Hole Shebang

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Story I'd started... months and months ago. Just felt like wrapping it up now and getting it out there before it became one of those stories forever on my back burner. I'd originally planned to write out a scene for each guy, but that felt like it'd be too much of the same. Might do them later if there is enjoy demand.

Yelena, Lena to her friends, or Ms. Greene to her employees, rapped her fingers against her desk slowly. She was working from home today. Called in with claims of a sore throat. Not that she really needed an excuse, she was the boss after all. No one would question why she wanted to stay home. They'd be relieved that the wolverine wasn't breathing down their necks for a day. As for her, she'd be relieved if there was someone breathing down her neck.

She let out an exasperated huff, drumming her fingers with a low growl. Fast results her manicured foot. Think if you dropped a good bit of cash on one of the higher end models, they would produce faster results than this one was giving her.

A merry little chime from the thermometer prompted her to pull it away from her privates and check. Her fingers were already typing the reading before she could process what it said. While she didn't even have to check her spreadsheet, she did anyway just to confirm. Yep, she was in heat. She'd felt that need churning through her lower sections that morning. Every woman in the world knew what that burning, wet need felt like once they maturity hit them. She was just the type of woman that wanted to make sure.

Looking from the spreadsheet to the calendar, she confirmed it. Large red font stretching across a couple days suggesting that the start of her season should be starting around now. She let her eyes wander over the schedules and days stretched out across the pages. Everything laid out and planned nearly hour by hour in some cases. Neat, tidy, and organized. Just how she liked it to be.

Which is why she was about to introduce a little randomness and chaos into her life. What better way to describe children than with those two words. She'd been wanting to have a child or two for ages now. Not that 'baby clock' that some people were saying. She did enjoy kids and loved spoiling the nieces and nephews. There was always the option to adopt, which she might do later in her life. Just once though she wanted to experience what pregnancy was like. Feel that healthy glow that people talked about. Experience morning sickness. Everything.

Which included getting knocked up. For the longest time, when she flicked over to a pornographic website for her interests, that was among the things she looked up. Impregnation, cream pies, accidental cream pies, all those types of things. It was always a crap shoot though. While she abhorred the typical 'porn voice' that was used in many videos, a lot of amateur videos were lacking a certain something.

But they had given her an idea.

It had taken a surprising amount of time, research, and looking around on various online forums under various aliases to find what she was looking for. While finding a glory hole wasn't hard. There were many places that had them. The difficulty came in finding one that offered what she was looking for. It needed to have an opening large enough to for her to stick half her body though for one, which meant it needed a padded bench or table for her to lay on. It needed to be clean, not just the building itself but also the customer base. Last thing she wanted to do was catch an STD while she got knocked up. However, she also needed to make sure that the club itself wasn't in an area where she'd likely run into people that might recognize her. Wolverines were not exactly common in this area. True, they would only be looking at her lower section, but if someone picked up her scent then that would be a problem. Try as she might to disguise it, a wolverine's scent was fairly distinctive if one had the nose for it. Might as well sign the wall over her hole.

Some more research had let her come up with some ideas to hopefully counter that. Being naked would help. A healthy dose of musk-killing perfume would do most of the work. So she'd ordered several brands, not her usual one. Had to pick something entirely different. Something nice, but less than half the price of her usual fare. Didn't need any of that junk that smelled like decades old flowers or pumpkin spiced stuff that seemed to be all the rage.

Lena breathed out a soft little sigh as she pulled herself from the chair and ventured to her wardrobe to get dressed. Nothing too terribly fancy right now. Just some clothes that would be good enough on any other day. Already had her path there planned out. No need to take her car. Some scent concealer and heat pads would get her through the subway well enough. If she was that tired after, then she could always catch a cab readily enough. Gathering up some freshly laundered clothes and a new bag, she began to prepare for her little excursion.

As expected, nothing truly interesting happened on her little trip. She felt like a few people were giving her sideways glances. One guy was eye-fucking her pretty good. Which wasn't anything new or different on the subway. Her clothing was about as ordinary as she could get. Although, even she might admit that the hat and her sunglasses were a bit much. No one was going to know who she was, or even why she was out there. They wouldn't care.

