Breaking a Few Eggs

Story by Sabrina Evans on SoFurry

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A man in need of some quick cash learns that its always best to read the contract.

Mark stared down at the pink slip of paper in his hands. It was a flyer for a local farm, advertising a full summer job with shelter and food being provided. He thought that shelter was a weird way of phrasing it, but he didn't give it too much thought. It was probably just the way farmers thought of a living space.

"Damn hicks." He laughed to himself. It didn't matter, it would pay the bills, and paying the bills is what he needed. Mark put his pickup in park and hopped out onto the dusty road. Before him was a large complex, lots of steel with no windows. He figured that would be where they store grains or corn or whatever the hell it was they did here. He stretched his back and locked his car, heading to the office looking building to his right.

The door jingled as he opened it, a small brass bell held above it with some string. He rolled his eyes and walked up to the receptionist. "Hey, I'm here for the summer job you guys were advertising." The receptionist looked up at him, and then back down to her computer. "I'm sorry sir, if you look at the flier it specifically indicates that this is a job opening for women."

Mark grinned. "My buddy is a lawyer and he says differently." The woman sighed. It was going to be that type of guy. She was about to call her manager, but an idea crept into her mind, against her better will. "Of course sir. Terribly sorry about that." She stood up and motioned towards a door to her right. "Please, follow me and we can get you started right away."

Mark thanked the woman for being inclusive and followed her as she walked down a narrow hall. She brought him to a small and cluttered office space to sign a few documents. She handed him a mountain of paperwork. "Legally I am required to detail exactly what you will be doing here, but something tells me you will have an argument for that."

Mark laughed. "Im sure its nothing I can't handle. Where do I need to sign?" The woman smiled and pointed to a few different pages, looking for signatures and initials. "Great" she said, taking the papers back "That should do it. Would you like to get started?"

Mark nodded and stood up. "The ad said I would be working for twelve hours a day, seven days a week for three months. I'm assuming that overtime pay is being figured into that?" He asked, being led back into the hallway. "Yes, the amount you are being paid takes the overtime into account. Twenty five thousand will be paid in full when you are done here."

That was music to Mark's ears. He would get paid by the hour with no condition being set by the quality of his work. Not the best way to ensure quality, not that he cared.

The receptionist opened a door at the end of the hall, a well lit medical office greeting them both. "Go ahead and lay down here. You will get a physical from our staff doctor before you can begin your work." The woman said with a grin. "I hope you enjoy your time here."

Mark watched her ass as she left the room, closing, and locking the door behind her. Odd, but not too odd. Mark looked around the room before sitting down in the chair and leaning back. The room was decorated with various pictures and models of birds. Chickens, blue jays, he couldn't name half of them but he recognized most of them regardless. "Guess this is some sort of egg farm." He said to himself.

"That would be accurate." Came a voice from behind him. Mark hadn't noticed the doctor arrive, making him jump slightly in his chair. "Shit doc, you scared me there." He laughed, relaxing back into his seat. "Sorry to have startled you lad, just getting my things ready for our procedure." The doctor spoke, mixing a few solutions into a vial. "Surprised to see a male volunteer if I'm being honest."

Mark smiled. "Well it helps to know a good lawyer. Discrimination is a powerful word in court." The doctor nodded. "Of course. No one can tell you how to live your life." The doctor began to load the liquid into a small syringe, careful to get the right dosage for the weight listed on Mark's form.

"Could you please place your arms inside the braces sir?" The doctor asked, noting that Mark hadn't properly situated himself into the office's chair. "I need to ensure you will be still during this process."

Mark rolled his eyes. "Lot of red tape for a physical, but sure. Worker safety and all that." He set his wrists inside the straps. "Just don't leave me tied up here. I didn't sign up for that."

The doctor tightened the leather straps around Mark's wrists and ankles, making sure they were secure before continuing. "Do you have a preference of species?" He asked, getting ready to load a second syringe.

The question caught Mark off guard. "Hmn? Oh uh. It doesn't really matter to me. All the same really right?" He thought it was odd that the doctor would care which kinds of birds he would want to look after, but it was just small talk. "I guess blue jays are pretty cool."

The doctor smiled. "Of course. Blue jays are a lovely bird. Bright colors, regular ovulation cycles. A good choice I might add." He prepped the second syringe, careful to select the correct breed. He walked in front of Mark and rolled up his sleeve.

"This is the first of two injections you will need. After that you will be taken to our transitioning room." He poked the needle into a vein in Mark's arm, slowly pressing the liquid into his bloodstream.

