A knotty Lesson

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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Well, this little story was a fun extra to add to my submission Acceptable in the eighties it is an event Denis reminisced about and it just seemed so cute, sexy and funny in my head that I had to write it out. This one is intended to be far more fun and just happy go lucky sexy than most of my serious stuff. So I hope you like it, and don't forget if you fap fave or face life with a penis cursed by a writer bear

Danny gulped and trembled a little, looking at the small illuminated building in front of him. It had been the subject of a whole load of schoolyard rumours. Ever since he was old enough to understand what sex was, he had been wondering about himself. His friends were always talking about the girls in school, or on T.V. and what they wanted to do with them. The wolf joined in, but he knew he was just echoing their words, trying to fit in.

Then people had started to joke about the puffs and what they did in the woods. It was meant as a joke, but the young wolf knew there was a grain of truth in those stories. On a field trip a few years earlier he had used the bathroom, he'd seen the hole with his own eyes. Supposedly the council kept fixing it, but them gay guys were so horny they kept knocking a new one back in it. The police didn't have the budget to patrol it, thanks to Milk Snatcher Maggie and the bloody Tory party.

Of course, that worked in the wolf's favour right now. For years he had been thinking of the place, of going there and trying it for himself. It was the one way to know... if he really was a dirty pillow biter, or not. He had been standing in the woods watching the place for at least an hour, he'd seen a bunch of guys turn up and go in, they took a long time to come back out. He'd seen a bear meet up with a horse and the two had kissed outside in the light, the bear had led the equine into the woods, off the beaten path.

It had taken all of Danny's self-control to not follow the couple and see what they were doing. In his mind, he knew, but damn he wanted to see it. He'd only ever seen his own cock erect, despite a few sneaky glances in the showers at school. The chance to see one in real life, even from distance had been a very strong temptation. However, he wanted to try something else first, he wanted to feel a mouth around his meat.

Just thinking of it had made his shaft swell, he was standing in the woods with a fully pitched tent in his jeans. The slender wolf took a deep breath, he told himself it was time, he had to go for it. By his count, there was just one person left in the bathroom, a young looking bull who had gone in almost half an hour ago.

In a week he would be off to university, at the other end of the country. He was desperate to be sure of who he was before he became a man. It was time for him to get the answer, with more effort than it should have taken he took a step forward. The light outside the bathroom illuminating his grey-furred ears and face, he glanced around nervously, one last time, and then dashed out of the woods and into the toilet.

The bathroom was empty, a metal communal urinal on one wall, a few sinks opposite. At the far end three cubicles, with the middle one occupied. Danny gulped and dashed into the cubicle on the right, it was the one he remembered the hole being in. Sure enough, it was there, a hole the size of a fist, at near crotch height, the rough edges covered in duct tape. He closed the door and pushed the bolt, his paws trembling with excitement. His pulse was racing and his eyes were locked on the hole, so he didn't notice that the bolt missed the small groove cut for it, leaving the door unlocked.

Two grey fingers appeared through the hole, they ran around the rim and then gave a little come-hither gesture. Danny's paws were trembling so badly he fumbled with his flies and it took him so long to get his flies down that the fingers appeared again and repeated the gesture. His cock was finally freed from his tight underwear and he shuffled forward, lining himself up with the hole carefully.

Danny closed his eyes, as he pushed the tip through. A startled yelp caught in his throat, as warm fingers wrapped around his length and pulled it inside. He didn't resist the pull, pushing himself forward eagerly, he moaned softly as he could feel ten digits running over his maleness lovingly. Whoever was on the other side, didn't just know cock they loved them. The wolf knew he was safe with those paws, because they were worshipping his maleness.

His whole body continued to tremble as waves of excited pleasure rode up his cock. Then, his breath caught in his throat, as he felt warm breath flowing over his cocktip. Danny's cock throbbed and he shot a jet of precum, he flushed with lust and slight embarrassment. He wondered if he should apologise, but he was too shy to actually speak.

