Damaged - Part II: Mental

Story by banditfromtheeast on SoFurry

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#2 of Damaged (Four-Part Series)

This is a four-part mini-series following two long friends who, through an unfortunate situation, end up experiencing an evolution of their relationship that neither of them could foresee coming. Originally this was meant to be a one off short story, however as I continued writing it the length proceeded to grow far beyond the point where I was comfortable having it as a single submission's block of text. The story itself is complete and the remaining portions should be uploaded within a week or so of the this first part (after some last minute editing).

While this section of story has elements of NSFW material, it is certainly not yiff. From what I can tell, there are quite a few well written steamy hot sex stories currently available on this site. If that is what you are looking for in this tale, I'm sorry but you will have to look elsewhere.

I'm still fairly new at this whole story-writing thing so don't be surprised about errors and incongruities. I ask that you please let me know if I have made any such glaring or obvious mistakes (preferably in a respectable manner) and I will do my best to remedy them in the future.

As with many stories on this website this tale is meant for people over 18/21 and may contain elements that some readers find offensive, including but not limited to the following:


-Homosexual Relationships

-Heterosexual Relationships

-Gore (Both blood and Presidential Candidates)

-Sex (Of any kind)

-Abuse (Verbal, Physical and Emotional)

-The Color Blue (Whether it is Indigo, Teal or even Navy)

If you find any or all of the above list to your disliking I would ask that you not scroll down or read any further. To the remainder of the folks, please enjoy and I would love to know what you think.

All characters are fictional and any names or they may share with persons, both fictional and non-fictional are purely coincidental.

All characters and fictional locations are the intellectual property of banditfromtheeast © 2018

All Rights Reserved


Part II: Mental

The nightmares started during the second week. I'm a fairly light sleeper most of the time, so I'd like to think that I would have noticed if they had happened before. In the middle of the night he would just bolt upright, gasping heavily with sweat dripping through his fur.

Initially he played it off as nothing and I believed him; we all have bad dreams once in a while. He would lay back down, shuffle around a bit trying to find a comfortable spot, inadvertently brush against me at some point thanks to the not so large bed of mine, then fall right back asleep at which point he was fine until morning.

After the third straight night of this I finally asked him about it. He told me that they were awful flashbacks of the crash. Not surprising I would imagine, but he wasn't too happy about them.

By the fifth nightmare I already thought I had a possible solution that would finally allow him to have a good night's rest. By this time I was well aware of the fact that when he woke up, he would toss and turn until he accidentally bumped into me. The deduction was rather straight forward for it seemed that it was the simple action of touching me, for whatever reason, that allowed him to settle him back into a restful slumber.

I wanted to tell him my findings then and there, but having your gay friend tell you that the solution to your nightmares is to cuddle with him while falling asleep ... might not go over too well. I mean I know he's perfectly fine with the way that I am, but the last thing I want is for it to seem like I'm trying to push myself onto him.

It's just that I've known him for so long and he's in such a fragile state right now, that I don't want to risk anything damaging our relationship. I know he doesn't have too many friends and he lost the last of his family almost a decade ago. There aren't too may places left where he can turn if I end up inadvertently pushing him away.

As a result, every night I just made sure to 'bump' into him almost immediately after his dream and speed his process back down into slumber. I will say this though, I've gotten the procedure down pat where I can usually have him back asleep within two minutes of him first waking up.

However, that all changed one night as we were crawling into bed. It was probably about two weeks after he had started having the nightmares, so by this point I had already put my 'response plan' into action quite a few times. We were lying in the dark, just a few seconds after we had both gotten settled into our usual spots for bed.

"M...Max?" he whispered. This was odd for him, he wasn't usually a big talker while in bed. Not that he ever said a lot to begin with.


"I ... I was wondering if you would be willing to do something for me?" His voice cracked a few times and I found myself getting a little scared. This behavior was very odd for him.

"Sure, anything."

"Can ... can you ... hold me?"

I wasn't expecting that, nor was I mentally prepared to respond to it. So like the complete idiot that I am, I sat there in silence for far too long trying to think of a way to answer him.