Once out of the subway, it was only a short walk to the club she was looking for. Getting the address had been the hard part. There weren't exactly a bunch of signs advertising the place out front. In fact, there were no signs. She would've just strolled right past it if she hadn't known it was there.

Lena snapped a turn and hurried down a short flight of stairs up to a door that lead to a basement area. Despite the lack of signage, she knew that the door should be unlocked. Everything she'd read said that the place was open at all hours. And sure enough, the door opened freely as she tried the handle and stepped through. Dark red wallpaper, polished hardwood floors, and some comfortable, if outdated, furniture lined the walls. It was only a few paces before someone leaned out a window to peer at her.

The older ewe looked her over as she approached. "What'cha here for?"

She did her best to look as calm about it as she could. "I've heard that this place offers some services I'm interested in using."

"The guys are down that way. You can look through the book if you want, or just go in and browse. So long as you're clean, none of them are too picky either." She lifted a binder and started to open it.

"No no. I'm looking for something more discreet."

Grayed head nodded, "Ah, the glory holes Well just head down that way and I'll tell the boys that someone wants to use, so they can line up and you can pick."

Seemed being obtuse about it wasn't getting her what she wanted. So might as well be direct about it. Lena squared her shoulders and cleared her throat, "No, I'm looking at... well I guess getting in the hole myself. I don't know how it's done exactly." There, let her know and still leave herself open for advice.

"Ahhh," came the longer acknowledgment. "Don't get many looking for that end. Well, will need to make sure you're clean and not in season."

She coughed a touch, "Well, I'm clean..."

The ewe peered over her glasses at her. "I'll need you to sign some papers then if you want to go in while in your condition."

Hearing about paperwork made Lena take a step back, her business sense snapping into place. "What type of paperwork exactly?"

A hand was waved, "Nothing invasive or personal. We just don't want some lawyer busting down our door wanting to know who our customers are cause someone wants child support." There was a hardness in her look. "We prize discretion and safety among all else."

There was a little growl there that rolled around in her throat. Just the little whisper of sound that had been worked into her for so very long by countless business deals. However, there was nothing at stake here other than her plan. There was no money, no acquisitions, nothing else that would give her anything. All she'd gain by rejecting the papers would be losing what she came here to do. Not to mention all the time spent in research to find this place.

"Alright, let me see the papers." The ewe pulled out a simple form, which sure enough was exactly what it said. Just saying that she knew the risk of what was going to happen, that she was claiming sole responsibility for any children that may or may not happen, so on and so forth. There was a second page that listed off that she was clean and free of any STDs. She quickly signed off on both before handing them back. "I have on question though about this." The ewe peered up at her over the glasses again. "Are there cameras?" Eyes rolled towards the security camera aimed towards the window. "Not like those. I mean like, at the holes, are there cameras?"

"Some do, some don't. Are you wanting video of your escapades?"

Lords above why was she so nervous about this? It was a straight forward question and one she'd thought about for a few weeks now. Shoulders squared again as she shook her head, "Nothing so mundane. No, what I would like would really just be something I could trigger to take a picture of the guys as they came. I don't care about names or who they might be, but I would be curious about what they look like."

The ewe ran her finger over something under the counter, "Well of course. Do you want stills, or short video?" Well, now that was a good question there.

Not that it needed much consideration, "Video."

It only took a couple more minutes of hammering things out, signing another paper, and paying her bill before the ewe directed her to another room and gave her a key card. Her directions were precise, leading Lena exactly where she needed to go. And the card opened up both doors she needed. Always nice to have someone who knew exactly what they were doing.

The room wasn't any larger than it had to be. Barely larger than the padded table that was braced against the wall. A large hole was cut into the wall itself, overlapping leather flaps blocking the way. Not that it blocked any sound at all. She could hear grunts and moans drifting from the other rooms. Aside from the padded table, the room only had a simple locker to hold her things, and a monitor mounted to the wall. Trying it out, she saw that it showed a camera aimed down at the hole. She was curious about how she'd get the clips, but would worry about that later.

Well, no time like the present. Clothes were shed and dropped into the locker with her pack. Cheeks flushed under her fur as she peeled the heat pad away, shivering when cool air washed over her privates. A couple quick sprays of her perfume knocked down the musky scent that was starting to waft up form her privates. It wouldn't last long, but hopefully her partners would soon help mask that.

