Tales of Hunters Part 1

Story by Tatsu Aikuchi on SoFurry

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Wanna be a monster hunter?


Are you really sure!!!?

Then read the past and last experiences of some who uncounted the dangers of the world of monster hunter. Question is, would this encourage you, or put you off?

Whats that young 'un? Yeah I'm a hunter alright. Damn nearly thirty years runnin' now.

What you say? I have, I've seen many things in my life. Incredible things

Here here now? Yes some of them terrible.

Something tells me your here for more than just a chat my friend, thinking of becoming a Monster Hunter are we? Whats that?

Do I regret it?..... let me tell you a few stories. Forgive me I'm old now, not like you whiper snapper, I'll need a few short breaks in between, about a week should do it. There fairly long these ones. some real big fish as it was.

Now, I'll begin

A small country in the corner of the small world was home to many small villages, and gigantic monsters. For many years in this ancient time the furs that lived in the small villages were at the mercy of astonishing creatures, some deemed nigh invincible. To quench their thirst for destruction the villages make offerings of live food. There is a story to be told....

A hyena of grey with black speckles stood unrestrained and unclothed. His fur had a marvellous sheen, illumines in the moonlight, even as dull as it was peering behind the clouds. He was in the middle of nowhere late at night naked of cloths and weapons, he wouldn't need them. He did this to save others in his village, he did it so others could live. Looking around he could see the land, flat flood plain in one direction and the way back home, the hyena could finally see the two bow men who were following him, his final escort. They stood bow strings tense, baring the way from home, away was his only way now. Holding back the tears as he shivered he set off towards the jagged land of mountains beyond the plains, where he resided, the mountain dragon Lao Shan Lung. He could hear it 'thud' a low booming that reverberated his insides, like a drum thudding in his chest. The bowmen would 'escort' him no further, they were already heading back home, laughing at what must be fun and games to them, more tears broke the emotional barrier.

The grass was cool and soft under his pads, he almost wagged his tail at the feeling. The one and only comfort left was soon enough gone when he stumbled at a sharp pain in the foot, looking down the hyena saw pebbles gnarled by heat and trod carefully though the deformed stones, it didn't help much, only the cold numbed the pain. After a short walk he found the place that would be his final rest. A stone circle lined the floor which was to his relief, very smooth. As he reached the middle the pattern became obvious, the giant dragon, carved by his worshipers. Only a shudder was wasted on this. Weather it was a shudder of displeasure, cold, fear or pure hate and sorrow he didn't know, all the feelings were mingled now. The hyena sat and hugged himself hoping for warmth to come his way, it didn't, his toes and tail tip stung. His nose was following. He held his legs to his chest, curled his toes and tail and buried his nose between his knees, closed his eye, and cried. All he could remember was the luck draw at his town.

The time had come and as it always did his town became a place of fear. No one could be trusted. Each member of the village would be put in a line and the guards would make each one draw a stick, all of them were identical, made by the village captain himself, a friend of our hyena, though friends forgery was impossible and the selection was random. Every stick bore a stain, invisible to the naked eye. Each stain the same, except one, only when seen through the correct lenses would the unique stain be revealed. He drew his stick and held it up as did everyone ells. He looked around nervously as the captain scanned everyone. He dreaded someone he cared for would be picked and then gasped as he saw everyone looking at him. The turn was instant. The whole village was ready to restrain him, restrain they did as he was pinned to the ground face down. His clothes torn off and the cloth taken away to be reused. His wallet was taken. And as he was carried out he saw villages raiding his house. The fall hurt as he was thrown down outside the gates, he curled up sobbing, only looking up once to see his best friend spinning his wallet around his furry finger, the lion grinned for a moment, and then the village captain approached, the only one who never had to draw a stick. The sleek eyed lion, Agnor said.

"You know what you have to do Carman, if you fail, you will doom us all, bow men will watch you until you are at the mountains, if you try to flee they will shoot you and another will have to take your place. Do this right and yours will be the only death tonight. Otherwise the blood of others will be on your hands, you will be damned" then he was gone and the gates were shut. He herd a voice say.

"Come on move" but didn't see where from, he was concealed very well.

The moon was back out in full as he woke, surroundings were lit up. As he stood he struggled, the cold was numbing his muscles making movement hard, and even if he wanted he couldn't run. The pattern of Lao upon the slab was a worn, pity of the original carving. It bore a picture of a fur on the tablet he stood on now, Lao climbing the mountain range, on one side stood nothing but the sacrifice, on the other was a lush and plentiful land. He looked around, the mountains carried no vegetation and there were no signs of life. It would make him wait to the point where the dread, that alone almost would killed him, then the dragon would come to finish him and it would be a prize. He hoped.