"N...never mind, just forget it..." His voice trailed off in embarrassment and I could hear him turn away from me. God Dammit! what's wrong with me? I had literally thought about all of this already. Why couldn't I answer him, just a simple stupid 'yeah sure'.

Throwing my pained awkwardness aside, I shuffled up against him and wrapped my arm around his stomach, tucking it under his cast. I could feel him shudder as I moved it over him before pulling his slender body tightly against my own.

"Is this alright?" I asked softly. With him this close every breathe I took Iinhaled a faint bit of his scent.

"This is perfect."

"Good," I replied.

Oh God his scent! It just made me feel so ... good inside.

"I know this is going to sound weird, but I think I sleep better when I'm up against you."

"You finally figured that out huh?"

It was like a drug. I didn't want to stop, I wanted to keep this up forever.

"You knew?"

"For a while now, why do you think I kept 'bumping' into you every time you'd wake up."

I never wanted to let him go.

He paused and pushed himself further back into me.

"Thanks Max, you're a good friend."

"Anything for you Zee ... anything..."

I was addicted. Just like that, with that tiny taste of him, I was hooked.

I held him as he slowly fell asleep in my arms, like he would for many days in the near future. It was quiet, only our soft breathing filled the otherwise silent room. He clung tightly to my arm, like a child would to a stuffed toy, in return I'd gently rub him with my paw through his shirt. He felt protected and safe, I felt responsible and loving.

Loving? Love? It's a funny thing to experience, you can't exactly pinpoint the moment at which you began to feel it, only that you're feeling it now. I was feeling it now.

"I love you," I whispered softly to my sleeping fox, nuzzling my muzzle into his much slimmer neck.

I meant every word of it and always would.


I felt a little bad leaving him alone at home for most days, but I had already taken two full weeks off to both keep him company in the hospital and spend the first little bit with him at my place while he initially settled in. My boss was and is pretty understanding about the whole situation and lets me take some time off once or twice a week, but in the end I still have a job to do and I need to be at work to do it.

Usually when I did have time off, we'd spend it watching movies, TV, or playing games. Sometimes there were errands to run and if he was feeling up to it Zee would come along. Occasionally there would be an appointment or something scheduled for him to do and I always made sure to be there to take him wherever he needed to go.

His recovery was going well. The sling had come off but the cast was to remain for at least for a little while longer, although a new smaller and waterproof version had been fitted. It was still a few weeks before he could go back to work and both he and his doctors remained positive about keeping to that schedule.

Most of the time when I took him to an appointment we'd pick up food on the way home. I admittedly wasn't much of a cook, and most of my dinners involved pre-packaged meals, frozen pizza, or takeout. Zee on the other hand really liked to be in the kitchen, the accident however had robbed him of that joy. He never once complained about what we ate but I could tell it was slowly getting to him.

A few days after he had had the sling removed I walked into my apartment as I was coming home from work, like I do almost everyday. This time however, instead of the soft white noise coming from the TV in the living room, I heard faint sobbing emanating from the kitchen.

Oh Shit! Oh No!

I dumped my work bag off and sprinted towards the source, mind racing:

Was Zee hurt?!

Had he fallen?

On the backside of the kitchen counters I found my answer. It was everywhere, a muddled mix of white powder and off-brown ... goop? All over the floor along with an upturned mixing bowl and what remained of a bag of flour. In the middle of it, covered nearly head to toe in fine layer of brown-white paste and powder was Zee. My Fennec Fox, sitting and sobbing in the midst of whatever attempt he had made on what I can only speculate was supposed to be dinner.

I crouched down beside him before giving him a little rub on the top of his head (one of the few places not completely engulfed by the mess).

"Oh Zee," I said, unable to stop myself from smiling slightly. "Are you alright?"

He looked at me with those brown eyes of his and sobbed again, before slowly nodding his head.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up. We can throw in a pizza or something afterwards." I rubbed his shoulder a few times while he just looked back up at me with a gaze of total defeat.

