Submission: By Lucifer

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#55 of Commissions

Story for someone starring one of their characters losing a battle against Lucifer himself, a kind of dark world story.

Oh fuck, she could barely move. Ash's arms quaked the Herculean effort it took to push herself off the ground. The demoness rolled her head and peered up at Lucifer as he loomed over her. Everything she'd done and his white suit didn't so much as have a smudge of dirt on it. The goat looked down at her and reached up to brush an imaginary bit of dust off his shoulder. "Are we done?" his deep voice shook her to the very core, "With all this?"

Was she? Ash trembled as she lay there, trying not to look up at the demon that loomed over her. Her eyes were still drawn to him though. There was no denying that he was gorgeous, from the stormy gray of his deep pelt, to the shocking blue of his eyes, all the way up to the shockingly tall pair of horns that curled in spirals from his head. He peered down at her with an expression that could only be described as bored. Eyes half lidded as flashed of near electric white flashed through his eyes. His presence weighed her down, pressing her tighter to the cracked ground below.

No! Teeth gritted as she pushed against the unseen force. No, she wasn't done yet! Too many people were counting on her. Claws scraped through the charred ground as her red hide began to smoke. Skin along her back smoldered then glowed with brighter, hotter yellow that traced between the dark, cracked plates. "No," came the throaty snarl. "No we are not!"

Ash screamed as she reared to her full height, towering over the dark lord himself, the fallen one. His head twisted to look up at the demoness as she loomed over him with an battle cry that made the hells themselves tremble before her. Wings opened with a pop as liquid fire ran from her jaws.

"Yes." A hand shot up and caught her in the throat. The blow shaking her to the core as the demon was lifted, Lucifer's frame slowly growing, or was she shrinking? "Yes, we are." It took every ounce of strength she had to simply grab onto his wrist as that iron grip held tight to her throat. She stared wide-eyed into his cool gaze as the male snorted at her. His hand lifted almost too casually before the Morning Star brought the back of his hand across her cheek. The blow striking with enough force to shatter the ground beneath them. Ash gasped from the blow, eyes reeling back in her head. Her head was just starting to roll as his hand came around to strike her other cheek, shaking her to the very essence of her being. She felt her feet lifting off the ground, arms shaking as she tried to keep up any form of resistance.

She lost her grip on his arm as he shook her again. "You're the one that gave me so much trouble?" He brought her down towards him, muzzles so close that she could feel the energy crackling between them. "A part of me wants to say," the word was nearly spat against her. "Pathetic."

Ash's lips curled into a sneer. A last bit of strength lifting her arms to grab at his wrist, lifting her body enough to growl, "As pathetic as," another pair of slaps silenced her.

"It is rather rude to interrupt someone when they're giving you backhanded insults. Or have you forgotten the most basic of manners in your time among the mortals?" He waited a moment to see if she was going to say anything else. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. A part of me wants to say Pathetic," she flinched at the hard P, "If you hadn't interested me so." His fingers rolled against her neck, pressing against the veins of energy that throbbed just under the skin. "As such, I've decided to make you one of my wives."

Wives, the collective term for his personal harem. In their natural state, demons were neither male nor female, even with all the time among the mortals Ash's form still remained neutral in that aspect. Some went their entire lives without changing that. The majority, herself included, found choosing a role rather appealing. There wasn't a demon in any of the hells that didn't know of the Wives and what the first part of becoming one entailed. It didn't matter which side of the fence one choose, if Lucifer decided to make you one of his wives, then the first step would be to impregnate you.

Ash hissed at him and tried to thrash, but before she could so much as lift a finger her entire world began to lurch and sway. She could feel her strength, her very essence, as it flowed out of her body. It wasn't long before she could see it either, bright red bands of raw power being drawn out of her and tracing down his arm. His eyes were glowing with raw energy as he smiled at her. Lips pulling back to reveal pointed fangs among stunningly clean, perfect teeth. Lifting his other hand, he curled his fingers as if holding something. Raw power, he power, raced across his body and began to gather among those fingers. Forming into a solid shape in seconds, "I see I have your attention now."

She couldn't do anything as he drained her very essence. Arms shaking as the world around her grew darker before fading completely.

There was no way of knowing how long she'd been unconscious. A minute? A day? A decade? It didn't matter down here in the hells. The only thing Ash knew was that when she woke up, she was laid out on a bed. It looked like one of those beds you'd only find in movies or magazines. A quick survey left her guessing that it was likely bigger than her entire bedroom back in the mortal realms. The posts in the corners were closer to Grecian columns in size, surrounded in intricate carvings that she couldn't being to make out at this distance. A canopy stretched overhead, reminding her more of a Circus tent than a bed. To round it out, fine draperies hung from the canopy and were tied back on all sides of the bed.

