a bit aways from the police encampment at the investigation site. Being the son of a dog breeder, I've always loved dog's and couldn't stand people abusing them. I also wanted to know what happened to the police while I slept in a tent with my Eevee, Janet, on my chest. It was like they disappeared into thin air... Except for the blood... Lots of it too, all over the place. I followed the hardly noticeable and overgrown path to a seemingly abandoned warehouse... But I knew better. It wouldn't be abandoned, too damn unlucky in my case. I heard a pane of glass shatter as a blue bipedal puppy, got thrown out and hid behind my legs in fear of what's inside. I felt like I was about to throw up, but I saw some red eyes peering out of the empty doorframe, and instead of puking, I had a 'Brian's homebrewed vodka' fuelled belch, that even scared me of how loud it was ( honestly, it sounded like one of my uncle Scott's burps, and unlike Canadians who drink to enjoy, the Scottish drink to die instead). I was confused, Was it my burp, or the thing in the doorway running away that caused the little pup to snicker. I told the puppy who was obviously a girl, that we should get her home. She surprisingly said in English, " I don't have a home, but I do know of a mansion a bit north of here, also can I ask you something important? Can I go with you on your journey, you look like an interesting person. Please?" I nodded and gave her an empty poke ball. She just threw it upwards, and like a seal, had the ball land on her nose.

I instantly released her. I asked her if she had a name, but sadly, she said no. So I asked her, " Would Amy sound nice to you?" She squealed in delight and screamed yes. She was so joyful, that I didn't even realize we were at our destination for the night. An old mansion. Looked kinda scary, but Amy said she didn't like being outside during the night, in ANY forest, and I didn't want to confine my Pokemon in their poke balls, so I had no other choice, but to sleep in that somewhat calming SCARY, definitely haunted, and dark mansion. Meh, I thought, at least it wasn't as bad as sleeping in old cave... I think a group of bears had an orgy in it, or something like that.

Amy asked if she could sleep with me, and I agreed, but before I went to bed, I drunkenly put on some sweatpants and asked Janet to wake me up in the morning by any means necessary... Poor choice of words.

Present - The Old Chateau is definitely haunted. I heard Amy scream just as she exited the room, so I dashed out, and saw why Amy was screaming. It looked like something from Resident Evil, so I did what video games tell you what to do when fighting a zombie, ghoul or scary clown... " Twice in the head and they stay dead.", So I shot it twice in the head.

Amy hugged me hard, muttering thank you's and, it was scary for about a minute until, she pushed away and screamed again... This time, it wasn't another supernatural shithead, but instead, Amy was glowing white.

A red letter day

1 - A Red Letter Day It was supposed to be a normal op. Evacuate civilians, eliminate all hostiles, and stop the lab equipment from breaking physics, or destroying the world. After that everything changed... Sorry, where's my common sense. I need...