Whatever the bull had thought of his jet of precum, it clearly didn't hold it against him. The young lupine gasped out loudly as something warm and slick slid around his coronal ridge. Sensations ran up his quivering length and he sighed happily, relaxing a little. Warm lips sealed around his cocktip and then he cried out in pleasure, those lips pushed forward, engulfing his cock with warmth and a tongue squirming against his hot flesh.

"Oh fuck!" Those words spilt out of his mouth without thought. His eyes remained closed, he pressed his head against the stall wall, his hips pushing forward until they were flush against the cheap plywood separating him from his lover. The lips around him seemed to react to those words, gripping firmer as they pulled off, the gentle suction increasing greatly, his cock throbbed again and he shot another jet of pre into the mouth.

His eye opened wide as he felt the tongue squeezing his cock and the throat pinching his cocktip. However, it was the realisation that shocked him, the bull had just swallowed the juices from his penis. Danny didn't know why that was so arousing, he hadn't expected to feel it, but to know someone wasn't just sucking your meat, but that they had swallowed your pre was so deeply sexual. His mind raced to the big question, would he swallow his cum too? The wolf was pretty sure the answer would be yes and just thinking it drove him much quicker towards his orgasm.

Those soft subtle lips bobbed back and forth faster and faster, Danny couldn't hold back. The feelings were far beyond anything he thought he would find, the pleasure was overwhelming him, his balls raised into position. He could feel those bovine lips kissing his knot with each bob of his head. His paws clawed at the smooth wall uselessly, he struggled to bite back his cries of pleasure. However, it was all too much, the new sensation, the thrill of finally feeling someone touch him and the desperate horniness of a teenage body.

Danny tilted back his head and howled in pleasure, blushing with embarrassment, but his voice lifted higher anyway. His cock throbbed powerfully as an orgasm unlike any he'd ever rubbed out took hold of his body. His slender frame spasmed and his legs felt as weak and unsteady as a newborn pup. For a few minutes, he was lost in the bliss of his orgasm. Only to be rudely torn from that joy by a soft chuckle from the other stall.

Mildly offended he moved to step back, only for his knot to pull back against the hole and he whimpered as he realised why the bull was laughing. In the lust of the moment, Danny had pushed his whole cock through the hole, but his knot had swollen and he was now locked, he'd tied to a bloody wall. His face burned with the power of a thousand exploding stars as he whimpered. "Oh shit."

"Oh shit, indeed," chuckled the bull and then the evil bovine kissed his cocktip, his warm tongue lapped up the shaft, cleaning off a few stray drops of cum.

The wolf moaned, his cock extra sensitive and the feel of that tongue was exciting him again. "S...stop, or it'll never go down." He whimpered as the bull ignored him, warm lips kissing his tip, a soft tongue toying with his meatus.

For a moment the sensation stopped and Danny thought the bovine was showing mercy, "mmm that's fine with me, you got a nice cock and I am in no hurry to say goodbye." The lips returned to it and Danny whimpered, a mixture of emotions filling him, fear, panic, lust, desire and fear again. He knew he was at the mercy of the other male and just thinking that made his cock achingly hard.

However, any words he planned to beg evaporated in his mind as the door to the stall opened. He whimpered and stared out in terror, at a large polar bear, in scruffy t-shirt and jeans. "Sorry mate, you didn't lock the..." the bear's eyes slid down the wolf's body to where Danny's hips were flush with the wall. Danny could almost see the bear's thought processes as the ursine's slightly embarrassed look turned to amusement, then those golden and suddenly hungry eyes slipped down to the lupine's buttocks. "You're all tied up, ain't ya?"

"Wh... I..." stammered the wolf, then he whimpered more as the huge ursine stepped inside, his huge soft frame pressing against his thin body, the heat was wonderful and yet dreadful at the same time. His sensitive nose filled with the powerful musk of the bear. While his ears played the sound of the door shutting behind the bear and the bolt being firmly locked into place.

A huge muzzle was pressed to his ear and in a low, deep, growl the bear muttered, "it isn't even my birthday."