"I ... I just wanted..." He trailed off into another bout of sobbing.

"Shhhhh, it's alright Zee. It's alright." I pulled him to his feet, making sure to watch his arm, before drawing him into a tight embrace. I knew that we were definitely doing a load of laundry because of this, so we might as well make it a full load.

We swayed back and forth as I gently hushed him while he slowly calmed down. It took a bit. I didn't mind at all. Whatever it takes, I want to be there for him, whenever he needs.

Eventually after a bit of convincing, we managed to make our way to the bathroom, but not before I grabbed a garbage bag to hold our sticky clothes. We both stepped into the shower and I helped him undress before removing my own attire. I knew he wouldn't be able to clean himself up from this type of mess on his own and he didn't seem to be in a mood to argue.

It did take a fair bit of effort to get it all out of his fur, but it was a success in the end. He didn't say anything during it, and both his tail and ears were pinned tightly against him.

By the time the fur-dryers had finished their cycle, we were both warm and clean. I helped him out and brought him a new pair of clothes. Since it was just the two of us and I wasn't planning on going out anywhere, I asked him if he would mind if I just wore my boxers. It's something I normally do, but it still feels a little odd if I don't ask him first. As always though he didn't mind at all, in fact he opted for the same.

That was unusual for him, but I didn't say anything.

Back in the kitchen and as clothed as we were going to be, I threw in a pizza before getting to work on the 'incident' that had occurred.

"I'm so sorry, I just wanted to make you something nice for dinner," he said as he vainly tried to sweep up some of the mess one-pawed. His voice started cracking again and I knew if this kept up it would only end in more unnecessary tears.

I gently took the broom from him and set it off to one side. "I'm not mad at you Zee, nor am I disappointed. I'm actually really grateful that you wanted to do something like that for me." He looked up into my eyes and I could already see that his were welling up. I hugged him again, gently hushing his faint sobs.

"It's alright, life happens and things don't always work out the way we want it to. The key though, is to just to keep moving forward and to try again, when you're ready." He snuffled hard and I softly hushed him once more. "You've had a bad day, there's nothing wrong with that. Why don't you lay on the couch for a bit and watch a quick show. By the time I come get you, everything will be cleaned up and it'll be back to the way it was. We'll have something to eat, then spend a quiet evening together. How does that sound?"

"That ... sounds okay," he mumbled softly.

"Good, do you want me to help you to the couch?"

He snickered, just a little, but it was a good sign nonetheless.

"No, I think I'm fine."

He let go and I followed, watching him turn away as he walked into the living room.

It didn't take as long as I expected to clean everything up, but it did take a fair bit of time. I'm not sure what he was planning, but even as a mess on the floor it still sort of smelled pretty good. I think I'll ask him about it ... just obviously not today.

Soon enough we were eating (pepperoni and mushroom). It wasn't anything too high end, just something to 'fill the gap' as my grandmother used to say. To an outside observer we could probably pass as a couple of frat boys, eating pizza in our underwear (who am I kidding here, I'm about a decade too old). We didn't talk much during dinner, in fact all of the talking was done by me. I didn't want to bore him but I knew that complete silence might be worse. While the mundane day to day activities of this wolfdog might not impress even the most reclusive hermit, it was one of the little things I could do to at least try and keep Zee involved in my life and the outside world.

With our appetites satiated, I packed away the few leftovers and stashed the dishes in the dishwasher before returning to my companion, still sitting downtrodden at the table.

"Zee, what would you like to do tonight?" I asked, taking up my spot across from him.

"It doesn't matter to me," he replied flatly. His gaze didn't rise from the table and he kept his paws firmly in his lap.

"How about a movie then, something not too crazy, just a relaxing film to end the day off with."

"Okay." There were a few seconds of silence before and after he answered. I knew he still was feeling awful, but I couldn't think of a way to drag him out of it.

"Alright Zee, I'll go set it up." I started towards the living room, before I heard him pipe up behind me.



"Can we watch it in the bedroom? In case I fall asleep?"

