New console in town

Story by Inqu on SoFurry

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This took me far longer then i was hoping but its done! So my friend came up with the idea yesterday of a PS4 in a rule 34 situation, and we begin to look all over the furry sites we knew of and found little to nothing...SO with out further a do! Here is a werewolf being turned into a PS4 mech, if you've ever seen Renthedragon's Aeromorphs thats kinda the vibe i was going for with the look of the PS4 morph a very kinda soft transformers feel, anyway!

This story was written in 172 minutes, is 11 pages long and is 5326 words please enjoy it contains TF and Lesbian sex, as well as a bit of down talking and stuff hope you guys enjoy it!~

I grunt and twist my wrist in a funny way to push my key into the lock. I whimper and twist my arm as the weight of the groceries pulls down. "Gah!" I say as I finally unlock the door after several attempts and then turn the knock kicking the door open. "Finally..." I pant lightly and make my way into the apartment. My mate squeaks in surprise and jumps a bit. "D-do you have to be so loud?!" She pants lightly, her tail swishing angrily. "Well I wouldn't have to be if you'd help!" I blush and set the bags on the counter. "You have four arms, AND two heads, what help would I have been??" She stands and huffs crossing her arms. "You'd be my walking keychain and unlock the door for your goddess~" I tease and stick my tongue out at her playfully.

She blushes heavily enough that her ears turn red. I giggle and laugh. "You're so adorable Jane~" I walk over and pet her gently. "A-and you're a jerk!" She flails her arms and squeaks in an irritated way. "Hey now, come on sweetie~" I gently hug her and pick her up off the floor squeezing her to my breasts gently. "I know you aren't really mad at me, right~?" I ask licking her head between her ears. "N...No, not really~" She giggles and looks up at me, kissing my nose. "that's the spirit, now help me with the groceries~" I giggle and put her down.

There was quite the difference between our heights, me being a werewolf and her being a mouse but it was cute I thought. She only came up to just below my breasts which made for comical moments like my holding her ears to my breasts like a bra, she hated when I did that though. I smile and my tail wags happily as I think about her. No matter what I did she was always there, even in the full moon bitchiness that werewolves are known for. No matter what happened we were always there for each other. "Hey, get your head out of the sky and come back down to earth babe!" Jane giggles and hits my head with a loaf of bread.

"H-hey that'll ruin the bread!" I gasp and catch it gently. "Pff, you and your 'the bread must be perfect' shtick~" She giggles and rolls her eyes. I hug her head. "You know how I like it mouse~" I growl playfully making her shiver and blush. "O-okay, not in public!" She squeaks and wiggles. I giggle. "Alright if you wish~" I smile and pick up the rest of the bags before closing the hatch of the SUV and lock it. I then follow her back up to the apartment and head inside. Once inside I close the door and head to the counter setting the bags down sighing. "I hate the carrying part of the shopping." I whimper and rub my arms. "Hey you're like twice my height! Suck it up~" Jane giggles and smacks my rump. I yelp in surprise and whip around.

"H-hey!" I blush and huff at her. "I can mess with my 'goddess' any time I want, that's why she's mine and no-one elses~" She smiles and jumps a bit to kiss my nose. "well your goddess is going to take a shower because she needs it~" I lean down to kiss her back. "Alright, I'll put the stuff away~" She smiles as I head into our room and grab a towel and spare clothes. It was a two-bedroom apartment as we moved in as friends and slowly overtime...or well one time we got absolutely smashed at a party and things got out of paw fast when we were dared to make out. Yep, it went from making out, to undressing, to full on orgy in about ten minutes.

I shake my head. That was a crazy, wild and the best night of my life. I smile and head into the bathroom. Oh, and I know what you're wondering 'what do you use the second room for then?' Well believe it or not magic, yep we're both witches though not very skilled ones at that. I giggle to myself. I begin to undress and look myself over in the mirror. To me I wasn't much to look at I was about 2 meters tall, and rather well built mainly in looks over anything else thanks to my biology. I flex and pose a bit before shaking my head and giggling to myself as I turn the water on. I never really thought about working out to improve my strength as I was just as capable as I needed to be in my day to day life.