Naked and with her scent hidden as best she could, Lena turned off the monitor. She didn't want to see the guys while they were sweating and grunting over her. Let it be a surprise for herself. Off went the overhead light as well. Only a dim light guiding her as she hopped onto the table. Sliding along the smooth leather surface, she eased her legs out of the flaps and started to shimmy through the hole in the wall.

She was barely past her knees when a pair of rough hands grabbed her by the ankles, "Let me help you, Darlin," came the muffled voice from beyond the wall as she was hauled out until her ass hung off the edge of the table, privates fully exposed to the stranger. Lena barely had time to utter a gravely grunt before a tongue lashed against her pussy. "Mmm, delicious."

Mike, or Big Mike as some people called him, had just gotten one hell of a payday. The big grolar bear had completed a job ahead of time and gotten one hell of a tip from his customer for it. While it wasn't usually his way to take a tip for a job, and he was certain they didn't hand them out often, he'd saved them one hell of a pricey fix on their plumbing job.

So with the job done and a couple fat stacks tucked in his pocket, he headed to his favorite little hole in the wall for some relief.

He'd been there often enough that he just tossed the ewe her money and trundled past. He had to duck and turn his large form to get through the door to the glory room. Scanning over the area quickly to see what was up and running right now. There were a few choice rumps open and holes waiting for a guy to stick their dick in and see what happened. Each little cubby bearing a light over the top to show off if they were occupied or not.

Stuffing a hand into his pocket, Mike started to play with his fat sheath as he did a slow lap of the room. Checking out the merchandise before he decided where to go.

Lena was worming out of her hole about the same time he was finishing his round. Ears perking at the legs that were slipping out before kicking as their owner started scooting. Fresh meat, eh? He smirked as ambled over and curled a massive ham of a paw around the leg. "Let me help you, Darlin." It was easy enough to help haul her out of the glory hole There was a muted yelp and a surprised growl from the other side, but he didn't let that slow him one bit. No sir.

He was already starting to open his pants as he half knelt and sniffed her privates. A sweet, perfume scent only barely masked something far more delicious. Lips smacked before he drove his tongue past her lips. The scent and flavor of a gal in heat exploded across his senses the instant his tongue slapped her hot cunt. "Mmm," came the throaty growl, "delicious."

Cupping her ass with one hand, he easily held the squirming gal up as his tongue drove into her. Burning hot pussy lips spreading before his muzzle as that long tongue dug deep with his first lick. Slick muscles grabbed at his tongue as her growl turned into a delighted squeal. His long tongue dove in until it slapped her cervix before sweeping back out. The big bear shoved his nose right in there and took a whiff. Burying a growl into her twat as he worked his pants open and let that cock of his drop free. Mm, it'd been a while since he got to bury his snout in a gal this ready to fuck.

He glanced around the hole as he buried his tongue into her with deep, slapping licks. No condoms. Meant the bitch wanted to risk it. Well, he was more than happy to oblige. Especially if she was moaning this sweet when he was just sampling the goods.

A sweet whine leaked out of the hole as he pulled away. Legs trying to wrap around his thick neck to keep him there. A slap to her ass made her yelp and kick, letting him pull back enough to stand and spread her sweet legs with his bulk. Thighs pressed against his sides briefly, squeezing as if they wanted to try and shut, denying him. They only squeezed a second before pressing against his frame as if they were trying to wrap around his waist.

Good luck with that, he chuckled to himself. Stroking over his cock before breaking the fat slab of meat down on her flushed puss with a wet smack.

If he wasn't hard, the way she moaned and pressed against him would've done the trick. Furred hips pressing up against him, absolutely soaking the underside of his cock. Blunted claws ran through the thick fur of her backside as he let his cock just bask against her for a nice little moment. Not too long though since she was starting to squirm and whimper. And she wasn't the only one either. His cock was starting to ache with the need to breed.

Guiding his blunt head to her entrance, he reached down to spread her lips open. A whistle slipped free of his lips as he peered down at her tight, flushed walls. "Tighter than a drum. Brace yourself." With one hand cupping her ass, his other spreading her petals apart. It was a good thing that he had such a tight grip on her, because she wasn't just right. She was damn tight! He had to hold on as he drove against her. Blunt tip digging against her sweet flesh before brute forcing its way in.

