A Dragon's Eternal Breeding

Story by Lost Soul on SoFurry

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Searching for a new home, a dragon stumbles upon the home of something ancient and powerful, awakening him from his sleep.

Khar'rac drifted on the wind, his long, leathery wings spread wide as he maintained his altitude in the afternoon sun calmly. The midday sun glinted off his dark green scales, like a deep emerald that mirrored the colour of his wings, all to the way of his large, searching eyes which were a bright amber. Below him was a mountainous area, richly forested with large, blooming trees. Hills and mountains reached up towards him in the skies as Khar occasionally flapped his wings to keep in the air, trying to look between the trees for a specific landmark.

He was patient, but there was a certain level of frustration in his heart as he looked for a new home - a cave to be precise, which for a dragon made it quite hard to find a decent one. A cave large enough to be comfortable for a dragon of his size wasn't exactly common, and he had been at it for a few hours now. What made it all the more frustrating was that he was powerless to prevent the collapse of his old home. Mother nature couldn't be stopped, couldn't be bargained with... and when an earthquake had struck, causing his cave to collapse in on itself, he had been unable to do a thing to stop it.

He had had a few false starts already; just because the entry way for a cave was big enough from his visual, didn't necessarily mean it went deep or wide enough for his liking. It wasn't long before he spotted another entrance and dove towards it, wings flaring to brake for landing as his claws hit the ground with a thud. In front of him the cave walls were made of some dark, volcanic rock. Several of the caves he'd found before had seemed to be formed from lava tubes by an extinct volcano, and this was the largest yet.

The cave opening was positioned well enough that the sun clearly lit a good distance into the cave, and Khar'rac could already see that the old lava tube continued into the mountain and even split off some ways in, into secondary caverns. A blossom of happiness appeared in his heart as he slowly walked his way inside the wide cave, looking around. At some point, the already strangely large lava tube and been further expanded. Although it narrowed slightly deeper in, the primary cavern was massive. Almost wide and tall enough for him to take flight for a few seconds if he so wished.

It was strange enough to raise a certain amount of paranoia and he stilled momentarily, looking around as he squinted slightly, trying to look deeper into the shadows within. Dragons weren't the only species that liked caves. Gryphons, Hydras, wolf packs and various other types all liked to inhabit caves. Large ones such as this would surely be attractive to them, so to see one empty, while not impossible, was unlikely. However, no matter where he looked, he couldn't see any signs of habitation. A few old scales of some species were stuck in a few crags, but none that looked recent. If something had lived here, it seemed like it was now abandoned.

After almost a minute of standing there, looking around, Khar decided it was probably safe enough to take as his own and began to walk in deeper, eyes taking note of the worn, almost smooth walls. This place seemed like quite the good place to live. In the summers he could spend time in the front, large cavern were there was enough air to keep it cool; while in the winters, when it was cold and snowing he could retreat in the depths to stay warm with his internal fire.

He explored the cave network slowly, taking his time as he wasn't in any rush for now. While not extensive, there were enough branches that even with his large size, it took a good few minutes to explore the side branches. Returning to the main cavern, Khar looked down towards the final cave branch, not quite able to see the end despite a fairly good natural night vision

About to walk towards it he froze up, standing stock still to the point even his tail had stilled; he had witnessed prey freezing before when he looked at them from a distance, no matter how well hidden he was. That unfathomable sixth sense that told him he wasn't alone in the cave anymore. He didn't know what or where the other creature was, but the most chilling part was the primeval sense of being hunted. No other dragon or gryphon had given him this feeling before, yet here he, a dragon, was being looked upon as prey.

Khar'rac wasn't one to scare easily, yet he found himself not even contemplating the idea of who was hiding in the shadows. The amount of danger he felt was almost unreal. Acting rather unlike the dragon he was, he abruptly twisted his body and launched himself towards the cave mouth. Taking advantage of the size of the primary cave he pumped his wings hard, using flight to leave faster than simply running; once he was out of the cave he could take to the skies. There would be no shadows to hide in and a large open space to move about in... or flee if necessary.

For the first few seconds it seemed either like his instinct had gone haywire and he'd been mistaken about the hidden foe, or his abrupt movement had given it the slip. He was several meters in the air and only a dozen from the entrance when a faint rustling sound caught his ears and before he could even react, something coiled around his right hind leg and yanked. It was like he'd tried to take flight with a bungee rope attached to his legs as he wasn't simply halted mid-flight but pulled backwards and slammed against the ground.