All the mountains were grey and dull, all but one, it was a colour of rust and spiked, it was, moving. He leaped back and fell startled by the thing in front. It lifted its head and twisted it's neck to face him revealing its lighter belly, he roared so loud the little hyena trembled, his head spinning and insides buzzing, he felt suddenly sick. He could see the dragon now in full view. It was massive, easily topped the mountains around him. Its body was the shape of a lizard, only very bulky and spiked on the back, his head bore one huge horn and what looked like external teeth. How he alone could be enough to satisfy such a beast and keep him from invading a town, he didn't know. He noticed the neck next as Lao swallowed in anticipation, it was long and he could easily see the muscles at work when it gulped. He watched as the jaw opened slightly displaying his maw. A huge chunky tong laid flat in his mouth, teeth surrounded it, growing from perfect looking gums. He watched as the mouth opened wider and the opening to the throat could be seen, the soft red flesh coated in dripping saliva expanded slightly, widening the entrance to his gullet. Then the mouth closed and the head turned, the hyena could see the jaw bone clearly and then the second swallow of anticipation began, the throat budged just below the jaw hinge and it travelled down his neck slowly. At every level he saw the etched muscles work the swallow down, until the bulge dissipated in his lower neck, to thick for it to be seen. The hyena tried to scream as he thought, he was next, but couldn't, it was just a gasp that emitted from him. Quiet as it was Lao heard it as the eyes instantly locked on there prey, the huge creature came down with a thud to the ground and approached him quickly. He wondered how much the dragon would put him through, what did he do to the others. The mouth was there now right beside him breathing on him. The a warm damp current of air, pleasant considering his earlier pain in the cold. He curled up defensively and shook terribly as the tong extended towards him slightly, he was suddenly with his back to a wall his front exposed. It took a short lick over his body from toes to ears leaving him covered in saliva. The weight dragged him forward to his knees, the dragon was now licking his lips. How he could have savoured the taste of something so small the hyena had no clue. He looked up to see the dragon was now slowly approaching with its mouth open slightly, he gave a quick start cry, which was cut of as he was taken in the mouth. The jaws clamped shut so gently, the tong did more work than anything, the dragon obviously wanted him alive. He was pressed to the roof of the mouth with his belly on the tong completely soaked in his spit, he saw nothing for a moment, then the tong shifted and he got a view of that throat opening that seemed incredibly deep now. He could feel his back end was still out of the mouth. His legs and buttocks were cold again compared to the warmth his torso felt, it was actually, a good feeling. He almost forgot the situation for that moment but reality struck as that tong shifted again. It curved to his body shape now and there was suddenly a movement, he was sucked inwards, all that was out his mouth now was his lower legs and the tip of his tail, though the spit ran down them all coating them in the warmth. He was hit then with the dread of his fate and yet, the immense pleasure of this feeling. Flesh pressed against him, caressed and sucked on him. It was as if the whole experience was meant to feel incredible, he... wanted to be eaten? Then it clicked, he had to get out of this. He shifted his hand down to his crotch that was in the greatest state of pleasure he'd known. He was hard, rock hard and he knew he was leaking pre rapidly. He squirmed inside but to no avail. He was trapped and doomed. The thoughts of the villagers stirred white rage in him. He hated them, though every time his thoughts kept flicking to more pleasurable ones, it was the saliva, it was filled with pheromones. It had to be. Then he thought of his friend, Agnor the lion. All those years he'd been there for him as a friend to a friend, and now, he hated him. Yet the two feeling were being mixed in this soup, pushed to the extreme by the saliva, he knew the lion would go to see the stars every night, he knew where and he knew he could get there. He had to go there. It was just then, when Lao was positive the hyena in his mouth had finished his squirming, positive the pheromones had done there job and he was subdued. It was then the dragon opened his mouth again releasing him from the grip of the tong, so to tip back his open mouth and let his prey fall into the relaxed muscles of the throat. It was then, that he moved, to his left was the closest thing to grab a hold of, a tooth of the lower jaw. It was long and curved, a slimmer canine tooth compared to the rest but still as thick as his leg at the base. It was serrated on the interior curve but smooth on the exterior. He grasped the tooth and used it to hoist himself out the maw leaping to where ever he would land. The dragons head was still low to the ground and he fell on the platform with a splurge of saliva. He moved with speed he never knew he had and ran faster than his feet should carry him, every movement did damage, but it didn't matter. He knew what he had to do. Lao Shun Lung trod after him. The sound of all fours didn't seem as threatening now, nor the cold so painful, or the sharp stones so merciless. He ran up a hill out of the small valley that lead to the platform where he was almost dinner for the dragon, he now planed to be desert. Up on the hill he ran along its peak and saw a scene out the corner of his eye. It was massive, a lush land, forests lakes and the sound of animals. All of the place could easily support a huge beast, maybe even two. He was wrong. As before he saw an oddly coloured mountain, it moved, as did another, and another. There was a family of them there, all were living in harmony. It was then he realized, they weren't monsters, but animals. The village captain had lied all these years, sent so many people to there death for no reason, the animals probably don't even know about the village. For nothing but control through fear he thought. Suddenly the dragon was closing in again. It didn't seem to move fast at all, it didn't seem to want to. He ran ahead with strange ease trying to lead it on, but as it passed it's home it directed it's attention to there. He had to get it to follow him, he knew now that his fate must be with this dragon, or he would suffer a worse fate at the village, and the village would continue to suffer under tyranny. But after all, he was no more than a handy snack, why would something so big bother with him. He through a rock in the dragons direction, it pinged of his nigh indestructible armour, but making him turn to his prey, Carman held up his arms waving them and screaming for the dragon's attention. It turned and growled slightly as the rock he threw bounced down the valley. It worked and the foot steps came again, still fast but, only fast enough to keep up. He quickened and the dragon quickened, he slowed and the dragon slowed, the hyena wondered weather the thing was following him not as prey now but, allowing the hyena to lead him somewhere, almost as if he understood. It wasn't long before he reached the plains and it hit him how close the village was. Lao seemed almost reluctant to walk in the open, he crouched lower to the ground then he did before and constantly surveyed the surroundings, he was quick to continue his journey in a gouge in the ground when he found one. It was then that he saw Agnor. Sat upon his usual rock, unarmed, unguarded. There hadn't been an animal threat here in years. No wonder, he knew now no animal would want to be so close to such monsters that resided in the village. As he approached the adrenaline mixed with pheromones fed him a mix of white hot rage, and a need. The perfect combination. Down in the crack in the land he saw the giant dragon move soundlessly, he followed the crack to right beside the rock, where Agnor was. The Hyena knew exactly what to do. He approached with an emotionless face. The lion stood with a start when he saw him.

