A Bump in the Night 23(Fanmade): Epilogue

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Sorry I took so long with this. It kind of ballooned in size to be much bigger than intended. Then Work/life got in the way. But now it is finally done. Here it is.

A Bump in the Night 23: Epilogue

It is a cool fall day in the Mountains. Julian and Caroline are sitting on the porch of their Cabin home waiting for Tommie and Katie to get back from the store. Caroline was sitting in a rocking chair holding her now obvious baby bump. Julian was looking at her and thinking how well things had turned out for them. He somehow managed to get a job managing a mountain resort. His new home was the best perk. A rent free cabin built well enough to keep the utility bills low. Everyone got a fresh start here. No one here knew anyone from the last town they lived in. Katie was able to go back to school without anyone asking where she has been. She enjoyed living a normal life again going to school, instead of enduring tutors and then being homeschooled by Aunt Caroline. Tommy was enjoying the open spaces a lot. It made playing with Queen much easier and more fun, no fences for him to throw the ball over.

Katie and Tommy were walking back home picking of a few odds and ends from the local store. Tommy looked to Katie and asked "What are we going to do this Weekend? Have any surprises in store for me?" Katie giggled and looked at him with a wide, bright smile and replied "Yes, I do! Do you remember that promotional contest Dad was running a few weeks ago?" Tommy looked at her with a curious look on his face; he knew his sister had been up to something. "I remember. I also remember you sneaking around a lot." Katie looked back at him with a smirk "I was up to something. I spent hours filling out entry forums and then got rid of as many other entries as I could get away with, all to get an old friend of ours a cabin for the weekend." Tommy was puzzled, none of their friends from the city was old enough to either drive themselves over there or even enter the contest. After a moment he a-sked Katie "Who?" Katie replied "Well, things have been going good over here for the most part. But we have been lacking in one area." Katie went quiet, did a little dance, then lifted her arms wide, grocery bags in hand and said "New Sexy Stuff!" Tommy was a bit shocked at the statement and how loud she was saying it in public. Tommy Immediately looked around in a panic. Thankfully they were in one of the more woodsy areas where there was less chance of someone hiding around a corner or bush. After waiting for Tommy to settle down Katie continued "While it is always nice being with you Tommy, it can be like eating your favorite food every day all day, but with different seasonings. It is nice, but every once in a while you need to eat something else. We can't let any people around here know about us, not without a good opportunity presenting itself. If we discovered another pair of siblings, or maybe even cousins mating together we could try to form a fun little group here. But until then we are stuck with each other and those who already know about us." Tommy thought for a moment and came to a realization "You mean Mark don't you? He is the only one who knew about us and liked to do things with us other than King and Peter. And the only one who can drive a car" Tommy got a sad and frustrated look on his face and said "I wish our little circle had a few more holes to match the number of poles. Doing it with Queen was nice but I can only do that a few days out of the year." Katie was taken aback by his sudden outburst, but she completely understood. She had done it with Tommy, Cousin Peter, King, and Mark. Tommy had only been with her and Queen. And with Queen it had been only a few times while she was in heat. Katie had much more diversity in her sex life than Tommy. It was not his fault. It was just that the opportunity had not presented itself for Tommy like it has for her. But that was about to change. She got into Tommy's face with an excited look on her face and gave him the great news she had been holding onto. "I know Tommy, and I have some great news for you! You will be putting your pole into not one, not two, but three holes this weekend!" Tommy stared at his sister with a look that managed to be both excited and fearful, eagerly awaiting Katie's explanation. "I made sure that Mark won a two bedroom cabin for the weekend. He will be bringing his girlfriend Sally with him, and she wants to do some group stuff with us. You remember her from the videos Mark sent us, don't you?"

Tommy thought about the videos he had seen of her. She was a good looking girl. She was older than Katie and had a completely grown up body, with full breasts that matched her plump and firm butt. Tommy was excited at the idea of feeling a grown up body like hers. He knew Katie would have a body like that someday, but it was a few years off. After taking a moment to enjoy the idea, something occurred to him. Who was the third girl Katie was talking about? The first was obviously Katie, the second Sally. Queen could not be the third because she was not due to be in heat again for months. Who was going to be joining them? Tommy looked up at his sister and asked "Who has this third hole you say I will be putting my pole into this weekend? Is it just doing Sally in the Butt or will there be a third girl?"

Katie replied to her excited brother "Mark spends a lot of time online and is part of several niche` communities. He found someone who lives nearby and our age that is looking to get into sexy stuff. A bi-curious girl apparently. If things go well we will both have a new friend to do sexy stuff with all the time. She is probably from our school. I wonder who it could be." At that they came into view of their home and went to greet their Father and Aunt. Katie quietly said to Tommy "Just follow my lead and we will be having a whole weekend of sexy fun!"

Tommy got nervous when she said that. Every time she said "Just follow my lead" right before talking to adults, She was going to tell some elaborate lie on the spot and expect him to know how to back her up on the fly. They had gotten into trouble many times because he was not able to keep up with her. She often assumed he knew things he did not. He was not going to have it this time. "Katie, wait until after dinner this time. I will not have you messing this up by being so impulsive again. We need to rehearse our story; besides Dad and Aunt Caroline are much easier to trick after a big dinner." Katie rolled her eyes and said "Fine Tommy, we will do it your way, the boring way."

Tommie and Katie approached their cabin home with groceries in hand. They were greeted by their Father and Aunt who both quickly greeted them and went to the kitchen to start preparations for tonight's dinner. As soon as they could Tommy and Katie made for their bedroom. They immediately started rehearsing their story for dinner, much to Tommy's relief. Dinner that night was full of rich meats and pasta. Aunt Caroline was trying out a new Italian cookbook she had received. It was a very tasty and filling meal. After their father was done eating he went to his recliner to lay back and watch TV while his food settled. Tommy knew this would be the best time to talk to him. He motioned for Katie to follow him and they quickly enacted their plan.

Tommy and Katie quickly took advantage of the beginning of a commercial break as soon as it started. Dad would be at ease for the proposal, but would be rushed to wrap things up once the show began again. The Pause button on their cable remote was a bit fussy and he was the only one in the house who had not gotten the hang of it. They quickly explained that a new classmate of theirs was having a weekend thing at their place. The new kid's parents thought that having a bunch of classmates over for the weekend would get their son some new friends, and earn some points with their parents. After all, few parents would turn down free babysitting for a whole weekend, especially if their kids would thank them for the good time.

Julian took the bait, hook, line, and sinker. Getting some alone time with his sister and lover; no babysitter to pay. And best of all his two children engaged in normal social activity for the weekend. He had been worried so much about them. The two got along with each other for certain. They were two adolescent cubs living under the same roof with an IUD in place and accepting parents. They could have a great time with each other almost any time at home. But with other cubs? And with their clothes on? That was his area of concern. It was nice to know that his kids had social interests other than fucking each other. He quickly gave his approval to the event without asking many questions or giving much thought to their answers. All he wanted to do was enjoy the idealistic fantasy he had made for himself and let his dinner settle.

Shortly after getting permission from Dad the twins made for their bedroom to start packing for the weekend. They did not need to pack much. Just an overnight bag, since they would not be needing their clothes much of the time. Other than that they just needed a few snacks of their choice to fill out the bags. Everything was going according to plan. Katie liked how well things were going. This could be the best weekend ever if Mark and Sally kept their end.