I didn't need to be superman strength when it comes to lifting things nor did I need to have that much power behind the full moon transformation either. As it stands all Jane has to do is lock me in our room for the night and the steel door and door frame hold me back very well. I smile and reach a paw into the cold water. "ah the perfect temp~" My tail wags happily. I've always been a fan of the cold, even though I was born and raised in the desert the cold always seemed far more refreshing then the heat. I step into the shower and murr as the water begins to wet my fur. Sadly, as well most bigger canidea's I have multiple layers of fur and once wet it takes days to dry. Well normally it does, I just pull a cover over the shower and cast a wind spell.

That always seems to do the trick to get me dry to the touch. My tail wags a bit as I begin to wash my fur. Ugh, I hate wet fur...well I hate my wet fur, Janes is silky soft when wet~ I think and murr to myself blushing a bit as I think about her. It's so adorable when her white fur is wet, it's like a wet T-shirt contest but with fur~ I giggle a bit, though my full gunmetal grey fur just turns black as night when I'm wet, it's not has fun and kinda feels like a wet mop when I'm wet. I do my best to comb my fur daily to keep the shedding down and keep me soft but, it hardly works some days. I sigh and begin to rinse my fur and scrub roughly to get all the soap.

I turn the water off once I have all the lose fur and soap off my body. Why can't they just make a garbage disposal for the tubs these days!? I groan as I see the drain absolutely cover in fur stopping the water from draining. I sigh and crouch down to pick up the pile of fur gaging a bit as it's nastiness. This is so fucking gross!! I think and try not to vomit as I open the shower door and throw the fur out in the waste bin. I quickly wash my paws in the shower and gag again before taking a deep breath. It's okay, it's just fur I sigh and close the door again, pulling the cover over the top of the shower so I can make a mini tornado in the shower to help me dry off.

I keep up the wind tunnel for a couple of minutes before I'm dry to the touch and then shake a bit just for reassurance. Done~_I giggle and pull the cover off the shower and stretch. _Ah, it feels so good to be clean~ I sigh and think to myself before getting my clean clothes on. I pick up the dirty clothes and head out into the living room to put them into the washer. "Gah! stupid thing!" I here Jane squeak in anger. "Sweetie everything okay?" I ask closing the lid to the washer. "No, the stupid PS4 isn't working!" She huffs and shakes it a bit listening for noises. "Well that's what you get for buying a premade Japanese console~" I teases and stick my tongue out at her playfully.

"Abepep! Shut it miss 'build your own pc it's so much better and the graphics and controls are supreme' Take that PC Master race crap and shove it!" She looks at the cords to make sure all are plugged in. "You're just pissed because you know its true~" I tease and walk over. "let me take a look at it~" I say and pet her gently. "Pff your funeral." I huffs and sits back down on the couch crossing her arms. I unplug the console and look it over sniffing it to smell for burn plastic or burnt anything. "Well, that's strange it kind of smells like mana, like-!" I yelp in surprise as my nose begins to fuse with the plastic. "H-Hey w-what the fuck?!" I look over at Jane as I try to pull the console off my nose, but it just seems to keep pulling more and more of me into it.

She smirks and giggles. "I just through, well, we haven't done anything with magic lately and I wanted to try a TF spell~" She smiles and her tail flicks about happily in triumph. "M-Most of those spells are permanent!" I scream in fear. "Oh? Well, guess I have a PS4 for a girlfriend then~" She murrs and licks her lips. "I-If I get out of thi-!" My muzzle begins to fuse with the plastic forcing my muzzle to shut. "Mmmmppph!" I go to pull my paws off, but they also begin to fuse and sink into it. I begin to wiggle as my more of my arms and head sink into the console.

Jane giggles. "Looks like my 'goddess' and her PC Master race is turning into quite the sexy console~" Jane gets off the couch and slowly begins to walk over to me. My ears would perk if I had them as I notice she's much much taller than I am. I try to back up back can't seem to move as the rest of my body turns to plastic and small bits of metal. She licks her lips and picks me up by the hips and places me on the coffee table. "Good night 'goddess'~" She teases and presses the power button on my nose. My world quickly goes black the last thing I see if her smirking and licking her lips.