"Was wondering how long you'd be out." That drew her attention to the one spot she'd been avoiding. Lucifer was reclined in an overstuffed chair just outside the bed. All his focus seemingly on the flame-like crystal that hovered just above his fingers. "Beginning to wonder if I should have given you a rude awakening, but I suppose this will do."

Ash tried to sit up, but the way the world was rocking under her was making that incredibly difficult, "What did you do to me?" she growled. Or at least tried to but the noise came out as more a rattling wheeze.

A flick of his fingers made the air twist in front of her. Rolling until it formed a mirrored disk that revealed exactly what he'd done to her. It was like looking at a strange double exposure of herself, who she had been little more than a ghostly image over who she was. First thing she noticed was just how much smaller she was, fully half her normal height. Her body was rounder too, sporting curves where there'd only been muscle and hard skin before. Something akin to a shawl was draped over her head, held up by er upwards curving horns, and falling across her body. The molten rock pattern mirroring her own skin. Gone were her wings, the shawl pressed tight to her back. A collar was wrapped around her neck, heavy chains that she only just noticed stretching across the bed to where it was fasten to one of the columns. Lifting up, she looked at her full body in the mirror, taking in the scant covering she had. Aside from the shawl her only clothing was a belt made of some sort of silken, see-thru material so light that she might as well have been wearing nothing. A stray bit of fabric hung down her front, covering her decidedly feminine privates.

He let her look at herself for a very long moment, "One hopes you enjoy it. I know I enjoyed shaping your body. Might go back and make a few alterations here or there before we're done. Have to see how my mind changes overtime." Planting both feet on the floor, he stood up in a smooth motion and grabbed her chain. The mirror vanished with a silent pop as he freed her chain and pulled. Ash grunted and tried to fight as the chain shortened, but she was soon hauled across the satiny sheets and found herself staring up at the old goat. "Now, I know the rumors out there. You think first thing I'm going to do is knock you up with my spawn. I don't know where that silly little rumor got started, but it's certainly not step one." The way his smile crawled across his lips sent shivers down her spine, "Not even step one hundred for some. You've seen step one, let me show you step two."

A sharp tug pulled her off the bed, Ash falling to the floor. Which she never hit because the room twisted around her. Feet touched down lightly on smooth tiled floor as everything settled around them. The pair stood before a door that were so large she didn't even dare to call them massive. Chains rattled as he pulled her along, Ash stumbling along on unsteady feet. Doors boomed as they approached, scraping and rattling as they opened before the pair.

Her eyes widened at what lay beyond. Row upon row upon shelves that stretched into the distance. There, perched on each shelf was a chunk of crystallized power claimed from one demon or another. Lucifer's hooves crashed against the floor, Ash's claws scraping as she tried to keep up. Shelves raced past without even a whisper of sound as they moved through the room for an eternity before coming to a stop. There, right before her eyes was a blank spot with a freshly engraved sign bearing her name. Her true name. The sound of her pounding heart filled her senses in the eerily silent room.

Lucifer lowered the crystal into place with spidery fingers. A gentle tap setting it into a slow spin. His words crashed like thunder."Step two."

She reached for the power but was pulled back by a sharp tug. Off balance, the demon fell. Landing on her back on the soft bed again. Ash barely had time to bounce on the plush bedding before he was there. Iron grip pinning her wrists to the bed on either side of her head as he loomed over. Gone was his suit, revealing a body that looked like it had been chiseled from marble. Raw heat pulsed through her body as the male loomed over her, skin tingling where his coarse fur brushed her flesh.

"Now," his voice was smooth as the sheets she lay on. Caressing her form as he held her there. "Shall we skip to the final step?"

Despite everything that had happened to her, Ash could not give in. Lips peeled back as she drew on every ounce of strength she had. The demon snapped her head forward and spat fire at the dark lord. Flames washing across his face as if they were little more than a summer breeze. "Fuck you," she spat up at him, eyes glowing with raw anger and hatred.

That laugh would haunt her dreams for the rest of her life. "I was hoping you'd put up a bit of a fight. Hardly any fun when they don't."

She felt something hard and warm pressing against her thigh, the silken loin cloth doing nothing to stop the advance. Her body was already wet and ready for the dark lord. He'd seen to that already, one of his little alterations to her form. As willing as her body was, she still cried out in anguish as he plunged into her depths. Head wrenching away as the goat pressed tight to her, burying every single inch of his spire into her body until he could go no deeper.