Letting out a pained grunt and still unable to see his attacker, Khar decided to just fill the cave with fire, despite the potential backlash from the rapid consumption of oxygen in such a limited space by hungry flames. He was taking in a deep breath in preparation when suddenly it wasn't just his hind leg trapped in a coil. Before Khar'rac could even finish his breathing in, a thick, warm body rapidly coiled around his own body, completely covering his large body from the tip of his tail to his head in seconds.

Even as the creature coiled around him, those impossibly strong coils constricted around his chest, abruptly making him cough as he struggled to manage his breath and the building fire in his body. It was almost unfathomable, the sensation of being completely encircled by a thick, scaly body. His legs and wings were even tucked against his body and encapsulated in the living prison, while only part of his head remained free and he watched in a mixture of horror and awe as the creature's head levelled to face him.

A gigantic snake's head levelled with his. Easily twice the size of his own head, a bright red forked tongue darted forwards, scenting the air. Tasting him, as a pair of merciless black eyes stared into his. There was no emotion there, just a calm, calculating soul. The cold-hearted thinking snake then tightened its coils around him slightly, to the point Khar couldn't even flex his limbs. The snake was a slightly dark green, though not a emerald crystal colour like his, it was close. Khar'rac was completely stunned; he'd never even heard legends of snakes being this big before. The main coils were nearly as thick as his own torso and were immeasurably strong, leaving Khar unable to escape. He had no idea how such a massive snake even came into being, or how it managed to survive; the amount of prey it must need to devour to survive would be astronomical. Even the rich, populated mountainside outside wouldn't be able to sustain it for long, so he couldn't figure out how it survived for long. The thought of prey made him shudder as he considered that the snake was actually large enough to eat him whole and alive, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Despite his worst fears though, nothing happened as Khar lay there, resting on and trapped in those coils as his captor continued to look at him. The head bobbed slightly, the forked tongue occasionally darting out as the monster of a snake observed him carefully. Khar wondered what was going through the reptile's mind; the snake didn't seem of the mind to just release him or eat him, so what did that leave? What else could it want from him? The snake's patience certainly surpassed his and it was almost several minutes of utter silence, except for the occasional breathing and hiss, before the snake began to move.

The large head moved back for which Khar was thankful as it seemed less likely the snake planned to eat him and instead the creature's body slid around him. More and more coils worked their way past his head yet Khar's body was never released from that encapsulating grip, further proving to Khar how monstrously big and long the snake was. The snakes body was firm, yet soft so that even with the grinding of their scales against each other, Khar didn't feel like he was being suffocated by that grip.

Soon though, the sliding coils of the snake stopped and Khar'rac stared in shock at what was being presented to him. As a reptile like himself, the snake's genitals were under normal circumstances hidden in a slit and only when aroused would it become visible. In this case however, the snake was most certainly aroused. The big, overlapping scales of the body grew smaller towards the large genital slit which had puffed up and outwards, pulling apart to reveal as monstrous a erection as the snake itself.

More precisely, there were two erections growing outwards from their home right in front of his eyes. Thick, massive spires of dark red snake cock emerged from their housing, glistening with slit juices and grew ever taller as Khar watched, almost slack jawed. Khar had always considered himself well endowed, but in front of this snake he was practically tiny; already at a foot in length each, the hemipenes were still emerging from the slit at a rapid pace. The pair of breeding tools weren't just incredibly long but also almost as thick as his own knot when fully engorged. With a slightly pointed tip, it started out fairly slim then rapidly grew thicker towards the base; the shaft was smooth and gleamed as light hit the sticky, clear slit fluid. The first few inches of the cock heads were liberally covered with a fearsome amount of crimson barbs, with each individual barb noticeably long and thick.

It only took a moment, but between one breath and the next, Khar almost choked as he breathed in the thick, potent smell of the snakes arousal that flooded his nostrils. It was incredibly heavy and even against his will, he could feel his own loins stirring on reaction to the musky smell of arousal. Beneath that was the almost tangible taste of salt from the sticky coating on the shafts from the slit. All this happened in a matter of seconds, and even as he was breaking out of his stunned stupor, the snake's groin twisted suddenly and the two girthy shafts that stood side by side, slapped down across his exposed muzzle to rest across it.