Danny whimpered softly and trembled a little, yet his cock throbbed and a bovine tongue was treated to a jet of wolf pre. The bear nuzzled into his neck softly and whispered, "it's ok, I'm not going to do anything you don't want. Just gonna keep you company while you're stuck. If you want me to stop or leave, all you have to do is say so."

A huge white paw reached up and stroked the lupine's cheek. The soft touch calmed Danny down, the huge black leathery paw pads felt so soft, he nuzzled against them unconsciously as he heart raced. The bear leaned around him, the huge paw tilting his muzzle up to meet the bears. Warm, soft lips pushed to his and he moaned softly, his first kiss.

It started out slow and gentle, just the ursine's lips pressing against his, he shuddered softly, his cock shooting another jet of pre into the tireless maw that was sucking on his cock. The pressure on his lips grew as the bear pressed down, Danny felt so small and weak, yet strangely safe as the huge frame surrounded his trapped lithe body. He moaned softly and that was all the bear needed to step up the pressure, lips parted and a tongue pressed into his mouth.

A taste of musk and something oddly meaty filled his mouth, the feeling was strange, almost electric. Everywhere the tongue touched tingled, his own tongue pressed back against the invader in reflex and the two slipped back and forth against each other. The bear moaned deeply, his chest rumbling and vibrating against his back. Danny's eyes closed as he lost himself in the moment.

The bear's free paw wandered over his body, stroking his chest and stomach, the wolf squirmed a little as thick fingers grazed his ticklish flanks. Danny giggled a little and the kiss was broken, the bear was smiling at him. "There, see boy, just relax and let Papa bear take care of you." If someone else had spoken those words Danny would have laughed at the absurdity. Yet the bear's voice was so strong and confident, there was no shame or fear in those words. Somehow, that made the absurd, absurdly sexy. He blushed and nuzzled against the large paw, welcoming the return of those thick black lips and the sweet kisses.

As the bear's paw moved lower, Danny groaned deeply and gasped to feel those thick fingers gripping the base of his shaft. "Mmmm, you seem very stuck still. Poor lil sexy pup." the bear growled in his ear, chuckling as he did so. However, any joke was lost on Danny, his mind was spinning from one word. Sexy? He had never thought of himself as sexy.

"S...sexy?" He moaned, unable to form an articulate sentence, the bull's lips were milking his cock faster and faster. His mind was spinning, his entire body seemed to be drowning in wonderful sensations. His nose was drinking in the bear's musky, masculine scent, his ears could hear the bear's deep sexual moans, and the groans of the bull sucking on his stuck shaft. While, his cock was tingling with the pleasure of an eager talented tongue, his next orgasm drawing near. The bear's paws were the final wonderful cherry on top of the sensations.

"Yeah, you are damn sexy, boy." Affirmed the bear with a smile, "I love your slinky body, your cock seems nice and thick, and your ass.." Dany yipped as two warm paws cupped his buttocks and squeezed and the bear moaned. "So deliciously pert." Then the paws left and the bear thrust his crotch forward, Danny whimpered as he felt something hard and thick grinding against his cheeks. "Mmm, you feel that don't you? That's what I think of how sexy your ass is."

Danny couldn't respond he was far too lost to the lust of the moment. He felt the bear unfasten the button on his jeans and pull them down. Excitement rose in his chest, he took deep panting breaths, his cock jetting more and more pre into the bull's hungry maw. Then he whimpered as thick fingers slipped into the waistband of his briefs. The touch made him quiver, it tickled in a way he had never felt before, he knew he was lost to his lust. The bear was going to fuck him, he knew it and he knew he would let him. He didn't want it, he needed it.

His deep moans seemed to spur the bear on, his briefs were pulled down, enough to expose his buttocks. Then he whimpered as he felt fingers stroking his pucker, soft lips silenced him. While he felt the lips on his cock increase the sensation, the bull seemed to be growing impatient and hungry. Then something new pressed to his pucker, it was warm and slick, the bear's cock. It pressed to his hole and he trembled in fear at the thickness. Yet his ass pushed back, just a little, and the bear groaned into his mouth knowing he wanted it.