Ash tried to focus on something else, anything else, but it was impossible as he began to move. His hips shifting steadily against hers as he allowed her body to adjust to his size. She thrashed in his hold, but she might as well have been trying to buck off a mountain. His forked tongue snaked along her collarbone and up her neck as the goat tended to her. Strangely tender and gentle with his rape, savoring it as her walls clenched around his member.

He produced a silken cord from somewhere, using it to bind her wrists together so he could pin them with a single hand. Freeing his left to trace along her body and up to her cheek. Turning her face to meet his as he bleated softly, "I often forget how enjoyable the mortal way of doing things is. So very..." he slammed into her, massive balls crashing against her ass, "carnal." His tongue bathed her muzzle, "Visceral." Another pound, the male picking up his pace steadily as her insides rolled with unwanted pleasure. "Not enjoying it?" he tilted her head back so his fanged maw could plant tender kisses along her exposed kiss. "One had thought that you'd spent enough time among the mortals that you might have developed a taste for this." Ears perked up, "Or perhaps I'm missing something." Grabbing one of her horns, he turned her to face him. "Ah yes, how could I have forgotten? Silly old billy goat."

Lips pressed tight to hers in a kiss. Ash tried to jerk, but once again was defeated by that grip of his. She kept her mouth closed as tightly as she could as his tongue slithered back and forth. The slimy muscle seeking some crack, some weakness it could exploit.

She trembled under him, the sound of her unwanted rutting crashing off the walls and echoing back to taunt her. The slick sound of her tunnel pairing with his deep huffs and the wet smack of balls against her all blending together into a near symphonic composition. Thighs shook as they tried to force their way under the male's bulk, to kick him off, anything. But they only squeezed against his flanks as he forced her through into an orgasm.

His tongue found its opening then. Just as her lips were parting to let out a gasp as her unsought for orgasm crashed through her body. Sharp, jarring, leaving her shaking against the Morning Star. Lips pressed tighter to hers, his tongue surging into her mouth and forcing her jaws to spread. It wrapped around her tongue and pulled it into an embrace, making her go through the steps of a passionate embrace.

Ash was shaking under Lucifer, hot tears gathering at the corners of her eyes as the devil walked her through the carnal act step by step. Her hips lifting towards his as thighs shook against his hips. Tongues wrestling together even as she tried to bite down, but that muscle was too much for even her weakened state. The harder she tried, the more he pushed against her, the more he wanted. She couldn't fight him off, couldn't give in, she could only react with him.

Lucifer broke the kiss with a gasp, "Gonna cum..." Him announcing it only made it worse. Watching as his face twisted with demonic bliss as he pressed tight. Body barely even moving as he peppered her with shallow thrusts before, "Ahhh!" came the bleating cry as he finished. Massive goat balls twitching against her pinned tail as that warm seed painted her inner walls. Her body lifted towards his, a cry forcing its way out of her muzzle as she joined him in the orgasmic bliss. Slick, burning tunnel milking his spear for more seed. Seed which he was more than happy to give her.

Ash's body shook as she turned her head away, going limp on the bed as the male pulled back slowly. Only too aware of the warmth that leaked out of her body as he slid free. The goat-like demon laying on the bed beside her. His arm sweeping under her shoulders to pull the smaller, dragon-like demoness to him. Making her head lay against his cold, stony chest as he panted from the exertion. "Really need to do that more often." A groan rolled up his chest as he stretched, "Much more physical than the proper way, but I certainly enjoyed it. How about you?"

"Fuck you," she huffed, too weary to even attempt to move away from the lover's embrace.

Lucifer chuckled, "I can see why you spent so much time among the mortals. Would have never gotten anywhere in the hells with such childish insults." His grumbled thought shook against her head, "Although that does intrigue me... Perhaps after a rest..."

"I'll rip your heart out," Ash hissed at him, head twisting to bite at the bindings that still held her wrists so tightly. "Then I'll feed it to you!"

"How sweet, you really do care don't you?" Spidery fingers rubbed her head between her horns, "But big daddy needs his rest and he's sure you're exhausted as well. Sleep and rest, you're going to need it." Once again his will pressed against hers. If Ash had her powers, she might have been able to resist him, fight back, something, but she felt her eyes growing heavy. A tear rolled down her cheek as her eyes closed, lamenting that she didn't have her friends to help. They could have done something. Once again, darkness fell over the demoness and oblivion consumed her.

Ash found herself somewhere else when she woke up again. That gently rough fucking paired with the fight and losing her powers made her body scream at her. She groaned and tried to stretch, but found that she was bound. Head jerked up and snapped around to see what fuckery Satan was up to this time.

