Nana's Travels: Pokemon

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#1 of Nana's Travels

Story for Azil31showing off how Nana, his corgi girl, has started to travel all over modern and fantasy worlds.

Nana breathed out a heavy sigh as she lay there on her couch. The corgi let one leg and her head hang off the seats for a very long moment before shifting to lay in another way. A bored groan rolled its way up her throat before she flopped over onto her belly. Legs kicked out behind her in the classic corgi sploot as she let out a deeper huff.

"I'm bored," came the near howl to no one in particular. There was no one else in her house so there was wasn't anyone else to complain to at all.

Sure, the first couple days in her new place had been exciting. Mills and Raph had been here to help her. Must have fucked that monstrous badger and his miltank girlfriend on every surface they could. It hadn't all been sex though. They'd stopped for meal breaks and to unpack some things here and there. Couldn't go at it 24/7 now could they? Even she had her limits and towels did need to be unpacked. Not to mention the movies that needed to be watched as they lounged.

That was a couple weeks ago though. Now it was just her in the house on the weekend with nothing better to do. She'd pondered going down to the bar and seeing what she could get into there, but nah. Really wasn't in a boozing mood after the week she'd had.

And to be completely honest, she wasn't even sure what type of mood she was in. Currently, she was just trying to find some other way to flop out on the couch to be comfortable. Not that she wasn't comfortable, it was just one of those where she was constantly moving to try and find something else to do. Something other than just lay on the couch and watch TV.

Rolling her head, she stared over at the TV as it shuffled to a video of some guy traveling and reviewing the business class seats of an airplane.

Interested as she was in the bathroom aboard and Air Japan plane, she really did have to get up and do something else. Putting on pants and doing something was always an option, but she was at her own home so pants be damned. Unless she was pan frying bacon, then pants and a shirt were a must.

Learned that the hard way.

Nana rocked her head back and stared up at the ceiling with a heavy sigh. You know it's a boring day when you don't even feel like masturbating. "Just gotta get off the couch and you'll be one step closer to doing something other than lay here and listen to someone review food in some place you'll never be." Rocking her legs up, the corgi kicked out to sit up.

And promptly fell onto the floor with a thud. She was off the couch so that was something at the very least. Breathing out a sigh, she gathered her limbs under herself slowly before pushing up until she was sitting. Rubbing her muzzle lightly, she groped around for the remote. Off with the TV now before she got enraptured with another series of travel videos or something else. Especially since the next one in line was about Iceland and just looked gorgeous.

Just turning off the TV didn't stop her from staring at the black panel for a few more minutes before lifting to her feet. Her jaws stretched in a wide yawn as she scratched through her pelt a bit, waddling into the kitchen to get something to eat. Despite being on the couch all day she hadn't eaten since the night before. So food was in order and she knew just what she wanted.

Raphael had left behind some food in the fridge to help get her started. She threw open the fridge and saw the dozen or so meals that were waiting on her. Each meal packed up neatly with a precisely written label for what was inside and how to cook it up. Out onto a sheet and into her toaster oven. Sure, he called for careful pan searing and all that, but she really wasn't in the mood for it. It was getting baked and it was going to like it!

She let out another yawn and slumped against the counter, rear wiggling from side to side as she stared at the toaster. As was her habit, her hand snaked down her belly, Sneaking across the few little rolls and fluff there before creeping between her thighs. Body rolled as she let her fingers brush against the outer lips of her pussy.

And then she just let her hand drop to thump against the cabinet lightly. Heaving a sigh, she braced both hands on the counter and just stared at the oven. Yeah, it was one of those days.

Don't get her wrong, as frisky as she was and as much as she enjoyed sex, she was not a sex fiend or obsessed with it. Granted, she enjoyed sex immensely, but it was hard not to enjoy it with a good partner. She was reasonably sure that everyone enjoyed a good fuck but most had some sort of reservation about it all. Personally, she saw it as going out to dinner. A bad cook could ruin everything, but sometimes you just had to have that greasy meal that was terrible for you.

By the same token, it was always better with a partner or partners. Like playing a game solo when you could tell it was really made for playing with friends. Sure she could go about all the work of doing it solo and she'd have a lot of fun; but it was always more enjoyable with a friend or three.

Both ears perked as her food chimed. Grabbing a paper plate from the stack, she quickly shuffled the steaming meal off the sheet and onto the plate. Her actual dishes were still packed up and she didn't really feel like digging one out to just eat a meal. Stabbing the food with a plastic fork, she trundled her way upstairs. She'd just escaped the clutched of the couch and didn't want to risk going back there and getting trapped for the remainder of the day.