I groan push myself up albeit a bit weaker than normal. "U-Ugggh." I look around the apartment much bigger then it normally is 'Battery full' appearing in my vision. "W-wha? W-what happened?" I ask clearly to no-one in particular as all the lights are off and no-one is in the living room. I look at my surroundings again. I'm...on the PS4 stand? I think in confusion. I move and twist so that my legs are hanging off the side and that's when I notice my legs are dark 'squishy' plastic. W-what the fuck!? I quickly being to look over my body and grope around blushing heavily as I seem to be farm more sensitive than before.

I shake my head. N-need to focus, I-I need to...! My mind or well now processor takes me back to the transformation and what happened afterwards. S-She's so dead once I get out of this! I growl to myself standing up. I begin to make my way down off the stand but quickly let out a moan and as I'm pulled onto my rump. I pant and look behind me to notice all the cords scattered around the stand. I-Im plugged in? ...Will I turn off if I unplug? I blush and look down at my body my breasts are still there. I grope my now 'squishy' plastic it has just enough give to feel soft but still sturdy enough to keep its shape but also break if too much force it applied.

A small HUD shows up in my vision and I gasp jumping a bit before blushing as the cords connecting to me jostle a bit. I soon turn my attention back to the HUD in my vision, and soon notice, 'battery power 100%' Oh, guess that answers that~ I blush and giggle to myself. I look back down at my chest and notice a small overlay of the battery bars on each breast. W-well then, guess I have decent batteries~ I smile and blush again as I slowly move my upper paws to grope at them again. I moan and blush wiggling a bit to jostle the wires sticking out of my back. W-why does this feel so much better than before~? I pant and moan to myself. I stop as I hear the bedroom door open and the light in the hall way turn on. I quickly recall the position I was in when I powered up and I quickly get into it again.

I keep my eyes half lidded as I watch Jane walk out in nothing but her panties. S-she's even sexier when shes bigger then I am. I blush heavily, I can feel myself being aroused by thinking about her though it's not the same way as I would normally feel. Like for example instead of my body heating up and this strange pleasure ball forming in my chest now it feels like something is spinning in my slit like an SSD or HDD spinning up. My chest getting far more sensitive as I lay on my stomach. I calm myself as she begins to get a glass of water and stretches before looking over at me and smirking.

"Still there I see...Goddess, I'm so glad I turned you into my console~" She smiles walking over to me. I blush heavily as she gets closer and its clear even on the stand I only come up to her crouch which has an apparent wet spot. She bites her lip and sways her hips before gripping my head a bit roughly. I keep my body limp as she pulls on my head moving it towards her crouch. She moans as she stuffs my muzzle into her wet panties and begins to rub me forcefully against herself. "I-It feels so good to be in control for once~" She sighs happily. "Though if I get you to wet you may never power on again~" She giggles and drops my head. "Hmm~" She smiles as she thinks. "I think I'll take you to bed actually~" She smiles and pushes her paw roughly into my upper back and begins to pull the cords out of me.

My body locks up and jerks as the cords are pulled out. 'Warning, battery power active.' Appears on my HUD as she grips my hips and pulls me off the stand. Again, I keep my body limp to keep her under the impression I'm still powered off. I'm rolled onto my back as she looks me over. "I know it might not be fun to be my new toy but goddess I hope this really is permanent~" She smiles down at me and licks her lips. My body and limps sway a bit as she carries me in her arms like a child would a stuffed animal. I couldn't be more then 300mm tall or 30cm or 12 inches or 1 foot depending on where you are in the world or how you like measurements.

She giggles. "Hope you're ready to take flight toy~" She smiles and squeezes my hips in one paw a bit tightly. This and what comes next was incredibly hard to stay limp for. "Here we go~" She says in a sing song voice as she tosses me towards the bed. The 'air' in my throat catching as I do my best to prevent a scream. I seem to be much more flexible in this new body, but it still hurt like a bitch to land and twist in so many ways. I groan and being to fake waking up for the first time. "S-sweetie? W-where am i? W-what happened?" I fake being groggy.