She recognized the device she was in, while it had a proper name everyone she'd ever met only called them the Ass Stocks. She was up on a wall that kept her several feet off the ground, feet hanging off one side. The stocks were secured tight around her ankles, forcing her to knee on the rounded wood section that trapped her feet. Another plank pressed down just above her tail, keeping her from wiggling her ass away. To round it out, he tail was forced into the last spot on the stockade, forcing it to lift up as high as possible to show off her backside to anyone that walked past. Her hands were chained in front of her, forcing her to a nearly bowing pose. Before her was a quill, an ink well, a blank book, and a clock.

Lucifer clopped around her, checking the stocks before looking down at her. "Ah, you're awake. Was worried I might have to disturb your little nap." He was dressed again, but only just, wearing a black turtle neck and a pair of glasses perched on the very end of his muzzle. "I call it, Submission!" with a flourish, he produced another of those mirrors that panned around her, giving her a full view of how she was bound.

Ash snarled, "What do you want, you tone-deaf cock hammer?" Thrashing, she managed to make the stockade hop a little before her full weight dropped back down on her ankles.

He blinked slowly, "That's not bad." Crouching down, the goat brought himself eye to eye with her, "You know what I want. All you have to do is say that one little phrase and then it'll all be golden. I'll put you with the rest of my concubines. Hells, I'll even go the extra mile and go get your child from those mortals. Just swoop in and pluck him right out of their clutches. Even go the extra mile to try and not rend any of them limb from limb." Lips twitched, "In spire of their little stunt with the blessed rock, even. I am generous."

She thrashed again, "You leave Zenith alone, you pompous nut goblin!"

"Less good than the last one." He sighed and stood up right. "If that's the way you're going to be..." He waved a hand, "You must know where you are." She sure as hell did, the smell and sound of the place was burned into her memories. He'd put her in one of the transition points between the levels, right where a great many demons passed through on their way to their daily tasks. "The job is simple." A long finger tapped the book, "If they slap your right cheek, you write down the time in. Left, you write the time out." He dipped the quill in the ink and pressed it to her hand, "And be neat about it. No excuse for bad penmanship."

Ash tried to throw the quill at him, but the chains kept her from getting too much force behind it. She did have the satisfaction of seeing ink splash against his smug face. "Fuck your records!"

His hand came down in a casual backhand, nearly knocking the bound demon over onto her side from the force of it. "I am growing weary of your little tantrums, Ash." While she was trying to see straight, he picked up the quill and dipped it for her again before pressing it against her palm. "Do be a good girl and jot the times down, rush hour is about to start and I have to go prepare for the next part of our fun." Fingers snapped, "Oh, and so you don't get bored out here." The mirror changed to show their fuck, the view moving slowly to give her a good look at every angle. "Toodles!" He turned and stepped away, disappearing into a shimmer of the air.

"Yeah, run away!" she snarled at the air, trying all she could to not look at the shimmering portal that showed her defilement on repeat. A wiggle of her hips brushed her body against the smoothed wood edges. At least it felt like she was back to normal, no dripping privates left on display either. Small blessing that had to have stemmed from just how possessive he was of his wives. Wouldn't do to have just any random demon coming up and molesting her.

Molesting sexually that is. They were certainly being encouraged to molest her other ways. Which she was quickly reminded of as a heavy, rough hand came down across her ass cheek with a resounding smack. Ash jerked with a yelp, quill scraping against the paper. Teeth ground as another hand came down on her already stinging ass with a resounding crack.

Hissing low in her throat, Ash glared at the paper before her. He'd told her to write it down, but why? There was a time clock, she could hear those last two demons using it.


Teeth ground together to keep from calling out, if she did then they'd be more tempted to keep doing it. Although if he'd wanted her to write it down and she didn't? Worry began to roll through her gut as thoughts of what punishment might be in store for her if she didn't. This was just teasing, something to keep her busy while he did something else. Something like plan some sort of vile punishment for her. Well she'd show him who was going to be punished! Gritting her teeth, she began to scribble the times down right as the next smack came raining down.

Ash groaned as the shock of the impact tingled through her body, shaking her to the core. Jaws hung open as the demoness huffed, trying to focus her eyes on the paper before her as she scribbled down the time. Wait, was that closer to the 2 or the 3? She squinted at the clock and let the quill hesitate before scribbling down the time.