So instead she dropped to her computer chair and swapped her keyboard for the plate. Dropping the keyboard to her lap, she typed out a couple places to watch some videos. While it loaded, she let her eyes wander around the room. This, as well as her own bedroom, were the two rooms she'd gotten fully set up. The guest bed was neatly tucked away within the cabinets that her computer sat on. Sure, it meant that when she had guests sleeping over, she wouldn't be able to use her computer. Well, at least not here, still had it ready to broadcast down to her TV. Just had to unpack that. Then run the wires. And set it up.

But hey, she got her shelves set up so she could organize her goodies at least. Shelves and bookcases bore various games, computer and board, as well as random memorabilia she'd collected over the years. Figurines, plushes, and models from all sorts of video games, anime, movies, and the like. Used to they'd just kinda be scattered around wherever or shoved into boxes. The move had been the deciding factor in her buying a lot of things to put them on display in.

Nana stretched out and grabbed a green eyeball, plopping it between her breasts. "Why don't we see what videos are up today, Sam?"

Kicking her feet up, she started to go through the day's videos that hadn't just been on autoplay. To her shame, she'd wasted away a good bit of the day just lounging about her couch. Leaning back in the chair, she peered out the window at the starry sky waiting just outside the windows. A soft sigh slipped from the corgi's muzzle as she leaned back and let her feet thump up onto a shelf beside her desk. Rocking back, she nibbled on her food with a low murr. Even when cooked improperly, Raphiael still made a mean dish. She was eternally thankful that Mills had talked him down from fixing up a bunch of sous vide dishes. She neither had, nor really wanted, a way to heat up the meals other than boiling them.

Besides, she wasn't too much of a fan of having to wait close to an hour or more for her meals. Sure, she'd put in effort for them from time to time, but rarely anything more than she did already. Toaster oven was good enough for one person.

She let out a sigh and rocked in her chair slowly, staring at the screen with narrowed eyes. Really should do something shouldn't she? Weekend was just about half over and all she'd done was sit around to watch movies. Hadn't even bothered with pants or a shirt as of yet. Just straight out of bed with nothing on and down to the couch.

Just to make herself feel a bit better, she set the plush eyeball on her desk and heaved out of her seat. The bedroom was too far away and the video she was watching was too captivating to make her want to pause. Just a good thing that she had some spare clothes, costumes mostly, stashed into the closet here. Grabbing one at random, one she'd thrown together for a convention a couple years ago, she quickly pulled it on. Took a few minutes longer since it had all the little bits and bobs. Didn't matter though, she had pants on and that was a step up from where she'd been the rest of the day. No underwear but still a step up.

Rather than return to her chair, she grabbed a piece of meat from the plate and nibbled on it as she padded to the window. Leaning against the shelf there, she stared up at the stars and began to think. Not the type of thoughts she'd been having the rest of today, but just little musings. Wondering what it'd be like to be able to go out and travel abroad. See all kinds of exotic places, eat different foods, not to mention all the strange and new people she'd meet.

Looking down, she poked one of the pokemon plushes that were scattered over the top of the shelf. Wonder what it'd be like to go somewhere like one of these places? See how it stacked against the show. Her muzzle wrinkled with a smile as she poked her Flammie plush as well, "Well,what do you think, huh?" Scooping up the plush mana beast, she bumped her nose against his, "How is the food in the Republic?" Head tilted to the side, "Anything worth writing home about?" She laughed and mimicked a food blogger's tone, "Join me as I travel through the Empire and explore their great cuisine. Don't pay any attention to the army, they're just trying to get the Fortress."

Setting the plush down, she rocked her little chocobo figurine, "How about you? Think the food in Midgar is good? Or would you recommend somewhere else?"

Breathing out a sigh, she laid her head down on the top of the shelf and peered up at the night's sky. "Look at you, just moved into a place and already so bored you're pondering what it'd be like to travel fantasy worlds." She laughed to herself. Movement caught her eyes, both darting to watch as a shooting star streak through the darkness. "Shooting star, might as well make a wish no matter how silly." Nana breathed out a low sigh, "Wish I could freely travel and experience new things."

Deep in the night's sky the star sparkled, flared with light, and changed course to start screaming down at her. Nana blinked at the star, "Huh..." it hurled towards her house, "That's not..." ears shot up as her window light up and a low roar filled her ears. Howling in surprise, the corgi lurched away from the window, grabbing at something, anything, to act as even the smallest barrier between her and the shooting star that was about to blow through her house.

Everything went dark.