I look around and blink. "W-why is my vision so...strange?" I ask before I yelp and fall on my side rolling towards her. "Oof! C-careful!" I blush and begin to wiggle to right myself. She giggles and picks me up by my hips again roughly. "O-Ow e-easy hon, please!" I wiggle and grip her paw with all four of my paws. "You know I was going to come up with some elaborate plot that you and I were practicing some spells and you miss casted one turning yourself into my PS4 but, well that was too much work~" She smiles and looks down at me. "W-what do..." I fake gasp as I pretend to remember what she did. "R-release me!" I begin to wiggle only to get a tighter squeeze on my hips. "A-ahh!" I blush and whimper.

"Sorry Alison but I'm the one in control now~" She licks her lips and giggles almost evilly. My ears splay and I whimper. "Y-You could h-have asked to be on top Jane...Y-you didn't have to force me." I blush and gasp putting my paws against her muzzle as she licks my chest. "O-Oh goddess~" I moan and pant. "But you forget, I know you all too well sweetie, and I'm glad you accepted your roll so quickly in calling me goddess~" she murrs. I pant and blush. "T-that's not what I meant in the s-sligh-eeest~!" I moan as I'm twisted onto my back and my slit is licked.

"Mmm, metallic flavor, my favorite~" She teases making me wiggle. "H-hey a-at least I asked while I was bigger than you!" I blush and pant before moaning and wiggling harder as my right breast was squeezed between her fingers. "Yeah, but see, I'm a living person and you're a toy, a console, MY console, and I tell you what to do~" she smiles and giggles. "For example, pleasure can easily be turned into pain if you disobey~" She slowly begins to twist my breast. "H-hey wh-what ar-ahhh!" I scream in pleasure before it turns to a very sharp pain. "S-stop p-please oh goddess stop!" I beg and push against her fingers twisting. 'Warning pressure exceeding limits' Pops up on my HUD. "S-sweetie y-you're going to break me!" I say in fear and panic.

She twists it just a bit further before letting go. I pant and whimper in pain and pleasure. "See~?" She asks in an innocent tone. I nod and pant. "Y-yes, I-I do." I reply my ears splaying. "Good~" She smiles. "Oh, and I can turn the lights out too~" She smiles this time for sure I can tell its evil. "W-what do you me-!" Everything goes black and my body goes limp as she clicks the power button on my nose. Soon I boot up again, my vision returning, I gasp deeply as of to pull air through my system to cool my insides down. I pant and look up at Jane.

"See I'm in full control~" She smiles and turns off the night stand light. She then lays down and pulls me close murring. "I love how warm you get now~" She smiles. "Good night~" She giggles and holds me tight. "G-good night Jane." I almost whimper, never being so scared and turned on by her in my life. S-she's never shown this sadistic side of her before I-it's scary and amazing at the same time. I blush and take a deep breathe to help cool my body down though with all the warm air it doesn't do much. 'Warning, heat levels critical' My ears perk as I soon get a warning. I sigh and close my eyes before powering down.

I gasp as I wake up as Jane presses the power button on my nose. I look around and pant lightly, I'm back on the PS4 stand in the living room. I groan lightly and begin to push myself up before Jane stands making me yelp in surprise. "Hey, hold still, I want to play games." She forces me down against my chest making me yelp and wiggle. "H-hey carfu-pphh!" My maw is soon plugged with the connection to a wired controller. I look up at her and my ears splay. My body is soon pressed into the stand again as im plugged into the cords. "Mmmmph~!" I moan and blush.

"If you liked that you're really going to like this next part~" She murrs and picks me up, twisting me onto my back. She then clicks the button on my stomach forcing my legs to spread. "MMPH?!" I try and wiggle but can't move all that much with the cords in my back and my lower half being immobilized. "Glad that button still works~" She giggles before grabbing the game disk. W-where the fuck does she think she's going to put that!? My mind begins to race clearly not realizing my legs are spread for that exact reason. I gasp through my nose and try to wiggle more as the disk is pressed against my slit. O-Oh goddess my slit is the game drive! I blush heavily as my body begins to feel like I'm on the verge of climaxing.