"Oh shit. That burns a bit." Mark half laughed. "That for the bird flu or something?" He couldn't imagine needing two separate vaccines just for working with birds, but then again, a farmer he was not.

"No, the first is just a preparation shot for the second." The doctor replied, pulling the needle out and setting it on a counter. "It has the nanomachines that will fuel the second injection's DNA replication."

Mark blinked as the doctor poked him with a second needle. "Nanomachines? Like what they use for fighting cancer?" Mark stared at his arm as the second batch of fluid burned down his arm. "Why do I need those?"

The doctor gave Mark a confused look. "How else would this work?" His brow furrowed. "Sir... you DO know what just happened right?"

Mark began to sweat. "No! I thought these were flu shots or something! The hell are you putting nanobots into me for?!"

The doctor simply sighed. "Well I wish you would have spoken up sooner. The process is irreversible. You are going to have to wait for it to wear off in September."

Mark began to lose his shit, for lack of a better phrase. "What process?! You quack what's going to happen to me?!" He began to struggle against his bonds. "Let me out of this right now!"

The doctor shook his head. "I can't. You would only hurt yourself once the seizures start. Just.. try to stay calm and.. maybe read the contract next time" The doctor couldn't help but chuckle as he pushed the chair towards the back door.

Mark screamed as he was being pushed out the door and into a small waiting room. There was a TV on the wall playing Fox News and a small end table with some magazines on them, not that he could reach for them while bound. "I am going to the police! I am being held against my will. Let me go now!"

The doctor rolled his eyes and stopped pushing Mark, orienting him towards the TV. "You signed the contract sir. For the next 3 months you are technically our property. As our property we can do whatever we want with you. Now, I'm sorry you got yourself into this mess, but there really isn't anything i can do." The doc pat Mark on his leg. "You will be fine. The transformation should take a few hours. Someone will come to get you then.

The doctor turned away and left the room, leaving Mark to his own thoughts. He continued to struggle against the binds of his chair, muttering every curse known to man as, slowly, his body began to ache.

It started in his chest, a dull and persistent pain. He could do nothing but wait as the sensation spread down his arms and legs. To Mark's relief, the pain never got extraordinarily bad. It ached, but it was tolerable. Half an hour had passed before he noticed the first changes.

His hands were turning black. He wasn't sure how long ago it had happened, but it was very clear to him now. He rotated his arms in their bindings, seeing each of his fingers tipped with a small and sharp talon. "What." Mark said out loud, voice cracking a bit. "No. Nonono. That's a bird hand."

His heartbeat quickened, noticing vibrant blue plumage pushing through his skin, decorating his new talons as they seemed to spread across his arms. "What the fuck is this!? Someone help me!" His vision darted around the room. There had to be a camera, a microphone or..

Mark froze. Looking to the side he saw a mirror, a strangely human blue jay staring back at him. It had a short, black beak, large, beautiful eyes, and trails of white and black feathers seeping into the blue of its face. Mark's jaw dropped, and so did the jay in the mirror.

He was at a loss of words. There was no way that any of this was possible. Technology wasn't to this point yet. How could he be a literal fucking bird man?

He looked away from the mirror, down his own chest, and again, his heart began to race. "NO!" he yelled, rocking in his braces. He noticed his voice was much higher in pitch than he remembered. He began cursing once more, thrashing about as he stared down at an inflated chest. The receptionist at the counter could hear the faint screams in the background and simply smiled, continuing her work at her computer.

Half an hour later, Mark heard the door behind him open. He was silent, simply staring at the wall in front of him in ever burning rage. "Everything seems to have gone as planned miss" The receptionist said with a small tease. "How are you feeling?"

Mark was having none of it. "Bite me." he growled, not altering his gaze. The receptionist laughed. "Nah. You won't be used for meat don't worry. We have a much better stage set for you." She grabbed the handles on the back of Mark's chair and wheeled him out through the back.

As they entered the next room, Mark's eyes widened. They were in the warehouse, even bigger on the inside than it seemed before. As she pushed his... her chair down a walkway she saw scenes out of a horror film. Little cubbies with no more than a bed, restraints, and a bucket beneath the front lined the entire floor. Even more terrifying were the contents of the beds.

Mark felt a lump in his throat. They passed room after room of various female birds, tied down to their beds, clucking and chirping, the occasional egg being pushed out from their feathery cunts. She was too distracted to notice she was about to get another shot.