She wasn't sure how long she was out, but Nana cracked open her eyes slowly and looked around. "Um," she started, "This isn't my house." Sitting up suddenly, the corgi looked around the vast field before looking down at what she'd grabbed to protect herself.

Nana blinked down at the squishy pokeball in her hands. Why on earth had she decided to grab this when a meteor was about to hit her? Lucky that she hadn't thrown the stress ball at the flaming rock. Be a terrible way to die wouldn't it? Woman blasted to atoms within her home, her last words were "Up B!" before the space rock flattened her home.

Except she wasn't. Dead at least, or flattened, or in a coma. Was she? Nana pried a hand away from the ball and pinched. "YOW!" Yeah, she was awake. At least she was if the old thing about not being able to pinch yourself in a dream was true.

It was something like that, she wasn't entirely thinking straight right now. The corgi would have plopped down to think, but she was already on the ground. So to do something different she stood up and looked around slowly. It didn't help her much with the change in height, but it gave her something to do. Strange as it might sound just getting up and walking around in a circle was helping to clear her head. Definitely not her house, unless she suddenly got a forest in her home that was. Pretty sure she didn't have the square footage for one.

Ears perked as she scanned the trees, hugging that stress ball to her chest and giving it a few squeezes. If she ever needed a stress ball in her life, this was the perfect time. Ears perked as she looked around for some sort of land mark or something. Only thing she could see was a trail meandering past. While wandering lost and alone in some strange woods sounded like a terrible idea, it was the only one she had.

So take the trail she did. It didn't feel like she was super deep in any woods and the path looked fairly well maintained. A well maintained trail meant that there were people about, and people about meant she could find out where the fuck she was.

Which lead to the question of whether she should go left or right? A quick game of Enie Meenie settled it for her and she headed down the left side of the path.

Her nose twitched and head snapped as she looked around, trying to figure out just where she was. All the travel shows she tended to watch focused on things like local cuisine and markets not the forests. So unless she found a food stall she was more than a little lost there. As she walked, and it seemed there would be plenty of walking, she began to wonder just what had happened. The obvious answer was that the shooting star had ripped open a rift between alternate dimensions and somehow dropped her into some other place in the world. The logical answer was that it had bounced off her head and she somehow got temporary amnesia and just wandered off into the woods. But the probable answer was that she was in a coma or something and she was just delusional and dreaming right now.

"Ow!" she rubbed where she'd just pinched and laid her ears back. No, still not a dream unless she was imagining the pain. Which would really suck if that was the case. "Most go deeper my ass, I want out of here." Starting to regret not throwing on the shoes that went with this cosplay. Oddly appropriate she'd grabbed her pokemon trainer's outfit as well, considering her stress ball Must have been something on her mind that made her grab that.

Her heart lifted when she saw the forest opening up ahead. Looked like a lot clearer area beyond that, a park maybe? The sun was much brighter outside, but it sounded like something was going on. Lots of noise and something banging against something else hard enough to shake the ground underfoot. What in the blue blazes was going on? Construction? Mid-day concert? Rabid interpretive dances? It was impossible to know from where she was right now. Picking up the pace a bit, she started to jog until she broke through the treeline and out into the open.

And open it was, it was almost unnatural how the forest just kind of stopped and opened out into a... well it was kinda paved but she wouldn't call it a road. Looked like it might be wide enough for a couple people to walk abreast or maybe ride bikes, certainly not large enough for more than a single car. The place looked like it was a park, with short cut grass around the path. A tree here or there, some ridges here or there leading upwards with the path winding up between the terraced areas.

There were a few people fleeing from where she'd guessed the noises were coming from. "Must be the interpretive dancers," Nana concluded, the corgi perking her ears curiously. There wasn't anyone coming close enough to her for her to really wave down and ask where she was.

Might as well go to check out the noise to see what was going on. Ears perked as she jogged down the path to find out just what was going on.

Nana crested a hill and immediately wished that she hadn't. The corgi's fur bristled as her eyes widened steadily, heart pounding in her ears as she just stared at what lay before her in... it was hard to tell if she was awestruck by the glory or scared shitless.

Right there before her, no more than a few hundred feet away, two massive creatures were clashing. If she knew her pokemon lore, and it had been a little bit since she really dug into it, it looked like mother fucking Palkia and Dialga were having a battle royale. Her fur stood on end as she watched the two behemoths clash and snarl, the very fabric of reality seeming to warp around the pair as energy sparked and crashed from their bodies. It was hard for her to breath, the air feeling heavy as the pair screamed at each other in some sort of rage. She clapped her hands to hear ears as the inarticulate snarls smashed every one of her senses.

"What's she doing?"

