Return to Base
#1 of Point Lloyce
Here's something I wrote for my boyfriend, featuring a smelly, obese cheetah who gets humiliated and gets stuck in a hole. Brilliant!
(might not be formatted correctly because I had to copy and paste it from a .pdf, let me know if you spot any errors)
"...Can expect to see light showers in the southern regions of Bluewater, with temperatures reaching as high as twenty-seven degrees by 10 o'clock. We at Zara Tower wish you a pleasant evening..."
Saul yawned, staring lifelessly at the screen in the dark. Temperatures across the tropical rimworld known as Point Lloyce were rising steadily what with summer rolling in, meaning Saul had worked up quite a sweat lying in his bed. The pungent, sweaty cheetah was a...large specimen. Lying shirtless on his side, his soft, wet moobs drooped sideways, the two balls of fat resting lightly atop each other. His stomach was an even larger sight to behold, the soft, spongy globe sagging onto the bed, a thick pool of adipose sitting lazily where it had gathered on the mattress. His love handles gave an embarrassing curvature to his side, which was accentuated further by the motherly fat that had gathered on his hips. His giant thighs were atop each other, the top one's fat drooping over the thick fat of his other thigh. Needless to say, they were both ?ghting for space.
Smacking his lips, the sweaty, blubbery cheetah grabbed a half-empty bottle of soda (a source of calories amongst many others, liquid or solid, that were scattered over his bed), unscrewed it and chugged it down, the cloudy, ?zzy, lemony substance gushing down into his already somewhat packed belly. The bottle didn't leave his lips until the entire thing was empty, after which Saul let out a loud, prolonged, sloppy, lemony belch that caused tremors in his obese body. A note was glued onto the side of the bottle; 'Saul: thanks for ?ghting the good ?ght! - Kolby Sodas." Sighing in relief after his smelly burp, the cheetah rolled onto his back, his tummy sloshing side-to-side for a second as he did so, the bed groaning in protest. The air now had a warm, lemony scent to it, amongst the smell of sweaty, fat cheetah.
"Saul! Get out here!"
The cheetah's ears perked at the voice from outside the shack. It was a company soldier, no doubt. Saul sighed in disappointment. He'd been granted permission to leave base for a while, at least until a new threat arose, so long as he kept his ?tness levels up and protected the people of the settlement he'd moved to. He'd been gone for ?ve months now, and the people of the village considered him a hero, constantly giving him free food and drink, which he gladly took. He had participated in many bu?ets and movie-nights hosted by the people of the village in his honour. But, fortunately for Saul, he'd made sure to counteract this constant overeating with plenty of exercise; three months ago he did ten press-ups! Knowing that he was still in good shape, Saul decided to obey the soldier.
"I'll be," Saul began, releasing a wet burp mid-sentence, "out in second."
"Get your uniform on. Your leave's up, we need you at the Fort," the soldier called back.
Saul rolled out of bed, the sheer amount of fat on his body shuddering and wobbling as his feet hit the ground, the bed creaking in relief once his porcine body was no longer crushing it. The yellow and black feline wasn't exactly tall, nor was he objectively short. However, the adjective 'large' could be attributed to him solely by his water-balloon belly and his giant, fat butt. Grumpily, he plodded to his dresser, putting a hand between his giant wet ass-cheeks and scratching. Saul was blissfully unaware of how his belly sloshed about as he walked, nor how his moobs shook and jiggled. He took a pair of underwear from the drawer, which had su?ered massively as his body grew over the months. Below the waistband there was already a hole on the hip, and the rest was threatening to rip more and more with each passing day.
Saul bent down to put his foot through a leg-hole, in ignorance of how the moist, thick layer of fat on his tummy jiggled and bunched up into large rolls as he did so. His entire body jiggling, the cheetah was able to get his other leg through, and he pulled the underwear up, struggling once it reached his thighs. With some e?ort, the yellow and black feline managed to get the piece of clothing over his thunder-thighs - though the real enemy was his massively-plump posterior. Writhing in pain, Saul tried his very best to pull the waste-band over his stretch-marked, globular butt-cheeks, feeling them mould around his hands as he did so. Sighing in momentary defeat, Saul let go of the waistband, it digging into his ass. The thick fat spilled over the top, leaving a gelatinous overhang that wobbled as Saul took a step to reposition himself. With a few more pulls, the ridiculously small underwear now covered his ass - but his mu?n-top was still visible.
Still unaware that anything was wrong with him, Saul, a little out of breath, grabbed the black, knee-padded trousers that were part of the uniform, labelled 'for medium anthros'. The protective bottoms were crucial for combat, because they were ?exible and light, but also protected with nanotubes which made penetration near-impossible; they would only break due to EXTREME forces.
Once again ignoring how his fat body folded and sagged when he bent over, Saul pushed his legs through the legs of the trousers. They went up his legs and over his knees, but once again got caught around his buttery-thighs.