Lena's cheeks were flushed hot. Both hands holding onto the table's edge for dear life. The wolverine's head lay against the surface, tongue rolling from her maw as she tried to catch her breath. It really had been too long. Far too long since she'd been with anything that wasn't a toy. Holy fucking hell that tongue of his had nearly been enough to set her off. It was instinct that had driven her legs to squeeze and clench. And it was instinct that tried to wrap around his trunk as he moved in. He mumbled something, but she couldn't hear it over the roaring of her heart as it hammered away. What was he saying she couldn't quite


She yowled as he drove deep into her with a single thrust. Aching, needy tunnel getting forcefully spread wide by his tool. Eyes rolled back in her head as her nails dug into the table. Body arching as much as she could, lifting until just her shoulders were on the table.

His massive hands closed around her waist and pulled, cock slurping out of her. The barest of whimpers slipped from her as she was left empty for even a second before he hammered home. Massive fucking balls smacking off her ass while the male's hands tightened their grip on her waist. Mike growled at the wall and arched, holding tight to her hips as he just hammered her with shallow thrusts.

Hard and short pounds as the grolar began to brutally rut the gal. The scent of her heat starting to overpower that cheap perfume she had. He took a great big whiff of that scent and uttered a grunting growl. "Fuck yeah, that's the stuff." The wall shook as he slammed his palm against it. Claws scratched over the wood as the massive male hunched. Doing his best to keep in line with her even as his balls began to churn. It'd been a good few days since he'd been able to do anything but work and head home. So he was a bit pent up and more than ready to pop. He'd been hoping to get a nice bit of tail, but to find a bit of heated puss waiting for him? How could he resist?

Lena's eyes rolled back in her head as she laid there. Her ass was already starting to ache from the pounding she was getting, but the pain only added to the erotic thrill. She jumped when the wall shook, heart leaping. His thrusts got harder, nails digging into her ass as his grunts got louder and louder. Her own snarls were picking up the pace as well, walls starting to flutter around his girth. Just as her hips were arching towards him as she let out a groan, the male slammed against her and started to grunt.

Eyes narrowed with a frustrated growl as he started to cum just moments before she did. Don't get her wrong, it felt good. That thick, sticky cum filling her up until it started to leak and drool down her backside.

He must have heard her growl because his hand came down on her ass, "Don't worry, Darlin. Big Mike ain't done with you yet."

Mike took a deep huff as his orgasm thrummed through his body. Mm, he loved the feel of cumming in a tight thing. He took a moment to savor the feel of her twat grabbing at him, trying to draw in what it could, even as his cum leaked out over his balls. He just needed a second to breathe and compose himself before he could get going again. Might not be the best at going on for ages, but he was damn good at going a few rounds before he was ready for a break.

Grabbing her hips, he flipped her over onto her side before drawing back. Eyes stole a glance down to look at the mess he'd made in her cunt before slamming back in. "So, what do you say we go for round two?" Heavy hand came down across her ass with a smack, "And maybe three or four as well?"

A muffled cry of, "Three or four?" came from the gal.

"Eyep. Don't wanna keep you to myself all day, now do we?" He slammed himself back in, eyes narrowing as he felt that messy mix of cum and juices squelching around his cock. Curling his hand under her leg, he held both of them as he got right back into it.

Russel kept his hands in his pockets as he wandered into the club. The lynx glancing around a tad nervously. He'd been int his place before. One of his friends had brought a bunch of them here for a mutual buddy's bachelor party. He'd only gone for the usual glory hole treatment then, but ever since it had been sitting in the back of his mind. That niggling little thought that had bugged him for months now. Always just sitting there, waiting for him to work up the courage to come back.

And well, having a rush of bad shit come tumbling down on him was a perfect reason to come back. Work was fine, but Becky had decided that if he wouldn't take off in the middle of a full blown crisis to have dinner with her on a five minute notice, then he wasn't worth staying with.

Down, Russel. He rubbed the bridge of his nose. Just breathe. You're here to relax and unwind. You've more than earned a little treat. Something more than just a burger you'll try to work off in the gym and a porn DVD to jerk off to. A blowjob, a cigar, and a nice dinner seemed like a good plan after the week he'd had.

