The Satyr Sauna

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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The Satyr Sauna

Written by Leo_Todrius and Tarus1111

Commissioned by Starwing

When a trio of athletes report to a sauna as ordered by their coach, an unexpected wellspring of destiny brings about a most amazing change.

The Satyr Sauna Written by Leo_Todrius and Tarus1111 Commissioned by Starwing

Loud, over exuberant woops of excitement echoed far too loudly down the narrow hallway as the three young men advanced toward their destination. The trio was led by an eighteen year old with shaggy reddish brown hair, a crimson wrestling singlet clinging to his fairly muscled frame. His skin was well tanned with hints of an olive hue, showing off his defined musculature. Following behind was another classmate, taller than the first with russet skin and his black hair knotted into finger curl locs and shaved on the sides, giving a sharper contrast to his circular glasses he wore when he wasn't wrestling. Flanking the other two was the shortest of the group, but what he lacked in height he made up for with his broad shoulders and developed arms. His blond hair was tied back in a short ponytail, accentuating his cheek bones and his crystal blue eyes.

"I can't believe coach wants us to go to a sauna..." The middle wrestler murmured, reaching up to take his glasses off and slide them into a protective sleeve.

"Uly, he just wants us to sweat out whatever water weight we can so there's no problem staying in our weight division. Really, this is healthier than not eating or whatever." The team captain grinned.

"But he told us not to eat much either, Riley." Ulysses commented as they approached the door to the sauna. The blond on the end spoke up.

"Who cares why he wants us to do this? I'm just glad the school paid for it!" Brandon replied, running ahead toward the closed door. "Com'on! Last one in has to wipe down the mats after practice!" Riley was up to the challenge and ran after Brandon, getting hands on the handle. It practically hissed as it opened, revealing the interior.

The sauna was unusually nice, a credit to just how much of school funds had been directed to the athletic teams' discretion. The walls were wood paneled, as were the benches. It was a warm, faintly reddish wood sanded to perfection, then coated in layers and layers of sealant to protect it from the intense and unrelenting steam. Recessed lighting hidden behind some of the wooden ornamentation in the corners of the sauna scattered warm and creamy light, giving an atmosphere that was beyond relaxing. Riley's jaw dropped a bit as he looked at it and stepped inside, realizing there were robes in the anteroom. He grabbed one and started to slide off his singlet.

"Shouldn't we like, shower or something?" Uly asked. Riley shrugged.

"Well, we sort of did, right? And we're about to sweat a whole hell of a lot more." Riley smirked, "What are you afraid of?"

"Yeah, Uly! Let loose a bit, like you do during our matches." Brandon egged on as he also started slipping out of his singlet. Uly tried to look away but glanced briefly at Brandon and Riley's bodies as they undressed. Riley grinned wide, not looking at anyone.

"Yeah, Uly, you're a real beast out there. You should let that side out more often." Riley said, tossing his singlet into a bin, looking down at the white robe he wore now. He opened the front to let his chest get exposed to the warm, humid air. Riley took a few deep breaths, tipping his head back, his brownish red hair cascading across the nape of his neck. Seemingly satisfied, he moved in, his bare feet feeling welcomed by the superb quality of the wood floor as he took a seat a few feet from the heating element.

"Why're you covering up so much, Riley?" Brandon called out, reaching out for only a towel and wrapping it around his waist. He rolled his shoulders out and relaxed them as he strode into the sauna. He sat down opposite Riley and spread his arms across the back of the bench, tilting his head back as he breathed in the hot steam.

"Well, I mean, we can't embarrass Uly too much, right?" Riley asked. Uly groaned, throwing up his hands.

"Christ, you guys just do what you're going to do." he shook his head, "It's not like I can put a leash on either of you." he said, moving to sit down with his robe on. Riley groaned.

"Oh come on man, we just want to have a little fun. It's the team spirit." Riley said, "When I'm with you guys, I feel like I can do anything." Riley added. It was true, they'd been on an amazing streak and every part of Riley's body felt like it was alive and ready to live in the moment.

"Well, what would we be without you, captain?" Brandon asked, picking his head back up. "You've helped train both Uly and I and shaped us into great athletes! Ain't that right, Uly?" The tallest wrestler shrugged and nodded.

"Can't deny that. You and the coach make some team." Uly said, deciding to open up his robe a bit more as he spread his legs and leaned back. He wasn't really used to being in a sauna, but it did seem like a rather passive experience... Just let the heat and the humidity do their things.

"I gotta admit, the coach was right about this whole sauna thing. I feel super relaxed, already." Brandon said, as he tipped his head back again, his ponytail dipping across his back as he sagged lower into his seat.