Weird. I de?nitely must've gotten more muscular. Deciding to brave through it, Saul pulled with all his might, even yelling at one point, grabbing handfuls of butt-fat and stu?ng it into his trousers. They were INCREDIBLY tight - so tight that the '?exible' combat trousers severely restricted his movement, and probably even his blood-?ow. Stu?ng more handfuls of fat into the trousers, with some e?ort, the trousers were somewhat capable of covering his ass, though his love handles still spilled over them.
Feeling pretty good about his obvious muscle-growth, Saul called out to the soldier, "you can come in, it's pretty hot out there."
"Oh, man, I was hoping you'd let me," the soldier responded, pushing the wooden door of the shack open. The soldier, a relatively short Doberman with some pretty impressive muscles, stood there and scrunched his face up. "Oh, fuck...Jesus, Saul, it stinks in here. And...and are those snacks on your bed?" He asked, before turning towards the cheetah. His jaw then dropped. "'re...big..."
"I know, right?" Saul smiled, lifting his arm up and trying to tense it, causing it to jiggle slightly - though no obvious muscle tensed. "I've been working out pretty hard!" He exclaimed, before thumping a moob with his ?st, sending ripples down his torso.
The soldier opened his mouth, then closed it, more distracted by the pungent smell of sweaty, obese cheetah that had gassed out the room. He shook his head, frowning, before jogging outside and inhaling the fresh air.
"What?" Saul called out, before shaking his head. "I guess he's jealous," he muttered, before pulling a company, white T-shirt over his head. It got as far as halfway over his globular stomach before it became too tight to pull anymore. It squeezed the fat of his upper-tummy so much that some of the fat was being forced downwards, creating a big, comical roll of bunched up fat under the shirt that stuck out extremely noticeably, adorned by the feline's deep, wide belly-button.
With the rest of his uniform being at base, Saul grunted and took laboured steps towards the door, the thick roll of fat that was on display beneath his T-shirt jiggling as though it was liquid with each step.
"Ready!" Saul called out, walking outside and feeling the warm air caress his sweaty, matted fur. The sun was setting, meaning his yellow hide had its colour accentuated by the orange light - speci?cally the yellow on his soft, sweaty belly. Smiling, Saul breathed in the warm, summer air, watching as the jungle trees around his shack swayed in the hot wind.
The soldier stared at him in horror.
"Let's go!" Saul said, taking heavy steps down the path. The soldier followed, staring at the cheetah, watching him walk and taking in his massively un?t body, before the feline inevitably bent over to catch his breath a bit further down the road.
"Saul, you...have you actually done any exercise?" The Doberman asked, crossing his arms and frowning.
"Yeah," Saul replied between breaths, "that's why I'm so muscly," he replied, hands on his knees. "Fuck, though, it's hot," Saul said, spitting on the ground and standing up. The soldier raised an eyebrow.
"You're fat. Really, really, REALLY fat," he said, grabbing a handful of the cheetah's belly-fat and jiggling it. Saul batted the Doberman's hand away and blushed in embarrassment. "Seriously, what the fuck is this? You let yourself go so bad." The doberman growled, grabbing the Cheetah's wrist and using his spare hand to push a ?nger into the jiggly, bunched up fat under the T-shirt, feeling it sink in with ease.
"N-no, it's just...things expand in the heat!" Saul exclaimed, attempting to pull away from the Doberman's grip - but failing. It had begun to sink in that he had gotten fat, not muscular - a thought that humiliated Saul and made his heart beat faster in nervousness.
"Your uniform doesn't ?t you, you can't even walk for twenty metres without getting out of breath - you're an embarrassment to the Planetary Guard."
Saul dropped his jaw and ?ushed a deeper red. "N-no! I'm not fat! P-please don't say that," he stuttered, before the Doberman let go of his wrist and shook his head. "I'm gonna get to base and tell them that you're too fat to even get there in time. Goodbye, Saul. Consider yourself dismissed for now." The canine said, before jogging past Saul, giving him a ?rm, disappointed glare.
Saul bit his lip and blushed even more. "I-I can get to the base! Watch me!" The cheetah said, attempting to jog behind the dog, becoming increasingly more aware of the sack of blubber on his stomach that wobbled and bounced as he ran. He sucked his tummy in, in an attempt to hide it, but it didn't make any di?erent to his speed - soon, the Doberman could no longer be seen, having ran o? down the dirt path and into the jungle.
However, a lightbulb appeared above the cheetah's head.
He could bypass the mesa that separated the settlement he was staying in and the Planetary Guard base. There was a mine that lead from one side to the other which he had learnt about from locals - one had to climb through a hole made for carts used to transport minerals from in and out of the mine, hug the wall, and you would end up at an old entrance in the jungle near the base. Easy enough! He'd show that stupid mutt who's ?t...