The next day Tommy and Katie went through their school day as normal, except they were very anxious and excited through the day. They were constantly checking the clock all day to see how long until school got out. Their teachers took notice and at times reminded them to focus on their class work instead of their weekend. They had seen kids act like that all the time when the children were doing something special when they got home. Little did they know that the twins had something far less innocent in mind then the usual weekend trip. Eventually the tormenting movements of the clock hands struck the right time and the bell sounded. All the students immediately performed their end of day rituals according to their teacher's preferences, but all with as much haste as they were allowed.

Tommy and Katie quickly met up and boarded the bus. Like a few other students on this bus they often got off early near a grocery store to pick up a few things on the way home. As usual when they got off here they went inside and bought a few things. Both Tommy and Katie were buying things they thought would help them have a good time this weekend. Tommy bought some Pasta and Ramen. He had read that pasta was the preferred food for athletes to eat before a competition. Apparently it was a great source of energy. And he wanted to have as much energy as he could get for the weekends activities. Katie did her usual amount of research and looked up foods that are supposed to help boys with their boners and such. She bought some chopped spinach and garlic. They would go well with Tommy's pasta. She also got some walnuts and some mixed berries for snacking. Both of which she read would help the boys keep up with the girls. Tommy had no problems keeping up with her desires. But this weekend he would have to impress an older girl and Mark's mystery girl. "Three girls and only two boys. The boys will have to put some extra effort in this weekend." Katie thought to herself. Then she remembered that the mystery girl was Bi-curious. "The boys may not need to do as much this weekend as I thought. Me and Sally will be having fun with her too." Then it really sank in. She might end up being with a girl for the first time. She had forgotten to research this. Her thoughts were occupied by the idea of watching Tommy and Sally do it, and especially on the thought of being in between Tommy and Mark again. She had never taken the time to look up lesbian sex. She figured there was kissing and fingering but knew of nothing else. "Guess I will be finding out firsthand this time" she thought to herself. Soon enough they bought what they wanted, at least as much as their combined allowance could afford.

They left the store and headed down the road. And were soon met by a brown car that had seen was showing its age. A familiar blue hairdo atop some red fur popped out of the car and gave a wave. It was the back of Mark's head. The twins walked up to the car and looked inside to see Mark with his girlfriend Sally in the passenger seat. The twins quickly got in before anyone else showed up and saw them. As soon as the cubs buckled up Mark began heading off to the cabin Katie had worked so hard to get them for the weekend. Sally undid her seatbelt and turned herself in her seat to face the cubs. She glanced at the two of them and said with a smile "Happy to see you two in person finally. It has been a long time since I found Mark's laptop open to that _Naughty...Naughty_video you guys made together. Had to say I was turned on. After seeing that, I could not help but try Mark out for myself. And now I get to spend a weekend with my two favorite Porn Stars." She reached her hand over to touch Katie's thigh and rubbed it gently and said "I know you have never done any girl on girl stuff before, no need to worry I brought the right toys for us to have fun with together for when we wear out the boys dicks." She then slid her hand over to Tommy and cupped his crotch gently in her hand and rubbed her thumb along the top of his hardening willy. A sultry look came upon her face. The stared deep into Tommy's eyes, leaned further into the back of the car, and said "I am especially interested in having some fun with you Tommy. Ever since I saw you and Mark on that video sandwiching you cute sister I have wondered what it would be like to be in that position." At that moment Mark had to slow down quickly for a stop sign that appeared around a sharp corner. Sally went butt first against the windshield. Everyone else laughed. Mark chuckled and said "That is what you get for not wearing your seatbelt". Sally got a sour look on her face, then got herself back into her seat and buckled back up.

As they were pulling up to the cabin Tommy asked "I really want to meet this girl you found around here. Who is she and when do we meet her?" As Mark parked the car he replied "I do not know her name, only an idiot would give out their real name and picture over the internet on a site like that. The site I used has a lot of security to keep out both cops and convicted rapists. But nothing is perfect. I got a message from her a few minutes before we picked you up. She cannot get away from her family tonight, but we can pick her up at a nearby restaurant tomorrow morning. She will be there in a pink jacket looking for two cubs walking in together alone. Katie I have a purple ribbon you need to put in your hair. Tommy you need to wear this frilly pink and purple cap. She will approach you and ask why Tommy is wearing that cap. Katie, you must be the one to say that he lost a bet. Well enough about that. Let's get inside and get naked!"

As they stepped inside Sally helped the Cubs put up the foods they bought. Mark began setting up the recording equipment. Mark invested in a tripod and good camera and a good directional microphone. Phone cameras worked ok. But they could never get the good picture of a real camera. Plus they could operate this remotely. Right after the food was put up everyone began stripping down and headed toward the couch where Mark had set up his camera and stuff. Tommy could not keep his eyes off of Sally. This was his first time seeing a grown girl in the nude, much less being naked with one. She had a curvy figure with a nice firm butt and matching boobs. Everything part of her body matched perfectly with the others. Nothing was too big or to small compared to the rest. His heart was racing. He could not wait to get his hands on her and his willy inside. He sometimes hoped that Katie would grow into a girl with this kind of figure. He loved Katie exactly how she was now. But he knew that she would have a very different body in a few years. He glanced at his now nude sister as she approached the couch. She had already grown a good pair breasts. Aunt Caroline says being pregnant made them grow a little faster. Just as he switched his glance back to Sally the girls began standing together, faced Tommy and Mark and both pointed to the Couch. Tommy and Mark took the hint and sat down at opposite ends of the couch, boners sticking proudly into the air.

The girls looked at each other and smiled, then turned to face the boys. Sally spoke first "Katie and I have been chatting a bunch online to prepare for today. And we have made a few plans. Tonight we will be making a few videos we have planned out in advance. We will have to make some adjustments to a few scenes because of our delayed friend. But we will have a great time making some fresh new videos. You will just have to follow our Director's lead." With that Katie stepped forward and began giving directions. "Tommy I want you to sit in the middle seat closer to Mark. We need you two to be close together for this first scene. Trust me you guys are going to love this. Mark I need you to fix the camera so that you and Tommy almost fill the frame horizontally when you your legs spread a bit." Mark moved the camera over a little and quickly sat back down to fine tune the angle and zoom and such. Right after he sat back down Katie sauntered over to him and sat down, gently sliding his willy between her butt cheeks. Mark's Jaw dropped in surprise and pleasure. Katie then looked over to Mark's laptop and checked the video. Everything was just right. She then reached over and started the recording.

She immediately righted herself and began slowly wiggling her butt up and down and side to side teasing Mark's already rock hard willy. Katie then faced the camera and began talking to it. "This is going to be a fun reunion. My friend behind me has not seen me in months. We had a lot of fun last time we got together." She turned her head around to look at Mark and asked, wiggling her butt along his shaft the whole time "Did you miss me buddy? Did you miss touching my young, tiny little body? Did you the feel of me against your willy? Well did you?" Mark looked down at his willy, gently being caressed by her soft cheeks, and then cupped her boobs and said "I really missed you, and I like these new additions as well!" With that Katie said facing the camera "While my buddy here is enjoying our reunion, my boyfriend next to me is being neglected. My buddy's girlfriend has graciously shared him with me. It is only fair that I return the favor." With that Sally heard her cue and sat in Tommy's lap sliding his member between her cheeks as well. And began wiggling around teasing his willy just like Katie was doing to Mark. Tommy noticed that Sally's bigger cheeks nearly enveloped his willy, much more than Katie's was surrounding Mark's. He was super excited, he was finally being with a woman other than Katie. Being with Queen felt good, but it was nowhere close to being as good as this. He could not have much variety with Queen, and Queen did not have Sally's nice boobs. As soon as he finished that thought, Sally grabbed his hands and placed them on her boobs. She turned her head toward him and said "How does that feel?" Tommy's mouth hung open and a little drool was leaking out. After a moment he managed to reply "They feel awesome! Both your boobs and you butt!" Sally giggled and said "I glad you think so. You are going to spend a lot of time with both."