I smiled at him, I couldn't help it. I never could say no to that face before, so there was no way I was going to start now.

"Sure Zee, no problem at all!"

He smiled, it was just a little, but I could see it.

I set up the film while he washed up for bed. I didn't expect him to make it through the movie, hell I was already starting to fade away myself.

I left it on pause as I crawled on top of the sheets, stretching my legs out in advance of the several hours of inactivity that they had ahead of them.

Zee walked into the room, flicking the light off as he entered. He hesitated as he was about to climb in bed, and instead looked at me with a sort of shy/embarrassed expression.

"Umm ... Max?"


"I was wondering..." He trailed off before switching his gaze down to the floor. It looked pretty cute if I had to say so.

"What's that?"

"Can ... can um ... can we cuddle a bit?" Even in the faint light from the TV I could see the flushed red in his big inner ears. It was so cute.

"Um, sure. What would ... you like to do. I mean how do you want to do this?" I was nervous. Why was I nervous? It's just cuddling...

And then it hit me.

You know that moment where you finally recognize all the tiny and otherwise reasonable changes that have happened over a long period of time, and it just sort of clicks into one big picture?

Yeah, I just had that happen.

Sure it's only cuddling, but it's only cuddling with the guy I've known for most of my life who I may or may not be sort of in love with, also we have been not only living and sleeping together in the same bed but I've been holding him while he falls asleep so he doesn't have nightmares, and then today we showered together but now he wants to cuddle except we're not going to sleep and we're both in our underwear and why can't I really remember if he ever had a girlfriend...

What the fuck ... Holy fuck ... What ... What is happening?

You know, just little bit of a minor freak out...

"I was thinking ... maybe if you could move over here," he said patting his side of the bed.

I obeyed, I was just too out of it not to.

"Then can you maybe put your right arm out."

Again, his wish was my command.

He crawled up onto the bed and carefully positioned himself on my right side, head just below my armpit. Resting his cast up on my chest, he began to slowly work his fingers through my fur while I brought my right arm in tightly against his back.

"Is ... is this alright?" I asked, gulping rather nervously.

"Yes, this is nice." He exhaled heavily and his breathe tickled my fur as it passed over. He followed it up with a large breathe in and another rather ticklish exhale. "You smell nice."

I leaned my head back against the pillow, still trying to comprehend what was actually going on.

He didn't say anything, I didn't say anything. We just laid there with the movie on pause while he slowly drew the tips of his fingers across my chest.

"Max?" he said, finally breaking the utter silence.


"Thanks for this."

"No problem," I replied. I could feel butterflies in my stomach; this was just so confusing.

"Today was a bad day ... you ... you don't know how much I needed this." He settled himself in as tightly as he could before exhaling heavily. I could hear him begin to sniffle and lightly sob between larger breathes.

I didn't say anything. What was I supposed to say in this situation?

"You can start the movie if you want, I might fall asleep though. If I do just wake me up when you're ready to go to bed." He snuffled a few more times and firmly pressed his head into my side.

"O-okay," I replied.

The movie started up; I left the volume on low. Something tells me that I won't be able to focus on it very well.

Jason and I used to to cuddle while watching movies. I suppose most couples do, but there were honestly very few times that I could remember getting through one completely while we were together. My paws tend to 'have a mind of their own' as some might say, which meant that they were constantly finding a way to get themselves in 'trouble'. I didn't want to do that now, not here, not with all this happening. It just didn't seem to be the right thing to do.

So I consciously made sure that they sat stationary, keeping to themselves as much as possible while one is engaging in the act of cuddling.

But then time went on, I started to lose focus, the movie slowly drew me in and the next thing I know I hear Zee calling my name.

"M-Max?" he whispered.


"Y-your p-p-paw." He stuttered breathlessly and I could feel him clenching my fur together in his fists.

Oh shit...

I came to realize that I was slowly circling my right paw around the small of his back.

"Shit, sorry-" I said immediately pulling my arm away. "-didn't know I was doing that."