No sooner had he entered the glory room than his nose started to tickle. The lynx wrinkled his nose at the scent, tall ears twitching a bit. There was something about that aroma, something... His lips parted just enough to draw the scent in as he took a deeper whiff. The scent and taste of estrus made his fur stand on end and entire body shiver. Without really thinking about it, he shifted a hand down to stroke himself. Petting his sheath through his khakis.

Keeping his lips parted, he followed his senses over to the hole in question. It wasn't terribly hard to find. Aside from being the only one in that area, and smelling strongly of heat, there was also the massive bear guy that was pounding away.

The big guy grunted as Russel approached, pressing tight to the girl. He wasn't sure what she was, other than well-fucked. An ear twitched and the big guy turned to look at him. "Been there long?"

Holy hell, the bear's deep baritone was intimidating. He quickly shook his head, "Nah, just smelled it and came over to check. If you're not done, I can always..." he started to trail off as he looked towards where the blowjob holes were.

A laugh boomed from the bear, "Nah, I've about put all I can in here for now." He stepped away, cock popping out with a wet slurp. Russel's ears stood tall and cheeks flushed as he was greeted by the sight of a stretched pussy absolutely dripping with cum. The big guy kept his pants open as he strode past, giving Russel's shoulder a pat. "She's all yours. I've gotta hit the can and get cleaned up."

The lynx's knees wobbled under that heavy hand, his eyes locked onto that cream filled backside. The girl inside the hole groaned and rolled, legs dropping down as she laid on her belly, dangling there.

He really shouldn't do this. She was in heat. What would happen if he knocked her up? Could he live with himself knowing that he had a cub with some stranger out there somewhere? Even just potentially? Would he try to hunt her down at some point? How would he even begin to identify her? Excuse me ma'am, I think I fucked you in a glory hole club, could you drop your pants so I could be sure? Oh, might need to get a bear in here first so I can be sure.


Cheeks flushed hot as he pressed his body tight against her backside. He hadn't even fully been aware of pulling his pants down until he was already balls deep inside of the woman. Despite the thick cum that coated his cock, her stretched walls still tried their best to hold onto him. Claws combed through her fur as he rolled his hips. Only time he'd been inside a woman in heat had been one time with Becky while he'd been wearing a condom. This woman didn't feel as warm as that hare had been. Didn't matter though. He hadn't known just how much he needed this until he was balls-deep in it.

Tightening his hold, he pulled back with a purring moan. Rubbery barbs flaring and raking against her insides, drawing a surprised yelp and buck from the woman. Walls clenching hard enough to prompt him to slam back in, both of them moaning before hissing as he pulled away.

Lips pulled back with a hiss as he took whiff of her scent. That heavy, estrus-laden musk tainted heavily by the bear's thick scent. Despite the decidedly masculine scent that hung in the air her scent tore right through it all. He licked over his lips and kept his mouth open, panting as his body tapped against her. He kept his thrusts nice and shallow. The habits of when eh was with Becky coming back without him realizing it. His barbs only just tickling her. She'd hated it when he pulled back too hard or fast, slapping him more than once when he slipped up.

That didn't seem good enough for the stranger. Her hips started to drive against him after he'd gotten in a few dozen thrusts. Tunnel tightening around him as she finally began to recover from the ursine. Walls flaring with heat that soaked into his flesh and coaxed him to pound her harder.

"You like that?" he hissed awkwardly, holding tight to her hips. Ass driving into his groin as moans echoed out of the hole. Russel jerked his hand away before planting a hurried slap across her plump rump. Half-assed as it might have been, it still prompted a wordless cry from her as she bucked and slammed. Knees bouncing off the wall as she tried to control herself. Teeth ground as the lynx arched his back, trying to hold off. Trying to hold back that churning orgasm that was crashing through his body.

Oh fuck, this was beyond amazing! The only thing that would've made it better would be if he could've bitten down on her scruff.

Well that, and a good post-fuck cuddle.

A yowling, hissing cry broke free of the hole. Worried, Russel took a half step away, barbed cock raking sharply. Legs kicked up and back, wrapping around his body and jerking him back in, groin smacking off her backside. Her entire body shook with as his barbs spiked her climax even higher. He'd gotten a good one from her but that extra bit? Holy fuck!

His cry rose to join hers as everything broke loose. Claws pricking at her body with his shallow thrusts. Adding his seed to the mess that was still dripping out of her and onto the ground below. Teeth dug into his lower lips as he butted his head against the wall, huffing to himself.