The disk slides in like it would any normal PS4 and begins to boot up the game. My vision flickers and blurs as a good portion of my cpu power devotes itself to running the game. "Mmmph~!" I moan and blush as I'm set back down on the stand. "Oh right I can't have you distract me more then you already are...hmm wonder if this works~" She clicks a button on the top of my head causing a speaker with a line through it to appear at the bottom of my HUD. H-hey what did that do?! H-Hello!? W-why can't I talk!? I blush heavily as my maw and voice just stop moving and refuse to respond. "Huh guess that did work~" She smirks before blushing. "Y-You know, you look like a tied-up bitch in bondage like this~" She smiles.

She then slowly runs a paw over my left cheek. "Honestly, Alison, I thought I loved you before, but now, now I really love you, if you were to go back to being the 'alpha' I think I'd have to leave you." She says with nothing but sincerity in her voice. My ears splay and I look up at her in sadness and pleasure. "You like being my console don't you sweetie~?" She smiles and moves her crouch a bit closer to my muzzle. Having so much of my mind 'out of commission' so to speak I could only nod and inhale her aroused scent.

"I'm glad you like it, because I did look it up, and it is permanent, well as long as any type of damage is done to you sooo~" She smirks evilly again and pulls out one of the kitchen knives, she's clearly planned for this eventuality. I can only look at her in fear and pleasure as she lowers the knife point to my cheek. "Really, I'm glad you like it because if you didn't I'd have to feel bad for doing this~" She giggles and presses the knife tip to my cheek roughly enough to dig into my 'skin'. I wince and try to move my head out of the way but can't see to move. 'Warning, damage detected.' Appears on my HUD before she drags the knife along my cheek with a slow lick of her lips. My eyes flicker quickly and my vision blurs heavily gain.

"There~" She licks the paint and plastic off the knife and giggles. "All done~" She bends down and stares me in the eyes. "And all mine~" She almost growls as she smiles. I blush heavily, the pleasure in my body still very much up on the 'near climax' level. "Now, for being a good girl you can inhale my scent while I play video games~" She smiles and bends down as she takes her panties off before putting the wet part that was clearly against her crouch over my muzzle as she hangs them on my head. My vision going a thick hue of pink. As my system pulled in the air through her wet panties my vision goes black as my cpu shuts my eyes off to keep my system from over loading from running the game and over-heating.

As my mind is over come with pleasure and my vision goes blank I almost go into a dream like state as I begin to focus more on the game then the outside word. It felt so strange, as if I was controlling her character. In fact, to my surprise I could make slight movements and help her get kills or capture objective with much more ease on her end then before. "Yeah!" She yells as she reaches the top of the leader board and the match ends. "Take that you fucking bitches~!" She jumps and tosses the controller into the couch bringing my mind back to reality as a wave of pain enters my maw and I wince even though my eyes are off. Soon after that my cpu comes back to my full control. "Thanks so much for the help hon~" I hear Jane begin to walk.

Suddenly my vision comes back as well as my voice. "Mmmph~" I moan and blush as I'm lifted off the stand. "You know~" She smiles and rolls me onto my back again clicking the eject button on my stomach. "MMMPH~!" I moan and wince in pleasure as the game disk is forced out of my slit. Once out far enough she quickly pulls it out making pleasure and a bit of pain shoot through my system causing my body to lock up a bit. "I think you deserve some down time~" She pulls the controller cord out of my maw. I gasp and wiggle. "I-Im so close to cuming sweetie, p-please let me cum~!" I beg and wiggle in her grasp.

Her ears perk in surprise before she smiles. "Did I just hear you beg~?" She smirks making me blush. "I-I can't take it anymore please!" I whimper. "Weeelll." She turns her head in a way suggesting she's thinking about it. "P-please!" I whimper and wiggle in her grasp. "Alright, but only because you're a good girl~" She smiles and begins to unplug me, again with the same forcefulness as last night. I moan and gasp as each cord is pulled out. She then gently lifts me off the stand and brings me over to the stand. "But, now that it's hit me~" She giggles and lays down on the couch putting me between her legs. I blush as I'm met with a wonderful almost perfect view of her slit.