"Never has a truer story been told." Riley said, letting out a long sigh as he closed his eyes and surrendered to the environment around him. As Riley leaned back, his eyes shut, the pride he felt for his own body seemed to be simmering, bubbling, ready to come to a boil - and then it did. Years of physical preparation, of achievement, of unending energy came to the surface as a tingling swept over his body. His back arched and he murmured, blood rushing to his groin as his manhood began to swell and stretch. The tingling swept across his chest as new, tiny soft red hairs sprouted from the flesh, blossoming across his pectorals.

The tingling even reached his chin as hundreds of downy red hairs emerged from his jaw, focusing on the point, growing from fuzz to visible hair, stretching out a few centimeters before slowing for the moment. Riley's entire body buzzed with energy. Even his ears were tingling as they took on faint points... but the changes weren't just on the surface. In his body his tissue was healing, growing and changing. His organs were speeding up his metabolism, and his pheromones began to increase, hitting the steamy air like a nerve agent. It was barely detectable, mostly a scentless aroma, but a faint musk carried chemical messages of his fertility, his availability, his status.

"Mmm. This is really great." Brandon murmured, as he moved a hand toward his chest. He rubbed his open palm across his sweat drenched pecs and down his defined six pack. He didn't know if the heat was getting to him or if he was just feeling really great as he felt his member starting to get hard under his towel. Uly, meanwhile, had always been the most conservative of the three. He was starting to bring his legs back together as his shaft grew and grew, hardening. He hoped the other guys wouldn't notice, but it did feel oddly good.

Riley's breathing increased, his chest rising and falling. The red hair on his chin had descended a good two inches, forming a soft tuft. His ears looked positively elfin, and his legs were almost burning with the number of new reddish brown hairs that were growing out, pushing through follicles in the skin, curling and tangling together into a coat of hair that was looking more like fur with each passing second.

Brandon let out a low moan as his erection continued to harden, tenting his towel as it lengthened. His hand continued to explore his torso and he teased the tip of his dick through the towel, pulling it away quickly. He raised his head and shook it a bit, trying to think through the clouded thoughts and lusty feelings that had quickly entered his mind. Why was he so horny all of a sudden? He wanted to jerk off so badly, but he couldn't do that in front of his friends. Could he?

Something at the instinctual level told Riley that things were going well, that everything was as it should be. His muscles felt relaxed, his skin felt alive, but his body was throbbing and pulsing and his feet were aching. Pain mixed with pleasure as his toes tightened. He winced a bit, eyes squeezing tighter, moaning as pressure started to build on his forehead, two points of pressure forming lumps under the skin. Riley's eyes opened, more flecks of hazel in them before. He tried to lift his head but he felt so strange and dizzy.

Riley's stomach started to flatten, shrink, and tighten. The dusting of chest fur crept down in a trail, sweeping past his navel and plunging into his bush, a bush that had gotten soft and willowy, the hair spreading out across his lap. His shaft was so achingly hard that it almost hurt, but the flip side of that coin was an extremely erogenous pleasure. Riley panted more shallow. The scent his body was putting out kicked up a notch, filling the sauna with an oaky, musky spice.

Uly's lips curled as he sneered gently, his dark chocolate cock plunging down below the bottom rim of his robe. His nipples were like diamonds. Uly tried to resist, not sure what was going on. He opened his eyes and looked at Brandon laying there, seeming to be enjoying himself. His eyes turned to Riley and he froze, confused for a moment until he started to realize that his team captain wasn't looking like his team captain anymore.

"Ugh...Do you guys...mmm...feel as good as I do?" Brandon grunted as he softly pawed himself through his towel. He opened his eyes and looked over at Uly, smiling as he noticed his friend's erection bulging beneath his robe. He saw Uly staring at Riley and turned his head to look at his other friend. His mouth opened wide in surprise as he stared at what Riley had become. He groaned as his erection twitched while his eyes roamed across Riley's changed body.

"What the hell is going on? This can't be normal, dude..." Uly murmured. Riley suddenly moaned, arching his back as tiny horns burst from his forehead as his goatee grew longer, his ears more pointed. His cock sprung up, flinging a web of clear precum across the sauna that hit the heating element and doubled the smell of the musky pheromones filling the space. Fur sprouted across Riley's plump balls as they swelled larger, and his toes glistened, getting slippery as the toes started to grow together, his toenails spreading out in every direction to form hard hooves.