Lena's heels dug against his rear, not letting him pull away until she was done with him. Fingers ran over her thighs lightly, watching as she pushed against him with the aftershocks of her climax. He just stared down at her, cheeks flushed, as he tried to catch his breath. Petting and combing his fingers through her thick, auburn pelt. Body rolling slowly with a deep purr as her cooling pussy kept squeezing against his softening length.

Heels pressed to the small of his back before legs slipped down. Not sure if she let him go, or if her legs were just getting tired. Russel rested his hands on her hips as he pulled back. Despite how it was softened, his barbs still raked over her insides. Tail lashed as she gave a half-hearted buck and a groan.

Unlike the bear, Russel grabbed a wet nap from beside the hole. He did his best to clean himself up as quick as he could before shuffling off. Cheeks flaring bright as he looked around to see if anyone had been watching. Not that anyone would've cared about what he did. Hell, it's what most everyone was here to do anyway. Not like he was doing anything wrong at all. Didn't stop him from feeling a bit... naughty? Guilty? It was really hard to pin down. Well, other than feeling great!

Lena's cheeks were flushed hot as she lay there on the table. She wasn't sure what type of cat that was, but it was certainly a cat. One couldn't go to a toy website without seeing canines, felines, and equines. Still wasn't sure how anyone could take an equine, but whatever floated their boats. She'd often wondered what the different cocks would've felt like inside her. Now at least she knew what a feline one did. Or assumed it was a feline. Didn't know too many things that had barbs like that. It was really hard to tell just how it felt normally, but right now it was just raw bliss. Emphasis on the raw part.

Although that might be more the bear. Her insides were still tingling from that cat's barbs.

Tongue rolled against her lips as he breathed out a low purr. The noise so soft that she wasn't even sure if she had heard it. Arms stretched overhead as she groaned and rolled her body. Just a slow little shift and move. Let herself get more comfortable. As she stretched, she noticed a bottle of water sitting on a little tray next to her table.

Didn't realize just how thirsty she was until she saw that. Snatching it up, she quickly twisted the cap off and took a deep swig. Ice cold, the water was beyond refreshing. It sent shivers down her spine and made her fur stand on end.

Hands closed on her hips and a raging cock pounded into her. Lena jumped, sputtering and spitting water as the length plunged into her aching insides. Heat drove her tunnel to grab at it even as her legs kicked wildly against the intrusion. A laugh shook through the wall at her kicking, heavy hands only curling tighter around her thighs. "Got a wild one," came the gruff chuckle as the male just dug all that deeper.

Lena's cheeks flushed hot as her breath came in shorter gasps, the wolverine female groaning as her back arched. Warmth flared through her body as the male took her with shallow, rapid pounds that had her ass burning from the impacts against his hard abs. It was all she could do to just hold on for dear life as the male fucked her like a wild animal. Each slam rocking her forward into the padded bench as her water spilled all over everything.

Jorge let his tongue roll out as he fucked that furred backside. Mmm, that was some grade A pussy he was getting right there. Felt like she had been fresh and tight before some other guys got a hold of her. Didn't matter much to him, he loved a bit of a sloppy fuck. It was the whole reason he came here now and again. Find himself a bit of tail that was used, but not too used, and then just ruin it. Which wouldn't be hard at all for him to do. As it as, the timber wolf had to hunch down a bit to get low enough to stuff this bitch full. Lips curled into a smile as a muffled cry came from the other side of the wall. Craning his head, he peered down at where his cock was stretching her wide, juices and other dudes' cum staining his length, as he just pounded her like a fucking beast.

The wolf brought his hand up to smack her ass before uttering a pleased howl. Oh this was gonna be a good fucking ride here! His nose had picked up the scent of someone in heat the moment he'd walked into the club and here she was, all his for the taking.

Another slap brought a snarling curse from the other side of the wall and more kicks. He snickered and jerked back on her hips, pulling her tighter against him. Time to show her how a wolf fucked.

Keeping his thrusts short and sharp, he just pounded her as fast as he could, those curses falling into rattling cries. Tongue rolled from his maw as he watched his knot starting to grow. He kept his body pressed as flush to hers as he could as it got fatter and fatter, stretching that cunt of hers further by the second. A wicked grin spread over his maw as he heard her sharp intake of breath followed by some protests as it began to threaten a tie with her.