Saul, knowing that he'd needn't even jog for his route if he wanted to get to the base ?rst, followed the jungle's edge, until it lead to the Mesa in question, atop of which the jungle continued. He was still red with embarrassment - the realisation that he was fat echoing around his head. Knowing he looked ridiculous with his tiny T-shirt on, the cheetah relieved the pressure on his stomach, pulling the garment over his head, letting his sweaty, orb belly fall and slosh about. Saul sighed in relief, wiping sweat from his brow.
Following the edge of the Mesa, Saul soon found the mine entrance - a wooden structure with a large, heavy door that could no longer be opened. To the right of the door was the mine cart track that lead inside. Con?dent in that he'd beat the Doberman to the base, Saul put his T-shirt to one side. Aware of how when he was on his hands and knees his jiggling belly began to make wet smacks against his thighs and arms, Saul sighed and blushed, lowering his chest to the ground and sliding into the hole. With a ?rm push with his feet against a segment of the track, he managed to squeeze his belly through the gap, it moulding like liquid around the mine terrain, but not ?rst without pushing a lemony, juicy belch from his maw which echoed around the mine.
However, Saul soon encountered a problem. His sizeable rump was too sizeable to be able to get through the hole. His trousers were being pushed down, which in turn made the fat of his bum bounce out, making his rear too big to be able to ?t through the gap - since his arms were on the other side, he couldn't pull them back up again, leaving his bare, sweaty, ?abby ass on display. The cheetah pushed as much as he could, but his ass-fat was gathering around the edges of the hole and bunching up.
After a few minutes of laboured pushes and burps, Saul accepted that he just wasn't going to get through. Whilst he may have lost his status as a soldier, at least he wasn't stuck here forever. What a way to go that would be!
Sighing in defeat, the fat cat waved his hands around in the dark until he grabbed a relatively study surface, and pushed against it. And pushed. And pushed. Oh, come on! We got in here; we can get out again. Saul tucked his toes beneath one of the track ties, pulling using the tie and pushing against the surface - but to no avail. Saul began to panic - he had gotten so fat that he has clogged up the shortcut the village people used!
An hour of shouting and pushing passed - halfway through which Saul had stopped for a rest, but ended up falling asleep due to the sheer amount of exercise he was getting. He was woken up by something sinking into his butt-cheek.
"Hey!" He called out in annoyance, kicking with his feet. "Help me out, don't poke me!"
"Saul, this is commander Blackfrost."
The cheetah felt as though he'd just been shot in the stomach. Th-the fucking commander!
"Commander, sir!" Saul said, his lips trembling. He felt a hand ?rmly grip one of his ass-cheeks, before it was shaken, sending ripples down his thighs. "What the fuck happened to you?! Explain yourself, soldier!"
Saul ?ushed a deep red. He felt like crying. "N-nothing, I j-just-"
"You got fat, that's what! You became a disgusting, fat pig, Saul! I can't let an vastly un?t individual who outgrew their own clothes be a soldier."
"N-no, sir," the feline responded, his plump cheeks burning a deep rouge of embarrassment.
"Soldiers! Pull the fatso out." The commander ordered, before Saul felt a two pairs of hands sink into his thighs, before they began to pull - but to no avail.
"It's not working sir," a voice said.
"Saul's gotten too fat, sir," the other said.
"Disgusting," the commander said.
Suddenly, Saul felt something incredibly heavy smack into his ass, forcing his globular ass cheeks through the entrance, causing him to slide inside the mine as his body fat wobbled and trembled from the impact. He was free! But...well. He was also naked - his trousers and pants had obviously gotten caught in the entrance and had been pulled o? completely.
Through the gap climbed the commander, who was a rather beefy looking horse. Behind him, one by one, around six soldiers climbed through. The commander turned on a torch and pointed it at the cheetah, before tutting.
"Absolutely disgusting. Saul, when we give you permission to leave base, we expect you to eat healthily and to exercise," he said, stepping forward and grabbing one of Saul's moobs, to his dismay. "Not to eat junk-food and lie in bed all day." He then retrieved a scanner from his belt, pointing it at the cheetah.
"Ah...the common cheetah, an anthro. This specimen is ?ve-foot nine...two-hundred and ninety pounds, with a BMI of forty-two and a body fat percentage of forty-six percent..."
The soldiers surrounding the commander began to chortle and snigger, staring at the naked, morbidly obese cheetah. Saul continued to suck in his stomach, his face a deep red.
"Yep. We don't allow feral hippos in our company, Saul. Come back when you learn to not be a fat pig." He said, before the soldiers began to ?le back outside.
Saul watched, humiliated as they left. When the last soldier climbed out of the mine, Saul stopped sucking in, watching his fat stomach bounce out in front of him. He grabbed it, and dropped it again, the fat shaking like he'd dropped a big water balloon. He shook his head and ?ushed red again. How could he let himself go like this?