"Fuck, Riley. What's going on?" Brandon asked as he stood up. His towel fell off his waist, revealing his throbbing erection as he moved closer to his friends. Riley's thick musk permeated the room and invaded Brandon's nostrils, causing him to grunt and thrust his hips into the air.

"I don't know what's going on, but I can't be a part of this..." Uly murmured, moving for the door. Riley moaned, his former feet hardening into hooves, his rusty colored fur covering his legs, creeping down to his ankles as his cock swole even longer.

"Brandon, you can't let him go..." Riley panted, his horns pushing out of his skull, curving and rounding, so thick and proud. Riley's chest fur got thicker too and small patches grew out from his elbows in little tufts. Riley let out a bleating noise as he surrendered to the pleasure. He'd always heard stories, stories passed down from generation to generation, but he had never believed his family heritage until that moment. He was something special, something more.

"Uly...don't go." Brandon pleaded, moving to block his friend from reaching the door. "I know you feel the same as me and Riley. I can see how pent up you are. Let us help you relax."

"Are you kidding me? This is nuts, there's gotta be something in here making us hallucinate." Uly said. Riley pushed up off the bench and stood up on wobbly, wooly legs. He murmured, stretching. His body seemed more lanky, stretched, almost fluid like curves on his collar bone. He reached out and grabbed Uly by the shoulder and spun him before pulling him down. Uly's plump lips parted over Riley's thick shaft and Riley gasped as he unleashed a thick, creamy torrent of yellowed cum by willpower alone. Uly pulled off the shaft and dribbled some of the seed down his chin, his eyes glazing over.

Black hairs sprouted beneath the cum, creating a line down to Ulysses' chin before a thick, kinky tuft of black hair grew out below. His already huge cock started to descend inch after inch, the flesh throbbing and growing wider. Riley reached up and pulled his friend down again, returning his sexy mouth to his shaft and pushed in deeper, starting to spray like a fire hose. Uly was helpless at this point, gulping the seed down, his eyes drifting shut as he nursed on his team captain.

Brandon stared in awe as Riley forced Uly down onto his shaft and erupted a load down Uly's throat. He panted as he wrapped a hand around his member and started to jerk off, moving closer to his teammates. He reached out his free hand to caress Riley's muscular arms, and stroked his erection faster as he grinned, reveling in his friend's think, bulging body. Riley reveled in the attention, moaning more.

"I know you can appreciate this Brandon, this ancient blood that's been coursing through my veins, waiting to wake up." Riley said, grinning, his canine teeth looking sharper as he thrust back and forth into Uly's mouth. Uly kept slurping and sucking and bobbing his head like he was starving and needed more and more. Unlike Riley, he hadn't had any Satyr blood, but already the cum was changing him. His ears had taken on points, lumps had formed in his forehead, and black wooly fur was curling out across his legs and muscled ass as a tiny tail flicked up, wiggling.

Snaps, pops and cracks came as Uly's big feet began to contract, tightening and hardening, his toes fusing together before a keratin shell coated their retreating forms, giving the wrestler hooves of his own. Riley kept thrusting back and forth, moaning as Uly unexpectedly relaxed his throat completely and Riley had a clear shot down his throat almost all the way to his stomach. Uly let the satyr fill him directly like a fuel pump. Brandon looked down at Uly as he changed, becoming more and more like Riley. He leaned down and scratched Uly's chin, running his fingers through the soft tuft of dark hair that made up his goatee.

"How do you feel now, Uly?" Brandon asked, caressing his friend's chin. "Looks like our captain is doing wonders for you." He looked back up at Riley, a happy grin on his face. "I can't wait to be next." Brandon moaned as pre dripped out of his cock, shooting out onto Uly's furry thighs below.

Tiny beads of blood appeared as Uly's horns burst forth from his head, the nubs of a faun... But having sired his first satyr, Riley's horns grew longer, curving back along the top of his head. He shuddered, feeling even more powerful. Uly slipped off of Riley's cock and stumbled back, landing his furry ass on a bench. He grabbed his tree trunk of a cock and started to masturbate, grinning and moaning wide, cum leaking from his mouth as he licked his lips.

"Brandon..." Riley moaned, looking at his friend with intense green eyes, "Drink from me, become one of mine..." he whispered, reaching out to untie Brandon's ponytail, letting the blond hair fall free. Brandon shook his hair out and leaned forward, placing his lips on Riley's in a soft kiss. He moved his body closer to Riley's and thrust their cocks together. Brandon slowly pulled away from the kiss as he looked into his captain's eyes.