After a few more moments of boob fondling and cock teasing Katie decided it was time for the main event. She shot a glance at Sally and she gave Katie a nod. Then both of them raised themselves up and moved further back onto the tips of the boys hard willys, then they slowly and lowered themselves onto the boys dicks, taking care to stay in sync with each other. As they both finished lowering themselves fully onto their men they leaned over to each other and shared a deep passionate kiss. They then began raising and lowering themselves, using the kiss to keep a consistent rhythm. The boys were both in Heaven. Mark was once again enjoying the same body that had taken his virginity. Sally was a great girlfriend and a wonderful lover. But you always hold a special place in your heart for your first. That his first was kissing his girlfriend while riding his dick was amazing. Tommy was fully enjoying himself as well. This was a new and wonderful experience for him. Sally's fluffy tail was caressing his chest and chin. Tommy was enjoying every stroke of her big tail. His hands were going up and down Sally's body. First cupping and gently squeezing her boobs, then sliding down to her waist and belly and broadly caressing here there, then finally sliding his hands down to her butt and touching it in various ways. Sometimes giving it a slow caress. Others giving it a good squeeze and occasionally running his hands past her cheeks and caressing the back of her thighs.

After a few minutes of enjoying the way Tommy was using his hands Sally was getting close to orgasm. She broke her kiss with Katie in order to focus on her climax. Plus it was getting hard to keep leaning over like that. Both Katie and Sally were relieved to be upright again. Kissing like that was fun at first, but it eventually took its toll on their bodies. Sally looked over at Katie and saw that Mark was just cupping and fondling her breasts instead of the flowing sensual caress Tommy was giving her. Katie seemed to like it though. Mark had a feeling that Katie would like having her new breasts fondled like this. Young girls can be unsecure about their smaller breasts, especially with a far more endowed girl baring it all right next to her. Mark having his hands focus on her breasts made her happy about them. It was nice to know they had grown to a size boys would like to fondle.

Without the kiss to help them keep rhythm the girls started adopting their own flow. Katie took in all of Mark's shaft and began slowly grinding herself against Mark's body. Sally however was close to orgasm and wanted to get there fast. She began rapidly bouncing up and down Tommy's willy as soon as hands got firmly under her butt. Tommy took the hint and helped her move up and down with his hands. Soon Tommy was on the edge as well. Sally reached her climax in short order. After she took a moment to recover, Tommy, gasping and struggling to hold on managed to utter "I'm gonna squirt Sally." After hearing that Sally had an idea. She quickly lifted herself off of Tommy's willy and quickly put it back between her butt cheeks. She decided she would finish this the way she started it, using the butt of hers he seemed to like so much. She moved her tail off to the side and started sliding herself against his willy at a fast pace. She said to Tommy "I want to know far I can get you to squirt, make sure are at a good angle when you finally blow you load". Tommy nodded in agreement. It did not take long for him to grant her request. His load soon came out in a few skinny ropes halfway across Sally's back. Katie and Mark saw what happened and Katie decided she would follow Sally's example. She turned to Mark and said "Let's see how well I can do compared to your girlfriend. Let me know when you are close." Katie began to bounce up and down on Mark again, It did not take much more to send him over the edge. Mark's face began to change and he yelled "Almost there!" With that Katie lifted herself off and began using her cheeks again to finish him off. It took only three strokes to finish him off. Mark shot off all the way into Katie's hair. Katie felt the new dampness in her fur and said "Looks I won that willy milking contest. But is seems that I teased him a bit too much at the start. I made him finish first." With that Sally knelt in front of her, looked up and said "Sounds like a good time to introduce you to some girl-girl stuff. Mark move to the front of the couch and lean back and Katie you lean back on him when he does. Tommy you work the camera."

Everyone did as they were told. When Katie lay back against Mark, he immediately began fondling her small breasts again. Katie was enjoying the attention he was giving them. They were not very big yet, but knowing boys would enjoy them anyways made her feel good. Tommy took the camera off its stand and waited to find a good angle for whatever Sally had planned. Sally took hold of Katie's legs and lifted them onto the couch spreading them wide. She then moved her muzzle toward Katie and quickly began licking her slowly licking her recently teased hole. Sally's tongue felt great against her pussy. It was not long before sally figured out Katie's preferred spots and motions and began playing with Katie's clit with her tongue with the same finesse a musician would use on their instrument. Sally then began picking up the pace. Katie began to moan loudly from Mark and Sally's attentions. She also began to squirm, rubbing herself against marks chest and groin. Tommy and Mark were enjoying the show. Mark especially, having Katie rubbing against him and being able to fondle her chest. Soon both boys were hard as rocks again. Katie quickly noticed Mark's willy rubbing against her backside as it grew hard. It was not long before Sally brought Katie to climax. As soon as her body calmed down afterward Katie looked to Tommy and saw how hard he was. Then she thought of Mark's willy rubbing against her back. She knew she could not let these erections go to waste. She turned to sally and said "Looks like our boys are ready for more. Seeing as you were nice enough to finish me off, I will let you have both of them to yourself this time. Are you ready to fulfill your fantasy Sally?" Sally replied "Hell yes I am!" and stood up.

Katie then got up herself and retrieved the camera from Tommy. Katie then put it back on the stand and began making adjustments. Sally grabbed Tommy by the hand and led him to the couch. She then looked at Tommy with a naughty smile and said in a sultry tone "You and Mark here made a good team in that video, making your sister feel oh so good, giving her both your dicks at the same time like that. My turn now!" With that she got into position and lowered her tail hole onto Mark's waiting shaft, slowly sliding down until it was all the way in, letting out a soft moan as it slowly went into her, Staring lustfully at Tommy the whole time. Soon she made herself comfortable, leaning back a bit onto Mark and resting her legs astride of his. This gave the twins a wonderful view of both of Sally's holes. Katie made sure to center the position and angle of the camera onto Sally and had her fill most of the Frame. As soon as she was finished, she began recording again, and resumed her role as Director. Looking at Sally from behind the camera Katie Said "It looks like you have found yourself a good place to sit, but it there anything we can do to make you more comfortable?" Sally looked directly into the camera and began stroking her wet pussy slowly, occasionally fingering herself and replied "Now that you mention it, I have this itch down here that I cannot seem to scratch very well with my finger. But I know exactly what I need to scratch it." Katie replied "And what would that be?" Sally then reached over to Tommy and gently cradled his willy in her paw, then looked directly into Tommy's eyes and said " I need your cute brother here to put this nice thing inside me for a while, I am sure that will hit just the right spot." With that she moved her hand slowly toward his sack and cupped it. "And if that does do the trick I am sure the cream he is about to give me will do the trick." Katie turned to Tommy and said "Well Tommy are you just going to stand there or are you going to help out our friend with her itch?"