The next touch didn't come from a slap. A hand slipped down and began to rub her aching rear. Strangely gentle, but still unwanted as the hand caressed her backside. Ash twisted within the stockades and snarled at the hand's owner. Not that she could see who it was, just feel how that hand traced over the curve of her hip and down her exposed thigh before dropping to tickle the sole of her foot. "What the fuck!" she snarled and thrashed, drawing a laugh from the person as their finger tips tickled her foot further. "STOP!"

Harsh laughter washed over the stockade, "Stop?" came the gravely voice, "Don't think you're in a position to argue." The stranger breathed out an overly dramatic sigh, "Wish I could stay all day long, but oh well." The hand snapped across her stinging ass with a crack. "Don't have all day, now do I? Even if you do!" A cackle rained down on her as the demon trudged off.

She was trembling from the slap, tears gathering at the corner of her eyes as she huffed. Had she gotten even softer in her time away from the hells? Granted, she'd never been the toughest or meanest of demons. Part of why she'd been so willing to spend so much time in the mortal world. But she couldn't begin to imagine that even these little teases were enough to drive her to this state. Had to be Lucifer's fault. There was no reason she should be having tears threatening to spill down her cheeks already.


Head shook as she swallowed past that lump in her throat. No, she wasn't going to give him, or anyone, the satisfaction of making her cry. She'd withstood so much more and so much worse than this. She was a mother fucking demon! There wasn't a punishment that could be dished out that she couldn't take!

Ash's head snapped up and teeth dug into her lips as a tentacle smacked off her ass. Striking one cheek, wrapping around her lifted tail, and lashing the other before drawing away.

It took a second before her head snapped around, "Wait! Was that going out or coming in?" No response. "HEY! ARE YOU COMING OR GOING?!" She bellowed after the tentacle bastard. "GET BACK HERE YOU FU..." She was snapped out of the shout by a clawed hand scraping over her already sore ass. The rough scratching making her jerk, quill falling out of her hand. Snapping her hand out, she tried to grab at it, but the chains pulled her up short and it fell out of her reach. "Nooo!" came the anguished cry as countless number of feet tromped towards her.

"Ah poor girl," the silken voice purred into her ear. Even though Lucifer was nowhere to be seen, she could feel him judging her. "Couldn't even handle a handful of hours out here without missing some things." The voice paused, "Or was it a few days? Oh well, you know how time is around here." The laugh made her want to spew out more curses, but she was tired and her throat was scratchy. "Shall I take you somewhere else?" The book she was supposed to write in moved slowly. "Well, we don't need this now do we? After all, we just put that time clock in." His chuckle crawled across her slowly, "Why don't I take you somewhere you can relax? Throw on a few videos, maybe a movie or two, while I finish up some business?"

Ash groaned, knowing how good that'd sound. The world swirled around her, everything melting and flowing. It reformed back into the bedroom, stockade melting away. She hopped just off the ground before just sprawling out with a heavy huff. Eyes closing most of the way as she laid on the bed. Fresh, clean sheets pressed against her. A pained groan was forced from her as she rolled onto her side slowly, the cooling sheets soothing her backside.

"I been cheated by you since you know when," Her head snapped up as one of those floating mirrors appeared, stretching to fill one full side of the bed. "So I made up my mind, it must come to an end."

"No," Ash shrank back, turning to face the other wall. Only to find another of the viewing windows waiting there for her.

"Look at me now, will I ever learn?" The demon screamed and flopped around, looking for anywhere to go. The song filled the air around her, each word, every note clear as crystal. Each side of the bed had one of those cursed things hanging there, surrounding her. Trapping her. She pulled at the sheets, but they wouldn't come up. Tried to cover her eyes, but the accursed thing even played on the back of her eyelids. "Mamma mia, here I go again!" came the chant of the damned.

Lucifer sat on the edge of the bed, Ash sprawled out and staring blankly at the bedding. "So, how was it? Sorry that I left it on repeat so long before changing to the next one."

"It..." Ash gasped, "was like being beat on the head by Ikea furniture." She was shaking as she pushed herself up enough to shoot a glare at the old goat. If this was only step two, likely step three by now, then she could only imagine what cruelty he had in store for her.

Craning his head, he scratched at his neck slowly, "Yeah, it does hurt, but that's what I like about it." Lips curled up in a smirk as he looked down at her. "Have you thought about my deal?" He reached out to stroke her cheek, not even flinching as she bit at his hand. "All you have to do is agree, let your guard down, I'll do my thing, and then it'll be over." His tone was gentle and almost too sweet, the words weaving a web that tried to comfort her. "You'll become one of my concubines, join the others in the harem. I'll go extract your son from those mortals, and see that he gets the finest education we demons provide." Forked tongue flicked out slowly, "Why, I could even send him to some of the top schools in the mortal realm if you wish. I do have connections."