"Being an idiot, that's what! Just grab her and get her away." A pair of arms wrapped around her and hauled the corgi backwards. Her heels dug int the dirt for the first few feet before she started to move on her own. Nana backpedaled into the person that was dragging her along, drawing a grunt from him as he hauled her away. Before the gargantuan pair vanished from view, they clashed with a thunderous bang. As she and her rescuer were knocked from their feet, the very air around the pair twisted and warped the fabric of reality. With a pop that was felt more than heard, they simply vanished.

Nana grunted as she bounced off her rescuer, the pair sprawled awkwardly on the sloping path as the last of the echoes died off. Hands clasped at her sides, "Are you okay?"

A groan sounded from the corgi as she rubbed her aching head, "What?" It took a second and some shaking of her head to process the question, "Yeah, just head is ringing a bit." Wiggling her fingers in her ear, she groaned and rolled off the stranger, "Sorry about that, just... that was Palkia and Dialga! Did not expect to see pokemon, even after this morning."

The stranger, a canid guy with iridescent blue fur breathed out a half-laugh as he sat up, "After this morning? What happened then to change stuff?" As dusted himself off, a growlithe with fur the color of freshly driven snow padded up. Her savior reached out to ruffle the pokemon's fur, "Although seeing those two isn't something I'd thought I'd see either. Did manage to get a few good shots of them before we say you shuffling towards them." He rocked back with a laugh, "For a moment I thought you were going to be crazy and try to take them on, fit them in one of your pokeballs there."

She reached down to touch the orbs on her belt, they were all just the bottom half of Easter eggs she'd painted up to look like pokeballs. A touch and press to one confirmed it was still plastic. Matter of fact, one had even popped loose, leaving just a ring of glue behind. "What the..." the growlithe looked at her and narrowed his eyes with a growl, "They're all fake! Fake!"

Muzzle wrinkled with a frown, "Snow! That's rude of you." A gentle tug made the growlithe sit down beside the blue stranger. "Oh, um, name's Cameron by the way, and this is Snow." He flashed an easy smile and waved a couple fingers, "Nice to meet you..."

It was the way he trailed off that made her snap her attention back to him, cheeks flushing ever so slightly. "Nana, and this might sound weird but... where am I, exactly?"

Cameron blinked at her, "Sinnoh, between Veilstone City and Celestic Town." He looked her up and down slowly, eyes lingering on the scuffed up plastic pokeballs and the stress ball that was currently bulging between her fingers. "Are you okay?" he kept his voice low and even as if afraid she'd lash out at him or something for asking.

In reality she was just stunned. Had to be dead or in a coma or something, just had to be, nothing else would explain why she was in Sinnoh. "Yeah, just..." she trailed off for a moment shook her head, "Actually no, this..." fingers scrubbed through her hair, "How do I explain this without sounding like a nut job?" Sighing, she pressed her head into her hands and rocked for a moment as she thought. "I'm not from here. I was in my home, just enjoying a day off; I needed something to wear so I put on this costume I wore at a con a few years ago because I didn't have much else to wear at the moment when a meteor was screaming towards my house and suddenly..." she only realized how she was running on when she had to stop and take a breath. Nana took a deep breath. "Suddenly I woke up in the woods back there and followed the noises."

To his credit, he wasn't looking at her like she needed a straight jacket and he wasn't edging away from her slowly while making sure she didn't have any sharp objects. "Huh," Cameron said after a long moment, combing his fingers through Snow's mane. "Maybe those two ripped a whole in space-time and you happened to get pulled through."

Snow grumbled, "I think she's just crazy," and shot her a sideways look as he breathed out a lick of fire in her direction.

Cameron curled his fingers under the growlithe's chin and closed the mouth, "Don't be rude, you naughty boy." He leaned in to kiss his pokemon on the nose. That thick tail waving at the growlithe licked back at the trainer.

"I'm not crazy, just lost." She curled her arms around her knees.

He kissed the pokemon's nose, "No one is calling you crazy, we just know that when those big guys get to fighting, things get weird." A pulse rocked through the area, rolling over them like a silent sonic boom. All three heads snapped up and watched as clouds began to race across the sky while the sun plummeted. Cameron held up a finger, "Like that." Rolling his hand, he checked his wrist and blinked, "Huh..." shaking his watch, he put an ear to it before glancing at the time again. Fishing in a pocket, he pulled out what looked like a smart phone and checked it against his watch. "Mostly right... really weird. Um... Well..." He glanced from Snow up to Nana, "I don't suppose you have anywhere to stay tonight, seeing as how we just had some pokemon fracture space-time on us like a meoweth knocking a glass off the table. Was out here doing some nature photography so I've got a base camp not too far off. You're welcome to stay there tonight and tomorrow we can get you to a city."