Tommy needed no further encouragement. Tommy slowly got himself into position between her legs and began to figure out the best method of entry, after a few tries and some incidental teasing of Sally's clit in the process, he found a position that would allow him to comfortably slip his willy inside her, but would still have his legs far enough apart for Katie and the camera to have a good view. After remembering to lift up his tail he slowly began sinking his willy insider her. Getting impatient for Tommy's willy Sally quickly wrapped her legs around Tommy and pulled him toward herself quickly until he was all the way in. She then shot Tommy a glance and said "My itch is really bad, I need you to scratch it hard and fast." She then grabbed Tommy's hands one at a time and placed them on her breasts, "Hold onto these for support while you scratch my itch and rub in your special lotion." Tommy began thrusting in and out of her rapidly leaning on Sally's breasts for support as instructed. He found his pace being set by the pulling of Sally's legs. Mark soon took his queue and began thrusting in and out of her as well. After a few awkward moments the three soon found their rhythm and Sally quickly began what Katie felt during that video. She loved every single stroke of her boys' shafts as they slid in and out of her in rhythm. Tommy was somehow able to massage her breasts just right while pounding her at the furious pace she was setting. Mark was cupping her butt and moving her up and down in rhythm with his shaft. She loved having two boys giving her their full attention. She was soon close to an orgasm, she was about to have one faster than any other time in her life. The boys were close too, thanks to the fast pace Sally was demanding. Mark having been inside of Sally for a while before Tommy got started himself shot his load first. He let go of her butt and grabbed her waist, pulling her down toward the base of his shaft and holding her there while he satisfy his urge to be fully inside her while he had his orgasm. Soon afterword Tommy quickened his pace even faster than Sally had been demanding, pushing them both over the brink. Their bodies both tensing up as Tommy poured his sticky as deep as he could inside Sally.

A few moments later after the three caught their breath. Everyone heard a loud noise coming from Tommy. His stomach was rumbling. After a small bit of laughter from everyone, they all agreed that it was time to get started on dinner. Sally asked the boys to get things started while the girls showered. The boys slipped into their pants and got to work heating the water and chopping up the spinach and garlic. The twins came up with a recipe at the grocery store. While it might not be the best tasting or do their breath any favors, it was going to be ideal for keeping everyone going. The girls helped each other scrub out the dried goo the boys sprayed all over their backs. It was a fun idea at the time but the girls agreed that it was better to have that stuff inside than out. It felt much better and the mess was easier to deal with. Soon after the boys finished prepping the water and ingredients the girls stepped into the kitchen and took over. The boys took turns in the shower. While they were comfortable being nude together with the girls to look at, they still felt weird being naked around each other alone.

There was very little talking at dinner. Everyone was relatively quiet during dinner. Everyone was too busy stuffing their faces to talk. Time had passed and their bodies had recovered a bit. With the girls sitting at the table in the nude the boys thoughts were shifting between their food and their view, both of them were starting to pitch tents in their underpants. Dinner was finished in short order and with no leftovers at all. The boys had to break into the snacks to fill their bellies. The girls decided to watch some TV to let their food settle, being able to tease the boys with their naked bodies at the same time. Their plan worked, as they shifted their bodies from one position to another on the couch the boys could not help but stare at them instead of the television. After the show ended everyone's food was settled, the girls were rested, and the boys were rock hard.

Sally leaned over the side of the couch and grabbed her bag. As she began digging through it she turned to Katie and spoke, "I have a little surprise for you Katie. The four of us are going to do something called an Airtight. Normally you need three boys to do this, but we can do it because I brought this." And with that she pulled out a strange looking object. It looked like a dogs willy with straps on it. Katie asked with a puzzled look on her face "What is that?" Sally replied with a wicked grin "It is when you have a willy in every hole that will fit one! One in the mouth and two below the waist. This little toy I brought will let one of us be like a boy for a while. We will need it to fill one of our holes below the waist. This thing does not taste anywhere near as good as the real thing, so it will not be very good to suck on. Besides it does not give you the special treat that boys do. So, who is going to wear this first?" Katie thought for a moment. She was eager to try using the toy, but was also curious what it felt like. She also had never seen one used before. "You use it on me first, so I can see how it is done."

With that Sally began strapping the toy on. As she was making sure it was fitting just right Mark turned to Katie and said with a smile "Now you need to decide which pole is going into which hole". Katie thought hard about this for a minute as Sally was finishing up and Mark was getting the Camera ready. She wanted to be in Tommy's embrace while she tried this, the fake dog willy would not taste good, and besides she had not tasted Mark's sticky in a long time. "I want to taste Mark again, and I want Tommy to hold me close from behind while I feel Sally's toy for the first time in my pussy."

With that everyone began to take their places. Tommy sat on the couch first, slouching a bit to allow for his sister to lay back on him. Katie positioned herself and slowly pressed her tailhole against his hard willy, allowing it to gently slide inside her until she bottomed out against him. Then Mark took his position, standing to the side of the couch, one knee resting on the end, placing his eager willy on her lips. Katie waited to open her mouth for Marks willy, she wanted to be able to tell Sally to stop if the toy did not feel as good as she hoped. After all, it is not only hard, but impolite to talk with your mouth full. Soon Sally finished tightening and adjusting the straps for her toy and took her place between Katie's open legs. At first she teased Katie's clit with her toy. It did not take much to make Katie gasp in pleasure. As soon as Katie opened her mouth Mark's willy slid in to fill it. Katie was not prepared for it and was about to push Mark away before Sally suddenly stopped teasing her clit and slid the rubber dog willy inside her. With that she let out a loud moan muffled by Mark's willy. Mark loved how the vibrations from her moan felt on his dick. Soon everyone began thrusting in and out of Katie, trying to find a perfect rhythm with each other. It took a minute but it happened. Tommy was pulling himself out of Katie as much as he could when Sally's slow but forceful thrusts would prompt Katie to lift up slightly, and he would slide back into her as much as he could holding her in a tight embrace, pulling her onto his willy as much as he could until Sally began another thrust. Mark just relaxed and enjoyed Katie's warm mouth and tongue, treasuring how her low moans felt as she milked his cock in rhythm with the other poles being thrust into her. Katie was loving it. The taste of Mark's willy. Tommy's loving embrace. The satisfying feeling of Sally's Canine willy inside her. It by its self would not have been as good as having King inside her again, but with three lovers at once it was part of a wonderful experience. And with Sally she did not have to worry about being hurt again like with king. When the twins visited Peter and King, Katie had to be sure to make king knot before letting him inside her. She did not want to have to go without vaginal sex for weeks again.

A few minutes of bliss passed. Katie had more than one orgasm from all the attention her body was getting. It was getting to be too much for her. Finally she felt Tommy's willy twitch and begin squirting inside her. Soon that after Mark pulled his dick back to the end of her mouth. The better to coat Katie's tongue with the treat he was giving her. Katie savored the taste she had not had in a long time. Slowly rolling it around on her tongue while licking and sucking the tip of Mark's willy trying to get every last drop she could. After his load finally lost its taste she swallowed it and realized how exhausted she was. She struggled to lift herself off of the two willys inside her. She held onto Sally's shoulders for support and Tommy took his cue and lifted his sister off of his still hard willy. As soon as she was free she fell over to the side and laid onto the couch.

