The Last Dragonboy Chapter 10

Story by Percival94 on SoFurry

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#10 of The Last Dragonboy

The Conclusion to my Christian fantasy story, The Last Dragonboy!

The Dragon Defenders had regained their strength. As they stood up, they looked up to the sky and saw my mother and father and I flying in the sky.

"It's the shadow dragon, and his mate! And...could it be?" Percival's eyes widened in shock when he looked at me flying behind them. He was able to recognize me by my soul.

"It's the dragonboy! He's alive!"

The other four Dragon Defenders look up too and gasped in shock. We landed in front of them gently.

"Do not be alarmed, Dragon Defenders. I am very sorry for all I've done...I wish to make amends to everyone. I have my son back...and I have made amends with him and my mate" my father bowed to the defenders. Ignatius and Fenris gave skeptical looks, but Neptune, Percival, and Isolda could see that he was sincere.

"I'm still angry at what you did to my friends!" Ignatius snorted angrily and growled.

"Yeah! You hurt me and you scared me to death..." Fenris sobbed.

"Calm down you two...I know he did bad things to us, but God says to forgive..." Neptune said gently.

"That's right. We forgive just as Christ forgive us! Right Percival" Isolda asked and looked to Percival.

"That's right, Isolda...don't you see? We are making peace thanks to the dragonboy. Just like the prophecy said..." Percival stepped up to my father and bowed.

"We forgive you. But you must promise to take good care of the dragonboy. Your son. We know he means a lot to you..." Percival requested.

"I promise you and God that I will take good care of my son. And my mate as well. I do not wish to fight any longer. I forgive all of you in return." my father nodded and bowed.

Percival laid his claws on my father's head.

"Then in that case, you, your mate, and your son are under the protection of the Dragon Defenders. And you have our alliance as well"

Percival put a crystal on my father's neck.

"Use this crystal to call us, whenever you may need us..."

"Thank you...I am honored. I am glad I can rely on you defenders" My father smiled happily and gave each of the Dragon Defenders a hug. The Dragon Defenders all smiled happily and wagged their tails in satisfaction.

"We must be going now...we have more business to take care of. More missions, more adventures. take good care of yourselves"

"Very well...I hope you see you defenders again, someday"

We waved goodbye to the Dragon Defenders as they took off and flew away.

"So, my son...want to go on a hunt?"

I looked at my father and remembered that I was hungry after all I had done to bring my parents back together. Starving even! I licked my lips and rubbed my tummy.

"You bet dad! I'm so hungry I could eat a whole dragon!"

My mom and dad both looked at me funny, and then started laughing and nudging me playfully.

"Well that would be cannibalism, but we will find you something big to fill your tummy with!" my mother offered, still laughing. When we had taken deep breaths and calmed down, we all took off and soared together as one family.

My life had changed for good. But also for the better. I got to meet my favorite dragons, go on a big adventure, and reunite with my real dragon parents. I hoped to visit the human world again someday. To see my friends again and my parents who adopted me. Until then...I would have to get used to my new home. And my new family. This is where God wanted me to stay. One thing was for sure...I loved God and my real father with all my heart, and there was no turning back...

The Last Dragonboy Chapter 9

The shadow dragon landed with a thud at his cave. Then he walked inside, with me still in his mighty grasp. He set me down gently and glared at me. "Stay here...I am going to get your mother. You'd better not move from that spot. You are on a time...

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The Last Dragonboy Chapter 8

I looked around the new realm I was in. I knew that I was no longer on the earth I knew. There were dragons everywhere. Of all colors, shapes, and sizes. Some walking and grazing the land, while others flew around. "Whoa...I can't believe I am really...

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The Last Dragonboy Chapter 7

Percival, Fenris, and I landed gently in front of the large volcano. Looking up at it was pretty scary. I wondered if it would be close to erupting. "This is it, dragonboy. Ignatius is in there I'm sure." We slowly walked through the entrance of the...

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