Ash shook her head slowly, fighting off the clinging web of words, "Calm down, Satan." She groaned as she wrenched herself away from him. How easy would it be to just give in and give him what he wanted? All she had to say was yes and be done with it. Ash curled her legs up to her chest and held on, limbs shaking with the effort it took to fight. "Fuck you," she muttered into her knees, burying her head there.

"If that's what it takes," he mused, voice softening and changing with each word. "Then that's exactly what I'll do."

That change in Lucifer's voice coaxed her into peering out over him. Well, her now actually. The suit had changed, melting away into a skirt and matching suit jacket. Having spent enough time among mortals, Ash knew that Lucifer was filling out the jacket very nicely as well. The devil leaned back and uttered what could only be a purr, "Well, I'd ask how you wanted to do this, but it really doesn't matter does it?" She lifted a single finger with a flourish.

Shadows lashed from the bed's canopy and snapped at Ash's limbs. The demon squealed in surprise and tried to pull, but there were too many of the tendrils snapping at her. Wrapping around wrists, thighs, ankles. They danced under her, weaving into a webbed seat that she was forced to sit in as it lifted her into the air. Despite knowing know useless it was, or perhaps in spite of, she thrashed and fought. Twisting and snarling as the bonds wrapped around her. She tried to bite one, but her blunted teeth just bounced off the strap. Never one to give up that readily, she chomped down again. Only this time the strap snapped under her assault!

And immediately wrapped around her muzzle. The demoness snorted out a snarl and twisted around enough to get some slack with her arms. She brought her claws to bare on the muzzle, but before they could bite in, the straps on her wrists snapped together. They pulled to her chest, wrists crossing, as she was laid almost perfectly flat with her legs spread. Ash hissed through the muzzle, trying to crane her head to watch as Lucifer stood up.

Her suit jacket tightened, the white fabric growing stiffer as it pulled away from her top slowly. It melted and reformed slowly, changing from the finest suit Ash had ever seen to a corset that hugged the goat's body so tightly. Blood red laces pulling the white, leathery fabric fighter as she advanced on Ash. Skirt flowing down her body, oozing its way across her legs before forming into a pair of red stockings that clung to shapely, thick thighs. Even bound and angry as Ash was, she couldn't help but feel her eyes drawn along that frame as Lucifer stepped up towards her as she dangled there.

"You like?" whispered that smooth as silk voice, the barest hint of a husky whisper adding to its seductive tone. Her smile promised so many things as her eyes closed, hiding glowing eyes behind lashes that seemed impossibly long and delicate. "Wanted to make sure that it was perfect, so I did a little research." She reached out and tapped Ash's forehead "Poked around in that adorable little head of yours and found some things you liked, put them all together and..." Her ruby red lips curled into a sly smile, "Here it is. Just call me," carefully manicured and painted nails scratched over Ash's thighs in a way that sent electric tingles racing through her frame, "Luci." Tongue rolled over her lips hungrily, "Only one thing is missing."

That tingling surged through her body, making Ash arch against the bonds. Muscles trembled under her leathery hide as power surged through her. Not her own power, but Lucifer's. She'd been unconscious last time the dark lord altered her body, now she was only too aware of the changes. Muscles rippled and thickened, body changing, growing larger, insides rolling as new organs were formed and shifted about. Or at least she felt larger, the straps didn't seem to tighten or even change as Lucifer had her fun.

Where she'd been a female for the devil's pleasure before, Ash was only too aware of the malehood she could feel growing within her slit as that rift formed in her flesh. A pleased look crossing that muzzle as her fingers dipped to pet Ash's brand new male slit. Ash narrowed his eyes and tried to ignore the warmth that was spreading through his groin.

"Been a while since you've been a male hasn't it?" Luci arched her body against the demon's, wonderfully soft breasts pressing into his thighs. "Wonder if you'd ever gotten a really, really good lay." Her tongue rolled against those lips, a naughty gleam in her eyes as she lowered her head down. Forked tongue tracing around that clenched vent before snaking in to rub against the cock hidden inside the demon's body.

Ash ground his teeth in that muzzle and growled as he fought to keep that cock from springing out. It was nearly impossible to resist the call of that tongue though. The slick, forked tongue danced along his length and played with it as she breathed out a throaty groan. Her warm breath puffing against Ash's slit as she smiled up at him, kneading his backside slowly.

Teeth ground as that tongue snaked around his cock. Petting and coaxing against it as Luci breathed out a deeper murr. Her eyes staring up at him with hooded eyes as she smiled. Even without saying a word, he could hear her chiding him about how resistance was futile.