Everyone let her take a moment to get comfortable and catch her breath. After a moment Tommy looked at her and asked in a worried tone "Are you ok Katie?" Katie looked at him and game a small if weary smile and replied "Yes Tommy, I am fine. I am really tired but I am fine. That felt really, really, good. But it was really exhausting. I need to lay back for a while." Sally began removing her Strap on and gave the boys a suggestion "Let's go clean up and have a little refreshment while Katie gets some of her strength back. With that the boys went and washed off their willies and Sally washed her toy. Everyone grabbed a little to drink and Tommy made sure to bring Katie some as well as a piece of chocolate.

Sally thought about how she wanted her turn to go. Who to put where and how. She did not want to it the same way Katie did. Too much work. She wanted to save her energy for later. After thinking about several positions and combinations she made her decision and walked back to the couch. She handed the dildo to Katie and asked her if she was ready to try it out. Katie replied by taking it and strapping it on. Mark turned to sally and asked "So Lovely, which pole is going into which hole?" Sally looked at him and replied in a slightly sassy manner "Well I want to be sandwiched between these two adorable twins, so It looks like you are getting sucked off again. Now get to the side of the couch so you can throat-fuck me. Oh and get me the lube from the bag while you are over there." As Mark dutifully went about his task Sally turned to Katie to give her instructions as Katie had just finished strapping on the dildo. "Katie, I want to be between you and your brother. Could you slide over and lay your head on the armrest next to Mark. Also I need you to rub the stuff in the bottle Mark is holding all over that toy. I am putting it in my tailhole and I will need a bunch of lube to get it in."

Katie got into position, and after retrieving the bottle from Mark she began spreading the lube onto the dildo. After a while she let out a giggle. "It looks like I am a boy masturbating!" At that everyone let out a little chuckle. As soon as Katie finished giving the toy a generous coating Sally got into position. She positioned herself above Katie's now shiny new dog dick and began slowly pushing it inside her tailhole. As she reached the knot, she prepared herself and relaxed onto it. It slipped in slowly and easily. Katie had used more than enough lube. As she grew accustomed to the sensation, she leaned back onto Katie and hung her head over the arm of the couch. She then spread her legs and began gently rubbing herself. Sally gave a naughty smile and said "Come one Boys! Stuff Me!"

The Mark and Tommy needed no further push. They eagerly took their positions. Mark slid into Sally's open mouth and began thrusting in and out of it eagerly, throat fucking her as instructed almost as fast as he could move. Tommy took his time after he got into position. He gently slid his willy slowly into Sally's depths. As he buried himself to the hilt he leaned forward and nuzzled his head between Sally's breasts. He then began moving himself around, exploring every part of Sally's insides he could. Katie began cupping Sally's breasts to her surprise. Katie then began Slowing moving herself. She began slowly pulling the knot out of Sally. Sally enjoyed the sensation as it slipped outside her. A moment after it slipped out, Katie began gently pushing, slowly putting it back into Sally. Tommy felt the movement of Katie's new dog willy inside of Sally. Tommy soon found a good rhythm with his sister, pulling in and out in sync with the knot.

Sally was loving the way the twins were treating her. They showed an instinctive tenderness that Mark lacked. He was a good lover but sometimes got carried away. Like now. The twins were making sweet, passionate love to her while Mark was violently shoving himself down her throat. While she normally enjoyed sucking him off, right now he was an unwelcome intruder into the moment. She regretted her phrasing earlier. Sally then had an Idea. She reached over her head and grabbed Mark by the butt and pulled him in close. She had decided to use a special method she had learned to use on Mark when she needed to finish him in a hurry. She sucked extra hard on him and applied a small bit of pressure with her teeth on one a special little spot on his shaft. This helped her finish him in no time. Sally wasted no time swallowing his load and spitting out his cock. "That was tasty Mark, now could you man the camera and get some nice close-up shots." Mark took a moment to recover and then took the camera off the stand and began getting some shots, including a long one showing a close up of Sally's holes being stuffed.

Sally was really enjoying herself now. Without Mark's cock to endure she was able to completely relax herself and enjoy the treatment the twins were giving her. Tommy was having a great time exploring Sally's depths and stuffing his face in her cleavage. Katie was enjoying this new experience. Having a fake willy was a bit strange. It was odd to be the one doing the thrusting. Feeling another girls breasts was new too. Katie wondered why boys liked them so much. Katie felt Sally's breasts hoping to get a glimpse of why boys liked them so much. Katie was not really excited by the feel of them, but she continued to feel them because Sally seemed to like it.

After a few more moments Sally was at her limit. She wrapped her legs around Tommy and pulled him in toward herself, silently urging him to go faster. Tommy took the hint and began thrusting in sync with her legs gentle urgings, until he was pounding her at a furious pace. Soon enough he was at his limit. He suddenly buried himself all the way into Sally and she held him tightly as he once again squirted his seed inside her. Sally went limp with exhaustion, as did Tommy.

A few moments passed and everyone eventually regained enough energy to separate from each other. Everyone was exhausted. After the others got themselves sorted Mark puts his pants on and turned on the TV and sat down to watch. Katie took off the Dildo went to the kitchen sink to clean it. Tommy and Sally put their underwear back on and sat back down on the couch. Katie soon joined them. Katie broke the exhaustion induced silence, "That was new. It was weird having that thing on, but still kind of fun." Sally replied "I am glad you had a good time with it, I sure loved the way you put it to use. Lets hope our mystery girl enjoys it too." Mark was checking out the weather forecast. It is going to be cloudy with a strong chance of rain tomorrow. Right at the time they will be picking up their special guest. Mark was thinking about how things would get when their fifth got there. Nothing but group fun. He knew he would enjoy the sex, but he wanted some one-on-one time with Katie. No distractions or fancy camerawork. He was then struck with inspiration. "Girls, I have had an Idea." Mark announced, "I know we originally planned to go to bed with our normal partners, but I think we would be missing out on an opportunity. Me and Sally can sleep together on occasion when one of our parents is out of town, and you two can do it every night. But we will not be able to do this again in a long time, if ever. You two have never spent the night with anyone but each other, you will be able to experience something new. And me and Sally will be able to spend some time alone with our favorite porn stars. What do you guys think?"

Everyone thought for a moment. Both Katie and Tommy looked a bit worried as they turned toward each other to read their siblings expressions. Tommy and Katie had never been with anyone alone besides each other and the dogs, and were both very nervous. Just as Tommy opened his mouth to speak to Katie, Sally wrapped herself around him and began feeling his crotch. Tommy's body reacted well to the feeling of her hand on his willy and her breasts on the back of his head. Katie quickly took note of how quickly the look of anxiety left Tommy's face. Sally looked at Katie and said "Sound's good to me, I will let you have my boyfriend for the night if you let me borrow your brother." Katie thought for a moment. The idea of spending the night alone with someone other than her brother was new and a bit frightening. With the exception of her first time with King, she had always her brother for comfort when trying new things sexually. This would be a first for both of them. And this weekend was all about trying new things. "Ok, Sally we have a deal. You get to cuddle up with Tommy tonight. Have Fun Tommy!"

With that Sally left the couch and led a now aroused Tommy to one of the bedrooms. Mark gave Katie a hungry look and nodded his head toward the other bedroom and then moved toward it, not bothering to hide the bulge in his pants. Katie hesitated for a moment, and then nervously walked toward the room after Mark.