"HEY, ASSHOLE!" Lena thrashed about and tried to kick back at him, "No...NO..." she was trying to tell him no tying, but each time she tried to say it he'd just pop that knot out and wedge it back in. It was not like anything she'd ever imagined before. The way he'd rub it against her and roll, forcing one side of the glans in before popping the other in. She tried to call out, but any noise she could make got caught in her throat as he forced it in and out. All she could do was hang on for the ride, eyes rolling back in her head as raw pleasure shot through her spine.

Jorge jerked his knot out and curled a massive hand around her body, tickling her clit in time with his jackhammer thrusts. Short, sharp, grinding his bulge against her entrance. It was too big to fit back into her now, but didn't stop him from at least playing with her. Curling a hand around his grapefruit-sized knot, the timber wolf squeezed down on it.

His cock responded by jerking within his grasp, shaft getting thicker within that heat-soaked fuck tunnel. Rolling his fingers, he did his best to milk it like a cunt should, mashing it flush against her walls. A growl rolled up his chest as his balls tightened steadily, body shivering. Throwing his head back, the wolf let out a low, wild howl the moment he began to unload, pumping his seed deep into her needy cunt. Fingers kneading his knot as that shaft leapt within her.

That howl droned on for a very long moment, steadily falling off as his climax wound down. Without his knot to keep him trapped, the big guy was able to pull out almost right away. Hand pressing to ass and lifting her tail out of the way so he could watch the cum pour of out of gaping cunt. A deep chuckle rolled up his chest as he slapped her rear, "Not too bad. Hope to see you around here again."

Lena was collapsed on the table, tongue rolling from her maw as she tried to breath. "Not bad?" She groaned to herself, foot twitching as that cum trickled down her thigh. "I otta..." the wolverine trailed off as she reached a shaking hand out, getting another bottle of water and sipping it before any other male could come around and interrupt her. This was not at all what she'd imagined it'd be. Although what had she imagined? It was hard to tell really. Sure, she knew that males would come around and just have at her, but she hadn't truly expected such a variety to come so freely and quickly. Her cheeks flushed a bit as she pondered pulling up into the room and taking a breather. Maybe just go on home before another guy came along. She'd had three already, that had to be enough didn't it?

Heavy hands closed down around her thighs and jerked her back before she could. "Hey guys, check this out!" Rough fingers spread her pussy open and breath puffed against her. "Fucking whore's in heat! Who wants one." Several voices rose from the other side of the wall. Fur bristling along her back when the sound of belts chiming reached her ears. Uh oh.

Yelena let out a quiet huff as she sank into her favorite chair. "Fucking ankles," she growled to herself as she leaned back in the overstuffed armchair, resting a hand on her stomach. The wolverine winced as she lifted her feet to rest on the foot stool. At least she'd stopped wearing high heels to work months ago. There was still the temptation to swap to sneakers for her work, but she still had an image to uphold. Just wondered how long that image would continue to win out over comfort.

Don't get her wrong. She hadn't once regretted that afternoon and evening. Just thinking about it made her cheeks flush and a tingle spread across her privates. Tongue rolled over her lips as she picked up her tablet and flicked through the files to a private little folder.

There, tucked nicely behind a password, was an encrypted little file. Within the file were several separate movies. None of them more than twenty seconds long. Each one showed the males that had come along and had their way with her. The videos started just before they finished and ended just after. At first, she'd been curious about what species of guys would have at her, but it quickly turned into a remembrance, her watching their faces as she played with herself, trying to match who went when. Something about watching their faces right as they came just... mm, there was nothing else that got her going more. Even if she couldn't see the faces of a few, some big type of bear, a wolf it looked like, and what had to be a rhino. The bear and rhino all she'd seem was their chests and the end of their muzzles. On top of it all, a couple guys had come back around after, giving her a second load if they found out she wasn't occupied.

Cheeks flushed as she stroked over her belly, wondering just who had managed to get lucky. Bear, lynx, wolf, horse, goat, hyena, goat, horse, rhino, or... she opened the last one and saw a wolverine with eyes rolled back and tongue rolling from his maw.

How was she supposed to know her business partner visited that club?