Welcome to college part 2

Story by lunerflare on SoFurry

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Hey this is lunerflare! I'm here to tell you that this is number two in the series I am making called Welcome to College. I am trying to make this story sexier than the last one so bare with me on this, I haven't done this before. If you rate it nicely just make sure it's not too nice to not tell me my mistakes. This story will contain a gay relationships and if you are under the age don't read this but doesn't matter you'll probably read it any way *sigh.* Anyway also if this story does seem similar some how please forgive me, I had no intention of stealing someone else's work. Hope you enjoy the story and please comment.


Welcome to College Part 2


We were all walking to the school building. I was happy that I was with Jack and Jazz and in there care, I was in heaven! Two very attractive (sexy as fuck) guys were taking me to school and each one were on one of my arms. Lucky for me they were both my friends now including Jack and that I lived with one too. Also the bonus was that the three of us flirted a lot on our way of their tour of the school. Well actually it was me moaning and them touching me trying to get the best moan out of me. I would blush when I would see people look at us when they were doing it they won't stop though. I was a prisoner to their sick and pleasurable game. If I had a say they both won, but they didn't stop. I mean yeah it was euphoric but I didn't want to go to class with an erection; that would be so embarrassing. It started right after the tour started.

I noticed Jazz was walking a little slower he must have been thinking of something. Whenever Jazz is thinking of something he can't think straight on other things, he isn't really the best at multitasking. I turned around to see that wicked smile he gives. He does that when ever he is horny or he was going to do something bad or naughty to me. I didn't know it was going to be both.

"Hey Jack you got a second." He said in a happy tone, "I want to ask you something." He said smiling harder then before. I turned around to see them about to talk. I wish I knew what they were talking about I thought. When they were about to talk, Jazz looks at me and motions me to turn around with his finger and said "hey Cody go on with out us" Now I was even more curious what they were talking about. I started to walk down the hall we were in. and found the cafeteria and sat down in a booth laying down and plugged in my headphones and started to listen to my music.

Jazz leaned into Jack's ear and whispered "I got a game I want to play with you and Cody. Do you want to play? It will be fun and you will like it trust me" He enunciated the last part of what he said.

Jack looked at Jazz with a smile and said, "Sure. What is the game?" He asked with a face of interest. Now me still wondering what the hell that was happening laid at the booth still there thinking what they could be talking about.


Jack's Narration


"Well..." Jazz whispered "the game is to see who can make Cody moan the most. Do you want to play I know you do" Jazz said whispering his conspires withme.

I looked at Jazz blushing and starting to get an erection "What!" I said not knowing how loud I was. Then I covered my mouth after I realized how loud I was.

"Shhh" Jazz says loudly "Come on it will be fun." Deep down I wanted to play a game like this with Cody and I also had a lusty addiction to him sense I saw him for the first time. Sense then I was thinking of him constantly. The most constant thought I thought of was that I wished to see Cody getting naked and riding on my big cock like a cowboy. "That does sound like fun." I said with a grin.

"Of course it is, I mean you've seen his ass haven't you? When I look at it I just want to grab it and squeeze it?" He said triumphal. "Hell I know I want a fist full of that ass. Are you going to play?"

I think about it for awhile. I mean I would really like playing this game. The thing that made me worry was that I just met Cody and what if he doesn't like it and starts not likening me "Do you think Cody would mind it" I said with a frown.

Jazz looked at me with a face that made me think I just asked the stupidest question "Are you serious I mean one, he likes you a lot and two, and we play games like this all the time.

I started to not get worried anymore I felt more relaxed then my cock started to talk for me "Hell yeah I am! I want a fist full of that ass too." I announced, my grin getting wider. I moan when my cock grew semi hard and started to rub against the fabric of my clothing after saying this. My mind was racing, but we came over a slight problem. "Hey Jazz... what happens when we win" He said questionably.

Jazz looked at me and thought of his statement. "Let me think... Oh I know what we can do who ever wins gets?" Jazz breathed for a second. Then he looked at my obvious erection Then Jazz blushed and said "who ever win gets to have Cody for the whole day." My heart was now beating so fast that his breath couldn't handle the speed. Jack stood there with even a bigger grin thinking of all the things Cody and I can do.

"Deal!" I said while shaking Jazz"S hand with agreement. "You know I'm going to win." I said slyly. Jack knew from only hugging him that Cody wanted him from the start. But then I started to think that Jazz has him every day and Jazz looked very hot. Even on the first year of college we even had a relationship going on but were over that.