Sally was quick to undress after getting into the room. Tommy followed her lead. Sally walked up to a now naked Tommy and have him a hug, making sure to shove her breasts in his face. "I have you to myself my favorite little pornstar. And I am hoping to get a good private performance from you." At that moment she felt Tommy stiffen like a rock, and not just his willy. Sally turned Tommy toward the bed and gently leaned into him, urging him to move toward the bed. When they got to the bed Sally kept leaning up against him gently, Tommy took the hint and sat back onto the bed, Sally's grip on his back discouraging him from lying down completely. Sally wrapped her legs around Tommy as the two lowered themselves onto the bed, nimbly mounting Tommy's waiting pole as she slowly took in his full length on the way down. Sally began rapidly rocking her hips back and forth, letting her full weight rest on Tommy. She bent her head forward toward his ear and spoke not slowing down the rocking of her hips at all in the process. "Tommy...I need you to....relax and let it....all out. I need you to.....Empty your balls into me Tommy!" With that she released her grip on him and adjusted her position. Locking her hands with his, she bade him to lay on his back and used his arms for support as she began violently bouncing up and down on his willy as fast as she could.

Tommy was in a daze. Normally this he and Katie only did it at this pace at the very end. But Sally was really going at it from the start and was going faster than Katie ever did. All the while Sally was begging him to squirt. It was so intense he could not help but obey her pleas. In what may have been a record time for him he squirted into Sally. As soon as she sensed he was on the brink Sally slammed down onto Tommy and began taking every drop as deep as she could manage. After a few moments the two began catching their breath. Sally dismounted Tommy took a place in near the center of the bed and laid down. After thinking for a moment she took a couple of the smaller pillows and put them under her hips. Tommy observed this and asked "Why are you doing that? It seems kind of weird." Sally replied "So what you just gave me does not leak out of me." Sally waved for Tommy to come closer and he complied, crawling up to Sally in between her slightly parted legs, as if getting ready for round two. Sally put one hand under his chin and the other under his balls gently stroking them both and said "I want you to fill me up as much as you can tonight. I want to know what it feels like to be completely full of your sweet nut nectar. I need you to empty your balls into me as much as you can tonight. Don't worry about making it last, we are doing a bunch of sprints tonight, no marathons. Ok Tommy?" Tommy replied with a nod and a returning erection. Sally then reached into her bag and got out a tube of lubricant and spread it over Tommy's willy. Only a moment later he was sticking his eager willy inside of Sally again, and following her instructions he pounded her furiously was fast as he could, looking to fulfill Sally's desires. Sally was delighted at his energy and enthusiasm. In truth she wanted the tender attentions she had gotten from him earlier, rather than the brutal pounding she was getting now. But she needed him to cum as much as possible inside her tonight. And he was going to give his all to satisfy that need until he falls asleep.

Sally had an ulterior motive for this weekend event. She had a special thing for hybrid children. She just thought they were the cutest. And she wants one of her own. She was initially interested in Mark because they could have cute kids together one day. But then she saw his special video. She had found a better baby daddy. The cuteness of the children in her imagination, the way he made love to Katie in the video, and having proven the potency of his seed; all contributed to her desire for him. Sally had stopped taking her pills in preparation for this weekend. She had also avoided letting Mark inside her pussy. As far as she was concerned that hole was reserved for Tommy's sperm alone. She was thankful that tomorrow he would have two other cunts to stuff.

Meanwhile in the other bedroom Katie was a little anxious. This was the first time she had been alone with Mark, and off-camera too. But at the same time it was exciting. Mark had a bad habit of going full tilt before Sally was ready and was worried he would do the same with her. But she was prepared and had an idea of how to break him of that habit. But first she had to put him a receptive mood.

As soon as she took her panties back off Katie pointed to the bed and said to Mark "Lie down on your back and hold PERFECTLY still. I am going for a ride and I want it to be smooth." Mark quickly threw off his pants and got into position, his erection returning as he got into position. Katie quickly did the same. Her legs astride Mark she hovered over the tip of his willy. She decided to tease him a bit. She began to grind her clit against the tip of his willy and felt it stiffen from the attention. Mark began to move his hands toward her hips, hoping to pull her down onto his shaft. She quickly slapped him hard on the chest. A surprised Mark yelped in pain. Katie giggled and with a wicked smile and grinding her clit in rhythm with her words said "I said perfectly, P-E-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y, still. Move without my say-so and get slapped."

Mark was surprised and a little disappointed. He was hoping for a night of passion and lust, not games. But he was in no mood to argue. Not with Katie so nimbly teasing his cock with her little dance. Katie saw the disappointed look on his face and decided to throw him a bone. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her little breasts. "You can play with these as you like, but remember to keep the rest of you still. Especially your willy. I want a smooth ride and wont' have you bucking under me."

With that Katie finally sank down onto Mark's willy. She made sure to go as slowly as possible, while slowly gyrating her hips on the way down until she put her full weight on him. Katie kept still for a moment then slowly began grinding against Mark before lifting herself up to repeat the process. She kept at this for a long time. She knew Mark had a lack of patience when it came to sex. She was determined to teach him some. Several times Mark would try to thrust himself into Katie only to receive a sharp slap in return. "Trust me Mark, I am going to make this worth the wait."

Mark was both being pleasured and tortured. At last he had Katie to himself, riding his cock. But she was going so painfully slow. Mark wanted to go faster and release his load inside her, but as slow as she was going he would never get there. Time passed and his balls slowly began to build up pressure. Katie was teasing his body expertly and patiently. His body needed release. He felt the pressure in his balls slowly build, being teased to become a knot but not to release. After several minutes of teasing the pressure became almost painful. Katie read the look on his face and saw the pleading expression and knew it was time to let him finish. She slowly dismounted Mark, turned around and bend over, raising her tail and giving him a clean view of her pussy. She turned her head to Mark and said "Time to reward your patience. Get over here and let's finish up."

Mark wasted no time getting into position. With great speed he leapt up and mounted Katie, desperate to finally get release. He grabbed Katie by the hips and began pulling her toward him as he began violently thrusting into her depths; a feral display of lust that was the opposite of Katie's methodical dance. Katie was taken aback by Mark's sudden display. Mark was going at like King did, only he was holding onto her better. Between having been teased for so long and his fast pace it did not take long for Mark to Climax. He felt a massive buildup in his body before long. He picked up Katie and held her as tightly as he could to himself as he knotted her and emptied himself into Katie, groaning loudly as he had the biggest orgasm of his life, squirting more and more deep into Katie. After several seconds of orgasm, Mark's strength gave out and he and Katie laid down on their sides, bonded together by the knot.

A few minutes passed before either of them would say a word. They both needed time to recover, especially considering all they had done earlier. Eventually however Mark broke the silence. "Katie, I had no Idea I could cum that hard, especially after having so much sex today. I once saved up for a week and still did not cum that hard." Katie smiled and replied while stroking his chest "I told you I would make it worth the wait. I learned that if you tease a boy for while it makes him shoot more. But I think I may have over did it this time, but so did you. Not so rough next time. Anymore and you might have hurt me and that would have ruined the weekend and got us all in trouble."

Mark's face widened with shock. He had not given any thought to Katie's feelings when he grabbed hold of her and began his desperate sprint to release. He felt a bit of shame and worry at what he had done. After letting it sink in for a moment Katie broke the silence. "You have a habit of being a little too rough sometimes, but otherwise you are really fun to play with. You just need to learn to pace yourself better. And I am going to teach you. Your next lesson will begin as soon as your willy is ready again. " Katie then leaned over and kissed mark warmly on the mouth. The two then began to make out to pass the time while Mark's willy recovered; Their bodies and hands slowly rubbing against each other sending both of them into a state of joy. Katie loved the attention.