Khar flinched as he felt the hard spines of the cocks hit him; the hot, sticky wet bodies blocking his sight and filling every breath with the snake's tantalising, musky arousal. With a short hiss, the snake purposefully slipped one cock off Khar's muzzle to the side and ground the other over it, smearing the top of his scaled nose with the viscous, clear fluid. It was obvious what the snake wanted and Khar'rac finally tried to plead, "Wait wait, can't we- Ack!"

Instead of replying with words, the snake simply hissed louder and tightened its coils around Khar hard, choking the dragon as he felt his ribs creak under the pressure. After a few seconds the snake relaxed, slightly, and Khar didn't dare protest again. After a moment of trepidation as he looked at the maleness presented to him, and the dauntless task awaiting him, he pulled his head back as far as he could and ran his tongue along the underside of the snake's cock.

A sharp, salty burst of tangy flavour hit his taste buds as his first lick lapped up the coating of slit slime that made Khar's face scrunch up slightly but he didn't pause or hesitate, continuing to lick across the broad spire. Whether he wanted to suck the snake off or not didn't matter now, as it was clearly the only option available to him. Anything else was not helpful thinking too deeply on. His wide, deep red tongue ran up the shaft that was notably even wider than it, the spikes of the tangy slit slime weakening as he cleaned it off and the underlying musky taste of the arousal came through.

It was the most surreal thing in his life; he was above the ground, lying on and surrounded in the snug wrap of the snake's coils to the point only his head was exposed. It was an odd sensation being wrapped up, further so that when his captor wasn't constricting , it was actually comfortable, the body encircling him somewhat soft and warm. Even then, his head had limited movement itself, barely being able to move up, down or to the side, which made his attempt at licking the breeding organ presented to him slightly awkward.

The snake compensated for it by slowly shifting his groin lower in front of Khar, making his tongue work its way up the shaft. His tongue bathed the portion of red flesh presented to him with his saliva, replacing the coating from the slit with that of his saliva as he cleaned it. While he didn't particularly enjoy the taste of the sticky coating from the genitals' home, there was the taste of the cock flesh beneath which was growing more distinct and was almost enjoyable. Beneath the long laps of his tongue, a new, shiny wet layer of his saliva began to coat the smooth surface.

Khar'rac's tongue soon dragged over the lowest barbs, making them lift up and catch on the broad muscle. Khar flinched slightly as they poked at the sensitive muscle then released as his tongue lifted away. By now the head of the erection had lowered itself to face level and Khar was stunned again to see that the entire arousal had far surpassed the size of his own and was almost two feet long - both of them were. A few more licks and the dragon's tongue brushed over the very tip, surprising him as with a sudden burst of slightly sweet, musky flavor. The large bead of slightly translucent pre-cum lingered on his tongue until he swallowed it, then unthinkingly licked the head again as he lapped up another, freshly drooled blob of pre.

Khar knew that the snake wasn't doing all this just so that he would lick the other male's member, so when the eager, slightly pointed tip lined up with his muzzle, he opened his muzzle obediently rather than consider testing the snake again. The densely barbed cock head pushed through his lips and rested atop his tongue for a second before continuing to slide deeper. While the first few inches weren't too thick, the girth rapidly grew and Khar found himself widening his jaws as the hot, hard rod filled his maw. Large, hot squirts of pre splashed onto his tongue and he worked his tongue around the intruding member, licking the shaft while savouring the sweet and musky flavour rich with that of potent arousal.

Then the snake pulled back and Khar let out a muffled grunt as the barbs caught and raked against the soft, sensitive inside of his maw. It was painful yet manageable as it drew back, then shoved back in with slightly more force than last time; this set the pace as the snake's groin began to piston his mighty member into the dragon's maw. It was unlike any blowjob Khar'rac had ever received or given; wrapped in those coils he had no control at all in the blowjob, instead being used like a fleshlight as the snake held him imobile and orally fucked him.

That thick, hard member pistoned into his open maw relentlessly, quickly filling the free space within his maw then continuing forwards, the head pushing into his throat and making it bulge around the intruding girth. Khar's eyes twitched as the barbs hitched against the more sensitive walls of his throat as he was forced into deepthroating the gargantuan snake. The air was thick and heady as his nose grew closer to the join of the hemipenes, the rampant smell of musky arousal growing stronger as did the taste in his mouth. The small dribbles of pre grew larger and more frequent, coating his tongue and throat with the natural lubricant.