"As funny as this is, I do feel kinda bad." The receptionist spoke softly, pushing a third compound into the neck of the freshly minted blue jay. "We did say this was a woman's job though." Mark didn't have a chance to reply, the liquid quickly rendering his body useless below the neck.

"When we first started this our hens tried to run away." The woman brushed away a small bead of blood from the injection site. "That shot was mostly just water, but there was a small regulator in it that I put into your spine." Mark glared at her, but wasn't capable of much else. "It lets your nervous system send important signals to your body, like your heartbeat, and other subconscious stuff, but blocks voluntary muscle movements."

Mark spoke, only a soft chirp coming from her throat. She blushed and tried again, to no better of a result. The receptionist smiled. "Your voice is regulated too. Not intended to be honest, but a fun side effect." She pat Mark on her shoulder.

"Now, you aren't stupid, so I'm assuming you know what is gonna happen next." She tossed the now empty syringe into a little bag beneath the chair. "You will be fed and bred, as we like to say" She chuckled to herself, undoing Mark's restraints. She took a moment to lift her body up and onto her new bed. "And in three months time you will be free to go."

She pushed a small pillow under the blue jay's neck. "Comfy?" She asked, getting nothing but a glare from the bird. "You will warm up to it. You are honestly the first guy to ever come through here, so this will be a great learning experience."

Mark watched as the woman grabbed her legs, spreading them slightly across the bed. She felt a cool breeze brush against her new womanhood.

"Alright. Someone will come by tonight to feed you. Until then, try to enjoy yourself" the woman gave Mark a wink, only adding to his internal rage. She watched her push the chair away and around the corner, leaving her alone and paralyzed on the bed.

Mark could still barely believe what was happening. It had to be some kind of sick dream. She closed her eyes and tried to wake up. She needed something.. anything to get out of this fresh hell. She laid there for half an hour, before finally hearing someone approaching.

She tilted her neck forward, looking down her very naked, very female body to the door. She expected another assistant to be bringing her some seeds, or whatever the hell birds ate. What she saw was a lot worse. Her eyes widened as a tall and handsome blue jay entered her room.

Handsome? That wasn't right. She wasn't gay. She didn't find guys attractive.

She stared at the silent man, watching his every action. He gave her a small smile, and she frowned back at him. "What crawled up your ass?" He laughed.

Mark's mouth hung slightly open. Why the hell was he allowed to talk? She chirped a few times and glared at him angrily. "Hey, I know it's your first time here, but it's really not so different from being human." He gave Mark a smile, rubbing his clawed thumb over her clit.

Mark squeaked. The guy smiled at her. "See? Feels good. Just treat it like a first date. You don't have a boyfriend or a husband do you?"

Mark shook her head. The other jay nodded, slowly slipping a finger inside of her, gently teasing her inner walls. "Good. You don't have to feel like you are cheating then." The man watched as Mark's expression showed a sense of unfamiliarity. He wasn't used to seeing women like this.

"Oh shit. Is this your first time?" He stopped, pulling his finger slowly out. Mark slowly nodded, and it was the man's turn to blush. "Oh. I'm sorry I didn't know." He seemed embarrassed now. "Uh. My name is Jay. Stupid, I know, but it felt fitting."

Mark didn't care what his name was. He just wanted to not be finger fucked by a stranger. She turned her head to the side and closed her eyes. Jay sighed. "It uh. Looks like you don't wanna do this. Which is weird 'cause you signed up for it."

He scratched the back of his head. "But uh. We have to get this over with." Jay blushed, and started to stroke himself under the table. "Man, this is making me kinda uncomfortable. Usually you guys are super willing."

Mark ignored Jay. Maybe he would go away if she kept ignoring him. She closed her eyes and tried to pretend that there wasn't a naked animal between her legs.

That became a lot harder when she felt the bird crawl up and onto her bed. She immediately turned to face him, watching as he climbed over her, his cock erect and ready, just inches from her virgin hole. He grabbed onto her shoulders and leaned over her face.

"Let's just make this quick okay?" Jay asked, lowering himself down her body slightly. He gave the girl a smile, only to be met with a quick headbutt and a small chirp.

Jay grabbed his head in his hand and groaned. "What the fuck is your problem bitch?" He grunted at her. "You want it rough? You playing hard to get?" He grinned, thinking he had found her game. "Oh I see. You are into that bondage shit." He hovered over her again, more erect than before. "Fine. I can play your game. You wanna feel like a trapped and helpless little bird?" Jay grinned, grabbing Mark's neck and squeezing it with his hands. "I can do that."