For Mark it was much more. He was obsessed with Katie. At first she was his favorite viewing material. She and Tommy helped him jerk off many times. Then the day in the park came. He was only hoping to get some fresh viewing material. More footage of his favorite porn stars. What he ended up with was the time of his life. Not only was he able to personally film the best porn he had seen in his life, he was able to join in and lose his virginity to his favorite porn star. And now he had her all to himself. He had fanaticized about this for months. Sally was a good girlfriend and great in bed. However she was not as sweet and cute as Katie. And In Mark's mind being with Katie was like being with a celebrity. Like a dream come true. And having this dream come true was both intoxicating and energizing.

After several minutes of making out Mark's willy grew hard again and he instinctively began moving into position. Katie opened her legs for him and wrapped them around him. Mark sank inside of Katie and buried himself to the hilt and then began thrusting in and out at a slower pace than he was used to. After a while he gave in to his bad habit and began thrusting more violently. Katie was determined to preserve the moment and get him to learn more control. Katie pulled him toward herself and held him so tightly that he could barely move his body. He could no longer thrust as he liked; held close and deep at the insistence of the vice grip her legs had on him. Mark's efforts to pull out resulted in simply dragging her with him. Katie put her hands on his face and said in a sultry tone "Na-ah-ahhh, none of that." With that Mark relaxed and slowly sank back into Katie. He took the hint and began slowly moving in and out of her at a slower pace. Katie relaxed her grip and let him pull out further. Every time Mark sped up too much Katie would tighten her grip again and Mark would take the hint. He soon gave up on going full throttle. Eventually the two grew close to climax. Katie sensed Mark was close too and completely relaxed her legs, letting them fall away from him. He took the hint and began thrusting faster and faster pushing them both to climax. After the waves of pleasure calmed down Katie looked at Mark and said "Better Mark, we'll have you trained in no time".

After a couple hours of sex everyone eventually collapsed into a deep sleep. The twins each embraced by their borrowed lovers. Tommy was lying on top of Sally unconsciously nuzzling his face between Sally's breasts, still between Sally's legs after collapsing from exhaustion. Katie was lying beside Mark, wrapped in his embrace. Everyone was sound asleep. Mark and Sally were enjoying the twins company immensely. A fantasy fulfilled. For the twins however it was different. While they did enjoy their new bedmates, they both felt a yearning while they slept. They wanted each other's company. Ever since they moved into their shared bedroom this was the first time they had been apart for the night. They missed the familiar embrace of their sibling.

Everyone slept in a little late, recovering from their nights activities. Tommy and Mark both woke up their bedmates with their morning wood. Tommy had woken Sally up a couple times in the night. Katie had told her about his habit and was happy to learn he was giving her the same treatment. Tommy gave Sally the gentle loving treatment she yearned for in his sleep even after spending the night furiously trying to empty his balls into her. At about the same time Katie was woken up by the feeling of Mark's willy sliding between her thighs. It looked like he was a sleep humper like Tommy, but his aim was not as good. Katie wondered what she could get away with without waking him up. She gently pushed on his shoulder and he turned onto his back in response. Mark then began humping the air. Katie giggled at the sight. She figured Mark was having a sex dream. It was a funny sight to her. Katie grabbed her phone from the nightstand and began recording. After getting several seconds of Mark humping the air Katie decided to put that hard willy to work. She got on top of Mark and guided his willy inside her and sank down onto it. Mark's sleep humping grew even more intense as he began humping her from underneath. Katie made sure to record the look on Mark's sleeping face as he sleep humped her until he squirted. Mark finally woke up during his climax. Katie giggled and said "About time you woke up sleepy head."

After the wake up sex was over everyone did a normal morning routine. Everyone showered and brushed their teeth, then got dressed and ready to go get their breakfast and pick up their mystery friend at the restaurant. They placed a pick-up order over the phone and drove over. Mark and Sally waited in the car while the twins walked in wearing the agreed headwear. They were soon greeted by the only girl their age in the place. Mia the lizard girl walked up to them and asked about Tommy's hat and the twins gave her the passphrase.

Mia was the only reptilian classmate they had. Reptiles rarely lived in the mountains because of the cold and how much extra effort they had to use to keep warm outside. Mia had to wear extra clothes everywhere and had to wear special electric underclothes to warm her. The twins were surprised to find out that their soon to be special friend was the shy lizard girl from the back of the class. Both Tommy and Katie were very curious about what it was going to be like to be with her. She was so different. But that made it more exciting.

Mia looked at the twins and nervously broke the long awkward silence of contemplation they were having. "I was kind of hoping it would be you two. I always thought you both were kind of cute. I am really excited about getting to know you better. Let's get our breakfast and head to the cabin. I am really eager to meet your older friends and have fun together." The twins nodded in agreement and went to pick up their food order. Mark and Sally greeted Mia warmly after she got in the car with the twins.

After starting the car and pulling onto the road Mark looked in the rearview mirror at Mia and said "So this is the girl I found online. I have never been with a scaly girl before. This should be interesting. It looks like we lucked out Tommy". Katie put her arm around Mia and asked "So, why did you decide join our little party, and how did you find out about that weird website?" Mia thought for a moment and replied "Well I found out about the website from a paper someone dropped outside the school a while back. No Idea whose it was, but it had all the instructions and stuff I needed. Lucky find for me. As for why I choose to join you guys, I have not had any luck finding a boyfriend or girlfriend on my own. A lot of people think it is weird to date a scaly. Plus I think it would be fun to try things out with a few different people. And this way I know at least some of the people I will be doing stuff with."

Katie gave Mia a little hug and said "It is good to be familiar with some of the people you have naked fun with. I don't think I could have had a good time with Mark the first time if Tommy was not there with me." Then Tommy added "Same for me and Sally the first time." Mia looked at the twins and replied. "I am glad you two are here. You always seemed nice. And I have not had any chance to do the kinds of things we are about to do at the cabin. I have used a vibrator I bought online, but never anything with another person." Mark looked into the rearview mirror and said in a stern tone "I am going to ask you guys to stop that talk until we get to the cabin. You are making it very hard for me to focus on my driving." With that the car fell silent until Sally turned on the radio.

Once they arrived at the cabin everyone immediately began unpacking and eating their breakfast. No one wasted time talking more than needed during the meal. Everyone was eager to get the fun started. After the meal Mark got the computer and camera running while everyone else stripped down. Mia lit the fireplace before stripping down. She needed it a bit warmer than the others. Mia took longer than the others to get naked, she needed to strip off more layers and her tail sock. Everyone looked at Mia's nude body with great curiosity. She was green all over except for the white spot on her chest, belly and crotch. She had a long smooth tail that was very rigid compared to everyone else's.

Katie looked at Mia and asked "Have you really never had a boy's willy inside you"? Mia replied "Nope, just my little toy at home." Mark smiled and said with a rock hard erection "A real virgin huh? Who is the lucky guy who gets to be your first?" Mia thought to herself for a moment and made a choice. "Tommy, I want Tommy. You are a cute guy Mark, it is just I am more comfortable with Tommy. But I do want to have fun with you after."