Their kiss was broken, while the bear ground that thick cockhead against his pucker. He could feel the warmth and moisture as the ursine's cock jetted pre over his increasingly slick hole. Danny could feel pressure, his ring clenching tightly against the battering ram grinding against it, yet with each passing moment, he could feel himself relaxing, accepting the sensations. The bear grinned at him as he broke the kiss, his muzzle pressing to the wolf's ear, "mmm yeah, you like that, don't you? It's ok, I'm going to give it to you."

A soft whimper escaped his lips, his entire body trembled with pleasure, while the bear thrust softly, again and again. The thick bear cocktip kissing his pucker, again and again, shooting more and more pre against his entrance. Danny could feel the warm fluids dripping down his taint. His balls tensed and he cried out as he felt himself opening up slowly, his ring stretching in a strange and yet wonderful way. He could feel himself submitting mentally and physically, yet the feel of that huge frame against his, he had never felt so safe and protected. "There's a good pup, just relax...let me in"

With each gentle grind of his hips, Danny could feel the bear press further inside him. His tired ring no longer fought back against it, the entry was far less painful than he thought it would feel. In fact, it was almost pain-free, the bear's whispered words made him relax more, there was something burning inside him, he needed to feel more. He pushed back willingly against each thrust and he cried out in joy when he felt the head push fully through his ring.

The pleasure of the moment was too much, he howled, while the bear held him tightly. His cock throbbed in the maw of the bull as he emptied a second load of puppy cream into the hungry mouth of the bovine cock slut. Strong arms held him as he felt his legs almost give out, in his mind, he knew this meant his knot would be stuck for a lot longer. However, as the bear pushed himself deeper into him, he couldn't care. Danny had his answer, he was definitely a puff and surrounded by the warmth of the bear he felt a belonging he had never experienced before.

With a few stronger thrusts, the bear had taken advantage of his moment of bliss. The thick cock was deep inside him, a warm muzzle pressed into the back of his neck. Danny felt submissive instincts, he had never felt before, his head hung forward, pressing to the plywood. Strong jaws and sharp teeth nipped down on the back of his neck, grazing and scratching his skin through his plush grey fur. He whimpered submissively and closed his eyes basking in the sensations and emotions.

"Fuck... you are so tight," groaned the bear, as he thrust again. Danny groaned as he felt more thick bearhood being stuffed into his tight, formerly virginal, ass. He licked his lips and wondered how much more the bear could give him. Then he moaned as a warm tongue returned to his cocktip, licking it softly and lovingly. It was, as if, the bull guessed Danny was getting more sensitive down there. Or maybe he was just getting tired of the same cock, after all, a guy doesn't sit on that end of a glory hole if he doesn't want to suck a lot of different cocks.

"S... so big," Danny moaned and he felt the bear behind him shiver with pleasure at the words, the compliment. He smiled and pushed back a little, the bear bucked harder, thrusting another full inch into him. The sudden stretching made him cry out, his entire body pressed back into the warm bulk of the bear.

"You like that, pup?" The bear growled into his ear, and Danny nodded in reply. His voice lifted again as the bear thrust again, harder and he wondered just how much more he could take. There was no pause this time, the bear thrust, again and again, Danny's paws scrabbled against the wall as he was pressed down into it by the huge male behind him. Then he felt something wonderful, the bear's hips pressing flush to his own, the thrusting stopped and Danny panted desperately as he felt the entire length inside him, it was so warm and he was sure he could feel it throbbing.

"There, told you all you needed to do was relax," the bear muttered softly, his teeth nibbling up Danny's neck to his ear. The heat from his breath made the ear twitch and then the deep gravelly voice added. "Now the fun can really begin." Danny's eyes shot open wide as he felt the thickness pulling out from inside him, his body clenched down trying to hold it inside him. He felt strangely empty and all his mind could think of was how much he wanted it back inside him.

However, his emptiness was only momentary as the bear thrust fully back inside, in one smooth motion. He cried out with the pleasure, the maleness stimulating something inside him, his cock sprayed pre onto the hungry tongue licking it. Danny gasped, desperately trying to catch his breath, the bear behind him had other plans. His hips thrust, again and again, each thrust pressing the wolf hard into the wall, he could feel the entire toilet wall shaking with the power of the thrusts. There was no pain anymore, all he could feel was a wonderful fullness, with each thrust something inside him was touched that send waves of pleasure through him.