Mark gasped, not wanting this at all. Jay was pressing her neck roughly into the bed, talons scratching her weak and helpless body. She chirped loudly for help, but it was mistaken for lust in the rowdy male above her.

"Fuck. Yeah that's more like it. Make some noise you slut." Jay groaned, getting into it. He pressed his head against hers, grinning wickedly as his cock pressed against her belly. "Moan for daddy bitch. I wanna hear you try to scream."

Mark gasped as the bird's pointed cock poked against her now dripping cunt. She couldn't keep herself from chirping, the unexpected burst of pleasure washing over her body. She could do nothing but lay there, struggling to breath as Jay took what he wanted, slowly sliding up inside of her virgin tunnel, grunting in pleasure as he claimed his girl.

"I wish the others would.. nggg.. roleplay like this." He grunted, grinning as he pulled out, and pressed back inside of the terrified chick below him. "I didn't think I would be so into this but... nnng.. this is really hot."

Mark closed her eyes and tried to pretend that she wasn't being raped. It didn't work. If anything it only made her focus more on the burning lust building in her cunt. She would be rocking against her assailant if she had the liberty to move. Her pussy quivered on its own, every motion bringing her closer to climax.

Jay pressed his head into the female's neck, groaning as his talons scratched her torso. His feet clawed the bedsheets as he lunged forward one last time, his cock twitching in bliss as he pumped his woman full of bird seed. He felt her clamp down around his cock, and from the sounds she was making he knew she had gotten what she wanted.

Mark's mind was a traitor. She laid there, gasping for air under the bird who had taken her, blushing madly from the incredible orgasm she had just soaked her bed with. She was ashamed, humiliated as the bird nestled his head into her neck. She had just been bred like livestock, and deep down in her mind she had actually enjoyed it.

Jay nipped at his mate's neck, teasing her gently after their session. "Good girl." He teased, nuzzling her neck gently. "Now get to work on those eggs. I'll be back tomorrow for another round." Jay arched his back, slipping his wet and flaccid cock out from his hen. He smiled, seeing the pool of cum around her cunt. "Normally I would wipe you off.. but something tells me you would rather the world know what a slut you are."

Jay slapped Mark's thigh, smiling as he stared at her deeply flushed face. "Aww. Are you embarrassed?" He laughed at her. "Such a disgusting slut. Have fun with your eggs. It's all you are useful for." Jay winked at her. He knew she was getting off on the attention and teasing. He wiped his cock off with a nearby towel and turned the corner, happy that he had given her a good time.

Mark stared at the ceiling. Every last ounce of manliness had been stripped from her. She could feel cum slowly dripping down the sides of her legs and there was nothing she could do about it. She wanted to cry, but just closed her eyes and let the emotions roll around in her head. Before long she fell into a dreamless sleep.

She slept for a few hours. She would have slept longer if she wasn't awoken by a woman she hadn't met before. Her eyes were blurry, and she tried to rub them, being reminded of her useless body. She chirped quietly, as if to ask the woman what she was doing.

The woman gave her a soft smile. "Its dinner time. You've got a healthy clutch of eggs in there and you need some calories to let them grow." The woman grabbed a thin tube from the side of the wall, screwing some kind of plastic head onto it. She pressed a button and an off white kind of sludge dripped out.

Mark was confused as to what this woman was planning, and kept her eye on the mysterious device. Without much warning, the woman grabbed her beak, placing a hollow ball gag into her maw. Mark immediately bit down, but it was no use, the gag was already in.

The woman hummed silently to herself, placing a harness over Mark's head. She pulled a strap tight and Mark could feel her beak being locked down tight over the gag. She couldn't spit it out even if she wanted to. Her tongue darted around in her beak as she anxiously awaited what was next.

The woman grabbed the end of the hose and pressed it against the gag. It slipped through easily, probing around inside of Mark's mouth. Mark struggled as the hose tried to make its way down her throat, but she wouldn't let it pass.

"Try swallowing" The woman said, obviously having seen this issue before. Mark groaned, throat squeezing down on the tube as she swallowed. As her throat let up, her eyes widened in fear, the tube easily sliding down her throat and into her stomach. It felt like a snake crawling inside of her. It was wrong and uncomfortable and she just wanted to leave.