Sally Began digging around her bag and pulled out the strap-on. "Alright Mia, while Tommy is introducing you to the joys of a real cock, the rest of us will be having some group fun." Mia looked at everyone and had an idea. "Actually guys I would like you to do me a favor. This may sound a bit weird. But since it is my first time I would like you guys to film me losing my virginity. The first time should be special and I think having the whole thing recorded from different angles would be kind of neat." Everyone took a moment to process her odd request. Katie was the first to respond. "I think that could be fun. We just have to make sure not to get in each other's frames too much." Mark thought for a moment and added "With that many angles I could make a few very different edits of the event. Which will be fun to make." Sally put down the strap-on and said "Looks like we have a plan. A special deflowering scene featuring Tommy and our new friend Mia."

Mark took his place at the laptop running the fancy camera. Katie and Sally got out their phones and adjusted their settings. A nervous Mia and Tommy walked toward the couch. Tommy was staring at Mia from behind her as they walked. He thought to himself "This is going to be very different from any other girl I have ever been with. No fur, cold blooded, and covered in scales. Will I be able to make her feel good? How will I make her feel?"

Katie walked up to Mia, phone in hand and camera rolling. "Well Mia, you have decided to give your virginity to my twin brother and have us record the whole thing. How are you feeling? And what position do you want to take in my brother's willy for the first time?" Mia seamed to give a shy blush, or at least the closest a lizard girl could make to one and replied to the camera "I am both very excited and nervous. I have not really done any sexy stuff with anyone before. I barely had a first kiss. And I only got that in a game of truth or dare. Now I am diving right into the really hardcore stuff. My heart is pounding so hard I can feel it beat in my face. And I am feeling really alive down there. I have two cute boys lined up for me, and that toy I saw earlier. As for what position, I want to do it lotus. I want to kiss your brother while we do it. And it will show off my cute butt to the camera. But before I get to your brother, I want you to warm me up."

With that remark Mia moved close to Katie and hugged her gently before moving in for a kiss. Katie was surprised and excited. The only time she had kissed another girl was yesterday when she and Sally were sharing the boy's willys for the first time. Mia's tongue was very different from Sally's. Longer and thinner it nimble wriggled around hers in a slow sensual rhythm. Katie and Mia reached for each other's butts and caressed them. After a moment Katie took Mia's hand and put it on her crotch prompting her to rub it, Mia soon did the same with Katie. A moment later, Mia broke the kiss for a moment and said to Katie"I have a fun little trick I want to try on you." Mia resumed the kiss and began curving her tail toward Katie. Katie soon felt the tip of the tail rub against her clit. After a few strokes it found it's mark and slipped inside of Katie slowly and smoothly. Katie moaned with pleasure at the new sensation and responded by slipping a finger inside of Mia. Everyone else was making sure to record the event, especially the sight of Mia's tail going inside of Katie. After a minute Mia broke away from the kiss and pulled Katie's hand away from her. "I want your brother to finish me this time. But don't worry, I am going to finish what I started with you." With that Mia began moving her tail in and out of Katie at a much faster pace and continued rubbing her clit with her hand until Katie had her orgasm.

Tommy and Marks willys were pointing proudly into the air from what they saw. Sally was rubbing herself and was tempted to get out the dildo. Both of the boys were tempted jerk off at the sight. But they knew they had to save it for the girls and both of them were eager for their turn to try out Mia. Tommy was sitting on the couch eagerly waiting for his turn with Mia. Mia slowly walked over to him wiggling her hips as much as she could to tease him a bit before she began climbing onto him. As she did Tommy cupped her backside and helped her into position. Mia kissed Tommy while she got herself into position, he was as surprised and delighted as his sister when he discovered how her long tongue felt. She broke the kiss when she felt Tommy's tip against her and said "Here it goes, the first real dick to go inside me. Anyone have a good shot of us down there?" Sally got down on the floor trying finding the best shot and after a moment said "I have an ok shot. But that position is not very good for the viewing angle or the lighting. If you turned around we could get a much better shot and with the good camera."

Mia followed Sally's suggestion and turned around and faced the camera. She looked at the camera and spoke again "You will have a better shot of my face too." With that she nervously sank onto Tommy's willy. Slowly taking it in until she rested completely on Tommy. She took a moment to savor the new sensation of having a real boy's willy inside her, and then began experimenting with different movements, learning how to best pleasure herself with Tommy's willy.

While she knew what it felt like to have something inside her, it has always been one of her toys. Mia's mother was pushing her into arts and crafts and gave her a pre-paid card to buy supplies online with. She had the idea of ordering a toy every once in a while with the card and having it shipped to arrive with crafting supplies. Sex toy makers' ship in simple brown boxes and use non-descript names on the address labels. As long as she kept producing attempts at artwork her mom was none the wiser. She has gotten a small collection of dildos in the past year, made of different materials and in many shapes. She even had one with a second shaft. She had a lot of fun experimenting with the toys, but had been curious about what a real boy felt like, and what it would be like to share her toys with another girl. Now she was finally getting her chance.

Tommy was reveling in the experience as well. It was very different from being with the other girls. He caressed Mia's scaly skin all over becoming more familiar with how it felt. So smooth compared to fur. And the how his willy felt inside her was vastly different. She did not have the warmth the others girls did, but the way her body gripped his willy was amazing. When he did it with the other girls it was like he was sliding in and out of a tight slippery tube. Mia was a very different experience. It was like it wanted to pull him in and hold him close every time he began sliding out of her. The push and pull against his willy was strong and felt new and strange in the best possible way.

Katie moved in with her phone and zoomed in on Tommy's face and asked "Well brother, how does your willy feel inside of our scaly friend here?" Tommy faced the phone and replied occasionally gasping and moaning with pleasure "It feels really...good. D....different. Very different. But...but...In a great way."

With that Mia decided to pick up the pace and began bouncing up and down on Tommy. "Give it to me Tommy! Let me feel your boy juice inside me." Tommy then granted her request. And began squirting inside her. As soon as she felt Tommy tensing up she let herself fall onto Tommy's shaft and began taking in his gift as deep inside her as she could.

After giving the two a moment and saving their footage, everyone began preparing for the next round. At first the twins took camera duty while Mia game her first blowjob to Mark while showing Sally what her tail could do. After that Mark had the Idea of moving the mattresses to the floor of the open den area. Much less restrictive than just the couch and this way every could stay together for the while weekend. Everyone agreed and the mattresses were moved. Once that was done it was time to make lunch. After everyone had eaten and rested it was time get back to the fun. Sally got out her strap on while Mia showed off her collection of toys. Everyone was filled with ideas for the rest of the weekend.

The group soon moved to the mattresses and began and began experimenting with various combinations of poles, holes and toys. First Mia stuck her long tongue inside Katie while Mark discovered what her scaly pussy felt like, while Tommy gave Sally more of the sperm she desired. Then Sally and the boys gave Mia her first airtight on the couch while Katie filmed it. On and on it went over the hours, into the night and picking up again in the morning.

After many hours of wearing each other out the fun had to end after lunch. Mark and Sally needed to drive back to Town in time to get rested for Monday. And the Cubs needed to be dropped off at their families. After sharing contact information and their videos everyone piled into the car and drove back to their normal lives.

Mark left with enough footage to get him put away for many years if he were ever caught. Sally left with a cum filled cunt she hoped would give her a little baby Lepcoon (or maybe Rapard?). Mia lost her virginity and found some friends to have fun and experiment with. Katie left with the satisfaction of a job well done. And Tommy left with a wealth of new experiences.

What happens to everyone in the years to come? I am gonna leave that up to your imaginations. Just passed 14,00 words on this chapter. Plenty for a porn story.