6 inches, 12, 15... all too soon Khar was deepthroating the deepest he'd ever gone before and there was still more to go.The smooth red rocket filled his maw and reached so deep down his throat to the point Khar wondered if it was going to reach into his stomach. Even then he didn't struggle, instead accepting the use of his mouth for breeding as he willingly sucked off the maleness, his tongue curling and licking at the shifting shaft. He was a proud dragon but he didn't slacken in the submissive act as he helped pleasure the snake, even as the massive creature thrust into his maw again and again.

At first the spiny barbs made him flinch every time they dragged against the vulnerable insides of his throat and amw, but soon he grew used to it, barely reacting with every steady withdrawal. Repeatedly Khar had to swallow, gulping down another building pool of pre. The snake's self control was beyond his understanding; anyone, even him would vary their pace slightly when orally fucking someone but the snake never did. Somehow the snake was maintaining the steady, rhythmic pumping of half that two foot cock in and out of his maw,ensuring the first foot of hot maleness always remained inside his maw and throat.

The snake thrust in once more, the dragon's nose bumping into the fragrant joint between the hemipenes and held it there, leaving him breathing in the thick, heavy smell of arousal even as the coils tightened slightly around him. With a heavy hiss, the first throb the immense breeding tool was so strong that it was practically violent, immediately followed by an immense flood of hot, thick creamy cum that pumped almost directly into his stomach. The first pulse was just the start of something stunning; one voluminous rope of gloopy, white sperm after another flooded down his throat and quickly into his stomach.

The lengthy shaft reached so far down Khar's throat that he didn't even need to swallow for the first few jets of virile snake seed. It didn't take long though, before there was enough splashback along his cock filled throat that he finally got his first real taste of the snake's fertile seed. It was alarmingly rich and potent, full of musky sweetness and gloopy thickness that Khar drank it down at first, not to clear his mouth but because of how delicious he found it.

Khar'rac didn't want to believe that the snake raping him could actually taste so good, but the white, creamy sperm splattering over his taste buds was undeniable proof to him that it was easily the most delicious meal he'd had in a long time. And the most fulfilling; the snake's internal bollocks were churning a mind boggling amount of the thick spunk into his stomach with every powerful throb of the cock. He could feel his stomach filling rapidly up with billions of the snake's egg-seekers to the point even his scaled belly began to swell, pushing out against the constricting coils.

The snake's orgasm soon surpassed even his own, normally impressive load and just kept going, so all he could do was lie there, gulping around the maleness filling his maw. Very quickly, he felt alarmingly full of the snake's breeding juices and was struggling to swallow or even breathe as the orgasm continued for such a prolonged time. Thankfully for Khar, even the legendarily sizeable climax had a end and just as he was beginning to weaken from the lack of oxygen, the formidable ejaculation slowed to a trickle and the snake began to pull his cock free. Khar didn't even notice the flare of the spines this time as two feet of still hard cock flesh pulled quickly out of his throat and maw, to hover in front of his face.

Khar coughed as his throat cleared itself of the excess spunk even as he tried to gulp in large lungfuls of fresh air - or at least, fresher than breathing around a snake's cock. He eyed the still hard shaft with a slight annoyance and wonder. The bright red length was glistening with a mix of his saliva and spent cum, even as dribbles of the creamy white seed continued to spill from the urethra occasionally. He was amazed that he'd actually managed to deepthroat such a monster of a cock without choking, and annoyed that despite accomplishing it, the snake hadn't softened at all. Then he looked at the twin of the shaft and shivered slightly.

Apparently the snake could have separate ejaculations for each of the two cocks. And the untouched one was just as hard as the first, jutting towards his face and drooling a liberal amount of pre-seminal fluid. The snake didn't move for almost a minute, giving Khar time to properly recover his breath, although he still felt bloated from the gut full of snake cum, and was left to be intimidated by the still erect hemipenes. Then the snake's body began to shift, rotating the members away from his face and Khar let out a surprised groan. Without really realising it, during all that, with the taste, the smell, he had grown fully erect. The deepthroating having distracted his mind from the sensations of his growing erection, and only now, when the snake moved and ground his meager foot and a bit long cock between their scales did he groan.

As if curious about the new noise he was making, his captor's head levelled suddenly with his, even as the rest of the body continued to shift and realign itself. The cold, emotionless eyes stared at Khar as he let out one moan after another from the friction between them. The tined tongue darted out, scenting the air as the snake hissed softly before the sliding coils stopped and Khar once again found himself completely enveloped in those dark green scales. The only bit of the cave visible was around the snake's observing head at the end of the tunnel of coils, his tail had been deftly raised up and trapped out of the way between several coils.