The woman flicked a switch on the wall, the tube making a faint hissing sound, and Mark could feel a cold slop entering her stomach. She was thankful that she wouldn't need to actually taste the disgusting paste, but she would have preferred actually eating something.

Just as the flow had started, the woman slowly turned a dial next to the hose. Mark watched her stand there texting, as the hose began to fill her faster. She could feel it moving, sloshing around inside as her body slowly expanded. She watched with morbid curiosity as her belly grew a few inches, stomach being stretched to its limits before finally the flow was shut off.

"Five pounds" The woman said, standing over Mark and grabbing the hose tightly. She nearly gagged as the tube slide back out her throat, leaving a foul taste of the sludge in her mouth. "That should be enough for fifty eggs." The woman undid the gag and Mark took in a deep breath, smacking her beak a few times and spitting to her side.

"Five pounds for fifty eggs." Mark thought to herself. "The.. size required for those eggs to weigh that much would.." Mark groaned. She didn't want to think about that. She didn't want to think about any of this. She ignored the woman in her room as she took the plastic knob off the hose and wiped it down, leaving a few moments later.

A few hours passed. Mark's chest slowly raised and fell, quiet breaths coming from her as she slept. Her stomach churned, a steady ache building in her abdomen, pulling her from her slumber. Her eyes lazily opened, groggy and disoriented.

"Wh.. ohhh god." She thought to herself, lifting her head to see her bloated belly. She wished she could rub it, or do anything really, to help the aching pass. She let her head flop back down on the pillow. As she laid there, staring at the ceiling in self reflection, her stomach growled again.

She felt a pressure building in her abdomen. A building force from inside her that made itself known. Her body let out a groan as her stomach clenched down. Down and through her torso, she felt movement, like a chunk of her was being shoved around. It felt incredibly unnatural, and Mark began chirping loudly, hoping to get someone's attention.

The sensation was short lived. Just as Mark thought he was going to lose a vital organ, he felt his pussy pull open wide, stretching painlessly as the fist sized egg effortlessly pushed its way through her. She groaned, the feeling of discomfort changing into one of sexual bliss as the egg pushed out through her nethers. She stared quietly as the egg slowly rolled off the end of her bed and landed softly in the basket beneath her.

Mark nearly fainted. She had just laid an egg. An actual egg, as a bird. From her vagina, which she had now. She wished more than anything that she could just wake up. She would rather deal with debt collectors and loan sharks breaking his kneecaps than this nightmare.

She didn't have too long for self loathing however, as the familiar pressure soon built again. The hen groaned, feeling her insides squirm as another, slightly larger egg made its way through her. To Mark's dismay, the second egg felt even better than the first. It worried her greatly that it actually felt kind of.. nice.

This couldn't be happening. She wasn't a female. She wasn't a bird. She had no business enjoying what was happening to her right now. But it didn't matter. Her body didn't seem to care. Regardless of what should be, the fact remained that her tiny female body had forty something eggs left in it and she wanted to experience each and every one of them.

She decided to play along. There wasn't much she could do about it. She didn't exactly have a choice. It would be easier if she just pretended and went along with it.

So she did. Mark... Mary... closed her eyes, and pretended that this was normal. She was just a bird who needed to lay some eggs, just as nature planned. She let them move through her slowly, focusing on how good it felt for them to purse through her wet and needy cunt. Slipping and sliding down into the basket below.

This was fine. She could do this. Mary closed her eyes and let her mouth hang open, moaning and chirping in delight to each passing egg, long into the night.

* * *

Mary slowly opened her eyes. She tried to roll over, to grab her blanket, but soon realized that neither thing was possible. She sighed. She was still a stupid, broken bluejay.

The hours dragged on. She stared at the ceiling, waiting for something to happen. Anything at this point, just for a change of pace. She was so goddamn bored.

"Hey." Came a familiar voice. Mary's neck craned forward, seeing Jay standing halfway in the door. He seemed nervous. "I uh... I overhead some stuff about your situation." He blushed, walking a bit closer to the bed. "Were you... really a guy yesterday?"

Mary blushed and looked away from him. Of course he would find out. Of course she would manage to find the one way to somehow make this whole ordeal even more awkward. She nodded in shame, averting his gaze.

Jay scratched his head and put his hand on Mary's bed. "Man.. I am... just SO sorry for all that yesterday. I had no idea.. I thought you were just trying to play around."

Mary couldn't help but break into a smile. At least the guy wasn't a total dick. It wasn't like her situation was easy to read.