"Carman!" he said surprised, and with a hint of fear.

"Yes it's me"

"What the hell are you doing here you idiot, you've forsaken your duty! Now-" he was cut of as Carman the hyena raised a finger.

"Its fine, I've taken care of everything"

"Everything?" he asked confused.

"No one will have to die any more" Carman held his emotionless face, he kept approaching at an monotonic pace, calm and collected.

"What do-" the lions eyes flickered to his naked body and Carman knew the pheromones the dragon had released into the spit that soaked him was now taking effect on Agnor to. "What do you mean? Carman stood nose to nose now and began to speak, as he began to unbuckle the lions trousers, the only item of cloths he was wearing.

"I mean I've seen the truth" Agnor seemed un-fazed by the unbuckling, and then his hands went to stop it for just a moment but then altered as if he'd changed his mind, or something changed it for him. The lion kicked aside the trousers and the two stood naked together. Carman continued between kissing his friend. "I've seen within the monster and more, I've seen the reality of the animal, an animal that wouldn't plague us, because they don't know us, I saw a whole family living in peace, and I've come to realize all this time there was no need for anyone to be sent to the mountains" Agnor's lion eye showed dread and fear, but his body motors were focused on the action at hand.

"No your wrong" he protested.

"No, I'm not" the two were pressing against one another as if it were required like a handshake. "I know your ways now, I know you've sacrificed all those villagers to hold power, I wonder what will happen when tomorrow no one can find you"

"What do you mean Carman?"

"You'll see" with that Agnor wanted to run and hide in the village, but couldn't fight the pheromones. The two furs caressed and kissed, there hardened cocks pressed against one another until Carman turned the lion around.

"Look" he whispered to Agnor. There it was, the dragon raised out of the crack in the earth, its head towered over the two. The lion was paralysed with fear, but just for that moment. The jaw dropped open and he screamed, he tried to run but was held in place by the heavily adrenaline fed grip of Carman. He gripped a hold of the lion and let go of control, he let the pheromones do the thinking from that point on. The thought was, penetration. He grabbed on to Agnors tail and lifted it, all the while Lao was watching with almost an understanding look at the struggling lion. Carman saw the lions anus and wasted no time, he shoved in his cock, it was well lubed by saliva and sliped in with ease, it went in and the knot tied. Agnor gritted his teeth, he was in between liking what was happening and going crazy of terror from his now sealed fate. With the two of them tied he wouldn't be able to go anywhere. The tong licked along the dragons teeth, he came down to there level, Carman was now softly thrusting into the lion and Agnor stood taking the thrusts with pleasure, terrified by Lao. The dragon positioned himself over them, he popped open his mouth slightly and lowered on them. The tong cupped around them, there hips passing the line of teeth, into the hungry maw. Carman continued to pump in and out, he could hear the moans of the lion. The Pheromones had obviously taken full effect of Agnor now, he pushed back his ass and spread his legs Carman felt a pair of paws on his buttocks, pushing him deeper in. This time Lao didn't suck them in, the jaws gently clamped around the pairs legs, their world shifted as the dragon hoisted them up, he began to move his head back and forth working the two of them in. When they were fully in he pressed them to the roof as before. Carman felt the orgasm, he began thrusting harder and faster panting into the lions ear he gripped Agnor tighter who was also bucking his hips. The hyena let loose his seed in Agnor. The humps slowed and stopped. The two lay there unable to move, Carmans cock was twitching inside the lion, shifting the cum inside. The lion was whimpering into the dragon tongue, staring down the awaiting throat.