Head rocked back with a gasp as lust overcame his willpower. Folds parted and his cock sprang out, smacking the goat across her muzzle. Ash had managed to hold back until she'd nearly coaxed him to full size. Luci rocked back with a surprised bleat, rubbing her muzzle as she looked at the length before her. "Caught me a bit by surprise there, naughty boy."

Ash would be gloating if his head wasn't reeling from the strange pleasure. Sure, eons ago he'd tried being a male before deciding on the female path, now here he was. Changed into one by the dark lord herself and she was playing with him.

The demon breathed out a huff as the straps moved, lifting his head, coiling around his horns and tying in with the muzzle to keep his him from looking away as Luci stroked his cock slowly. He'd never seen what his member had been like so it was mildly interesting to see at least. It arched up from his groin, ridges spanning not only the underside, but the sides and even the top. Jagged outcroppings on the craggy spire that stood proud from his groin. The spire itself was dark with glowing veins pulsing with raw heat tracing back and forth up to the glowing, volcanic tip.

Steaming hot precum spilled from his tip as her hands traced over his cock, tongue bathing over the areas that her hands weren't lavishing attention to. The goat rolled her head and let her tongue wrap around his tip several times before drawing her head forward. Fanged maw wrapping around the tip to lap up that precum that threatened to spill.

Eyes lidded heavier as she lowered her head, easily taking him right down to the root. If his muzzle hadn't been bound, Ash would have probably screamed from the new pleasure that rasped across his frayed nerves. As it was, there was no stopping his eyes from rolling back in his head as the tongue bathed him. Cheeks caving ever so slightly as the devil herself suckled on his cock. Body lifting until she could wrap those plush breasts around him. Teeth nibbling lightly at his tip as she rolled against him with a throaty moan.

Luci pulled away and stood in a graceful motion. "As much fun as it would be to make you erupt right down my craw, it has been so terribly long since I got to experience the joys of a good mortal-styled fucking." Gripping the restraints, she lifted her legs and swung up over him. Thighs sliding down Ash's belly to rest in the web-like swing as she pressed her bare slit against him. Her opening cooler than his length, sending shivers racing up the flame demon's spine as he watched with wide eyes. A breathy sigh heaved its way out of the devil as she rolled her slick lips against him. "I mean, the other day was fun, but one needs to experiment to keep things fresh. Don't you agree?"

She flashed a grin at him that showed a lot of jagged teeth as she brought herself up. Grinding cold pussy lips against his burning tip before sinking right down to his root with a single bounce. The demon groaned and jerked within his bonds, eyes nearly shutting as those walls clamped down as they slithered their way down his cock.

Leaning up, she grabbed the straps and used them to pull herself up before dropping back. Body impacting his with a loud crack of soft flesh against leathery hide. Luci breathed out the sweetest of moans as she began to ride him. Straps creaking as her motions started them to sway. "Oh that does feel nice. Something so delightfully primal about it, wouldn't you say?" Hips rolling faster now, bouncing against his body as her tail wiggled against his balls.

Ash could only huff thanks to the muzzle, head rolling as much as the bonds would allow. Which wasn't a lot, especially once the dark lord pulled and shoved his head between her breasts. That close he couldn't help but inhale her heavy scent, something ancient beyond time. Dark, exciting, intoxicating, it was beyond words.

He groaned and ground his teeth, eyes fluttering as she rode him faster. There was almost no resistance left. His mind wasn't working anymore. Had this been her plan all along? A low growl came from the demon as he tried to shake free of the lust that was clouding his brain. The action only brought his nose in contact with one of Luci's perfectly pert nipples, black flesh probing his lips. Offering itself for him to wrap his lips around and play with. He tried to growl, snarl, fight, anything possible to delay the inevitable.

She was caught off guard once again as she drove down and became stuck. Luci had only been partially aware of Ash's growing knot, a dull popping that barely phased her aside from the odd twitch. It flared up without warning, a flaming ball that went from just hot to scalding in a flash. His cock leaping within her as those ridged outcrops dug against her walls. Deep inside, molten cum was burning its way towards her core as Ash unloaded his seed. Spunk that could have burned a mortal from the inside barely phased the devil herself as she looked down at him with mild disappointment.

Ash slumped back in the bindings, breathing out a heavy pant as he looked at her with some sort of smug satisfaction. "Over already? Color me disappointed." Shifting over him, Luci drew up until his knot stretched and popped out of her pussy. "We're over," she slammed back down, body stretching around the bulge and popping it back in, "when I say we are." Ash groaned with dismay as she fucked that fat knot in and out of her pussy, each bounce forcing her to stretch around him in a way that stung at his nerves and made his parts ache.