"I uh.. I wish I knew beforehand. I would have been a lot more gentle." He placed his hand on hers. "I'll be a better partner today."

Mary turned her head to him. There was no way he was still planning on fucking her right now. After all of what he knew, knowing how much it must have hurt her, he was still going to do it again?

Jay seemed to understand her glare. "I.. still have to do this. It's what we get paid for and.. well. I need the money."

Mary couldn't believe what she was hearing. She watched the bird let his hand slide under her bed, moving gently back and forth. Her heart sped up, anticipating another round of humiliating shame that was about to be forced upon her.

Jay couldn't help but stare at his mate's chest as he masturbated under the bed. He knew she was a guy only a day ago, but that didn't make her any less hot. He had been here for a few months already, fucking every blue jay there was to be had in the building, but something about her felt... different.

She wasn't here because she was obsessed with sex, or because she couldn't get laid before. It was an accident. This girl was new and beautiful and.. something about it all just really got him going.

Jay climbed onto the bed, cock in hand, as he sat on Mary's legs. "Do uh.. you want me to go fast? Or make it uh.." He blushed as he asked. "Enjoyable?"

Mary didn't know how to respond. The idea of Jay fucking her raw again was... a mixed bag of emotions. As a guy, she felt disgust and shame. She wanted nothing to do with it.

Mary felt her cunt squirm beneath her. Not her cock, but her wet, and needy pussy. She wasn't a man right now. She wouldn't be for quite a while. Was it worth hating herself for that long?

Jay sat patiently on her legs, realizing a bit late his mistake. "Oh. Heh. Right. You can't talk." He said, slowly stroking his pointed shaft. "Uh. If you want it quick and easy.. shake your head." The blue jay grinned. "If you want me to show you how to feel good as a girl, nod your head."

Mary cursed the handsome avian. She didn't want his empathy. She didn't want him to be so.. caring. Or thoughtful. It made her LIKE him and she didn't want that. She couldn't have that right now. She was falling for a guy she barely knew.

Mary closed her eyes and nodded softly. Fuck it. She was on the bird train, and she would get off when she was violently thrown off 3 months from now. She opened her eyes and craned her neck forward, staring Jay in the eyes. She smiled and nodded again.

Jay grinned. "Heh. Okay. I'll do what I can.. uh.." Jay scooted closer to Mary's face. "What should I call you?"

Mary leaned up and into Jay's face, gently rubbing her forehead against his. She leaned her head to the side and chirped, trying to point to her file sitting on the small table.

Jay reached over and grabbed the stack of papers. "Mnn. Mark? I'll admit it's not the most feminine name." He said with a laugh.

Mary shook her head.

"Well what do I call you then? Mark... uh.. Mary?" He asked, half joking. He saw the hen's cheeks brighten up, followed by a timid nod. "Woah. Getting into it huh? Alright. Mary it is then."

Jay set the papers back down on the table. "Well Mary. I'll do my best." Jay said, trying to comfort her. "Just let me know if you want me to stop."

Jay let himself rest on top of the hen, cock stuffed tightly against her belly. He brushed her bangs up and away from her head, grabbing behind her neck and bringing her into a short kiss.

Mary melted. She didn't know if it was her hormones or his but she was in heaven. His scent, his strong and physical body. Even the way he was acting.. he was a gentleman and she wanted his babies.

Their kiss lasted minutes, Jay eagerly grinding his hips against his mate as she silently made out with him. They were both breathing roughly before he dared to pull away.

"Fuck me." He said, lowering himself down her body. "You are incredible." Jay grabbed the hen's amole breasts and squashed them between his hands. He sunk his face into them, nibbling at her feathers as he gently clawed her sides.

Mary couldn't believe how good she felt. She had just made out with a guy for a good five minutes and she literally couldn't care less about it. Her body was radiating. Her cunt was simply oozing with desire and any trace of a male mind was nowhere to be seen.

Jay looked into his partner's eyes. They were needy. Glistening and ready. She couldn't speak a word but he knew she needed him.

Jay let her breasts fall away from his face. He carefully turned himself around, and backed his ass up to the hen's face. With his hands firmly between the girl's thighs, he plopped his balls down on top of her beak.

Mary breathed in deeply. Musk filled her lungs. Her mind could barely take how damn good this blue jay smelled. She chirped in mindless pleasure as she nuzzled her beak up and into his sweaty globes of sex. She sniffed as hard as she could, body shaking in reflex. Nothing could top this. She was in heaven and..