Nana nearly sagged with relief. There was a plan, it wasn't much of one but at least it was a bit of a plan. "Please, thank you." Heaving herself upright, she looked at the taller Cameron and glanced over him slowly, her tail waving behind her. "Gotta admit," she started as they went to collect his camera gear from where he'd dropped it, "As scary as all this is, I'm a little excited to be in a place where pokemon actually exist." She cast a glance over Snow as he trotted along beside Cameron, staying on the opposite side she was on and casting glances her way. The guy was a a good half-foot or so taller than her, not that impressive of a feat since she was a measly five foot tall flat footed.

His camp was back in the woods she'd appeared in. When she mentioned it, they did a quick jaunt to where she'd woke up, letting Snow lead them as he followed her scent. While they couldn't find anything unusual there, Cameron still had her lay down roughly where she'd woken up and took some pictures. He ambled around the area, snapping pictures of who knows what, before returning with a smile. "Gonna send a few of these off to some folks I know. See if they can't come up with something to help you."

"I am going to have to repay you somehow, you know that right?" She kept her tone light, but made sure to flutter her eyes just a bit. Had to keep it light and gentle, but no so subtle he didn't get her meaning.

Oh he got her meaning, a smile flashing across his muzzle. "It's no rush there. Should probably get you some rest though, in case anything strange happens." He was right, she was starting to wobble just a bit and feel the day pulling at her. Nana covered her mouth as she yawned out.

From his other side, the growlithe let out a low grumble, "Sooner you get to bed, the sooner we can get on with what we were about to do." He huffed and bumped against his trainer, prompting Cameron to lean down and rub his thick fur. The pokemon breathing out a pleased groan and arching into the pets, lifting up onto his hindlegs for a moment before dropping.

"I know, rawr rawr rawr." The iridescent canine flashed a smile over at her, "Never mind Snow he just loves to vocalize all the time. Makes me wonder if he's gonna become one of those pokemon that actually learns how to talk. Heard of a few of those scattered around here and there."

Her ears perked curiously as she shot a glance over at Snow. Really? He couldn't understand the pokemon? Which raised the question of if she was really hearing it or if she was just imagining. Ugh, her head was throbbing. Laying down was sounding better all the time.

Cameron's base camp wasn't much to look at. A tent tucked in a clearing with a bike parked up under a little awning thing. He had a second tarp strung up to make a sitting area just outside. "Just head on into the tent and get settled. Want to get these pictures backed up and sent off before it gets too late." He stopped and looked upwards at the darkening sky. "Well, later than it already is. Or might be, I don't know."

While he pondered on the implications of bending time, she shuffled into the tent. There was a bag shoved against one side, obviously holding his clothes and some other personal items. She didn't go digging around in that. Most of the tent was taken up by an air mattress covered in a sleeping bag that had been thrown open. Just looking at the bed was enough to make her eyes heavy as she slumped against it with a heavy sigh. Eyes shutting before she'd even bounced against the mattress.

Outside the tent, Cameron had his computer out and was pulling photos from his camera. Snow laid his head on the canine's thigh and breathed out a whine. "I know," he kept his voice low as he rubbed the growlithe's head, "You don't like strangers and we've got a stranger in our tent." That pale tail waved slowly, "She needs help and you know I can't say no to someone that honestly needs a bit of a helping hand."

Snow grumbled, "Still doesn't mean I can't complain about it." His sides heaved with his overly dramatic sigh, "Even if you can't understand me, you silly boy." Glancing up at his trainer, he wiggled his head along the male's thigh and nudged his nose against the crotch lightly.

That was enough to get Cameron's attention, ears standing up as he glanced down at the pokemon with a smirk. "Well, it is going to take a few minutes to develop these raw files, so..." he cast a quick glance towards the tent. Ears perked as he heard soft snores coming from within. "Supposed we did miss the afternoon fun and could easily slip off for a few minutes while this works." Reaching down, he rubbed both hands along Snow's cheeks, "So, did you like that log from yesterday?"

Muzzle split into a wide grin, "You bet your sweet ass I liked it." He hopped away and spun around a couple times. "Get your rear in gear, I missed my afternoon fun because of this fuckery. I need some dick before that girl gets it."

Cameron groaned and stretched as he moved the laptop off to the side and stood up, "Shh, gonna wake up our guest with all that noise you're making." He ruffled his pokemon's mane and started down the path, Snow frolicking around him.