Khar knew fatalistically what was going to happen next and where the snake's breeding tools had moved to, even before the sensation of hot cockflesh pressing against his puckered tailhole hit him. Warm, wet splashes of pre splattered across the soft flesh and Khar guessed that it was now the turn of the unused hemipene. He didn't bother resisting or begging for mercy, having learnt his lesson - it wasn't like he could stop the snake fucking him anyway - so instead he braced himself and tried to relax his tail hole. He found it hard to believe he was about to be bred by a maleness twice the size of his own, by a creature that had him captive and powerless, left licking his lips from the aftertaste of the snake's spunk.

The snake hissed lightly, though Khar wasn't sure the beast actually cared about warning him, as the slightly pointed tip began to press forwards against the pre smeared entrance. Khar'rac stifled a groan as he felt his tailhole stretch open around the barbed head pushing inside him; although slimmer than the rest of the girthy shaft, the tip wasn't exactly small and he could feel his anal muscles already struggling to accommodate the thickness of the first few inches The snake didn't seem to consider letting him have time to adjust though, as the leviathan kept on pushing, the liberal amount of pre being constantly produced the only lubrication Khar had, as the snake quickly settled half the smooth shaft in his rear.

Khar'rac groaned in time to the snake's pleased hiss - the first real signs of emotion he'd heard from his breeder - and he wondered why he felt satisfied to hear that the snake enjoyed the tight grip around his cock. Then Khar experienced the barbs all over again as the snake withdrew, the numerous spines flaring and dragging across the soft, smooth inner walls. The groan caused by the pleasurable stretching of his rear spiked suddenly as he felt the electric sensation running backwards through his passage, like thousands of electric sparks dance across the sensitive flesh.

Combined with the sensational stretching, the entire feeling was intense, and yet only lasted a brief moment as the snake ceased withdrawing, then thrust back in, sinking at least another few inches deeper. Khar shook and moaned in unwilling happiness as he felt himself penetrated deeper than ever before, the other male's tool filling an emptiness he didn't realise he had as it spread him wide and deep. As the monster of a snake began to breed him, the coils around him began to shift in a rhythmic dance as they constricted and released, powering the chosen hemipene inside him.

The other two foot long cock couldn't be ignored though as the snake had somehow angled it to slide between his hind legs with every thrust. Consequentially, with the first thrust, the maleness slick and wet still with saliva and cum ground past his slit and alongside his own erection. He could feel the powerful heat coming off the still erect shaft as it ground up against his own, even as the snake's belly scales ground repeatedly over their two cocks. He could feel the barbs poking against the sensitive organ every time the snake pulled out of his, and quickly smeared still warm, sticky fluids across the side of his shaft.

The snake's head observed him for a while, those dark eyes still showing nothing emotional, though Khar could hear and see it hiss occasionally in pleasure as it watched him shake and groan in the prison of coils. Not just when the snake thrust in, but the withdrawal was just as intense every time, in a whole different way as he endured the barbs and rubbing of both scales and cock against his own. After a further few thrusts, the snake's observing head withdrew and the coils enclosed around the gap, sealing him within the embodiment of the snake; all Khar could see now was the scales of the snake's body whenever it shifted and let through some brief glimpses of light. If anyone came across them now, all they would be able to seer was a mythical sized snake wrapped around something, half its coils shifting as it did something invisible to the outside eye.

It was very real to Khar though as he didn't even consider that the incredible pleasure he felt was from a snake raping him anymore. The over two foot long cock pistoning in and out of his rear like he was a hen and not a male, a hole to be fucked and used. His ass gripped hard around the intruding maleness though less from his volition and more so that the fat cock stretched him out wider than ever before. Again and again the smooth shaft slammed inside his unprotected tailhole, always reaching deeper with every thrust. Khar knew the snake's approximate size but it felt completely different once inside him; the snake just kept seeming to reach ever deeper inside him without end.

Although the snake was stretching him to new limits, that impressively sized maleness actually slid inside him smoothly as it splattered a liberal amount of pre all over his anal passage, well lubricating its passage. The bense head of barbs never stopped aching but somehow Khar slowly got used to bearing it. As the snake fucked him deeper, it also began to pick up the pace, fucking him faster and faster, the rapid stretching to accommodate and electric barbs making Khar groan uncontrollably. It was just so much for him to bear as he now had to endure the increased grinding against his own achingly hard erection.