How long had they been at it? Days for sure. Months maybe, years were also a possibility. Time lost all meaning in the hells and all Ash could remember was endless rounds of sex, bondage, punishment, and being left alone to lick her wounds.

Yes, back to her for now. At least until Lucifer found some excuse to turn her male again for a brief period. He'd said as much as he enjoyed being female, she was far more satisfying when he was a male.

They were in bed right now, Ash just staring into the middle distance as her cheek rested against his chest. His spidery fingers were stroking the back of her head, tracing her horns. Take her back to when she was with her friends and lovers in the mortal realm and ask if which would be worse, raped and tormented, or gently cuddled and she would have said the former. Now she wasn't so sure.

"Okay." Fingers stilled against the back of her head as a curious noise rose from that granite-like chest under her. Ash swallowed down the lump slowly, "Okay, I'll do it, just end this."

Lucifer rolled his hand to stroke her jawline, "You won't regret this." But she already was.

It wasn't a physical meeting of flesh penetrating flesh as she was pushed to the ground. Demonic sex, the kind meant to breed, was something far deeper. His essence rolled over her, wrapping around her with its immense presence until she was all but cocooned by him. Ash shook within that endless darkness and looked at her crumbling defenses. Try as he might to erode her, that was the one barrier no demon could break through no matter how great they were. It was the very core of her being, everything that made her Ash. And that was exactly what she opened for him.

Her walls were just barely starting to spread before he surged in, making her cry out as the devil invaded her deepest most private areas. In an instant they were joined into one being, one soul, one creature. It was impossible to tell where she ended and he began. Memories and flashes of thought raced through her as his essence filled her, tainting her. There they remained, locked and twined around one another in a realm where time ceased to exist. She was Lucifer and he was Ash, their identities didn't matter. If she was stronger she might have been able to turn the tables on him, strike him while he was vulnerable, but it was all she could do to keep herself from being lost entirely.

As quickly as it began, the act was over. Their demonic sex taking both an eternity and an instant. Lucifer pulled away from her, his satisfaction soaking her to the core and leaving her trembling and weakened. She bit back any tears, they'd dried up so long ago, and just slumped as she felt his stain swirling within her. It gathered bits of her and pulled them around itself as a cocoon. A demonic baby already being formed. Oh, it would take countless years before it was born, but she could feel it there. His child. Their child.

"Delightful as that was, I am bored now." Lucifer rose, that white suit of his rolling over his body like so much smoke. "Hardly any fun once I've broken you," he admitted as he straightened his cuff links. Unhooking her chain, he lead her from the room and down a hall. Ash shuffling along with her head low. "Oh don't worry, I fully intend to keep my end of the bargain. I will personally retrieve Zenith and see he is properly trained." Shoulders rolled ever so slightly as he approached a pair of doors. "Who knows, perhaps he will become a guard here in my palace."

Ash couldn't even lift her head to nod as she was ushered into the room. The harem room was a palace unto itself, countless alcoves and rooms stretching before her. Other demons lounged about in chairs, couches, and piles of cushions. Some still slender, others sporting rather rounded bellies, and others still cradling young in their arms. All looked up as they entered. Ash watched with mild curiosity as some of the demons shrank away from Lucifer, others leaning forward with croons.

Lucifer flicked her chain forward, the links becoming smoke that drifted away. "Go, join the other wives. I'll return should the mood hit me."

"Yes, sir." Ash shuffled over and sank into a couch. The thunderous clop of cloven hooves fading away before doors slammed shut. Closing her numb eyes, she curled up on herself and just tried to put together her fractured barriers.

A laugh came from nearby, "He isn't a gentle one, is he? Not when it comes to the actual act, who would have thought that Lucifer himself was a one-pump chump?"

"Sure as hell had you howling loud enough for all of us to hear," shot another voice.

The first one shot back, "Later maybe, but when he's all worked up, he's only out for himself."

"Of course he fucking is, he's the lord of demons, we're all out for ourselves!"

Ash grabbed a pillow and pulled it over her head. It wasn't long before the entire room was filled with chatter. Staring up into the pillow, she breathed out a low growl. Now that his attention was off her, Ash could start to think again. She was weak, she was pregnant, but this wasn't the first time she'd been in this situation. Well, last time she hadn't been newly pregnant with the child of the Morning Star. Whose child it was shouldn't matter though. If she could find where the room was, she could find her power and she could get out of here, get Zenith, and get home.