Nana had stirred when Snow started barking, as tired as she was there was something about the growlithe's barking tone that snapped her awake. She'd been about ready to try and go back to sleep when he caught her attention. She wasn't entirely one to go and spy in on people, preferring to get into the middle of the action, but at the same time she was really curious about pokemon and if they'd be anything at all like the artwork she found online. She waited until she heard them shuffling away before slipping from the tent to follow behind.

The log wasn't far from base camp, hardly more than a few dozen feet to be honest. Nana leaned against a tree and sank down a bit, watching them through some brush as Snow hopped up onto the fallen log and did a couple dancing spins on the worn surface.

Cameron couldn't help but laugh at how Snow spun around, "Such a silly boy," he reached out to scrub the growlithe's head as he opened his pants. The zipper was barely open before the pokemon dove right in. Cameron grunting in surprise as the nose bumped his balls a bit harder than was necessary. "Easy there," he huffed as the growlithe's tongue bathed over his bare cock. Leaning back, he rested a hand on his hip and groaned softly.

Snow's hot tongue bathed over his cock, quickly coaxing the length to life. His tail waved behind him as he lapped along the length, savoring the taste of his trainer's member. It'd only been a day since he'd last had it in his muzzle, but that was too long for the growlithe. Especially since he adored his trainer so.

Peering up at the iridescent blue canine-like male, he parted his muzzle and gently closed it around the cock. Tongue rolling back and forth along the underside of the length as it rested. Didn't take long before he was rewarded with a drop of precum. Eyes closing in bliss as he breathed out a heated little pant and tilted his head. Bobbing slowly as he pushed the trainer's foreskin back so he could lap that tip directly. Rolling it between tongue and teeth, he angled his head just a little with each lap. Cameron's moans making his ears perk and pace increase. Lips closing about the girth as best he could as his tail waved behind him.

His own sheath was nicely swollen as he savored the flavors of his friend and companion. Snow's head bobbing slowly as it rolled one way then the other with a soft murmur. He let his tongue roll out of his maw and bathe his master's balls. The motion pressing the raging member up against the roof of his mouth as he did so. A smile curled at the edges of his muzzle as he bobbed his head steadily.

"Oh fuck," was the only warning before the trainer arched, his truly impressive balls jumping in climax. He groaned through gritted teeth, hips rocking against Snow's continued slurping and suckling. Eyes narrowed with a smile as he rolled his tongue over the cock's underside, coaxing out that much more seed from his trainer. Drawing back with a smug little tilt of his head, he opened his maw and let Cameron watch as the next shot fired right across his tongue to be swallowed down.

Cameron smiled, panting, "Show off." The growlithe waved his tail and peered up at his trained with a smile as he pulled back to smack his lips. "Are you sated, or do you want more?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

Snow snorted, "Bet your sweet blue ass I'm ready for more." He danced around on the log again and hiked his tail up, flashing his rear towards his trainer with a needy growl. "Fuck me like a bitch, big blue."

The trainer sat down and stroked over Snow's hips, drawing the growlithe into his lap. Snow rocked back against Cameron's chest as the canine lifted him up, lining that rounded tip of his cock against the pokemon's rear. "OH fuck yeah," Snow groaned as he was lowered onto the cock, head rocking into his trainer's shoulder. He kicked his legs out with a groan as his rear clenched around that member. His own bright red length peeking from his snowy sheath.

Low groans came from the pair as Cameron began to bounce Snow in his lap, body rocking up to meet the growlithe's as he dropped. Pendulous balls swinging up to smack off the male's backside with each of his thrusts. Low groans rolling within the pokemon's throat and washing over his trainer's shoulder as he rocked his head back.

Nana bit her bottom lip from where she sat. The corgi groaning softly as she slipped a hand down into her pants. A soft huff managed to slip between her lips as she arched into her own fingers. Her eyes were cemented on the pair as they started their fun. Wiggling her hips, she worked her shorts down a bit further and let her fingers drive into her body. Her quiet moan was drown out by the pair's calls and the steady slapping of flesh on flesh as they began to fuck.

There was a strange disappointment with just how much like a normal dog Snow looked like. Supposed it was far better than a series of claspers and tentacles or something. Wiggling her shorts down a bit, she reached down and let her fingers slide over her pussy lips, breathing out a soft pant as she watched the trainer have fun with his pokemon.

Her eyes were drawn to between the trainer's legs and holy fuck! Dude was packing the biggest pair of nuts she'd seen this side of a goat. Her curl twitched as she looked at those as they swayed and smacked against Snow's body. Licking her lips, she shifted forward and rolled against her hand, eyes narrowing as she watched the trainer's hand close around that plump sheath and began to stroke it.