"You might break while inhaling my cum sweetie~" She giggles and bites her lip. "W-well did you read the spell? A-Am I bound to the rules of the tech I was merged with?" I ask wiggling my hips. "Yes, I did, though." She giggles. "I'm not going to tell you~" She murrs griping my head and neck roughly. I yelp in surprise and a bit of fear as my muzzle is soon pressed against her slit. I quickly press my upper and lower paws against her thighs and outer lips of her slit and try to push against her to free myself. She moans and forces more of my muzzle into her slit, soon my upper shoulders are pressed against her outer lips. She clenches around my head and I begin to struggle. 'Warning, pressure levels rising.' Appears on my HUD as she clenches again and forces more of my body into her slit.

"Mmmph~!" I moan and wiggle my body being twisted and squeezed on all sides, my hips being forcefully grabbed and squeezed making me wiggle and kick against her paws. "O-Oh fuck this feels so good Alison!" She blushes and wiggles her hips as she twists me. My eyes light up to try and lighten the 'world' around me but it doesn't help much as it's just a sea of pink and clear fluids. 'Warning fluidic intake detected' I being to struggle even harder but that only causes her to force me further into her my breasts squeezing painfully and pleasurably.

I moan and wiggle as soon my body is pulled in and out of her slit like a giant dildo. She begins to moan and squeak in pleasure as her walls get wetter and squeeze me tightly. I pant and wiggle trying to force her walls apart to get more air and less fluid into my system but also cooler air. 'Warning system heat rising' I read on my HUD soon I can hear her squeaks and moans. S-she's close to cumming! I whimper to myself. B-but so am i~! I keep wiggling. Soon her walls clamp around me like a vice. 'Warning pressure levels critical!' I read just before my slit if forced open by two of her fingers my whole body soon locks up in the most epic climax I've ever had in my life.

With my body in full lock mode, its able to keep her orgasm from crushing my frame. Soon her body relaxes and mine soon follows. E-even if I didn't want this life in the beginning...I really do now._I blush. 'Warning, heat levels critical, powering down to prevent damage.' I read on my HUD before my body goes limp and my vision goes black. _Beep beep beep I hear in my head before I power up. 'Warning power levels critical, find power source immediately!' I read as I'm powered on. My vision soon turns on and I realize I'm still half way inside of Jane. I slowly begin to wiggle my way out, though I'm slowed several times by her moaning and clenching.

"Mpph..." I feel incredibly dizzy as I finally make my way out of her. I fall on my rump and look around my body feeling like it's made of wet noodles. Beep beep beep 'Power critical, find power source immediately!' I read again and I look over to the PS4 stand. I-I can make that... I say panting heavily the battery on the upper part of my HUD blinking as well as the small overlay on the tops of my breasts. I slowly crawl over Janes legs and fall to the floor, luckily not taking damage. I begin to slowly crawl my way over to the stand falling on my stomach a few times. 'System drying off.' I read as I begin to climb up the stand. 'Warning, power down imminent!" my HUD begins flashing. "J-Just...o-one more s-second..." I pant heavily as I plug the cord in slowly. I moan and blush as I fully slides into the slot.

Beep beep beep 'Charge commencing power down for faster charge' my HUD reads. "o-okay." I lay on my side and power down. Im awoken a few hours later by Jane pressing my power button. "Hey sleepy head~" She smiles down at me. "H-hey hon." I say sitting up and holding my head. "I had fun last night~" She giggles. "S-same~" I smile up at her and blush.

"T-thank you for turning me into your console, i-I didn't realize how much fun it would be to be your plaything~" I blush and rub the back of my head. "You're welcome~" She leans down and kisses the top of my head my maw quickly closing after that my ears perking. "Ooops sorry~" She giggles and clicks the mute button again. "T-thanks~" I blush and smiles. "So, games~?" She smiles and holds up a disk. "S-sure~" I smile and spread my legs for her. "Good girl~" She murrs.