"It's okay, it actually felt really good." He shuffled positions and stretched himself out for a moment before curling back up into my side.

I felt awful, what am I doing? Feeling up my best friend? Sure this is weird but am I really trying to make it weirder?

"Max?" he said softly while pushing his forehead in and against my side.


"You can keep doing that if you want ... I mean that is, if you want to do it. It felt really nice."

"Oh ... okay?" I responded nervously. I gave myself a moment to pause and attempt to let the butterflies in my stomach settle. They didn't. "Do ... you want me to keep doing it?"

"Only if you want to. It feels very good."

I gulped and slowly pulled my arm in to him, dragging my paw up and down his back a few times before it settled into a spot a little ways up from his tail. My fingers made little circles through his tan fur, alternating every few seconds between firm and gentle pressure.

What am I doing?

Just what he asked me to do, is there anything wrong with that?

The movie droned on, entirely forgotten about, while I continued to draw different shapes around the base of his spine. Every once in a while I could feel him clench his paw in a fist and press himself tightly up against me.

"Ohhhh, that feels really good," he moaned softly after what appeared to be a rather intense movement.

He was enjoying this so much. It was odd having so much control over the feeling of another with a simple paw. I hadn't felt this way since Jason, but yet it feels so much ... better now. Zee needed me in a way that Jason never did, and in a way I think that's somehow made it more ... intense? This was so confusing. There are so many alarms going off in my head right now telling me that this is wrong, but so many parts of my mind saying this is exactly what you should be doing.

It's a terrible argument to have with yourself but I knew that I had to pick a side.

Zee wanted this, he asked for it, and he's enjoying it. Who am I to tell him no?

"Ohhh, Max," he murmured softly while gripping my chest fur.

God that felt good. That feeling he was getting; those synapses in his mind telling him that this was enjoyable. That was me, that was all me. I was doing it. I directly was causing him to feel this way. This twinge of pleasure that was making him tense up was my responsibility.

"Mhmmm," he mumbled again.

A certain part of my anatomy twitched, I began to feel 'really good' about what I was doing. But tonight was not about me, it was all about Zee, the Fennec Fox who I love, and the act of making him feel really good.

So a question arose in my mind; you could blame it on curious canine instincts. With a paw on his back he seemed to be loving this, but I have two paws, what else can I do to make it better without pushing too many boundaries?


"Y-yeah?" His reply was in a sort of half murmur.

"Can I ... touch your ears?"

I know rubbing an ear can feel especially good when done properly on a normal fur, but I've heard that Fennec's in particular are very sensitive, although I've never had the opportunity to test it out.


I slowly reached across and began to tease the inner edge with my thumb, caressing it back and forth as it slid across the many layers of fine hair within. The results were immediate.

"Ohh," he moaned loudly before quickly dropping down to a whisper, "T-that feels s-so good."

That was a glorious feeling, inflicting so much pleasure onto somebody you care about. I wanted to keep it up and make him forget his worries, his troubles, and his horrible day. To show him that I could keep him safe and make him feel things that he had never felt before.

I think I succeeded, or at least I hope that I showed him the start of that path.

The movie was already long over and Zee's breathing had gradually slowed to a steady and shallow pace. I finally gave up my now much less vigorous assault and worked the blankets so that they were at least partially covering us, although I'm sure our collective body heat would have been fine through the night regardless. I returned my paw to his back, holding him tight before I slid my head back and closed my eyes.

"I love you Zee," I whispered aloud to the dark and silent room.

"I know," came the faint and very drowsy response from the fox at my side. "I've always known..."

Together we laid there, friends ... beyond friends in a way. I loved him and he knew it, and every night he'd come back to me. We'd cuddle, sharing a special bond between us before falling asleep in each others' arms. he'd come back to me. We'd cuddle, sharing a special bond between us before falling asleep in each others' arms.


Thank you for taking the time to either read this, or scroll to the bottom of the page. Either way I would like to personally thank you for it. I would greatly appreciate any constructive criticism on the work.

Word Count: 4,266