Snow gasped as his cock was stroked, red rocket quickly leaping from the sheath as soon as Cameron began to play with it. He arched and pressed his body back towards his partner. He couldn't do much from his position other than rock his hips as best as possible as the trainer pounded his backside. Body squirming this way and that as little whimpers rolled up his throat. "Oh that's good," the growlithe moaned, ears pinning back against his head as the trainer bounced him faster. Cameron's chest heaving with his low pants as his own cock began to twitch within the pokemon's rear.

Pushing that sheath down, Cameron teased his fingers around the growlithe's knot. Whimpers slipped from the pokemon's throat as he rocked harder, trying to buck into those fingers. "You want it bad don't you?" he almost purred into his partner's ear, bouncing faster now as his balls began to tighten. "Need to blow for me, don't you? You're my good little bitch are you?"

Jaws dropped as the pokemon moaned, "Fuck you turn me on so much. Grab that fucking knot and show me who is my alpha!"

He didn't care about possibly waking up Nana anymore, truthfully Cameron had all but forgotten about the corgi as he just fucked his boy's ass. A low growl rolled up the trainer's throat as he leaned in, biting at Snow's scruff while his hand slipped over that knot. The pokemon's hips jerked with a low whine as his cock surged against the trainer's grasp. It twitched with each rapid beat of his heart, precum spraying into the air as needy little whines slipped from his throat, catching right on the edge and lifting.

The noises built until they were a howl, body jerking as his knotted length reached full size. Cameron's grip tightening around the throbbing knot as the growlithe's hot, watery cum sprayed across both of them. He leaned back on the log and breathed out an animalistic growl of his own as he began to fill his partner mere seconds later. He moaned into the bite he had, hips rocking smoothly as his ample load began to leak out of his partner's pristine rump and drip along his cerulean balls. Snow arched against him and slumped with a pant when that hand slipped away from his knot, tongue rolling from his maw. Rolling his head, he nuzzled against Cameron with a pleased, "Fuck that was good."

Hidden away among the brush, Nana had bitten down on her wrist to stay quiet as she watched the pair. She'd resorted to the wrist bite when Cameron had grabbed that knot, watching with large eyes as the growlithe shuddered and came, calling out for all to hear. Hips shuddered against her hand as her climax rolled through her, pleasured noises being buried away so as not to distract from the trainer and pokemon. She narrowed her eyes and almost purred as her finger teased over her clit slowly, keeping that flutter going on for a moment or two longer.

She wiggled her pants up and shuffled backwards until she was certain that there was some more brush between her and the lovers.

That excited energy was staring to fade by the time she got back to camp. Nana breathed out a yawn and blinked slowly as she groaned and slunk back into the tent. Crawling in, she started to wiggle out of her clothes a bit. Barely even knew Cameron, but she only had one set of clothes. Besides, her belt was already half off so might as well go all the way.

Nana was just starting to slide under the sleeping bag turned blanket when someone cleared their throat. "Just gonna ignore me? You mortals have gotten pretty rude."

Jerking, the corgi spun around with wide eyes. A stranger was in the tent with her, perched on the edge of the mattress. He was small, far smaller than her even, making her think it was a child for just a moment. At least until she looked over the stranger and spotted the shockingly large sac resting behind his bright yellow loin cloth.

She grabbed the sleeping bag and pulled it around herself as she looked at him. "Uh.. hi." At first glimpse she would have sworn that the interloper was possibly related to Cameron, since they had similar coloration, but then she noticed small differences. Cloven feet, horns perched between oversized ears, exaggerated thighs. Matter of fact, now that she looked at it, several of his features were pretty exaggerated as well. Thighs, ears, and of course what lay behind that loin cloth. "Can I help you?" she drew the question out slowly as she looked this stranger up and down.

He floated upwards and gave a comedic bow, "Amelanchier, but you can just call me anytime you like." Brows wiggled as he drifted towards her.

"Can I call you Mel?" she questioned as she pulled the blanket tighter, not sure about if this stranger was some sort of pokemon she hadn't seen or what. She was sadly behind on the newest generation and some of those releases.

A frown creased his features as he looked down at her, "Not what I meant, but..." the creature heaved out an overly dramatic sigh and waved a hand towards her, "Fine, if that's what floats your boat, so be it." Floating a bit, he laid his chin on fists and smiled at her as his tail twitched behind him, "So, I've yet to hear a thank you. Don't have to show me any skin or anything like that, just the words would be welcome."

Nana frowns a bit and looked at him sidelong, "Thank you?"