Jay pressed his beak slowly between the hen's dripping folds. He grinned from ear to ear as she moaned like a cheap whore behind him. He tightly gripped her inner thighs, scratching them gently as he licked slowly down her pussy.

Mary was lost. She felt nearly blinded by pleasure. Head turned, she grabbed the hanging cock with her beak, gently pulling it towards her. She eagerly watched as Jay lifted his plump little ass in the air, his cock hanging inches from her face. She closed her eyes and opened her maw as wide as it would go.

Jay grunted, stuffing his cock down the hen's greedy beak. He moaned loudly into her quivering cunt as he stuffed her with his own beak. She tasted like heaven. He couldn't get enough of her sweet nectar if he spent all night with the hen. The jay shoved his mast roughly down his lover's throat, again, and again. Harder and faster each time, until he felt his own orgasm approaching.

He had to have restraint. Jay bit down on the bed sheets, pulling his dripping cock from the poor girl's maw. "I can't hold off anymore Mary" He grunted, spinning back around on her bed. "I'm sorry."

Mary craned her neck as far as she could, eagerly watching as her mate stuffed her aching cunt. She groaned in delight as his pointed mast pierced her, his waist slamming roughly against her own. She felt every inch, every curve of his beautiful cock. She nearly blacked out as a rush of pleasure overtook her mind, pussy clenching as she squirted all over her man's loins.

Jay felt her squirm, pulling her hips roughly against his own as he bottomed out, cock twitching as he leaned forward. He couldn't count how many times he filled her. His cock wouldn't stop, rope after rope of hot, sticky seed filling her womb. It felt like an eternity, both birds basking in the afterglow of the best sex they had ever had.

* * *

The months came and went. The days seemed to chain together for Mary and Jay, who had eagerly amped up their 'production' over the weeks they were together. They spent more time together than not, Jay opting to sleep with her instead of staying in his own room. He brought his blankets and pillows with him, keeping her warm through the nights and filling her up in the mornings.

Mary's time was soon approaching. It was her final day as a bluejay, and even though she had been enjoying her time with her impromptu boyfriend, she knew she would be getting her life back shortly. She would get to be a man again, and could put this weird but interesting chapter of her life in the past.

She wondered if she would miss Jay, or if he would miss her. Even through their time together he still had to fuck the five other blue jays that lived here, so it was hardly a monogamous relationship. Plus, he had signed up for a full year of being a bird just a few months before she did. He wouldn't be heading home today, so it was best to not think about it.

Mary stared at the ceiling, as she often did, thinking about the goodbye kiss Jay had given her. It was bittersweet, but she couldn't keep from being excited about having her body back.

"Alright Mark. You should be good to.." The doctor turned the corner, staring at the blue jay laying spread eagle in front of him. "Oh. Is my schedule wrong? You should have changed back by now."

Mary frowned. "Perhaps my dates are wrong" He spoke, looking through his documents. He rustled through the papers a bit, before leaning away from the bird. He spoke something into a small microphone on his coat.

"I'm sorry miss. Something isn't quite right. An analyst is on his way to look at your bloodwork." Mary sighed. Of course something would go wrong. Of course her transition back to a human couldn't go smoothly. She rested her head as she waited for something to be done.

A few minutes passed and a second doctor showed up. The two conversed for a bit and they took a few samples of blood from her arm. It seemed like an eternity before any clear results came in, the second doctor finally coming to a conclusion.

He approached the hen, not exactly sure what to say. "I'm.. sorry miss. But there has been a mistake." The doctor spoke softly. "A pretty big mistake actually. You won't be going home today."

Mary sighed. That was just her luck. She had gotten all excited to go home, and now it was going to take even longer.

"The nano machines used on you a few months ago were not built for.. someone like you." The doctor was careful with his phrasing. "They are supposed to be used on a female patient. They store the hosts genetic information that way. With you, that information appears to be corrupted."

Mary's heart rate accelerated. She was no computer wiz, but she knew what corrupted data meant.

"There is no record of what your previous body used to be. Even worse, there is no way of deactivating the nanomachines in your blood." The doctor seemed truly empathetic. "Which means we cant even use them to turn you back into a human. Or even male for that matter. Any bots we add would just adapt to the same state as the ones currently in your body."

Mary was stunned. There was no way this was real. There was no way professionals could fuck up so badly. They had ruined her life!

The doctor coughed. "Normally in the reversion process the nanomachines would get rid of the electrode in your spine as well." Mary's eyes widened. No. Not this. "So.. there isn't a safe way to remove it."