Unlike his captor, there was no warm hole to sink his breeding tool into. He couldn't even move a limb to wrap a paw around it; instead he had to suffer the light sensation of the snake's spare hemipene grinding across his own. The smooth shaft with a full head of barbs was a contrast to his knotted, ridged maleness, and it slid against all of the ridges and past it, like a game of one upmanship as they compared the size and girth of their cocks side by side. Khar lost pitifully, and although it felt good rubbing their erections side by side, on its own it wasn't enough to get him off. Rather, somewhat embarrassingly, it was the good, hard pounding he was receiving that was bringing him to the precipice.

Reaching a mind numbing depth inside him, the snake's thrusts were picking up their pace, trading the length of thrust with speed and force. Khar's eyes lost focus as he became immersed in the rutting he was receiving, the hard and fast pounding of the lengthy barbed maleness up his tailhole, stunning him with the mind numbing pleasure. His ecstatic groaning pitched slightly as he felt himself unable to take anymore, his trapped shaft throbbing heavily as he pumped his load messily over their belly scales and the shaft sliding alongside it. Hot, thick dragon spunk splattered all over; one large rope after another of gloopy, steaming seed, spreading with every shift of the coils, but the snake didn't seem concerned over the growing mess of cum, instead focusing on the breeding.

It wasn't much later though - at least Khar thought so - when the snake gave a heavy, prolonged hiss and rammed a final time to the hilt inside Khar's abused asshole. Reaching an unfathomable distance inside his rump, the massive maleness shook, pulsing powerfully against the sore, tightly gripping anal walls. Khar let out a shuddering moan as he felt a tidal wave of virile snake seed suddenly shooting deep into his depths. With just a few pumps of that fat cock, the pressure grew so much that it was already beginning to fill his gut, making his stomach that had just begun to recover from the first load quickly fill to capacity and swell once more.

Thick, rich egg-seekers pumped through his body for a second time, seeding him with their fertileness; to such a powerful, potent creature, species wouldn't matter. If he was female, there would only be one, inevitable outcome. Despite this being the second time experiencing his breeder's orgasm, Khar was still mind-boggled by how much cum the creature could produce in one go. Once more, he endured it, feeling the immense length throbbing with every hefty load of spunk, again and again for much longer than his own orgasm.

After what felt like much too long for a orgasm, the ferocious flow of seed began to dwindle and Khar lay there in those coils, exhausted and worn out as he endured the incredible bloating from the recent breeding. The peace lasted only a few seconds though, before the base of the snake's shaft began to swell suddenly, like a late forming knot, and Khar couldn't help but moan from the extra stretching. Shock hit him as he was well aware that the snake had no knot, and the extra girth from the bulge wasn't stationary, but moving, traveling down the length of the shaft speared inside him. There wasn't just one either; as the first reached halfway down the shaft, a second followed it, then a third and Khar could do nothing but lie there, stunned, as the leviathan proved it needed no female to impregnate and carry his brood.

One large, leathery egg after another was deposited inside him until a tidy group of half a dozen snake eggs had settled inside his cum inflated body. Khar was weak and in shock from the hard, intense breeding he'd just received, his mind having been jolted by one thing after another. He, a dragon, had been captured by a snake and used first as a fuck toy, then as a broodmare for its offspring. He wasn't even sure what to think, his mind was in such a mess; should he be angry or upset over being impregnated? Happy to be a father - or mother rather?

The snake once again showed a lack of concern for Khar's mindset, hissing with clear satisfaction and began to withdraw it's breeding tool. Khar shivered as he felt an odd emptiness in the space departed by the shaft, but the ever present weight of two loads and six, fertilized eggs remained. As the tip finally pulled free from his sore tailhole, a rush of hot, thick cum escaped, further staining the snake's scales. The coils shifted around him slightly and Khar was half anticipating finally being released from the cage of coils, but instead, the snake simply took a few seconds to readjust itself and swap its hemipenes around.

There was basically no warning this time before the erection he'd sucked off to begin with rammed almost two-thirds of its impressive length deep inside him again. Khar didn't even have time to realise the snake was far from done with him before he was once again penetrated. Khar let out a startled yelp that ended in a drawn out moan as the growingly familiar barbs raked across his sloppy insides with a loud, squelching sound. He struggled to believe that the snake was going at him again. Wasn't the male satisfied with two orgasms and impregnating him already?