"With pleasure, my captain." Brandon said, before lowering himself onto his knees and bringing his face down to meet Riley's leaking erection. He moved forward and extended his tongue, lapping up the length of Riley's enormous cock as he came to the mushroom tip. Riley closed his eyes and gave into his beast, amazed at the control he had over his own body. He willed himself to give Brandon a squirt of his hot, thick, musky satyr cum... and then a second, and a third, and then a steady flow.

The golden syrup leaking from the satyr's shaft bloomed in Brandon's mouth, his tongue, his blood and his body. Tingling swept over every nerve. Brandon felt like every wrestling match he had taken part in had been refining his form, preparing him for this moment of physical perfection. His broad shoulders widened, his arms thickened, his pectorals grew tighter and his abs were rock hard. His already long shaft dropped down longer, curving over now fuzzy blond balls. Hair was spreading out like waving grain, long and smooth, growing out across his legs and his ass cheeks.

Brandon moaned around Riley's cock as the changes washed over him. He felt more powerful and full of energy, his body rippling with new, tight muscles ready to be put to use. The small tail that pushed out over his ass cheeks wagged happily as he continued to swallow Riley's transformative seed, slurping it up and drinking it down in the hope his enthusiasm would further the changes.

Riley grabbed Brandon's head and held it around his crotch, nestled deep as he poured and poured into the blond boy's throat. Brandon's blond hair grew out down to his shoulder blades, then the middle of his back. His scalp felt like it was being massaged as the hair grew, thick and healthy, robust. Twin lines of fuzzy blond hair raced down his cheeks to his jaw before stopping, the frizzy fuzz contrasting the otherwise straight and smooth hair of his head and his legs.

His toes felt like they were corrugated cardboard being crushed as they came together, reshaping and reforming in common purpose, but as his hooves formed and hardened, his bones solidified and he felt strong again, like he was unstoppable. His ears pointed and twitched beneath his long, flowing hair as the backs got covered in a fine velvet fur. His hands were wrapped around Riley's thighs, his fingers running through the dense, curly fur that covered his lower half. Brandon's cock continued to leak more as he was utterly lost in the pleasure that the transformation provided, his body feeling like it was on fire but completely numb at the same time. He pulled off of Riley's cock and gasped for breath, panting as he looked up at his friend.

The first thing he noticed were the large curved horns that now adorned Riley's head, extruding from his forehead and curling around his skull. The manly visage before him caused Brandon to moan in adoration, the thick, golden cum of his captain leaking from the side of his mouth as he swallowed down the lingering globs on his tongue. With that last seed to fill his mouth, Brandon's own horns burst from his head in throbbing release, pain disappearing, replaced with pleasure.

At having sired another satyr, Riley shuddered, his horns growing longer still, curving slowly around the tips of his pointed ears. The horns were thick at the base, segmented with ribs. He shuddered, feeling such power rush through his body. He reached out and grabbed Brandon's fuzzy sideburns which sent a charge through the blond's face as Riley leaned in and kissed him sloppily, then he broke the kiss to reach down and grab Uly, pulling the dark satyr into their huddle. Uly grabbed Brandon's head and kissed him too, accentuated by their height differences.

Brandon moved from one friend to the other, placing sloppy kisses across each of their faces as his hands roamed across both their handsome bodies. Riley was a sturdy, muscled beast before him, while Uly was tall and lithe, his toned musculature undulating as they moved in tandem, skin, hair, and fur coming together as one. They writhed their bodies and thrust their hips, the lust ever growing as their combined musk grew thick and heavy in the sauna, overpowering even the heat the steam was creating.

Crickets chirped loudly, the evening in full swing. The air was still warm despite the sun going down, a credit to how hot the summer was going to be. In the distance the stadium lights glowed as bright as a star, shining down across the waiting masses. The sound echoed through the tunnel leading to the school, palpable to the three teens creeping across the grass on hooves. Riley was grinning ear to ear as he whispered to his comrades and the lid to the gatorade bottle scraped as it was opened, revealing the sloshing yellow liquid within.

"You guys ready?" Riley murmured, hoisting up his shaft, giving it a few good strokes as he looked to his fuzzy brothers. Brandon walked up beside him, hand already working across his thick shaft as he moaned with pleasure.

"I'm ready, if you are, captain." Brandon muttered as he moved in and planted a sloppy kiss on Riley's lips.

"Fuck yeah, they're going to look so great as our boys." Uly moaned, his shaft already starting to dribble as he brought it over the huge drink container. Riley gave a nod, and all three satyrs started to leak their seed in unison, pouring it in to get churned by the sloshing liquid. What had started in the sauna certainly hadn't stayed there, and Riley was ready to captain a very different kind of team.

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