"Okay! But first you need to fix yourself, look" pointing to my obvious erection in my pants. My ten inch dick was expanding my pants straight forward. I suddenly blushed and reposition my cock so it was under the waist band of my pants so it felt good and it seemed unnoticeable. I started to think of old people naked that always did the trick and my erection was deflating. Now me Jazz started to walk and try to find Cody. "Poor Cody not knowing what he is getting into" I said with a smile.


Cody Narration


I woke up from my quick slumber and through the hall window I saw Jazz and Jack walking this way. I turned around and leaned on the booth that was leaning towards the hall window and stared with my tail wagging uncontrollably. For some reason they both turn there heads and looked in a different direction and had a guilty face, I wonder why...

"Hey Cody you ready to leave now" Jack and Jazz said in unison. "We have to finish this tour" Jazz said with a sly grin. They both walk closer grabbing me and lifting me up I wiggled around.

Then Jazz whispered to Jack "look at that ass." He said raising a hand up to my butt, to bad I didn't know what was going to happen

"What did you say...?" Then I felt a hand not supporting me. "What are you..." then I felt a hand grope my ass "uh ahhh" I moaned why the hell did Jazz do that. Then I felt another hand gone from supporting my weight then I felt a bigger hand grope my ass. "Ahhhh uhh.... Jack was that you..." I moaned again. Why were they doing this not that I was complaining I loved it, but why though. "Put me down! I need my backpack" I said whining "and can we go on the tour..." I feel another hand grope me I fall in Jacks arms he's holding me bridal style. I was blushing mad in his arms. Then he groped me again I was flailing in his arms then I plopped onto the floor. I then looked at Jazz who looked at me with a smile he gave me his hand and brought me up in a loving embrace and then during that hug he gave me a piece of paper then he grabbed my ass I moaned into his neck on accident.

"This is a map around the school sexy. What we are going to do is try to find you while your hiding. Oh and you're running away from us, I'm pretty sure you'll become more familiar to the area this way." He said with that horny, wicked smile he gives. I was scarred and happy all at the same time so much mix emotions. I was scarred because one I had two tall guys chasing after me like a maniac and I liked it because they were both really sexy.

"Oh this will be easy I play on the foot ball team I can catch this guy" Jack said the jazz said "Oh I really don't think so" Jazz giggled. Then Jack looked at him strangely "Why? I think I can catch a small wolf" Jack chuckled at his comment "I'm defiantly going to win" Jack said with pride. "Oh you don't know how wrong you are" Jazz said laughing. Jazz knew how fast I was. In fact I was the fastest on the track team. Those memories are nostalgic I wish I can go back. Jazz then looks at me.

"Okay you ready pup" I got into running position" Jack looks at me examining me then said "wait is he..." Jazz then looks at him and said "Oh yes he is."

"Ready! Get set! Run!" Jazz yells it echoes through out the hall. Jack runs at me and tries to catch me. I go before he attempts to catch me. Before he trips over him self I'm already at the end of the hall. I look back and laugh and I take a right down another hall. While I'm running I look at the doors that I'm passing. "Q-104...This must be the Q building" I say to my self. I look at the map. "Okay the Q-building is on the west section of the school." I run to the end of the hall I look back and there not coming this way still. I take a left and run down this hall. I see a row of lockers and I notice one is opened so I run and hide in it and wait.


Jacks Narration


After the moment I recovered from my fall. Jazz and I started to run the direction that Cody ran in. I turn in the hall way about to yell found you to Cody but he wasn't there. "Damn he is fast" I say under my breath; I look at Jazz. "What the fuck man? Why didn't you tell me earlier that he was in track? I looked like an idiot back there."

Jazz looks at me with a face full of laughter. "How could I? You looked so determined to have some of that ass. " Jazz actually laughs out loud.

We both run to the end of the hall and we booth stare at the right and left halls. "Which way did that pup go, fuck?" I yell in anger I never thought how hard this is. I turned to Jazz and looked at him to see what to do.

Jazz looks at me for a second and says that we should split up. I really liked the idea, he told me that I should go left and he would go right. When I turn and ran down the hall. I stop when i see a row of lockers with one of the locks gone missing. "Found you..."



Hey everyone I know I said I was going to make this longer... yeah sorry about that. I got an idea to make them like chapters so they are small and I can make a lot of them. =) If you don't like the idea please notify me. Also a lot is happening right now and I can't think so clearly on this so I have writers block. *sigh* you should have seen all the red lines in error. So I'm sorry for making another short but I promise the next one will have *cough* sex! *cough* any way so yeah I hope you like this one please tell me if there is any errors in the story and please comment