For the first time since she had been a bird, Mary cried. A few beads streaming down her face.

"We can still remove it with surgery." The doctor quickly added. "But it is dangerous. There are side effects that could occur. The electrode is very small and removing it will be risky."

Mary nodded. She didn't care. She was stuck as a damn broodmother. She was NOT going to stay paralyzed. She immediately authorized the surgery.

The doctors nodded and grabbed her bed. She anxiously thought through all the ways it could go wrong as she was carried from the breeding halls into the medical bay. Would she die? Would she remain paralyzed for the rest of her life? What life did she even have at this point?

Her mind refused to let up until the moment she went under. Her eyes lazily closed as the anesthesia kicked in and and doctors began their work. She laid there well into the night, hours passing before finally, she opened her eyes.

Jay was standing just above her, obviously relieved to see her wake up. She smiled as she looked at him, but her smile disappeared when she couldn't understand a thing he was saying. She sat up, confused and scared, but also relieved.

She sat up. Mary moved her fingers, flexing them as she moved them in front of her. She had her body back. She nearly squealed with glee, telling Jay how happy she was to move, but all she did was chirp.

She grabbed her throat, still sore from the operation, and Jay pulled her hands back down. She saw his mouth moving, but only chips and chirps came out. She looked to her doctors, humans, still chirping away.

She had no idea what was going on. This wasn't right. This made no sense. Mary nearly lost her mind until she was handed a piece of paper.

She read it. She could read. Thank god she could still read.

Jay watched in silence as she read the report. The doctors has successfully removed the electrode in her spine, but minor damage was done in the process. She could still hear, but language would forever be foreign to her. If the spinal blocker was just a bit lower down her neck, her ears would have been fine.

Mary was distraught. What would she do? She was broken. She couldn't speak, or hear. She was a bird and a woman. Everything was wrong. She had nothing. She-

Mary felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned. Jay grabbed her head and pulled it to his chest. His shirt wasn't as soft as his chest plumage, but she felt better regardless.

She smiled up at him as he looked down at her. Before she knew what was happening, Jay was on his knee, looking at her with a brightness in his eyes she couldn't imagine possible. She couldn't believe what was happening. Everything was going so fast. She wiped away a tear as she nodded, chirping quietly.

* * *

Three Years passed since the surgery. Mary rolled onto her side, nuzzling into the chest of her husband. She smiled as she breathed in his familiar scent, hand sliding down his waist and gripping him softly.

"Mnng. Early bird huh?" Jay said quietly, still half asleep. "Can't even wait for breakfast?"

Mary nuzzled him close. It was difficult, not knowing what her lover would say, but they got by. They both learned sign language, which helped immensely, but they also learned each other. They had an intensely physical relationship. Words were hardly needed to know what the other wanted.

Mary smiled at her mate as she crawled on top of him. She gripped his cock tightly in her hands as she nibbled along his chest.

"Alright alright." Jay laughed. "Such a slut." He grabbed his wife by her ass, lifting her tenderly against him. He felt her wrap her legs around his waist, arms behind and over his shoulders. She gently kissed him as his cock stiffened, pressing lightly against her cunt.

Mary slid down his shaft, chirping as she did. Every inch felt as good as it ever had. Her body was literally designed for sex, and she wasn't ashamed of it. Her eggs brought in a good fortune, and the couple was more than happy to make sex their job.

It didn't hurt that mary couldn't possibly over eat. She would spend her mornings having the best sex she could imagine, followed by a feast of her favorite foods, and a relaxing session of egg laying and watching movies before bed. Sure, it wasn't what she planned on doing with her life, but she wasn't about to complain.

She stared up at her husband, his eyes closed as he slowly rocked himself into her. She adored him. He was perfect, a young, handsome cock with a thick, powerful dick. He had stuck by her, in all her weirdness. Through her limited means of communication. She couldn't ask for anyone better.

Mary felt herself quiver, a wave of pleasure flooding over her as her cunt was flooded with her husband's juices. She moaned the way he liked. The way he loved to hear her squeak. She leaned into his chest and sighed, chirping quietly, as she squeezed him tightly.

Jay smiled and returned the favor, claws tracing gently down her back. "I know hon. I love you too."


James stared out his window, tiny beads of rain sticking to it, cold and dark. He closed his eyes and breathed in his coffee, a dark roast, with cream but no sugar. He knew he would regret it when he tried to sleep later in the night, but it didn't...

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