"This is your punishment" he said to Agnor who began to sob. Lao lowered his tong and the two were free. The hyena separated from Agnor, sighing as he pulled out. The strands of saliva and cum stretching between them ended quickly as the lion flipped over on the tongue and grabbed a hold of his assassin, this time Agnor turned the warm and wet hyena around who raised his own tail, moaning into their muscular prison. He held the hyena in place by the hips and began to rub up against Carman's butt hole. The dragon growled deep, shaking the two against one another. The lion, out of control pressed the slick head of his cock to the ass before him, he grasped his own cock in his paw, and pressed the tip down, the spilling pre pulsing out of him, and onto the tight ass. The lion purred onto his ear as he repositioned himself. His hips right above Carmans, ready to trust down into him and penetration the hyena. At the second he went to buck his hip the world moved as Lao tipped up his head and with out warning they slid head first into the throat. Grabbing a hold of each other they fell into the gaping throat opening, the expanse of the entire neck stretched out before them, its fleshy tunnel glistening even in the little light. They we're sloshed down together until suddenly the walls closed in around them and sealed them in the dearness. Everything so wet, warm and soft. As they left the mouth Carman felt his cock sliding across gentle flesh, and then something softer, it was as though the dragon caressed him, there was no backwards motion only down. When in the upper throat the muscles clenched down on the two, holding them there. Agnor took that moment of still, Carman was right in front him, he fought against the throat to try and pull back his hips. His penis slipped from between the hyenas cheeks, the two slick with saliva. He struggled until the tip final met the soft pink entrance. Then as a thick glob of drool fell between their legs, and landed on the two, he lost control. The hot goupy saliva struck him on the underside of his penis, over his sac and trickled down onto the still tender tail hole. Like an elastic band he snapped, jerking forward into the hyenas tight ass. He moaned in the pleasure of it all as Agnor thrust heavily into him, spreading the entrance instantly.

All around were noises of the dragons body, but all they saw was the pink flesh coated in slim and embroidered with veins, Carman could feel the pulsing of one. It was then they heard the gulp and they were being pushed down rapidly. They could feel the muscles pressing against them harder, pressing Agnor into Carman. They heard the wet slurp of them slipping and sliding down. Another booming gulp surrounded them as they picked up speed. It went on and on. And the caress of flesh upon them intensified. Tense muscles of the hungry throat greedily hugged at them, dragging them down. Agnor was humping faster and faster now close to orgasm. The two found themselves grinding together hard as the flesh squeezed and pushed them further down the throat. They would slip down come to a halt, momentarily bombarded with the net of throbbing veins about them. Then be pushed down again. Agnor growled at the tightness of Carmans ass. He feat every twitch, every flinch and all the clenches. An eruption of thrusts came from the hyena, his prostrate assaulted by the thrusting cock in him. The two soon found a halt the swallowing process, Agnor was heaving in his thrusts, they now were pushed through a tighter ring which halted the thrusting capturing the moment. They were squeezed at the hips while passing through the hole, every part of their bodies felt the immense pleasure of the soft flesh tight around them, then they were free, in an open space of the stomach. Agnor had reached the limit, he pumped in and out of the hyena making him moan as they slid down the soft wet walls of the stomach. They came to a halt and the lion on his back, hyena on top him. Agnor gave one final thrust, his seed burst out within the hyena, cum leaking from between his clenching cheeks, he curved his back in pleasure. Carman shouted out loud, his cock pointed up, throbbed in the warm moist air, then he came over his belly, another squirt over his chest, over and over, on his and Agnors faces, he jizzed into the mixture of fluids, until he lay panting, still attached to the lion. They were laid there connected for a long time, then Agnor rolled,keeping them together, the sound of a giant hart beating boomed in the background.

"This is what you've done" said the hyena leaning over. "To so many of them, to me, all for nothing" Agnor looked around at his resting place. He was domed.

Lemme know what you think!

And follow me on Twitter: TatsuAikuchi