Once again, the snake didn't bother consulting him about his willingness to be fucked again and immediately began breeding him with zero sign of any exhaustion or slowing down. He could feel the other hemipene, practically dripping with spent snake spunk fully hard and grinding against his own semi-hard cock. He himself could go multiple rounds if need be, but his disbelief came from that the snake didn't even take a second to rest but continued to mate his already pregnant body.

Khar'rac could do nothing but accept his second breeding, moaning with pleasure as two feet of girthy maleness made its home inside his rear. He had lost track of how long he'd been captured already, and his sense of time grew even worse as he enjoyed the fast and hard rutting. When the snake hilted himself for a final time in his anal passage, Khar found a strange worry that he'd burst from the overpressure of snake cum filling him for naught. Strangely, his belly and stomach had recovered a fair bit, suggesting to him that the rich, fertile spunk was very easy to digest - even as a fresh wave of hot, creamy white seed filled his stomach up once more. This time he only had two eggs deposited to join the first six inside the hot incubator of his body. He wasn't caught of guard either when the snake pulled out and simply swapped around the hemipenes before sinking deeply into his ass again.

Breeding after breeding, load after load, Khar lost track of how many times the snake had fucked him. How many times the snake had pumped a full load of sperm into him. He had blacked out from exhaustion at one point and awoken to the snake in the middle of fucking him, as if nothing and happened. He knew something was otherworldly about the snake by now; his breeder never grew tired, never lost his constant arousal and always had a fresh, full damn of cum to flood him with. Though he was trapped in the coils, he could feel if the snake was moving and they hadn't even left the cave, the snake never pausing to eat or drink - all of which Khar was supplied in the form of fertile egg-seekers. Not every orghasm ended with some eggs, but he guessed he now carried almost two dozen of the little ones in his bloated gut.

The snake seemed well aware of when it came time for Khar to lay their clutch and after a final climax, pulled free from his rear and shifted around him. Khar found a messy, cum covered shaft being presented to his muzzle and didn't even think twice before opening his maw and going down on it. Meanwhile his rear was lowered to the floor, the snake fucking his throat even as he laid over twenty eggs in a messy clutch on the floor. Nce he was finished, the snake moved them to a different section of the cave, but continued to throat fuck Khar.After gulping down a thick, delicious load of snake jizz, Khar found himself still in the snake's grip as it returned to breeding him over and over, though by this point, Khar had lost any opposition to his treatment as a fuck toy and even accepted his fate.

Unbeknownst to Khar, his waking and impregnation by the leviathan of a snake had a far reaching impact beyond his permanent position being fucked repeatedly. Their first clutch of eggs hatched and the snakes within grew rapidly, smart and unmatched in the surrounding forest until they reached a good dozen meters long. There they began to move to the nearest village, capturing lone humans and taking them as mates, similar to their progenitors as they mated again and again. Even as a second generation joined them, the first was already having the humans - of both genders - carry their own clutch as they continuously grew bigger.

As more and more snakes captured humans to use, the first clutch grew too big for their humans and left in search of more suitable mates. Eventually they stopped growing as they neared the size of their father and chose a final mate from the largest species of dragons, gryphons and more. They created even more clutches together as they grew old and eventually passed away. The numbers of snakes reaching apocalyptic proportions as they spread out across the continents, capturing and breeding their way to dominance.

The cause of it all though, their primogenitors, remained unique. The first of their kind and Khar hever aged, never seeming to grow even a day older as the years passed. Despite an invaluable number of times having a fat, two-foot cock rammed up his tail hole, Khar never grew loose and retained a strong sense of self and his sanity. He never tired or tried to stop it though, remaining in the snakes coils as its broodmare for an endless time. Only moving when it came time to lay a clutch or the rare time the snake took them to fuck a few times in a deep pool in the last of the cave paths, cleaning off the liters of spilt dragon and snake seed from their bodies.

The cycle repeated itself as the snake never needed to eat, drink or sleep. It provided all the sustenance Khar needed with it's limitless source of cum and gave Khar it's same eternal lifespan. The dragon's breeding was endless, never for long without the snake's cock making its home in his rear or mouth, the delicious, thick, rich sperm filling him from one organism to another. Days, months, even years had no matter to Khar. The only source of time he could work by being the breedings, clutch laying and pool fucks. The outside world was of no consequence to the pair, just their mating. The dragon encircled in the coils, being bred for eternity.