Danny cried out louder and louder, no longer trying to hold back, he didn't care who heard them. His grey body pushed back wantonly and whimpered, "more... please more."

"Fuck yes! Take more," the bear growled in his ear, his breath so hot on his fur. The ursine's thrusts getting rougher and faster by the moment, the lupine's hips pressed back to meet him each time. A warm mouth surrounded his aching dripping cock. Danny was drowning in lust and sensation, he was far too lost to worry or wonder. All he could do was give in to the lusts of his flesh. "You love it, don't you, pup?"

"Oh...Fuck, yes!" Danny cried out his body writhing against the huge bear's "I ...love it." He cried out, loud enough for the people outside to hear him. His voice echoed around the tiled room, along with the grunts of the bear, the lustful moans of his lover. "Please...don't...stop." He cried out and the bear responded with his hips, thrusting harder and faster, the ursine bred him like the willing bitch he was. His ass was stuffed over and over, the ursine's bulk pressing him firmly down against the wall, he couldn't move even if he wanted to.

His cock was burning with need, his balls churning and bulging fit to burst. His head lolled around loosely as he lost control of his body. All he could do was give himself up to the pleasure of the moment, his cock spraying his third powerful load of the night. While the most powerful orgasm of the night, and his life, gripped him and sent his body into spasms.

The bear roared out in pleasure, his thrusting slowed but gained in strength and savagery. The ursine rutting his ass desperately hard, shoving his cock as deep into his ass as he could and shooting thick ropes of bear cum into his tight ass. A strange warmth flooded him and his weak and limp body fell back into strong arms then just held him tightly. He closed his eyes and basked in the wonderful afterglow.

The world around him seemed to melt away. Danny was aware of soft lips kissing his, a huge paw caressing his cheek and stroking his headfur tenderly. His eyes stayed closed and he soaked up the feeling of contentment. He moaned as the bear's softening cock was pulled from his depths, he could feel trickles of cum running down his leg, but didn't care.

After a few minutes the bear stepped back, pulling the wolf with him and Danny's softening knot slipped through the hole, "well, guess I don't need my turn on that hole." The bear chuckled as he tucked his cock away in his pants, he pulled a small square card out of his pocket and pressed it into Danny's paw. "If you are ever looking for some fun, just call. I'm discrete and I have my own place," the bear muttered and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. "I think you've hogged the hole for long enough, don't you?"

Not waiting for an answer the bear opened the door, Danny realised they weren't alone, there were a few other guys hanging out. A canine couple were making out on the sinks, while a young gorilla was staring at him, with an obvious erection in his jeans. The wolf was suddenly aware, he was standing in front of a bunch of strangers with his pants around his ankles, an ass filled and dripping bear spunk. They all knew what he'd done and what the bear had done to him.

The gorilla stepped forward, "my turn at the hole... unless you want to offer me yours too." The ape muttered and Danny gasped, pulling up his jeans and stumbling out into the bathroom.

As the door began to close his paw shot out, to stop it, and he turned to give the gorilla a look, his eyes going to the rather large tent that had been pitched. "I... wouldn't say no." He flushed and knew that he wasn't just gay, he was very much a sub and what he really wanted was to experience more. Something inside him had been awoken, a hunger he had always had, but never knew how to feed. Tonight it was time for it to feast.

"Then go into the other stall!" Called a frustrated voice from the middle stall. "I only got another half-hour before I got to go."

If you enjoyed this then I think you will enjoy my latest anthologyhttps://www.sofurry.com/view/1265638 or my new Novel The Stable Boy https://www.sofurry.com/view/1281673 will illustrations by avatar?user=50918&character=0&clevel=2 Rov

If you enjoyed this story please consider buying my first book details can be found in my https://www.sofurry.com/view/945905 journal It's a sweet romance story with some steamy chapters and some art by avatar?user=166120&character=0&clevel=2 Edesk

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