His muzzle split into a grin, "You're welcome." That smile only faded slightly as she fixed him with a hard frown. "Sorry, saw that movie recently and can't get that song out of my head." Mel dropped to the bed and lay down beside her with a smug little look. "Pretty sure that glare means I should just tell you who I am. I'd say I'm your private guardian angel, but kinda hard to be one of those when you're a succubus." He looked at her as her eyes widened slowly. "No, I'm not going to devour your soul, that's just rumors spread by the competition."

An ear twitched, "What competition does succubuses... succubi? What do you have?"

Mel waved a hand, "Never you mind about the competition, just know that they're a bunch of liars." The goat-like succubi stretched out and flopped onto his back with a huff. "What it boils down to is this plain and simple. You saw a shooting star and made a wish, right? Now most people ask for fortune, fame, sex, all the standard boring stuff. Well, except for the sex most of the time. Some of those wishers can be downright kinky fuckers sometimes. But you? You wished for something exciting to do, adventure. Now that got my attention, especially with what you're wearing." He waved a hand towards the pile of clothes, plastic props, and that squishy pokeball. Mel tilted his head one way then the other before scratching his chin ever so slightly. "Although could begin to think of a few things could do with those to spice things up."

Nana snapped her fingers in front of his face, "This doesn't explain how I got here. This is a fictional world! Pokemon aren't real." His look made her pause and wring her fingers a bit, "Um... they're not real, are they? It's all just a video game."

His laugh was a sudden bark, breaking free as he looked at her like she just told him the moon was made of cheese. "What is real?" Mel rolled over to look her right in the eyes, his grin getting even wider. "Just because they exist as a video game in your world doesn't make them any less real than your own reality. Multiverse theory, my dear Nana." He threw his head back and covered his face with a hand, giggling to himself. "I knew that you'd be a fun one to grab and take along on adventures, but I didn't know it'd be this entertaining so early on."

Well, at least she wasn't dying of some space-rock related injury. Or maybe she was and this was all just some sort of hallucination.

"This isn't a hallucination." She shot him a look and perked her ears, "No I can't read your mind, but I know that look on your face." Mel rolled back onto his side and reached over to grab the edges of her sleeping bag, lifting it to get a peek underneath before she flipped it back down. "You're not the first mortal I've taken on a wild ride you know. Won't be the last either. Don't worry though," he propped his head up with a hand and gave her a half smile. "None of them died if that's something you're worried about. Might as well call me," he paused a moment and thought for a comparison. "Think of me as something along the lines of the Great Gazoo, except I'm not green and not little."

He held up a finger and began to count them off. "I will pull you out of trouble, but don't think I'll just constantly drag you out of situations if you throw yourself headlong into trouble. I will just go and drop you back off at your house. Occasional danger is fine. Also don't expect me to buy you a lot of things while on these little adventures either. I've got a coin purse, yes you can keep the change, but I don't carry a lot of money around."

None of that sounded too unreasonable given the situation. "So what do you get out of this? I mean, are you just some great benefactor who does this because you enjoy it?"

"Your eternal soul." There was that flashing grin of his again, "I'm kidding, I don't deal in souls already told you that. No, I feed off sexual energy. You having sex, your new friends out there banging away in the bushes, me having sex with one of you mortals, it's all good. So you know, if you ever feel like giving me a little something something I sure as hell won't say no. Doesn't matter if it's just a handsy so long as you enjoy it too. Pleasure is the key after all More someone enjoys it the more I can feed off it."

Nana rolled onto her back and stared up at the stars through the tent's mesh. "So you are wanting to trade me going out and having more adventures here than I could ever dream of, for either bumping uglies with me or just being somewhat present when things get freaky?"

He thought about it a moment before nodding, "Pretty much. Except it's not just here." Mel held up a hand and that squishy pokeball in hand. "This was just a good anchor for me to grab onto at first. Figured if it was important enough for you to grab then it might be important enough for you to come here first." The succubi threw the ball into the air and caught it a few times. "So what do you think, hmm? Do we have a deal?" He looked at the ceiling as well as he tossed and caught, "You don't have to answer right away. Can always take a few days to think about it."

"Okay, let's to it." He perked up at her eager answer and looked at her, the corgi grinning widely at him. "Let's have an adventure, Mel."

"Well... how about we seal the deal?" he asked with a hopeful lifting of his loincloth.

Nana gave him a quick look over and lifted her sleeping bag. "So long as Cameron doesn't come in and ask who is in bed with me."

Mel licked over his lips and slipped towards her, "He'll be busy for a while longer, he's got some more..." he chuckled, "uploading to do."

"You know, that joke would work better with Digimon."